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Prior to August 1, 2001, service was furnished under WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 8 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.  Beginning December 1, 2005, such service is not available to new Customers.


Please note the following regarding this important change.


·        WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 8 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised General Definitions and new or revised General Terms and Conditions of Service contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1.  Like the service in former WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 8, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts.  Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 8 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found in WIDSI Tariff FCC. No. 8 and currently contained in this Guide.


·        Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 8 on July 31, 2001.


·        If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.


·        The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.


·        Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”



1.0       GENERAL


1.1       Definition of Terms  Effective June 23, 2001, all Definitions are superseded by the General Definitions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff F.C.C No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.


            Application for Service - A Company order form which includes all pertinent billing, technical and other descriptive information which will enable the Company to provide a communications service as required.


            Authorized User - a person, firm or corporation which is authorized by the customer to be connected to the channel or channels leased from the Company, for the purpose of communicating with the customer. Such communications must relate solely to the business of the customer. The name and address of each authorized user must be specifically identified to the Company before service may be permitted over the equipment installed in the authorized user's office.


            Bit - Denotes the smallest unit of information in the binary system.


            Bps - Bits per second.


            Cancellation of Order - The withdrawal by the customer of an order for service prior to the completion of installation by the Company.


            CCITT - The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee.






            Company - WorldCom International Data Services, Inc., successor to Western Union International, Inc. (WUI), or any successor entity.


            Conditioning - Special conditioning of a voice grade channel to meet performance specifications required for processing data. The customer is responsible for requesting the specific type of conditioning required.







            Discontinuance - The discontinuance of a circuit, dedicated access line or port connection being used for existing service.  (This differs from a Cancellation of Order).





            Theoretical Midpoint - A theoretical point midway between the terminals of the Company and its overseas correspondent.  For example, the theoretical midpoint for a channel provided by a satellite facility is the satellite.  For a channel provided by a submarine cable facility, the theoretical midpoint is a point midway between the end terminals serving the cable system.

1.2       Application of Tariff


1.2.1    This tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to the portion of International Private Network Service furnished by the Company, between its terminals located within the continental United States and overseas terminals operated by the Company's correspondents or the Company's terminals in offshore locations, EXCEPT THAT, EFFECTIVE JUNE 23, 2001, THE DEFINITIONS OF TERMS AND THE REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS TARIFF AT SECTIONS 1.1 AND 1.3, RESPECTIVELY, ARE SUPERSEDED BY THE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN WORLDCOM TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 1, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 1.C.01 THEREOF.












1.2.2    International Private Network Service include the furnishing by the Company of the service listed below, as identified in this tariff:


Service Type                                                               Section


Low Speed Channels                                                  Section 3.0

Medium Speed Channels                                            Section 4.0

Standard Voice Grade Channels                                Section 5.0

Promotional Voice Grade Channels                            Section 6.0

Skyline IBD Channels                                                 Section 7.0

Skyline SCPC Channels                                             Section 8.0

Skyline DOMSAT Channels                                        Section 9.0

Fiberline Channels                                                      Section 10.0

Fiberline Extension Channels                                     Section 11.0

TalkLine Channels                                                      Section 12.0

DualLine Service                                                         Section 13.0

Interoffice Extension Channels                                   Section 14.0

Special Channels                                                        Section 15.0

Network Service Arrangements                                  Section 16.0

Telecommunications Service Priority                          Section 17.0

Promotional offerings                                                  Section 18.0

Service Consolidation Arrangement                           Section 19.0

MultiLine Service                                                         Section 20.0

Managed Service Links                                               Section 21.0


1.2.3    The customer must furnish the facilities required to provide interconnection from the customer's location to the Company's terminal.





1.2.5    The Company does not undertake to transmit messages.













1.3       Regulations  Effective June 23, 2001, all Regulations are superseded by the General Terms and Conditions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff F.C.C No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.


1.3.1    Description of Service Except where noted, channels are arranged for duplex operation and shall be capable of being extended beyond the respective terminal locations of the Company to the offices of the customer, or authorized user. The Company, acting at the customer's request and as his authorized agent, will make reasonable efforts to arrange for the necessary facilities abroad for customers wishing service with overseas terminals operated by the Company's correspondent.  When the Company, at the customer's request, bills the overseas charges, the charges will reflect the amount which would be billed to the customer's overseas office(s).


                        The Company will charge an administrative charge of $10 per month per channel for billing the charges of the Company's overseas correspondent. The rates and regulations published herein are applicable to all services being offered regardless of the type of facility utilized (e.g., cable, satellite, microwave, radio, cable/satellite, cable/cable or the like) by which the Company provides its international Private Network Service, except as otherwise specifically indicated.  The facilities furnished by the Company are communications paths suitable of the purpose furnished and are derived in such a manner as the Company may elect.


1.3       Regulations


1.3.2    Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability of facilities and the provisions of this tariff. The Company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing facilities when necessary because of conditions beyond its control. In furnishing service between its terminals, the Company's responsibility is limited to the furnishing of facilities which will establish a communications path between such terminals. In furnishing service between a terminal of the Company and an overseas terminal of a correspondent, the Company's responsibility is limited to the furnishing of facilities between its terminal and the theoretical midpoint, which, its terminal and the theoretical midpoint, which, when combined with the facilities provided by such correspondent, will establish a communications path between two terminals.


1.3.3    Use of Service International Private Network Service obtained from this tariff for the purpose of resale for the provision of third party services requires authorization from the Federal Communications Commission and a demonstration that the foreign government or administration affords equivalent resale opportunities.


1.3.4    Substitute Service


                        In the event of channel interruption caused by storms, or the action of the elements, or other acts of God, or by strikes, or by civil or military authority, or by wars, insurrections, riots, rebellions or the unlawful acts of individuals, or by other conditions beyond the control of the Company, the Company reserves the right to provide International Private Network Service by any available substitute means (if acceptable to the customer) pending restoration of normal service.  This substitution applies only to another form of private network service and not to other services such as MTS, Telex, etc.  Use of MTS and Telex services are subject to the rates, rules and regulations in the tariffs applicable to such services.


















1.3.5    Payment Arrangements and Credit Allowances Payment of Charges


                        (A)       The Company will render invoices monthly in advance.


                        (B)       Invoices are payable 30 days from the invoice date.


                        (C)       Installation charges are payable at the time of establishing service.  Payments are due when a bill is rendered.


                        (D)       Applicants for service who have no account with the Company, or whose financial responsibility is not a matter of general knowledge, may be required to make an advance payment at the time an application for service is placed with the Company, equal to the installation charges if applicable, and at least one month's estimated charges for the service to be provided. In addition, where the furnishing of service involves an unusual investment, the applicant may be required to make payment in advance of such portion of the estimated cost of the installation as is to be borne by it. The amount of the advance payment is credited to the customer's accounts as applying to indebtedness of the customer for the service furnished.


                        (E)       Applicants for service or existing customers whose financial condition is not acceptable to the Company, or is not a matter of general knowledge, may be required at any time to provide the Company a security deposit. The deposit will be in cash or the equivalent of cash, up to an amount equal to the applicable installation charges, if any, and/or up to three months' estimated charges based upon the Company's experience with customers whose service has been discontinued for non-payment of their first three invoices. Any applicant or customer may also be required at any time, whether before or after the commencement of service, to provide such other assurances of, or security for, the payment of charges for its services as the Company may deem necessary, including, without limitation, advance payments for service, third party guarantees of payment, pledges or other grants of security interests in the customers' assets, and similar arrangements. The required deposit or other security may be increased or decreased by the Company as it deems appropriate in the light of changing conditions. In addition, the Company shall be entitled to require such an applicant or customer to pay all its bills within a specified period of time, and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash. In case of a cash deposit, simple interest at the rate of six percent (6%) annually will be paid for the period during which the deposit is held by the Company, unless a different rate has been established by the appropriate legal authority in the jurisdiction in which the Company service in question is provided. At the Company's option, such deposit may be refunded to the customer's account at any time. Also, the Company reserves the right to cease accepting and processing service orders after it has requested a security deposit and prior to the customer's compliance with this request.


