Currently Offered Promotions


Checkbook – Single Credit Option


Checkbook 2006 Monthly Option Promotion


Checkbook Promotion 2004


Conferencing – Head Start Promotion


Conferencing Flat Rate Promotion – Offer VIII.I for BSG


Conferencing Minute Plan Promotion – Offer VIII.I for BSG


Contract Renewal Promotion


Data Center Colocation Access Promotion (formerly the Data Center Access (DCA) Promotion)


Fund Promotion – CPE, Professional & Security Services – v2.0


General Installation Waiver Promotion (v.3.0)


Internet Dedicated Bundled PPO T1 and NxT1 Select - II Promotion – v2.0


Internet Dedicated Bundled PPO T1 & NXT1 Select III Promotion


Internet Dedicated Bundled T3 Select Promotion – v2.0


New Service CPE Rebate Promotion – Invoice Credit (1 Year Minimum Term Agreement)


New Service CPE Rebate Promotion – Invoice Credit (2 Year Minimum Term Agreement)


New Service CPE Rebate Promotion – Invoice Credit (3 Year Minimum Term Agreement)


On-Net Private IP Discount Promotion


On-Net Private IP Bundled Promotion III (For Customers with $6,000-$12,000 annual volume commitment) (VBSII) 


On-Net Private IP Bundled Promotion III (For Customers with $24,000 annual volume commitment) (VBSII) 


On-Net Private IP Bundled Promotion III (For Customers with $36,000 annual volume commitment) (VBSII) 


On-Net Private IP Bundled Promotion III (For Customers with $48,000-$84,000 annual volume commitment) (VBSII) 


On-Net Private IP Bundled Promotion III (For Customers with $120,000 or greater annual volume commitment) (VBSII)


Regional Checkbook 2006 Monthly Option Promotion


Regional Checkbook Promotion 2004


Verizon Business OnNet Acquisition Gift Card Promotion  


Verizon Business Services Billing Guarantee


Verizon Business Services Install Guarantee


VoIP BizPak III Promotion (4-Line IP-IA Bundle – Single T1)


VoIP BizPak III Promotion (8-Line IP-IA Bundle – Single T1)


VoIP BizPak III Promotion (12-Line IP-IA Bundle – Single T1)


VoIP BizPak III Promotion (16-Line IP-IA Bundle – Single T1)


VoIP BizPak III Promotion (24-Line IP-IA Bundle – Single T1)


VoIP BizPak III Promotion (24-Line IP-IA Bundle – 2xT1)

