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Local Service

Section I.3.6 – Local and Long Distance Voice Packages


For customers that have Local and Long Distance Voice Package that includes a business line: Effective November 30, 2021, pending approval from the FCC, Local Line Service is no longer available to new business customers in all states including Washington D.C., except for California.  Also effective November 30, 2021, pending approval from the FCC, for existing customers of local line service, Verizon will no longer accept orders for new sites or moves, adds, or changes to existing locations in all states including Washington D.C., except California.



Restrictions apply. Please see the Terms and Conditions section below.


3.6.1    Local and Long Distance Voice Packages - prior to July 1, 2007: These Local and Long Distance Voice Packages are only available under Verizon Business Services (VBS) I and VBS II (for services installed prior to July 1, 2007) pricing programs, where Customer has also subscribed to the corresponding long distance services.


A.         Local and LD Voice Package for Local Lines.


If Customer selects the Local and Long Distance (LD) Voice Package for Local Lines, Customer will pay the monthly recurring charge specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide. The monthly recurring charge includes the Local Line and all intrastate and interstate outbound Long Distance calls originating from a Local Line associated with the Local and LD Voice Package for Lines.


B.         Local and LD Voice Package for Local Trunks.


If Customer selects the Local and LD Voice Package for Local Trunks, Customer will pay the monthly recurring charge as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide. The monthly recurring charge includes the Local Trunk(s) and up to 1,250 minutes per month per Trunk for intrastate and interstate outbound Long Distance calls originating from a Local Trunk purchased from Company.


Overage Rate: Customer will pay a per-minute charge as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide for each minute in excess of 1,250 minutes in a month.


C.        Local and LD Voice Package for Local PRI.


C.1      Prior to April 1, 2007. If Customer selects the Local and LD Voice Package for Local PRI, Customer will pay the monthly recurring charge as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide.


The monthly recurring charge per PRI includes unlimited Local usage and a 30,000 minutes per month usage cap for interstate and intrastate Long Distance nationwide originating from a Local PRI purchased from Company.


A per minute overage charge for usage that exceeds 30,000 minutes per month as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide.


C.2      On or after April 1, 2007. (referred to as “Flat with Cap”)


As of April 1, 2007 the Local and Long Distance Package for Local PRI was replaced by the Local and Long Distance Package for Local PRI “Flat with Cap". The Local and Long Distance Package for Local PRI Flat with Cap monthly recurring charge will apply to new and renewed T1 or PRI service.  Existing Local and Long Distance Package for Local PRI monthly recurring charges for T1 and PRI service continued to apply until the end of the service agreement in effect as of April 1, 2007.


If Customer selects the Local and LD Voice Package for Local PRI, Customer will pay the monthly recurring charge as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide.


The monthly recurring charge per PRI includes a 60,000 minute usage cap per month for Local with an overage rate per minute in select states and a Long Distance cap of 20,000 minutes for interstate and intrastate Long Distance usage nationwide originating from a Local PRI purchased from Company with an overage rate per minute as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide.


3.6.2    Local and Long Distance Voice Packages - on or after July 1, 2007: These Local and Long Distance Voice Packages are only available under the Verizon Business Services II (for services installed on or after July 1, 2007) and Verizon Business Services III pricing programs, where Customer has also subscribed to the corresponding long distance services.


A.         Local and LD Voice Package for Local Lines


If Customer selects the Local and Long Distance (“LD”) Voice Package for Local Lines, Customer will pay the monthly recurring charge specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide. The monthly recurring charge includes the Local Line and up to 800 minutes per month of intrastate and interstate outbound Long Distance calls originating from a Local Line associated with the Local and LD Voice Package.


Overage Rate: Customer will pay a per-minute charge as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide for each minute in excess of 800 in a month.


