Intelenet Competitive Response Promotion


Beginning March 18, 2003, this offer is not available to new Customers of the promotion.  In order to acquire or retain Customers, the Company will give 5 percent, 10 percent or 15 percent discounts off Customers net interstate Intelenet usage after commitment and term discounts are applied.  These discounts will be offered in response to offers made by other IXCs where a Customer demonstrates to the Company's satisfaction that it intends to accept another IXCs' offer in the absence of any further inducement from the Company to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to, Company services.


Combined Feature Package - Toll-Free Routing


From time to time through March 18, 2003, the Company will reduce and/or waive installation charges for those Customers ordering two or more toll-free service routing features.  Routing features considered under this offer include Point of Call Routing, Time of Day Routing, Day of Week Routing, Percentage Allocation, Toll-Free After Hours and Date Range Routing.


            Block of Minutes Promotion


            Beginning October 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1.




            To be eligible for this promotion, the customer:


                                    may not receive service under a Special Customer Arrangement;


                                    must presubscribe to the Company for interstate service;


                                    request all service installation no later than September 30, 2001, and request that such service installation be completed no later than December 31, 2001.


            Customers may subscribe to certain intrastate service as described in the appropriate intrastate Company tariff ("Companion Intrastate Service") and become eligible under a companion offering under state tariffs.




            For purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:


                                    "Eligible Intrastate Service" is defined as MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service, Card and Inbound Service usage that originates and terminates in one state as described in the applicable Companion Intrastate Service tariff.


                                    "Eligible Interstate Service" is defined as MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Card usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and interstate MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Inbound Service usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. 


            Monthly Recurring Charges:


            A monthly recurring charge will apply for each Option available under this promotion.  This charge is identical to, and shall not be in addition to, any monthly recurring charge applicable to Companion Intrastate Service.  The following monthly recurring charges apply, based on the Option selected by the customer:


                        Opción                   Monthly Recurring Charge


                            A                                       $  22

                            B                                           48

                           C                                           94

                           D                                         225

                            E                                         450

                            F                                         675

                           G                                         900


            Promotional Benefits:


            Beginning upon promotion enrollment and in each monthly period thereafter ending January 31, 2001, the customer may acquire one allotment of minutes per monthly period as set forth in the following Options for use for (i) Eligible Interstate Service and (ii) Eligible Intrastate Service, if applicable:


                        Opción                               Allotment (Minutes)


                            A                                               400

                            B                                            1,000

                           C                                            2,000

                           D                                            5,000

                            E                                          10,000

                            F                                          15,000

                           G                                          20,000


            Customers whose usage exceeds the customer's allotment in any monthly period will be charged $0.09 per minute for Eligible Interstate Service which exceed the allotment.


            When a call under this promotion begins prior to the completion of customer's monthly allotment and ends after completion of the allotment, the customer will be charged $0.09 per minute for Eligible Interstate Service for the portion of the call occurring after completion of the allotment.


            Other Conditions:


            The Customer's allotment and associated monthly recurring charge will be pro‑rated for that monthly billing period for customers who subscribe to service under this promotion after the first day of a monthly billing period.


The portion of a Customer's allotment which is not exhausted at the end of a monthly billing period will not carry over to the next month.


            Bottom Line Business Promotion

            Through August 31, 1997, the Company will offer new small business Customers, either month-to-month or Term, a discounted switched rate schedule.  Customers who agree to sign a term agreement of 1-year and maintain a usage level of $100.00 per month will receive an additional discount of 10 percent which is guaranteed for the length of the term commitment as long as the usage level is $100.00 or more.  Domestic usage (including outbound and inbound intraLATA, intrastate and interstate and long distance cellular), international usage (Bottom Line Business - International Promotional Rate Schedule outbound usage) and inbound international usage from Canada will contribute to meeting the $100.00 volume discount threshold; however, only interstate calls will receive the 10 percent volume discount.  Term Customers must give 30 days written notice of intent to cancel prior to the end of the term; Customers who do not formally cancel this service will be automatically renewed for another 1-year term.  Customers who terminate service prior to the completion of the first year of the commitment period, shall be charged an amount equal to the monthly minimum level to receive a discount ($100.00) times the number of months remaining in the Customer commitment period through the expiration of the first year.  A Customer who cancels his agreement prior to its expiration will be required to repay any promotional credits that were applied, in addition to the other termination charges as noted above.  A Customer may cancel or discontinue service prior to the expiration of term without liability, if the Customer orders a new service with a length of term equal to or exceeding the total original term length.  The former service will terminate on the start date of the new service.  Domestic calls will be billed in 30-second initial increments and rounded to the next higher 6-second increment.