                        (F)       In the event the Company incurs fees or expenses, including attorney's fees, in collecting, or attempting to collect, any charges owed the Company, the customer will be liable to the Company for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred. Cancellation for Cause          The Company may discontinue the furnishing of service(s) to a customer, without incurring any liability under the following conditions.       Immediately and without notice if the Company deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or services.  The Company may discontinue service pursuant to Section if:


                                    (A)       The customer refuses to furnish information  to the Company regarding the customer's credit-worthiness, its past or current use of common carrier communications services or its planned use of service(s); or


                                    (B)       The customer provides false information to the Company regarding the customer's identity, address, credit-worthiness, past  or current use of common carrier communications services, or its planned use of the Company service(s); or


                                    (C)       The customer has been given written notice by the Company of any past due amount (which remains unpaid in whole or in part) for any of the Company's other common carrier communications services to which the customer either subscribes or had subscribed or used.       Immediately upon written notice to the customer of any sum thirty (30) days past due.          Thirty (30) days after sending the customer written notice of noncompliance with any other provision of this tariff if the noncompliance is  not corrected within the thirty (30) day period.          The discontinuance of service(s) by the Company pursuant to this Section does not relieve the customer of any obligation to pay the Company for charges due and owing for service(s) furnished up to the time of discontinuance, including all  expenses and fees (including reasonable attorney's fees and collection agency fees) incurred by the Company in connection with the collection of any unpaid sum owed to the Company. Minimum and Fractional Rates and Charges


                        (A)       The minimum billing periods, noted in consecutive months, for International Private Network Service are as follows:


Low Speed Channels                                      One month

Medium Speed Channels                                One month

Standard Voice Grade Channels                    One month

Promotional Voice Grade Channels                One month

Skyline IBS Channels                                     Three months*

Skyline SCPC Channels                                 One month

Skyline DOMSAT Channels                            Three months*

Fiberline Channels                                          Three months*

Fiberline Extension Channels                         Three months*

TalkLine Channels                                          One month

DualLine Service                                             Twelve months

Inter Office Extension Channels                     One month

Special Channels                                            As specified in Section 15.

Network Service Arrangement                        As specified in Section 16.

Managed Service Links                                   Three months*


*           For term commitments, there is a one year minimum.


                        (B)       When service does not begin on the first day of a monthly billing period or end on the last day of a monthly billing period, the charge for the fractional part of the monthly billing period during which service is furnished will be a proportionate part of the monthly charge based on the ratio of the number of days in such beginning or concluding fractional monthly billing period to 30 days. Rate Changes          Rate Reductions


                        In the event the Company lowers a rate for a particular service, all customers receiving that service will receive the lower rate when it becomes effective.          Rate Increases


                        In the event the Company raises a rate for a particular service, customers who have made previous term commitments for that service may discontinue service without incurring an early discontinuance penalty by written notice to the Company within thirty days following the effective date of such a rate increase.  Such a discontinuance will not relieve the customer from its liability to pay for all services received through and including the date of discontinuance.





 Discontinuance of Service


                        The Company requires the following minimum notice period to effect discontinuance of an International Private Network Service, including without limitation all services listed below.  Customer must provide written notice, either: (a) of 30 days; or (b) equal to the cancellation period required by third-parties (such as PTTs) for the non-U.S. Mainland portion of the service the Customer is canceling, whichever is longer.


Low Speed Channels

Medium Speed Channels

Standard Voice Grade Channels

Promotional Voice Grade Channels

Skyline IBS Channels

Skyline SCPC Channels

Skyline DOMSAT Channels

Fiberline Channels

Fiberline Extension Channels

TalkLine Channels

DualLine Service

Inter Office Extension Channels

Special Channels

Network Service Arrangement

MultiLine Service

Managed Service Links                                              


                        The following regulations apply when a request for discontinuance of services and/or facilities is initiated by a domestic customer.


                        Charges will continue to apply whether or not the customer continues to use the service.


                        Notice must contain:


                        a.         The lease number or global circuit identifier of the circuit to be terminated.


                        b.         The date when service is to be discontinued.  The discontinuance will be effective as of the requested date or the end of the notice period, whichever is later.


                        c.         The customer contact name and telephone number.


                                    The following regulation applies when a request for discontinuance of services and/or facilities is initiated by a foreign carrier and/or overseas correspondent:


                                    The Company will notify the customer in writing of the discontinuance request.  If the customer does not agree to the discontinuance it is the customer's responsibility to correspond with its foreign correspondent and have the discontinuance request modified or cancelled through the foreign carrier.                      Exceptions to Discontinuance of Service


                                    The notice of discontinuance for circuits being disconnected because of an upgrade to a higher transmission speed (not to include 56 kbps to 64 kbps) or for an upgrade to a longer term of commitment or for conversion from an analog to a digital service is thirty (30) days. Cancellation or Delay by Customer before Service Started


                        (A)       Cancellation by Customer before Service Started:


                                    A Customer may, by written notice, cancel an application for service subsequent to its submission to the Company.  However, once an application for service has been accepted by the Company, if subsequently cancelled, the Company will impose a cancellation charge equal to the greater of:


                                    (1)        the total of the non-recurring charges plus one month's monthly recurring charges for the service to be provided by the Company, or


                                    (2)        $6,000.00;


                                    plus all non-recurring, monthly recurring and termination charges for US Access Facilities, if any, imposed by the providers of such facilities.


                                    Where special construction of facilities has been started prior to the cancellation, and there is no other requirement for the specially constructed facilities, the Company will impose a charge equal to the costs incurred in the special construction.


                        Special construction of facilities for a Customer is considered to have started when the Company incurs any expense in connection therewith, or in preparation therefore, which would not otherwise have been incurred.


                        (B)       Delay by Customer before Service is Started:


                                    A Customer may, upon written notice to the Company, delay the scheduled in-service date of an order involving the installation or reconfiguration of a service, up to a maximum of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days after the original order due date.


                                    The Customer will pay all charges which are incurred by the Company on behalf of the Customer during the delay period.


                                    After an initial 30 consecutive calendar days of delay, the Customer has the option to:


                                    (1)        accept billing for the service, or


                                    (2)        cancel the order and pay the applicable cancellation charge, or


                                    (3)        continue the delay for an additional 30 day period, subject to the agreement of the Company, and continue to pay for all charges which are incurred by the Company on behalf of the Customer during the delay period.


                        If the Customer elects to accept billing, the installation or reconfiguration will be completed as soon as reasonably practical after the Customer gives the Company written notice to proceed. Interruptions to Service


                        Interruptions to International Private Network Service which are not due to the negligence of the Customer, are credited upon the Customer's request at the proportionate part of the Company's monthly recurring charge as indicated below:


                        The duration of an interruption is calculated as follows:


                                 An interruption begins after the receipt by the Company of a Fault Report and upon release by the Customer of the service in fault.


                                 An interruption concludes with the first attempt of the Company to advise the Customer contact that service has been restored.





                        Credits for interruptions are granted as follows:


                        (A)       A credit is granted only for an outage that occurs within the service provided by the Company.


                        (B)       No credit is granted for an interrupt­ion of less than 30 minutes or for interrupti­ons caused by:


                                    (1)        failure of commercial power supplies,


                                    (2)        failure in Public Network Facilities to which a service may be connected,


                                    (3)        Solar or atmospheric conditions (applicable to services provided through satellite facilities).