B.         Local and LD Voice Package for Local Trunks.


If Customer selects the Local and Long Distance (“LD”) Voice Package for Local Trunks, Customer will pay the monthly recurring charge specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide. The monthly recurring charge includes the Local Trunk and up to 800 minutes per month of intrastate and interstate Long Distance calls originating from a Local Trunk associated with the Local and LD Voice Package.


Overage Rate: Customer will pay a per-minute charge as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide for each minute in excess of 800 in a month.


C.        Local and LD Voice Package for Local PRI.


If Customer selects the Local and LD Voice Package for Local PRI, Customer will pay the monthly recurring charge as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide.


The monthly recurring charge per PRI includes a 60,000 minute usage cap per month for Local with an overage rate per minute in select states and a Long Distance cap of 20,000 minutes for interstate and intrastate Long Distance usage nationwide originating from a Local PRI purchased from Company with an overage rate per minute as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide.


3.6.3    Terms and Conditions for Local and Long Distance Voice Packages


In addition to the other terms and conditions applicable to local services, and those which also apply to long distance services, the following terms and conditions also apply to the Local and Long Distance Voice Packages:



A.         Restrictions. Customer understands that the Local and LD Voice Package for Local Lines, Local Trunks, Local PRIs is restricted in the following manner:


i)          International long distance and Inbound (toll free) are NOT included.

(ii)        Customer may not subscribe to service under this plan for more than 30 lines or 24 trunks per Customer location;

(iii)       Customer may not utilize auto-dialers or any similar type of device in connection with the Local and LD Voice Package.

(iv)       Customer may not utilize the Local and LD Voice Package in any call center environment or in connection with any such similar environment.





B.         Termination of Service: The following provisions will apply to customers who terminate service, continue to maintain a Company account, and do not subscribe to other intrastate Local service offerings under the Guide:


B.1       For existing customers who disconnect Companion Local Service only under the Guide, Companion Interstate Service offered under the Guide and Companion Intrastate Service offered either in the Guide or in the applicable state tariff of MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services (or, in Virginia in the intrastate long distance tariff of MCImetro Access Transmission Services of Virginia, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services of Virginia) will terminate and the customer will be automatically re‑subscribed to the service offering under the Guide or applicable state tariff to which the customer subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan.


B.2       For existing customers who disconnect Companion Local Service under the Guide and Companion Intrastate Service offered either in the Guide or in the applicable state tariff of MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services (or, in Virginia in the intrastate long distance tariff of MCImetro Access Transmission Services of Virginia, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services of Virginia), Companion Interstate Service under the Guide and Companion Intrastate Service will terminate and the customer will then be automatically re‑subscribed to the service offering under the Guide or applicable state tariff to which the customer subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan.


B.3       For new customers who disconnect Companion Local Service under the Guide, Companion Interstate Service under the Guide and Companion Intrastate Service offered either in the Guide or in the applicable state tariff of MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services (or, in Virginia in the intrastate long distance tariff of MCImetro Access Transmission Services of Virginia, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services of Virginia) will terminate and the customer will be automatically subscribed to Verizon Business Services III Voice Services Option 1 under the Guide and Verizon Business Services III Voice Service under either the Guide or in the applicable state tariff of MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services (or, in Virginia in the intrastate long distance tariff of MCImetro Access Transmission Services of Virginia, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services of Virginia).


B.4       For new customers who disconnect Companion Local Service under the Guide and Companion Intrastate Service offered either in the Guide or in the applicable state tariff of MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services (or, in Virginia in the intrastate long distance tariff of MCImetro Access Transmission Services of Virginia, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services of Virginia), Companion Interstate Service under the Guide and Companion Intrastate Service under either the Guide or in the applicable state tariff  will terminate and the customer will be automatically subscribed to Verizon Business Services III Voice Services Option 1 under The Guide.


C.        Other Conditions.


C.1      Services under this plan are not eligible to receive the benefits of any discounts other than those stated above or promotions including any term plan discounts.


C.2      Customers who subscribe to service via a company-designated Internet site will receive Electronic Billing invoicing only.