E Promotion


Beginning September 23, 2000 and ending June 30. 2002, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of Company service who subscribe to a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Feature Option 1 and/or Feature Option 2 Term Plan.


During each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive a credit applied against interstate usage equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the Customer's intrastate interLATA MCI WorldCom On Net Services Feature Option 1 and Feature Option 2 Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage, based on origination type for Outbound Service and termination type for Inbound Service and state:


                                                                     Outbound Service Origination Type/         

                                                                      Inbound Service Termination Type          


                                                            Local Network

                        Estado                             Connection           Switched               Dedicated


                        Alabama                             28.10%               27.40%                   28.10%

                        Louisiana                            34.80                  31.20                       34.80

                        Mississippi                         46.90                  40.70                       47.50

                        Missouri                              24.00                    5.61                       24.00

                        Texas                                  36.05                  49.60                       31.82

                        Wisconsin                           12.05                  12.72                       10.62


Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of the Long Distance Only Promotion, Option RR Interstate Optimizer Promotion, Option RR Mexico Calling Promotion and Regional Checkbook Promotion VI.