Combined Services Promotion


From time to time through March 18, 2003, Company will provide an offering for Customers who order Private Line Interexchange Service subject to a Service Commitment Period of at least one (1) year whereby the monthly charges of the Private Line Interexchange Service may be aggregated with monthly charges for other Company-provided, Private Line related Services, excluding Message Telecommunications Service, for the purpose of determining the Customer's relevant discount and/or Min. Monthly Commitment.  This Combined Services Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


Commitment to Higher Volume Level Promotion


Beginning March 18, 2003, this promotion s not available to new Customers of the promotion.  Customers committing to obtain Private Line Interexchange Service subject to at least a $10,000 or 10% increase (whichever is greater) in Customer's then current volume of Base Rate charges (over a specified period of not less than twelve (12) months) with notice of eligibility thereof to Company will obtain a discount equal to the greater of (i) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, or (ii) at least 1% and up to 3% with respect to DS-0, 56Kbps DDS and FT-1 Interexchange Service and at least 2% and up to 6% with respect to DS-1 Interexchange Service ordered within the ensuing period (including the specified period of commitment), in addition to the applicable discount set forth in the discount schedules in Section IV.  Company's determination of the discount shall be evenly proportionate to whether the IXC in question is Restricted IXC, the type of IXC, the increase in aggregate Base Rate charges represented by such order, length of Service Commitment Period and Requested Service Date(s).  The relevant discount shall be wholly additive, such that if the applicable discount in the relevant discount schedule for the IXC in question is 10%, a 3% discount under this Commitment to Higher Volume Level Promotion plus 10% would equal 13%.  Company shall condition its application of this promotion upon Customer's provision to Company of satisfactory documentation regarding Customer's level of commitment and corresponding level of credit standing.


Initial Order Promotion


Beginning March 18, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion.  New Customers (i.e., Customers that have not subscribed to Company Private Line Services under this Tariff for a period of at least one year or Customers desiring subscription to Interexchange Service which had not previously been available under this Tariff) that provide Company with notice of eligibility will obtain a discount equal to the greater of (i) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, or (ii) at least 1% and up to 3% with respect to DS-0, 56 Kbps DDS and FT-1 Interexchange Service and at least 2% and up to 6% with respect to DS-1 Interexchange Service then ordered, and subject to at least a one (1) year Service Commitment Period in addition to the applicable discount set forth in the discount schedules in Section IV.  Company's determination of the discount shall be evenly proportionate to whether the IXC in question is Restricted IXC, the type of IXC, aggregate Base Rate charges represented by such order, length of Service Commitment Period and Requested Service Date(s).  The relevant discount shall be wholly additive, such that if the applicable discount in the relevant discount schedule for the IXC in question is 10%, a 3% discount under this Initial Order Promotion plus 10% would equal 13%.  Customer's eligibility for this promotion will be conditioned upon Customer's timely providing Company satisfactory documentation regarding Customer's credit standing.


ISDN Installation Promotion


Beginning March 18, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion.  The Non-recurring charge for installation of each Primary Rate Interface of ISDN Service is waived.


One Month Free Promotion


Beginning March 18, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion.   New and existing Customers who order two (2) or more new DS-0 or DDS level circuits will receive a credit equal to (but not greater than) one month's Interexchange Service charges plus one month's Local Access charges associated with the new circuits.  This promotion applies only to new Service ordered on or before 5/31/94 with a Service Commitment Period of at least one (1) year.  Further, installation of new Service must occur within 90 days of the date of the order.  This promotion applies only to Service provided between the locations listed in Section IV.16, with certain restrictions applicable to cities in Section IV.16.C  Circuits ordered under this One Month Free Promotion may not receive any other credits offered in the promotion described in Section V.1.


