Prior to August 1, 2001, service was furnished under WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 4 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.


Please note the following regarding this important change.


·        WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 4 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised General Definitions and new or revised General Terms and Conditions of Service contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1.  Like the service in former WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 4, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts.  Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 4 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found in WIDSI Tariff FCC. No. 4 and currently contained in this Guide.


·        Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former  WIDSI Tariff FCC No. 4 on July 31, 2001.


·        If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.


·        The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.


·        Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”






















































1.              APPLICATION


1.1  This tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to      International Television Transmission Service between either      New York, New York, or San Francisco, California and a            communications satellite for service to and from points           listed herein, furnished by the Company.  




     2.1  Types and Description


          (A)  Service is furnished as follows:


              (1)  Video


                   Provides for combined one-way video and audio transmission or reception.  Video involves 525 scanning lines per frame, interlaced two to one in successive fields, with a frame frequency of 30, a field frequency of 60, and a line frequency of 15,750 per second.  Color channels utilize a color sub-carrier of a nominal 3.58 mHz frequency.  Audio is within a nominal bandwidth of approximately 12 kHz.


              (2)  Audio


                   Provides for the transmission or reception of one-way program material within a nominal bandwidth of approximately 3.5 kHz over audio channels furnished in association with channels for video transmission.


          (B)  International television transmission service is provided on a two-point, consecutive use, coordinated use, or multi-point service basis.


     2.2  Scope


          (A)  International television transmission service is furnished for service to or from points specified herein between a control room of the company in either New York, New York or San Francisco, California and a communications satellite where the service provided by the Company connects with the service provided by the overseas company or administration.


              Service is furnished subject to the availability of facilities and to transmission, atmospheric and like conditions.  The minimum chargeable period of use if as specified in the Rates section of this tariff.


          (B)  Channels specially equipped and operated for television transmission service are furnished as follows:


              1.   Simultaneous video service in the opposite direction is charged for as an additional one-way service.


              2.   Simultaneous audio service in the opposite direction is charged for as specified in 4. following.


              3.   Video and audio channels are also furnished for "loop-back" service at double the rates stated herein.  "Loop-back" service is provided for customer testing purposes and consists of furnishing service between a Company terminal and a designated communications satellite for the transmission of video and audio signals to the satellite and return.


              4.   Audio channels will be furnished for use by the customer prior to, for all or a portion of, or subsequent to the period that the associated occasional video channel is furnished, provided each period of continuous use is for a minimum of 10 minutes and is concurrent with some period of use of the occasional video channel.  Occasional audio channels will be made available on a two-way basis (i.e., simultaneously in the opposite direction) for voice coordination purposes only and is charged for as two audio channels.


     2.3  Liability


          (A)  The Company is not liable for damages resulting from any act or omission of any other carrier furnishing channels connecting with service provided hereunder.


          (B)  The liability of the Company for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays or errors or defects in transmission occurring in the course of furnishing service and not caused by the negligence of the customer, or of the Company in failing to maintain proper standards of maintenance and operation and to exercise reasonable supervision shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period of service during which such mistake, omission, interruption, delay or error or defect in transmission occurs.


          (C)  The Company's responsibility is limited to providing and maintaining satisfactory transmission over the channels it furnishes.






     2.4  Use of Service





          (B)  The service shall not be used either directly or indirectly for the handling of communications for the public or any person, firm or corporation other than the customer.  This provision does not prohibit an arrangement between a customer, acting as a coordinator and a group of users, as provided in 2.8 following.


          (C)  The customer may not create additional channels from the channels provided hereunder.




















     2.5  General





          (B)  Requests for service will be processed in chronological order of their receipt and all applications for service are subject to prior commitments to other customers.


          (C)  The provisions herein with respect to (a) Consecutive Use or (b) Coordinated Use, are applicable solely to occasional two-point service furnished in the same direction via the same earth station and the same satellite channel.  For multi-point occasional service,

              the provisions herein apply only if the same transmitting earth station and satellite are used.


     2.6  Allowances for Interruptions


          (A)  Except as otherwise provided in this regulation, when an interruption occurs in the overseas video channel or in the overseas audio channel for a period longer than ten seconds, due to any cause other than the negligence of the costumer or the failure of facilities provided by the customer, credit for each interruption is allowed on the charges for the overseas video or audio channel, as the case may be, in multiples of one minute for each minute or fraction thereof of interruption.  Two or more interruptions occurring during any period of one minute shall be considered as one interruption.


