Combination of Promotions


From time to time through March 18, 2003, the Company may provide Customers qualifying for more than one of the promotional discounts specified in Sections VI.3., VI.4. and/or VI.5. may obtain a wholly additive application of such discounts up to the greater of (i) 10%, or (ii) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, such that if the applicable discount in the relevant discount schedule for the WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service in question is 10%, a 3% discount under Section VI.3 plus a 5% discount under Section VI.4. plus a 4% discount under Section VI.5. (assuming a maximum of 10%) plus 10% from the relevant discount schedule would equal 20%.


Combined Services Promotion


From time to time through March 18, 2003, Company will provide an offering for Customers who order WorldCom and/or WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service subject to a Service Commitment Period of at least one (1) year whereby the monthly charges of the WorldCom or WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service may be aggregated with monthly charges for other Company-provided services, excluding Message Telecommunications Service, for the purpose of determining the Customer's relevant discount and/or Minimum Monthly Commitment.  This Combined Services Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


Commitment to Higher Volume Level Promotion


Beginning March 18, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion. Customers committing to obtain WorldCom Frame Relay Service subject to at least a $10,000 or 5% increase (whichever is greater) or WorldMark Frame Relay Service in an aggregate amount for all WorldMark Services of $15,000 or 5% increase (whichever is greater) in Customer's then current volume of Base Rate charges (over a specified period of not less than twelve (12) months) with notice of eligibility thereof to Company will obtain a discount equal to the greater of (i) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, or (ii) at least 1% and up to 5% with respect to WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service ordered within the ensuing period (including the specified period of commitment), in addition to the applicable discount set forth in the discount schedules in Section IV or V.  Company's determination of the discount shall be evenly proportionate to whether the Service in question is Restricted WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service, the type of Service, the increase in Aggregate Base Rate Charges represented by such order, length of Service Commitment Period and Requested Service Date(s).  Company shall condition its application of this promotion upon Customer's provision to Company of satisfactory documentation regarding Customer's level of commitment and corresponding level of credit standing.


General Frame Relay Promotions


From time to time through March 18, 2003, Company will provide one or a combination of the following offerings for Customers who order WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Services subject to a Service Commitment Period of at least one (1) year: (a) with respect to any WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service (other than Restricted WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service) a credit up to one month's Base Rate charges (net of all applicable discounts) relevant to the WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service in question per year of the Service Commitment Period; (b) with respect to any WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service, a waiver of Installation charges for the WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service; (c) with respect to any WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service, a waiver of the Installation charges for Local Access associated with WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service; and/or (d) with respect to any WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service, a waiver of certain Ancillary Charges. This General Frame Relay Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


Initial Order Promotion


From time to time through March 18, 2003, the Company may offer new Customers (i.e., Customers that have not subscribed to Company WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Services under this Tariff for a period of at least one year or Customers desiring subscription to WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service which had not previously been available under this Tariff) that provide Company with notice of eligibility will obtain a discount equal to the greater of (i) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, or (ii) at least 1% and up to 5% with respect to WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service then ordered, and subject to at least a one (1) year Service Commitment Period in addition to the applicable discount set forth in the discount schedules in Section IV and Section V.  Company's determination of the discount shall be evenly proportionate to whether the WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service in question is Restricted WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service, the type of Service, Aggregate Base Rate Charges represented by such order, length of Service Commitment Period and Requested Service Date(s).  Customer's eligibility for this promotion will be conditioned upon Customer's timely providing Company satisfactory documentation regarding Customer's creditstanding.


Revenue Plan Promotion


From time to time through March 18, 2003, Company may offer new or existing Revenue Plan Customers modified cancellation liability with respect to Network Nodes comprising Qualifying WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service.  This modified cancellation liability may reduce the six (6) times multiplier set forth in Section IV.3..05.B and V.4..05 B. down to three (3) times.  This Revenue Plan Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


Service Longevity Promotion


Beginning March 18, 2003, this promotion is not available to new Customers of the promotion. WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service subject to a multi-year Service Commitment Period, which is extended for one (1) year by Service Order delivered to Company at least thirty (30) days, but no more than ninety (90) days prior to expiration of the initial Service Commitment Period or subsequent extensions, under the Service Longevity Promotion from time to time, Customer will be able to retain the term discount applicable to the initial Service Commitment Period.


Service Potentiality Promotion


From time to time through March 18, 2003, the Company may provide Customers obtaining frame relay services from other carriers that provide Company with notice of eligibility will obtain a discount equal to the greater of (i) the discount associated with up to the third higher incremental vertical discount level in the relevant discount schedule, if applicable, or (ii) at least 1% and up to 5% with respect to WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service then ordered, and subject to at least a one (1) year Service Commitment Period in addition to the applicable discount set forth in the discount schedules in Section IV or V.  Company's determination of the discount shall be evenly proportionate to whether the WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service in question is Restricted WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service, the type of Service, aggregate Base Rate charges represented by such order, length of Service Commitment Period, Requested Service Date(s) and volume of similar services then obtained by Customer from other carriers.  Customer's eligibility for this promotion will be conditioned upon Customer's timely providing Company satisfactory documentation regarding the level of other WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service then obtained by Customer from other carriers and Customer's credit standing.


Telecommunications Related Services Promotion


From time to time through March 18, 2003, Company will pay on behalf of Customer obtaining WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service subject to at least a one (1) year Service Commitment Period a one time charge, not to exceed one month's WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service, to selected third parties who provide certain telecommunications related services.  Telecommunications related services may include equipment, software, training or other services. In the event Customer cancels WorldCom or WorldMark Frame Relay Service prior to the expiration of the Service Commitment Period, Customer may be liable for all charges paid to the third party by Company on behalf of the Customer.  This Telecommunications Related Services Promotion may be limited to certain dates, times and geographical areas, but the geographical area shall not be less than an entire state.


DSL Virtual Port Promotion II


Beginning January 1, 2001 and ending September 30, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom Frame Relay who subscribe to MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company.


Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must subscribe to new domestic MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Service ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) within the U.S. Mainland (New Service) associated with Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line Access (EDSL) under a new MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Pricing Plan or under an MCI WorldCom On-Net Services Term Plan (Term Plan) provided by an affiliate of the Company.


During each monthly period of a customer's Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, the customer will be charged the following monthly recurring charges, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges, for New Service, based on port speed and EDSL service type:


                                                                EDSL Service Type/Monthly Recurring Charge

                                                              Starter                         Basic                         Premium

        Port Speed (Kbps)                     Servicio                       Servicio                        Servicio


                       128                              $   150                        $   225                        $     300

                       256                                   200                             275                               375

                       384                                   250                             300                               500

                       512                                   300                             375                               625

                       768                                   350                             450                               800

                    1,024                                   425                             525                               975

                    1,536                                   550                             625                            1,275

                    3,072                                   850                          1,000                            1,975

                    5,120                                1,250                          1,500                            2,875

                    7,168                                1,650                          2,000                            3,775


Transition Node Promotion


Through September 30, 1996, WorldCom is offering new Customers of its Frame Relay Service, who agree to a minimum term commitment of one (1) year, an entry level competitive price for Frame Relay Service.  The order must be entered into the WorldCom System no later than October 15, 1996 and the Customer must request installation no later than November 15, 1996.  The following will apply to this promotion:


(1)       Node Price:                                                                  $165.00

(2)       Customer Node Location Limitations:

Domestic U.S. only

(3)       Conditions that apply:

a.         One node in network must use regular base rates;

b.         56/64K Port only;

c.         Maximum 32K CIR; and,

d.         Maximum 2 PVCs.

(4)       Discounts:  No discounts will apply, however, the Node Price can aggregate toward discounts for Regular Priced Nodes.


This promotion cannot be combined with any other promotions and/or offers.


Valued Frame Relay Promotion


Beginning April 19, 1999 and ending September 30, 1999, WorldCom will offer the following promotion to existing customers of WorldCom Frame Relay Service provided by the Company who become new subscribers to MCI WorldCom On‑Net Services Feature Option 1 provided by an affiliate of the Company with an Option RR Term Plan term of service commitment which equals or exceeds 1-year.


In addition to receiving standard tariffed discounts, throughout the term of service of the customer's Option RR Term Plan, customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a 10 percent discount on the customer's monthly recurring port and PVC charges for WorldCom Frame Relay Service provided by the Company which was installed prior to November 1, 1998.


In addition to standard tariffed provisions, customers who terminate service under the customer's new Option RR Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service of that plan will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.


Tiered Frame Relay Access Promotion


Beginning September 18, 1999 and ending October 31, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom On‑Net Service provided by an affiliate of the Company and MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay.


Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must commit to request installation of new circuit at 1.536/1.544 Mbps to be administered by the Company and MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay in the U.S. Mainland (Promotional Circuit) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year (Term Plans).


To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the following conditions apply:


            Each Promotional Circuit must:


•           be installed at a location at which the customer is not receiving MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay service or using a circuit at 1.536/1.544 Mbps at the time of promotion enrollment;


•           use at least four channels associated with use of domestic MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay; and,


•           have a standard tariffed monthly recurring Local Access Charge less than or equal to $1000.00 at the time of the customer makes a request to the Company for installation of that circuit.


            The customer:


•           must make a request to the Company for installation of all Promotional Circuits no later than November 30, 1999;


•           must request that installation of all Promotional Circuits be completed by January 31, 2000; and,


•           may not receive service from an affiliate of the Company under a Special Customer Arrangement.


Promotional Benefits:  During the term of service of a customer's Term Plan, customers enrolled in this promotion will be charged the following undiscountable monthly recurring charges for each Promotional Circuit in lieu of the monthly recurring Local Access Charges set forth in Section IV.8.01, based on the number of DS0-equivalent channels per Promotional Circuit associated with use of MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay in each monthly period.


                               Canales                          Monthly Recurring Charge


                                  4   -   11                                       $175.00

                                12   -   24                                         125.00


Frame Relay Recurring Charge Waiver Promotion


Beginning September 18, 1999 and ending October 31, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom On‑Net Service provided by an affiliate of the Company and MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay.


Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must commit to request installation of new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay in the U.S. Mainland (New Service) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan or Option RR Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year (Term Plans).


To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the following conditions apply:  The customer:


•           must make a request to the Company for installation of all New Service no later than November 30, 1999;


•           must request that installation of all New Service be completed by January 31, 2000;


•           may not receive service from an affiliate of the Company under a Special Customer Arrangement; and,


•           may not receive service the benefits of the Frame Relay Super Size Promotion from an affiliate of the Company.


Promotional Benefits:  Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive a credit equal to the customer's monthly recurring port and PVC charges for the months of April, 2000, and July, 2000, for New Service.


Frame Relay Dual Network Services Promotion


Beginning December 18, 1999 and ending January 22, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of WorldCom Frame Relay who subscribe to MCI WorldCom On‑Net Services and/or networkMCI One service provided by an affiliate of the Company.


Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must subscribe to new domestic WorldCom Frame Relay Service within the U.S. Mainland (New Service) under (i) a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan or under an MCI WorldCom On-Net Services or networkMCI One Term Plan provided by an affiliate of the Company (Term Plans) with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year or (ii) an existing Term Plan with a remaining term of service which equals or exceeds one year.


To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion on a New Service, a customer must:


•           order installation of the New Service on or before January 22, 2000; and,


•           request that the New Service be installed on or before January 22, 2000.


The benefits of this promotion are not available:


•           to customers receiving service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section II.20);


•           to customers receiving the benefits of the Frame Relay Monthly Recurring Charge Waiver Promotion or the Frame Relay Valued Customer Promotion on service provided by and affiliate of the Company; and,


•           on New Service installed on an expedited basis.


Promotional Benefits:


Discounts:  During each monthly billing period of the term of service in which the customer fulfills all the eligibility requirements, the customer will receive a 30 percent discount, after application of all other discounts and credits, applicable to the monthly recurring port and PVC charges for New Service.


MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Agreement (SLA):  The provisions of the SLAs set forth in Section IV.11.01 apply for New Service, except as follows.


1.         In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section C-IV.11.01 for Service Availability, the Service Level Agreement for Service Availability for Type 2 and Type 3 circuits is 100 percent.


2.         The credits set forth in Section IV.11.01 will be applied only if both New Service and the Existing MWFR with which it is paired fail to meet an SLA in a monthly period, in which case the credit will be calculated based on the monthly recurring PVC charges for both New Service and the paired Existing MWFR.


DSO Upgrade Promotion


Beginning January 1, 2000 and ending April 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to existing customers of DS‑0 (Digital Signal Level 0) Service (DS-0) provided by an affiliate of the Company which (1) place a service upgrade order with the Company within the promotional period, and (2) request that service upgrade installation(s) occur no later than May 31, 2000.


For this promotion, a service upgrade is the replacement of existing Customer DS-0 service with WorldCom Frame Relay Service under a new or existing term plan having a term commitment of at least one year. Qualifying Customers will receive a one-time $500 credit.


DSL Virtual Port Promotion


Beginning March 11, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom Frame Relay who subscribe to MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company.


Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, a customer must subscribe to new domestic MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Service ports and Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) within the U.S. Mainland (New Service) associated with Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line Access (EDSL) under a new MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Pricing Plan or under an MCI WorldCom On-Net Services Term Plan (Term Plan) provided by an affiliate of the Company.


During each monthly period of a customer's Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, the customer will be charged the following monthly recurring charges, in lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring charges, for New Service, based on port speed and EDSL service type:


                                                                EDSL Service Type/Monthly Recurring Charge

                                                              Starter                         Basic                       Premium

        Port Speed (Kbps)                     Servicio                       Servicio                       Servicio


                       128                              $   150                        $   225                        $   300

                       256                                   200                             275                             375

                       384                                   250                             300                             500

                       512                                   300                             375                             625

                       768                                   350                             450                             800

                    1,024                                   425                             525                             975

                    1,536                                   550                             625                          1,275

                    3,072                                   850                          1,000                          1,975

                    5,120                                1,250                          1,500                          2,875

                    7,168                                1,650                          2,000                          3,775


Frame Relay Dual Network Services Promotion


Beginning January 22, 2000 and ending March 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion.


Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in the promotion, the customer must:


(i)         be an existing customer of a Frame Relay product offered by an affiliate of the Company (Existing MWFR); and,


(ii)        become a new subscriber of WorldCom Frame Relay Service (as set forth in Section IV) (New Service) under (a) a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan, MCI WorldCom On‑Net Services Term Plan or networkMCI One Term Plan provided by an affiliate of the Company (Term Plans) with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year, or (b) an existing Term Plan with a remaining term of service which equals or exceeds one year.


(iii) order New Service:


(a)       in the same locations as the customer's Existing MWFR;


(b)       comprised of ports and PVCs which equal the number of the customers' Existing MWFR ports and PVCs, respectively, and at speeds which are less than or equal to the speeds of the customer's Existing MWFR;


(c)        for the purpose of serving as Back‑Up to the customer's Existing MWFR;


(d)       no later than March 1, 2000 with a request for installation no later than May 30, 2000; and,

(e)       without a request for expedited installation.


Non‑Eligibility: This promotion is not available to customers receiving service under:


(i)         a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section II.20); or,


(ii)        the Frame Relay Monthly Recurring Charge Waiver Promotion or the Valued Customer Promotion Frame Relay Valued Customer Promotion on service provided by an affiliate of the Company.


Definitions:  For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:


•           Back‑Up: Service used by a customer during a service outage of the customer's Existing MWFR.


•           Service Outage: An unscheduled period of time during which service is unavailable to the customer for use.  A Service Outage is defined as 60 or more seconds of service unavailability within a 15‑minute period as measured by the Company.  A Service Outage does not include the time during there occurs an interruption of service due to any one or more of the following:


         Scheduled service maintenance.


         Labor strikes affecting service.


         Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency).


         Service Outages attributable to the installation of a new circuit.


         Service Outages attributable to: customer premises equipment (CPE); any third party equipment other than equipment furnished by LECs as part of their access services; or any customer application on a covered circuit.


         Any act or omission on the part of the customer, its contractors, agents or vendors, including any refusal to release the circuit to the Company for maintenance, testing or repair.


Promotional Benefits:


Discounts:  During each monthly billing period of the term of service in which the customer fulfills all the eligibility requirements, the customer will receive a 30 percent discount, after application of all other discounts and credits, applicable to the monthly recurring port and PVC charges for New Service.


MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Agreement (SLA):The provisions of the SLAs set forth in Section IV.11.01 apply for New Service, except as follows.


•           In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section IV.11.01 for Service Availability, the Service Level Agreement for Service Availability for Type 2 and Type 3 circuits is 100 percent.


•           The credits set forth in Section IV.11.01 will be applied only if both New Service and the Existing MWFR with which it is paired fail to meet an SLA in a monthly period, in which case the credit will be calculated based on the monthly recurring PVC charges for both New Service and the paired Existing MWFR.


Early Termination: If a customer terminates New Service prior to the expiration of its Term Plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the discounts received by the customer under this promotion.


Frame Relay Dual Network Services Promotion A


Beginning April 15, 2000 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion.


Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in the promotion, the customer must:


(i)         be an existing customer of a Frame Relay product offered by an affiliate of the Company (Existing MWFR); and,


(ii)        become a new subscriber of WorldCom Frame Relay Service (as set forth in Section IV) (New Service) under (a) a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Pricing Plan, MCI WorldCom On‑Net Services Term Plan or networkMCI One Term Plan provided by an affiliate of the Company (Term Plans) with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year, or (b) an existing Term Plan with a remaining term of service which equals or exceeds one year.


(iii) order New Service:


(a)       in the same locations as the customer's Existing MWFR;


(b)       which is comprised of (i) ports and PVCs which equal the number of the customers' Existing MWFR ports and PVCs, respectively, and at speeds which are less than or equal to the speeds of the customer's Existing MWFR, if installed prior to June 10, 2000, or (ii) ports, PVCs and local access facilities which equal the number of the customers' Existing MWFR ports, PVCs and local access facilities, respectively, and at speeds which are less than or equal to the speeds of the customer's Existing WFR if installed on or after June 10, 2000;


(c)        for the purpose of serving as Back‑Up to the customer's Existing MWFR;


(d)       no later than March 1, 2001 with a request for installation no later than April 30, 2001; and,


(e)       without a request for expedited installation.


Non‑Eligibility: This promotion is not available to customers receiving service under:


(i)         a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section II.20); or,


(ii)        the Frame Relay Monthly Recurring Charge Waiver Promotion or the Valued Customer Promotion Frame Relay Valued Customer Promotion on service provided by an affiliate of the Company.


Definitions:  For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:


•           Back‑Up: Service used by a customer during a service outage of the customer's Existing MWFR.


•           Service Outage: An unscheduled period of time during which service is unavailable to the customer for use.  A Service Outage is defined as 60 or more seconds of service unavailability within a 15‑minute period as measured by the Company.  A Service Outage does not include the time during there occurs an interruption of service due to any one or more of the following:


         Scheduled service maintenance.


         Labor strikes affecting service.


         Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency).


         Service Outages attributable to the installation of a new circuit.


         Service Outages attributable to: customer premises equipment (CPE); any third party equipment other than equipment furnished by LECs as part of their access services; or any customer application on a covered circuit.


         Any act or omission on the part of the customer, its contractors, agents or vendors, including any refusal to release the circuit to the Company for maintenance, testing or repair.


Promotional Benefits:


Discounts:  During each monthly billing period of the term of service in which the customer fulfills all the eligibility requirements, the customer will receive a 30 percent discount, after application of all other discounts and credits, applicable to the monthly recurring port and PVC charges for New Service.


MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Agreement (SLA):The provisions of the SLAs set forth in Section C-3.355 apply for New Service, except as follows.


•           In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section IV.11.01 for Service Availability, the Service Level Agreement for Service Availability for Type 2 and Type 3 circuits is 100 percent.


•           The credits set forth in Section IV.11.01 will be applied only if both New Service and the Existing MWFR with which it is paired fail to meet an SLA in a monthly period, in which case the credit will be calculated based on the monthly recurring PVC charges for both New Service and the paired Existing MWFR.


Early Termination: If a customer terminates New Service prior to the expiration of its Term Plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the discounts received by the customer under this promotion.


[…]Frame Relay Single Source Promotion


Beginning October 21, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of WorldCom Frame Relay Service (WFRS) who install new domestic WFRS ports at 56/64 kbps with associated Company affiliate-provided DSO (Hubless) Access and/or WFRS ports 128 kbps, 256 kbps, or 1544 kbps with associated Company affiliate‑provided T‑1 Digital Access (New Service) under a new Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WORLDCOM On‑Net Services) Option RR Term Plan (as set forth in Section C-3.464 of MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 1) with a term commitment which equals or exceeds two years and an annual volume commitment which equals or exceeds $180,000 (Term Plan.)  To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer must place an order on or before January 31, 2001 for installation of all New Service to occur on a date on or before March 31, 2001.


In lieu of standard tariffed monthly recurring port charges and Local Channel Monthly Recurring Charges for New Service, the customer will be charged the following monthly recurring charges per port for installed New Service during the term of service of a customer's Term Plan, based on Term Plan term of service and volume commitment and port speed:


                                                                  Volume Commitment/Term of Service/

                                                                     Monthly Recurring Per‑Port Charge

        Port Speed                         $180,000                  $300,000                  $600,000

              kbps                            2 Year       3 Year       2 Year       3 Year       2 Year       3 Year


                    56/64                    $  365       $  345       $  350       $  335       $  335       $  325

                 128                             540           505           530           495           520           490

                 256                             695           675           675           655           655           635

               1544                          1,800        1,550        1,725        1,475        1,650        1,400


Frame Relay Port and PVC Power Play Promotion


Beginning November 4, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of WorldCom Frame Relay Service (WFRS) who subscribe to MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services and/or networkMCI One service provided by an affiliate of the Company.


Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must commit to request installation of new WorldCom Frame Relay Service (New Service) under an MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plan, or under an MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services or networkMCI One Term Plan provided by an affiliate of the Company (Term Plans.)


To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer:


•           must make a request to the Company for installation of all New Service no later than January 31, 2001;


•           must request that installation of all New Service be completed by March 31, 2001; and,


•           may not receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement (as described in Section II.20).


Promotional Benefits: During each monthly period of a customer’s Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, the customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring port and PVC charges for New Service, based on Term Plan term of service:


Term of Service (Years)                               Descuento


1                                                     10%

2                                                     20

3                                                     30


BAD Promotion


Beginning November 11, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 provided by an affiliate of the Company who subscribe to a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Term Plan provided by an affiliate of the Company (Term Plan).


In addition to the discounts associated with the customers Term Plan, during each monthly period of the customer's Term Plan term of service following enrollment in this promotion, the customer will receive a discount applied to domestic, interstate monthly recurring Port and PVC charges for WorldCom Frame Relay Service to which the customer subscribes under the customer’s Term Plan equal to 12 percent of the standard monthly recurring charges.


Introductory Acquisition Promotion


Beginning January 1, 2001 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of WorldCom Frame Relay under a new MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Pricing Plan or Metered Use Service Option MM (network MCI) Term Plan or Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On‑Net Services) Option RR Term Plan provided by a Company affiliate (Term Plan).


To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, the customer must request that new WorldCom Frame Relay service be installed on or before April 30, 2001.


The Company will waive monthly recurring charges for ports and PVCs, based upon term of service, as follows: during Months 15 through 20 of a customer's term of service for customers who subscribe under a 2‑year term of service;  during Months 25 through 36 of a customer's term of service for customers who subscribe under a 3‑year term of service;  during Months 37 through 48 of a customer's term of service for customers who subscribe under a 4‑year term of service; and, during Months 48 through 60 of a customer's term of service for customers who subscribe under a 5‑year term of service.


