Make manufacturing even more people focused.

IT Operations

Innovative manufacturers, which fully leverage technology, find attracting new talent much easier. And these skilled workers stick around. 

There are many technologies, including automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) that can make your business more people-focused and your workplaces safer. IT operations play a vital role in this. Critical infrastructure is needed to make your business and employees more connected.

The challenges in today’s economic and industrial landscape are myriad:

  • Skills shortages can jeopardise delivery and stifle growth
  • Decentralisation and hybrid working can make communication challenging
  • Fear of automation can create feelings of job insecurity
  • Supply chain volatility can disrupt productivity and customer satisfaction
  • Staff turnover requires focus on employee retention

With a connected workforce, you can harness the power of automation, AI and robots to boost employee engagement and support overall business goals.

Implement innovative technologies with less disruption.

A few years ago, working for an app company in Silicon Valley was the epitome of cool. Today, manufacturing is an exciting industry. The sector is packed with technological leaders and innovators, making it a huge draw for top talent. Conversely, stagnancy can be a red flag—especially with the latest generation of skilled workers. A recent article in Forbes suggested that “thrilling innovation” 1 will bring back a “refreshing ‘cool’ factor and enviable excitement" 2 to the manufacturing industry. It’s no wonder, then, that 75% of manufacturers are investing in smart manufacturing technologies.3

However, we understand that historically, innovation has often been a headache for IT operations, especially when supporting changes to OT. That doesn’t need to be the case. When you put a reliable, robust network in place, you’re building a platform for the future. This can help ensure seamless delivery, reduce the risk of disruption and failure, and avoid costly downtime.

Additionally, digital twins can be used to model changes before they are implemented, helping predict potential issues. Problems can then be addressed and mitigated at the planning stage. This helps to create an innovative workplace to attract talent while minimising headaches.

When it comes to retaining staff, workers want to feel like their workplace is innovative, and two other things are paramount. First, employees need to feel valued, recognised and rewarded. Second, they need to feel equipped and aided in their day-to-day work. The part IT operations plays in these areas cannot be emphasised enough. 

For example, the right technologies can help:

Reduce human error. Technology can help reduce the propensity for error in many manual tasks. Robots and drones can move products around plants with ease. Faulty products can be identified and addressed in real time, with little to no human effort.

Improve training. Technology can help leverage data to improve performance monitoring and reviews, enable recognition programs, identify training needs, and deliver more engaging onboarding and training sessions. Using AI and automation, managers can see exactly where their employees are excelling and where they need more support.

Increase efficiency. Enable lights-out manufacturing by applying automation throughout the manufacturing process. Use edge computing, intelligent computer vision, industrial IoT (IIoT) and robotics to operate 24/7 with reduced staffing.

Leverage technology to make the workplace even safer.

When it comes to workplace safety, anything less than perfection isn't good enough. Manufacturers must constantly try to improve safeguards across their sites and facilities. Technology can help.

Technology issues—like patchy connectivity, downtime and security breaches—are a problem whenever they occur. When they affect systems related to employee safety, the stakes are even higher. Deploying the right network infrastructure can enable a wide range of safety applications:

  • Implement private 5G to provide reliable, pervasive, low-latency connectivity throughout facilities to support sensorisation, automation and intelligent video analytics
  • Turn automated guided vehicles into autonomous mobile robots that are able to analyse their surroundings, identify potential dangers and take evasive actions
  • Leverage edge computing and low-latency connectivity to conduct analysis remotely, reducing the need for onboard processing power
  • Gather data to create ML models and digital twins to identify process improvements and ways to enhance safety

Supported by a robust and secure network, these technologies help manufacturers pave the way to a safer, more productive and efficient workplace for everyone.

IT operations has a critical role to play in enabling people-centric manufacturing. Enabling game-changing, people-focused solutions relies on strong fundamentals. By creating a secure and robust network foundation, IT operations can improve uptime, enable greater automation and support the deployment of safety-enhancing applications. By implementing intelligent systems, safety can be improved without employees being inconvenienced.

Verizon has worked with many manufacturers and helped them put people at the forefront of their business. Our industry experts have decades of relevant experience, enabling them to provide practical and effective advice. Our global network, computing and security expertise and extensive ecosystem can help you put those ideas into practice. We can help you de-risk transformation, boost productivity and achieve the promise of Industry 4.0.

See how we helped Cintas upgrade its IT infrastructure

Read how a manufacturer built a robust, reliable network for its distributed team by replacing outdated systems with software-defined networking and advanced internet connectivity.

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