Frame Relay Services​​ 


IV.1.2.1.D.4     Pre-Verizon Business Service I Charges:  Unless specified otherwise in a Customer’s contract with the Company, the following monthly recurring charges apply for simplex PVCs  associated with ports installed prior to February 7, 2002 between the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico and locations in the following regions.  For purposes of this Section, the following locations are defined as part of the following regions: Region List.​​ 


                                    PVC Speed (kbps)​​                                                         

Región​​                           16​​              32​​                     48​​               64​​             128​​           192​​              256​​ 


AP1                           $205        $  408              $  608        $  807       $1,604      $2,354         $3,070​​ 

AP2                             218            434                  647            858         1,706        2,503           3,265​​ 

AP3                             256            509                  760         1,007         2,003        2,939           3,834​​ 

AP4                             256            509                  760         1,007         2,003        2,939           3,834​​ 

AP5                             622         1,237               1,846         2,447         4,867        7,142           9,315​​ 

CA                                 32              64                    95            126            250           367              479​​ 

EU1                               65            129                  193            256            509           746              973​​ 

EU2                             109            217                  323            429            853        1,252           1,632​​ 

EU3                               90            179                  267            354            704        1,033           1,348​​ 

EU4                             275            547                  816         1,082         2,152        3,158           4,118​​ 

MX                               137            215                  289            453            766        1,045           1,347​​ 

SA1                             248            493                  736            976         1,941        2,848           3,714​​ 

SA2                             354            704               1,050         1,393         2,770        4,065           5,301​​ 

UK                                 53            105                  157            209            415           609              794​​ 


                                    PVC Speed (kbps)​​                                        

Región​​                          384​​            512​​                   768​​            1024​​          1536​​          1984​​ 


AP1                      $  4,504       $5,747             $8,248     $10,068     $13,827    $14,970​​ 

AP2                          4,790         6,111               8,771       10,707       14,704      15,920​​ 

AP3                          5,625         7,176             10,300       12,573       17,267      18,695​​ 

AP4                          5,625         7,176             10,300       12,573       17,267      18,695​​ 

AP5                        13,667       17,436             25,026       30,549       41,953      45,423​​ 

CA                               703            897               1,287         1,572         2,158        2,337​​ 

EU1                          1,428         1,822               2,615         3,192         4,384        4,747​​ 

EU2                          2,395         3,056               4,386         5,353         7,352        7,960​​ 

EU3                          1,978         2,523               3,621         4,420         6,070        6,572​​ 

EU4                          6,043         7,709             11,064       13,506       18,549      20,082​​ 

MX                            2,119         2,657               3,846         5,012         8,232        9,162​​ 

SA1                          5,449         6,952               9,978       12,180       16,727      18,111​​ 

SA2                          7,778         9,924             14,243       17,387       23,877      25,851​​ 

UK                            1,165         1,486               2,132         2,603         3,575        3,870​​