          (B)  Interruption allowances are computed on the basis of the applicable additional minute charge published herein except when the total period of useful transmission is less than 10 minutes during an occasion of use.


          (C)  Where the total period of useful transmission is less than 10 minutes during an occasion of use, interruption allowances are based upon 1/10th of the applicable charge for the appropriate "First 10 Minutes" rate published herein for each minute or fraction thereof of interruption.


          (D)  Credit for interruptions is allowed on the charges published herein when the interruption occurs on any segment of the channel between the Company's control room in New York, New York or San Francisco, California and (a) the domestic switching center of the Hawaiian Telephone Company in Honolulu, Hawaii, (b) the domestic switching center of the Puerto Rico Telephone Company in San Juan, Puerto Rico or (c) the appropriate overseas earth station in the case of channels to other points.


          (E)  Where multi-point service is furnished pursuant to the provisions of this tariff, interruptions due to failure or malfunction of one or more receiving channels shall not be considered as an interruption of the transmitting channel of the Company unless all receiving channels associated with the service are so interrupted at the same time.


          (F)  No credit is allowed for interruption due to switching performed by the Company at the request of customers in connection with consecutive use as hereinafter provided.


     2.7  Consecutive Use


          Two or more customer may combine their occasional service requirements on a consecutive use basis provided that each of their individual requirements is not less than 10 consecutive minutes per segment of use.  One customer or two or more customers may combine service requirements between New York, New York or San Francisco, California and only those points served by both control rooms of the Company on a consecutive use basis provided that each of the individual requirements is not less than 10 consecutive minutes per segment of use.


     2.8  Coordinated Use


          Occasional Service may be provided to a customer acting as a coordinator for a group of users under the following conditions:


          (A)  Transmissions must originate from a single source.


          (B)  When the service involves transmission to New York, New York or San Francisco, California the coordinating customer and all the users specified by him as the group for whom he is acting as coordinator must be connected to the overseas channel at all times.  Users other than those specified by the coordinating customer may not be connected.


          (C)  No switching will be performed by the Company.


     2.9  Multi-Point Service


          (A)  When, during a given occasion of use, a television signal is transmitted for simultaneous reception to two or more points served via a single satellite from a point served by the same Intelsat satellite the charges shall be determined as follows and as set forth in 3.1 and 3.4 following.


          (B)  The overall chargeable duration for the transmitting channel is the earliest start time ordered by any multipoint user to the latest end time reported by any multi-point user.


          (C)  The chargeable duration for receiving channels is from the start time ordered by the individual multi-point user to the end time reported by the individual multi-point user.


     2.10 Service Terminated at Both Control Rooms


          A customer may request a television transmission from a satellite be terminated at both the New York, NY and San Francisco, CA control rooms of the Company simultaneously in connection with a transmission from points listed and specified in 3.1 following.


          Additional charges applicable to the service between New York, NY and San Francisco, CA control rooms or vice versa are as set forth in 3.9 following.


     2.11 Late Orders, Changes and Cancellations for Service


          Additional charges will apply when an order for occasional service is received less than two hours prior to the start of service, when an order for occasional service is changed, adjusted or rearranged less than two hours prior to the start of service and when an order for occasional service is cancelled by the customer.  The additional charges are as set forth in 3.10 following.


          When an order for occasional service is cancelled, the customer will be responsible for the payment of the applicable charges for any use of associated audio channels prior to receipt by the Company of a notice of cancellation.


     2.12 One Month and Three Month Contract Television Service


          (A)  One Month and Three Month Contract Television Service provides for the furnishing of video service between New York, NY and overseas points accessed via the Atlantic Ocean satellite between the hours of 12 midnight and 8 A.M. Eastern time.  This service shall be for a minimum of 200 minutes or 450 minutes respectively, for each contracting period.  a contracting period for three months is considered to be 90 consecutive days in length.  The minimum chargeable period of use per occasion is 10 minutes and applies to service in one direction only.


          (B)  Each order for the start of a program must be received by the Company not less than 2 hours in advance of the scheduled start of service.  Orders for service received less than 2 hours in advance of the scheduled start will be billed as occasional service.  A change in the time of the scheduled start of service will be accepted provided that notice os such change is received not less than one hours in advance of the scheduled start time and provided further that the new scheduled start time occurs before 8 A.M.  Eastern time on the day of the original scheduled start of service.


