One of the most challenging developments facing higher education institutions in recent years is how best to capitalize on the rapid evolution of digital technologies.
As universities and colleges continue to grapple with declining enrollments, rising production costs, and growing demand for flexible and convenient learning modalities, one thing is clear: As the competition for students, faculty and researchers continues to grow, so do the stakes for investing in the appropriate digital infrastructure to support their experience.
Fortunately, in contrast to long-term building projects, the continuing evolution of technology can help colleges and universities not only fast-track enhancements to the teaching and learning experience at their institutions but also reduce operating expenses. An excellent example of that — and one likely to significantly impact college campuses now and in the future — is 5G wireless connectivity.
While the national rollout of 5G has taken time, the more immediate ability for colleges and universities to deploy private 5G networks and begin taking advantage of them is already gaining momentum — in large part because of a combination of 5G’s greater speed, lower latency and expanded capacity.
College campuses, in many ways, are uniquely positioned to capitalize on 5G because of all the dimensions where 5G brings significant new capabilities, including: