Videoconferencing​​  Currency Off​​  Promoción​​ 


Offer:​​   Coupons, in the following amounts, which the conference leader may apply, one per-call, to charges for three Videoconferencing calls, applied in consecutive order of the calls, with charges which equal or exceed $499, which occur between promotion enrollment and December 31, 2003, as follows:​​ 


Llama​​                Coupon Amount​​ 


1st                       $  50​​ 

2nd                        100​​ 

3rd                         200​​ 


Eligibility:​​   The conference leader:​​ 


must enroll between April 1, 2003 and December 31, 2003;​​ 


may not use Videoconferencing during the 12-month period preceding promotion enrollment;  and,​​ 


must complete a form at a Company-designated Internet site to apply the coupon for a call following completion of the call and prior to January 15, 2003.​​ 


Other Conditions:​​   Customer may not receive the benefits of the Videoconferencing Complimentary 2 Hour promotion.​​