          (C)  Cancellation of an order for service must be received by the Company not less than 2 hours in advance of the scheduled start of service, otherwise the customer will be charged for a program of 5 minutes duration which will be counted towards the contract minimum.  Cancellation of a rescheduled program will be treated as if it were the cancellation of the original order.


          (D)  Each contract period will be automatically extended unless written notice is given at least seven days prior to the start of said extension.  A contract period can be cancelled if notice is given at least seven days prior to the start or continuance of the contract period.  There will be no prorated refunds offered for discontinuance of a contract period.


          (E)  In the event service is required prior to 12 midnight or after 8 A.M. Eastern time, such service will be provided, subject to the availability of facilities, at the rates applicable for Occasional Service.


          (F)  The total number of minutes of use in each month is determined by accumulating the minutes of use each day, subject to the 10 minute minimum period of use.


          (G)  Audio channels can be furnished, upon request by the customer, in five minute intervals prior to and consecutive with the video transmission.


          (H)  For contract multi-point television service ordered at least seven days prior to the start of the contract period, a charge of $100.00 will apply for each permanently designated receiving point in excess of the initial primary receiving point.  for service to other than the initially designated primary receiving point ordered less than seven days prior to the start of or during the contract period, a charge of $50.00 per point, per occasion will apply.


          (I)  In the event usage is interrupted due to the failure or malfunction of any segment between the Company's control room and the satellite in space, or due to the simultaneous failure of malfunction of all receiving channels furnished by the overseas companies or administrations, credit for interruption is allowed in accordance with the regulations herein.


          (J)  The minimum charges for service are effective on the first day of each contracting period and are payable in advance.


          (K)  Authorized Use arrangements for use by the customer and one or more authorized users as specified in a contract is offered provided that:


              (1)  The transmission of television signals is to or from a person, firm or corporation (hereinafter referred to as an "authorized user") authorized by the customer to receive or send television signals from or to the customer.


              (2)  The customer will furnish to the Company the name and location of each authorized user.


              (3)  The customer will be responsible for starting, coordinating, rearranging and discontinuing the service.  All users will be jointly and severally liable for the total payment each billing period.


     2.13 Six Month Contract Television Service


          (A)  Six Month Contract Television Service provides for the furnishing of video service between the Company's control room in either New York, New York or San Francisco, California and overseas points, excluding Hawaii, which are accessed via Atlantic or Pacific Ocean satellites respectively.


          (B)  The minimum service for the six month contract television period is 1300 minutes, consisting of a minimum of 10 minutes each day, 5 consecutive days per week, for a period of 26 consecutive weeks.  The same starting time will apply each day as specified in the customer's service order.


              Service may be extended at the customer's request beyond the daily 10 minute minimum period provided such extension is consecutive with the initial 10 minutes and is continuous.  Service may also be extended to the 6th and/or 7th day of any week during the same daily service time as for the first 5 days at the customer's request.  The rate for such overruns is the applicable rate for additional minutes of use and are not a part of, or credited to, the minimum usage requirement of 1300 minutes per contract period.


          (C)  Each contract period will be automatically extended for a minimum of six months unless written notice is given at least seven days prior to the start of said extension.  A contract period can be cancelled if notice is given at least seven days prior to the start of continuance of the contract period.  Cancellations are not permitted for any of the points to which service is furnished during the first 13 weeks of a contract.  The customer has the right of cancellation upon 7 days advance written notice at any time during the remaining 13 weeks of the 26-week contract period and a pro-rata amount of the charges previously billed (including any charge for additional destinations) less a cancellation fee equal to 7.5 percent of the total refundable amount will be refunded.


          (D)  The basic contract rate applies to transmission from either New York, New York or San Francisco, California to an appropriate satellite for service with a single foreign destination.  Other foreign destinations may be added on at any time during the contract period provided such destinations continue as receiving points for the entire time remaining on the contract except as otherwise provided for herein with respect to right of cancellation.  All transmissions to each additional destination must be concurrent with a transmission to the single destination covered under the basic contract.  Charges for such multi-point transmissions are in addition to the basic contract rate.


          (E)  The customer will be billed in advance for service under the basic contract and for service to additional destinations.  When any service is activated on a day other than the first day of a calendar month, the customer will be billed at the beginning of the following month for all destinations commencing service during the previous month.  Said billing will encompass the total charge applicable for each destination involved, i.e., the retroactive amount and the remaining.  Overruns as stated in 2.13 (B) will be billed to the customer the tenth of the month following provision of such service.