                        (C)       For an interruption greater than 30 minutes and less than three hours (or in the event of two or more interruptions within any three hour period which accumulate to greater than 30 minutes), a credit equal to .0033 times the monthly recurring charge imposed by the Company is granted.


                        (D)       For each additional three hours (or fraction thereof) up to a cumulative interruption of 15 hours, a credit equal to .0066 times the monthly recurring charge imposed by the Company is granted.


                        (E)       For an interruption of more than 15 hours, a credit equal to .033 times the monthly recurring charge imposed by the Company is granted for each day of an interruption.


                        (F)       The Company will not be liable for interruption     credit in any case where the claim for credit is not presented to the Company within 90 days after the day on which the interruption occurred. Prolonged Service Interruptions


                        Where the Company can determine that the service interruption will be prolonged, beyond one month, the customer will have the following options:


                        (a)        discontinue the service effective the beginning of the prolonged interruption without having to give the required notice of discontinuance under section, or


                        (b)        pay for the local access and other interconnecting facilities required to keep the circuit "active" so as to be able to reactivate the circuit at short notice when communications facilities are restored end-to-end.












1.3.6    Inspection


                        The Company may, upon suitable notice, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the requirements of this tariff are being complied with in the installation, operation and maintenance of the customer's, authorized user's, or Company's equipment.  The Company may interrupt the channel at any time because of departure from any of these requirements.


1.3.7    Testing and Regulating


                        Upon suitable notice, the facilities provided by the Company shall be made available to the Company for such tests and adjustments as may be necessary to maintain them in satisfactory condition.  No interruption allowance will be made to the customer for the time required for making such tests.


1.3.8    Station Equipment The characteristics of the station equipment furnished by the customer at either end of the facility shall be such that its connection to the facility does not interfere with other services over facilities used to provide the services.  In cases where additional protective equipment is required, such equipment shall be provided at the customer's expense. A customer or authorized user must also provide, at his or her expense, the operating personnel and electric power at his or her office.


1.3.9    Interconnection with Facilities of Others International Private Network Service furnished by the Company pursuant to this tariff may be connected, on the premises of the Customer or on the premises of the Company, to domestic leased facility service furnished within the United States by other carriers. The furnishing of service by the Company is not part of a joint undertaking with another carrier which provides domestic leased facility service. When the Customer desires to connect the service furnished by the Company with domestic leased facility service furnished by another carrier, as permitted herein, the Customer shall make all arrangements with such other carrier concerning the domestic leased facility service.  The Company, however, when requested to do so by the Customer, will make the necessary arrangements with a domestic carrier to connect the service.  In completing such arrangements on behalf of the Customer, the Company shall be deemed to be the authorized agent of the Customer and, in addition to the charges applied by the domestic carrier, the following charges shall be imposed and billed by the Company for each such connection not provisioned via the facilities of the Company or its affiliated companies.


                                                                                       Monthly                          Non-Recurring

                        Servicio                                           Recurring Charge            Installation Charge


                        Low Speed Channels                                $20                                        $200

                        Medium Speed Channels                            20                                          200

                        Standard Voice Grade Channels

                                                                                            20                                          200

                        Promotional Voice Grade Channels

                                                                                            20                                          200

                        TalkLine Channels                                      20                                          200

                              Special Channels                                  20                                          200

                        All other services:

                                            56/64            kbps                    60                                          265

                                          128                 kbps                    60                                          265

                                          192                 kbps                    60                                          265

                                          256                 kbps                    60                                          265

                                          384                 kbps                    60                                          265

                                          512                 kbps                    60                                          265

                                          768                 kbps                    60                                          265

                                              1.024          Mbps                  60                                          265

                                              1.544          Mbps                  60                                          310

                                              2.048          Mbps                  95                                          475


1.3.10  Liability of the Company




           The liability of the Company for damages arising out of the interruptions or delays occurring in the course of furnishing the service or facility and not caused by the negligence of the customer, or authorized user, or of the Company in failing to maintain proper standards of maintenance and operation, and to exercise reasonable supervision, shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period of service during which such interruption or delay occurs.           The Company is not liable for any act of a correspondent or other company or companies furnishing a portion of the through service beyond an amount equivalent to the Company's proportionate charge to the Customer for the period during which such act occurs.           Except for granting credit allowance for interruptions of service as provided for in section, the Company shall not be liable for any failure of performance due to causes beyond its control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, fires, floods or other catastrophes; national emergencies, insurrections, riots or wars; strikes, lockouts, work stoppages or other labor difficulties; Preemption of existing services to restore service in compliance with Part 64, Subpart D, Appendix A, of the FCC's rules and regulations; and any law, order, regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof.           The Company shall be indemnified and saved harmless by the customer against:


                        (A)       claims for libel, slander and infringement of copyright, arising from the Customer's use of the facilities;


                        (B)       claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with, or using in connection with, facilities furnished by the Company, equipment, extensions and systems of the Customer, and


                        (C)       all other claims arising out of any act of the Customer in connection with the facilities provided by the Company.           In no event shall the Company be liable to Customer for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary loss or damage of any kind, including lost profits (whether or not the Company has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damages) by reason of any act or omission in its performance under this tariff.




1.3.12  Specified Routing Charges


                        The Company will, where capacity is available, provide specified routing of circuits when requested by the customer. The following specified routing options are available for Skyline IBS Channels and Fiberline Channels, at transmission speeds of 56 kbps and above:*


                        Diversity - Is the diverse routing of two or more channels over physically separate overseas cable routes provided by the Company.


                        Installation Charge per half-circuit       $500


                        Avoidance - Is the avoidance of specified routes, geographic location or international facility.


                        Installation Charge per half-circuit        $750


                        Diversity and Avoidance


                        Installation Charge per half-circuit        $750


*           Circuits ordered as part of MultiLine Service are not subject to Diversity and Avoidance charges.


1.3.13  Parallel Service


                        Any customer who chooses to continue an existing service parallel to the establishment of a new service, the Company will, upon receipt of written notice, disconnect the original service and the customer will be charged for the actual number of days for the parallel service plus an amount equal to 15 days for the service being discontinued.  The customer remains responsible for all recurring and non-recurring charges that may be imposed for local facilities by the provider of such service including termination charges if any.


1.3.14  Specialized Customer Arrangements:




1.4       General Charges


            FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.


1.5       Special Access Surcharge


Special Access Surcharges for private line services will not be applied after receipt of an Exemption Certificate from the Customer.  A credit, not to exceed three months, will be given for a private line surcharge imposed during the period prior to the receipt of the Exemption Certificate.


1.6       Customer Support Services charges apply.



            Network Pricing Plan (NPP):  The NPP is a plan under which a customer commits to a minimum level of monthly revenue for a set period of time.  For this commitment, the customer receives benefits which are determined by the channels enrolled in the NPP.


2.1       Enrollment in NPP


            Under these plans, a customer commits to a minimum monthly revenue level of combined usage over a selected term, and receives the corresponding NPP benefit for the channels enrolled under the committed plan.  Network Pricing Plans are available at minimum monthly revenue levels of $2,000, $25,000 and $40,000 over terms of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years.


            Qualifying Channels


            The following channels, as identified in this tariff, are qualified for enrollment in an NPP:


Service Type                                                                                       Section

Standard Voice Grade Channels                                                        Section 5.0

Bulk Voice Grade Channels                                                                Section 5.0

Promotional Voice Grade Channels                                                    Section 6.0

Skyline IBS Channels                                                                         Section 7.0

Skyline SCPC Channels                                                                     Section 8.0

Skyline DOMSAT Channels                                                                Section 9.0

Fiberline Channels                                                                              Section 10.0

Fiberline Extension Channels                                                             Section 11.0

TalkLine Channels                                                                              Section 12.0

Special Channels                                                                                Section 15.0

MultiLine Service – Aggregate Composite Channels                          Section 20.0

Managed Service Links                                                                       Section 21.0


            The Customer must select the desired revenue commitment, the term of the commitment, and the calendar month in which the plan is to commence.  The customer must also designate the channels to be included in the plan.  A Customer may transfer an existing channel with an existing term of commitment to a plan of equal or longer term without penalty.


