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Net Conferencing




1.         Net Conferencing. Net Conferencing provides a multipoint web-based service that allows a Customer to conduct a document conference call allowing text, documents, data or images (collectively, “data”) to be transmitted via the Internet. The Net Conferencing Leader and participants may also access an accompanying Audio Conferencing call. Verizon allots each participant an individual server connection (or “seat”) on the Net Conferencing server. Verizon provides Net Conferencing powered by different third party platforms (each a “Platform”, collectively, “Platforms”).


2.         Service Levels.  The following Service Levels are available for Verizon Net Conferencing Services:


2.1       Instant Net Conference. Instant Net Conference is designed for 250 or fewer participants per meeting and may be used in conjunction Premier, Standard or Instant Meeting level Audio Conferencing services as well as without Audio Conferencing.


2.2       Reserved Net Conference. Reserved Net Conference is a full-service web conferencing service that allows Customer to reserve a Net Conferencing session for a specified date and time for up to 1,250 participants on the Microsoft Office Live Meeting platform or up to 3,000 participants on the Cisco WebEx Event Center platform, conducted with a concurrent attended Audio Conferencing call.  A Conference Coordinator monitors the session and is available to assist the Leader or participants. A cancellation charge applies if a scheduled Reserved Net Conference session is cancelled within 30 minutes of the scheduled session time.


2.3       Advanced Net Conference. Advanced Net Conference can support up to 500 participants and enables Customer access to particular Net Conferencing Platform’s features, including integration with Microsoft Outlook and Audio Conferencing.


2.4       Customized Net Conference. Customized Net Conference provides Customer with a unique website that allows Customer to schedule and access Net Conferencing.  The number of Participants depends on the Customized Net Conference product selected.  Customer may add branding to the website for an additional fee.


II.         DEFINITIONS: In addition to the Online Definitions, the following service-specific definitions apply.


1.         “Leader.” A “Leader” is the Customer contact requesting a conference.


2.         “Participant.” A “Participant” is any Customer-authorized party joining the conference.


III.        FEATURES AND OPTIONS: The following features are available:


Net Conferencing Features and Options




1.         Details.  All Net Conferencing session times are rounded to the next higher full minute when sessions are rated on a per minute basis or when overage is calculated for seat-based or committed-minutes options. Calculation of usage begins at the time the first participant connects to a Net Conferencing session and ends when either the last session participant disconnects or the Conference Coordinator terminates the session. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.


2.         Description of Billing Options. Net Conferencing offers different billing options for different service solutions. Unless Customer requests a different service or billing option, they will receive Net Conferencing integrated service and are billed on a per-minute basis.


2.1       Per-Minute. Usage is calculated on a per-minute per participant basis.


2.2       Seat-Based Option. Customer must commit to a specified term of service at a specified number of seats per month for a minimum of three months via an enrollment form or order form in order to utilize the seat-based option. Seats can be allocated to one or more Customer accounts as defined at time of enrollment or submission of order form. Seats may be utilized by more than one meeting at a time. Customized Net Conference seats may not be combined with Reserved Net Conference or Instant Net Conference seats, but Reserved Net Conference and Instant Net Conference seats may be combined.


2.2.1    Monthly Charge. For seat-based options Customer pays a recurring monthly fee based on the number of concurrent Net Conferencing seats they have specified per an enrollment or order form. Each participant or Leader on a Net Conferencing call would take up a seat. Customer may then access a Net Conferencing server 24 hours per day during a monthly period, without paying an additional per-minute charge.


2.2.2    Seat-Based Overage Charge. In each consecutive 15-minute period per calendar day in which the number of seats accessing Net Conferencing servers exceeds the number of Net Conferencing seats specified by a Customer, Customer will be billed and required to pay an overage charge applies per each seat which (i) accesses Net Conferencing servers at the point in time in that 15-minute period in which the highest number of seats access Net Conferencing servers and (ii) which exceeds the number of reserved seats.


