Prior to August 1, 2001, service was furnished under WorldCom Federal Systems Tariff FCC No. 1 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.


Please note the following regarding this important change.


·        WorldCom Federal Systems Tariff FCC No. 1 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised General Definitions and new or revised General Terms and Conditions of Service contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1.  Like the service in former WorldCom Federal Systems Tariff FCC No. 1, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts.  Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former WorldCom Federal Systems Tariff FCC No. 1 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found in WorldCom Federal Systems Tariff FCC. No. 1 and currently contained in this Guide.


·        Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former  WorldCom Federal Systems Tariff FCC No. 1 on July 31, 2001.


·        If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.


·                    The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.


·                    Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”
















































DEFINITIONS  Effective June 23, 2001, all Definitions are superseded by the General Definitions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff F.C.C No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.




Bit: The smallest unit of information in the binary system of information.


Business Days: The period between 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, excluding bank holidays.





United States Mainland (U.S.): The area within the boundaries of the District of Columbia and the 48 contiguous states as well as the offshore areas outside the boundaries of the coastal states of the 48 contiguous states (including the artificial islands, anchored vessels and fixed structures erected in such offshore areas for the purpose of exploring for, developing, removing and transporting resources therefrom) to the extent that such areas appertain to and are subject to the jurisdiction and con­trol of the United States within the meaning of the Outer Con­tinental Shelf Land Act, 43 U.S.C. Section 1331, et seq.


Customer: A person, firm, corporation or any other legal entity that orders service from the Company and is responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with the Company's regu­lations and the tariff provisions contained herein.


Customer Premises: A location, free of any interfering ease­ments, designated by the customer for the provision of telecommunications services to the customer.


Duplex: A communications path that allows for simultaneous

transmission in both directions.


Facilities: Any item of communications plant or equipment used to provide or to connect to the Company's service.


FCC: Federal Communications Commission.


Foreign Administration: A foreign governing body.


Foreign Telecommunications Entity: A foreign administration, carrier or company which provides telecommunications services or facilities.


Extension Channel: The means used to provide service between the Company and the customer location.


Gateway: A location in which the Company maintains facilities for the rendition of services as described in this tariff. 


Half Channel: The portion of a point-to-point international circuit between its originating or terminating point and the appropriate satellite or theoretical mid-point of the transoceanic cable.


Half Duplex: The non-simultaneous transmission of signals in both directions.


International Serving City: The cities from which the Company provides International Communications Services via an international earth station or undersea cable.


Shared Facilities:  A Company facility used in the provision of service to more than one customer.


Simplex:  The transmission of a signal in one direction.


Special Arrangement:  The construction of new facilities or the special arrangement of facilities to meet a customer's requirements.


Terminal:  Either a gateway or the gateway extension point to which the Company's rendition of service is linked by use of extension channels.



     This tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to International Telecommunications Service furnished by WorldCom Federal Systems, Inc. (hereafter referred to as "WFSI" or "the Company") between points in the United States and overseas terminals, EXCEPT THAT, EFFECTIVE JUNE 23, 2001, THE DEFINITIONS AND THE REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS TARIFF ON PAGES 5 THROUGH 7 AND AT SECTION 2, RESPECTIVELY, ARE SUPERSEDED BY THE GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN WORLDCOM TARIFF F.C.C. NO. 1, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 1.C.01 THEREOF.  Service is furnished subject to the availability of facilities and subject to transmission, atmospheric and like limi­tations.

2.   REGULATIONS  Effective June 23, 2001, all Definitions are superseded by the General Definitions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff F.C.C No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.


2.1. Undertakings of The Company 


     2.1.1.    Scope


          A.   The Company undertakes to install, operate and maintain International Telecommunications Service in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this tariff.  The Company may act as the customer's agent for ordering facilities provided by other domestic or international carriers or entities when authorized by the customer, to allow connection to the Company's facilities.  The customer shall be responsible for all charges incurred by the Company in connection with such service arrangements. 


          B.   The Company shall maintain sole and absolute discretion over the routing of channels hereunder.  Special routing or diverse routing capabilities will be subject to additional charges.  In the event that the Company, in order to meet the requirements of a customer, is required to construct new facilities or to make special arrangements of its facilities, the applicable charges for special construction will be based on the Company's costs.  These charges may be based on such elements as cost of equipment and materials, cost of installation, engineering, labor, supervision, general and administrative expense, overhead, interest during construction, other disbursements, depreciation, maintenance, taxes, provision for return on investment, and any other costs associated with the provision of the special service to be provided.


          C.   The provision of communications services by the Company is not part of a joint undertaking with any other entity providing communications facilities or services.


          D.   The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its services to customers for the transmission of telecommunications.


     2.1.2.    Limitations


          A.   Provision of service is subject to the availability of facilities; the Company will make reasonable efforts to secure and retain facilities to provide the services requested by customers.


          B.   The Company's responsibility is limited to the facilities which it furnishes in connection with services provided under this tariff.


          C.   Service will only be provided where requisite authorizations can be obtained from appropriate governing bodies.









          E.   The Company may limit the use of service, or interrupt or discontinue service when necessary because of conditions beyond its control, or when the customer is using the service in violation of provisions of this tariff.


