Local Services

Section II




In addition to the General Definitions, the following definitions apply to Local services. If there is a conflict between the definitions below and the General Terms and Conditions, then the provisions below take precedence. 


Advance Payment:  Payment of all or part of a charge required before the start of service.


Authorized User:  A person, firm, corporation or other entity that either is authorized by the Customer to use local exchange telephone service or is placed in a position by the Customer, either through acts or omissions, to use local exchange telephone service.


Call Forward BusyWhen called station is busy, redirects calls to another station.


Call Forward No Answer:  Automatically routes incoming calls to a designated answering point when the called line does not answer within a pre-specified number of rings.


Call Forward VariableIncoming calls are redirected to another station.


Call Trace: Call Trace allows a called party to initiate an automatic trace of the last call received and is available for Local Line customers. After receiving an offending call, the customer must hang up and dial the feature code *57 (1157 for rotary phones) prior to receiving another inbound call. After dialing the feature code, the customer receives a recording that indicates that the trace was successful, and that the originating number has been captured and forwarded to the Company. The recording will also provide the customer a toll free number to the Company's Annoyance Call Bureau (ACB) Center for the customer to call for further action or to speak to an ACB representative. An ACB representative advises the customer that the telephone numbers of calls identified as harassing shall be released only to authorized investigative or law enforcement officers. This information will not be given directly to the customer. Customers will be instructed to file a complaint with the appropriate law enforcement officials.  Information on originating telephone number identified as harassing is released verbally to law enforcement with proof of identification. A subpoena is required before written records may be released to law enforcement. The Company is not liable for damages if, for any reason, the call trace attempt is not successful. The practices of law enforcement officials vary, and the Company does not represent that any action taken by such officials with regard to the traced number.


Call Transfer or 3-way Conferencing: Permits station users to transfer any call or add third party to an established connection.


Call Transfer/Consultation/Conference:  Provides the capability to transfer or add a third party, using the same line.


Call Waiting/Cancel Call WaitingWith the sound of a beep, the user will be alerted that another call is waiting to be answered.


Call Waiting Cancel:  Allows a User to cancel the Call Waiting feature on a per call basis by dialing a specific two digit code.


Caller ID Blocking – Selective (Outgoing): Selectively blocks Calling Party Number (CPN) delivery. This feature selectively blocks the transmission of a caller's telephone number to the destination they are calling. With this option, the caller must use a star code before making a call in order to block the telephone number from being sent. This feature is often referred to as Per-Call Blocking.


Caller ID Blocking – Complete (Outgoing): Completely blocks Calling Party Number (CPN) Delivery. This feature completely blocks the transmission of a caller's telephone number to the destination they are calling. (Mutually exclusive to CPN Delivery.)


Caller ID With Name (Inbound): Provides the Verizon Business Local customer the ability to identify the name and the telephone number associated with the calling party. If no calling name is found, the state associated with the caller's area code will be displayed instead. This feature requires a two-line minimum display device.


Caller Name (CNAM) Display: This term refers to the display of the calling party's name on a called party's caller ID display box following calling party's number (CNAM).


Calling Party Number (CPN) Delivery – Outbound: This feature allows for the display/capture of the caller's telephone number at the destination they are calling.


Classes of Service (COS): Allows or denies calls to both the telephone exchange network and/or special services like international calling and Directory Assistance (411). There are various COS available to choose from to meet your customer's needs.


Commission - Unless otherwise indicated, “Commission” refers to the applicable state Public Utility Commission when referring to intrastate or Local service, and refers to the Federal Communications Commission when referring to interstate services.


Customer:  The person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders service and is responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with the rates, terms and conditions of the Company's service.


Dial Pulse (DP):  The pulse type employed by rotary dial Station sets.


Digital InterfaceDigital Interface: Digital Interface provides DS-1 digital transmission facility operating at 1.544Mbps and time division multiplexed into 24 channels for the connection of Basic (DID trunks to the Customer’s PBX or trunk-capable Key Systems.)  Digital Interface can be used to carry one-way outbound traffic, one-way inbound traffic, Direct Inward Dialing, or a combination thereof. 


