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Prior to August 1, 2001, service was furnished under WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 1 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.


Please note the following regarding this important change.


·       WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 1 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised General Definitions and new or revised General Terms and Conditions of Service contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1.  Like the service in former WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 1, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts.  Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 1 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found in WIDSI Tariff FCC. No. 1 and currently contained in this Guide.


·       Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 1 on July 31, 2001.


·       If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.


·       The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.


·       Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”

























































     1.1  This tariff applies to International Overseas Telex Service furnished on a real time, conversational basis solely by the Company, successor to Western Union International, or any successor entity, or in conjunction with overseas correspondents, in accordance with the rules, regulations and rates specified herein.  This tariff also contains the domestic segment charge which applies when the customer accesses, on a real time, conversational basis, the international telex service of another carrier.



     2.1  International Overseas Telex Service is offered, subject to the availability of facilities, between telex stations located at places as listed on the Title Page.


     2.2  In the United States the Company maintains offices in the cities indicated below for the handling of international telex calls.


Akron, OH

Allentown, PA

Anaheim, CA

Atlanta, GA

Baltimore, MD

Boston, MA

Bridgeport, CT

Buffalo, NY

Charlotte, NC

Chicago, IL

Cincinnati, OH

Cleveland, OH

Columbus, OH

Dallas, TX

Dayton, OH

Denver, CO

Detroit, MI

Erie, PA

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Greensboro, NC

Harrisburg, PA

Hartford, CT

Hicksville, NY

Hilo, HI

Honolulu, HI

Houston, TX

Indianapolis, IN

Kansas City, MO

Lancaster, PA

Lorain, OH

Los Angeles, CA

Memphis, TN

Miami, FL

Milwaukee, WI

Minneapolis, MN

Nashville, TN

Newark, NJ

New Brunswick, NJ

New Orleans, LA

New York, NY

Norfolk, VA

Norwalk, CT

Oklahoma City, OK

Orlando, FL

Oxnard CA

Paterson, NJ

Philadelphia, PA

Phoenix, AZ

Pittsburgh, PA

Portland, OR

Providence, RI

Racine, WI

Raleigh, NC

Reading, PA

Richmond, VA

Rochester, NY

San Antonio, TX

San Diego, CA

San Francisco, CA

San Jose, CA

Seattle, WA

Stamford, CT

St. Louis, MO

Syracuse, NY

Tampa, FL

Toledo, OH

Trenton, NJ

Tulsa, OK

Washington, DC

Wilmington, DE

Worcester, MA

York, PA


          For the purposes of this tariff, with the exception of Hi, Hawaii, each city encompasses the Standard, Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) as defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards.  Hilo, Hawaii encompasses the area within a 10 mile radius of the Company's office.


     2.3  International Overseas Telex Service is also available to and from subscribers in Alaska as provided for in 5.9 herein.


     2.4  International Overseas Telex Service is available to customers in the Continental United States or Hawaii who access the Company's offices by directly connected tieline as provided for in 4.5 following or by use of a domestic network.


     2.5  International Overseas Telex Service is also available to domestic subscribers of Other Common Carriers who select the Company's service for the placing of international telex calls on a real time, conversational basis.



     3.1  International Overseas Telex Service:  Such service is that of providing facilities for the handling of telegraph communications directly between two customer stations.


     3.2  Conference Service:  The furnishing of connections involving more than two customer telex stations, that is, conference service, is not provided.


     3.3  Facilities:  The facilities furnished permit the transmission of communications in each direction alternately but not simultaneously at a maximum speed of approximately 400 operations (key or bar depressions) per minute.  Service over such facilities is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.


     3.4  Transferred Account:


          (a)  Upon request, the Company will extend credit facilities for the acceptance, without prepayment, of telex calls by the issuance of an appropriate transferred account credit card which is useable in the United States and in those foreign countries participating in the international transferred account service.  Domestic and/or national telex calls are excluded from the service since many countries offer separate domestic and/or national credit facilities.


          (b)  Application for the service must be made directly to the Company, and must include the full name of the person (or full title of the corporate body) wishing to use the service and the full name and address of the person or corporate body responsible for payment of the charges.


          (c)  Each credit card shall be valid for a period not to exceed one year.


          (d)  Credit cards are not transferable and must be presented when credit facilities in the United States and in foreign countries are applied for.


          (e)  Transferred account arrangements concluded by the Company apply  only to telex calls sent or received over the facilities of the Company.


          (f)  Telex calls made pursuant to the Transferred Account arrangement will be charged for at the prepaid rates applying from the point of origin to destination, in the currency of the country of origin, prevailing at the time of filing.  In some instances foreign administrations may apply a surcharge for the Transferred Account service.


          (g)  Bills for the charges on telex calls made under a Transferred Account arrangement are made out in the name of the person or corporate body responsible for payment of charges and are forwarded at the end of each month to the Company by the administrations accepting Transferred Account telex calls.  Collection from the person or corporate body responsible for payment of charges will be in U.S. dollar equivalents prevailing at the end of the month in which the telex calls are accepted.


          (h)  If a credit card is lost, the Company must be informed immediately.  Otherwise, the person or corporate body responsible for the payment of charges will be required to pay any charge resulting from fraudulent use of the card.


     3.5  Application for Transferred Account:  Requests for transferred account arrangements must be made in writing to the Company.


     3.6  Shortage of Facilities:  In the event a shortage of facilities exists at any time either for temporary or protracted periods, the restoration of international telegraph message service shall take precedence over International Overseas Telex Service.



     4.1  Conditions of Operation







          4.1.2 The customer initiating a call (the calling party) is responsible for using the answer-back information to ensure that a connection is established with the correct called party.  Telex calls must be in a format acceptable to the Company.


          4.1.3 The customer is required to provide the necessary operating personnel and power at his teleprinter station.


          4.1.4 In the continental United States (except Alaska) and in Honolulu and Hilo, Hawaii, the facilities used in connection with International Overseas Telex Service may also be utilized for the pickup and delivery of international telegraph messages between the customer's station and the Company's office.  No telex charge is made for the use of the facilities for such purposes.


          4.1.5 The Company for and in connection with International Overseas Telex Service does not undertake to perform any transmission functions but merely furnishes its facilities to customers for their use.