          F.   The Company may limit the use of service, or interrupt or discontinue service, without notice to the customer, by blocking traffic from or to certain countries, cities or exchanges when deemed necessary to prevent fraudulent or unlawful use of its service.







          H.   In furnishing service between a terminal of the Company and an overseas terminal of a foreign administration or another company, the Company's responsibility is limited to the furnishing of the United States half channel, which, when combined with the facilities provided by such foreign administration, or another company, will establish a communications path between two terminals.


          I.   In the event of channel interruption caused by storms, or the action of the elements, or other acts of God, or by strikes, or by civil or military authority, or by wars, insurrections, riots, rebellions or the unlawful acts of individuals or by other conditions beyond the control of the Company, the Company reserves the right to provide private line service by any available substitute means (if acceptable to the customer) pending restoration of normal service.


     2.1.3.    Limitations on Liability


          A.   The liability of the Company for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission occurring in the course of furnishing service, and not caused by the negligence of the customer, shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period of service during which such mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect in transmission occurs; provided, however, that the Company shall have no liability for any such period which is less than the minimum duration specified for the particular service in the regulations applicable to such service set forth in this tariff.


          B.   The Company shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages under this tariff including, but not limited to, loss of revenue or profits, for any reason whatsoever, including any delay or interruption of service or any failure in or breakdown of facilities associated with the service; or for any mistakes, omissions, delays, errors or defects in transmission occurring in the course of furnishing service, except as specified in 2.1.3(A).  The Company's liability for a customer's direct damages incurred as a direct consequence of a service interruption or of the failure of the Company to perform shall in no event exceed an amount equal to that which the customer would have otherwise paid for the period that the service was not provided or during which the Company has failed to perform.


          C.   The Company shall not be liable for and shall be excused from performance during, and the customer shall not be liable for charges related to the company's excused performance during any failure of performance due to causes beyond its control, including, but not limited to, Acts of God, fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, or other catastrophes; national emergencies, insurrections, riots or wars; strikes, lockouts, work stoppages or other labor difficulties; unavailability or non-performance of facilities provided by others; and any law, order, regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof.


          D.   The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to installations provided by it for use in an explosive atmosphere.  The customer shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the customer or by any other party, for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons, and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by the customer or by any other party, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location or use of any installation so provided.  The Company may require the customer to sign an agreement acknowledging its acceptance of these provisions prior to such installation.


          E.   The Company shall not be liable for:


              1.   Any claims for libel, slander, or infringement of patents, trade secrets, or copyrights arising from or in connection with the transmission of communications by means of Company-provided facilities or services;


               2.   Any claims for infringement of patents, trade secrets or copyrights arising from the combination of Company-provided facilities or services with customer-provided facilities or services;


              3.   Any claim arising out of any act or omission of the customer or any other entity furnishing services or facilities for use in conjunction with services or facilities provided by the Company;


              4.   Unlawful or unauthorized use of the Company's facilities and services;


              5.   Any claim arising out of a breach in the privacy or security of communications transmitted over the Company's facilities;


              6.   Changes in any of the facilities, operations or procedures of the Company that render any facilities or services provided by the customer obsolete, or require modification or alteration of such facilities or services, or otherwise affect their use or performance, except where reasonable notice has not been provided to the customer; and


              7.   Any claim for damage to property, or injury or death to persons, including claims for payments made under Workers' Compensation law or under any plan for employee disability or death benefits, which may arise out of, or be caused by, any act or omission of the customer, or the construction, installation, maintenance, presence, use or removal of customer's facilities or equipment connected, or to be connected to the Company's facilities.


          F.   The customer shall indemnify and save the Company harmless from all liability as disclaimed by the Company, as specified in Sections 2.1.3.E.1 through 7, arising in connection with the provision of service by the Company to the customer, and the customer shall protect and defend the Company from any suits or claims alleging such liability, and shall pay all expenses and satisfy all judgments which may be incurred by or rendered against the Company in connection therewith.  The Company shall notify the customer of any such suit or claim against the Company.


          G.   The Company shall only be liable for any defacement of or damage to the customer's premise or equipment of the customer or others resulting from the furnishing of facilities by the Company on such premises or by the installation or removal thereof, when such defacement or damage is the result of a willful act of the agents or employees of the Company.


          H.   The Company assumes no responsibility for the availability or performance of any cable or satellite systems or related facilities, under the control of other entities, or for other facilities provided by other entities used for service to the customer, even if the Company has acted as the customer's agent in arranging for such facilities or services, except to the extent that such nonperformance or nonavailability is the result of a willful act of the Company.  Such facilities are provided subject to such degree of protection or nonpreemptibility as may be provided by the other entities.


          I.   The liability of the Company in the case of Extension channels furnished by it shall be the same as provided herein for the appropriate international facilities with which they are interconnected.



          J.   Any claim of whatever nature against the Company shall be deemed conclusively as having been waived unless presented in writing to the Company within ninety (90) days after the date service was affected.


     2.1.4.    Provision of Facilities


          A.   The Company will make the necessary provisions for facilities to provide service to the customer, except that a customer may provide his own terminal equipment or connecting facilities for use with such service in accordance with the protection criteria set forth in the Connections Section of this tariff.


