Accelerated access

Help make venue access safer while speeding up the process for staff and guests.

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Inefficient venue-access management

Compromised security

Misuse of credentials and poor access management to sensitive areas can cause security breaches.

Guest dissatisfaction

Long entry wait times can take away from facility enjoyment, limit access to venue amenities and cause travel delays.

Decreased productivity

Manual entry validation creates excessive reliance on staff resources.

Accelerated access powered by 5G

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An overview

Facial authentication technology verifies guest identities through cloud-based MEC infrastructure, to enable access control systems for accelerated ticketing in near real time.

Simple integration

Implement cloud-based MEC infrastructure to eliminate the need for costly, on-premise servers—and help reduce reliance on staff.

Accelerated ticketing

Provide near real-time touchless entry and automated check-in to help reduce congestion at entrances and speed access to venues and amenities.

Access control

Use opt-in facial authentication to dynamically enable or restrict access to staff, third-party vendors or contractors, to improve overall security.

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Helping improve guest experiences and operations

Improved safety and security

Managed access lets you receive alerts when VIPs enter and restrict access to sensitive areas appropriately.

Elevated guest experiences

Streamlined entry allows guests more time to enjoy facility amenities and make venue purchases.

Better resource management

Enhanced infrastructure and improved access control at gates and checkpoints frees up staff to tend to other business.

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*Verizon offers Verizon-branded, fully managed MEC solutions as part of its 5G Edge solutions portfolio. Additionally, Verizon 5G Edge public and private MEC platforms can support an array of other potential use cases and applications, neither Verizon-branded nor sold by Verizon, that are either in the Verizon 5G Edge Partner Program or provided by customers.