            From time to time, WorldCom may offer free month and/or free hour promotions, based on various minimum usage requirements.  The free hour promotions may range from 1 to 5 free hours each month for one-year, depending on the monthly usage minimum met.  No other promotions apply under this offer and this offer cannot be combined with any other promotions and/or offers unless specified by the Company.


                                                             Month-to-Month            1-Year Term           $100+ Usage


Switched Outbound                      $0.2548                      $0.2464                      $0.2220

Switched Inbound**                        0.2548                        0.2464                        0.2220


            **         There will be a $4.00 monthly fee per toll-free number on both the month-to-month and 1-year rate plans.


            USAdvantage Promotion


            Beginning November 20, 1997 through March 31, 1998, the Company will offer existing small business Customers of switched service, who are willing to sign a 1 or 2 year Term Agreement and commit to a specific monthly dollar amount, a discounted flat rate schedule that will apply to both inbound and outbound interstate calls.  In addition, there will be a monthly fee per toll-free number.  The minimum monthly usage levels that will apply under this promotion are $250.00, $500.00, $1,000.00 and $1,500.00.  Customers must meet the minimum usage threshold each month depending on the level the Customer chooses.


            When the Customer has completed the term commitment, service will automatically be renewed for additional term(s) of the agreement unless the Company has received the Customer's written notice to terminate the service on not less than thirty (30) days prior to the then existing term expiration date.  Customers who terminate service prior to the end of the term in any manner other than stated will be liable for a service termination charge of the following, unless Customer converts to another Company service with equal or greater term and minimum billing commitment:


            1.         if the termination becomes effective prior to the completion of the first year of the Customer Term, then the charge shall be an amount equal to the monthly billing commitment times the number of months remaining in the term through the expiration  of the first year.


            2.         if the termination becomes effective after the completion of the first year, then the charge shall be an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the balance remaining (monthly billing commitment times the number of months remaining in the Term.)


            Calls will be billed in thirty (30) second initial increments and rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment.  All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.  No other discounts apply under this offer and this offer cannot be combined with any other promotions and/or offers unless specified by the Company.


Switched Outbound/Inbound Per minute rates


            Minimum                               1 Year             2 Year                          Toll-Free #

         Usage Level                              Term               Term                               Charge  


            $   250                                $0.1300          $0.1250                          $3.00/number

                 500                                  0.1250            0.1200                          All Levels

              1,000                                  0.1200            0.1150

              1,500                                  0.1150            0.1100


            Inicio Estado Saver Promotion


            Beginning November 20, 1997 through March 31, 1998, the Company will offer existing small business Customers of switched service, billing monthly between $250.00 and $2,000.00, who are willing to sign a 1 or 2 year Term Agreement a discounted flat rate schedule that will apply to both inbound and outbound interstate calls.  In addition, there will be a monthly fee per toll-free number. 


            When the Customer has completed the term commitment, service will automatically be renewed for additional term(s) of the agreement unless the Company has received the Customer's written notice to terminate the service on not less than thirty (30) days prior to the then existing term expiration date.  Customers who terminate service prior to the end of the term in any manner other than stated will be liable for a service termination charge of the following, unless Customer converts to another Company service with equal or greater term:


            1.         if the termination becomes effective prior to the completion of the first year of the Customer Term, then the charge shall be an amount equal to $250.00 times the number of months remaining in the term through the expiration of the first year.


            2.         if the termination becomes effective after the completion of the first year, then the charge shall be an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of $250.00 times the number of months remaining in the Term.


            Calls will be billed in thirty (30) second initial increments and rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment.  All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.  No other discounts apply under this offer and this offer cannot be combined with any other promotions and/or offers unless specified by the Company.


            Switched Outbound/Inbound Per Minute Rates


                                                             Term               Term                               Charge  


                                                        $0.1450          $0.1350                          $3.00/number


            WorldCom Advantage Plus II Promotion


            Through July 31, 1997, the Company will offer new Customers who sign a 1- or 2-year term commitment and meet certain monthly minimum usage requirements a single flat rate for both peak and off-peak dedicated and switched services.  The Customer must sign an Extended Service Plan (ESP) agreement under which the discounts will apply to both peak and off-peak interstate domestic usage for the term of the agreement.  Customers must reach the minimum monthly usage requirement associated with their selected option by the fourth invoice period and monthly thereafter.  Customers will be billed at the stated minimums agreed upon if the monthly minimum is not met.  Billing increments applying to both outbound and "toll-free" calls will be an initial minimum increment of 18 seconds and additional increments of 6 seconds for switched services and an initial minimum increment of 12 seconds and additional increments of 6 seconds for dedicated services.  All fractional per-call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.  WorldCom Advantage Plus II Base Rates are as follows:


                                                                                       Base Rates

Switched Services                                   $0.3022

Dedicated Services                                   0.1512


                        Monthly Recurring Charge                         8.00


            The monthly minimum commitments for WorldCom Advantage Plus II are as follows:


                        Standard Switched Interstate Discounts:


                  Monthly Minimum                                    Discount Percentage

                       Commitment                                12 Month                    24 Month


                        $   500                                            10.00%                       12.50%

                          1,000                                            12.50                          15.00

                          1,500                                            13.75                          16.25

                          2,000                                            15.00                          17.50

                          5,000                                            17.50                          20.00

                          7,000                                            20.00                          22.50


                        Standard Dedicated Interstate Discounts:


                  Monthly Minimum                                    Discount Percentage

                       Commitment                                12 Month                    24 Month


                        $   500                                              0.00%                         0.00%

                          1,000                                              0.00                            0.00

                          1,500                                              0.00                            2.50

                          2,000                                              5.00                            7.50

                          5,000                                              7.50                          10.00

                          7,000                                            10.00                          12.50

                        10,000                                            12.50                          15.00


            In addition to the above listed discounts for maintaining a monthly minimum, this promotion provides for an additional discount off of the interstate base rates for both switched and dedicated services as shown below:


                        Switched Promotional Interstate Discount:            25%


                        Dedicated Promotional Interstate Discount:


                  Monthly Minimum                                    Discount Percentage

                       Commitment                                12 Month                    24 Month


                        $   500                                              0.00%                         2.50%

                          1,000                                              5.00                            7.50

                          1,500                                            10.00                          10.00

                          2,000                                            10.00                          10.00

                          5,000                                            10.00                          10.00

                          7,000                                            10.00                          10.00

                        10,000                                            10.00                          10.00


                        Association Promotional Interstate Discounts**:


                        Switched Services:                                     3.5%

                        Dedicated Services:                                  2.5


                        **         Association discounts are applied to the net interstate rate after standard and promotional discounts are applied.  Discounts apply to interstate usage only.


                        Additional Terms:  When the Customer has completed the term commitment, service will automatically be renewed for additional term(s) of the agreement unless WorldCom has received the Customer's written notice to terminate the agreement not less than thirty (30) days prior to the then existing term expiration date.  Customer's who terminate service prior to the end of the Term in any manner other than stated will be liable for an ESP termination charge of an amount equal to the greater of the following, unless Customer converts to another WorldCom service with equal or greater term and minimum usage commitment:


                        1.         If the termination becomes effective prior to the completion of the first year of the Customer Term, then the charge shall be an amount equal to the monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of months remaining in Term through the expiration of the first year.  If applicable, twenty-five percent (25%) of the balance remaining (monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of remaining months in the Term beyond the first year) will also be included.


                        2.         If the termination becomes effective after the completion of the first year, then the charge shall be an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the balance remaining (monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of months remaining in the Term).


            Upon execution of the ESP Agreement, the Customer has ninety (90) days from the date service is made available in which to notify the Company in writing, either by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested), of Customer's desire to cancel the ESP Agreement  without penalty or further obligation, except for charges incurred up to the date of termination, in the event that quality deficiencies solely caused by WorldCom in the provision of telecommunications service hereunder are demonstrated by Customer to affect adversely and materially Customer's telecommunications applications (such a termination under this clause constituting a Termination for Cause).  A Termination for Cause shall not be effective unless Customer has reported trouble on an ANI or circuit-specific basis to (and received a corresponding trouble ticket from) the appropriate WorldCom Support Center and a period of not less than thirty (30) days after receipt of Customer's written notice of termination has elapsed during which WorldCom fails to correct such quality deficiencies.  Provided, nothing contained herein shall impose any liability on WorldCom and Customer's sole remedy shall be the termination of the affected services as described.


            The ESP is subject to the general terms, and conditions and rates of this Tariff and/or Service or Credit Application forms executed in connection with the services provided herein.  In connection with this offer, Customers will also receive the international rates as filed under WorldMark International Service.  No other discounts and/or guarantees will apply under this offer and this offer cannot be combined with any other promotions and/or offers.


            One Month Free Promotion


            Beginning August 21, 1999, and ending June 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new Customers of MCI WorldCom On-Net Service, as described herein in Section 4.5.5.


            To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must subscribe to a new MCI WorldCom On-Net Service Term Plan (Plan) with a 1-, 2-, or 3-year term of service and either (i) a monthly volume commitment of $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, or $7,000, or (ii) an annual volume commitment of $120,000, $180,000, $300,000, $600,000.


            Enrolled Customers will receive the following benefits:


            •           Customers who subscribe to a Plan with a 1-year term of service will receive a credit, not to exceed $1,500, equal to one half of the customer's average monthly interstate usage under the Plan during the ninth, tenth, and eleventh monthly periods of the Plan term of service, which will be applied to the customer's Plan usage in the twelfth monthly period of the Plan term of service.               


