U.S. Private Line Services

Section IV.1.3.3 - Discounts


1.3.3    Network Pricing Plans (NPP)  


Network Pricing Plan (NPP) discounts specified below are limited to Pre-Verizon Business Service I Customers only and apply to IXC charges.


Under these plans, a Customer commits to a minimum monthly revenue level of combined usage over a selected term, and receives the corresponding NPP discounts for IXCs under the plan to which the Customer has committed.  Network Pricing Plans are available at various minimum monthly IXC revenue levels over terms of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years.  For NPPs entered into on or after November 1,1998, the monthly minimum revenue may include recurring charges for Company‑provided local loops.  Network Pricing Plans with domestic minimum monthly IXC revenue levels of $75,000 or greater are available only under NPPs executed prior to November 1, 1998.


Customers who subscribe to service as part of the Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus) or the Qualified Industry Affinity Program (INAP) are eligible to receive the NPP discounts associated with the 4 year, $2,000 minimum monthly IXC revenue level.  The NPP discounts apply only to Company-provided IXCs, and customers receiving these discounts cannot receive discounts provided under any Network Pricing Plan Data Promotion.  Customers who subscribe to service as part of the Commercial Affinity Program are not eligible for these discounts.


The monthly recurring IXC charges under a particular plan are determined by deducting the respective NPP discounts from the monthly charges calculated for each service using the applicable Monthly Plan rates.  IXC revenues, calculated using the applicable Monthly Plan rates for each service plus any applicable intrastate and international revenues as explained below, are totaled and compared to the minimum monthly commitment amount.  Except as explained below under, "Commencing An NPP," if the aggregate revenue applicable towards the minimum monthly revenue commitment is less than the committed amount, a charge equal to the difference is applied.


Revenues from the Company-provided portion of international dedicated leased line circuits that are enrolled in a selected International Network Pricing Plan, which revenues are calculated at the undiscounted monthly or base international rates, will be counted toward a selected domestic NPP IXC minimum.  The customer may choose the Network Pricing Plan to be associated with these international revenues, subject to the terms of Notification Required from Customers.


Intrastate IXC revenue, at the applicable intrastate rates, may also be counted towards a selected NPP IXC minimum.


Except as noted below, relative to commencing a plan, the commitment to a Network Pricing Plan is independent of the circuits in the plan.  Circuits may be added or deleted from a Network Pricing Plan subject to the terms for Notification Required From Customers.  Other circuit specific regulations, including minimum service interval and notice of discontinuance, are defined elsewhere in this tariff.


Customers enrolled in a Network Pricing Plan are not entitled to any other discount, except for City Pair Discounts, or Product Packages 6-9 (“Grand Slam” program) or for any promotion offered by the company on IXC charges arising from services furnished under the NPP.


For NPPs entered into prior to November 1, 1998, the monthly minimum commitment must be satisfied by the customer's gross billing before the application of NPP discounts.  For NPPs entered into on or after November 1, 1998, the monthly minimum commitment must be satisfied by the customer's net billing after the application of NPP discounts.


Commencing An NPP:  Subject to the terms for Notification Required From Customers, the customer must select:  the  desired NPP term and month in which the plan is to commence; the monthly minimum IXC revenue commitment; and the circuits, which will initially be part of the plan, including ordered circuits which are due for installation within the first three months of the desired plan commencement.


The NPP commences on the first day of the calendar month selected by the customer, or the first day of a subsequent month in which the first circuit can be billed under the plan.


During the first three months of the plan, the Customer is not charged the difference if the aggregate revenue applicable towards the minimum monthly revenue commitment is less than the committed amount.  The obligation to satisfy the minimum actually commences in the fourth month of the plan, unless a circuit due within the first three months of the plan has not been made available by the Company to the customer.  In that case, the minimum will not apply until the circuit is made available.


Terminating a Network Pricing Plan


A customer may terminate a Network Pricing Plan before the end of its committed term without liability, if:


•           the Customer replaces the existing Network Pricing Plan or Plans with a Network Pricing Plan having a minimum monthly IXC revenue commitment equal to or greater than the total monthly IXC minimum revenue commitment of the customer's existing Plan or Plans and which expires on or after the expiration date of the Plan or Plans being replaced;


•           a rate revision results in lower plan charges for the Plan to which the customer is committed such that the Customer is caused to fall below the committed minimum monthly IXC revenue level, and the customer replaces the existing Plan by committing to a new Plan having the next lower NPP minimum monthly IXC revenue level and which expires on or after the date of the Plan being replaced.  For purposes of applying this provision, the Customer will not be penalized for falling below the minimum under the existing Plan and can receive the new Plan charges from the date the rate revision takes effect, if the customer enters into the new Plan within three months of the rate effective date; or,


Except as specified above, the Customer will be billed and required to pay a termination charge equal to 100 percent of the NPP revenue commitment amount for any unexpired portion of the remaining months in the term plan.


2.2       NPP Discounts:  The following discounts are applicable to domestic charges only for monthly recurring IXC charges.