          B.   The Company undertakes to maintain and repair the facilities and equipment which it furnishes.  No customer may rearrange, disconnect, remove or attempt to repair any facilities or item of equipment furnished by the Company or permit others to engage in such activity on its behalf without the prior written consent of the Company.


          C.   Facilities of the Company may be interconnected with those of the customer and/or any other entity, subject to the rules, regulations, and policies of the FCC and any other applicable governmental body.


          D.   Equipment and terminations furnished under this tariff are provided only for use in conjunction with the Company's facilities and services.


          E.   The facilities furnished under this tariff are provided subject to the conditions imposed on the Company by other service providers regarding International Communications Services and by the undersea cable construction and maintenance agreements.


     2.2.1.    The Service may be used as follows:


          A.   To transmit communications of the customer, or


          B.   To provide service to the public in a manner consistent with the terms of this tariff and the policies and regulations of the FCC.


     2.2.2.    Service is furnished subject to the condition that it will be used only for authorized and lawful purposes.  The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, without notice, if abuse or fraudulent or unlawful use of the service occurs.


     2.2.3.    The customer may not rearrange, disconnect, remove, modify or attempt to repair or permit others to rearrange, disconnect, remove, modify or attempt to repair any Company facility without the prior written consent of the Company.


     2.2.4.    The service or any rights associated therewith may not be assigned or in any manner transferred without the prior written consent of the Company.


     2.2.5.    Orders, including those for the installation, connection, repair or termination of service, will be accepted only from the customer.


     2.2.6.    Customers may, by use of their own equipment, create additional channels of a lesser capacity within the bandwidth constraint of the channels furnished by the Company, subject to FCC authorization where required.


     2.2.7.    If private line service is to be used for a third party in a foreign country, the customer must obtain appropriate authorization from the foreign government, if required.


     2.2.8.    International private line service obtained pursuant to this tariff for the purpose of resale for the provision of third party services that are interconnected to the public switched network requires prior authorization from the FCC and a demonstration that the foreign government or administration affords equivalent resale opportunities.


2.3. Obligations of the Customer


     The customer shall be responsible for:


     A.   Compliance with all provisions of this tariff.


     B.   The payment of all charges for services provided under this tariff, regardless of the availability of customer or other entity provided equipment, systems and/or facilities to be used in connection with the Company's services.


     C.   Making Company-provided facilities on customer premises available upon reasonable notice, for such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine whether the requirements of this tariff are being complied with in the installation, operation and maintenance of Company-provided facilities.


     D.   Making customer-provided facilities which are connected to the Company's facilities available upon reasonable notice, for such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine whether the requirements of this tariff are being complied with in the installation, operation and maintenance of such customer-provided facilities.


     E.   Cooperating with the Company in installation, maintenance, trouble determination, fault isolation, or, upon termination of service, removal of the Company's facilities, including, but not limited to, making the Company's facilities available at a mutually agreed upon time, and allowing the Company's employees or agents to enter the premises of the customer at that time.


     F.   Furnishing information in advance of any changes that affect the ability of the Company to prepare, install, and maintain service to the customer on a continuous basis.


     G.   Providing for the Company's rights under this tariff in any agreements or arrangements with lessors or others made in connection with the services to be provided under this tariff.


     H.   Obtaining all permits, licenses, variances and other authorizations required by federal, state and local regulatory bodies and jurisdictions as may be required to take service under this tariff.


     I.   Taking all necessary steps for the interconnection of customer-provided facilities or facilities provided by others with Company-provided facilities, including, but not limited to, securing all licenses, rights-of-way, permits, services or other arrangements necessary for interconnection.


     J.   The provision of space, heating or cooling, conduit, electrical wiring, power and power outlets for the operations of Company facilities and equipment located on the premises of the customer.


     K.   Damage to or loss of Company-provided equipment or facilities caused by the negligence or the willful act or omission of the customer.


     L.   Reimbursing the Company for any losses sustained by the Company attributable to theft or vandalism of equipment or facilities occurring on the customer's premises.


2.4. Payment Arrangements



















     2.4.2.    Late Payments


          A.   If any portion of the payment due the Company is not received within 30 days of the invoice date, a late payment charge of 1.5% per month, compounded monthly, or the maximum percentage permissible by law, whichever is less, will accrue upon the unpaid balance commencing thirty-one (31) days after the invoice date.


          B.   Late payment charges will not be applied on anyportion of the bill that is contested by the customer, so long as (i) the customer pays the undisputed amount, (ii) the Company is notified of the dispute within 30 days of the invoice date of the bill in question, (iii) the customer supplies the company with information to substantiate the disputed bill, and (iv) the dispute is settled in favor of the customer.


          C.   The customer will be liable for all expenses and fees (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred by the Company in connection with the collection of any unpaid sum owed to the Company.


     2.4.3.    Deposits and Other Security Arrangements


          A.   Generally

              In order to protect the financial interest of the Company, the Company may require such assurances of or security for the payment for services in the form of deposits, advance payments, guarantees, letters of credit, or any other mutually agreed

upon security arrangement.  The Company may require these assurances of or security for the payment for services either before or after commencement of service.


          B.   Amount Required

              The amount required will be based on the credit review of the customer and the services to be provided by the Company (including equipment, etc.).  Such amount may be based on an estimated bill for services up to and including a three-month period.