     4.2  Service Limitations


          4.2.1 Except as provided for in 4.1.4 preceding, facilities furnished under this tariff shall be employed only for the private use of telex customers, their subsidiary and affiliated companies, and their representatives.  Such facilities shall not be used either directly or indirectly for the handling of communications, or for any other purpose, for the public or any person, firm or corporation other than the telex customers of their subsidiary and affiliated companies and representatives.  The term "subsidiary company" as used herein means a company, the activities of which are controlled by another company through contract or lease, or by reason of a sufficient proprietary interest in such "subsidiary company" through stock ownership or otherwise, to enable it to exercise such control.  Two or more companies which are subsidiaries of the same company are designated as being "affiliated" with each other.


          4.2.2 The Company reserves the right to limit the length of communications or to discontinue service temporarily or permanently when necessary because of conditions beyond its control or the requirements of its international message telegraph services.  In such event, the billing will be for service actually rendered.


          4.2.3 Cancellation for Cause:  Upon non-payment of any sum owed to the Company for service furnished under this tariff for more than 60 days beyond the date of rendition of the bill, or upon the use of facilities furnished hereunder for the purpose of performing services in competition with the service which the Company or its connections may now or hereafter furnish, or upon violation of any of the conditions governing the furnishing of service under this tariff, the Company may, upon ten days' written notice to the customer and without incurring any liability, forthwith discontinue the furnishing of facilities and service.  The customer will be liable for all expenses and fees (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred by the Company in connection with the collection of any unpaid sum owed to the Company.


















     4.3  Inspections:  The Company may, upon suitable notice, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to maintain satisfactory service or to determine that the requirements of this tariff are being complied with in the installation, operation and maintenance of the Company's equipment.  The Company may interrupt the service at any time because of departure from any of these requirements.


     4.4  Establishment and Timing of Connections:


          4.4.1 At the request of the customer, a connection will be established between a customer's teleprinter station as near as practicable to a requested time.

          4.4.2 The usage of International Overseas Telex Service is charged for on the basis of the duration of each call, at the rates set forth in 5.2 following.  For both the domestic and international components, chargeable time begins when the stations of the calling and called customers have been connected and ends when the connection is terminated at any point.


     4.5  Access to International Overseas Telex Service:


          4.5.1 Access to International Overseas Telex Service may be via a dedicated access line or via the public switched telephone network.


          4.5.2 At the request of the customer, the Company will provide a dedicated access line between a customer's premises and the nearest Company operating center by obtaining such access line from another common carrier.  The charge to the customer for such access line is the charge assessed the Company by the other common carrier from whom the Company obtains such access line, plus $10 per month for each access line billed by the Company.  In addition, customers shall pay the total end-to-end charges set forth in 5.2 following.


          4.5.3 When dedicated access to the Company's telex operating center in or nearest to the customer's city is not available, the Company at its option, may connect the customer to another operating center, in which event no additional charge will apply for the access line required to make such connection beyond that which would have applied if the customer had been connected to the operating center nearest to his location.


          4.5.4 A customer, in lieu of obtaining access pursuant to 4.5.2 preceding, may provide his own dedicated access line between his premises and any of the Company's telex operating centers for access to International Overseas Telex Service.  The charges of the other common carrier providing the access lien will apply.  Customers shall also pay the total end-to-end charges set forth in 5.2 following.


     4.6  Payment Arrangements


          4.6.1 The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished to the customer or its joint or authorized users.  This responsibility is not changed, by virtue of any use, misuse, or abuse of the customer's service or customer-provided systems, equipment, facilities, or services interconnected to the customer's service, which use, misuse, or abuse may be occasioned by third parties, including, without limitation, the customer's employees or other members of the public.  Non‑recurring charges are payable when the service for which they are specified have been performed.  If an entity other than the Company (e.g., another carrier or a supplier) imposes charges on the Company, in addition to its own internal costs, in connection with a service for which a Company non‑recurring charge is specified, those charges will be passed on to the customer.  Recurring charges which are fixed in amount and not dependent on usage are billed in advance.  Usage charges are billed after each usage cycle.


          4.6.2 The Company's bills are payable within 30 days of the invoice date, unless the Company indicates on the invoice or a billing insert that the sum shown as due need not be paid, because of the smallness of the amount, until the balance reaches some specified amount; or the Company may deal with customers whose accounts show very small balances by withholding the issuance of an invoice until the amount due from the customer reaches a level which, in the Company's sole discretion, is deemed large enough to justify initiating the billing and collection process; or the Company may invoice low usage customers every other month unless a customer invoiced in such a manner requests monthly billing.  When a bill is issued, amounts not paid within 30 days after the date of invoice will be considered past due.  If the Company becomes concerned at any time about the ability of a customer to pay its bills, the Company may require that customer to pay its bills within a specified number of days and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash.































                In lieu of cash or cash-equivalent security deposits and/or toll usage limits, the Company may, at its sole discretion, require from the customer a commercial credit card account number to which future usage can be charged.  Also, the Company reserves the right to cease accepting and processing service orders after it has requested a security deposit or commercial credit card account number and prior to the customer's compliance with this request.












          4.6.4 If the Company incurs any fees or expenses, including attorney's fees, in collecting, or attempting to collect, any charges owed the Company by a customer, the customer will be liable to the Company for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred.






















          4.6.6 Promotional and other credits offered by the Company in marketing of its services cannot be assigned, but must be used by the person to whom they were offered and who earned them in strict accordance with the terms of the offer.














          4.6.8 In the event that a customer has been awarded a promotional credit for subscribing to the Company's service and does not use the service within 12 months following the date of the customer's service order, the Company will cancel the credit from the customer's account and collect the sum involved from the customer.













          4.6.10    No provision for payment of a sum upon termination of a service arrangement prior to the end of a committed term (whether the sum is called a termination charge, termination liability, or is otherwise designated), where termination is (1) by the customer in the absence of a material breach by the Company of its obligations under this tariff, or (2) by the Company where permitted by this tariff, shall be construed as an alternative performance or in any other manner a grant to the customer, of permission or of a right to terminate prior to the end of the committed term.  Any such early termination shall be deemed to be a material breach by the customer of its contractual obligations to the Company.