            A customer may subscribe to multiple NPP's; however, a given channel may be enrolled in only one NPP at a time.


2.2       Discontinuance of NPP


2.2.1    A customer may discontinue an NPP without liability if:


                        (A)       A tariff revision results in a higher minimum monthly revenue level for the plan.


                        (B)       The Customer replaces his or her plan with a plan containing an equal or higher level of commitment which expires on or after the expiration date of the plan being revised.


                        (C)       A tariff revision results in lower monthly recurring charges for one or more channels enrolled which causes the combined monthly revenue of all channels enrolled to fall below the minimum commitment and the customer converts to that lower minimum revenue plan.


                        (D)       A tariff revision results in lower rates which causes the customer to be unable to meet the lowest minimum revenue plan.


2.2.2    If a customer discontinues an NPP and none of the conditions identified in Section 2.2.1 apply, the following penalty shall be incurred:


                        (A)       If discontinuance occurs in the first year, the sum of the minimum monthly payments due in the remainder of the first year plus thirty-five percent (35%) of the minimum monthly payments due for the remainder of the term of commitment.


                        (B)       If discontinuance occurs after the first year and more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the term commitment, thirty-five percent (35%) of the minimum monthly payment due for the remainder of the term of commitment. For service discontinued within three (3) months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the minimum monthly payment due for the remainder of the term.


2.3       Regulations


            All requests to commence, change, or discontinue an NPP must be made in writing and be received by the Company by the fourteenth day of the month preceding the month in which the desired action is to take effect.  All NPP changes for existing circuits take effect on the first day of a calendar month.


2.3.1    Compliance with the minimum monthly revenue requirement is determined by adding the following charges for all channels enrolled in an NPP:


                        a)         the monthly recurring charge for a month-to-month commitment for:


                                                Standard Voice Grade Channels

                                                Bulk Voice Grade Channels

                                                Promotional Voice Grade Channels

                                                Skyline IBS Channels

                                                Skyline SCPC Channels

                                                Skyline DOMSAT Channels

                                                Fiberline Channels

                                                Fiberline Extension Channels

                                                TalkLine Channels

                                                Special Channels

                                                MultiLine Service - Aggregate Composite Channels


                        b)         the monthly recurring charge corresponding to the term of commitment for a Promotional Voice Grade Channel.


                        c)         to the un-discounted value of circuits enrolled in a corresponding customer specified domestic and International Network Pricing Plan sponsored by the Company and/or its affiliates.


2.4       Benefits


            NPP benefits are calculated by applying the benefit percentage identified in Section 2.4.1 to the monthly recurring charge for a month-to-month term of commitment to each channel enrolled in an NPP.


            Benefits earned under an NPP may be applied as a whole in one of the following ways to services provided by the Company as designated by the customer.


                        1)         as a discount against the Customer's monthly billing for International Private Network Service, or


                        2)         as a credit against the Customer's monthly billing for international Telex, Cablegram or IMPACS service as provided by the Company.


2.4.1    Benefit Tables The following Benefit Table applies for those customers who subscribe to a Network Pricing Plan on or before May 31, 1992.


                        Benefit Table for:


                        Skyline IBS Channels                         Skyline SCPC Channels

                        Skyline DOMSAT Channels                Fiberline Channels

                        Fiberline Extension Channels



                    Monthly                                 One               Two              Three             Four     Five

                   Revenue                                Año              Año              Año              Año    Año


                      $   5,000                                10%              15%              20%              23%  25%

                         10,000                                10                  15                  20                  23         25

                         25,000                                15                  20                  25                  28         30

                         50,000                                20                  25                  28                  30         31

                       100,000                                25                  28                  30                  31         32

                       200,000                                28                  30                  31                  32         33

                       350,000                                30                  31                  32                  33         34

                       500,000                                31                  32                  33                  34         35

                       750,000                                32                  33                  34                  35         35          The following Benefit Table applies for customers who subscribe to a Network Pricing Plan on or after June 1, 1992.


                        Benefit Table for:


                        Skyline IBS Channels                         Skyline SCPC Channels

                        Skyline DOMSAT Channels                Fiberline Channels

                        Fiberline Extension Channels                         MultiLine Service

                        Managed Service Links



                    Monthly                                 One               Two              Three             Four     Five

                   Revenue                                Año              Año              Año              Año    Año


           $  2,000    -    $24,999.99                10%              15%              19%              22%  24%

           $25,000    -    $39,999.99                12                  17                  21                  24         26

           $40,000    +                                      15                  20                  24                  27         29             Benefit Table for:


                             Standard Voice Grade Channels

                             Bulk Voice Grade Channels

                             TalkLine Channels



                    Monthly                                 One               Two              Three             Four     Five

                   Revenue                                Año              Año              Año              Año    Año


                         $5,000                                  0%                0%                0%                0%    0%

                         10,000                                  0                    0                    0                    0           0

                         25,000                                  0                    0                    0                    0           0

                         50,000                                  0                    0                    0                    0           0

                       100,000                                  0                    0                    0                    0           0

                       200,000                                  0                    0                    0                    0           0

                       350,000                                  0                    0                    0                    0           0

                       500,000                                  0                    0                  24                  27         29

                       750,000                                  0                    0                  24                  27         29 Benefit Tables for:


                        Promotional Voice Grade Channels

                        Special Channels

                         Network Service Arrangements



                    Monthly                                 One               Two              Three             Four     Five

                   Revenue                                Año              Año              Año              Año    Año


                  All plans                                      0%                0%                0%                0%    0%


2.5  Prior NPP Enrollments To Discontinued Commitment Levels


            Customers who enrolled in an NPP under cancelled

            WorldCom International Data Services, Inc. Tariff F.C.C.

            No. 4 prior to April 1, 1990, at monthly revenue

            level of $40,000 or $65,000, with a 1, 3, or 5 year

            term of commitment, will continue to receive  the

            level of benefit appropriate to the NPP in effect in

            March 31, 1990, until March 31, 1991.


            Effective April 1, 1991 customers who had enrolled in

            an NPP at the $40,000 per month commitment level will

            be considered to have enrolled in an NPP at a $25,000

            per month commitment level and customers who had

            enrolled in an NPP at the $65,000 per month commitment

            level will be considered to have enrolled in an NPP at

            a $50,000 per month commitment level.



3.1       Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's Low Speed Channels from the Company's terminal locations to the offshore and overseas points set forth in Section 3.3, Rates.


3.2       Description of Service


            Service consists of providing duplex asynchronous communication channels for the transmission of digital signals at the following speeds:


Quarter Speed or       12.5  bps

Half Speed or             25   bps

Full Speed or              50   bps

                                   75   bps

                                 100   bps

                                 150   bps

                                 200   bps

                                 300   bps

                                 600   bps

                                     1.2  kbps


            The service is provided on a month-to-month commitment, and is provided on a full period basis (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).



4.1       Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's Medium Speed Channels from the Company's terminal locations to the offshore and overseas points set forth in Section 4.3, Rates.


4.2       Description of Service


            Service consists of providing duplex asynchronous communication channels for the transmission of digital signals at the following speeds:


                        2.4 kbps

                        4.8 kbps

                        7.2 kbps

                        9.6 kbps


            The service is provided on a month-to-month commitment, and is provided on a full duplex basis (24 hours a day, 7 days per week).



5.1       Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's Standard Voice Grade Channels from the Company's terminal locations to the offshore and overseas points set forth in Section 5.5, Rates.


