Prior to February 1, 2003, Special Access Service was furnished under MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning February 1, 2003, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.


Please note the following regarding this important change.


·        Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in under MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on February 1, 2003.  This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found under MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1 and currently contained in this Guide.


·        Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former under under MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1 on January 31, 2003.


·        If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.


·        The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.


·        Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”




Código de acceso:  A uniform five or seven digit code assigned by the Company to an individual Customer.  The five digit code has the form 10XXX, and the seven digit code has the form 950-XXXX or 101XXXX.





Access Service Request (ASR):  The industry service order format used by Access Service customers and access providers as agreed to by the Ordering and Billing Forum.


Access Tandem:  An Exchange Carrier's switching system that provides a concentration and distribution function for originating or terminating traffic between Local Switching Centers and the Customer Premises.


Advance Payment:  Payment of all or part of a charge  required before the start of service.


Alternate Access:  Alternate Access has the same meaning as Local Access except that the provider of the service is an entity other than the Exchange Carrier authorized or permitted to provide such service.  The charges for Alternate Access may be specified in a private agreement rather than in a published or special tariff if private agreements are permitted by applicable governmental rules.





Bit:  The smallest unit of information in the binary system of notation.





Carrier or Common Carrier:  See Interexchange Carrier or Exchange Carrier.


Channel(s):  An electrical or, in the case of fiber optic-based transmission systems, a photonic communications path between two or more points of termination.





Conventional Signaling:  The inter-machine signaling system that has been traditionally used in North America for the purpose of transmitting the called number's address digits from the originating Local Switching Center which terminates the call.  In this system, all of the dialed digits are received by the originating switching machine, a path is selected, and the sequence of supervisory signals and outpulsed digits is initiated.  No overlap outpulsing ten digit ANI, ANI information digits, or acknowledgement wink are included in this signaling sequence.





Dedicated:  A facility or equipment system or subsystem set aside for the sole use of a specific customer.


Duplex Service:  Service which provides for simultaneous transmission in both directions.





End User:  Any individual, association, corporation, governmental agency or any other entity other than an Interexchange Carrier which subscribes to interstate service provided by an Exchange Carrier.


Exchange Carrier:  Any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged  in the provision of  local exchange telephone service.


Fiber Optic Cable:  A thin filament of glass with a protective outer coating through which a light beam carrying communications signals may be transmitted by means of multiple internal reflections to a receiver, which translates the message.


Firm Order Confirmation (FOC):  Acknowledgment by the Company of receipt of an Access Service Request from the Customer and commitment by the Company of a Service Date.


Hub:  The Company office where all customer facilities are terminated for purposes of interconnection to Trunks and/or cross‑connection to distant ends.


Individual Case Basis:  A service arrangement in which the regulations, rates and charges are developed based on the specific circumstances of the Customer's situation.


Interexchange Carrier (IC) or Interexchange Common Carrier:  Any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged  in interstate or foreign communication for hire by wire


or radio, between two or more exchanges.


ISDN-BRI:  ISDN-BRI is a facilities based Company service which provides a single, digital, one‑way inbound, one‑way outbound or two‑way inbound‑outbound local access circuit between two lines (wire pair) with the capabilities of simultaneous access, transmission and switching of voice, data and imaging services via channelized transport.


ISDN‑BRI consists of up to two B Channels and one D Channel of 64 kbps each.  The bearer, or B, channels are used to access Company services supported over the BRI.  The D channels are used to carry signalling and control information for the associated B channels.


ISDN-PRI:  ISDN-PRI is a facilities based Company service which provides a single, digital, one‑way inbound, one‑way outbound or two‑way inbound‑outbound local access circuit with the capabilities of simultaneous access, transmission and switching of voice, data and imaging services via channelized transport.


ISDN-PRI consists of a 64 kbps D channel and 23 B channels of 64 kbps each.  The bearer, or B, channels are used to access Company services supported over the PRI.  The D channels are used to carry signalling and control


information for the associated B channels.


Joint User:  A person, firm or corporation designated by the Customer as a user of access facilities furnished to the Customer by the Company, and to whom a portion of  the charges for such facilities are billed under a joint use arrangement.





Line Information Data Base (LIDB):  The data base which contains billing information such as telephone numbers, calling card numbers and associated billed number restriction data  used in connection with the validation and billing of calls.





Local Switching Center:  The switching center where telephone exchange service customer station Channels are terminated for purposes of interconnection to each other and to interoffice Trunks.




Meet Point Billing:  The arrangement through which multiple Exchange Carriers involved in providing Access Service divide the ordering, rating, and billing of such services on a proportional basis, so that each Exchange Company involved in providing a portion of the Access Service agrees to bill under its respective tariff.


red:  The Company's digital fiber optics‑based network located in the continental United States.


Network Services:  The Company's telecommunications Access Service offered on the Company's Network.


Non‑Recurring Charges:  The one‑time initial charges for services or facilities, including but not limited to charges for construction, installation, or special fees, for which the Customer becomes liable at the time the Service Order is executed.





Off-Net:  A Customer is considered to be Off‑Net when its point of presence is not served by the same Hub in which the Company's Local Switching Center, which is providing service to the Customer, is located.




On-Net:  A Customer is considered to be On‑Net when its point of presence is served by the same Hub in which the Company's Local Switching Center, which is providing service to the Customer, is located.


Out of Band Signaling:  An exchange access signaling feature which allows customers to exchange call control and signaling information over a communications path which is separate from the message path.





Point to Point Service:  An unswitched full time transmission service utilizing the Company's facilities to connect two or more Customer designated locations.





Service Commencement Date: The first day following the date on which the Company notifies the Customer that the requested service or facility is available for use, unless extended by the Customer's refusal to accept service which does not conform to standards set forth in the Service Order or this tariff, in which case the Service Commencement Date is the date of the Customer's acceptance of service.  The parties may mutually agree on a substitute Service Commencement Date.  If the Company does not have an executed Service Order from a Customer, the Service Commencement Date will be the first date on which the service or facility was used by the Customer.  For Tandem Connect Customers, the Service Commencement Date will be the first date on which the service or facility was used by the Customer.