          4.6.11    In the event payment is made by check and the customer's check is not honored by the institution on which it was drawn, the Company will impose, and the customer will be required to pay, a $10 fee, in addition to other remedies available to the Company under the Tariff.


          4.6.12    The notice of discontinuance for International Overseas Telex Service is 45 calendar days.  Recurring charges apply for a period of 45 calendar days from the date the Company receives the written discontinuance notice or from the date the Company receives the written discontinuance notice or until the requested discontinuance date, whichever is longer.  The charges will continue to apply whether or not the customer continues to use the service.  Such written notice must be mailed to, or physically delivered to Director, Sales and Marketing, WorldCom International Data Services, Inc., International Drive, Rye Brook, NY  10573.  The cancellation of facilities and equipment furnished by other carriers shall be pursuant to the tariffs or regulations of such carriers.


          4.6.13    Increased Volume Credit


                (a) For all Company and other common carrier customers, the Company will apply a credit to the customer's international component charge based on the total monthly billing of domestic component (of all common carriers) and the Company's international component charges for international telex calls when the customer's monthly billing of both charges for a month exceed that customer's total monthly billing of domestic component and international component charges in January 1983.


                (b) The amount of credit earned in a month will be developed as follows:


       Increased Monthly Billing*       Percentage Credit Applied

     Over that Billed* for January      to Increased International

                  1983                       Component Billed    


     $     1 to $  999                               20

     $ 1,000 to $4,999                               30

     $ 5,000 to $9,999                               35

     $10,000 and over                                40


     *    domestic component (of all common carriers) plus international component (of the Company).


                 For example, if a telex customer's billing is January 1983 is $6,000 (international component $5,000, domestic component $1,000) and in August 1983 his billing increases to $11,500 (international component $9,500, domestic component $2,000), his September 1983 bill will reflect a credit of $1,575 [($9,500 - $5,000) X 0.35].  This credit of $1,575 will be applied to the international component charges for international telex calls made in September 1983.


          (c)    The amount of credit, if any, earned during one monthly billing period will be credit to the customer's bill in the succeeding month.  The amount of credit earned will be applied only to the international component charges appearing in the succeeding month's bill.  However, if a customer cancels service or if a customer's succeeding month's international component charges are less than his earned credit, the customer will receive a refund on the credit earned that is not applied to his billing.


                 (d)     For partial months' service, a customer's total monthly billing of domestic component and international component charges in January 1983 and the increased monthly billing over that billed for January 1983 amounts reflected in (b) preceding will be prorated so as to equate to the number of days this promotion is in effect in such partial months.  For example, if a telex customer's billing in January 1983 is $6,000 (international component $5,000, domestic component $1,000), for the period June 22 to June 30, 1983 these amounts will be prorated by a factor of 0.3 (9 ) 30), resulting in prorated amounts of $1,800 (international component $1,500, domestic component $300).  Therefore, if a telex customer's billing during the period June 22 to June 30, 1983 is $3,450 (international component $2,850, domestic component $600) his July bill will reflect a credit of $472.50 [($2,850 - $1,500) X 0.35].  Under the above example, percentage discounts as shown in (b) above would be obtained as follows:


       Increased Monthly Billing*         Percentage Credit Applied

     Over that Billed* for January        to Increased International

      1983 (prorated for 9 days)        Component Billed (for 9 days)


     $     1 to $  299                               20

     $   300 to $1,499                               30

     $ 1,500 to $2,999                               35

     $ 3,000 and over                                40


     *    domestic component (of all common carriers) plus international component (of the Company).


          4.6.14 The Company may adjust its rates and charges or impose additional rates and charges on its customers in order to recover amounts it is required by governmental or quasi‑governmental authorities to collect from or pay to others in support of statutory or regulatory programs. Examples of such programs include, but are not limited to, the Universal Service Fund, the Primary Interexchange Carrier Charge, and compensation to payphone service providers for the use of their payphones to access the Company's service.


          4.6.15 If billing systems or other support is not available for a service, feature, surcharge, or other charge element at the time of service provision, the Company will bill for that service, feature, surcharge, or other charge element as soon as it is capable of doing so.


          4.6.16 Service-related credit amounts due the customer that are related to, or based on, service usage will be applied before the application of taxes and the Federal Universal Service Fee; and service-related credit amounts due the customer that are not related to, or based on, service usage will be applied after the application of taxes and the Federal Universal Service Fee.


4.8   Liability of Company: 











          4.8.1  In the event of an interruption to the service which is not due to the negligence or willful act of the customer, there will be a prorata adjustment of the charges involved for the service and facilities rendered useless and inoperative by reason of the interruption during the time said interruption continues from the time it is reported to the Company or detected by the Company, provided, however, that insofar as it is practical to do so, any interruption during the initial period will be compensated for in the form of overtime equal to the interrupted time.


          4.8.2  The Company's liability to the customer or to any third party for loss or damage arising from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission, whether or not due to the Company's

                 negligence or fault (except willful misconduct), shall not exceed $500.00 for the affected transmission.  This liability shall be in addition to an amount equal to the charge for the affected transmission.  However, in the case of a call tendered with a statement in writing specially valuing such call and for which payment is made of the amount of the regularly established rate plus an additional charge equal to one-half of one percent of the amount by which such written valuation exceeds $500.00, the liability of the Company for loss or damage arising from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission occurring in the course of furnishing service under this tariff shall in no event exceed the sum at which such call is valued.


          4.8.3  The Company's liability arising from errors in or omissions of directory listings of International Overseas Telex Service users shall be limited to and satisfied by a refund or credit not exceeding the amount of the charges, if any, made for such listings during the period covered by the directory in which the error or omission occurs.  Any such directories or list of telex subscribers furnished by the Company as well as telex numbers and answerbacks assigned by the Company, are the property of the Company, and are made available to persons receiving them only as a ready reference in making telex calls.  The Company reserves the right to change the telex number and answerbacks assigned to a subscriber as the conduct of business may require.


          4.8.4  The Company shall be indemnified and saved harmless by the customer initiating the call and/or the customer receiving the call against all claims for libel, slander or the infringement of copyright arising from the material transmitted over the Company's facilities; and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with any facilities provided under this tariff.