5.2       Description of Service


            Service consists of providing full duplex communications channels of telephone type quality.  Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24-hours per day, 7-days per week).


            Such channels may be arranged for use as follows:


                        Channel Type                                      Conditioning


                        Basic Voice                                                     CCITT M1040

                        Data                                                                CCITT M1020

                        Alternate Voice Data (AVD)                CCITT M1020

                        Simultaneous Voice Data (SVD)                     CCITT M1020

                        Speech +1, +2, +3, or +4                                CCITT M1020


            Service is provided on a month-to-month commitment or on a term commitment of one year.


5.3       Discontinuance of One Year Commitment


            Except as provided in Section 5.3.1, if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the following Early Discontinuance Charge will apply:


            (A)       If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service.


5.3.1    Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge


                        A.         When a customer converts a given channel provided by the Company to another channel also provided by the Company from the same Company terminal to the same offshore or overseas point.


                        B.         As described in Section, Rate Increases.


5.4       Expiration of One Year Commitment


            Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of a current term of commitment, a channel will be automatically renewed for an additional one year term commitment at the then current rates for that term of commitment.



6.1       Application of Service


            Customers who order new Voice Grade Channels between October 1, 1990, and December 31, 1990, for installation prior to June 30, 1991, or between January 1, 1991 and March 31, 1991 for installation prior to September 30, 1991, at a term commitment of one or three years, will receive the monthly recurring charges for those terms of commitment set forth in Section 6.5, Rates.


            Customers who order new Voice Grade Channels between May 24, 1991 and August 31, 1991, for installation prior to December 31, 1991, and between November 1, 1991 and January 31, 1992 for installation prior to June 30, 1992, at a term commitment of one or three years, will receive the monthly recurring charges for those terms of commitment set forth in Section 6.6, Special Rates.


            In addition, the Company will also credit the customer an amount equal to the one time, non-recurring installation charges applied by the local exchange carrier or inter-lata carrier for the provision of facilities between a customer's premises and the serving Company terminal, only in the event such charges are billed by the Company as detailed in Section


            The company will also waive the Early Discontinuance Penalty outlined in Section 6.3, provided the customer converts one or more Promotional Voice Grade Channel(s) to a Qualifying Channel detailed in 6.1.1 below, and the channel originates at the same Company terminal, and terminates at the same offshore or overseas point as the Promotional Voice Grade Channel.


            A "new" Voice Grade Channel is:


                        a)         a channel in addition to any existing Voice Grade Channel, detailed in Sections 5.0 and 6.0 of this tariff, a customer may have in service between a given Company terminal and a given offshore or overseas point, or


                        b)         an existing Standard Voice Grade Channel under a month-to-month term for which a customer makes a commitment to a new 1 or 3 year term, or


                        c)         an existing Standard Voice Grade Channel under a 1 year term for which a customer makes a commitment to a new 3 year term.


6.1.1    Qualifying Channels


                                    Service Type                                                   Section


                                    Skyline IBS Channels                         Section 7

                                    Skyline SCPC Channels                                 Section 8

                                    Skyline DOMSAT Channels                Section 9

                                    Fiberline Channels                                          Section 10

                                    Fiberline Extension Channels             Section 11


6.2       Description of Service


            Service consists of providing full duplex communications channels of telephone type quality. Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).


            Such channels may be arranged for use as follows:


                        Channel Type                                      Conditioning


                        Basic Voice                                                     CCITT M1040

                        Data                                                                CCITT M1020

                        Alternate Voice Data (AVD)                CCITT M1020

                        Simultaneous Voice Data (SVD)                     CCITT M1020

                        Speech +1, +2, +3, or +4                                CCITT M1020


6.3       Discontinuance of Service


            Except as provided in Section 6.3.1, if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:


            (A)       If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the current monthly recurring non-promotional charge for the next lessor term of commitment equal to that actually fulfilled by the customer for the unexpired portion of the first year of service, plus thirty-five percent (35%) of that charge for the remaining portion of the applicable term.


            (B)       For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for thirty-five percent (35%) of the current monthly recurring non-promotional charge for the next lessor term of commitment equal to that actually fulfilled by the customer for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three (3) months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the current monthly recurring non-promotional charge for the next lessor term of commitment equal to that actually fulfilled by the customer for the remainder of the term of commitment.


Example 1


A customer has made a 3-year commitment for a Promotional Voice Grade Channel between the New York terminal and the United Kingdom, but discontinues after 24 months of service.


            1.         The number of months in the unexpired portion of the applicable term is twelve (12).


            2.         The current monthly recurring non-promotional charge for the next lessor term of commitment equal to that actually fulfilled by the customer, i.e., 1 year for a Standard Voice Grade Channel from the New York terminal to the United Kingdom, is $3125.


            3.         The calculation is a follows:


                        Early Discontinuance Charge = 12 x $3125

                        Early Discontinuance Charge = $37500

                        Early Discontinuance Charge = $37500 x 35%

                        Early Discontinuance Charge = $13125


6.3.1    Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge


                        A.         When a customer converts a given channel provided by the Company to another channel also provided by the Company from the same Company terminal to the same offshore or overseas point.


                        B.         As described in Section, Rate Increase.


6.4       Expiration of Fixed Term Commitment


            Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of a current term of commitment, a Promotional Voice Grade Channel will be automatically converted to a Standard Voice Grade Channel and renewed for an additional one year term of commitment at the then current rates for that term of Commitment as identified in Section 5.0.



7.1       Application of Service


            This section applies to furnishing of the Company's Skyline IBS Channels from the Company's terminal locations to the overseas points set forth in Section 7.3, Rates, and 7.4, Month-to-Month Rates.


7.2       Description of Service


            Service consists of providing duplex digital half-circuit satellite communications channels routed primarily through Intelsat IBS space segments for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Section 7.3, Rates, and 7.4, Month-to-Month Rates.  Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).


7.2.1    A customer subscribes to a class of service defined by terminal of connection, channel speed, offshore or overseas point and customer term of commitment.


7.2.2    Skyline IBS classes of service permit a customer to make month-to-month (3 month minimum) or one, three or five year term commitments.


7.2.3    The minimum billing period for Skyline IBS month to month service is three months, and the minimum billing period for a Skyline IBS term of commitment of one year or greater is 12 months.


7.2.4    Discontinuance of Service Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Except as provided in Section, if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:


                        (A)       If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the  first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges  for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.


                        (B)       For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the customer is liable  for thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three (3) months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the total monthly charges for the remainder of the term of commitment.


                        Example 1


                        A customer has made a 1-year commitment for a 56 kbps lease between the New York terminal and the United Kingdom, but discontinues after 5 months of service.


                        1.         The customer originally committed to a 12 month term, however, only retained the service for a period of 5 months leaving 7 months on the unexpired portion of the term.


                        2.         The current monthly recurring charge for the customer's term of commitment, i.e. 1 year is $2710.


                        3. The equation is calculated as follows:


                                    Early Discontinuance Charge = 7 x ($2710)

                                    Early Discontinuance Charge = $18970


                        Example 2


                        A customer has made a 5-year commitment for a 56 kbps lease between the New York terminal and the United Kingdom, but discontinues after 40 months of service.


                        1.         The unexpired portion of the term is 20 months.


                        2.         The current monthly recurring charge for the customer's term of commitment, i.e., 5 years for 56 kbps Skyline IBS Service from the New York terminal to the United Kingdom, is $2420.


                        3.         The equation is calculated as follows:


                                    Early Discontinuance Charge = 20 x $2420

                                    Early Discontinuance Charge = $48400

                                    Early Discontinuance Charge = $48400 x 35%

                                    Early Discontinuance Charge = $16940 Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge


                        A.         When a customer converts a given channel provided by  the Company to another channel also provided by the  Company and/or its affiliates to the same offshore or  overseas point. If converting to a channel provided under International Private Network Service, the channel must be of equal or greater bandwidth and term. The new service must be ordered and installed within three months from the date of cancellation of the International Private Network Service or the Early Discontinuance Charges will apply.