          C.   Interest

              All payments made under 2.4.3.A will receive interest at the current rate for one (1) month certificates of deposit when the deposit is made.


          D.   Refunding or Crediting to Customer's Account

              1.   Deposits are payments made by the customer in  advance of service which will be applied to the customer's account upon notice of termination of service.  Once the customer has paid all amounts due, the balance of the deposit will be returned to the customer.

              2.   Advance payments are payments made by the customer in advance of service which will be applied to the customer's account upon commencement of service.

              3.   At the option of the Company, any payment made under 2.4.3.A may be refunded or credited to the customer at any time prior to the termination of service.


          E.   Maintaining Deposits

              The Company shall review the necessity for maintaining deposits at least once every 12  months.















2.5. Minimum Service Period


     2.5.1.    Except as otherwise provided in this tariff or in a contract for service, the initial minimum service period is three (3) months.


     2.5.2.    Unless otherwise provided, a minimum service period will not apply for switched access origination or travel card service.


2.6. Customer Requested Change in Service


     The customer may, by a written order, make changes within the general scope of service.  If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the work or service, or affects the Company's ability to provide service in accordance with the stated performance, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the price and/or delivery schedule and/or performance criteria.


2.7. Cancellation of an Order for Service by the Customer


     2.7.1.    Generally


          An order for service may be canceled by the customer upon receipt of written notice directed to the Company's corporate office.  The cancellation will become effective from the date of receipt by the Company of the customer's notice except as otherwise indicated in subsequent provisions of this tariff. Cancellation penalties as outlined below will apply.


     2.7.2.    Cancellation Charges


          A.   Where the customer cancels an order for any services specified in this tariff, the full service rates specified in that section and the schedule shown below will be utilized in calculating the cancellation charge, irrespective of all special promotion rates.


              Less than thirty days         No recurring                     after receipt of order       charges


              Thirty to ninety days        One month's

              after receipt of order       recurring charges


              More than ninety days         Three month's

              after receipt of order       recurring charges


          B.   Where installation of service had begun prior to the receipt of a cancellation notice, except as otherwise indicated, the customer will be responsible for a charge equal to the non-recoverable costs incurred in the construction, such as the cost of equipment and materials, cost of installation, engineering, labor, supervision, general and administrative expenses, overhead, interest during construction, other disbursements, taxes and any other non-recoverable costs which may be incurred, less estimated net salvage.


          C.   Any charges imposed on the Company by any other facilities supplier as a result of cancellation of the application for service will be directly passed through to the customer.


          D.   Installation of special arrangement work is considered to have started when the Company incurs any cost including cancellation penalties imposed on the Company by its vendors in connection therewith or in preparation thereof which would not otherwise have been incurred, provided the customer has given the Company prior authorization to undertake the special arrangement.


2.8. Cancellation of Service by Customer


     Service may be terminated by the customer upon receipt of forty-five (45) days written notice directed to the Company's corporate office, computed from the date of receipt by the Company of the notice.


     Termination liability will apply as follows, whether or not the customer continues to use the service.


     2.8.1.    If the customer is not receiving service under a contract of specified term, the customer is liable for full payment for the remainder of the minimum service period specified in this tariff, or for forty-five (45) days, whichever is longer.  If the customer gives the company more than forty-five (45) days notice, the customer is liable for all charges until the requested discontinuance date.


     2.8.2.    If cancellation of service occurs anytime during a contract which is for one year or less, the customer is liable for full payment for the minimum service period specified in this tariff, or for the remaining contract value, whichever is greater.


     2.8.3.    Cancellation during a multi-year contract


          A.   Cancellation during the first year

              The customer is liable for full payment for the remainder of the first year at the one year monthly rate, plus the current monthly contract rate times the number of full unexpired years remaining in the contract.  For example, if the charge for a certain service is $1,000 per month for a five year contract, and $1,500 per month for a one year contract, and a customer contracts for five years, but cancels after six months, that customer would owe (6 x $1,500) + ($1,000 x 4) = $13,000.


          B.   Cancellation after the first year

              The customer is liable for the difference between the current monthly contract rate and the previous term monthly rate (as defined below), multiplied by the number of months of service actually provided; plus one month's charges at the current contract rate times the number of full unexpired years remaining in the contract.


          C.   Definition of "previous term monthly rate":  In those situations where the customer has signed a multi-year contract, the previous term is the available contract term for the service which directly precedes the term under which the customer contracted.  The previous term monthly rate, then, is the rate for the previous term.  For example, if a customer signs a five year contract for a service which also has rates for one and three years, and the customer cancels during the fourth year, the previous term monthly rate is the rate for a three year contract.


2.9. Termination by the Company for Cause or Non-Payment


     2.9.1.    Termination For Cause


          A.   The Company may immediately and without notice terminate any service or application for service if the Company deems that such action is necessary to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or services.


          B.   The Company may also terminate service upon written notice to the customer:


              1.   for any violation of any of the provisions governing the furnishing of service under this tariff.

              2.   for any violation of any law, rule,  regulation or policy of any government  authority having jurisdiction over the  service.

              3.   by reason of any order or decision of a  court or other government authority having  jurisdiction over the service which prohibits the Company from furnishing such service.