Customers who terminate service under the customer's Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion.


Frame Relay Tip Off Promotion


Offer:  Discounts on monthly recurring charges for WorldCom Frame Relay Service (WFRS) ports and PVCs during the term of service of a customer's MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Services Option RR Term Plan and/or networkMCI One Term Plan provided by an affiliate of the Company (Term Plan), based on committed term of service:


Term of Service (Years)                               Descuento


1                                                       5%

2                                                     15

3                                                     25


Eligibility Requirements:


Must be receiving service under an existing Term Plan.


Must enroll between January 27, 2001 and March 31, 2001.


In order to receive the benefits of this promotion on existing WFRS, a customer must be receiving service under a Term Plan with no more than three monthly periods remaining in the term of service and must subscribe to a new Term Plan with term and volume commitments which equal or exceed the customer's existing Term Plan commitments.


Must request installation of all new service no later than April 30, 2001 to occur no later than June 30, 2001.


MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service Level Agreement (SLA):  The provisions of the SLAs set forth in Section C-3.355 apply for New Service, except as follows.


•           In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section IV.11.01 for Service Availability, the Service Level Agreement for Service Availability for Type 2 and Type 3 circuits is 100 percent.


•           The credits set forth in Section IV.11.01 will be applied only if both New Service and the Existing MWFR with which it is paired fail to meet an SLA in a monthly period, in which case the credit will be calculated based on the monthly recurring PVC charges for both New Service and the paired Existing MWFR.


Early Termination: If a customer terminates New Service prior to the expiration of its Term Plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the discounts received by the customer under this promotion.


Frame Relay Base Renewal Bump Promotion


Offer:  Beginning April 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to existing customers of WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service (WFRS) who subscribe to MCI WORLDCOM On-Net Service and/or networkMCI One service provided by an affiliate of the Company (Term Plan).


Eligibility Requirements:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, the customer must:


•           be receiving service under an existing Term Plan; and,


•           enroll between April 1, 2001 and June 30, 2001.


In order to receive the benefits of this promotion, a customer:


•           on existing WFRS, must be receiving service under a Term Plan with no more than three monthly periods remaining in the term of service and must subscribe to a new Term Plan with term and volume commitments which equal or exceed the customer's existing Term Plan commitments (New Service);


•           request installation of all New Service no later than July 31, 2001 to occur no later than September 30, 2001;


•           may not receive service under a Specialized Customer Arrangement, as described in Section II.20; and,


•           may not receive the benefits of the Frame Relay Dual Network Services Promotion B and Frame Relay Tip Off 2 Promotion.


Promotional Benefits:  In lieu of the monthly recurring port charge set forth in Section IV.1.01, during the term of service of the customer's Term Plan following enrollment in this promotion, the customer will be charged the standard tariffed monthly recurring port charge set forth in Section IV.1.01 for ports at the port speed immediately lower than the port speed for installed New Service, as set forth in Section IV.1.01.


Enterprise DSL Month For A Year Promotion


Offer:  The Company will receive a credit equal to monthly recurring charges for new Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (EDSL) service in the following monthly periods of a customer's Term Plan term of service, based upon Term Plan term of service, as follows: Month 12 for customers who subscribe under a 1‑year term of service; Months 23 and 24 for customers who subscribe under a 2‑year term of service; and Months 34 through 36 for customers who subscribe under a 3, 4, or 5‑year term of service.


Eligibility:  The customer must:


•           enroll in this promotion between April 20, 2001 and June 30, 2001;


•           be enrolled in the DSL Virtual Port Promotion;


•           subscribe to new EDSL service provided under MCI WORLDCOM Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 3 associated with WorldCom Frame Relay Service (New Service) under a new Metered Use Service Option RR (MCI WorldCom On‑Net Services) Term Plan provided under MCI WORLDCOM Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1 (Term Plan); and,


•           request installation of all New Service no later than July 31, 2001 to occur no later than August 31, 2001.


Other Conditions: Customers who terminate service under the customer's Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service will be billed and required to repay all credits received by the customer under this promotion.