Easy Extension 1 Promotion


Offer:  Credit, in an amount equal to one-twelfth of the following percentages of Customer’s annual volume commitment, in each monthly period of Customer’s Extended Agreement term of service, based on term of service


    Term of Service (Years)                                Descuento


1                                                     10%

2                                                     15

3                                                     20


Eligibility Requirements:  Customer must:


enroll between April 1, 2002 and July 31, 2004;


be an existing customer of Domestic Private Line Services, Frame Relay Services, Metro Frame Relay Service and/or Metro Private Line Access Service receiving service either: (i) under a written service agreement with less than three monthly periods remaining in the term of service (Current Agreement); or, (ii) on a month-to-month basis following expiration of the term of service under a written service agreement (Expired Agreement); and,


enter into a new term of service under a written service agreement with identical terms and conditions, rates and charges as Customer’s Current Agreement or Expired Agreement except that the term of service must equal or exceed one year (Extended Agreement).


Other Conditions: 


Customer may not receive the benefits of: MCI Business Service 1 agreements; Special Customer Arrangements (SCA) other than SCA Guide Types 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; and, any promotional offering not provided under Customer’s Current Agreement or Expired Agreement, excluding promotions which provide benefits on installation charges for Domestic Private Line Services, Frame Relay Services, Metro Frame Relay Service and/or Metro Private Line Access Service installed during the term of service of the Extended Agreement.