Service Order:  The written request for Access Service executed by the Customer and the Company in a format devised by the Company; or, in the alternative, the submission of an Access Service Request by the Customer in the manner specified in this tariff.  The signing of a Service Order or submission of an ASR by the Customer and acceptance thereof by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this tariff, but the duration of the service is calculated from the Service Commencement Date.


Service(s):  The Company's telecommunications Access Service offered on the Company's Network.


Shared Facilities:  A facility or equipment system or subsystem which can be used simultaneously by several customers.


Signaling Point of Interface:  The Customer designated location where the SS7 signaling information is exchanged between the Company and the Customer.


Signaling System 7 (SS7):  The common Channel Out of Band Signaling protocol developed by the Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).


Signaling Transfer Point Access:  Allows the Customer to access a specialized switch which provides SS7 network access and performs SS7 messaging routing and screening.


Special Access Service:  Dedicated access between a Customer's Premises and another Point of Presence for the purpose of originating or terminating communications.




Trunk:  A communications path connecting two switching systems in a network, used in the establishment of an end-to-end connection.



1.         Undertaking of the Company


1.1       Scope:


Access Service consist of furnishing access service in connection with one-way and/or two way information transmission between points within the Continental United States under the terms of this tariff.









1.3       Terms and Conditions:







1.3.2   Customers may be required to enter into written Service Orders which shall contain or reference the name of the Customer, a specific description of the service ordered, the rates to be charged, the duration of the services, and the terms and conditions in this tariff.  Customers will also be required to execute any other documents as may be reasonably requested by the Company.


1.3.3   At the expiration of the initial term specified in each Service Order, or in any extension thereof, service shall continue on a month to month basis at the then current rates unless terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice.  Any termination shall not relieve the Customer of its obligation to pay any charges incurred under the Service Order and this tariff prior to termination.  The rights and obligations which by their nature extend beyond the termination of the term of the Service Order shall survive such termination.


1.3.4   The Customer agrees to operate Company-provided equipment in accordance with instructions of the Company or the Company's agent.  Failure to do so will void Company liability for interruption of service and may make the Customer responsible for damage to equipment pursuant to section 1.3.5 below.


1.3.5   The Customer agrees to return to the Company all Company-provided equipment delivered to Customer within five (5) days of termination of the service in connection with which the equipment was used.  Said equipment shall be in the same condition as when delivered to the Customer, normal wear and tear only excepted.  Customer shall reimburse the Company, upon demand, for any costs incurred by the Company due to Customer's failure to comply with this provision.


1.4       Liability of the Company










































1.4.9   The Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the End User against any claim, loss or damage arising from the End User's use of services offered under this tariff, including:


·          claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy or infringement of copyright arising from  the End User's own communications;

·          patent infringement claims arising from the End User's combining or connecting the service offered by the Company with facilities or equipment furnished by the End User or another Interexchange Carrier; or

·          all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the End User  in connection with any service provided pursuant to this tariff.



























1.4.15 The Company shall not be liable for any act or omission concerning the implementation of Presubscription, as defined herein, unless it is due to the gross negligence of the Company.







1.5       Notification of Service Affecting Activities











3.         Obligations of the Customer







(c)        providing at no charge, as specified from time to time by the Company, any needed personnel, equipment, space, and power to operate Company facilities and equipment installed on the Customer  Premises,  and the level of heating and air conditioning necessary to maintain the proper operating environment on such Customer Premises;


(d)       obtaining, maintaining, and otherwise having full responsibility for all rights-of-way and conduit necessary for installation of Fiber Optic Cable and associated equipment used to provide Access Service to the Customer from the cable building entrance or property line to the location of the equipment space described in Section 3.1(c) above.  Any costs associated with obtaining and maintaining the rights-of-way described herein, including the costs of altering the structure to permit installation of the Company-provided facilities, shall be borne entirely by, or may be charged by the Company to, the Customer.  The Company may require the Customer to demonstrate its compliance with this subsection prior to accepting an order for service;











4.         Customer Equipment and Channels


4.1       In General


 A Customer may transmit or receive information or signals via the facilities of the Company.







4.3       Interconnection of Facilities


4.3.1   Any special interface equipment necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities and equipment of the Company used for furnishing Access Service and the Channels, facilities, or equipment of others shall be provided at the Customer's expense.


4.3.2   Access Service may be connected to the services or facilities of other communications carriers only when authorized by, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of the tariffs of the other communications carriers which are applicable to such connections.


4.4       Inspections


4.4.1   Upon reasonable notification to the Customer, and at  reasonable times, the Company may make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the Customer is complying with the requirements set forth in Section 4.2.2 for the installation, operation, and maintenance of Customer‑provided facilities, equipment, and wiring in the connection of Customer‑provided facilities and equipment to Company‑owned facilities and equipment.  No credit will be allowed for any interruptions occurring during such inspections.


4.4.2   If the protective requirements for Customer‑provided equipment are not being complied with, the Company may take such action is it deems necessary to protect its facilities, equipment, and personnel.  The Company will notify the Customer promptly if there is any need for further corrective action.  Within ten days of receiving this notice, the Customer must take this corrective action and notify the Company of the action taken.  If the Customer fails to do this, the Company may take whatever additional action is deemed necessary, including the suspension of service, to protect its facilities, equipment, and personnel from harm.  The Company will, upon request 24 hours in advance, provide the Customer with a statement of technical parameters that the Customer's equipment must meet.


5.         Payment Arrangements






5.2       Billing and Collection of Charges




















5.2.4   Billing of the Customer by the Company will begin on the Service Commencement Date.  Billing accrues through and includes the day that the service, circuit, arrangement or component is discontinued.



            Late Payment Charges:  Amounts not paid on or before thirty (30) days from invoice date shall be considered past due, and Customer agrees to pay to the Company the lesser of: (a) an annual interest rate of eighteen percent (18%); or


(b) the maximum amount allowed by law.







