Frame Relay Services


IV.1.2.2.D.2        Pre-Verizon Business Services I Charges:  The following monthly recurring per-PVC charges apply to simplex PVCs between (i) ports in Guam, and (ii) ports in the following locations, which PVCs are provided under Company contracts, or contract amendments, whose rates are first effective after October 31, 2002 and prior to April 1, 2003:



                                                                          PVC Speeds (kbps)                                                                                           

Ubicación                            16            32              48            64       128          192            256        384          512          768         1024      1536          1984


Argentina                      $  250      $  497      $  742      $  984     $1,956     $2,871     $3,744   $ 5,493    $ 7,008   $10,059   $12,279   $16,862   $18,257


  (including Tasmania)       129          258          384          511       1,016       1,490       1,944       2,852       3,639       5,222       6,375       8,755       9,479

Austria                              166          332          497          663       1,326       1,990       2,653       3,979       5,305       6,671       8,143     11,183     12,108

Bélgica                              160          320          480          640       1,280       1,921       2,561       3,841       5,122       6,440       7,861     10,796     11,688

Brasil                                 250          497          742          984       1,956       2,871       3,744       5,493       7,008     10,059     12,279     16,862     18,257

Canadá                              174          346          516          684       1,359       1,994       2,601       3,817       4,869       6,988       8,532     11,716     12,685

Chile                                  250          497          742          984       1,956       2,871       3,744       5,493       7,008     10,059     12,279     16,862     18,257

China                              1,284       1,394       1,504       1,686       1,994          N/A       2,141       2,315       2,594       3,055       3,466          N/A       4,916

Colombia                            327          652          972       1,254       2,494       3,659       4,773       7,003       8,934     12,822     15,653     21,497     23,274

Czech República                 189          377          566          754       1,509       2,263       3,017       4,526       6,035       7,588       9,262     12,720     13,772

Dinamarca                            203          406          609          812       1,625       2,437       3,250       4,875       6,499       8,172       9,976     13,700     14,832

Finlandia                               203          406          609          812       1,625       2,437       3,250       4,875       6,499       8,172       9,976     13,700     14,832

Francia                               160          320          480          640       1,280       1,921       2,561       3,841       5,122       6,440       7,861     10,796     11,688

Alemania                           160          320          480          640       1,280       1,921       2,561       3,841       5,122       6,440       7,861     10,796     11,688

Grecia                              312          623          935       1,247       2,494       3,741       4,988       7,481       9,975     12,542     15,310     21,025     22,764

Hong Kong                        106          212          316          420          835       1,225       1,598       2,345       2,991       4,293       5,241       7,197       7,792

Hungría                            228          457          685          913       1,826       2,740       3,653       5,479       7,306       9,186     11,213     15,399     16,672

India                                   666       1,245       1,516       2,051       3,089       4,098       5,390       6,762       9,252     12,139     16,732          N/A     25,323

Indonesia                           749       1,490       2,222       2,947       5,861       8,787     11,716     17,573     23,430     30,135     38,340     53,130     68,094

Irlanda                               160          320          480          640       1,280       1,921       2,561       3,841       5,122       6,440       7,861     10,796     11,688

Israel                                 312          623          935       1,247       2,494       3,741       4,988       7,481       9,975     12,542     15,310     21,025     22,764

Italia                                    160          320          480          640       1,280       1,921       2,561       3,841       5,122       6,440       7,861     10,796     11,688

Japan                                239          478          719          957       1,913       2,871       3,828       5,742       7,656       9,395     12,528     17,360     22,250

Korea, Republic of            372          743       1,118       1,487       2,973       4,459       5,944       8,917     11,889     14,591     19,455     26,958     34,552

Luxemburgo                      160          320          480          640       1,280       1,921       2,561       3,841       5,122       6,440       7,861     10,796     11,688

Malasia                            222          443          658          876       1,741       2,555       3,333       4,890       6,238       8,953     10,930     15,010     16,251

México                               137          215          289          453          766       1,045       1,347       2,119       2,657       3,126       3,678       5,301       5,983

Holanda                       160          320          480          640       1,280       1,921       2,561       3,841       5,122       6,440       7,861     10,796     11,688

Nueva Zelanda                    205          411          610          811       1,614       2,368       3,089       4,532       5,782       8,298     10,130     13,911     15,062

Noruega                             203          406          609          812       1,625       2,437       3,250       4,875       6,499       8,172       9,976     13,700     14,832

Panamá                             327          652          972       1,254       2,494       3,659       4,773       7,003       8,934     12,822     15,653     21,497     23,274

Perú                                   250          497          742          984       1,956       2,871       3,744       5,493       7,008     10,059     12,279     16,862     18,257

Filipinas                         157          314          467          621       1,235       1,812       2,364       3,468       4,425       6,351       7,753     10,647     11,527

Polonia                               251          502          753       1,005       2,009       3,014       4,018          N/A          N/A          N/A          N/A          N/A          N/A

Portugal (including

  Azores and

  Madeira Islands)              204          408          612          816       1,632       2,447       3,263       4,895       6,526       8,206     10,017     13,756     14,893

Rusia                               313          626          939       1,253       2,505       3,758       5,010       7,515     10,021     12,599     15,380     21,121     22,868

Singapur                          135          270          402          534       1,063       1,559       2,034       2,984       3,807       5,464       6,669       9,159       9,917

España (including Balearic

  Islands, Canary Islands,

  Ceuta, and Melilla)           181          362          544          725       1,450       2,175       2,900       4,350       5,800       7,292       8,901     12,224     13,235