2.3       Committed-Minutes Option. Customer must commit to a specified number of minutes per month (Committed Minutes) for a minimum of three months via an enrollment or order form in order to use the committed-minutes option. Customer must pay a monthly fee based on the number of Committed Minutes even if Customer’s actual usage is lower than the number of Committed Minutes. An overage charge applies if the actual usage is higher than the Committed Minutes. The Committed-Minutes Option is available for Enterprise Edition only.


2.4       Cisco WebEx Named Host Option. Customer ordering the Named Host Service option must commit to a minimum enrollment period of twelve months. The Named Host option provides an identified Leader with a license granting that individual access rights to the Net Conferencing site and the ability to host an unlimited number of meetings each month, provided that the Named Host may only host one meeting at any given time. Each meeting must be hosted by a Named Host and may include no more than the maximum number of Participants ordered by Customer (“Participant Cap” – see below in Section IV.2.2.2), including the Named Host. Customer must identify the “Site Administrator” who will be responsible for all administrative duties for the Customer-specific site including adding/deleting/managing accounts, pulling reports, and other site-based tasks.


Named Host licenses are individualized and may not be shared or used by anyone other than the one employee to whom the Named Host license is assigned. The identification of Named Hosts must be unique to an individual and may not be of a generic nature. Customer shall identify those employees assigned to Named Host licenses on the “Managed Users” feature within WebEx’s Site Administration. The Customer’s Site Administrator will maintain and update the list of Named Hosts so that it is current at all times. A Named Host license may not be transferred to another Customer employee except upon (a) termination of the Named Host’s employment with Customer, or (b) a significant and formal change in a Named Host's job responsibilities to a position that will not require or provide access to a Named Host license or use of the Services, or (c) in all other instances, Verizon’s prior written approval. Verizon maintains a Named Host license associated with Customer’s Named Host site for the purposes of technical support, maintenance and billing (the “Adjunct License”).  Customer shall not adjust, delete or impair the Adjunct License.  Verizon has the right to invoice Customer for any number of Customer-assigned Named Hosts that is greater than the number of licenses ordered by Customer.

2.5       Cisco WebEx Active Host Option.


2.5.1    New Customers.  The Active Host option allows Customer to purchase a number of Named Host licenses equal to at least 15% of Customer’s employees – as determined by WebEx in cooperation with Customer (“Initial Total Employees”) – with a minimum purchase of 100 licenses (the “Enrolled Number”) for an enrollment period of twelve months.


2.5.2    Existing Customers.  If Customer is an existing Cisco WebEx customer, then its initial purchase of Active Host from Verizon will be not less than the greater of 15% of Customer’s employees, as determined by WebEx in cooperation with Customer, or its current number of Named Host licenses, with a minimum purchase of 100 licenses (the “Enrolled Number”) in either case for an enrollment period of twelve months.


2.5.3    Customer will pay the monthly recurring charge (“MRC”) set forth in its Contract for the Enrolled Number of Named Host licenses, regardless of the number of Customer Named Hosts that end up actually using Active Host.  Customer’s Site Administrator will be able to add additional Named Hosts to Customer’s Name Host site – to a maximum of 120% of Customer’s Initial Total Employees or total employee count, as applicable, as determined by WebEx in cooperation with Customer at the time of the addition – without notifying Verizon or paying additional license fees.


In any subsequent 12-month enrollment period, the number of licenses for which Customer will pay an MRC is determined by the greater of the following:


·          15% of Customer’s employees as determined by WebEx in cooperation with Customer;

·          Average number of Named Hosts using Active Host during months 8, 9, and 10 of Customer’s current enrollment period;

·          100 Active Hosts.


If Customer does not wish to renew its Active Host option, it must notify Verizon 45 days prior to the end of its then-current enrollment period.  If Customer fails to so notify Verizon, Customer shall be bound to pay license fees for the Active Host option at the newly-determined level for an additional twelve-month period.