5.2.7   If a Customer does not give the Company written notice of a dispute with respect to the Company's charges within two years from the date the invoice was rendered, such invoice shall be deemed to be correct and binding on the Customer.


5.2.8   If a service is disconnected by the Company in accordance with Section 5.6 following and later restored, restoration of service will be subject to all applicable installation charges.


5.2.9   Billing Disputes:  If the customer disputes a bill, the Customer must document its claim to the Company in writing.  For purposes of this tariff, the dispute date is the date on which the Customer presents sufficient documentation to support a claim.            Sufficient documentation consists of, but is not limited to, the following information, where such information is relevant to the dispute and available to the Customer:


The nature of the dispute (i.e., alleged incorrect rate, alleged incorrect minutes of use, etc.), including the basis for the Customer's belief that the bill is incorrect;


The type of usage (i.e., originating or terminating);


The Company end office where the minutes of use originated or terminated (if applicable);


The number of minutes in dispute;


The billing account number(s) (BANs) assigned by the Company;


The dollar amount in dispute;


The date of the bill(s) in question;


Circuit number or complete system identification and DS3 system identification if the dispute concerns a Connecting Facility Assignment (CFA) on a DS1.  Line number, trunk number and Two Six Code (TSC) should also be provided;


Purchase Order Number (PON) and dates involved (due date or as-of date) for disputes involving order activity and what the Customer believe is incorrect (e.g. non-recurring charge, mileage, circuit identification) and why they believe it to be incorrect (not received, not ordered, incorrect rate, etc.)  For order activity disputes documentation should include traffic reports, billing cycle, and, is the service is shared, both main and shared service BANs.  Line number, trunk number and Two Six Code as well as end-office identification should also be provided; and/or,


Any other information necessary to facilitate dispute resolution.


If additional information from the Customer would assist in resolving the dispute, the Customer may be requested to provide this information.  This data may include, but is not limited to, summarized usage data by time of day.  The request for such additional information shall not affect the dispute date established by this section.            The date of resolution shall be the date on which the Company completes its investigation of the dispute, notifies the Customer of the disposition and, if the billing dispute is resolved in favor of the Customer, applies the credit for the amount of the dispute resolved in the Customer’s favor to the Customer’s bill, including the disputed amount interest credit, as appropriate.            Application of Late Payment Charges and Interest Credits to Disputed Amounts: Any payments withheld pending settlement of the dispute shall be subject to the late payment charges set forth in Section 5.2.5 preceding.  The Company will resolve the dispute and assess interest credits or late payment charges to the Customer as follows:         If the dispute is resolved in favor of the Company and the Customer has paid the disputed amount on or before the payment due date no interest credits or late payment charges will apply to the disputed amounts.         If the dispute is resolved in favor of the Company and the Customer has withheld the disputed amount, any payments withheld pending settlement will be subject to the late payment charge set forth in Section 5.2.5.         If the dispute is resolved in favor of the Customer and the Customer has paid the disputed amount, the Customer will receive a credit from the Company for the disputed amount


plus interest at a rate of .0005 percent, compounded daily from the date of payment to the resolution date.         If the dispute is resolved in favor of the Customer and the Customer has withheld the disputed amount, no interest credits or late payment charges will apply to the disputed amount.








5.4       Advance Payments


For Special Access Service, the Company may in its sole discretion require a Customer to make an Advance Payment before services and facilities are furnished.  The Advance Payment will not exceed an amount equal to the Non‑Recurring Charge(s) and one month's estimated usage charges for the service or facility to be provided.  In addition, where special construction is involved, the Advance Payment may also include an amount equal to the estimated Non-Recurring Charges for the Special Con­struction and Recurring Charges (if any) for a period to be set by agreement between the Company and the Customer. The Ad­vance Payment will be credited to the Customer's initial bill.


The advance payment is due 10 business days following the date the Company confirms acceptance of the order, or on the application date, whichever is later.  If the advance payment is not received by such payment date, the order may be cancelled.  When the Customer cancels an access service request, the


order will be withdrawn.  Any advance payment made will not be credited or refunded.


5.5       Deposits






5.6       Refusal and Discontinuance of Service


5.6.1   Upon nonpayment of any amounts owing to the Company, the Company may, by giving


prior written notice to the Customer as specified in Section, discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability.


5.6.2   Upon violation of any of the other material terms or conditions for furnishing service the Company may, by giving 30 days' prior notice in writing to the Customer, discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability if such violation continues during that period.


5.6.3   Upon condemnation of any material portion of the facilities used by the Company to provide service to a Customer or if a casualty renders all or any material portion of such facilities inoperable beyond feasible repair, the Company, by notice to the Customer, may discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liabili­ty.












5.6.7   If a Customer whose account has been closed has a credit balance showing, the Company will transfer the credit to another account of the Customer, if there is one, or will mail a check for the balance to the Customer if it believes it has a valid address.  If the Company is not certain that it has a valid address, it will include a notice with the final invoice, which will be mailed to the Customer's last known address, asking the Customer to verify the address so that the Company can make a refund, or it will write to the Customer at that address and request verification.  Such verification can be made by calling a designated telephone number or by writing to a specified address.  Upon receiving verification, a check for the balance will be mailed.  If the final invoice or the notification letter is returned by the post office as undeliverable, or if no response is received within thirty days of mailing, the Company will begin applying a closed account maintenance charge of $2.50 per month in the second monthly billing period following the month in which the account was closed, and will continue to apply that charge until the Custom­er requests a refund or the balance is exhaust­ed.


5.6.8   Upon the Company's discontinuance of service to the Customer under Section 5.6.1 or 5.6.2 above, the Company, in addition to all other remedies that may be available to the Company at law or in equity or under any other provision of this tariff, may declare all future monthly and other charges which would have been payable by the Customer during the remainder of the term for which such services would have otherwise been provided to the Customer to be immediately due and payable.


