Metro Private Line Access Service

Section IV.1.3 – Digital Metro Private Line and Metro Private Line SONET Services


1.3       Charges  - July 1, 2004 through March 31, 2005:  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring charges apply to Digital Metro Private Line and Metro Private Line SONET circuits ordered on July 1, 2004 through March 31, 2005, excluding the circuits set forth in Section IV.1.1.


For purposes of this Section, Wire Center List 2004 sets forth Pricing Zones, as defined by the Company, Pricing Sheet and Connecting Carrier for circuits.


1.3.1    Point to Point Service:  The following provisions apply to Metro Private Line Access Service provided on a Point to Point basis:


A.         Full Bandwidth Service: The following provisions apply to Metro Private Line Access Service provided on a Full Bandwidth Point to Point basis:


A.1       Type 1 Service:  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on circuit speed and term of service and, for monthly recurring charges, the geographic service configuration:


                                                   Monthly Recurring Charges

Geographic Service


Circuit           Term of                    intraLATA             Corridor        Non-Recurring

Speed           Service (Years)        Servicio                Servicio              Cargos


DS0                    1                                 $29                       $32                $225

                           2                                   28                         31                  225

                           3                                   27                         29                  225

                           4                                   26                         28                  225

                           5 or more                     25                         27                  225


DS1                    1                               $131                     $144                $250

                           2                                 126                       138                  250

                           3                                 120                       131                  250

                           4                                 116                       126                  250

                           5 or more                   111                       120                  250


DS3                    1                               $809                     $890                $300

                           2                                 781                       856                  300

                           3                                 742                       809                  300

                           4                                 718                       781                  300

                           5 or more                   685                       742                  300


OC3                   1                           $1,889                  $2,078             $1,000

                           2                              1,823                    1,998               1,000

                           3                              1,732                    1,889               1,000

                           4                               1676                    1,823               1,000

                           5 or more                 1598                    1,732               1,000


OC12                 1                            $6,564                  $7,220             $1,000

                           2                              6,333                    6,942               1,000

                           3                              6,017                    6,564               1,000

                           4                              5,823                    6,333               1,000

                           5 or more                5,554                    6,017               1,000


OC48                 1                          $11,413                $12,554             $1,000

                           2                            11,012                  12,071               1,000

                           3                            10,462                  11,413               1,000

                           4                            10,124                  11,012               1,000

                           5 or more                9,657                  10,462               1,000


A.1.1    SONET Interface:


i.          Monthly Recurring Charges:  The following monthly recurring charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET Service per SONET Interface, based on term of service and circuit speed:


Term of                                                                Circuit Speed/Charge                               

Service (Years)           DS1         DS3      STS-1        OC3/3c     OC12/12c    OC48/48c


      1                            $13           $11           $11              $11               $11               $11

      2                              12             10             10                10                 10                 10

      3                              12               8               8                  8                   8                   8

      4                              11               7               7                  7                   7                   7

      5 or more                11               6               6                  6                   6                   6


ii.          Non-Recurring Charges:  The following non-recurring charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET Service per SONET Interface, based circuit speed:


                                         Circuit Speed/Charge                            

                                    DS1         DS3      STS-1        OC3/3c     OC12/12c    OC48/48c


                                    $50           $75         $100            $100             $100             $100


A.2       Type 2 Service:  The monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges set forth in Type 2 Pricing Sheets 2004 apply to Type 2 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on LATA location, circuit speed, term of service, Network Configuration, Service Configuration and Pricing Zone of the circuit.


A.3       Type 3 Service:  The monthly recurring and non-recurring per-connection charges set forth in Type 3 Pricing Sheets 2004 apply to Type 3 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on LATA location, circuit speed, term of service, Network Configuration, Service Configuration and Pricing Zone of the circuit.


