Helps unify network threat detection, full-packet forensics and integrated response as a managed service with near real-time and retrospective detection and visualization.
Cloud-delivered: As a cloud-based network security platform, NDR can be delivered without the need for specialized hardware.
Fast and scalable: Helps take action against existing threats and helps identify future threats with speed and scale.
Multiple deployment capabilities: Rapidly deploys to any segment of your network, including enterprise cloud, industrial, IoT and 5G.
Comprehensive visibility: Helps provide visibility into all collected network activities and records network traffic for comprehensive analysis and discovery.
Complete record: Full packet capture to collect a complete record of your network activity, including metadata and network packets.
In-depth visibility: Helps give you a detailed view of network traffic for analysis and investigation.
Multiple infrastructures: Captures, indexes and stores network traffic from multiple infrastructures into a single location in the cloud.
Intuitive interface: Capable of providing large amounts of network data in an intuitive, immersive interface so you can analyze, proactively hunt and take action on security events and observations.
Lightweight sensors: Can record traffic from almost any network segment in your network infrastructure.
Easy deployment: Sensors can be deployed cost-effectively and quickly even in your resource constrained segments.
Cloud deployments: Uses software forwarding agents to directly copy network traffic from cloud instances where network taps don’t exist to deliver the activity to the appropriate sensor.
Rapidly deploy NDR in any segment of your modern network, including enterprise, cloud, industrial, IoT and 5G.
Take action against threats and identify future threats with speed and scale.
Explore and interact with data recorded over time and stored in the cloud.
Security as a service rapidly deploys without the potential cost and complexity of hardware.
Accelerate incident response and threat hunting with advanced forensics.
Gain complete context from network to endpoint, filtering data to prioritize threats and reduce noise.
Scales to help secure even the largest enterprises with its ability to analyze more than 500 terabytes of network data a day.
Proven network security partner
data analyzed per day by NDR
raw logs analyzed annually by Verizon cybersecurity
years of cybersecurity experience
Discover how NDR helped an energy cooperative significantly reduce incident response times and move from a reactive to a proactive security approach.
This year, we analyzed a staggering 30,458 real-world security incidents. Download the DBIR to find out more about the cyber threats your organization might be up against.
Jun 11, 2024 , 2 min read
White Paper
Points to keep in mind when investigating a cloud security platform., that can help address today’s realities and tomorrow’s cloud-first or cloud–only end goals.
Apr 20, 2021, 5 min read
Five critical points to help security professionals deal with the continued proliferation of attacks.
Case Study
Get actionable intelligence and a correlated view of threats to help speed incident response and threat hunting.
May 1, 2019, 5 min read
Cloud-delivered NDR consolidates multiple security point products into a single platform that deploys rapidly.
Network Detection and Response (NDR) is a cybersecurity service that can help capture and store network traffic from multiple infrastructures into a single cloud haystack. It can present to you large amounts of data in an intuitive, immersive interface so you can analyze, proactively hunt and take action on security events and observations.
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