                        B.         When a customer converts a given channel provided by the Company to another channel also provided by the Company and/or its affiliates to a different offshore or overseas point.  The new channel must be of equal or greater bandwidth and term as the channel being converted. There will be a $1,000 non-recurring charge for each channel converted and the new channel must be ordered and installed within three months from the date of cancellation of the converted channel or the Early Discontinuance Charges will apply.


                        C.        When a customer enrolls a channel in a Network Pricing Plan, provided however, that the customer retains this channel in service for a period of three months subsequent to enrollment.


                        D.        As described in Section, Rate Increase.


                        E.         When a customer converts to DualLine Service under the terms and conditions outlined in Section 13.


                        F.         When a customer cancels service prior to the expiration of the service term due to the termination of the foreign half-circuit associated with the Company's service, and such termination results from circumstances beyond the customer's control, which circumstances the customer must demonstrate upon request to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company.


7.2.5    Expiration of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance, or renews his service for another term at the then current rate for that term at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the current term, a term commitment will be automatically renewed for an additional one year term at the current rates for that term of commitment.


7.2.6    Discontinued Term Commitments


                        Customers formerly enrolled in a 2 year term commitment for International Business Satellite Service offered under MCI International Telecommunications Corporation Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, receive a corresponding Skyline IBS Channel at the rate set forth in Section 7.3, Rates, for a 3 year term of commitment for the balance of the remaining two year term.


7.2.7    Prior Promotions


                        Customers who, as a result of an Introductory Discount Promotion for International Business Services offered under cancelled RCA Global Communications, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 58, received a 3 or 5 months of free service in return for term commitments of 3 or 5 years respectively shall received the balance of the unallocated months of free service on the same schedule for Skyline IBS Channels.



8.1       Application of Service


            This section applies to furnishing of the Company's Skyline Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC) Channels from the Company's terminal locations to the offshore and overseas points set forth in Section 8.3, Rates.


8.2       Description of Service


            Service consists of providing digital satellite communications channels for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Section 8.3, Rates.  Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).



9.1       Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's Skyline DOMSAT Duplex Digital Satellite Channels from the Company's terminal locations to the offshore and overseas points set forth in Sections 9.5, Rates Puerto Rico, and 9.6, Rates Hawaii.


9.2       Description of Service


            Service consists of providing duplex digital satellite communications channels routed primarily through Domestic space segments for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Sections 9.5, Rates Puerto Rico and 9.6, Rates Hawaii.  Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).


9.2.1    A customer subscribes to a class of service defined by terminal of connection, channel speed, offshore or overseas point and term of commitment.


9.2.2    Skyline DOMSAT classes of service permit a customer to make month-to-month (3 month minimum) or one, three or five year term commitments.


9.2.3    The minimum billing period for Skyline DOMSAT month to month service is three months, and the minimum billing period for a Skyline DOMSAT term of commitment of one year or greater is 12 months.


9.3       Early Discontinuance of Service


9.3.1    Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Except as provided in Section 9.3.2, if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:


                        (A)       If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.


                        (B)       For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three (3) months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the total monthly charges for the remainder of the term of commitment.


9.3.2    Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge


                        A.         When a customer converts a given channel provided by  the Company to another channel also provided by the  Company and/or its affiliates to the same offshore or  overseas point. If converting to a channel provided under International Private Network Service, the channel must be of equal or greater bandwidth and term. The new service must be ordered and installed within three months from the date of cancellation of the International Private Network Service or the Early Discontinuance Charges will apply.


                        B.         When a customer converts a given channel provided by the Company to another channel also provided by the Company and/or its affiliates to the same offshore or overseas point.  The new channel must be of equal or greater bandwidth and term as the channel being converted. There will be a $1,000 non-recurring charge for each channel converted and the new channel must be ordered and installed within three months from the date of cancellation of the converted channel or the Early Discontinuance Charges will apply.


                        C.        When a customer enrolls a channel in a Network Pricing Plan, provided however, that the customer retains this channel in service for a period of three months subsequent to enrollment.


                        D.        As described in Section, Rate Increase.


                        E.         When a customer converts to DualLine Service under the terms and conditions outlined in Section 13.


                        F.         When a customer cancels service prior to the expiration of the service term due to the termination of the foreign half-circuit associated with the Company's service, and such termination results from circumstances beyond the customer's control, which circumstances the customer must demonstrate upon request to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company.


9.4       Expiration of Fixed Term Commitments


            Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance, or renews his service for another term at the then current rate for that term at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the current term, a term commitment will be automatically renewed for an additional one year term at the current rates for that term of commitment.



10.1     Application of Service


            This section applies to furnishing of the Company's Fiberline Channels from the Company's terminal locations to the offshore and overseas points set forth in Sections 10.3, Rates, and 10.4 Month-to-Month Rates.


10.2     Description of Service


            Service consists of providing duplex digital half-circuit communications channels routed primarily through fiber optic cable facilities for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Sections 10.3, Rates, and 10.4, Month-to-Month Rates.  Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).


10.2.1  A customer subscribes to a class of service defined by terminal of connection, channel speed, offshore or overseas point and customer term of commitment.


10.2.2  Fiberline Channel classes of service permit a customer to make month-to-month (3 month minimum) or one, three or five year term commitments.


10.2.3  The minimum billing period for Fiberline month to month service is three months, and the minimum billing period for a Fiberline term of commitment of one year or longer is 12 months.


10.2.4  Discontinuance of Service           Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Except as provided in Section if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:


                        (A)       If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.


                        (B)       For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the  customer is liable for thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three (3) months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the total monthly charges for the remainder of the term of commitment.           Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge


                        A.         When a customer converts a given channel provided by  the Company to another channel also provided by the  Company and/or its affiliates to the same offshore or  overseas point. If converting to a channel provided under International Private Network Service, the channel must be of equal or greater bandwidth and term. The new service must be ordered and installed within three months from the date of cancellation of the International Private Network Service or the Early Discontinuance Charges will apply.


                        B.         When a customer converts a given channel provided by the Company to another channel also provided by the Company and/or its affiliates to a different offshore or overseas point.  The new channel must be of equal or greater bandwidth and term as the channel being converted. There will be a $1,000 non-recurring charge for each channel converted and the new channel must be ordered and installed within three months from the date of cancellation of the converted channel or the Early Discontinuance Charges will apply.


                        C.        When a customer enrolls a channel in a Network Pricing Plan, provided however, that the customer retains this channel in service for a period of three months subsequent to enrollment.


                        D.        As described in Section, Rate Increase.


                        E.         When a customer converts to DualLine Service under the terms and conditions outlined in Section 13.


                        F.         When a customer cancels service prior to the expiration of the service term due to the termination of the foreign half-circuit associated with the Company's service, and such termination results from circumstances beyond the customer's control, which circumstances the customer must demonstrate upon request to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company.


10.2.5  Expiration of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance, or renews his service for another term at the then current rate for that term at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the current term, a term commitment will be automatically renewed for an additional one year term at the then current rates for that term of commitment.


10.2.6  Prior Promotions


                        Customers who, as a result of promotions for Fiberline Digital Service offered under cancelled WorldCom International Data Services, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 4, received a 25%, 15%, 12% or 8% discount from the standard tariffed rates for Fiberline Digital Service in return for an early commitment to Fiberline Digital Service will receive as of April 1, 1990 a corresponding Fiberline Channel at a rate equal to the lesser of:


                                    a)         the net rate with discount applied for Fiberline Digital Service in effect on March 31, 1990 for the balance of such a channel's term of commitment, or


                                    b)         the rate identified in Section 10.3 herein.


