Customer Experience and Contact Center Solutions

Deliver easy, fast, personal and secure customer experiences (CX) across all touch points with Verizon’s best-in-class contact center solutions.


Elevated CX

Provide frictionless CX with secure self-service and innovations like speech recognition, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and data analytics.

Empowered employees

Give employees the tools and data they need to seamlessly connect with customers and help make their jobs easier, more efficient and productive.

Scaled operations

Scale quickly and easily to meet evolving customer needs with flexible, cost-effective cloud contact-center solutions.

Protected data

Protect customer and company data across voice communications with a layered approach to security and the option to get expert consulting to further mitigate risk.

Elevate customer and agent experiences with flexible Verizon cloud contact center solutions. Our contact-center-as-a-service (CCaaS) solutions modernize your contact center to help you meet customer needs more efficiently. Quick, reliable network connections can help you scale quickly while controlling costs, and automatic updates enable continuous innovation.

Virtual Contact Center (VCC)

Engage customers, empower agents and build personalized experiences that help set your business apart.

Genesys Cloud

Enable customer interactions with an advanced, cloud-based contact center platform.

Webex Contact Center

Engage your customers through our next-generation cloud contact center.

Protect and secure your voice traffic against robocalls, malicious calls, fraud and spoofing, and restore brand trust so your calls get answered.

VoIP Inbound Anti-Fraud and Authentication

Protect your contact center from inbound fraud and improve customer authentication.

SecureLogix voice security and assurance solutions

Secure your inbound call traffic to improve customer experience and ROI.

Other products

Make it easy for your business contacts and customers to reach you at no cost to them. Use our intelligent contact center network solutions to help callers get to the right resource on the first try.

IP Contact Center

IP Contact Center is a Voice over IP (VoIP)-based voice calling solution for contact centers that includes multiple originating calling options and number types, as well as terminating options including IP interactive voice response (IVR).

Toll Free & Inbound Services

Route incoming calls across our intelligent network and connect callers to the resources they need, at no additional cost to them.

Provide a seamless and more personalized CX by blending human and AI.

Backed by nearly 30 years of consulting leadership and expertise, Verizon CX Consulting services offers contact-center implementation services and a set of advisory engagements designed to help you make strategic decisions about contact center technologies and processes to deliver better experiences, drive results and mitigate security risks. 


The future is frictionless: Why customer loyalty depends on a seamless journey, every time.

Organizations might think they are doing a good job, but many customers are frustrated by outdated systems and processes that don’t match up to the best-in-class experiences. Learn why customer loyalty depends on a seamless journey, every time.

Jul 15, 2024

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CX game changers

Explore how companies are using emerging technologies to build loyalty and trust to make a deep connection with customers.

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The human connection

Explore new research from Longitude about striking the right balance between human interaction and AI for customer experiences.

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Proactive AI-infused CX

Personalized and proactive CX that’s driven by artificial intelligence (AI) in contact centers to offer competitive differentiation.

Mar 29, 2024

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