2.5.4    All other Named Host requirements set forth herein apply to the Active Host option.  The Active Host option is available on the WebEx Meeting Center Pro and Enterprise Edition platforms.  Cisco WebEx Meeting Center Pro Active Host-1000 and Enterprise Edition Active Host-1000 include WebEx Connect at no additional charge, subject to Customer’s subscription to a separate Verizon WebEx Connect Service Attachment and Enrollment Form.


2.6       Cisco WebEx Event Center Named Host Option.  The Event Center Named Host option provides Customer with an Event Center site that can accommodate larger meetings.  Each Named Host can schedule and hold an unlimited number of meetings per month, but only one at a time.  The Event Center Named Host option is available with either of the following mutually-exclusive audio options:



·        WebEx U.S. inbound toll call (number of attendees based on the Event Center Named Host tier selected, not to exceed 500); or

·        WebEx Audio Broadcast (number of attendees based on the Event Center Named Host tier selected, not to exceed 3,000); or 

·        WebEx VoIP (number of attendees based on the Event Center Named Host tier selected, not to exceed 500).


Unlimited monthly use (in conjunction with Event Center Named Host) permitted in accordance with these terms at no additional charge for each of these options.


Option 2 – Verizon Audio Conferencing integration (Verizon Audio Conference service charged separately).


Customer will be charged a MRC per license for the Event Center Named Host option. No attendee overage is available.  All other Named Host requirements apply.


2.7       Cisco WebEx Named Host Option.  The Full Deployment Named Host option allows Customer to purchase an enterprise-wide Named Host license comprised of licenses for each Customer employee, based on an employee count as determined by WebEx in cooperation with Customer.  The minimum purchase is a 100-employee license (the “Enrolled Number”) for an enrollment period of twelve months.  All other requirements of the Named Host option apply to this Full Deployment Named Host option.


Full Deployment Named Host is available for Enterprise Edition or Meeting Center for up to 1,000 participants.


Customer’s Full Deployment Monthly Charge per Host is fixed for each contract year of Customer’s enrollment period, subject to the occurrence of an Extraordinary Event.


Customer will provide to Verizon a written report on each anniversary of a contract year within an enrollment period certified by an officer of Customer stating the total number of Customer employees.  The report must be issued by the ultimate parent corporation of Customer and apply to all subsidiaries and affiliates controlled, directly or indirectly by Customer and each of their employees.  If the change in the number of employees exceeds three percent (3%) from the prior contract year, the Monthly Charge per Host will be appropriately adjusted to reflect the current number of employees.


3.         Rates and Charges. Charges are based on the Net Conferencing product, billing option, and Platform. Where Customer has a service agreement with Verizon that includes Instant Net Conference usage rates, those Instant Net Conference usage rates apply in lieu of Advanced Net Conference usage rates provided in the table below. For the purposes of the tables in this section product names have been abbreviated as follows: Instant Net Conference (Instant), Reserved Net Conference (Reserved), Advanced Net Conference (Advanced), and Customized Net Conference (Customized).  Applicable Audio Conferencing charges are in addition to any Net Conferencing charges.


3.1       Per-minute. The following per-minute per-participant usage rates apply.




Rate Per Minute Per Participant

Instant, Reserved and Advanced


Microsoft Office Live Meeting Professional


Instant and Advanced

WebEx Meeting Center Pro


Reserved Net for Cisco WebEx Event Center

WebEx Event Center



3.2       Net Conferencing Seat-Based and Committed-Minutes Options.  In lieu of all other rates, discounts and promotions, Customer will pay the following fixed rates for the following Net Conferencing Services provided on the basis of the Seat-Based and Committed-Minutes Billing Options. Net Conferencing provided on the basis of the Seat-Based and Committed-Minutes Billing Options are available only via an enrollment or order form.   