            •           Customers who subscribe to a Plan with a 2- or 3-year term of service will receive a credit, not to exceed $3,000, equal to one half of the customer's average monthly interstate usage under the Plan during the twenty‑first, twenty‑second, and twenty‑third monthly periods of the Plan term of service, which will be applied to the customer's Plan usage in the twenty-fourth monthly period of the Plan term of service.


            •           Customers who subscribe to a Plan with a 3-year term of service will also receive a credit, not to exceed $3,000, equal to one half of the customer's average monthly interstate usage under the Plan during the thirty‑third, thirty‑fourth, and thirty‑fifth monthly periods of the Plan term of service, which will be applied to the customer's Plan usage in the thirty-sixth monthly period of the Plan term of service.


            Regional Checkbook Promotion VI


            Beginning December 31, 1999 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 who subscribe to a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year, and/or private line service associated with MCI WorldCom On Net Service Option 1 usage and/or in response to competitive marketplace conditions when the customer or customer prospect can demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that it will accept a competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from the Company to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to the Company's service(s).  The Company may provide credit, not to exceed $50,000 per customer per annual period of the customer's term of service, which is reasonably responsive to the competitor's offer for application against interstate charges for such service(s).  The credit will be applied against an invoice or invoice(s) for usage of such service(s), or the customer's WorldCom Fund account.  If the customer designates that the credit is to be applied to the customer's MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 usage, the credit will be applied to the customer's first invoice following the end of each 12-month period of the customer's term of service.  If the customer designates that the credit is to be applied to the customer's WorldCom Fund account, the credit will be applied upon promotion enrollment (unless the customer and the Company designate a different date upon the customer's promotion enrollment), provided that the service(s) for which the credit is offered has been installed.  The credit may not be applied against taxes, charges for unauthorized calls, prior outstanding balances owed to the Company, termination or underutilization charges associated with term plans or program commitments, or disputed charges.  If a Customer terminates the service(s) for which the credit is offered prior to the months(s) it is to be applied, the customer will not be eligible for the credit and any unused credit at the time of termination of service will be forfeited by the customer.  If the service(s) receiving the benefits of this promotion are provided under a term plan or commitment and the customer terminates service prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will not be eligible for unissued credits and any unused credit at the time of termination will be forfeited by the customer.  Credits will be furnished in multiples of $50 and may only be applied to the service(s) provided under this promotion.  This offer is limited in an amount to $50,000 no matter how many separate accounts may be established, or have been established, with the Company.  In addition, total credits received by the customer under this promotion shall not exceed $50,000 per customer per annual period.


            MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 for Business Growth Promotion


            Beginning December 31, 1999 and ending May 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1.  Customers who enroll in this promotion will receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan, excluding any automatic renewal period as set forth in Section 4.5.5.D.2.


            Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions upon promotion enrollment.  A customer must subscribe to voice MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 service under a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with a month-to-month or one, two or three year term of service.


            Promotional Benefits:  Customers who subscribe to MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 service under a one, two or three year Term Plan term of service will receive the following benefits during the term of service of the customer's MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan.


            •           Discounts:   In lieu of the discounts set forth in Section 4.5.5.D, in each monthly period of the term of service, customers will receive the following discounts on voice Eligible Volume (as set forth in Section 4.5.5.D.1) usage, based on the customer's monthly volume of Eligible Volume usage after application of discounts and term of service commitment, to be applied to interstate usage:


                        Monthly Volume                           1-Year             2-Year             3-Year


                        $   50.00     ‑    $    99.99                 5%                  6%                  7%

                        $ 100.00     ‑    $  149.99                 6                      7                      9

                        $ 150.00     ‑    $  199.99                 7                      8                    11

                        $ 200.00     ‑    $  249.99                 8                      9                    12

                        $ 250.00     ‑    $  499.99                 9                    10                    13

                        $ 500.00     +                                  10                    11                    14


            Optional Promotional Benefits:  At the time of enrollment in this promotion, customers may elect to receive the following optional benefits under this promotion during:  (i) the term of service of a customer's one, two or three year Term Plan term of service; or (ii) in each month of a month-to-month Term Plan term of service, not to exceed 12 consecutive months.


            •           Service Group Charges:  Customers who subscribe to service under the Customer’s MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan which originates via Switched WATS termination or Business Line Termination will be charged a $10 per month service fee per service group in lieu of the standard tariffed charge for Switched WATS Termination or Business Line Termination set forth in Sections 4.5.B.2.2 and 4.5.B.2.3.