          4.8.5  No liability shall attach to the Company for any defacement or damage to the customer's premises resulting from the existence of the Company's instruments, apparatus, and associated wiring on such premises, or from the installation or removal thereof, when such defacement or damage is not the result of negligence of the Company.


          4.8.6  The Company is not liable for damages for any accident or injury occasioned by the station equipment provided in connection therewith when such accident or injury is not due to the negligence of the Company.


          4.8.7  No liability shall attach to the Company for any act or omission of another carrier or carriers furnishing a portion of the service, facilities or equipment beyond an amount equivalent to the Company's proportionate charge to the customer for the connection during which such act or omission occurs.


          4.8.8  The Company will not be liable for refunds of charges, damages or statutory penalties in any case where the claim is not presented in writing to the Company within 180 days after the day on which the call was made.


          4.8.9  Distress and safety of life communications may be sent from ships at sea using the Inmarsat Service.  Such messages utilize regular Telex facilities.  Therefore, the Company accepts no responsibility for delay, mutilation, or failure in transmission except as otherwise contained in this tariff.

5.   RATES


     5.1  General:


In addition to other service-related charges, FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.


                    (a)  For invoices dated June 1, 2001, and thereafter, a charge equal to 0.24 percent of Company service usage charges will be applied to invoices of customers of International Telex Service.


          (b)    Rates and Charges: The rates specified in this tariff are applicable to service furnished by the Company and its overseas correspondents.  Bills are rendered monthly and payment therefor is expected by the Company upon rendition.  The rates for service are comprised of two elements as follows:


                 (a)     A domestic component

                 (b)     An international component


                 The charges reflected in 5.2 following are for real time, conversational calls and the minimum charging periods are applicable to both components.  The domestic component reflected in 5.2 following also applies to real time, conversational international telex calls made by subscribers of the Company over the international telex facilities of another carrier.  The other carrier will bill such domestic component charges and collect them from the subscriber on behalf of the Company.


                 A billing charge of $50.00 per account applies to all customers billed on a monthly basis.  A credit towards the $50.00 billing charge will be allowed in an amount equal to the Company's total charges for services covered by the bill, provided that the maximum credit shall not exceed $50.00 per invoice.

     5.2  Telex Service Charges:


                    Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute from the

                           United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico     

                          Domestic      International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente        Componente      End Charge


Afghanistan                $1.95          $3.89          $5.84*

Albania                     1.95           3.23           5.18

Algeria                     1.95           4.23           6.18

Andorra                     1.95           2.79           4.74

Angola                      1.95           4.23           6.18*

Anguilla (W.I)              1.95           4.11           6.06

Antigua                     1.95           4.11           6.06

Arab Rep. of Egypt          1.95           3.58           5.53

Argentine & Barbuda         1.95           3.58           5.53

Armenia                     1.95           3.12           5.07

Aruba                       1.95           3.58           5.53

Ascension Is.               1.95           3.95           5.90

Australia                   1.95           3.48           5.43

Austria                     1.95           2.96           4.91

Azerbaijan                  1.95           3.12           5.07

Azores                      1.95           2.96           4.91

Bahamas                     1.95           2.96           4.91

Bahrain                     1.95           4.23           6.18*

Bangladesh                  1.95           3.48           5.43

Barbados                    1.95           3.62           5.57

Belarus                     1.95           3.12           5.07

Belgium                     1.95           2.96           4.91

Belize                      1.95           3.81           5.76

Benin                       1.95           4.23           6.18

Bermuda                     1.95           2.82           4.77

Bhutan                      1.95           3.48           5.43

Bolivia                     1.95           3.58           5.53

Bophuthatswana              1.95           3.40           5.35

Bosnia & Herzegovina        1.95           2.96           4.91

Botswana                    1.95           3.58           5.53

Brazil                      1.95           3.58           5.53


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                    Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute from the

                           United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico    

                          Domestic      International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente        Componente      End Charge


Brunei                     $1.95          $3.48          $5.43

Bulgaria                    1.95           3.58           5.53*

Burkina Faso                1.95           3.95           5.90*

Burma (Myanmar)             1.95           3.24           5.19*

Burundi                     1.95           4.23           6.18*

Caicos Island (Turks Is.)   1.95           4.10           6.05

Cameroon Republic           1.95           4.23           6.18*

Canada, Telex (from U.S.)   1.95           1.78           3.73

Canada, TWX (from U.S.)     1.95           1.78           3.73

Canada, Telex (from Hawaii) 1.95           2.55           4.50

Canada, TWX (from Hawaii)   1.95           2.55           4.50

Canary Islands              1.95           2.96           4.91

Cape Verde (Republic of)    1.95           4.23           6.18

Cayman Islands              1.95           3.51           5.46

Central Africa Republic     1.95           4.23           6.18*

Chad Republic               1.95           4.01           5.96*

Chile                       1.95           3.58           5.53

China, People's Republic    1.95           3.81           5.76

China, Republic of Taiwan   1.95           3.48           5.43

Christmas Island            1.95           3.89           5.84*

Cocos Island                1.95           3.89           5.84*

Colombia                    1.95           3.58           5.53

Comorros                    1.95           3.72           5.67*

Congo Rep. (Brazzaville)    1.95           4.34           6.29*

Cook Islands                1.95           4.12           6.07*

Costa Rica                  1.95           3.58           5.53

Croatia                     1.95           2.96           4.91

Cuba                        1.95           3.81           5.76

Cyprus                      1.95           2.96           4.91

Czech Republic              1.95           3.58           5.53

Dahomey Rep. (Benin)        1.95           4.23           6.18


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                    Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute from the

                          United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico    

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Denmark                   $1.95           $2.96          $4.91