5.7       Cancellation of Application for Service


5.7.1   Applications for service are noncancellable unless the Company otherwise agrees.  Where the Company permits the Customer to cancel an applica­tion for service prior to the start of service or prior to any special construction, charg­es will be imposed as specified in this Section and Section C.2.3 .


5.7.2   Where, prior to cancellation by the Customer, the Company incurs any expenses in installing the service or in preparing to install the service that it otherwise would not have in­curred, a charge equal to the costs the Company incurred, less net salvage, shall apply, but in no case shall this charge exceed the sum of the charge for the minimum period of services or­dered, including installation charges, and all charges others levy against the Company that would have been chargeable to the Customer had service begun.


5.7.3   The special charges described in 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 will be calculated and applied on an Individual Case Basis.


6.         Allowances for Interruptions in Service


Interruptions in service which are not due to the negli­gence of or noncompliance with the provisions of this tariff, by the Customer or the operation or malfunction of the facilities, power, or equipment provided by the Custom­er, will be credited to the Customer as set forth in 6.1 for the part of the service that the interruption affects.


                        6.1       Credit for Interruptions


6.1.1   A credit allowance will be made when an inter­ruption occurs because of a failure of any component furnished by the Company under this tariff.  An interruption period begins when the Customer reports a service, facility or cir­cuit, to be interrupted and releases it for testing and repair.  An interruption period ends when the service, facility, or circuit is operative.  If the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be inopera­tive but de­clines to release it for testing and repair, it is considered to be impaired, but not inter­rupted.


6.1.2   For calculating credit allowances, every month is considered to have  30 days.  A credit allow­ance is applied on a pro-rata basis against the  rates specified hereunder and is dependent upon the length of the interruption. Only those facilities on the interrupted portion of the circuit will receive a credit.


6.1.3   Except as otherwise provided for herein, for Special Access Service, a credit allowance will be given for interrup­tions of 15 minutes or more. Credit allowances shall be calculated as follows:


Interruptions of 24 Hours or Less


Length of                                Interruption Period

Interruption                             To Be Credited


Less than 15 minutes                   None


15 minutes up to but                     1/10 Day

not including 3 hours


3 hours up to but not                     1/5 Day

including 6 hours


6 hours up to but not                     2/5 Day

including 9 hours


9 hours up to but not                     3/5 Day

including 12 hours


12 hours up to but not                   4/5 Day

including 15 hours


15 hours up to but not                   One Day

including 24 hours


Two or more interruptions of 15 minutes or more during any one 24‑hour period shall be consid­ered as one interruption for the combined duration of all the interruptions.


Interruptions Over 24 Hours But Less Than 72 Hours.  Interruptions over 24 hours but  less than 72 hours will be credited 1/5 day for each 3‑hour period or fraction thereof.  However, no more than one full day's credit will be allowed for any period of 24 hours.


Interruptions Over 72 Hours. Interruptions over 72 hours will be credited 2 days for each full 24‑hour period.  However, no more than 30 days credit will be allowed for any one month period.



6.2       Limitations on Allowances


No credit allowance will be made for:


(a)       interruptions due to the negligence of, or noncom­pliance with the provisions of this tariff by, the Customer, Authorized User, Joint‑User, or other Common Carrier providing service connected to the service of Company;


(b)       interruptions due to the negligence of any person other than the Company, including, but not limited to, the Customer or other Common Carriers connected to the Company's facilities;


(c)        interruptions due to the failure or malfunction of non‑Company equipment;


(d)       interruptions of service during any period in which the Company is not given full and free access to its facilities and equipment for the purpose of investi­gating and correcting interruptions;


(e)       interruptions of service during a period in which the Customer continues to use the service on an impaired basis;


(f)         interruptions of service during any period when the Customer has released service to the Company for maintenance purposes or for implementation of a Customer order for a change in service arrangements;


(g)       interruption of service due to circumstances or causes beyond the control of the            Company.


6.2.1   Use of Alternative Service Provided by the Company:     Should the Customer elect to use an alternative service provided by the Company during the period that a service is interrupted, the Customer must pay the tariffed rates and charges for the alternative service used.


6.3       Cancellation For Service Interruption


Cancellation or termination for service interruption is permitted only if any circuit experiences a single continuous outage of 8 hours or more or cumulative service credits equalling 16 hours in a continuous 12‑month period.  The right to cancel service under this provision applies only to the single circuit which has been subject to the outage or cumulative service credits.


7.         Cancellation of Service


7.1       If a Customer cancels           service before the completion of the term for any reason whatsoever other than a service interruption (as defined in Section 6.1 above), the Customer agrees to pay to the Company the following sums, which shall become due and owing as of the effective date of the cancellation or termination and shall be payable within the period set forth in Section B.5.2: all costs, fees, and expenses reasonably incurred in connection with 1) all Non-Recurring Charges reasonably expended by Company to establish service to Customer, plus 2) any disconnection, early cancellation or termination charges reasonably incurred and paid to third parties by Company on behalf of         Customer, plus 3) all Recurring Charges specified in the applicable Tariff for the balance of the then current term.


The terms and conditions specified in Section C.2.3 will apply for cancellation of an Access Service Request.


8.         Transfers and Assignments





9.         Notices and Communications


9.1       The Customer shall designate on the Service Order an address to which the  Company shall mail or deliver all notices and other communications, except that the       Customer may also designate a separate address to which the Company's bills for service shall be mailed.


9.2       The Company shall designate on the Service Order an address to which the Customer shall mail or deliver all notices and other communications, except that the Company may designate a separate address, on each bill for service, to which the Customer shall mail payment on that bill.


9.3       All notices or other communications required to be given pursuant to this tariff shall be in writing. Notices and other communications of either party, and all bills mailed by the Company, shall be presumed to have been delivered to the other party on the third business day following deposit of the notice, communication, or bill with the U.S. Mail or a private delivery service, prepaid and properly addressed, or when actually received or refused by the addressee, whichever occurs first.


9.4       The Company or the Customer shall advise the other party of any changes to the addresses designated for notices, other communications or billing, by following the proce­dures for giving notice set forth herein.





