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IP Contact Center Services



RATES AND CHARGES:  The following non-recurring charges (NRC), monthly recurring charges (MRC) and other charges indicated below apply:


1.         VoIP Inbound Charges.  VoIP Inbound rates and charges are set forth below. 





VoIP Inbound Subscription

Per-URI termination charge for IP termination of VoIP Inbound.  Not applicable to TDM terminations.





Agent Registration Change

NRC (per modified URI subscription)


Service Activation

Set-up of VoIP Inbound Corporate ID (“Corp ID”), plus termination to each Private IP or Internet Dedicated location.

NRC per Corp ID (includes first VoIP Inbound IP Termination)

and for each additional VoIP Inbound IP termination and for each qualifying non-IP switched access termination


Transport (usage)

Per minute

See Section 2.3 below.

Service Change

(For example, bill payer name/address change, or adding a trusted entity to the Service Controller table.)

NRC per change


Basic SIP Transfer (without Transfer Messaging)

·   Unattended SIP Transfer or

·   Two-Channel Agent-attended SIP Transfer

based on Customer’s CPE capabilities.

Per use


Enhanced CNAM

Per use



2.         VoIP Inbound Advanced Feature Charges.


2.1       Combined Features Package.


Combined Features Package:

Charges per VoIP Inbound Number







Please Note:  If Customer has included Long Distance Voice Services in its Agreement, the charges set forth in the Long Distance Voice Services portion of that Agreement for Combined Features Package apply and supersede the above.


2.2       A La Carte Features.  The following A La Carte Feature charges apply per toll free or Local Origination number, as applicable:



NRC – Installation


NRC – Change Charge

Alternate Routing (Super Routing and Set Routing Plans)

$10 per TN alternate routing

$50 per alternate routing plan per TN

$50 per alternate routing plan per TN

$50 per plan

Call Area Selection/Tailored Call Coverage

$150 per TN



Day of Year Routing/Holiday Routing

$110 per TN









Disconnect Message

No aplicable 


 A $50 change charge applies, per change, at the time the change is made, for any of the following:

DMR type change

DMR Call Extension Termination Change

DMR Referral Number Change

DMR Extend Time Period Change

DMR to Company Number

No aplicable 


DMR to a Company number with Call Extension

No aplicable 









Network Call Redirect




One-time: $150/table

$10.00/active table/month

(capped at $2,500 per Toll Free Corp ID per month)


(capped at $2,400 per Toll Free Corp ID per month)



Network Call Redirect Outbound -  $0.03

per call

(1 to 5 hops*)

Network Call Redirect Inbound - $0.03 per call

(1 to 5 hops)

* A maximum of 5 hops are supported.

Supplemental Codes Options:  ID Codes (per block of 100)




Account Codes (per 800 number)




Please Note:  If Customer has included Long Distance Voice Services in its Agreement, the charges set forth in the Long Distance Voice Services portion of that Agreement for the above A LA Carte features apply and supersede the above.


2.3       Toll Free Transport Rates.


2.3.1    Domestic.  Toll Free per-minute transport rates are based on the Term of Customer’s Contract, AVC, and termination, and are assessed in 6-second increments, for VoIP Inbound Toll Free calls originating in domestic locations and terminating to IP end points.  For calls terminating to non-IP end points, charges are assessed in accordance with the Long Distance Voice Services portion of Customer’s Contract.  (If Customer’s Contract does not include a Service Attachment for Long Distance Voice Services, standard Guide rates shall apply to calls terminating to non-IP end points).  Unless otherwise stated, a $0.01 per-call minimum transport charge applies.


2.3.2    International.  For calls originating outside the United States via ITFS or UIFN service and terminating to IP end points, Customer will be charged a transport rate in accordance with the applicable pricing section in Customer’s Contract, or, in the absence of such a pricing section in Customer’s Contract, in accordance with the IPCC International Origination ChargesFor calls terminating to non-IP end points, charges will be assessed in accordance with the Long Distance Voice Services portion of Customer’s Contract.  (If Customer’s Contract does not include a Service Attachment for Long Distance Voice Services, standard Guide rates shall apply to calls terminating to non-IP end points).


2.4       Local Origination Access Rates.  For VoIP Inbound Local Origination, where a tariff applies, Customer will pay the rates set forth in the tariff.  Where no tariff applies, Customer will pay the following per-minute Local Origination access rates, based on the Term of Customer’s Agreement, AVC, and termination, and assessed in 6-second increments, for VoIP Inbound Local Origination calls.  Unless otherwise stated, a $0.01 per-call minimum applies.


Local Origination Access Rates


3.         IP-IVR Charges.  The following platform feature charges, non-recurring charges, monthly recurring charges and Supplemental Service Charges for IP-IVR service apply:


Please Note:  If Customer has also subscribed in its Agreement to Hosted Interactive Voice Response – Enhanced Call Routing, the charges set forth in that Service Attachment apply and supersede the charges listed below in this Section 3.


3.1       Platform Rates (Domestic).  A $0.06 per minute rate applies and is assessed in 6-second increments, for the period beginning when the IP-IVR system answers the call and ending when the call is released to Customer’s service location (or, when the caller hangs up and the IP-IVR call is terminated); a $0.01 per-call minimum platform charge applies to all calls.


3.2       Feature Charges.  Customer will be charged based on the features used on a particular call.  The feature charge for features used is applied once per call regardless of the number of times a feature is actually used during the call, except for features charged per use as noted below, the feature charge is applied each time the feature is used.