            •           Features:  Customers who subscribe to the following features will be charged a $10 installation charge, a $10 monthly recurring charge and a $10 change charge per feature in lieu of standard tariffed charges for:  Accounting Codes; Day of Week Routing, Extended Call Coverage, Tailored Call Coverage, Time of Day/Time Interval Routing.


            Underutilization:  In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section 4.5.5.D.4, the following provision will apply to the MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan to which the customer subscribes under this promotion.  If at the end of any monthly period of:  (i) the term of service of a customer's one, two or three year Term Plan term of service; or (ii) a month-to-month Term Plan term of service, not to exceed consecutive 12 months, a customer's voice MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 usage fails to equal or exceed $50, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the difference between the customer's actual voice MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 usage in that monthly period and $50.


            Early Termination:   In lieu of the provisions set forth in Section 4.5.5.D.5, the following provision will apply to the MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with a one, two or three year term of service to which a customer subscribes under this promotion.  If a customer discontinues use of all service provided under the customer’s MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge in an amount equal to $50 for each monthly period, or portion thereof, remaining in the customer’s MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan term of service.


            Long Distance Only Promotion 2


            Beginning December 31, 1999 and ending March 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1.


            Eligibility: To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must satisfy the following conditions. 


            Upon enrollment in this promotion the customer may not be:


                        a subscriber to non-resold exchange service provided by a Company‑affiliated company.


            Upon enrollment in this promotion the customer must subscribe to MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 voice service under a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with a term commitment which equals or exceeds one year.


            Other Conditions: To continue to be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, throughout the term of service of the customer's MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan, the customer may not subscribe to non-resold exchange service provided by a Company-affiliated company.


            Benefits:  Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits:


            Customers who subscribe to service under this promotion under a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with a monthly volume commitment equal to or less than $7,000 per month (as described in Section 4.5.5.D.3) will receive a 5 percent discounts on the Customers's interstate MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 usage which originates via switched access for outbound calls and terminates via switched access for inbound calls.


            Customers who subscribe to service under this promotion under a new MCI WorldCom On Net Option 1 Term Plan with an annual volume commitment which equals or exceeds $120,000 per annual period (as described in Section 4.5.5.D.3) will receive a 5 percent discounts on the Customers's interstate MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 usage which originates via dedicated access for outbound calls and terminates via dedicated access for inbound calls.


            MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Promotion 1


            Beginning March 2, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new Customers of MCI WorldCom Business Solutions.


            During the twelve monthly periods following a Customer's enrollment in this promotion, the Company will waive the minimum monthly set forth in Section 4.5.7.B.1. In the thirteenth monthly period following a Customer's enrollment in this promotion, the Customer will receive a credit, not to exceed $1,500, in an amount equal to 20 percent of the amount billed for the Customer's domestic and international MCI WorldCom Business Solutions usage in the twelve monthly periods following the Customer's enrollment in this promotion. 


            Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering.


            On-Net Card Promotion


            Beginning April 1, 2000 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 who (i) respond to a solicitation from the Company for this promotion and (ii) subscribe to an MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term (Term Plan).


            During each monthly period of a customer's Term Plan term of service following promotion enrollment, the customer will be charged $0.305 per minute for Card usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI.


            Partner Marketing Promotion


            Beginning April 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 who are members of a participating Partner Marketing Program and who subscribe to (i) MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term with a 1-, 2- or 3-year term of service and (ii) Special Customer Arrangements Types 4 and 6.  Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering.


            In each monthly period of a customer's Term Plan term of service following promotion enrollment, the customer will receive the following, calculated prior to all other discounts and credits:


                        an 80 percent discount on the standard tariffed per-call surcharge for Card usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI; and,


                        a credit applied against interstate usage charges equal to 80 percent of the standard tariffed per-call surcharge in effect for the customer's intrastate Card usage.


            In each monthly period of a customer's Term Plan term of service following promotion enrollment, customers who receive Company invoices at an address in one the following states will receive an additional credit, calculated prior to all other discounts and credits, applied against interstate usage charges equal to 9 percent of the standard tariffed per-call surcharge in effect for the customer's intrastate Card usage: Alabama, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


            MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 for Business Growth Promotion II


            Beginning June 1, 2000 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new Customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 who subscribe to a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with a monthly volume commitment of one of the following amounts:  $50; $100; $250; $500; $1,000; $2,000; $3,000; $4,000; or $5,000 (Term Plan).


