How enterprises can maximize customer experience with social media

The upside of a global enterprise is you can reach a customer anywhere. The downside? The possibility of disconnection across different platforms. So how can you deliver a global CX with a single voice?

Of customers have to wait several hours for a response over social media.1

Of customers want the ability to have a two-way conversation via messaging.2

Of customers wish they could switch instantly from a messaging chat to a voice call.3

The challenges facing enterprise social media teams

A global enterprise must juggle hundreds of markets, lines of business and product lines, making it difficult to create a personal connection with customers at scale. Key challenges include how to:


Maintain consistency across global markets


Manage large volumes of customer feedback

Security alert

Navigate negative publicity and crises

Customer Satisfaction

Coordinate across siloed business units


Scale social media monitoring and engagement


Measure social media ROI

How enterprises can personalize their social media strategy


Connect your customer channels

Connecting all your channels (CRM, social media management etc.) gives you a fuller understanding of your customers.

stop watch

Be responsive

Automation and chatbots can help you offer customers instant 24/7 support.

User Registration

Integrate your social listening channels

Monitor social media so you can proactively address customer needs and complaints.


Deepen customer understanding

Social listening can also provide detailed insights into your customers’ emotions, changing needs and product affinity.

How technology can help

When customers get help faster, it doesn’t just solve their immediate issue. It helps you build a long-lasting relationship and more trust in your brand. Here are three ways technology can help you augment and scale your social media teams so you can elevate the customer experience.

Person talking

Social engagement software can help you listen to and join relevant conversations as they’re happening.

Question mark

Chatbots can respond 24/7 to a wide variety of queries, reducing customer waiting times.

cloud file icon

A cloud contact center helps you unify the customer experience by connecting social media, chatbots, email, phone and other customer touchpoints.

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  • The author of this content is a paid contributor for Verizon.

    1 Sinch, Brave New World, 2022, page 10.

    2 Ibid, page 7.

    3 Ibid, page 18.

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