5G Edge
Crowd Analytics

Leverage the power of 5G Edge to gain advanced visibility and intelligence—and help transform your in-venue guest experience.

Crowd management
technology to drive

Verizon 5G Edge Crowd Analytics utilizes sensors that track and analyze key traffic-flow pattern data—to help ease congestion and address safety.

Reduce wait

Minimize wait times at entry points, concession stands, restrooms and other busy areas—to increase customer satisfaction.

traffic flow.

Easily track large congregations of people, congestion patterns and traffic flow for improved overall venue safety, security and efficiency.


Assist guests in finding their way around the venue more easily using advanced wayfinding information.

Improve guest
experiences and

Tap the power of 5G to monitor and manage in-venue crowd flows in near real time.

Leverage the Power of Verizon 5G Edge.

Analyze traffic- and congestion-flow patterns in near real time via artificial intelligence, LiDAR technology and people-counter sensors to help reduce wait times at key areas.

Ease congestion with flow analytics.

Track crowd traffic data using heat mapping and LiDAR sensors to help patrons make smarter decisions as they navigate through venues.

Utilize data for better decision making.

Receive detailed insights about traffic flow and congestion based on near real-time analytics and operations data.

Increase customer satisfaction.

Leverage data analytics to help improve wait times and reduce obstacles that could impact the customer experience.

Implement easily with API integration.

Simplify deployment with app programming interfaces (APIs) to quickly integrate with your existing venue mobile app and signage.

Enhance digital signage messaging.

Improve signage1 communications with simple mobile APIs to inform guests about restroom and concession wait times, and more.

Explore insights
and resources.

5G built right for the stadium
— and beyond.

Learn how the enhanced performance and low latency of Verizon 5G Ultra Wideband2 can help create a safer, more engaging venue.

Discover the possibilities
of 5G.

Learn more about the wide range of applications for 5G technology across industries.

Let's get started.

1 Customers are responsible for their own digital signage.

25G Ultra Wideband available in select areas.