1.         General


Access Service consist of any of the services offered hereunder, either individually or in combination.  Each service is offered independently of all others.


2.         Transmission Service


2.1       Transmission Service is offered via the Company's facilities for the transmission of one‑way and two-­way communications.


2.2       There are two types of Voice Grade Services.  The service is compatible with either 2-wire ground start and loop start equipment or 4-wire E/M signalling equipment.  4-wire supports analog data transmission speeds of up to 19.2 Kbps.


2.3       Digital channels over the Company's Network are furnished for full‑duplex transmission of digital signals at operating speeds as follows:


64.0 kbps (DS‑0)

56.0 kbps (DS‑0D)

19.2 kbps

9.2 kbps

4.8 kbps

2.4 kbps

1.544 kbps (DS‑1)

44.736 Mbps (DS‑3)


Digital channels operating at speeds other than those listed above may be provided at the company's option on an Individual Case Basis (ICB).  The rates for the operating speeds outlined above are described in Section F-2.


2.4       Digital channels furnished by the Company at 1.544 Mbps, interconnections to such channels and equipments interfacing to such channels shall meet the following characteristics:


Line Rate:                              1.544 Mbps + 130 ppm


Line Code 1:                          Bipolar (Alternate Mark) Inversion


Line Code 2:                          Bipolar 8 zero substitution (B8ZS)


Line Impedance:                   100 ohms + 5% balanced


Jitter:                                       The multiplexer will add not more than 0.3 time slot of rms jitter to a DS-1 signal when looped at the DS-3 point.


2.5       Digital channels furnished by the Company at 44.736 Mbps, interconnections to such channels and equipment interfacing to such channels shall meet the following technical characteristics:


Line Rate:                              44.736 Mbps + 20 ppm
Line Code:                             Bipolar with three‑zero substitution (B3ZS)
Line Impedance:                   75 ohms (+-) 5 percent unbalanced




1.         Special Construction


1.1       Basis for Rates and Charges


Rates and charges for special construction will be determined by the Company on an individual basis and based, in part, on the costs incurred by the Company and may include (1) non‑recurring type charges, (2) recurring type charges, (3) termination liabilities, or (4) combinations thereof.


1.2       Termination Liability


To the extent that there is no other requirement for use by the Company, a termination liability may apply for facilities specially constructed at the request of the Customer.


1.2.1   The termination liability period is the initial service term with respect to said specially constructed facilities.


1.2.2   The amount of the maximum termination liability is equal to the rates and charges established pursuant to Sections F-1.1 and F-1.2 above:


1.2.3   The applicable termination liability charge is based on the normal method for calculating the unpaid balance of a term obligation.  The amount of such charge is obtained by multiplying the sum of the amounts determined as set forth in Section F-1.2.2 preceding by a factor related to the unexpired period of liability and the discount rate for return and contingencies. This product is adjusted to reflect applicable taxes.


2.         Transmission Service


2.1       General


The actual per-circuit rates are specified below.


2.2     Analog Service


Analog service is a voice grade transmission facility.


2.2.1   This service consists of making voice grade and voice grade data capacity available on a Dedicated Access basis.


2.2.2   Analog Rates per Interoffice Channel


               Monthly Recurring                

                                                         Termination          Fixed                                         Non-Recurring

Charge (per   +    Mileage +      Per Mile             Installation (per

Circuit end)          Charge           Charge              Circuit end)


Voice Grade (Voice)


            Atlanta, Ga (Downtown)          $42.75            $25.65              $1.80                $298.00

            Atlanta, GA (Midtown)               42.75              25.65                1.80                  298.00

            Atlanta, GA (Marietta)               42.75              25.65                1.80                  298.00

            Baltimore, MD                            44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            Boston, MA                                48.31              31.72                3.70                  356.00

            Chicago, IL                                 35.48              25.21                0.98                  332.50

            Cleveland, OH                            35.48              25.21                0.98                  332.50

            Dallas, TX                                   38.00              16.59                1.24                  191.00

            Detroit, MI                                   35.48              25.21                0.98                  332.50

            Hartford, CT                               35.04              23.63                2.12                  192.75

            Jersey City, NJ                           44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            Los Angeles, CA                       44.65              23.20                0.51                  477.00

            Milwaukee, WI                            35.48              25.21                0.98                  332.50

            New York City, NY                     48.31              31.72                3.70                  356.90

            Philadelphia, PA                        44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            Pittsburgh, PA                            44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            San Diego, CA                          44.65              23.20                0.51                  477.00

            San Francisco, CA                    44.65              23.20                0.51                  477.00

            Seattle, WA                                22.37              28.07                0.16                    94.05

            Tysons Corner, VA                    44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            Washington, DC                        44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00


                 Monthly Recurring                          

                                                         Termination          Fixed                                         Non-Recurring

Charge (per   +    Mileage +      Per Mile             Installation (per

Circuit end)          Charge           Charge              Circuit end)


Voice Grade (Data)


            Atlanta, Ga (Downtown)          $42.75            $25.65              $1.80                $298.00

            Atlanta, GA (Midtown)               42.75              25.65                1.80                  298.00

            Atlanta, GA (Marietta)               42.75              25.65                1.80                  298.00

            Baltimore MD                             44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            Boston, MA                                48.31              31.72                3.70                  356.00

            Chicago, IL                                 35.48              25.21                0.98                  332.50

            Cleveland, OH                            35.48              25.21                0.98                  332.50

            Dallas, TX                                   38.00              16.59                1.24                  191.00

            Detroit, MI                                   35.48              25.21                0.98                  332.50

            Hartford, CT                               35.04              23.63                2.12                  192.75

            Jersey City, NJ                           44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            Los Angeles, CA                       44.65              23.20                0.51                  477.00

            Milwaukee, WI                            35.48              25.21                0.98                  332.50

            New York City, NY                     48.31              31.72                3.70                  356.00

            Philadelphia, PA                        44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            Pittsburgh, PA                            44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            San Diego, CA                          44.65              23.20                0.51                  477.00

            San Francisco, CA                    44.65              23.20                0.51                  477.00

            Seattle, WA                                22.37              28.07                0.16                    94.05

            Tysons Corner, VA                    44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00

            Washington, DC                        44.84              14.25                0.53                  615.00


2.3       DDS Service


DDS service is a digital transmission facility of speeds ranging from 2.4 kbps to 64 kbps.