Cisco WebEx Meeting Center – Seat Based


Order Commitment

Billing Increment

Rate Per Billing Increment


Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month


Overage Fee

Per ¼ hour



Cisco WebEx Training Center – Seat Based


Order Commitment

Billing Increment

Rate Per Billing Increment


Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month


Overage Fee

Per ¼ hour



Cisco WebEx Support Center – Seat Based


Order Commitment

Billing Increment

Rate Per Billing Increment


Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month


Overage fee

Per ¼ hour



Cisco WebEx Event Center – Seat Based


Order Commitment

Billing Increment

Rate Per Billing Increment


Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month



Per Seat Per Month


Overage Fee

Per ¼ hour



Cisco WebEx Enterprise Edition – Committed Minutes


Order Commitment

Billing Increment

Rate Per Billing Increment

1,500 - 2,499

Per Usage and Overage Minutes



Per Usage and Overage Minutes


5,000 - 9,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes


10,000 - 24,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes


25,000 - 49,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes


50,000 - 99,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes


100,000 - 249,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes


250,000 - 499,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes


500,000 - 999,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes


1,000,000 - 2,499,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes


2,500,000 - 4,999,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes


5,000,000 - 9,999,999

Per Usage and Overage Minutes



3.2.1    Seat Based Overage Charge.  In each consecutive 15-minute period per calendar day in which the number of seats accessing Net Conferencing servers exceeds the number of Net Conferencing seats specified by a Customer, Customer will be billed and required to pay an overage charge equal to $10.00 per each seat which (i) accesses Net Conferencing servers at the point in time in that 15-minute period when the highest number of seats access Net Conferencing servers and (ii) which exceeds the number of reserved seats.


3.3       Cisco WebEx Named Host Option. In lieu of all other rates, discounts and promotions for Named Host Option, Customer will pay the following charges:


Named Host

Cisco WebEx Meeting Center Named Host – 25 Participant Cap

Number of Hosts Enrolled

Monthly Charge Per Host






















































Cisco WebEx Meeting Center Named Host - 200 Participant Cap

Number of Hosts Enrolled

Rate Per Month Per Host

















1,000 – 1,499


1,500 – 2,499


2,500 – 3,499


3,500 – 4,999


 5,000 – 7,499


7,500 – 9,999


10,000 – 14,999


15,000 – 24,999


25,000 – 34,999


35,000 – 49,999


50,000 – 74,999


75,000 – 99,999


100,000 – 149,999


150,000 – 249,999


250,000 – 349,999



Cisco WebEx Training Center Named Host - 30 Participant Cap

Number of Hosts Enrolled

Rate Per Month Per Host
















Cisco WebEx Training Center Named Host - 50 Participant Cap

Number of Hosts Enrolled

Rate Per Month Per Host
















Cisco WebEx Training Center Named Host - 100 Participant Cap

Number of Hosts Enrolled

Rate Per Month Per Host
















Cisco WebEx Support Center Named Host - 5 Participant Cap

Number of Hosts Enrolled

Rate Per Month Per Host






























Cisco WebEx Enterprise Edition Named Host – 200 Participant Cap

Number of Hosts Enrolled

Rate Per Month Per Host
















































Cisco WebEx Enterprise Edition Named Host – 1,000 Participant Cap

Number of Hosts Enrolled

Rate Per Month Per Host

















1,000- 1,499


1,500- 2,499


2,500- 3,499


3,500- 4,999


5,000- 7,499


7,500- 9,999


10,000- 14,999


15,000- 24,999


25,000- 34,999


35,000- 49,999


50,000- 74,999


75,000- 99,999


100,000- 149,999


150,000- 249,999


250,000- 349,999



3.4       Cisco WebEx Event Center Named Host Option.  In lieu of all other rates, discounts and promotions for Event Center (Named Host) Option, Customer will pay the following charges:


Cisco WebEx Event Center Named Host

Participant Cap

MRC per Named Host License*









*  Customer must purchase a minimum of one Event Center Named Host.


4.         Features and Options Charges. See Net Conferencing Features and Options


5.         Conferencing Term Plans. Customer may subscribe to Net Conferencing under a Conferencing Term Plan with annual volume and term commitment as follows.