          (F)  For the 1300 minute Atlantic or Pacific contract multi-point television service a charge of 7.5 percent of the pro-rata share of the total contract amount will apply for each designated receiving point in excess of one receiving the same video and audio channel as the first receiving destination.  This charge will be computed from the time of service activation to the destination involved.


     2.15 Payment Arrangements


          (A)  The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished to the customer or its joint or authorized users.  This responsibility is not changed, by virtue of any use, misuse, or abuse of the customer's service or customer-provided systems, equipment, facilities, or services interconnected to the customer's service, which use, misuse, or abuse may be occasioned by third parties, including, without limitation, the customer's employees or other members of the public.  Non‑recurring charges are payable when the service for which they are specified have been performed.  If an entity other than the Company (e.g., another carrier or a supplier) imposes charges on the Company, in addition to its own internal costs, in connection with a service for which a Company non‑recurring charge is specified, those charges will be passed on to the customer.  Recurring charges which are fixed in amount and not dependent on usage are billed in advance.  Usage charges are billed after each usage cycle.  Except for usage charges, the rate or volume discount level applicable to a customer for a particular service or services shall be the rate or volume discount level in effect at the end of the monthly billing period applicable to the customer for the particular service or services.


          (B)  The Company's bills are due within 30 days of the invoice date, unless the Company indicates on the invoice or a billing insert that the sum shown as due need not be paid, because of the smallness of the amount, until the balance reaches some specified amount; or the Company may deal with customers whose accounts show very small balances by withholding the issuance of an invoice until the amount due from the customer reaches a level which, in the Company's sole discretion, is deemed large enough to justify initiating the billing and collection process; or the Company may invoice low usage customers every other month unless a customer invoiced in such a manner requests monthly billing.  When a bill is issued, amounts not paid within 21 days after the date of invoice will be considered past due.  If the Company becomes concerned at any time about the ability of a customer to pay its bills, the Company may require that customer to pay its bills within a specified number of days and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash.


          (C)  Applicants for service or existing customers whose financial condition is not acceptable to the Company, or is not a matter of general knowledge, may be required at any time to provide the Company a security deposit.  The deposit requested will be in cash or the equivalent of cash, up to an amount equal to the applicable installation charges, if any, and/or up to three month's actual or estimated usage charges for service to be provided.  Any applicant or customer may also be required, at any time, whether before or after the commencement of service, to provide such other assurances of, or security for, the payment of the Company's charges for its services as the Company may deem necessary, including, without limitation, advance payments for service, third party guarantees of payment, pledges or other grants of security interests in the customers' assets, and similar arrangements.


              The Company may also establish toll usage limits for applicants for service or existing customers whose financial condition cannot be verified or is otherwise unacceptable to the Company.  Any required deposit or toll usage limits may be increased or decreased by the Company as it deems appropriate in the light of changing conditions.  In addition, the Company shall be entitled to require such an applicant or customer to pay all its bills within a specified period of time, and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash.  In case of a cash deposit, simple interest at the rate of six percent (6%) annually will be paid for the period during which the deposit is held by the Company, unless a different rate has been established by the appropriate legal authority in the jurisdiction in which the Company service in question is provided.  At the Company's option, such deposit may be refunded to the customer's account at any time.  In lieu of cash or cash-equivalent security deposits and/or toll usage limits, the Company may, at its sole discretion, require from the customer a commercial credit card account number to which future usage can be charged.  Also, the Company reserves the right to cease accepting and processing service orders after it has requested a security deposit or commercial credit card account number and prior to the customer's compliance with this request.






















          (G)  Promotional and other credits offered by the Company in marketing of its services cannot be assigned, but must be used by the person to whom they were offered and who earned them in strict accordance with the terms of the offer.













          (I)  In the event that a customer has been awarded a promotional credit for subscribing to Company service and does not use the service within 12 months following the date of the customer's service order, the Company will cancel the credit from the customer's account and collect the sum involved from the customer.











          (K)  In the event payment is made by check and the customer's check is not honored by the institution on which it was drawn, the Company will impose, and the customer will be required to pay, a $10 fee, in addition to other remedies available to the Company under the Tariff.



