            Promotional Benefits:  Customers will receive the following benefits during each monthly period of the term of service of the customer's Term Plan, excluding automatic renewal period(s) as set forth in Section 4.5.5.D.2:


            In lieu of the discounts set forth in Section 4.5.5.D, in each monthly billing period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, customers who subscribe to a Term Plan term of service which equals or exceeds one year, will receive the following discounts on voice interstate Eligible Volume (as set forth in Section 4.5.5.D.1) usage, based on the Customer's monthly volume of Qualifying Volume (as set forth in Section 4.5.5.D.1) usage, after application of discounts, and term of service:


                                                                   Term of Service (Years)/


                 Qualifying Volume            1 Year 2 Year 3 Year


                             $      50                     15.0%           20.0%             25.0%

                                    100                     22.0              29.0                34.0

                                    250                     25.0              33.0                38.0

                                    500                     26.0              34.0                39.0

                                1,000                     27.0              36.0                41.0

                                2,000                     28.0              37.0                42.0

                                3,000                     29.0              38.0                43       .0

                                4,000                     30.0              44.0                49.0

                                5,000                     31.0              44.5                49.5


                        During each monthly period of the Term Plan term of service of Customer's who commit to a monthly volume commitment which is less than or equal to $1,000, the Customer will receive a credit applied against interstate usage equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the Customer's use of intrastate intraLATA of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 which originates and terminates via Switched access within the following states, based on state:


                                    Estado                                                   Descuento


                                    California                                              23.39%

                                    Colorado                                               29.99

                                    Florida                                                   14.00

                                    Georgia                                                 28.85

                                    Illinois                                                    45.38

                                    Maryland                                               22.08

                                    Massachusetts                                     30.31

                                    Michigan                                               34.67

                                    Minnesota                                             13.92

                                    Missouri                                                10.71

                                    New Jersey                                           13.49

                                    New York                                              15.97

                                    North Carolina                                      12.34

                                    Pennsylvania                                        22.40

            Wisconsin      27.91


                        During each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive a credit applied against interstate usage equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the Customer's intrastate interLATA MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Inbound Service, based on origination type for Outbound Service and termination type for Inbound Service and state:


                                                                  Outbound Service Origination Type/Inbound

                                                                            Service Termination Type Discount

                                                                                                                                Local Network   State   Switched                         Dedicated                        Connection


                        California                           18.5%                         18.6%                       N/A

                        Florida                                  6.2                            12.3                         12.7%

                        Georgia                             18.5                            30.9                         32.5

                        Illinois                                 12.3                            24.6                         42.7

                        Massachusetts                  24.7                            37.0                         38.2

                        Michigan                            18.5                            24.7                         26.8

                        North Carolina                     6.1                            18.5                           2.3

                        New Jersey                          6.2                            18.6                          N/A

                        New York                             6.2                               6.1                          N/A

                        Pennsylvania                     12.3                               6.2                          6.1


                        During each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive a credit applied against interstate usage equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the Customer's intrastate MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Inbound Service, based on origination type for Outbound Service and termination type for Inbound Service and state:


                                                                  Outbound Service Origination Type/Inbound

                                                                            Service Termination Type Discount

                                                                                                                                Local Network   State   Switched                         Dedicated                        Connection


                        Arizona                              12.4%                           6.1%                      7.6%

                        Arkansas                           20.0                            16.0                        N/A

                        Connecticut                         6.3                            18.5                        17.8

                        Kansas                              30.0                            25.0                        25.0

                        Maine                                 36.9                            36.9                        37.7

                        Nebraska                           35.0                            15.0                        N/A

                        North Dakota                     13.0                            10.0                        N/A

                        Ohio                                   12.3                            12.3                        12.2

                        Oklahoma                          15.0                            25.0                        25.0

                        South Carolina                  15.0                            25.0                        N/A

                        Virginia                              12.4                            30.9                        31.5

                        Washington                       24.7                            14.7                        15.1


            During each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive the following additional discounts on MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage after provision of all other promotional benefits, based on term commitment:


                        During each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive the following additional discounts on MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage after provision of all other promotional benefits, based on term commitment:


                                    Term Commitment                             Descuento


                                                   1                                                  5%

                                                   2                                                 10

                                                   3                                                 10


                        Optional Promotional Benefits: At the time of enrollment in this promotion, customers may elect to receive the following optional benefits under this promotion during: (i) the term of service of a Customer's one, two or three year Term Plan term of service; or (ii) in each month of a month-to-month Term Plan term of service, not to exceed 12 consecutive months.


                        Service Group Charges: Customers will be charged a $5 per month service fee per service group in lieu of the standard tariffed charge for Switched WATS Termination or Business Line Termination set forth in Sections 4.5.B.2.2 and 4.5.B.2.3.


                        Features:  Customers who subscribe to the following features will be charged a $10 installation charge, a $10 monthly recurring charge and a $10 change charge per feature in lieu of standard tariffed charges for: Custom Verified Accounting Codes, Day of Week Routing, Extended Call Coverage, Point of Call Routing, Tailored Call Coverage, Time of Day/Time Interval Routing.


            Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of the Long Distance Only Promotion, Option RR Interstate Optimizer Promotion or Option RR Mexico Calling Promotion and Regional Checkbook Promotion VI. Customers enrolled in a Special Customer Arrangement are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.


            One Month Free Promotion II


            Beginning June 30, 2000, and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new Customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1, as described herein in Section 4.5.


            To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, customers must subscribe to a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 (Plan) with a 1-, 2-, or 3-year term of service and either (i) a monthly volume commitment of $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, or $7,000, or (ii) an annual volume commitment of $120,000, $180,000, $300,000, $600,000.


            Enrolled Customers will receive the following benefits:


            •           Customers who subscribe to a Plan with a 1-year term of service will receive a credit, not to exceed $1,500, equal to one half of the customer's average monthly interstate usage under the Plan during the ninth, tenth, and eleventh monthly periods of the Plan term of service, which will be applied to the customer's Plan usage in the twelfth monthly period of the Plan term of service.


            •           Customers who subscribe to a Plan with a 2- or 3-year term of service will receive a credit, not to exceed $3,000, equal to one half of the customer's average monthly interstate usage under the Plan during the twenty‑first, twenty‑second, and twenty‑third monthly periods of the Plan term of service, which will be applied to the customer's Plan usage in the twenty-fourth monthly period of the Plan term of service.


            •           Customers who subscribe to a Plan with a 3-year term of service will also receive a credit, not to exceed $3,000, equal to one half of the customer's average monthly interstate usage under the Plan during the thirty‑third, thirty‑fourth, and thirty‑fifth monthly periods of the Plan term of service, which will be applied to the customer's Plan usage in the thirty-sixth monthly period of the Plan term of service.


18        Partner Marketing Promotion II


            Beginning July 15, 2000 and ending June 30, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 who are members of a participating Partner Marketing Program and who subscribe to (i) a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with a 1- or 2-year term of service and (ii) new Special Customer Arrangements Types 4 and 6.  Customers enrolled in this promotion will receive the following benefits in lieu of the provisions of Section 4.E.5 and are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering. In each monthly period of a customer's Term Plan term of service following promotion enrollment, the customer will receive the following benefits:


                        an 80 percent discount, calculated prior to all other discounts and credits, on the standard tariffed per‑call surcharge for Card usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI;


                        a credit, calculated prior to all other discounts and credits, applied against interstate usage charges equal to 80 percent of the standard tariffed per-call surcharge in effect for the customer's intrastate Card usage;


                        a credit, applied against interstate usage charges equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the customer's MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service usage within Texas, based on origination type:


                                 Origination Type                                            

                                    Switched/Card          Dedicated      Local Network Connection

                                                25%                      15%                                   15%


                        a credit, applied against interstate usage charges equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the customer's MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Inbound Service usage within Texas, based on termination type:


                                 Termination Type                                           

                                    Switched/Card          Dedicated      Local Network Connection

                                                25%                      15%                                   15%


                        and, customers who receive the Company invoice for service under this promotion at an address in one the following states will receive an additional credit, calculated prior to all other discounts and credits, applied against interstate usage charges, equal to 9 percent of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the customer's intrastate MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 usage: Alabama, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


            MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 for Business Growth Promotion II


            Beginning October 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new Customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 who subscribe to a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Term Plan with a monthly volume commitment of one of  $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000 or $5,000 (Term Plan).


            Promotional Benefits:  Customers will receive the following benefits during each monthly period of the term of service of the customer's Term Plan, excluding automatic renewal period(s):


            In lieu of the discounts set forth in Section 4.D, in each monthly billing period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, customers who subscribe to a Term Plan term of service which equals or exceeds one year, will receive the following discounts on voice interstate Eligible Volume (as set forth in Section 4.D.1) usage, based on the Customer's monthly volume of Qualifying Volume (as set forth in Section 4.D.1) usage, after application of discounts, and term of service:


        Term of Service (Years)/


Qualifying Volume          1 Year             2 Year             3 Year


$        50                             15%                20.0%             20%

        100                             22                    29.0                34.0

        250                             25                    33.0                38.0

        500                             26                    34.0                39.0

     1,000                             27                    36.0                41.0

     2,000                             28                    37.0                42.0

     3,000                             29                    38.0                43.0

     4,000                             30                    44.0                49.0

     5,000                             31                    44.5                49.5


                        During each monthly period of the Term Plan term of service of Customer's who commit to a monthly volume commitment which is less than or equal to $1,000, the Customer will receive a credit applied against interstate usage equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the Customer's use of intrastate intraLATA of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 which originates and terminates via Switched access within the following states, based on state:


Estado                                           Descuento


California                                       23.39%

Colorado                                       29.99

Florida                                           14.00

Georgia                                         28.85

Illinois                                             45.38

Maryland                                        22.08

Massachusetts                              30.31

Michigan                                        34.67

Minnesota                                      13.92

Missouri                                         10.71

New Jersey                                   13.49

New York                                       15.97

North Carolina                               12.34

Pennsylvania                                 22.40

Wisconsin                                      27.91


                        During each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive a credit applied against interstate usage equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the Customer's intrastate interLATA MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Inbound Service, based on origination type for Outbound Service and termination type for Inbound Service and state:


                                                                                   Outbound Service Origination Type/Inbound

                                                                                          Service Termination Type Discount

Local Network

Estado                                           Switched       Dedicated     Connection


California                                       18.5%             18.6%           N/A

Florida                                              6.2                12.3                12.7%

Georgia                                         18.5                30.9                32.5

Illinois                                             12.3                24.6                42.7

Massachusetts                              24.7                37.0                38.2

Michigan                                        18.5                24.7                26.8

North Carolina                                 6.1                18.5                   2.3

New Jersey                                      6.2                18.6              N/A

New York                                         6.2                   6.1              N/A

Pennsylvania                                 12.3                   6.2                   6.1


                        During each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive a credit applied against interstate usage equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the Customer's intrastate MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Inbound Service, based on origination type for Outbound Service and termination type for Inbound Service and state:



                                                                                   Outbound Service Origination Type/Inbound

                                                                                          Service Termination Type Discount

Local Network

Estado                                           Switched       Dedicated     Connection



Arizona                                          12.4%               6.1%               7.6%

Arkansas                                       20.0                16.0              N/A

Connecticut                                     6.3                18.5                17.8

Kansas                                          30.0                20                    20

Maine                                             36.9                36.9                37.7

Nebraska                                       30                    10                  N/A

North Dakota                                 13.0                10.0              N/A

Ohio                                               12.3                12.3                12.2

Oklahoma                                      10                    20                    20

South Carolina                              10                    20                  N/A

Virginia                                          12.4                30.9                31.5

Washington                                   24.7                14.7                11


                        During each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive the following additional discounts on MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage after provision of all other promotional benefits, based on term commitment:


                                    Term Commitment                             Descuento


                                                   1                                                  5%

                                                   2                                                 10

                                                   3                                                 10


            Optional Promotional Benefits: At the time of enrollment in this promotion, customers may elect to receive the following optional benefits under this promotion during: (i) the term of service of a Customer's one, two or three year Term Plan term of service; or (ii) in each month of a month-to-month Term Plan term of service, not to exceed 12 consecutive months.


                        Service Group Charges: Customers will be charged a $5 per month service fee per service group in lieu of the standard tariffed charge for Switched WATS Termination or Business Line Termination set forth in Sections 4.B.2.2 and 4.B.2.3.


                        Features:  Customers who subscribe to the following features will be charged a $10 installation charge, a $10 monthly recurring charge and a $10 change charge per feature in lieu of standard tariffed charges for: Custom Verified Accounting Codes, Day of Week Routing, Extended Call Coverage, Point of Call Routing, Tailored Call Coverage, Time of Day/Time Interval Routing.


            Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of the Long Distance Only Promotion, Option RR Interstate Optimizer Promotion or Option RR Mexico Calling Promotion and Regional Checkbook Promotion VI. Customers enrolled in a Special Customer Arrangement are not eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion.


23        BAD Promotion


            Beginning November 11, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers of MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 who subscribe to a new MCI WorldCom On Net Services Term Plan (Term Plan).


            In addition to the discounts associated with the customers Term Plan, during each monthly period of the customer’s Term Plan term of service, following enrollment in this promotion, the customer will receive a discount applied to domestic, interstate usage equal to 12 percent of the standard rates in effect for the customers use of: MCI WorldCom On Net Services Option 1 Outbound Service, Inbound Service, Card; and monthly recurring charges for Digital Private Line Service to which the customer subscribes under the customer's Term Plan; and services for which a tariff is not required and has not been filed.


            MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Promotion 2


            Beginning January 1, 2001 and ending March 31, 2001, the Company will offer the following promotion to new Customers of MCI WorldCom Business Solutions.


            During the twelve monthly periods following a Customer's enrollment in this promotion, the Company will waive the minimum monthly set forth in Section 4.7.B.1. Customers who remain subscribed to service under this promotion for twelve consecutive monthly periods will receive a credit, not to exceed $1,500, in an amount equal to 20 percent of the amount billed for the Customer's MCI WorldCom Business Solutions usage in the twelve monthly periods following the Customer's enrollment in this promotion. 


            Customers enrolled in this promotion are not eligible to receive the benefits of any other promotional offering.