5G Edge Quality Assurance for Warehouse

Warehouse packing precision—fewer manual quality-assurance checks required.

What it is

Verizon 5G Edge Quality Assurance for Warehouse monitors picking and packing stations for specific criteria to help ensure accuracy.

Women holding rugged tablet in warehouse


5G Edge QA for Warehouse identifies goods and/or inventory as they are picked and placed and then compares them against inventory and order management records.


Computer-vision (CV) technology provides near real-time evaluation and identification of missing, extra or inaccurate inventory as it’s placed in a box and moves along a logistics line.


If an anomaly is detected, the solution will then alert warehouse personnel for resolution. It also provides the ability to collect video evidence for troubleshooting and review using an application programming interface (API).



Workers can quickly detect picking and packing errors and can correct them before products are boxed for shipping, helping distribution operations run more efficiently.


Enabled by 5G and private mobile edge computing (MEC),* this warehouse management solution allows operators to monitor packing activities in near real time and get audio and visual alerts when errors are made.

Cost savings

With reduced manual QA checks and quicker response times to picking and packing anomalies, 5G Edge QA for Warehouse can help you run your warehouse more efficiently and minimize costs.


CV app

Capture warehousing or logistical anomalies on camera with onsite videos.

Data management

Securely collect, store and retain video metadata and notifications.

Notification engine

Alert warehouse staff by email or text messaging when anomalies are detected to help minimize costly picking and packing errors.

Why choose us


Extensive expertise with private MEC deployments


Pre-integrated private network/MEC solution


Growing list of industry-leading partners


Solutions Brief

5G Edge QA for Warehouse solution brief

Ensure that your fulfillment processes meet your high standards with advanced CV technology powered by a managed services MEC-enabled solution.

Apr 28, 2022 ,  4 min read

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5G Edge QA for Warehouse video

Harness the power of 5G Edge to help your business keep up with demands while boosting productivity and quality control.

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Verizon Intelligent Factory video

Learn how MEC enables the manufacturing industry to harness massive amounts of data to analyze and act upon faster than ever before.

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Preguntas frecuentes

5G Edge QA for Warehouse deploys artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning techniques that watch picking and packing processes in real time for specified key performance indicators (KPIs). If items are picked or packed incorrectly, 5G Edge QA for Warehouse will send alerts and notify personnel.

CV technology, combined with private MEC technology, provides near real-time evaluation and identification of serialized inventory as it is placed into a box moving along a logistics line. The solution will verify goods or inventory against records and alert warehouse personnel to inaccuracies.

Private MEC benefits applications with low latency requirements to provide near real-time performance.  It also provides onsite dedicated servers for better control over data and enhanced data security.

  • Increase warehouse productivity
  • Enhance shipping quality
  • Reduce manual quality checks
  • Minimize product returns

*5G and MEC sold separately.


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