Direct Inward Dialing (DID):  A service attribute that routes incoming calls directly to Stations, by-passing a central answering point.


Disaster Recovery Plans Service:  Local Disaster Recovery Service is an optional feature for customers of Local Line and/or Local Trunk  and/or Local ISDN PRI.


Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF):  The pulse type employed by tone dial Station sets. 


Due Date Change: A customer-initiated request to delay the service commencement date after an order for service has been placed.


Exchange Carrier:  Any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged in the provision of local exchange telephone service.


Expedite: A service order that is processed at the request of the customer in a time period shorter than the Company standard Service Interval. An expedite charge will be assessed per circuit, per port, per order and/or per device depending on the service as specified in the Local Rates and Charges section of the intrastate portion of the Guide.


Hunting: Automatically forwards incoming calls from busy to available lines according to a pre-programmed sequence or hunt group (Serial or Circular).


Joint User:  A person, firm or corporation designated by the Customer as a user of local exchange service furnished to the Customer by the Company, and to whom a portion of the charges for such facilities are billed under a joint use arrangement.


LATA:  A local access and transport area established pursuant to the Modification of Final Judgment entered by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in Civil Action No. 82-0192 for the provision and administration of communications services.


Least Idle Trunk Selection (LIDL):  LIDL trunk selection occurs when a switching unit selects from a Trunk group the Trunk that has been idle for the shortest period of time.


Line Connection Charge: A non-recurring charge that applies per line to each change in type, grade or class of service, to each change of telephone number and to each temporary suspension of service.


Lit Building:  Service located and provisioned in a building connected via Company owned fiber to the Company’s network (Lit Building).


Local Calling:  A completed call or telephonic communication between a calling Station and any other Station within the local service area of the calling Station.


Local Exchange Carrier:  A company which furnishes exchange telephone service.


Local Line: Local Line provides the customer with a single voice-grade communications channel.


Local Trunk: Local Trunk provides the customer with a voice-grade communications channel to the customer - provided wiring to the customer’s Private Branch Exchange or Hybrid Key System. Local Trunks can be provisioned as either digital or analog.


Mbps:  Megabits, or millions of Bits, per second.


Most Idle Trunk Selection (MIDL):  MIDL Trunk selection occurs when a switching unit selects from a Trunk group the Trunk that has been idle for the longest period of time.


Multi-Frequency (MF):  An inter-machine pulse-type used for signaling between telephone switches, or between telephone switches and PBX/key systems.


Non‑Recurring Charges:  The one‑time initial charges for services or facilities, including but not limited to charges for construction, installation, or special fees, for which the Customer becomes liable at the time the Service Order is executed.


Off-Hook:  The term "off-hook" denotes the active condition of a telephone exchange service line.


On-Hook:  The term "on-hook" denotes the idle condition of a telephone exchange service line.


Presubscription-2 (PIC-2):  An arrangement whereby a Customer may select and designated to the Company and Exchange Carrier it wishes to access, without an access code, for completing intraLATA toll calls.  The selected Exchange Carrier is referred to as the End User's Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC-2).  InterLATA Presubscription is offered pursuant to the Company’s Price Guide at www.verizonbusiness.com.


Record Order Charge:  A non-recurring charge that applies for work performed by the Company in connection with receiving, recording and processing of customer requests where only changes in Company records are involved.  Some of the following changes will be applicable to this charge, additions of directory listings, change in listed name (exception of changes resulting from death, marriage, or court order), change of billing party, and change of listed service to non-published service.


Recurring Charges:  The monthly charges to the Customer for services, facilities and equipment, which Continue for the agreed upon duration of the service.


Remote Access to Call Forwarding: This feature enables the end user from a remote location to activate/deactivate the Call Forwarding Variable feature, and to remotely transfer/forward incoming calls to another telephone number by dialing an access number and using a four-digit PIN.


Remote Call Forwarding (RCF):  RCF allows all calls dialed to a telephone number equipped for RCF service to be automatically forwarded to another dialable telephone number. This service enables a customer to list a local directory number that is forwarded to a different city or exchange. Each RCF service allows for the forwarding of one call at a given time. The RCF customer is responsible for any applicable usage rates/charges between the RCF number and the terminating number.