Revenue Plan Promotion


From time to time through March 18, 2003, Company may offer new or existing Revenue Plan Customers modified cancellation liability with respect to DSO, DDS, FT-1 and/or DS-1 Circuits (or any combination thereof) comprising Qualifying IXC Service.  This modified cancellation liability may reduce the six (6) times multiplier set forth in Section IV.9..03.B. down to three (3) times. This Revenue Plan Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


Service Potentiality Promotion


Beginning March 18, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion.   Customers obtaining Private Line Interexchange Services from other carriers that provide Company with notice of eligibility will obtain a discount equal to the greater of (i) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, or (ii) at least 1% and up to 3% with respect to DS-0, 56 Kbps DDS and FT-1 Interexchange Service and at least 2% and up to 6% with respect to DS-1 Interexchange Service then ordered, and subject to at least a one (1) year Service Commitment Period in addition to the applicable discount set forth in the discount schedules in Section IV. Company's determination of the discount shall be evenly proportionate to whether the IXC in question is Restricted IXC, the type of IXC, aggregate Base Rate charges represented by such order, length of Service Commitment Period, Requested Service Date(s) and volume of similar services then obtained by Customer from other carriers.  The relevant discount shall be wholly additive, such that if the applicable discount in the relevant discount schedule for the IXC in question is 10%, a 3% discount under this Potentiality Promotion plus 10% would equal 13%.  Customer's eligibility for this promotion will be conditioned upon Customer's timely providing Company satisfactory documentation regarding the level of other Private Line Service then obtained by Customer from other carriers and Customer's credit standing.


Telecommunications Related Services Promotion


From time to time through March 18, 2003, Company will pay on behalf of Customer obtaining Private Line Service subject to at least a one year Service Commitment Period a one time charge, not to exceed one month's Interexchange Service, to selected third parties who provide certain telecommunications related services.  Telecommunications related services may include equipment, software, training or other services. In the event Customer cancels Private Line Service prior to the expiration of the Service Commitment Period, Customer may be liable for all charges paid to the third party by Company on behalf of the Customer.  This Telecommunications Related Services Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


General Private Line Promotions


From time to time through March 18, 2003, Company will provide one or a combination of the following offerings for Customers who order Private Line Interexchange Services subject to a Service Commitment Period of at least one (1) year: (a) with respect to any Private Line Interexchange Service (other than Restricted IXC) a credit up to one month's Interexchange Service charges (net of all applicable discounts) relevant to the Interexchange Service in question per year of the Service Commitment Period; (b) with respect to any Private Line Interexchange Service, a waiver of Installation charges for the Interexchange Service; (c) with respect to any Private Line Interexchange Service, a waiver of the Installation charges for Local Access associated with Interexchange Service; and/or (d) with respect to any Private Line Interexchange Service, a waiver of certain Ancillary Charges. This General Private Line Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


WorldMark Private Line Service Satisfaction Warranty


            A.        New Customers (i.e., Customers that have not subscribed to Company Private Line Services under this Tariff for a period of at least one (1) year or Customers desiring subscription to Interexchange Service which had not previously been available under this Tariff) who execute a WorldMark Service Application and orders for WorldMark Private Line Services as described in Company Service Order Form (the "Orders") will obtain Company's WorldMark Service Satisfaction Warranty (the "SSW") subject to the requirements described below.


                        1.         A detailed description of Customer's prior network configuration for Service which is converted to WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service (the "Prior Network Configuration") must be attached to the WorldMark Service Application.  The description of the Prior Network Configuration shall include (for each circuit or connection):  (i) the IXC speed (in the case of private line) or node speed (in the case of frame relay); (ii) the local access speed at each relevant Customer premise; (iii) the location address for each Customer premise; and (iv) the name of the carrier which provided services to Customer under the Prior Network Configuration.


                        2.         The SSW will be relevant to WorldMark Private Line Service ordered by Customer within ninety (90) days from the date of Customer's initial order subject to a Requested Service Date within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of the Customer's initial order.


            B.        Company hereby warrants to Customer that Customer may cancel WorldMark Private Line Service by written notice to Company at any time after the first one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days following the date of the order without incurring any cancellation charge or further liability whatsoever with respect to such Service after the effective date of cancellation; Customer will, however, be liable for charges for WorldMark Private Line Service provided through the date of cancellation.  WorldMark Private Line Service may be canceled for any reason, however, Customer agrees to either describe the reason for cancellation or state that no reason for cancellation exists.