Diego Garcia               1.95            3.62           5.57

Djibouti                   1.95            3.99           5.94

Dominica                   1.95            4.11           6.06

Dominican Republic         1.95            3.48           5.43

Ecuador                    1.95            3.58           5.53

El Salvador                1.95            3.58           5.53

Equatorial Guinea          1.95            3.78           5.73

Eritrea                    1.95            4.23           6.18

Estonia                    1.95            3.12           5.07

Ethiopia                   1.95            4.23           6.18

Falkland Islands           1.95            3.95          5.90*

Faeroe Islands             1.95            2.96           4.91

Fiji                       1.95            4.23           6.18

Finland                    1.95            2.96           4.91

France                     1.95            2.96           4.91

French Antilles                                            

  Guadeloupe               1.95            3.47           5.42

  St. Barthelmey           1.95            3.47           5.42

  Martinique               1.95            3.47           5.42

French Guiana              1.95            3.40            5.3

Gabon                      1.95            4.23           6.18

Gambia                     1.95            4.23           6.18

Georgia                    1.95            3.12           5.07

Germany                    1.95            2.96           4.91

Ghana                      1.95            4.23           6.18

Gibraltar                  1.95            3.58          5.53*

Greece                     1.95            2.96          4.91*

Greenland                  1.95            2.63           4.58

Grenada                    1.95            4.11           6.06

Guatemala                  1.95            3.58           5.53


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                    Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute from the

                          United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico    

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Guinea Bissau               $1.95           $4.23         $6.18

Guinea                       1.95            4.23         6.18*

Guyana                       1.95            3.58          5.53

Haiti                        1.95            3.04          4.99

Honduras                     1.95            3.58          5.53

Hong Kong                    1.95            3.48          5.43

Hungary                      1.95            2.96          4.91

Iceland                      1.95            3.38          5.33

India                        1.95            3.48          5.43

Indonesia                    1.95            3.48          5.43

Iran                         1.95            3.58          5.53

Iraq                         1.95            3.58          5.53

Ireland, Northern            1.95            2.29          4.24

Ireland, Republic of         1.95            2.96          4.91

Israel                       1.95            3.58          5.53

Italy                        1.95            2.96          4.91

Ivory Coast                  1.95            3.58          5.53

Jamaica                      1.95            3.18          5.13

Japan                        1.95            3.81          5.76

Jordan                       1.95            3.58          5.53

Kampuchea                    1.95            4.34         6.29*

Kazakhstan                   1.95            3.12          5.07

Kenya                        1.95            3.58          5.53

Kiribati (Gilbert Island)    1.95            3.89         5.84*

Korea, Democratic People's

   Rep. Of                   1.95            3.48          5.43

Korea, Rep of                1.95            3.48          5.43

Kuwait                       1.95            3.58          5.53

Kyrgyzstan                   1.95            3.12          5.07

Laos                         1.95            4.01         5.96*

Latvia                       1.95            3.12          5.07


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                    Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute from the

                          United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico    

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Lebanon                   $1.95            $3.12         $5.07

Lesotho                    1.95             3.49          5.44

Liberia                    1.95             3.49          5.44

Libya                      1.95             3.58          5.53

Liechtenstein              1.95             2.96          4.91

Lithuania                  1.95             3.12          5.07

Luxembourg                 1.95             2.96          4.91

Macao                      1.95             3.48         5.43*

Macedonia                  1.95             2.96          4.91

Madagascar                 1.95             4.11         6.06*

Madeira Island             1.95             2.96          4.91

Malawi                     1.95             3.58          5.53

Malaysia                   1.95             3.48          5.43

Maldives                   1.95             4.23          6.18

Mali Republic              1.95             4.23          6.18

Malta                      1.95             3.49          5.44

Mariana Islands, Commonwealth

  of the Northern (Saipan) 1.95             3.84          5.79

Marshall Islands           1.95             4.31         6.26*

Mauritania                 1.95             4.23         6.18*

Mauritius                  1.95             4.34         6.29*

Mayotte                    1.95             2.96         4.91*

Mexico (From

  continental US)          1.95             2.21          4.16

Mexico (From

  Hawaii only)             1.95             2.60          4.55

Micronesia, Federated

  States of                1.95             3.56         5.51*

Moldova                    1.95             3.12          5.07

Monaco                     1.95             2.96          4.91

Mongolia                   1.95             3.48          5.43


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                    Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute from the

                          United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico    

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Montserrat                $1.95            $4.11         $6.06

Morocco                    1.95             3.47          5.42

Mozambique                 1.95             4.23          6.18

Myanmar                    1.95             3.24         5.19*

Namibia                    1.95             3.40          5.35

Nauru                      1.95             3.62          5.57

Nepal                      1.95             3.81          5.76

Netherlands                1.95             2.96          4.91

Netherlands Antilles:

  Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St.

  Eustatius, St. Maarten   1.95             3.58          5.53

Nevis (St. Kitts)          1.95             4.11          6.06

New Caledonia              1.95             4.01         5.96*

New Zealand                1.95             3.48          5.43

Nicaragua                  1.95             3.58          5.53

Niger                      1.95             4.23          6.18

Nigeria                    1.95             3.58          5.53

Niue                       1.95             3.84          5.79

Norfolk Island             1.95             3.89         5.84*

Norway                     1.95             2.96          4.91

Oman                       1.95             4.23          6.18

Pakistan                   1.95             3.48          5.43

Palau                      1.95             3.62         5.57*

Panama                     1.95             3.58          5.53

Papua New Guinea           1.95             4.11         6.06*

Paraguay                   1.95             3.58          5.53

Peru                       1.95             3.58          5.53

Philippines                1.95             3.48          5.43

Poland                     1.95             2.96          4.91

Portugal                   1.95             2.96         4.91*

Principe Is.               1.95             4.11          6.06


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                    Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute from the

                          United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico    

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Qatar                      $1.95          $4.23          $6.18

Reunion Islands             1.95           3.89           5.84

Romania                     1.95           2.96           4.91

Rwanda                      1.95           4.34           6.29*

Russia                      1.95           3.12           5.07

Ryukyu Island

  (Okinawa, Japan)          1.95           3.81           5.76

St. Christopher             1.95           4.11           6.06*

St. Helena                  1.95           4.01           5.96

St. Kitts                   1.95           4.11           6.06

St. Lucia                   1.95           4.11           6.06

St. Paul & Amsterdam Is.    1.95           3.58           5.53

St. Pierre & Miquelon Is.  1.95           3.28           5.23

St. Vincent & Grenadines    1.95           4.10           6.05

Samoa, Western              1.95           4.15           6.10*

San Marino                  1.95           2.80           4.75

Sao Tome & Principe         1.95           4.11           6.06*

Saudi Arabia                1.95           4.23           6.18

Senegal                     1.95           4.23           6.18

Seychelles Islands          1.95           4.34           6.29*

Sierra Leone                1.95           4.23           6.18*

Singapore                   1.95           3.48           5.43

Slovakia                    1.95           3.58           5.53

Slovenia, Republic of       1.95           2.96           4.91

Solomon Islands             1.95           4.11           6.06

Somali Republic             1.95           3.95           5.90*

South Africa, Republic of   1.95           3.15           5.10

Spain                       1.95           2.96           4.91

Spanish North Africa        1.95           2.96           4.91

Sri Lanka                   1.95           3.48           5.43

Sudan                       1.95           4.23           6.18


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                      Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute from