              4.   upon notification to the Company from the  customer's bank that the customer's payment  check is being returned due to "insufficient  funds."

              5.   where there has been any intentional or de facto transfer or assignment of services supplied by the Company, or a transfer of control of the customer, without the express written authorization of the Company, which  shall be deemed a fraudulent use.

              6.   where a customer's use of the service has   materially increased and a deposit has been requested by the Company, and the deposit has not been paid by the customer.

              7.   if a customer becomes the subject of a   bankruptcy or an insolvency proceeding, or upon commencement of any other action  against the customer with respect to creditors in the nature of bankruptcy or insolvency.


     2.9.2.    Termination For Non-Payment


          The Company may terminate service after the longer of (i) seven (7) business days after the date of mailing of written notice to the customer of nonpayment of any sum thirty (30) days past due, or (ii) the minimum notice period required by local law, if payment is not received by the Company within the applicable time period.


     2.9.3.    Termination Liability


          Upon termination of service by the Company, the customer is responsible for payment of all sums due, including any charges that would apply under this tariff, termination liabilities or minimum service charges, and any other costs which the Company may incur as a result of service termination.


     2.9.4.    Restoration of Service


          Service may be restored to a customer only after all  violations are corrected and all payments are current  to the sole satisfaction of the Company.


2.10.     Service Interruption Allowance


     Pursuant to a customer's request, the Company will make allowance for interruption on channels in accordance with the following; provided, however, no credit will be allowed for any interruption caused by (i) the negligence of the customer, (ii) degradation or failure of the facilities or equipment furnished by the customer, including power, (iii) degradation or failure of equipment or services furnished by others, or (iv) the Company's failure to perform as delineated in Section 2.1.3 (C), preceding.


     2.10.1.   The interruption shall be measured from the time the customer notifies the Company of the interruption until such time as the Company makes the service available again for the customer's use.


     2.10.2.   No credit will be allowed for service interruptions where, after being reported by the customer, the  Company or its agent is denied access to the customer's premises or is requested by the customer to suspend the trouble isolation and repair work.


     2.10.3.   No credit will be allowed for an interruption associated with the implementation of the customer's own order.


     2.10.4.   The amount of credit will be computed as follows:


              A.   No credit will be given for interruptions of less than thirty (30) minutes.


              B.   Credit will be allowed for an interruption of one-half hour or more and will be  proportionate to the monthly recurring service  charges for each half hour or fraction thereof  of outage.  Each half hour outage amounts to 1/1440 of the monthly charge.


              C.   Credit allowances in any month will be made  only when the calculated amount of the credit  for an interruption amounts to ten dollars  ($10.00) or more, per channel.


     2.10.5.   The customer will continue to pay the Company for  the U.S. portion of the service during periods when  service on the foreign end is interrupted.


     2.10.6.   Where the Company bills the customer for the overseas end of the channel, similar adjustments for interruption periods will be made in the charges of the foreign administration or other foreign telecommunications entity, if agreed to by the foreign administration or other foreign telecommunications entity providing the terminal at the overseas end of the channel.


2.11.     Connections


     2.11.1.   Interconnection between customer-provided facilities and Company-provided facilities or services, or between facilities or services provided to the customer by any other entity and facilities or services provided by the Company, may be made by the customer at the gateways of the Company.  Connection to the Company's gateways can be made using either dedicated or switched access services.


     2.11.2.   When service furnished under this tariff is used in connection with facilities provided by a customer, the operating characteristics of such facilities shall be such as not to interfere with the Company's facilities and personnel, or with any other service offered by the Company.  The use of such facilities shall not:  endanger the safety of Company employees or the public; induce harmful voltages or currents either in the conductors or between the conductors and ground; damage or require change in or alteration of facilities of the Company; interfere with the proper functioning of such facilities; or otherwise injure the public in its use of the Company's services.  Upon notice from the Company that any facility provided by the customer is causing or is likely to cause such hazard or interference, the customer shall take such steps as shall be necessary to remove or prevent such hazard or interference; otherwise, the Company may terminate service.



3.1. Types of Service


     This service provides for point-to-point or point-to-multipoint digital or analog services between an international serving city or an earth station in the United States and an international satellite or undersea cable facility for connection with compatible services on the distant end as normally provided by a foreign communications entity.  Digital facilities may be used by the customer for the transmission of digital voice, data, video, facsimile, video teleconferencing, high speed data transfer, and any other use as can be accommodated for and as permitted by this tariff.  Analog facilities may be used by the customer for voice only, data only, alternate voice/data or simultaneous voice/data, and any other use as can be accommodated for and as permitted by this tariff.


3.2. Standards


     All circuits are conditioned to meet the relevant CCITT   recommended standards.


3.3. Half-Channel Rates


     1.   Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, rates are for the U.S. half-channel only.

     2.   Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, rates are for a duplex half-channel.  Simplex half channels will be provided upon request.


3.4. Service Availability


     3.4.1.    Service is available from the following gateway cities:


              Washington, D.C.             New York, New York

              Atlanta, Georgia             Chicago, Illinois

              New Orleans, Louisiana       Houston, Texas

              Detroit, Michigan            Dallas, Texas

               San Francisco, Calif.        Portland, Oregon

              Los Angeles, Calif.          Philadelphia, Penn.               Fort Lauderdale, Florida          Boston, Mass.