                        1.         In the event Customer cancels WorldMark Private Line Service in accordance with the SSW, and Customer's Prior Network Configuration includes DS-0, DDS, FT-1 or DS-1 (or greater level) service (collectively "Private Line Service"), and/or frame relay service, Company agrees to pay Customer to revert the canceled WorldMark Private Line Service back to Customer's Prior Network Configuration (the "Switch Back") as provided below:


1.   If Customer's Prior Network Configuration includes Private Line Service provided by carrier(s) other than Company (the "Prior Carrier"), then, for such service, Company will (i) reimburse Customer the Prior Carrier's published or tariffed local access installation charges and Private Line Service installation charges directly related to the Switch Back (the "Qualified Charges") up to an amount per circuit (as described below) based on the level of Private Line Service for each relevant circuit in Customer's Prior Configuration (the "Private Line Switch Back Reimbursement"), and (ii) terminate such WorldMark Private Line Service within ten (10) calendar days following notice of cancellation or within a period which is mutually agreed by Company and Customer.


                                                                                    PRIVATE LINE

                       LEVEL OF                                          SWITCH BACK REIMBURSEMENT

                       PRIVATE LINE SERVICE                 LIMIT PER CIRCUIT


                       DS-0                                                          Up to $2,000 in Qualified Charges

                       DDS                                                     Up to $2,500 in Qualified Charges

                       FT-1                                                     Up to $4,500 in Qualified Charges

                       DS-1                                                          Up to $5,000 in Qualified Charges

                       > than DS-1                                         Up to $7,000 in Qualified Charges


              b.  In the event Customer cancels WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service in accordance with the SSW, and Customer's Prior Network Configuration includes frame relay service which was provided by a Prior Carrier, Company will (i) reimburse Customer the Qualified Charges up to an amount per network node (as described below) based on the node speed for each relevant network node in Customer's Prior Configuration ("Frame Relay Switch Back Reimbursement"), and (ii) terminate such WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service within ten (10) calendar days following written notice of cancellation or within a period which is mutually agreed by both WorldCom and Customer.


                                                                   FRAME RELAY SWITCH BACK

                       NETWORK NODE SPEED              REIMBURSEMENT LIMIT PER NODE


                       56/64 Kbps                                         Up to $1,500 in Qualified Charges

                       > 56/64K but < 1.5 Mbps                   Up to $2,500 in Qualified Charges

                       1.5 Mbps                                             Up to $5,000 in Qualified Charges

                       > than 1.5 Mbps                                  Up to $6,000 in Qualified Charges


                       > - greater than

                       < - less than


              2.  Any Private Line Switch Back Reimbursement or Frame Relay Switch Back Reimbursement due hereunder as described above shall be due and payable to Customer on or before sixty (60) calendar days from Customer's presentment to Company of a written statement of Qualified Charges and reasonable evidence of payment to the Prior Carrier (e.g., canceled check/receipt) by Customer.


              3.  Payment of the Private Line Switch Back Reimbursement or Frame Relay Switch Back Reimbursement shall, at Customer's option and as indicated in Customer's statement of Qualified Charges, be made by either (i) a credit against Customer's then-current charges for services provided by Company, if any; or, (ii) a check drawn on a United States bank and payable in United States dollars.


Valued Private Line Promotion II


                        Beginning April 23, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, WorldCom will offer the following promotion to existing customers of WorldCom DS-0 Service, WorldCom DS-1 Service and/or WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Service provided by the Company who become new subscribers to MCI WorldCom On‑Net Services Feature Option 1 provided by an affiliate of the Company with an Option RR Term Plan term of service commitment which equals or exceeds 1-year.