                        There will be no further effect of the prior discounts offered under WorldCom International Data Services, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 4.



11.1     Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's Fiberline Digital Extension Channels between the Company's terminals and Australia.


11.2     Description of Service


            The service consists of digital submarine cable service to Australia as a combination of digital fiber optic service via the HAW-4 system between the mainland and Honolulu, and digitized analog capacity via the ANZCAN system between Honolulu and Australia.  Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).


11.2.1  A customer subscribes to a class of service defined by terminal of connection, channel speed, offshore or overseas point and customer term of commitment.


11.2.2  Effective February 1, 1992,Fiberline Extension Channel classes of service permit a customer to make three or five year term commitments. Month-to-month and one year term commitments are not available.


11.2.3  The minimum billing period for Fiberline Extension terms of commitment is 36 months.


11.3     Early Discontinuance of Service


11.3.1  Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Except as provided in Section 11.3.2, if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:


                        (A)       If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.


                        (B)       For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three (3) months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the total monthly charges for the remainder of the term of commitment.


11.3.2 Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge


                        A.         When a customer converts a given channel provided by the Company to another channel also provided by the Company from the same Company terminal to the same offshore or overseas point.


                        B.         When a customer enrolls a channel in a Network Pricing Plan, provided however, that the customer retains this channel in service for a period of three months subsequent to enrollment.


                        C.        As described in Section, Rate Increases.


                        D.        When a customer converts to DualLine Service under the terms and conditions outlined in Section 13.


11.4     Expiration of Fixed Term Commitments


            Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance, or renews his service for another term at the then current rate for that term at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the current term, a term commitment will be automatically renewed for an additional one year term at the current rates for that term of commitment.



12.0     Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's TalkLine Channels from the Company's terminal locations to the offshore and overseas points set forth in Section 12.3, Rates.


12.2     Description of Service


12.2.1  TalkLine A


                        Channels arranged for voice-only communications provided via analog submarine cable facilities.  Such channels may not be used for the transmission of non-voice communications.


12.2.2  TalkLine B


                        Channels arranged for voice-only communications provided via digital satellite facilities.  Such channels may not be used for the transmission of non-voice communications.


12.2.3  TalkLine C


                        Channels arranged for voice-only communications provided by digital cable facilities. Such channels may not be used for the transmission of non-voice communications.


12.2.4  Channels are provided n a full period basis by the

                        Company (24-hours per day, 7-days per week).


12.2.5  TalkLine D


                        Channels arranged for voice-only communications provided via analog submarine cable facilities.  Such channels may not be used for the transmission of non-voice communications.



13.1     Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's DualLine service from the Company's terminal locations to the offshore and overseas points set forth in Section 13.3 Rates.


13.2     Description of Service


            DualLine service is applicable to customers who subscribe to single circuits that are provisioned via a combination of fiber optic cable and digital satellite facilities. Service consists of providing duplex digital half-circuit communications channels for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Section 13.3, Rates. Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).


13.2.1  A customer subscribes to a class of service defined by terminal of connection, channel speed, offshore or overseas point and customer term of commitment.


13.2.2  DualLine classes of service permit a customer to make month-to-month (3 month minimum) or one, three or five year term commitments.


13.2.3  The minimum billing period for DualLine month-to-month service is three months, and the minimum billing period for a DualLine term of commitment of one year or longer is 12 months.


13.2.4  Discontinuance of Service           Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Except as provided in Section if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:


                        (A)       If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.


                        (B)       For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three (3) months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the total monthly charges for the remainder of the term of commitment.           Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge


                        (A)       When a customer converts a given channel provided by the Company to another channel also provided by the Company from the same Company terminal to the same offshore or overseas point.


                        (B)       When a customer enrolls a channel in a Network Pricing Plan, provided however, that the customer retains this channel in service for a period of three months subsequent to enrollment.


                        (C)       As described in Section, Rate Increase.


13.2.5  Expiration of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance, or renews this service for another term at the then current rate for that term at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the current term, a term commitment will be automatically renewed for an additional one year term at the then current rates for that term of commitment.



14.1     Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's Inter Office Extension Channels between Company's terminal locations set forth in Section 14.3, Rates.


14.2     Description of Service


            Service consists of providing duplex digital communications channels on a month-to-month basis for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Section 14.3, Rates.  Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).



15.1     Special Low Speed Channels


            This section applies to the furnishing of Special Low Speed Channels from the Company's terminal locations to the offshore and overseas points set forth in Section 15.1.2, Rates.  Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).


15.1.1  Special Regulations           Early Discontinuances


                        If the channel is discontinued at the request of the customer prior to the end of the minimum service commitment, the customer will pay the difference between:


                        a)         The sum of payments already made for the channel being discontinued and,


                        b)         a sum equal to the rate, as of the date of termination of the circuit, for a month-to-month commitment for the reference terminal identified in Section 3.3, times the number of months service was provided by the Company to the customer.           Expiration of Term


                        Except where noted, upon expiration of the minimum service commitment, the rates for this channel will automatically revert to the rates for a month-to-month commitment for the reference terminal identified in Section 3.3, Rates.



16.1     Service Description


            The following rates and regulations apply for a Network Service Arrangement for the provision of a minimum of seven (7) Standard Voice Grade leased channels with one or more channels to each of the overseas destinations listed in Section 16.1.2, Rates.


16.1.1  Rate Regulations


                        Service is provided for a minimum service period of one year.


                        If the customer cancels service prior to the completion of the minimum service period, or if the customer's Network Service Arrangement falls below the 7 channel minimum, the customer's termination liability will be equal to the difference between the month-to-month rates set forth in the Section 5.5, and those listed in the Section 16.1.2 below multiplied by the number of months of service taken.


                        Network Service Arrangements will be automatically extended for an additional term equal to the minimum service period unless written notice is given to the Company at least 60 days prior to the end of the current terms.


                        In the event the Company increases its charges for the Network Service Arrangement, the customer may cancel service by notice in writing within 30 days following the effective date of such revisions without liability for termination charges.  Such termination will not relieve the customer from its liability to pay for all service rendered through and including the date of disconnection.

17.       Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP)


21.1     Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's Managed Service Links from the Company's terminal locations to the overseas points set forth in Section 21.3, Rates.


21.2     Description of Service


            Service consists of providing duplex digital end-to-end communications routed primarily through fiber optic cable facilities for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Section 21.3, Rates. Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).


21.2.1  A customer subscribes to a class of service defined by terminal of connection, channel speed, overseas point and customer term of commitment.


21.2.2  Managed Service Links classes of service permit a customer to make month-to-month (3 month minimum) or one, three or five year term commitments.


21.2.3  The minimum billing period for Managed Service Links month-to-month service is three months, and the minimum billing period for a Managed Service Links term of commitment of one year or longer is 12 months.


21.2.4  Interruptions to Service


                        Interruptions to Managed Links Service which are not due to the negligence of the Customer, are credited upon the Customer's request on reported faults only, at the proportionate part of the Company's monthly recurring charge as indicated below:


                        The duration of an interruption is calculated as follows:

                                 An interruption begins after the receipt by the Company of a fault Report and upon release by the customer of the service in fault.

                                 An interruption concludes with the first attempt of the Company to advise the customer contact that service has been restored.




                        Credits for interruptions are granted as follows:

                        (A)       A credit is granted only for an outage that occurs within the service provided by the Company.

                        (B)       No credit is granted for an interruption of less than three/four hours or for interruptions caused by:


                                    (1)        failure of commercial power supplies,

                                    (2)        failure in Public Network Facilities to which a service may be connected,

                                    (3)        Solar or atmospheric conditions (applicable to services provided through satellite facilities).