              Seattle, Washington


          Not all foreign service points are directly accessible from every gateway city; however, additional interconnection facilities are available to any of these cities.  Charges for these extended facilities will be billed to the customer by the Company.  Charges for local facilities used to connect a customer's premises to the Company's gateway will be passed through to the customer.


     3.4.2.    All services are provided on a full-time (24 hours per day, 7 days per week) basis.


     3.4.3.    All services provided under this tariff are subject to the availability of facilities, including those provided by underlying facility or service suppliers.


3.5. Occasional Use Service


     Occasional use service is available; provided that a 24-hour advance reservation is made.  A reservation for occasional use service will not be accepted for any request made more than six months in advance.


3.6. Other Charges


     3.6.1.    Maintenance Visits


          A maintenance charge of $100.00 applies for each visit of maintenance personnel to a customer's premise when the reported trouble is found to be caused by customer-provided station equipment or at the foreign end and not in the facilities or equipment furnished by the Company.


     3.6.2.    Retermination Charges


          The full non-recurring charges imposed on the Company by any other facilities or service provider as a result of retermination will be directly passed through to the customer.  In addition, the Company will charge a fee based on time and materials.


3.7. Special Promotions

     The Company may, from time to time, offer special promotions to its customers.




                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability


Facilities From Beltsville, MD

for The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To:


Pretoria, S. Africa

     One 384 Kbps duplex data

     half channel


     First 12 months            10,600       1,000

     Second 12 months           10,600


Beijing, China

     One 9.6 Kbps duplex

     (M1020 conditioned) data

     half channel                2,600+      1,500


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

     One 9.6 Kbps duplex data

     half channel                1,883+        500


Guatemala City, Guatemala

     One 9.6 Kbps duplex data

     half channel                2,400+        500


Nassau, Bahamas

     One 9.6 Kbps duplex

     (M1020 conditioned) data

     half channel                 2,000*      1,000


+    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.

*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Beltsville, MD

For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To:


Geneva, Switzerland


     One 1.544 Mbps duplex data

     half channel:                                           


     First 12 months            19,000*

     Second 12 months           16,000

     Third 12 months            11,500

     Fourth 12 months           11,500

     Fifth 12 months            11,500


Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


     One 9.6 Kbps duplex (M1020

     conditioned) data half                       



     First 12 months             1,900*      1,000

     Second 12 months            1,700

     Third 12 months             1,550

     Fourth 12 months            1,550

     Fifth 12 months             1,550


Belize City, Belize


     One 9.6 Kbps duplex (M1020

     conditioned) data half


     First 12 months             1,850*        500

     Second 12 months            1,650

     Third 12 months             1,110

     Fourth 12 months            1,110

     Fifth 12 months             1,100


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with four individual one year options available.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Beltsville, MD

For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To


Caracas, Venezuela


     One 9.6 Kbps duplex (M1020

     conditioned) data half



     First 12 months              1,850*        500

     Second 12 months             1,650

     Third 12 months              1,110

     Fourth 12 months             1,110

     Fifth 12 months              1,100


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Beltsville, MD

For The Establishment Of

Communications Paths To Estonia,

Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine


     One 64 Kbps duplex data  

     satellite half circuit:


     First 12 months              5,840*

     Second 12 months             3,840

     Third 12 months              3,840

     Fourth 12 months             2,840

     Fifth 12 months              2,840



Facilities From Onizuka, CA

For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To Guam


     One 1.544 Mbps circuit

     between Onizuka, CA

     and Guam                   $45,743.42     $688.48 $681,106+


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with four individual one year options available.


+    Reduced by 1/36 for each month in service.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Suitland, MD

For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To Brazil

And Argentina


     One 9.6 Kbps duplex data

     half channel to Brazil

     and one 9.6 Kbps duplex

     data half channel to

     Argentina                    2,100*        750



Facilities From San Francisco,

CA For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To Beijing,



     One 56 Kbps duplex data half



     Year One                     4,400*     13,600

     Year Two                     4,100*          


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Anchorage, AK For

The Establishment of a Communications

Path to Tokorazama, Japan


     One half duplex 3 Khz      $ 4,900@    $   400

     voice grade cable circuit



Facilities From Ronkonkoma, NY For

The Establishment of A Communications

Path To Callao, Peru


     One 9.6 Kbps (M1020 conditioned)

     duplex data half channel     1,450*      1,000




Facilities From Hampton, GA For The

Establishment Of A Communications

Path To Rio De Janeiro, Brazil


     One 2.4 Kbps (M1020 conditioned)

     duplex data half channel     1,300+        500


@    Minimum service period of seventy-two (72) months applies.


*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


+    Minimum service period of one hundred twenty (120) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Goddard Space

Flight Center For The Establish-

ment of Communications Paths

to France, Germany and the

Reino Unido


     One 56 Kbps duplex cable

     channel to Oxford, United

     Kingdom                      3,265+      1,500


     One 128 Kbps duplex

     cable channel and

     one 384 Kbps duplex

     cable channel to

     London, United

     Kingdom                     12,200       3,000           @


+    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.