2.3.1   This service consists of making DDS capacity available on a Dedicated Access basis.


2.3.2   DDS Rates per Interoffice Channel


Below are the DDS rates unless stated otherwise in Appendix A.


                Monthly Recurring                           

                                                         Termination          Fixed                                         Non-Recurring

Charge (per   +    Mileage +      Per Mile             Installation (per

Circuit end)          Charge           Charge              Circuit end)


DDS Service


            Atlanta, Ga (Downtown)          $95.00            $38.00              $3.80                $380.00

            Atlanta, GA (Midtown)               95.00              38.00                3.80                  380.00

            Atlanta, GA (Marietta)               95.00              38.00                3.80                  380.00

            Baltimore, MD                         119.18              90.25                3.33                  710.60

            Boston, MA                                67.91              28.61                1.88                  142.25

            Chicago, IL                                 78.85              25.21                0.98                  318.00

            Cleveland, OH                            78.85              25.21                0.98                  318.00

            Dallas, TX                                   73.39              47.50                0.71                  346.00

            Detroit, MI                                   78.85              25.21                0.98                  318.00

            Hartford, CT                               79.04              67.45                2.09                  550.00

            Jersey City, NJ                        119.18              90.25                3.33                  710.60

            Los Angeles, CA                       47.50               4.75                5.23                  356.00

            Milwaukee, WI                            78.85              25.21                0.98                  318.00

            New York City, NY                     67.91              28.61                1.88                  206.62

            Philadelphia, PA                     119.18              90.25                3.33                  710.60

            Pittsburgh, PA                         119.18              90.25                3.33                  710.60

            San Diego, CA                          47.50                4.75                5.23                  356.00

            San Francisco, CA                    47.50                4.75                5.23                  356.00

            Seattle, WA                                68.68              21.85                0.14                  213.75

            Tysons Corner, VA                  119.18              90.25                3.33                  710.60

            Washington, DC                      119.18              90.25                3.33                  710.60



                Monthly Recurring                           

                                                         Termination          Fixed                                         Non-Recurring

Charge (per   +    Mileage +      Per Mile             Installation (per

Circuit end)          Charge           Charge              Circuit end)


Digital Clear Channel


            Atlanta, Ga (Downtown)          $95.00            $38.00              $3.80                $380.00

            Atlanta, GA (Midtown)               95.00              38.00                3.80                  380.00

            Atlanta, GA (Marietta)               95.00              38.00                3.80                  380.00

            Baltimore, MD                         128.68            104.50                3.80                  710.60

            Boston, MA                                67.91              28.61                1.88                  142.25

            Chicago, IL                                 78.85              25.21                0.98                  318.00

            Cleveland, OH                            78.85              25.21                0.98                  318.00

            Dallas, TX                                   73.39              47.50                0.71                  304.00

            Detroit, MI                                   78.85              25.21                0.98                  318.00



            Hartford, CT                               79.04              67.45                2.09                  550.00

            Jersey City, NJ                        128.68            104.50                3.80                  710.60

            Los Angeles, CA                       47.50               4.75                5.23                  356.00

            Milwaukee, WI                            78.85              25.21                0.98                  318.00

            New York City, NY                     67.61              28.61                1.88                  206.62

            Philadelphia, PA                     128.68            104.50                3.80                  710.60

            Pittsburgh, PA                         128.68            104.50                3.80                  710.60

            San Diego, CA                          47.50                4.75                5.23                  356.00

            San Francisco, CA                    47.50                4.75                5.23                  356.00

            Seattle, WA                                68.68              21.85                0.14                  213.75

            Tysons Corner, VA                  128.68            104.50                3.80                  710.60

            Washington, DC                      128.68            104.50                3.80                  710.60


2.4       DS‑1 Service


DS‑1 service is a digital transmission facility of 1.544 Mbps with a capacity of up to 24 analog or digital channels.   This service supports voice, analog data, digital data, and video.


2.4.1   This service consists of making DS‑1 capacity available on a Dedicated Access basis.


2.4.2   DS‑1 Rates per Interoffice Channel


Below are the DS-1 rates unless stated otherwise in Appendix A.


    Monthly Recurring   

                                                         Termination          Fixed                                         Non-Recurring

Charge (per   +    Mileage +      Per Mile             Installation (per

Circuit end)          Charge           Charge              Circuit end)


DS‑1 Service


            Atlanta, Ga (Downtown)       $133.00            $85.50            $24.70                $823.00

            Atlanta, GA (Midtown)             133.00              85.50              24.70                  823.00

            Atlanta, GA (Marietta)             133.00              85.50              24.70                  823.00

            Baltimore, MD                         204.25              54.15              17.48                  684.00

            Boston, MA                              190.00              62.70              19.00                  194.00

            Chicago, IL                               142.35            117.80              19.72                  318.00

            Cleveland, OH                         142.35            117.80              19.72                  318.00

            Dallas, TX                                156.75              48.74              16.82                  597.00

            Detroit, MI                                 142.35            117.80              19.72                  318.00

            Hartford, CT                             175.75              75.05              22.80                  585.00

            Jersey City, NJ                        204.25              54.15              17.48                  684.00

            Los Angeles, CA                     114.00             71.25              15.20                  602.00

            Milwaukee, WI                         142.35            117.80              19.72                  318.00

            New York City, NY                   190.00              62.70              19.00                  193.80

            Philadelphia, PA                     204.25              54.15              17.48                  684.00

            Pittsburgh, PA                         204.25              54.15              17.48                  684.00

            San Diego, CA                        114.00              71.25              15.20                  602.00

            San Francisco, CA                 114.00              71.25              15.20                  602.00

            Seattle, WA                              120.18              83.70              13.02                  297.59

            Tysons Corner, VA                  204.25              54.15              17.48                  684.00

            Washington, DC                      204.25              54.15              17.48                  684.00


2.5       DS‑3 Service


DS‑3 service is a digital transmission facility of 44.736 Mbps with a capacity of 28 DS-1 channels or 672 Voice, Analog Data or Digital Data Channels.