Conferencing Term Plan F: This plan is not available to new Customers.  Unless otherwise specified, no other discounts will apply to Net Conferencing.


6.         Other Charges


6.1       Cancellation Charges. A $5.00 per reserved Net Conferencing connection charge will apply for each pre-scheduled Reserved Net Conference session either cancelled by Customer within 30 minutes of the scheduled conference session time or during which there are fewer than two participating connections.


6.2       Paper Invoice Charge applies.


6.3       Convenience Payment Charge applies.


V.         TERMS AND CONDITIONS: In addition to the Online Master Terms - Terms and Conditions of Service, the following terms and conditions apply:


1.         Verizon Access. Verizon personnel will have access to Customer Conferences and recordings of Conferences to perform requested services, such as operator or technical assistance, and for service quality purposes.


2.         Maintenance Interruptions. Verizon may interrupt Customer’s Net Conferencing service for scheduled or emergency maintenance or as otherwise set forth in Customer’s agreement.


3.         Audit and Extraordinary Events.  With respect to Cisco WebEx Named Host, Active Host, Event Center Named Host, and Full Deployment Named Host options –

3.1    Verizon may audit pertinent Customer records during normal business hours to ensure Customer’s compliance with the requirements set forth herein.  Verizon will pay the cost of the audit unless it is found that Customer is misusing the Named or Active Host Service by, for example, exceeding the number of allowable meeting participants, assigning more Named Hosts than Customer has subscribed to, sharing a Named Host-assignment among multiple employees, having a Named Host hold simultaneous meetings, or assigning a non-employee to be Named Host.

3.2    Customer shall inform Verizon in writing of any Extraordinary Event within 30 days of its occurrence.  An “Extraordinary Event” is a merger, acquisition, divestiture, or layoff that occurs during an enrollment period and changes the number of Customer employees by more than 20% from the initial employee count.

3.3    If an Extraordinary Event occurs, or Verizon determines via an audit or otherwise that Customer is misusing Verizon Net Conferencing in accordance with the above, Verizon shall bill Customer, and Customer shall promptly pay in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein, the rates and charges arising from Customer’s increased usage of Net Conferencing.


4.         Responsibility for Charges.  Customer shall be responsible for payment of rates, fees, charges and surcharges incurred for all use of Net Conferencing Services, including without limitation unauthorized use of Net Conferencing Services.  This obligation shall not apply to unauthorized use that (1) is proximately due to Verizon’s negligence or willful misconduct or (2) proximately arises from the unauthorized use of passwords where Customer has used the strong password criteria provided by Verizon on the Verizon Conferencing portal under System Requirements.


4.1    Taxes- Primary Place of Use.


4.1.1    In the case of web based conference calling services, the primary place of use (PPU) location of each conference leader will be designated in writing by Customer and used as the location(s) for taxing purposes.  Where the location(s) of each conference leader is not designated by Customer, Customer will designate in writing the PPU’s that should be used by Verizon for taxing purposes.  If Customer does not designate any PPU’s, Customer agrees that Verizon should use the headquarters location for taxing purposes.  Further, Customer will use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain records that reasonably substantiate the location(s) designated as the PPU and provide such records upon request from Verizon in the event Verizon is required to demonstrate the accuracy of the PPU to government authorities on audit.  In the event a government agency makes a determination that the PPU is wrong or not properly substantiated, Customer will be responsible for any additional Taxes, fees or surcharges plus penalties and interest imposed due to a change in PPU or taxable location at such time that Verizon is required to pay such assessment.


4.1.2    In the event Customer designates a PPU that is outside of the U.S., it remains the responsibility of Customer to comply with the laws of any tax jurisdiction in which it operates with respect to the applicability of all Taxes, including any requirement to self-assess or otherwise account for Taxes.  In the event that any taxing or governmental authority asserts that Customer should have self-assessed or otherwise accounted for Taxes on any purchases made pursuant to this Agreement, Customer agrees to be responsible and hold Verizon harmless from and against any claim or liability (including the Tax and associated interest, penalties, or other charges) which may arise as a result of Customer’s failure to self-assess or otherwise account for a Tax.