                        In addition to receiving standard tariffed discounts, throughout the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan, customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a 21 percent discount on the customer's monthly recurring charges for Interexchange Service associated with WorldCom DS-0 Service, WorldCom DS-1 Service and/or WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Service provided by the Company which was installed prior to November 1, 1998.


                        In addition to standard tariffed provisions, customers who terminate service under the customer's new Option RR Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service of that plan will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to all discounts received under this promotion.


Term Plan Access Promotion


                        Beginning June 12, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of WorldCom DS‑0 (Digital Signal Level 0) Service (DS-0) and WorldCom DS‑1 (Digital Signal Level 1) Service (DS-1).  To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion customers must install new point‑to‑point DS-0 or DS-1 service with at least 100 Interexchange Service miles (Promotional Circuits) per circuit under either (i) a new Network Pricing Plan (NPP) as described in Section IV.9 or (ii) an existing NPP with at least one year remaining in the term of service.  In lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring Local Access charges, as set forth in Section IV.15.01, and any other discounts, during each monthly period of a customer's NPP term of service following installation of the Promotional Circuit(s), an enrolled customer will be charged the following monthly recurring Local Access charges per local loop charges for DS0 (Hubless Access) Access (DS0) and T-1 Digital Access (DS1) for Promotional Circuits, based on circuit type, access type and NPP term of service:


                         Access Type/Monthly Recurring Local Access Channel Charge    

Term of                    Type 1                                       Type 2                                   Type 3         

Service               DS0               DS1                 DS0                  DS1               DS0               DS1


1 Year              $95.00          $213.75          $160.00          $384.75         $175.00        $427.50

2 Year                90.25             202.50            152.00             364.50           166.25           405.00

3 Year                87.40             180.00            147.20             324.00           161.00           360.00

4 Year                85.50             175.50            144.00             315.90           157.50           351.00

5 Year                80.75             171.00            136.00             307.80           148.75           342.00


                        To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must place an order for installation of all Promotional Circuits by January 31, 2000 and all of a customer's Promotional Circuits must be installed by February 29, 2000.


                        For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:


                                    Access Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished wholly via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities;


                                    Access Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in part via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities; and,


                                    Access Type 3 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities.


Term Plan IOC Promotion


                        Beginning June 12, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom On-Net Service who are new or existing customers of WorldCom DS‑0 (Digital Signal Level 0) Service (DS-0) and WorldCom DS‑1 (Digital Signal Level 1) Service (DS-1). To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion customers must install new point‑to‑point DS-0 or DS-1 service (Promotional Circuits) under a new Network Pricing Plan (NPP) as described in Section IV.9 with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year.


                        At the time of promotion enrollment, customers may elect to receive either of the following discounts, in addition to standard tariffed discounts for which the customer qualifies, on Promotional Circuits throughout the term of service of the customer's NPP following installation of the Promotional Circuit(s).  Customers may elect to receive: (i) the following discounts on monthly recurring Interexchange Service charges for DS-1 Promotional Circuits, based on NPP term of service; or, (ii) a 25 percent discount on monthly recurring Interexchange Service charges for DS-1 Promotional Circuits with Interexchange Service mileage which equals or exceeds 500 miles and the following discounts on all other Promotional Circuits, based on NPP term of service.


                                                Term of Service                     Descuento


                                                        1 year                                   10%

                                                        2 years                                 15

                                                        3 years                                 25

                                                        4 years                                 25

                                                        5 years                                 25


                        To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must place an order for installation of all Promotional Circuits by July 30, 2000 and all of a customer's Promotional Circuits must be installed by August 31, 2000.


Term Plan IOC Promotion


                        Beginning July 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom On-Net Service who are new or existing customers of WorldCom DS‑0 (Digital Signal Level 0) Service (DS-0) and WorldCom DS‑1 (Digital Signal Level 1) Service (DS-1). To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion customers must install new point‑to‑point DS-0 or DS-1 service (Promotional Circuits) under a new Network Pricing Plan (NPP) as described in Section IV.9 with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year.