                        the United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico                            

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Surinam, Republic of       $1.95            $3.49        $5.44

Swaziland                   1.95             3.49         5.44

Sweden                      1.95             2.96         4.91

Switzerland                 1.95             2.96         4.91

Syria                       1.95             4.23         6.18

Tahiti (French Polynesia)   1.95             3.30         5.25

Taiwan (Republic of China)  1.95             3.48         5.43

Tajikistan                  1.95             3.12         5.07

Tanzania (Zanzibar)         1.95             3.58         5.53

Thailand                    1.95             4.23         6.18

Timor East                  1.95             3.48         5.43

Togo, Republic of           1.95             4.11         6.06

Tonga                       1.95             4.11         6.06

Tortola, Brit, V.I.         1.95             4.10        6.05*

Transkei, Republic of       1.95             3.03         4.98

Trinidad & Tobago           1.95             3.84         5.79

Tunisia                     1.95             3.58         5.53

Turkey & Northern Cyprus    1.95             2.96         4.91

Turkmenistan                1.95             3.12         5.07

Turks Islands &

  Caicos Island             1.95             4.10         6.05

Tuvalu                      1.95             3.84         5.79

Uganda                      1.95             3.58         5.53

Ukraine                     1.95             3.12         5.07

United Arab Emirates:                                      

  Abu Dhabi                 1.95             4.18         6.13

  Ajman                     1.95             4.18         6.13

  Dubai                     1.95             4.18         6.13

  Fujairah                  1.95             4.18         6.13

  Ras al Khaimah            1.95             4.18         6.13

  Sharjah                   1.95             4.18         6.13

  Umm al Qaiwain            1.95             4.18         6.13


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                      Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute from

                        the United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico                            

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


United Kingdom             $1.95            $2.29        $4.24

Uruguay                     1.95             3.58         5.53

Uzbekistan                  1.95             3.12         5.07

Vanuatu (New Hebrides)      1.95             4.11        6.06*

Vatican City                1.95             2.80         4.75

Venezuela                   1.95             3.58         5.53

Vietnam                     1.95             4.23        6.18*

Wallis & Futuna             1.95             4.17        6.12*

Yemen, Republic of          1.95             4.23        6.18*

Yugoslavia                  1.95             2.96         4.91

Zaire                       1.95             3.58         5.53

Zambia                      1.95             3.58         5.53

Zimbabwe                    1.95             3.58        5.53*                            



*  Three-minute minimum applies

                         Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute

                                         from Guam               

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Afghanistan                $1.42          $4.01         $5.43*

Albania                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Algeria                     1.42           4.01           5.43

Andorra                     1.42           3.59          5.01*

Angola                      1.42           4.31           5.73

Anguilla                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Antigua                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Arab Rep. of Egypt          1.42           3.59           5.01

Argentine & Barbuda         1.42           3.59           5.01

Armenia                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Aruba                       1.42           3.59           5.01

Ascension Island            1.42           4.01          5.43*

Australia                   1.42           2.73           4.15

Austria                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Azerbaijan                  1.42           3.59           5.01

Azores                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Bahamas                     1.42           3.59          5.01*

Bangladesh                  1.42           2.73           4.15

Barbados                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Belarus                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Belgium                     1.42           3.59          5.01*

Belize                      1.42           3.52           4.94

Benin                       1.42           4.01           5.43

Bermuda                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Bhutan                      1.42           2.73           4.15

Bolivia                     1.42           3.59           5.01


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                         Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute

                                         from Guam               

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Bosnia & Herzegovina       $1.42          $3.59         $5.01*

Botswana                    1.42           3.59          5.01*

Brazil                      1.42           3.59          5.01*

Brunei                      1.42           2.73           4.15

Bulgaria                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Burkina Faso                1.42           4.01          5.43*

Burundi                     1.42           4.01           5.43

Cameroon                    1.42           3.94           5.36

Canada                      1.42           2.96           4.38

Canary Islands              1.42           3.59           5.01

Cape Verde, Rep. of         1.42           4.01           5.43

Cayman Islands              1.42           3.59           5.01

Central Africa Republic     1.42           4.01           5.43

Chad Republic               1.42           4.01          5.43*

Chile                       1.42           3.59          5.01*

China (People's Rep, of)    1.42           2.73           4.15

China (Taiwan)              1.42           2.73           4.15

Christmas Island            1.42           3.59          5.01*

Cocos Island                1.42           3.59          5.01*


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                         Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute

                                         from Guam               

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Colombia                   $1.42          $3.59          $5.01

Comorros                    1.42           4.01           5.43

Congo Rep. (Brazzaville)    1.42           4.01           5.43*

Cook Islands                1.42           3.59           5.01

Costa Rica                  1.42           3.59           5.01*

Croatia                     1.42           3.59           5.01*

Cuba                        1.42           3.59           5.01

Cyprus                      1.42           3.59           5.01*

Czech Republic              1.42           3.59           5.01*

Denmark                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Diego Garcia                1.42           2.73           4.15

Djibouti                    1.42           4.01           5.43

Dominica                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Dominican Rep.              1.42           3.59           5.01

Ecuador                     1.42           3.59           5.01

El Salvador                 1.42           3.59           5.01

Equatorial Guinea           1.42           4.01           5.43

Estonia                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Ethiopia                    1.42           4.01           5.43

Falkland Islands            1.42           4.01           5.43

Faeroe Islands              1.42           3.59           5.01

Fiji                        1.42           4.01           5.43

Finland                     1.42           3.59           5.01*

France                      1.42           3.59           5.01*

French Antilles             1.42           3.59           5.01*

French Guiana               1.42           3.59           5.01


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                         Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute

                                         from Guam               

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Gabon                      $1.42          $4.01          $5.43

Gambia                      1.42           4.01           5.43

Georgia                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Germany                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Ghana                       1.42           4.01           5.43

Gibraltar                   1.42           3.59           5.01*

Greece                      1.42           3.59           5.01*

Greenland                   1.42           3.59           5.01

Grenada                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Guatemala                   1.42           3.59           5.01*

Guinea, Rep. of             1.42           4.01           5.43*

Guinea-Bissau               1.42           4.01           5.43

Guyana                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Haiti                       1.42           3.59           5.01

Honduras                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Hong Kong                   1.42           2.73           4.15

Hungary                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Iceland                     1.42           3.59           5.01

India                       1.42           2.73           4.15

Indonesia                   1.42           2.73           4.15

Iran                        1.42           3.59           5.01

Iraq                        1.42           3.59           5.01

Ireland, Republic of        1.42           3.59           5.01


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                         Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute

                                         from Guam               

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Israel                     $1.42          $3.59          $5.01

Italy                       1.42           3.59           5.01

Ivory Coast Republic        1.42           3.59           5.01

Jamaica                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Japan (Inc. Okinawa)        1.42           2.73           4.15

Jordan                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Kampuchea                   1.42           4.01           5.43

Kazakhstan                  1.42           3.59           5.01

Kenya                       1.42           3.59           5.01

Kiribati                    1.42           2.73           4.15*

Korea                       1.42           2.73           4.15

Kyrgyzstan                  1.42           3.59           5.01

Laos                        1.42           4.01           5.43*

Latvia                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Lebanon                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Lesotho                     1.42           3.59           5.01*

Liberia                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Libya                       1.42           3.59           5.01*

Liechtenstein               1.42           4.01           5.43

Lithuania                   1.42           3.59           5.01

Luxembourg                  1.42           3.59           5.01

Macao                       1.42           2.73           4.15

Macedonia                   1.42           3.59           5.01*

Madagascar                  1.42           4.01           5.43*

Madeira Is.                 1.42           3.59           5.01

Malawi                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Malaysia                    1.42           2.73           4.15

Maldives                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Mali                        1.42           4.01           5.43


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                         Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute

                                         from Guam               

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Malta                      $1.42          $3.59          $5.01

Mariana Is. (Saipan)        1.42           1.39           2.81

Marshall Islands            1.42           2.66           4.08*

Mauritania                  1.42           4.01           5.43*

Mauritius                   1.42           4.01           5.43

Mayotte                     1.42           4.01           5.43

Mexico                      1.42           2.96           4.38

Micronesia, Fed. States of  1.42           2.73           4.15*

Moldova                     1.42           3.59           5.01*

Monaco                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Mongolia                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Montserrat                  1.42           3.59           5.01

Morocco                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Mozambique                  1.42           3.59           5.01*

Myanmar                     1.42           2.73           4.15

Namibia                     1.42           3.59           5.01*

Nauru                       1.42           2.73           4.15

Nepal                       1.42           2.73           4.15

Netherlands                 1.42           3.59           5.01*

Netherlands Antilles        1.42           3.52           4.94

New Caledonia               1.42           3.59           5.01*

New Zealand                 1.42           2.73           4.15*

Nicaragua                   1.42           3.52           4.94

Niger                       1.42           4.01           5.43

Nigeria                     1.42           3.59           5.01*


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                         Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute

                                         from Guam               

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Niue                       $1.42          $2.73          $4.15

Norfolk Island              1.42           3.59           5.01

Norway                      1.42           3.59           5.01*

Pakistan                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Palau                       1.42           2.73           4.15*

Panama                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Papua New Guinea            1.42           3.59           5.01*

Paraguay                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Persian Gulf:                                             

  Bahrain                   1.42           4.01           5.43

  Kuwait                    1.42           3.59           5.01*

  Oman                      1.42           4.01           5.43

  Qatar                     1.42           4.01           5.43*

Peru                        1.42           3.59           5.01

Philippines                 1.42           2.73           4.15

Poland                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Portugal                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Principe Is.                1.42           4.01           5.43*

Reunion Islands             1.42           4.01           5.43

Romania                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Russian                     1.42           3.59           5.01*

Rwanda                      1.42           4.01           5.43*

St. Helena                  1.42           4.01           5.43

St. Kitts                   1.42           3.59           5.01

St. Lucia                   1.42           3.59           5.01

St. Pierre & Miquelon       1.42           3.59           5.01

St. Vincent & Grenadine     1.42           3.59           5.01

Samoa, Western              1.42           2.73           4.15


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                         Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute

                                         from Guam               

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


San Marino                 $1.42          $3.59          $5.01

Sao Tome                    1.42           4.01           5.43*

Saudi Arabia                1.42           4.01           5.43

Senegal                     1.42           4.01           5.43

Seychelles Islands          1.42           4.01           5.43

Sierra Leone                1.42           4.01           5.43

Singapore                   1.42           2.73           4.15

Slovakia                    1.42           3.59           5.01*

Slovenia                    1.42           3.59           5.01*

Solomon Islands             1.42           3.59           5.01

Somali Republic             1.42           4.01           5.43

South Africa, Republic of   1.42           3.59           5.01*

Spain                       1.42           3.59           5.01

Sri Lanka                   1.42           2.73           4.15

Sudan                       1.42           4.01           5.43

Surinam, Republic of        1.42           3.52           4.94

Swaziland                   1.42           3.59           5.01

Sweden                      1.42           3.59           5.01*

Switzerland                 1.42           3.59           5.01*

Syria                       1.42           4.01           5.43

Tahiti                      1.42           2.73           4.15

Tajikistan                  1.42           3.59           5.01

Tanzania (Zanzibar)         1.42           3.59           5.01

Thailand                    1.42           3.59           5.01

Togolese Republic           1.42           4.01           5.43

Tonga                       1.42           3.59           5.01*

Tortola, Brit.V.I.          1.42           3.59           5.01


*  Three-minute minimum applies

                         Charge Per Minute or Fraction of a Minute

                                         from Guam               

                         Domestic       International  Total End-to-

Overseas Point           Componente      Componente      End Charge


Transkei, Rep. of          $1.42          $3.59          $5.01*

Trinidad & Tobago           1.42           3.59           5.01

Tunisia                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Turkey                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Turkmenistan                1.42           3.59           5.01