2.5.1   This service consists of making DS‑3 capacity available on a Dedicated Access basis.


2.5.2   DS‑3 Rates per Interoffice Channel


Recurring per Month ICB


2.6       Service Calls


When a Customer reports trouble to the Company for clearance and no trouble is found in the Company's facilities, the Customer may be responsible for payment of a charge calculated from the time Company personnel are dispatched to the Customer Premises until the work is completed.


2.6.1   Service Call Charge Rates


Per hour rate, per technician           ICB


2.7       Term Plans


Customers who order Local Choice Direct special access service may subscribe to an Local Choice Savings Plan (LCSP) which qualifies the Customer to receive discounts against the applicable monthly local circuit rates. Other charges such as installation, conditioning, etc., are not discountable under this plan.  The terms of the LCSP apply to Voice Grade, DDS and DS1 access.


An LCSP applies to an individual circuit.   Each circuit that the customer enrolls in an LCSP must be individually listed on the enrollment form.  The plan and its discounts are not transferable to any other circuit, nor may the LCSP be transferred between customers.


Commencing an LCSP:       All customer requests to commence an LCSP must be made in writing and received by MCI no later than the twentieth day of the month prior to the month in which the LCSP is to commence.  The LCSP commences on the install for new circuits for which the customer has requested an LCSP.


Rate Changes:          Customers whose circuits are enrolled in an LCSP are not subject to any changes in rate and discounts which are made during the course of the LCSP term.


Early Termination Charges: Customers who terminate service prior to the end of the committed term will be charged an early termination charge equal to the lesser of the following:


·          the number of months remaining in the contract multiplied by 50 percent of the undiscounted monthly rate; or


·          one year LCSP: one month charges at the undiscounted monthly rate two year LCSP: two months charges at the undiscounted monthly rate three year LCSP: six months charges at the undiscounted monthly rate four year LCSP: eight months charges at the undiscounted monthly rate five year LCSP: ten months charges at the undiscounted monthly rate.


Early termination charges will be waived under the following circumstances:


·          the customer replaces the LCSP with an LCSP of greater duration; or


·          the customer requests that the circuit be moved to another location where the Company provides service, and the customer pays for the new install; or


·          the customer upgrades the circuit to a higher bandwidth and enrolls the new circuit in an LCSP of early or greater duration.





1               2           3             4           5

Voice Grade                  n/a           4%        6%        8%       10%
DS-0                               n/a           5%      10%       15%       20%
DS1                                   5%      10%      15%       17%       20%


2.8       Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP):         The following charges for TSP will be calculated on an Individual Case Basis:


Non-Recurring Charges                               Monthly Recurring Charges


Provisioning                                                   Restoration

Order/Administration Charges




The following offerings will be available to customers ordering service within 30 days of the date specified in each offering.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is three years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Atlanta, Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia is $200.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is fourteen months.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS3 local channel between Atlanta, Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia is $2,000.00. There is one-time termination point change charge of $250.00 provided that the termination point change is within the MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc. Downtown Atlanta Metropolitan network.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for three DS1 local channels between New York, New York and New York, New York is $1,497.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is three years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for eight DS1 local channels between Atlanta, Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia is $2,000.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Atlanta, Georgia and Atlanta Georgia is $250.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between New York, New York and New York, New York is $900.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two DS1 local channels between Melville, New York and New York, New York is $2,900.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for three DS1 local channels between New York, New York and


 New York, New York is $850 per local channel. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between New York, New York and White Plains, New York is $1,000.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is three years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two DS1 local channels between Atlanta, Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia is $480.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is month-to-month.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for four DS1 local channels between Atlanta, Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia is $960.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for six DS1 local channels between Atlanta, Georgia and Atlanta, Georgia is $1,440.00. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Hudson, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $589. Installation charges will not apply.




4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for seven DS1 local channels between Acton, Massachusetts and


 Natick, Massachusetts is $3,269. Installation charges will not apply.




4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two 64 Kbps DDS local channels between Acton, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $280. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for 12 DS1 local channels between Marlboro, Massachusetts and


 Natick, Massachusetts is $6,648. Installation charges will not apply.




4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Marlboro, Massachusetts and Framingham, Massachusetts is $554. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two 128 Kbps Fractional DS1 local channels between Marlboro, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $1,108. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for four T1 local channels between Marlboro, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $2,216. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for 16 DS1 local channels between Merrimack, New Hampshire


 and Nashua, New Hampshire is $5,504. Installation charges will not apply.




4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Merrimack, New Hampshire and a Point of Presence of another interexchange common carrier is $344. Installation charges will not apply.




4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for ten DS1 local channels between Nashua, New Hampshire and Nashua, New Hampshire is $3,440. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for 15 DS1 local channels between Littleton, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $5,145. Installation charges will not apply.




4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for four T1 local channels between Littleton, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $1,372. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.