B.         Channelized Service:  The following provisions apply to Channelized Metro Private Line Access Service provided on a Point to Point Service basis:


B.1       Type 1 Service:  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on circuit speed and term of service and, for monthly recurring charges, geographic service configuration:


                                                   Monthly Recurring Charges

Geographic Service


Circuit           Term of                    intraLATA             Corridor        Non-Recurring

Speed           Service (Years)        Servicio                Servicio              Cargos


DS1                    1                               $278                     $306                $250

                           2                                 268                       294                  250

                           3                                 255                       278                  250

                           4                                 247                       268                  250

                           5 or more                   235                       255                  250


DS3                    1                            $1,325                  $1,458                $300

                           2                              1,279                    1,402                  300

                           3                              1,215                    1,325                  300

                           4                              1,176                    1,279                  300

                           5 or more                1,122                    1,215                  300


B.2       Type 2 Service:  The monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges set forth in Type 2 Pricing Sheets 2004 apply to Type 2 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on LATA location, circuit speed, term of service, Network Configuration, Service Configuration and Pricing Zone of the circuit.


B.3       Type 3 Service:  The monthly recurring and non-recurring per-connection charges set forth in Type 3 Pricing Sheets 2004 apply to Type 3 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on LATA location, circuit speed, term of service, Network Configuration, Service Configuration and Pricing Zone of the circuit.


1.3.2    Multi-Point Service:  The following provisions apply to Metro Private Line Access Service provided on Multi-Point basis.


A.         Hub Service: The following provisions apply to Metro Private Line Access Hub Service provided on a Point to Multi-Point Service basis at host/primary locations:


A.1       Type 1 Service:  The following monthly recurring and non- recurring per-circuit charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on circuit speed and term of service and, for monthly recurring charges, geographic service configuration:


                                                   Monthly Recurring Charges

Geographic Service


Circuit           Term of                    intraLATA             Corridor        Non-Recurring

Speed           Service (Years)        Servicio                Servicio              Cargos


DS1                    1                                 $87                       $96                $250

                           2                                   84                         92                  250

                           3                                   80                         87                  250

                           4                                   77                         84                  250

                           5 or more                     74                         80                  250


DS3                    1                               $580                     $638                $300

                           2                                 560                       613                  300

                           3                                 532                       580                  300

                           4                                 515                       560                  300

                           5 or more                   491                       532                  300


OC3                   1                            $1,113                  $1,224             $1,000

                           2                              1,074                    1,177               1,000

                           3                              1,020                    1,113               1,000

                           4                                 987                    1,074               1,000

                           5 or more                   942                    1,020               1,000


OC12                 1                            $4,198                  $4,618             $1,000

                           2                              4,051                    4,440               1,000

                           3                              3,848                    4,198               1,000

                           4                              3,742                    4,051               1,000

                           5 or more                3,552                    3,848               1,000


OC48                 1                            $9,664                $10,630             $1,000

                           2                              9,325                  10,221               1,000

                           3                              8,858                    9,664               1,000

                           4                              8,573                    9,325               1,000

                           5 or more                8,177                    8,858               1,000


A.1.1    SONET Interfaces:


i.          Monthly Recurring Charges:  The following monthly recurring charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET Service per SONET Interface, based on term of service and circuit speed:


Term of                                                                Circuit Speed/Charge                               

Service (Years)           DS1         DS3      STS-1        OC3/3c     OC12/12c    OC48/48c


      1                            $13           $11           $11              $11               $11               $11

      2                              12             10             10                10                 10                 10

      3                              12               8               8                  8                   8                   8

      4                              11               7               7                  7                   7                   7

      5 or more                11               6               6                  6                   6                   6


ii.          Non-Recurring Charges:  The following non-recurring charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET Service per SONET Interface, based circuit speed:


                                         Circuit Speed/Charge                            

                                    DS1         DS3      STS-1        OC3/3c     OC12/12c    OC48/48c


                                    $50           $75         $100            $100             $100             $100


A.2       Type 2 Service:  The monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges set forth in Type 2 Pricing Sheets 2004 apply to Type 2 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on LATA location, circuit speed, term of service, Network Configuration, Service Configuration and Pricing Zone of the circuit.