3.   RATES


     3.1  Occasional Television Service:  Two Point Service via Intelsat


          Between:                     And:


          (A)  New York, NY            Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Ascension Is., Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Confederation of Independent States, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Europe, French Guiana, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Jordan, Kuwait, Liberia, Libya, Malagasy Republic, Martinique, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Togo, Uruguay, Venezuela or Zaire


       for video and up to            a)   $568 for the first 10

        Type III audio channels,           minutes or less and $29

        per occasion of use:               for each additional                                                minute, plus

                                      b)   $584 for each 60 minutes or portion of 60 minutes.

                                           (For example, 40 minutes will be charged $2,022; 110 minutes will be charged $4,636.)


          Between:                     And:


          (B)  New York, NY            Australia, China (People's Rep. of), China (Republic of), Fiji Islands, French Polynesia, Guam, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea (Republic of), New Caledonia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore or Thailand




         for video and up to Type III audio channels,     per occasion of use:

              $750 for first 10 minutes or less

              $ 30 each additional minute




          In addition, the following charges for the facilities between New York, N.Y. and the Jamesburg, California earth station are applicable for each occasion of use:


         for video and up to Type III audio channels, per occasion of use:

              $3,200 per hour or fraction thereof


          Between:                     And:


          (C)  San Francisco, CA       Australia, China (People's Rep. of), China (Republic of), Fiji Islands, French Polynesia, Guam, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea (Republic of), New Caledonia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore or Thailand


         for video and up to Type III audio channels, per occasion of use:

              $568 for first 10 minutes or less

              $ 29 each addition minute PLUS

              $484 for each 60 minutes or portion thereof.

                   (For example, 40 minutes will be charged $1,922; 110 minutes will be charged $4,436.)


          (D)  Yona, Guam              United States (except Alaska), Australia, China (Republic of), Hong Kong, Japan, Korea or Philippines.


         for video and up to Type III audio channels, per occasion of use:

              $218.50 for first 10 minutes or less

              $ 21.85 each addition minute


     3.2  Occasional Television Service:  Two Point Service via Comstar


          The following rates apply for one way video channels between the Company's control room in either New York, NY or San Francisco, CA and a communications satellite where the channel connects with the channel provided by an overseas company or administration for service to or from the points indicated below:


           Between either New York, NY

            or San Francisco, CA and   For each hour or

          a Satellite for Service with:     fraction of an hour


          Hawaii                                $ 720

          Puerto Rico (New York only)             600


     (A)  The channels used for this service are limited.  For service to Hawaii, there is one channel available receiving from Hawaii (to either control room) and two available transmitting to Hawaii (one from New York, one from San Francisco).  Simultaneous service is available as follows: a) Two television channels transmitting to a satellite for transmission with Hawaii, one from New York and one from San Francisco; b) One television channel receiving from Hawaii (to either the New York or San Francisco control room) and one channel transmitting to Hawaii (from the Company's control room not being used for the receive service from Hawaii.)  For service to Puerto Rico, there are two channels available receiving from Puerto Rico and one available transmitting to Puerto Rico, simultaneous service via these channels is available.


     (B)  Multi-point service is not permitted.  These channels are subject to preemption and, in the event facilities used to provide this service are required for other uses, the Company will notify the customer as promptly as circumstances permit.


     (C)  The terms and conditions of this tariff concerning allowances for interruptions apply.


     3.3  Contract Television Service


          The following rates apply for a single video service between the Company's control room and a communications satellite where this channel connects with channels provided by the overseas companies or administrations for service to the point as listed below.


          (A)  Between New York, NY and those points served via the same Atlantic Satellite:






          Service                Contract     

          Minimum          Term      Price Each Additional Minute

          Minutes)       (Months)    Precio           or Fraction    


          (a)  200          1       $ 2,650          $ 13.50

          (b)  450          3       $ 6,000          $ 13.50

          (c)  1300         6       $17,700          $ 13.50




          (ii) In addition, the following charges for the connection at the earth station and the facilities between New York, NY and the Andover, ME or Etam, WV earth stations are applicable for each occasion of use:


              a)   connection, $80 for the first 10 minutes or fraction thereof plus $0.50 per minute for each additional or fraction thereof.


              b)   facilities, $400 per hour or fraction thereof.