Suecia                            203          406          609          812       1,625       2,437       3,250       4,875       6,499       8,172       9,976     13,700     14,832

Suiza                       160          320          480          640       1,280       1,921       2,561       3,841       5,122       6,440       7,861     10,796     11,688

Taiwán                              330          661          993       1,321       2,642       3,963       5,283       7,924     10,566     12,967     17,289     23,958     30,706

Tailandia                             416          832       1,251       1,663       3,327       4,989       6,652       9,979     13,306     16,330     21,773     30,172     38,669

Reino Unido                 156          311          467          622       1,244       1,866       2,488       3,732       4,976       6,257       7,638     10,489     11,356

Venezuela                         327          652          972       1,254       2,494       3,659       4,773       7,003       8,934     12,822     15,653     21,497     23,274


                                                                       PVC Speeds (kbps)                                                                    

Ubicación                            3072        4096              4608            5120              6144            7680        8192            9216             10240


Argentina                 $  27,386     $  36,514              N/A       $  45,643     $  52,945            N/A     $  67,551          N/A         $  82,157



  Tasmania)                  14,219         18,958              N/A           23,698         27,489            N/A         35,072          N/A             42,656

Austria                         18,162         24,216              N/A           30,270         35,113            N/A         44,800          N/A             54,486

Bélgica                         17,532         23,376              N/A           29,220         33,895            N/A         43,246          N/A             52,596

Brasil                            27,386         36,514              N/A           45,643         52,945            N/A         67,551          N/A             82,157

Canadá                         21,089              N/A       $31,633                N/A         40,772     $49,793              N/A   $59,752                  N/A

Chile                             27,386         36,514              N/A           45,643         52,945            N/A         67,551          N/A             82,157

China                                 N/A              N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A          N/A                  N/A

Colombia                       34,911         46,548              N/A           58,185         67,495            N/A         86,114          N/A           104,733

Czech República            20,658         27,544              N/A           34,430         39,939            N/A         50,956          N/A             61,974

Dinamarca                       22,248         29,664              N/A           37,080         43,013            N/A         54,878          N/A             66,744

Finlandia                          22,248         29,664              N/A           37,080         43,013            N/A         54,878          N/A             66,744

Francia                          17,532         23,376              N/A           29,220         33,895            N/A         43,246          N/A             52,596

Alemania                      17,532         23,376              N/A           29,220         33,895            N/A         43,246          N/A             52,596

Grecia                         34,146         45,528              N/A           56,910         66,016            N/A         84,227          N/A           102,438

Hong Kong                   11,688         15,584              N/A           19,480         22,597            N/A         28,830          N/A             35,064

Hungría                       25,008         33,344              N/A           41,680         48,349            N/A         61,686          N/A             75,024

India                                   N/A              N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A          N/A                  N/A

Indonesia                    102,141       136,188              N/A         170,235       197,473            N/A       251,948          N/A           306,423

Irlanda                          17,532         23,376              N/A           29,220         33,895            N/A         43,246          N/A             52,596

Israel                            34,146         45,528              N/A           56,910         66,016            N/A         84,227          N/A           102,438

Italia                               17,532         23,376              N/A           29,220         33,895            N/A         43,246          N/A             52,596

Japan                           33,375         44,500              N/A           55,625         64,525            N/A         82,325          N/A           100,125

Korea, Republic of       51,828         69,104              N/A           86,380       100,201            N/A       127,842          N/A           155,484

Luxemburgo                 17,532         23,376              N/A           29,220         33,895            N/A         43,246          N/A             52,596

Malasia                       24,377         32,502              N/A           40,628         47,128            N/A         60,129          N/A             73,130

México                               N/A              N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A          N/A                  N/A

Holanda                  17,532         23,376              N/A           29,220         33,895            N/A         43,246          N/A             52,596

Nueva Zelanda               22,593         30,124              N/A           37,655         43,680            N/A         55,729          N/A             67,779

Noruega                        22,248         29,664              N/A           37,080         43,013            N/A         54,878          N/A             66,744

Panamá                        34,911         46,548              N/A           58,185         67,495            N/A         86,114          N/A           104,733

Perú                              27,386         36,514              N/A           45,643         52,945            N/A         67,551          N/A             82,157

Filipinas                    17,291         23,054              N/A           28,818         33,428            N/A         42,650          N/A             51,872

Polonia                               N/A              N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A              N/A          N/A                  N/A

Portugal (including

  Azores and

  Madeira Islands)         22,340         29,786              N/A           37,233         43,190            N/A         55,104          N/A             67,019

Rusia                          34,302         45,736              N/A           57,170         66,317            N/A         84,612          N/A           102,906

Singapur                     14,876         19,834              N/A           24,793         28,759            N/A         36,693          N/A             44,627

España (including

  Balearic Islands,

  Canary Islands,

  Ceuta, and Melilla)      19,853         26,470              N/A           33,088         38,382            N/A         48,970          N/A             59,558

Suecia                       22,248         29,664              N/A           37,080         43,013            N/A         54,878          N/A             66,744

Suiza                  17,532         23,376              N/A           29,220         33,895            N/A         43,246          N/A             52,596

Taiwán                         46,059         61,412              N/A           76,765         89,047            N/A       113,612          N/A           138,177

Tailandia                        58,004         77,338              N/A           96,673       112,140            N/A       143,075          N/A           174,011

Reino Unido            17,034         22,712              N/A           28,390         32,932            N/A         42,017          N/A             51,102

Venezuela                    34,911         46,548              N/A           58,185         67,495            N/A         86,114          N/A           104,733