1.         RCF service is not offered when the answering location for a forwarded call is a coin/coinless, Semi-public/public telephone service.

2.         The Company cannot guarantee the grade of transmission on remotely forwarded calls.  Normal grade end-to-end transmission is not guaranteed because transmission characteristics may vary depending on distance and routing required to complete the forwarded portion of  the call.

3.         RCF service will only be provided when, the in the judgment of the Company, the customer subscribes to sufficient RCF facilities at the terminating (answering) location to adequately handle calls without impairing, disrupting or deteriorating any services offered by the Company. In the event that the use of RCF service causes impairment, disruption or deterioration, the Company shall have the right to discontinue the RCF service.

RCF service is required for each directory number being forwarded. A customer can request additional RCF service (call paths) provided the customer has a receiving group of lines equal to the number of RCF services requested, (i.e., directory number is forwarded to a remote group of 5 lines – the customer can have up to 5 RCF services).


Restoral Charge:  There are two different types of Restoral Charges. One is a non-recurring charge that applies when service is reconnected after suspension or termination for non-payment but before cancellation of the service.  The other is where suspension of service has been requested by the Customer and reconnection after suspension is requested by the Customer.


Selective Call Screening  (SCS):  Is a call processing arrangement designed to restrict certain types of billing options from a line or trunk originating a call.  The service is offered to provide customers with a choice of originating call screening options when an operator services system is involved with the call processing.  The Selective Call Screening service provides information to the operator services platform (mechanized or live operator) to denote special originating call handling was requested.  The following billing options are available:  billing as collect, bill to a third party number or billed to a calling card. The Company assumes no liability for calls completed by any other entity, carrier or operator services platform as long as the Selective Call Screening code accompanies the call sent to another entity, carrier or operator services platform. SCS Customers are responsible for all toll charges billed to their line(s) for calls that are not carried solely over Company network and facilities. SCS is offered subject to switch availability on Company Local facilities (lines and trunks).      


Service Commencement Date:  The first day following the date on which the Company notifies the Customer that the requested service or facility is available for use, unless extended by the Customer's refusal to accept service which does not conform to standards set forth in the terms and conditions applicable to Local service, in which case the Service Commencement Date is the date of the Customer's acceptance of service.  The parties may mutually agree on a substitute Service Commencement Date. 


Service Order:  The written request for local exchange services executed by the Customer and the Company in a format specified by the Company.  The signing of a Service Order by the Customer and acceptance thereof by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this Guide, but the duration of the service is calculated from the Service Commencement Date. 


Service Installation Charges:  Non-recurring charges apply to the ordering, installing, moving, changing rearranging or furnishing of telephone service.


Servicios:  The Company's telecommunications services offered on the Company's network.


Shared Facilities:  A facility or equipment system or subsystem which can be used simultaneously by several Customers.


Signaling: Two types of signaling are available: Loop start (LS) and Ground start (GS)


Speed Dial – 8 Codes Allows users to place calls to designated numbers by dialing one-digit rather than the complete telephone number. Users can program up to eight codes.


Speed Dial - 30:  Allows placing calls to thirty (30) other phone numbers by dialing a one or two digit code rather than the complete phone number.


Station: Telephone equipment from or to which calls are placed.


Telephone Number Change: The service charge applies for changes of telephone number, per telephone number changed.


Toll Restriction: Used to prevent a station from dialing certain codes and numbers.


Touchtone: Term that describes push button dialing.


Trunk: A communications path connecting two switching systems in a network, used in the establishment of an end-to-end connection.


Usuario: A customer or any other person authorized by the Customer that uses service(s)  Local services under this Guide.


Voice-mail: Voice-mail is a personalized answering service built right into a customer's telephone line. Customers can receive, save and retrieve messages from any touch-tone phone.  Voice-mail will take messages when the line is busy, if a call waiting is ignored or if the customer is online or sending a fax service built right into a customer's telephone line. Customers can receive, save and retrieve messages from any touch-tone phone. Voice-mail will take messages when the line is busy, if a call waiting is ignored or if the customer is online or sending a fax.