Charges will apply per platform when calls originate from one platform and terminate to another platform.  The following feature charges apply, based on feature option:


IP-IVR Feature


Menu Routing


Message Announcement


Full SIP Transfer

$0.05 per use

Database Routing (Standard, Network & Host Connect)


Busy/No Answer Rerouting


Caller Takeback

$0.05 per use

Takeback and Transfer (TNT)

$0.05 per use

Announced Connect


*  Notes:

1.   Per call unless otherwise noted.

2.   A $0.01 minimum charge will apply per call. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.

3.   Unless otherwise noted, each feature will be charged only once per call even if the feature is used multiple times.


3.3       IP-IVR NRCs – Supplemental Services.  The following non-recurring per hour per application charges apply for each IP-IVR Supplemental Service ordered by Customer:


IP IVR Supplemental Service

Basic IP IVR Services NRC

Advanced IP IVR Services NRC

When Network Database is purchased, the rate structure in this column applies.

Network Database Installation

No disponible


Assistance with Database(s) Creation



Assistance with Database(s) Change



Assistance with IP-IVR Change



Remote Audio Update Install



Foreign Language Recording Install or Change*



Installation (per application)


$1,000 + $200/hr

Standard Database Change (maximum of 50,000 Database records per application)



IP IVR Call Flow Logic or Audio change



Agent Registration Change (per additional/modified URI subscription



Voice Call Back Professional Services

No disponible



*           Charge does not apply to standard platform messages in British English, French, German, or Dutch.


NOTE:  An additional $1,000 per application expedited charge applies to any of the IP-IVR Supplemental Services listed above which, at Customer’s request, is performed in less than Company’s standard eight-day service interval for IP-IVR.


3.4       Additional IP-IVR MRCs.


IP-IVR Feature


Per IP-IVR Application (except Network Database)


Per IP-IVR Survey (six months minimum*)


Per IP-IVR Remote Audio Update


Per Network Database


Per Administrative Application for DTMF Updates


*           Customer shall pay the MRC for at least six months even if Customer terminates IP-IVR Survey prior to the completion of six months.


3.5       IP-IVR – Voice Call Back Charges.  Customer will pay, as applicable, the following NRCs, MRCs and per-transaction Call Back charge for Voice Call Back:


3.5.1    NRC – Installation Charge.  The Voice Call Back Basic Installation charge is $81,000.  Basic Installation covers Voice Call Back configuration, development, support, and testing of up to three queues with not more than three segments within each queue.  Basic Installation also covers:  Implementation, Project Management and Application Programming for existing Hosted IVR applications, and is subject to the following:

§     Customer’s purchase of new Hosted IVR applications with which Voice Call Back may be used may result in an additional standard Hosted IVR install charge.

§     The included cost of Implementation covers ASAP Voice Call Back only.  To cover Scheduled or Web Call Back will involve additional discovery and charges.

§     The resulting solution will support DTMF entries corresponding only to a standard telephone keypad (1-9, #, *).

§     Audio Prompts to the caller will be in English and scripting will be the same for all queues.

§     Reporting will be limited to Standard Network IVR reports and pre-packaged Virtual Hold reports for callback.

§     Two demonstration sessions are included – one for Virtual Hold Manager configuration and one for Virtual Hold reporting.


3.5.2    Additional Charges.  The Basic Installation charge does not include other tasks and elements usually needed to complete a Voice Call Back implementation, such as the following which will be separately charged:

·                  Scripting, translation, and audio prompts (recordings) for languages other than English

·                  Additional reporting segments

·                  Enhanced reporting

·                  Intelligent Contact Routing strategy scripting

·                  Speech Services

·                  Web integration work


3.5.3    ASAP Voice Call Back – Call Flow.  The standard ASAP call flow is as follows:

·                  The estimated-wait-time (“EWT”) threshold is exceeded and the caller is offered a Voice Call Back.

·                  The caller accepts the Voice Call Back offer, validates a callback number and records his/her name to be used in the return call.

·                  When the EWT lapses, a call is launched to the caller.

§     If the caller answers, three options are presented:

(i)               Accept the callback now and connect to an agent.

(ii)              Delay the callback for a pre-determined amount of time (this can only happen a configurable number of times).

(iii)            Cancel the callback.

§     If the callback is not answered (Busy, Ring No Answer, Answering Machine), the Voice Call Back platform will retry until the pre-configured retry counter is met.

·                  The callback will be billed when the caller accepts the callback, or the number of retries has been met.


3.5.4    NRC – Installation Charge – Additional Queues.  For ASAP Voice Call Back applications, an NRC will be charged per additional queue/segment above the first three.  Verizon will inform Customer of the amount of the NRC per additional queue – at a minimum, $1,200 – based on Verizon’s examination to determine the additional development required.  Verizon will not proceed to implement additional queues until Customer has assented to the associated charges outlined in an applicable SOW.


3.5.5    NRC – Scheduled Voice Call Back, Web Call Back.  An SOW is required to implement these Services.  The associated NRCs will be set forth in the SOW.


3.5.6    MRC.  The MRC for Voice Call Back is $9,900, and covers the costs of equipment installation, applicable upgrades, equipment maintenance, and HelpDesk-like support of the hardware platform.


3.5.7    Per-Transaction Call Back Charge.  $0.45 per requested call back.


3.6       Custom Call Records (CCRs).  The following monthly recurring charges apply to CCRs per IP-IVR application, based on delivery frequency:


Delivery Frequency









3.7       Miscellaneous Charges, Surcharges, and Fees.  IPCC Services may be subject to the following charges, surcharges, and fees, without limitation:


3.7.1    Payment Invoice Charge


3.7.2    Payphone Use Surcharge


3.7.3    Property Tax Recovery Charge


3.7.4    Convenience Payment Charge applies.