2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two DS1 local channels between Maynard, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $1,108. Installation charges will not apply.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: Service is provided on a month-to-month basis with a minimum period of at least one month.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Beverly Hills, California and Torrance, California is $1,213.49. The Customer will be charged $2,341 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for one year.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Seattle, Washington and Seattle, Washington is $474.10. The customer will be charged $500 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS3 local channel between Houston, Texas and Houston, Texas is $2,947. The customer will be charged $1,710 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for four DS1 local channels between Acton, Massachusetts and a Point of Presence of another interexchange common carrier is $1,868. The customer will be charged $1,224 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Littleton, Massachusetts and a Point of Presence of another interexchange common carrier is $343. The customer will be charged $306 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for three DS1 local channels between Merrimack, New Hampshire and Nashua, New Hampshire is $1,110. The customer will be charged $918 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for fifteen DS1 local channels between Nashua, New Hampshire and Nashua, New Hampshire is $5,555. The customer will be charged $4,590 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Salem, New Hampshire and Nashua, New Hampshire is $640. The customer will be charged $306 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for nine DS1 local channels between Acton, Massachusetts and Merrimack, New Hampshire is $16,831. The customer will be charged $5,508 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for three DS1 local channels between Acton, Massachusetts and Merrimack, New Hampshire is $6,075. The customer will be charged $1,836 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Andover, Massachusetts and Merrimack, New Hampshire is $1,895. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one 56 Kbps DDS local channel between Littleton, Massachusetts and Merrimack, New Hampshire is $464. The customer will be charged $963 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two DS1 local channels between Littleton, Massachusetts and Merrimack, New Hampshire is $3,482. The customer will be charged $1,224 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for nine DS1 local channels between Marlboro, Massachusetts and Merrimack, New Hampshire is $17,748. The customer will be charged $2,754 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two DS1 local channels between Maynard, Massachusetts and Merrimack, New Hampshire is $3,924. The customer will be charged $1,224 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Marlboro, Massachusetts and Nashua, New Hampshire is $1,981. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Maynard, Massachusetts and Merrimack, New Hampshire is $1,962. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Shrewsbury, Massachusetts and Nashua, New Hampshire is $1,909. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two DS1 local channels between Stow, Massachusetts and Salem, New Hampshire is $1,220. The customer will be charged $1,224 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two DS1 local channels between Andover, Massachusetts and Salem, New Hampshire is $4,226. The customer will be charged $1,224 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Andover, Massachusetts and Salem, New Hampshire is $2,422. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Littleton, Massachusetts and Salem, New Hampshire is $2,003. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Littleton, Massachusetts and Salem, New Hampshire is $2,422. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Maynard, Massachusetts and Salem, New Hampshire is $1,772. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two DS1 local channels between Maynard, Massachusetts and Salem, New Hampshire is $2,288. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for four DS1 local channels between Acton, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $2,468. The customer will be charged $2,448 for installation.


4.         Availab term of service is one year, renewable for two years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Andover, Massachusetts and Nashua, New Hampshire is $1,869. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for three years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Hudson, Massachusetts and Nashua, New Hampshire is $1,074. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for three years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Littleton, Massachusetts and Nashua, New Hampshire is $1,741. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for three years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one 56 Kbps DDS local channel between Littleton, Massachusetts and Nashua, New Hampshire is $464. The customer will be charged $963 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for five DS1 local channels between Marlboro, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $2,866. The customer will be charged $1,530 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Salem, New Hampshire and a Point of Presence of another common carrier is $640. The customer will be charged $306 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one 56 Kbps DDS local channel between Salem, New Hampshire and a Point of Presence of another interexchange common carrier is $155. The customer will be charged $482 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for four DS1 local channels between Salem, New Hampshire and Nashua, New Hampshire is $2,560. The customer will be charged $1,224 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for one DS1 local channel between Maynard, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $610. The customer will be charged $306 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is one year, renewable for four years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charge for two DS1 local channels between Andover, Massachusetts and Natick, Massachusetts is $972. The customer will be charged $612 for installation.


4.         Availability: Service under this option is not available to new customers because the availability period has expired.




1.         Term and Renewal Options: The term of service is 5 years.


2.         Description of Service: Transmission Service.


3.         Rates and Charges: The monthly recurring charges for one dedicated OC-48 Bidirectional Line-Switched Ring (BLSR) Transport Node system between the Customer Premises in Boston, MA and two MCI points-of-presence in Boston, MA are: (i) $28,500 in Months 1 through 24, and (ii) $38,500 in Months 25 through 60.


            The monthly recurring charges for one dedicated OC-48 BLSR Transport Node system between the Customer Premises in Washington, D.C. and two MCI points-of-presence in Washington, D.C. are: (i) $28,500 in Months 1 through 24, and (ii) $38,500 in Months 25 through 60.


            The monthly recurring charges for one dedicated OC-48 BLSR Transport Node system between the Customer Premises in Dallas, TX and two MCI points-of-presence in Dallas, TX are: (i) $28,500 in Months 1 through 24, and ii) $38,500 in Months 25 through 60.


            The monthly recurring charges for one dedicated OC-48 BLSR Transport Node system between the Customer Premises in San Francisco, CA and two MCI points-of-presence in San Francisco, CA are: (i) $28,500 in Months 1 through 24, and (ii) $38,500 in Months 25 through 60.


            The monthly recurring charges for one dedicated OC-48 BLSR Transport Node system between the Customer Premises in Chicago, IL and two MCI points-of-presence in Chicago, IL are: (i) $28,500 in Months 1 through 24, and (ii) $38,500 in Months 25 through 60.


            The monthly recurring charges for one dedicated OC-48 BLSR Transport Node system between the Customer Premises in Los Angles, CA and two MCI points-of-presence in Los Angeles, CA are: (i) $28,500 in Months 1 through 24, and (ii) $38,500 in Months 25 through 60.


4.         Monitoring Conditions: In each monthly period of the term of service, the Customer must purchase Transmission Service in at least six cities in the United States. If during any annual period of the term of service the Customer fails to satisfy this condition, the Customer will be billed and required to: (i) pay a 35 percent surcharge on the Customer's charges for Transmission Service; and, (ii) repay a pro rata portion of all credits received by the Customer which are attributable to Transmission Service.


5.         Termination Liability: If the Customer terminates service under this offering prior to the expiration of the term of service, the Customer will be billed and required to repay: (i) all non-recurring charges reasonably expended by MCI to establish the Transmission Services to the Customer; (ii) any disconnection, early cancellation or termination charges reasonably incurred and paid to third parties by MCI on behalf of the Customer; and, (iii) an amount equal to the monthly recurring charges for each city set forth in Section 3 multiplied by the number of months remaining in the unexpired portion of the term of service.


6.         Availability: Service under this option is available to customers within 30 days of the effective date of this option.