(C)       For Company provided CSU/DSU equipment or for customer provided CSU/DSU equipment with V.54 loopback capability:


Cumulative Faults                               Credit Applied To

In A Month                                            Monthly Invoice


< 3 hrs                                                 0%

> 3 hrs but < 6 hrs                               15%

> 6 hrs                                                 30%


(D)       For customer provided CSU/DSU equipment without  V.54 loopback capability:


Cumulative Faults                               Credit Applied To

In A Month                                           Monthly Invoice


< 4 hrs                                                 0%

> 4 hrs but < 7 hrs                               15%

> 7 hrs                                                 30%


21.2.5  Discontinuance of Service           Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Except as provided in Section if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:


                        (A)       If discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for

                                    the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.


                        (B)       For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the  customer is liable for thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three (3) months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the total monthly charges for the remainder of the term of commitment.           Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge


                        A.         When a customer enrolls a channel in a Network Pricing Plan, provided however, that the customer retains this channel in service for a period of three months subsequent to enrollment.


                        B.         As described in Section, Rate Increase.


21.2.6  Expiration of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Unless the customer initiates a discontinuance, or renews his service for another term at the then current rate for that term at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the current term, a term commitment will be automatically renewed for an additional one year term at the then current rates for that term of commitment.



22.1     Application of Service


            This section applies to the furnishing of the Company's TeleConnect IPLC service from the Company's terminal locations to the overseas points set forth in Section 22.3, Rates.


22.2     Description of Service


            Service consists of providing duplex half-circuit communications facilities for the transmission of digital signals at the transmission speeds set forth in Section 22.3, Rates. Channels are provided on a full period basis by the Company (24 hours per day, 7 days per week).


22.2.1  A customer subscribes to a class of service defined by terminal of connection, channel speed, service availability plan, overseas point, and customer term of commitment.


22.2.2  TeleConnect IPLC classes of service permit a customer to make month-to-month (3 month minimum) or one, three or five year term commitments.


22.2.3  The minimum billing period for TeleConnect IPLC month-to-month service is three months, and the minimum billing period for a TeleConnect IPLC term of commitment of one year or longer is 12 months.


22.2.4  Service Availability Credit Plan


                        A guarantee of service availability will be provided to customers for each TeleConnect IPLC service.


                        Service Availability Credit will be based on an accumulation of monthly outages. Only outages exceeding one (1) minute will be taken into account in calculating the applicable service availability credit.


                        Interruptions to TeleConnect IPLC service which are a total disruption of the customer's circuit for a period equal to or exceeding one (1) minute or a degradation of the circuit to a point where it becomes unavailable are credited upon the recognition of the outage as a valid fault condition. The outage period ends when the  TeleConnect IPLC service is returned to the customer. If the customer is not available at the time of restoration, the service availability credit amount will be calculated up to the time at which an attempt was made to return the TeleConnect IPLC service to the customer.


                        Outages are measured not against the fault for which trouble was reported, but against the availability of the TeleConnect IPLC service. If the customer's TeleConnect  IPLC service can be restored  via an alternate route, the availability of the service would not necessarily be affected.           Application of Service Availability Credit Plan


                        Where the availability of a TeleConnect IPLC service is less than 99.9% or 99.7%, depending on the customer's service option, on a monthly basis, the customer will be entitled to the following service availability credit. All credits will be based on the monthly charge for the affected point-to-point circuit being billed.        99.9% Availability Option


Cumulative Faults

In A Month                                                       Credit Percentage


< 46 minutes                                                   0%

=> 46 minutes but < 3 hours                           10%

=> 3 hours but < 6 hours                                20%

=> 6 hours                                                       35%        99.7% Availability Option


Cumulative Faults

In A Month                                                       Credit Percentage


< 2 hours 11 minutes                                      0%

=> 2 hours 11 minutes but < 5 hours              5%

=> 5 hours but < 9 hours                                10%

=> 9 hours                                                       15%           Service Availability Credit Plan Exclusions


                        Credit outages due to one of the following events will be disregarded in calculating outages under the TeleConnect IPLC Service Availability Credit Plan.


                        A.         A force majeure event, defined as any event or cause beyond the reasonable control of the Company including but not limited to strikes, lock-outs, embargoes, acts of God, riots, incendiaries and interference by civil or military authorities, and predicted satellite outages due to solar activities. Force majeure events do not include risks inherent in  the business of the Company, e.g. power interruptions and cable breaks caused by shipping.


                        B.         Planned operational maintenance of the network where at least seven (7) calendar days notice is given to the customer.


                        C.        Any act or omission by the customer, its agents or sub-contractors, resulting in the degradation or interruption of the TeleConnect IPLC service including, but not limited to the non-availability of the customer to release the circuit for repair, to assist in the fault localization, to provide access to its premises  as and when necessary, to confirm current circuit operation and/or restoration.


                        D.        Degradation or interruption of the TeleConnect IPLC service due to the customer's own private equipment or managed devices which are not supplied by the Company or any other telecommunications carrier providing  TeleConnect IPLC service.


                        E.         The customer reports a fault which is not confirmed by the network supervisory center as a valid fault condition.


22.2.5  Late Delivery Credit Plan


                        The TeleConnect IPLC service will be considered to have been delivered once it has been successfully tested end-to-end and the customer has been notified of the completion of these tests and the start of service.           Application of Late Delivery Credit Plan


                        If the Request for Service date for the point-to-point circuit, as agreed to between the customer and the Company, is not met, the customer will be entitled to a one time Late Delivery Credit. The  credit will be based on the monthly recurring TeleConnect IPLC service charges billed to the customer, which are applicable to the circuit experiencing the late delivery and will be applied as follows.


No. of Days Late                     Credit Percentage


1 Day                                       10%

> 1 Day but < 15 Days            1% extra per day

> 15 Days                                2% extra per day not to exceed 50% of the monthly charge           Late Delivery Credit Plan Exclusions


                        If the late delivery of the TeleConnect IPLC service is due to one of the following  events, the Late Delivery Credit Plan will not apply.


                        A.         a force majeure event, defined as any event or cause beyond the reasonable control of the Company including but not limited to strikes, lock-outs, embargoes, acts of God, riots, incendiaries and interference by civil or military authorities, and predicted satellite outages due to solar activities. Force majeure events do not include risks inherent in  the business of the Company, e.g. power interruptions and cable breaks caused by shipping.


                        B.         Any act or omission by the customer, its agents or sub-contractors, resulting in the late delivery of the TeleConnect IPLC service including but not limited to the non-conformity of the customer's premises, late supply of customer equipment which is not provided by the Company or any telecommunications carrier providing TeleConnect IPLC service, non-availability of the customer's staff at times necessary for testing/connection, or amendments to the original service order after confirmation of the order.


22.2.6  Discontinuance of Service           Discontinuance of Fixed Term Commitments


                        Except as provided in Section if a customer discontinues service prior to the expiration of a fixed term commitment, the customer will pay an Early Discontinuance Charge calculated as follows:


                        A.         If the fixed term commitment is for one year, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges from the date of discontinuance to the end of the term.

                        B.         If the term of commitment is for a period exceeding one year, and if discontinuance occurs prior to completion of the first year of service, the customer is liable for the remainder of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the first year of service plus thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the remaining portion of the applicable term.

                        C.        For service discontinued after the completion of the first year of service and more than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for thirty-five percent (35%) of the total monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the applicable term. For service discontinued within three (3) months of the expiration date of the term of commitment, the customer is liable for the total monthly charges for the remainder of the term of commitment.           Exceptions to Early Discontinuance Charge


                        A.         Upgrade of an existing circuit to a higher transmission speed. (Downgrade to a lower transmission speed will be considered a discontinuance of the existing circuit and installation of a new circuit.)

                        B.         Change in service availability plan.

                        C.        As described in Section, Rate Increase.