@    A termination liability of 50% of the monthly charge times the number of months remaining in the term applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Greenbelt, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Toulouse, France


     One 512 Kbs circuit                          


     For Months 1-12             10,710*

     Option Year 1               10,390

     Option Year 2               10,170

     Option Year 3                9,000

     Option Year 4                8,000

     Option Year 5                5,000

     Option Year 6                5,000



Facilities From San Luis Obispo, CA

and Lodi, CA for the Establishment

of a Communications Path to the

Republic of Korea


     Five C-2/D-1 conditioned 3 Khz voice

     circuits; two (2) from San Luis Obispo

     and three (3) from Lodi

     First Year                 $ 2,200

     Years 2 through 5            2,500


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with six one-year options.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Greenbelt, MD

For The Establishment of

Communications Paths:


     One AVD satellite

     circuit to 

     Spain                      $ 1,864     $ 1,167  50,752.80*


     One 64 Kbps duplex

     data cable circuit

     to Spain                    1,900#       500


     Two 9.6 Kbps duplex voice

     and data satellite circuits

     (M1020 conditioned) to

     Russia, each circuit         6,100#     17,500


     One 9.6 Kbps duplex voice

     and data cable circuit

     (M1020 conditioned)

     to France                   1,600#       500


     One 56 Kbps duplex data

     satellite circuit to the

     United Kingdom               3,265#


*    Reduced by 1/84 for each month of service.


#    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Buckley, CO

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to the

Reino Unido


     One 9.6 Kbps duplex data

     circuit to the United

     Kingdom                      1,924       1,000



Facilities From Homestead, FL

and Washington, DC For The

Establishment of Communications

Paths To Galeta Island, Panama


     One 56 Kbps duplex data

     half channel from

     Homestead, FL                3,390*        500


     One 128 Kbps duplex data

     half channel from

     Washington, DC               5,225*      1,000


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Andrews AFB,

MD for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to the



     One 1.544 Mbps duplex data

     channel to Lajes AFB, the

     Azores                      25,760



Facilities from MacDill AFB,

FL, for the Establishment of

an End-to-End Communications

Path to Panama


     One 1.544 Mbps duplex data

     channel to Rodman, Panama


     Year One                    80,224*     15,904

     Year Two                    74,224

     Year Three                  56,415

     Year Four                   48,635

     Year Five                   48,215


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with four 12-month options available for a total of sixty (60) months.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Falcon AFB,

CO For The Establishment Of

A Communications Path To

Lago Di Patria, Italy


     One 9.6 Kbps duplex data

     half channel                 1,550*        500



Facilities From Bolling AFB, DC

For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To Vaihingen,



     One 56 Kbps duplex data half

     channel                      1,600*        500


*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Cape Canaveral,

FL For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To Antigua,

West Indies


     One 1.544 Mbps duplex data

     half channel                14,500*        500



Facilities From Andrews AFB, MD

For The Establishment Of Communi-

cations Paths To Germany And The

Reino Unido


     One 1.544 Mbps duplex data half

     channel to:


     Pruem AS, Germany           13,500*        500

     Stuttgart, Germany          13,500*        500

     RAF Mildenhall,

     United Kingdom              14,141*        500


*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Camp Springs, MD

For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To France


     One 9.6 Kbps simplex data

     cable channel to

     Lannion, France              2,060*      1,275           


     Option years (1-3)           2,025 (each year)


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with three individual one year options available.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Wallops Island,

VA For The Establishment Of

Communications Paths To Germany


     One 64 Kbps duplex data half

     circuit to Darmstadt, Germany


     First 12 months              2,962*      1,500

     Second 12 months             2,862

     Third 12 months              2,762

     Fourth 12 months             2,562


     Service between an international

     earth station in Wallops Island,

     VA and an international satellite

     for the provision of five (5)

     64 Kbps duplex data channels to an

     earth station in Darmstadt, Germany


     First 12 months             31,200*     20,000     734,533#

     Second 12 months            29,800

     Third 12 months             26,940

     Fourth 12 months            25,520


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with three individual one year options available.


#    Reduced by 1/48 for each month in service.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Washington, D.C.

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to Norway


     One 64 kbps

     circuit                    $ 1,800*



Facilities from Washington, D.C.

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to Germany


     One 64 kbps circuit


     For Months 1-12            $ 2,200**

     Option 1-Months 13-24        2,200

     Option 2-Months 25-36        1,500

     Option 3-Months 37-48        1,025

     Option 4-Months 49-60        1,025


*    Minimum service period of forty-eight (48) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with four individual one year options available.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Washington, D.C.

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to Nicaragua


     One voice grade circuit


     For Months 1-12            $ 1,875*

     Option 1-Months 13-24        1,875

     Option 2-Months 25-36        1,210

     Option 3-Months 37-48        1,005

     Option 4-Months 49-60        1,005



Facilities from Washington, D.C.

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to Taiwan


     One voice grade circuit


     For Months 1-12            $ 2,475*

     Option 1-Months 13-24        2,475

     Option 2-Months 25-36        1,610

     Option 3-Months 37-48        1,405

     Option 4-Months 49-60        1,405


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with four individual one year options available.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Washington, D.C.