          (B)  Between San Francisco, CA and those points served via the same pacific Satellite (except Hawaii):




              (i)                              Contract Each                          Contract        Additional Minute

              Servicio               Precio          or Fraction   


              1300 Minutes minimum $17,700      $ 13.50 

              6 months contract




          (ii) In addition, the following charges for the connection at the earth station and the facilities between San Francisco, California and the Jamesburg, California earth station are applicable for each occasion of use:


              a)   connection, $80 for the first 10 minutes or fraction thereof, plus  $0.50 per minute for each additional minute or fraction thereof.


              b)   facilities, $200 per hour or fraction thereof.


     3.4  Multi-point Service


          When, during a given occasion of use, a television signal is provided for simultaneous reception at two or more points served via a single Intelsat satellite and the signal is transmitted from a point served by the same satellite, the charges for the television channels provided by the Company shall be determined as follows.


          (A)  Transmission from the United States Mainland to a Satellite


              Transmission on video and associated audio channels, if any, from the United States Mainland to more than one point offered shall be at the applicable rate for a channel between the Company's control room in New York, New York, and/or San Francisco, California, and a communications satellite for use with a similar channel to the most distant point receiving the transmission.  The charges for service to each individual point receiving a multi-point transmission will be weighted in proportion t the rates published herein for two-point service.


          (B)  Transmission to the United States Mainland from a Satellite


              Transmission on video and associated audio channels, if any, to the United States Mainland from a point offered shall be at a rate for a channel between the Company's control room in New York, New York, and/or San Francisco, California, and a communications satellite for use with a similar channel to the point which originates the transmission.


          (C)  Occasional Multi-point Television Service


              For occasional multi-point television service on an additional charge of $68.00 for each receiving point in excess of one is applicable.  The total charge for occasional multi-point television service will be prorated to the customers at the receiving points according to individual customer usage, except in those cases where it is prearranged that a single customer is to be billed for all applicable charges.


     3.5  Consecutive Use


          (A)  Charges for consecutive use by two or more customers shall be apportioned among the customers involved in the event that such consecutive use produces a lower charge than that such consecutive use produces a lower charge than that which would be applicable for separate service provided to each customer.  The charge for the overall service period is computed as though provided to a single customer, with the resultant single customer charge apportioned among the customers in proportion to their individual use of the channel.


          (B)  Charges consecutive use by one customer or two or more customers between the Company's control room in New York, New York and San Francisco, California (used alternately) and an Intelsat satellite where this channel connects with the channel provided by an overseas company or administration for service to points set forth in 3.1 preceding shall be at the initial period rate to or from the originating or terminating city as set forth in 3.1 preceding, and all use beyond the initial period for each originating or terminating city will be at the applicable additional minute rate to or from the originating or terminating city as set forth in 3.1 preceding, provided that the minimum charge for each individual segment of use if not less than 10 consecutive minutes per segment of use.


     3.6  Coordinated Use


          Charges for coordinated use are computed as a single service and charged to the customer acting as coordinator.


     3.7  Charges of Overseas Companies or Administrations


          The Company will undertake to arrange with the overseas company or administration for the extension of the channels from the satellite to the overseas terminal to meet the through service requirement of a customer.


          For the connecting facilities furnished by overseas companies or administrations, the rates and regulations and miscellaneous charges are those established by such companies or administrations.


          If requested by the customer, the Company will undertake to ascertain the charges for the facilities so provided.  In addition, upon request, billing will be rendered and the payments received from the customer will be transmitted to the overseas company or administration.


     3.8  Rates Within the United States Mainland


          For the portion of the video and audio facilities within the United States Mainland between the control rooms in New York, New York, or San Francisco, California, and the customer's location, the rates and regulations of the domestic carrier are applicable.


     3.9  Service Terminated at both Control Rooms


          An additional charge is applicable when service terminates at both San Francisco, California and New York, New York.  Such charge is $480 for the first 10 minutes or fraction thereof and $23 for each additional minute consecutive with the initial period.


     3.10 Late Orders, Changes and Cancellation for Service


          Additional charges are applicable, as follows:


          (A)  Late Orders and Changes


              One hour or less                  $124.00

              Between one and two hours           62.00 


          (B)  Cancellation


              One hour or less                  $124.00

              Over one hour                       62.00


          (C)  A charge for a cancellation of or a change to a scheduled service, when such cancellation or change occurs less than 25 hours prior to the scheduled start time, is applied by the carrier furnishing the international television facilities.  Such charges shall be borne by the customer on whose behalf the Company has scheduled service.