5.         Protected Health Information (“PHI”).  In connection with Net Conferencing, Company does not create, receive, maintain, or store PHI as defined in the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009.  Net Conferencing is not equipped to store or otherwise maintain such PHI.  Therefore, although it is possible for Customer to record PHI via an Net Conferencing recording feature, Customer agrees that neither it nor its Participants will use Net Conferencing to engage in such recording or store PHI.  To the extent this prohibition is violated, Customer is fully responsible for the consequences. 


6.         Nature of Service.  Net Conferencing does not provide service, maintenance or repair to or for any real or personal property.


7.         On Line Password for Access to Service and CPNI.  At the time Net Conferencing is established, Verizon will provide Customer’s designated billing point of contact (the “Billing POC”) with an authorization code (“Password”), which Customer and the Billing POC may use to access Net Conferencing and obtain information about Net Conferencing on-line that may include “CPNI” (as defined in the Agreement).  In order for the Billing POC to receive the Password, Customer will name the Billing POC as a CPNI Authorizer following the process set forth in the Agreement.  Customer agrees that the Billing POC is also authorized to use the Password to establish Net Conferencing for Customer personnel and to disclose the Password for Net Conferencing and CPNI access to other personnel of Customer, and that such personnel are authorized by Customer to access Net Conferencing and CPNI.  Customer will be solely responsible for use and disclosure of the Password by Customer personnel.


8.         Enrollment Period


8.1       The minimum enrollment period for Net Conferencing is set forth in the chart below.  If the period of Customer’s subscription to Net Conferencing extends beyond the Term of the Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall be deemed to extend for the full duration of Customer’s Net Conferencing enrollment period. 


8.2       If (a) Customer terminates Net Conferencing or the Agreement before the end of the minimum enrollment period for reasons other than Cause; or (b) Verizon terminates Net Conferencing or the Agreement for Cause before the end of the minimum enrollment period pursuant to relevant sections in the Agreement or this Service Attachment, then Customer will pay, within thirty (30) days after such termination, (i) an amount equal to the number of months remaining in the minimum enrollment period multiplied by the applicable MRC, plus (ii) a pro rata portion of any and all applicable credits received by Customer.


8.3       Upon expiration of Customer’s Net Conferencing enrollment period, Customer’s Net Conferencing enrollment shall automatically renew for a subsequent enrollment period (“Renewal Term”) in accordance with the table below unless Customer has provided notice to Verizon at least 45 days prior to such expiration that it does not wish to renew its Net Conferencing enrollment.  During the enrollment period to which Customer subscribes, Customer may increase, but not decrease, any committed quantities for which it submits an Enrollment/Order Form. 



Initial Minimum Term

Renewal Term

Cisco WebEx

Enterprise Edition Committed Minutes

6 months

6 months

Enterprise Edition Named Host

12 months

12 months

Meeting Center Pro Named Host

12 months

12 months

Support Center Named Host

12 months

12 months

Training Center Named Host

12 months

12 months

Event Center Named Host

1 month

1 month

Meeting Center Active Host

12 months

12 months

Enterprise Edition Active Host

12 months

12 months

Meeting Center Full Deployment

12 months

12 months

Enterprise Edition Full Deployment

12 months

12 months

Event Center Seat-based

6 months

6 months

Meeting Center Pro Seat-based

6 months

6 months

Support Center Seat-based

6 months

6 months

Training Center Seat-based

6 months

6 months

Meeting Center Pro Per Minute

No disponible

No disponible

Microsoft Live Meeting

Per Minute

No disponible

No disponible


8.4       Effective June 30, 2013, the term of any Customer subscriptions to Microsoft Office Live Meeting, whether new or renewal, shall not exceed 12 months.