                        At the time of promotion enrollment, customers may elect to receive either of the following discounts, in addition to standard tariffed discounts for which the customer qualifies, on Promotional Circuits throughout the term of service of the customer's NPP following installation of the Promotional Circuit(s).  Customers may elect to receive: (i) the following discounts on monthly recurring Interexchange Service charges for DS-1 Promotional Circuits, based on NPP term of service; or, (ii) a 25 percent discount on monthly recurring Interexchange Service charges for DS-1 Promotional Circuits with Interexchange Service mileage which equals or exceeds 500 miles and the following discounts on all other Promotional Circuits, based on NPP term of service.


                                                Term of Service                     Descuento


                                                        1 year                                   10%

                                                        2 years                                 15

                                                        3 years                                 25

                                                        4 years                                 25

                                                        5 years                                 25


                        To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer must place an order for installation of all Promotional Circuits by October 31, 2000 and all of a customer's Promotional Circuits must be installed by November 30, 2000.


Internet T1 Flat Rate Access Promotion


                        Beginning November 6, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company and Internet service provided by the Company who install a new T-1 Digital Access circuit used exclusively for Internet service provided by the Company in a new domestic location (New Circuit) under a Company or Company-affiliate term commitment (term plan) which equals or exceeds one year. A circuit can only receive this promotion if, at the time of the customer's enrollment in this promotion, the Monthly Recurring Local Access Channel is less than or equal to $1,000.


                        The customer must place an order for installation of all circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion by January 31, 2000. All circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion must be installed by April 30, 2000.


                        During the term of service of a customer's term plan, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges for Local Access Channels, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged a $300 monthly recurring charge for each New Circuit installed under this promotion.


                        Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible for any additional discounts.


DSO Upgrade Promotion


                        Beginning January 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to existing customers of its DS‑0 (Digital Signal Level 0) Service (DS-0) which (1) place a service upgrade order with the Company within the promotional period, and (2) request that service upgrade installation(s) occur no later than July 31, 2000.


                        For this promotion, a service upgrade is the replacement of existing Customer DS-0 service WorldCom DS‑1 (Digital Signal Level 1) Service (DS-1) under a new or existing Network Pricing Plan having a term commitment of at least one year. Qualifying Customers will receive a one-time $1,000 credit.


Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion


                        Beginning January 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing Customers of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services and networkMCI One provided by an affiliate of the Company who subscribe to new or additional WorldCom DS‑0 (Digital Signal Level 0) Service and WorldCom DS‑1 (Digital Signal Level 1) Service (Promotional Circuits) for which the Customer makes a request for installation on or before October 31, 2000 under a new Network Pricing Plan, networkMCI One or MCI WorldCom One-Net Services Term Plan (Term Plans) with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year or an existing Term Plans with a remaining term of service which equals or exceeds one year.


                        The Customer will receive a credit equal to Company-billed non-recurring installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for Local Access Channels for each Promotional Circuit installed on or before November 30, 2000.


                        Customers who terminate all service under the Customer's Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service of that plan will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.


Private Line Flat Rate Promotion


                        Beginning October 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new Customers of WorldCom Private Line Service who subscribe to new WorldCom DS-0 (Digital Signal Level 0) Service (DS0) or WorldCom DS-1 (Digital Singal Level 1) Service (DS1) (Promotional Circuits) under a new term of service which equals or exceeds two years (New Term Plan).


                        To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, a Customer must place an order for installation of all Promotional Circuits by December 31, 2000 and request that all Promotional Circuits must be installed no later than February 28, 2001.


                        In lieu of all other discounts and promotional offerings, during each monthly period of a Customer's New Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, the Customer will be charged the following monthly recurring per-circuit charges for each Promotional Circuit installed, based on circuit type and Route Mileage:


                                                                                Route Mileage/Monthly Recurring Charge

                                                 Circuit Type                   1 - 500            501 - 1,000           1,001+


                                                 DS0                                $  300             $  400                    $  500

                                                 DS1                                 2,500              3,500                     4,500