VGPL and DS0




               Nivel                    1 Year             2 Years            3 Years            4 Years            5 Years


           $     500                      1%                   2%                   3%                   4%                   5%

                1000                      1                      2                      3                      4                      5

                2000                      2                      5                      6                      8                    10

                3000                      2                      5                      6                      8                    10

                4000                      2                      5                      6                      8                    10

                5000                      3                      6                      7                      9                    11

               7,000                      3                      6                      7                      9                    11

             10,000                      4                      7                      8                    10                    12

             15,000                      4                      7                      8                    10                    12

             25,000                      5                      8                      9                    11                    13

             50,000                      8                    11                    12                    14                    16

             75,000                      7                    10                    11                    13                    15

           100,000                      8                    11                    12                    14                    16

           200,000                      9                    12                    13                    15                    17

           350,000                    10                    13                    14                    16                    18

           500,000                    10                    13                    14                    16                    18

           750,000                    10                    13                    14                    16                    18


Fractional DS1 (for Speeds 64 Kbps and below)




               Nivel                    1 Year             2 Years            3 Years            4 Years            5 Years


           $     500                      1%                   2%                   3%                   4%                   5%

               1,000                      1                      2                      3                      4                      5

               2,000                      2                      5                      6                      8                    10

               3,000                      2                      5                      6                      8                    10

               4,000                      2                      5                      6                      8                    10

               5,000                      3                      6                      7                      9                    11

               7,000                      3                      6                      7                      9                    11

             10,000                      4                      7                      8                    10                    12

             15,000                      4                      7                      8                    10                    12

             25,000                      5                      8                      9                    11                    13

             50,000                      8                    11                    12                    14                    16

             75,000                      7                    10                    11                    13                    15

           100,000                      8                    11                    12                    14                    16

           200,000                      9                    12                    13                    15                    17

           350,000                    10                    13                    14                    16                    18

           500,000                    10                    13                    14                    16                    18

           750,000                    10                    13                    14                    16                    18


Fractional DS1 (for Speeds 112 Kbps up to 1472 Kbps)




               Nivel                    1 Year             2 Years            3 Years            4 Years            5 Years


           $     500                      1%                   2%                   3%                   4%                   5%

               1,000                      1                      2                      3                      4                      5

               2,000                    10                    16                    17                    18                    19

               3,000                    10                    16                    17                    18                    19

               4,000                    11                    17                    18                    19                    20

               5,000                    12                    18                    19                    20                    21

               7,000                    15                    19                    20                    21                    22

             10,000                    19                    20                    21                    22                    23

             15,000                    20                    21                    22                    23                    24

             25,000                    21                    22                    23                    24                    25

             50,000                    23                    24                    25                    26                    27

             75,000                    25                    26                    27                    28                    29

           100,000                    26                    27                    28                    29                    30

           200,000                    28                    29                    30                    31                    32

           350,000                    29                    30                    31                    32                    33

           500,000                    30                    31                    32                    33                    34

           750,000                    31                    32                    33                    34                    35






               Nivel                    1 Year             2 Years            3 Years            4 Years            5 Years


         $    1,000                      4%                   5%                   6%                   8%                 10%

               2,000                    15                    17                    19                    20                    21

               3,000                    17                    19                    21                    22                    23

               4,000                    19                    21                    23                    25                    26

               5,000                    23                    28                    32                    33                    35

               7,000                    27                    32                    34                    35                    36

             10,000                    34                    35                    36                    37                    38

             15,000                    35                    36                    37                    38                    39

             25,000                    36                    37                    38                    39                    40

             50,000                    38                    40                    41                    42                    45

             75,000                    41                    42                    43                    44                    47

           100,000                    44                    45                    46                    47                    49

           200,000                    47                    48                    49                    50                    51

           350,000                    48                    49                    50                    51                    52

           500,000                    49                    50                    51                    52                    53

           750,000                    50                    51                    52                    54                    56






               Nivel                    1 Year             2 Years            3 Years            4 Years            5 Years


          $   2,000                      1%                   2%                   6%                   7%                   8%

               3,000                      1                      2                      6                      7                      8

               4,000                      1                      2                      6                      7                      8

               5,000                      2                      7                    11                    12                    14

               7,000                      2                      7                    11                    12                    14

             10,000                    13                    14                    15                    16                    17

             15,000                    13                    14                    15                    16                    17

             25,000                    15                    16                    17                    18                    19

             50,000                    17                    18                    19                    20                    21

             75,000                    18                    19                    20                    21                    22

           100,000                    19                    21                    22                    23                    24

           200,000                    21                    23                    24                    25                    29

           350,000                    25                    27                    28                    29                    33

           500,000                    32                    35                    38                    42                    45

           750,000                    33                    36                    39                    43                    47




               Nivel                    1 Year             2 Years            3 Years            4 Years            5 Years


        $   25,000                      9%                 14%                 17%                 18%                 19%

             50,000                    11                    16                    19                    20                    21

             75,000                    13                    18                    20                    21                    22

           100,000                    15                    20                    22                    23                    24

           200,000                    17                    22                    24                    25                    29

           350,000                    19                    24                    26                    27                    31

           500,000                    29                    34                    38                    42                    45

           750,000                    31                    36                    39                    43                    48


Mileage Band (IXC Length)


The airline mileage between two cities can be calculated using the Vertical (V) and Horizontal (H) Coordinates of the serving wire centers associated with the Company’s Terminal Locations.


where V1 and H1 correspond to the V & H coordinates of City 1 and V2 and H2 correspond to the V & H coordinates of City 2.


Example:                                    V                      H  


City 1 ‑ New York                    4997                1406

City 2 ‑ Chicago                      5986                3426


                                                       V1         V2               H1         H2





Airline Mileage = 712 miles*


*           Result will always be rounded to the next highest mile.