B          Endlink Service:


B.1       Full Bandwidth:  The following provisions apply to Metro Private Line Access Endlink Full Bandwidth Service provided basis at remote or secondary locations on a Multi-Point Service:


B.1.1    Type 1 Service:  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges apply to Metro Private Line Access Service, based on circuit speed and term of service and, for monthly recurring charges, geographic service configuration:


                                                   Monthly Recurring Charges

Geographic Service


Circuit           Term of                    intraLATA             Corridor        Non-Recurring

Speed           Service (Years)        Servicio                Servicio              Cargos


DS0                    1                                 $15                       $16                $225

                           2                                   14                         15                  225

                           3                                   13                         15                  225

                           4                                   13                         14                  225

                           5 or more                     12                         13                  225


DS1                    1                                 $65                       $72                $250

                           2                                   63                         69                  250

                           3                                   60                         65                  250

                           4                                   58                         63                  250

                           5 or more                     55                         60                  250


DS3                    1                               $404                     $444                $300

                           2                                 389                       427                  300

                           3                                 370                       404                  300

                           4                                 358                       389                  300

                           5 or more                   342                       370                  300


OC3                   1                               $944                  $1,038             $1,000

                           2                                 911                       998               1,000

                           3                                 865                       944               1,000

                           4                                 837                       911               1,000

                           5 or more                   798                       865               1,000


OC12                 1                            $3,282                  $3,610             $1,000

                           2                              3,167                    3,471               1,000

                           3                              3,008                    3,282               1,000

                           4                              2,911                    3,167               1,000

                           5 or more                2,777                    3,008               1,000


OC48                 1                            $5,707                  $6,278             $1,000

                           2                              5,507                    6,037               1,000

                           3                              5,232                    5,707               1,000

                           4                              5,063                    5,507               1,000

                           5 or more                4,829                    5,232               1,000


i.          SONET Interfaces: 


i.1        Monthly Recurring Charges:  The following monthly recurring charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET Service per SONET Interface, based on term of service and circuit speed:


Term of                                                                Circuit Speed/Charge                               

Service (Years)           DS1         DS3      STS-1        OC3/3c     OC12/12c    OC48/48c


      1                            $13           $11           $11              $11               $11               $11

      2                              12             10             10                10                 10                 10

      3                              12               8               8                  8                   8                   8

      4                              11               7               7                  7                   7                   7

      5 or more                11               6               6                  6                   6                   6


i.2        Non-Recurring Charges:  The following non-recurring charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET, per SONET Interface, based circuit speed:


                                         Circuit Speed/Charge                            

                                    DS1         DS3      STS-1        OC3/3c     OC12/12c    OC48/48c


                                    $50           $75         $100            $100             $100             $100


B.1.2    Type 2 Service:  The monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges set forth in Type 2 Pricing Sheets 2004 apply to Type 2 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on LATA location, circuit speed, term of service, Network Configuration, Service Configuration and Pricing Zone of the circuit.


B.2       Channelized Service:  The following provisions apply to Metro Private Line Access Endlink Channelized Service provided at remote or secondary locations on a Multi-Point Service basis:


B.2.1    Type 1 Access:  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on circuit speed and term of service and, for monthly recurring charges, geographic service configuration:


                                                   Monthly Recurring Charges

Geographic Service


Circuit           Term of                    intraLATA             Corridor        Non-Recurring

Speed           Service (Years)        Servicio                Servicio              Cargos


DS1                    1                               $138                     $152                $250

                           2                                 133                       146                  250

                           3                                 127                       138                  250

                           4                                 123                       133                  250

                           5 or more                   117                       127                  250


DS3                    1                               $662                     $728                $300

                           2                                 639                       700                  300

                           3                                 607                       662                  300

                           4                                 587                       639                  300

                           5 or more                   560                       607                  300


B.2.2    Type 2 Service:  The monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges set forth in Type 2 Pricing Sheets 2004 apply to Type 2 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on LATA location, circuit speed, term of service, Network Configuration, Service Configuration and Pricing Zone of the circuit.


C.        Digital Bridge Service:  The following provisions apply to Metro Private Line Access Digital Bridge Service provided on a Multi-Point Service Basis:


C.1      Bridging Charges:  The following monthly recurring per-Endlink charges apply to Digital Bridge Service in Type 1 and Type 2 network configurations, based on circuit speed and term of service:


Circuit              Term of                    Monthly Recurring

Speed              Servicio                                 Charge


DS0                 Month to Month                        $30

                        1 to 2 years                               25

                        3 to 4 years                               20

                        5 or more years                        15


DS1                 Month to Month                        $45

                        1 to 2 years                               40

                        3 to 4 years                               35

                        5 or more years                        30


C.2      Endlink Charges:


C.2.1   Type 1 Service:  The following per-Endlink monthly recurring and non-recurring charges apply to Digital Bridge Service in Type 1 network configurations, based on circuit speed and term of service and, for monthly recurring charges, Geographic Service Configuration:


Geographic Service


Monthly Recurring Charges

Circuit           Term of                    intraLATA             Corridor        Non-Recurring

Speed           Service (Years)        Servicio                Servicio              Cargos


DS0                    1                                 $15                       $16                $225

                           2                                   14                         15                  225

                           3                                   13                         15                  225

                           4                                   13                         14                  225

                           5 or more                     12                         13                  225


DS1                    1                                 $65                       $72                $250

                           2                                   63                         69                  250

                           3                                   60                         65                  250

                           4                                   58                         63                  250

                           5 or more                     55                         60                  250


C.2.2   Type 2 Service:  The per-Endlink monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges set forth in Type 2 Pricing Sheets 2004 apply to Type 2 Metro Private Line Access Service, based on LATA location, circuit speed, term of service, Network Configuration, Service Configuration and Pricing Zone of the circuit.


D.        SONET Multi-Point Service:  The following charges apply to Metro Private Line Access Service provided on a Multi-Point basis.


D.1      Connection:  The following monthly and non-recurring per-circuit charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line Access SONET Multi-Point Service:


D.1.1   Monthly Recurring Charges:  The following monthly per-connection charges apply for Network Configuration Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET Service Multi-Point Service, based on connection type, circuit speed and term of service:


Connection Type/

Circuit Speed                         Term of Service (Years)/Monthly Recurring Charges

1                   2                   3                   4                5

Premises Connection                                                                                                   

OC3                                         $  898              $  863          $  816           $  788          $  748

VO6                                          1,631               1,574           1,495            1,447           1,380

CO12                                        2,936               2,823           2,669            2,575           2,447

CO24                                        5,336               5,149           4,892            4,734           4,515

CO48                                        6,150               5,913           5,591            5,395           5,125

CO96                                      11,182             10,789         10,250            9,919           9,462


Hub Connection                                                                                                                                

CO3                                        $   449             $   432         $   408          $   394         $   374

CO6                                             816                  787              748               724              690

CO12                                        1,468               1,412           1,335            1,288           1,224

CO24                                        2,668               2,575           2,446            2,367            2258

CO48                                        3,075               2,957           2,796            2,698           2,563

CO96                                        5,591               5,395           5,125            4,960           4,731


D.1.2   Non-Recurring Charge:  A $500 non-recurring per-connection charge applies for Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET Service Multi-Point Service.


D.2      SONET Interface:  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring per-connection charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET Service Multi-Point Service, based on circuit speed, connection type, and, for monthly recurring charges, term of service:


Per Connection/Monthly Recurring Charges

Circuit Speed/                                  Term of Service (Years)                               Non-Recurring

Tipo de conexión               1                2             3                4             5                      Charge



   Premises                    $13            $12           $12            $11      $11                          $50

   Hub                                13              12             12              11        11                            50


   Premises                    $11            $10             $8              $7        $6                          $75

   Hub                                11              10               8                7          6                            75


   Premises                    $11            $10             $8              $7        $6                        $100              


   Premises                    $11            $10             $8              $7        $6                        $100

   Hub                                11              10               8                7          6                          100


   Premises                    $11            $10             $8              $7        $6                        $100

   Hub                                11              10               8                7          6                          100


   Premises                    $11            $10             $8              $7        $6                        $100

   Hub                                11              10               8                7          6                          100


   Premises                    $11            $10             $8              $7        $6                        $100

   Hub                                11              10               8                7          6                          100


   Premises                    $11            $10             $8              $7        $6                        $100

   Hub                                11              10               8                7          6                          100


D.3      Ethernet Appearance:  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring per-circuit charges apply to Type 1 Metro Private Line SONET Service Multi-Point Service, based on bandwidth, and, for monthly recurring charges, term of service:



Per Appearance/Monthly Recurring Charges


Term of Service (Years)


Ancho de banda














10 Mbps







40 Mbps







40 Mbps Premium







50 Mbps







100 Mbps







150 Mbps







300 Mbps







600 Mbps







1 Gbps




