Internet DSL with Local and Long Distance Promotion


Offer:   The following discounts on monthly recurring charges for Internet DSL Office Internet DSL Services to which the Customer subscribes under this promotion during the Customer’s term of service for the service, based on service speed:


Service Speed (kbps)                  Descuento


128                                                  10%

384                                                  15


Eligibility Requirements:  A Customer must:


            enroll between June 1, 2003 and December 31, 2003;


subscribe to new Internet DSL Office Internet DSL Services, Voice Services, intrastate Voice Services offered under tariff and local line or local trunk exchange service provided by the Company under a new term of service which equals or exceeds one year; and,


place an order for installation of the circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion on or before January 31, 2004.


Other Conditions:  The Customer may not receive the benefits of any other promotional offering or discounts, other than Special Customer Arrangements (SCA) Guide Types 2 through 10, on the circuits which receive the benefits of this promotion.


Estándar monthly recurring charges for DSL Office to which the Customer subscribes under this promotion will apply if the Customer terminates use of the Voice Services, intrastate Voice Services or the exchange service to which the Customer subscribes under this promotion.