Turks and Caicos Is.        1.42           3.59           5.01

Tuvalu                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Uganda                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Ukraine                     1.42           3.59           5.01

United Arab Emirates:                                     

  Abu Dhabi                 1.42           4.01           5.43

  Ajman                     1.42           4.01           5.43

  Dubai                     1.42           4.01           5.43

  Fujairah                  1.42           4.01           5.43

  Ras al Khaimah            1.42           4.01           5.43

  Sharjah                   1.42           4.01           5.43

  Umm al Qaiwain            1.42           4.01           5.43

United Kingdom              1.42           3.59           5.01

Uruguay                     1.42           3.59           5.01

Vanuatu                     1.42           4.01           5.43

Vatican City                1.42           3.59           5.01*

Venezuela                   1.42           3.59           5.01*

Vietnam                     1.42           2.96           4.38*

Wallis & Futuna             1.42           3.59           5.01*

Yemen, Rep. of              1.42           4.01           5.43

Zaire                       1.42           3.59           5.01

Zambia                      1.42           3.59           5.01

Zimbabwe                    1.42           3.59           5.01


*  Three-minute minimum applies

     5.2  Telex Service Charges (Continued)


          Subscribers to service offered by other record carriers may initiate an international telex transmission on the other carriers' networks and designate the Company as the international record carrier over whose facilities the transmission will be routed.  If requested to do so by the other record carrier, the Company will bill the customer and collect the appropriate total end-to-end charge.  The other record carriers' charges for the domestic component, as shown in the following tariffs, shall apply in lieu of the Company's domestic component charge.


     Other Common Carriers                   Tariffs


     FTC Communications, Inc.                Tariff F.C.C. No. 16

     Graphnet, Inc.                          Tariff F.C.C. No. 3

     Puerto Rico Communications Authority    Tariff F.C.C. No. 4

     TRT/FTC Communications, Inc.            Tariff F.C.C. No. 64

     Western Union Telegraph Co.             Tariff F.C.C. No. 283

                                               and No. 294


          5.2.1  Applicable charging period:


                 (a)     For countries served either on a manual basis or on a semiautomatic basis, the charges are normally based on a three-minute minimum charge as indicated by the symbol "*".  The charge for each additional minute or fraction of a minute is the rate published herein.


                 (b)     For countries served by fully automatic means, the charges are normally based on a one-minute minimum charge.  The charge for each additional minute or fraction of a minute is the rate published herein.


          5.2.2  Rates to Mobile Stations via Foreign Coast Stations:


                 The charges for telex calls to ships at sea forwarded via foreign coast stations are composed of the total end-to-end charges as shown preceding to the country in which the coast station is located plus a notified forwarding charge from the foreign coast station to the ship as shown below:


       Via Coast           Initial Minimum Charge      Each Additional

     Stations in:        For First 3 Minutes or Less        Minute   


     Netherlands                 $7.68                   $2.56

     Norway                       7.20                    2.40

     South Africa                 5.97                    1.99

     United Kingdom               9.45                    3.15


     5.3  Mobile Telex Service Charges:


          (a)  The charge for the portion of telex service furnished by the Company to its customers from the continental United States and Hawaii, on the one hand, to ships at sea in the Atlantic or Pacific regions suitably equipped for Inmarsat  service, on the other hand, is $1.95 per minute or fraction of a minute.  For service from Puerto Rico and Guam, the charges are $2.03 and $3.86 per minute or fraction of a minute, respectively.


          (b)  The charge for the portion of telex service furnished by an interconnecting record carrier and by the Company to customers of the interconnecting record carrier from the continental United States and Hawaii, on the one hand, to ships at sea in the Atlantic or Pacific regions suitably equipped for Inmarsat service, on the other hand, is $5.69 per minute or fraction of a minute.


          (c)  The charge for the portion of telex service furnished by the Company from ships at sea in the Atlantic or Pacific regions suitable equipped for Inmarsat service to overseas or foreign points is the charge applying from the Company's offices in the United States to such points.


          (d)  In addition to the charges reflected in (a), (b) and (c) preceding, charges as reflected in Comsat Corporation-Comsat Mobile Communications Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, amendments thereto and reissues thereof, apply.


          (e)  The Company will provide telex service to ships at sea in the Indian Ocean suitably equipped for Inmarsat service.  The charge for such service is $1.50 per minute or fraction of a minute for the domestic component plus $7.61 per minute or fraction of a minute for the international component resulting in a total end-to-end charge of $9.11 per minute or fraction of a minute for service from the United States and Hawaii.  For service from Puerto Rico and Guam, the charge for such service is $2.03 and $3.86 per minute or fraction of a minute, respectively, for the domestic component plus $7.61 and $6.77 per minute or fraction of a minute, respectively, for the international component resulting in a total end-to-end charge of $9.64 and $10.63 per minute or fraction of a minute, respectively.


     5.4  Rates for Inbound Telex Calls:  In foreign countries, the charges for telex service are quoted in the currency of the respective country at the rate of exchange to the United States dollar which may vary from time to time because of currency fluctuations and other conditions beyond the control of the Company.


          The proportionate share of the total charge which accrues to the Company on telex calls originating on mobile stations received from the United Kingdom and destined to the continental United States is $1.00 per minute or fraction thereof.


     5.5  Subscribers to telex service provided by another carrier in Alaska may obtain overseas telex service via the Company in the following manner:


          (a)  An outbound telex call to an overseas point may be made by dialing the number of the Company's telex terminal in the continental United States.


          (b)  An inbound telex call from an overseas customer will be completed by a prepaid domestic telex call from the Company's terminal to the called party.


          (c)  On telex calls from Alaska, the Company will bill the customer the sum of (i) the Company's international component charge, and (ii) the applicable charge shown in Alascom, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 1.


          (d)  Telex calls from Alaska to foreign and overseas points are subject to the same minimum charge periods as for calls from the continental United States to the same foreign and overseas points.