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to El Salvador


     One voice grade circuit


     For Months 1-12           $ 1,875*

     Option 1-Months 13-24        1,875

     Option 2-Months 25-36        1,210

     Option 3-Months 37-48        1,005

     Option 4-Months 49-60        1,005



Facilities from New York for

the Establishment of a

Communications Path to France


     One 256 Kbps

     circuit                      7,290**


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with four individual one year options available.


**   Minimum service period of thirty-six (36) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Houston, TX

for the Establishment of an

End‑to‑End Communications

Path to Somalia


Multiple digital circuits

to carry voice and data

service                        134,500*     82,500


*    A minimum service period of 6 months applies.  Sservice may be renewed for a minimum of 1 month after the initial 6 month service period.  If service is renewed for a minimum 3 month period after the initial service period, there is a 5% discount off the original monthly recurring charge.  Additional circuits may be added to the initial complement of circuits; a monthly recurring charge of $10,000 per additional circuit and a nonrecurring charge of $1,500 per additional circuit will apply.

·                                                              Non-

                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from MacDill AFB,

Florida for the Establishment

of a Communications Path

to Germany


     One 1.544 Mbps

     duplex (Y1 conditioned)

     half channel


     Months 1-60                 25,358*      9,950

     Months 61-120               13,872



Facilities from Cedarbrook, NJ

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Ascension Island, U.K.


     One 3Khz duplex circuit

     (M1020 conditioned)           1869.71**   1662.58


*    Minimum service period of one hundred and twenty (120) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Scott AFB, IL

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Rhein Main AB, Germany


     One 9.6 Kb duplex

     (M1020 conditioned)

     data circuit                 2,175.65*   2,137.58



Facilities from Hanahan, SC

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to



     One 3 Khz (M1020

     conditioned) voice

     grade circuit                1,847.09*     925.00


*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Beltsville, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Taipei, Taiwan


     One 64 Kbs digital



     For Months 1-12           $ 2,725*        500.00

     Option 1-Months 13-24        2,625

     Option 2-Months 25-36        2,225

     Option 3-Months 37-48        2,025           

     Option 4-Months 49-60        2,025



Facilities from Beltsville, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Paramaribo, Suriname


     One 9.6 Kbs voice

     grade circuit


     For Months 1-12           $ 1,850*        500.00

     Option 1-Months 13-24        1,650

     Option 2-Months 25-36        1,110

     Option 3-Months 37-48        1,110

     Option 4-Months 49-60        1,110


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with four individual one year options.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Beltsville, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Tel Aviv, Israel


     One 128 Kbs circuit


     For Months 1-12              4,000*      1,000

     Option 1-Months 13-24        4,000

     Option 2-Months 25-36        2,990

     Option 3-Months 37-48        1,990

     Option 4-Months 49-60        1,990



Facilities from Moffett Field,

CA for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

McMurdo Station, Antarctica


     One 1.536/1.544 Mbps

     duplex half channel         29,322.16**  1,000


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with four individual one year options.


**   Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Greenbelt, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to:


Darmstadt, Germany


     One 2.048/1.984 Mbs

     duplex circuit              17,475*      3,000


Noordwijk, Netherlands


     One 2.048 Mbs

     duplex circuit                   


     Base Year                   23,300**

     Option Year 1               21,300

     Option Year 2               19,300

     Option Year 3               16,300

     Option Year 4               14,800

     Option Year 5               14,000

     Option Year 6               13,300



Facilities from Greenbelt, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Lasham Air Field, U.K.


     One M1020 conditioned

     voice/data circuit           1,625         500


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, plus six (6) one-year options.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from White Sands, NM

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Tidbinbilla, Australia


     One 64 Kbs full duplex

     data circuit                 2,498.07*   2,085.00




Facilities from Moffett Field, CA

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Ibaraki, Japan


     One 2.048/1.984

     duplex circuit              22,800**     7,000


*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities at Romulus, Michigan

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path from



     3 KHz inbound 800 service;

     30 second minimum initial

     use period; additional time

     billed in 6 second increments.   0.48 *



Facilities at Silver Spring,

Maryland for the Establishment

of a Communications Path

from Canada


     3 KHz inbound 800 service;

     30 second minimum initial

     use period; additional time

     billed in 6 second increments.   0.48 **


*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of one hundred and twenty (120) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Beltsville,

MD for the Establishment

of a Communications Path

to Frankfurt, Germany


     One 256 Kbps duplex



     For Months 1-12           $ 5,650*      1,000

     Option 1-Months 13-24        5,450

     Option 2-Months 25-36        5,250

     Option 3-Months 37-48        5,050

     Option 4-Months 49-60        4,850



Facilities from Greenbelt,

MD for the Establishment

of a Communications Path

to Madrid, Spain


     Two 64 Kbps circuits        $1,450**       250

                                  each        each


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies with four individual one year options.


**   Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from MacDill

AFB, FL for the Establishment

of a Communications Path

to Vaihingen, Germany


     One 1.544 Mbps circuit           


     Months 1 - 60              $25,358*      9,950

     Months 61 - 120             13,872



Facilities from Ft.

Belvoir, VA for the

Establishment of a

Communications Path

to Ramstein, Germany


     One 512 Kbps circuit        $7,462.62**  2,260


*    Minimum service period of one hundred and twenty (120) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.

                                    Per minute rate



Facilities at Arnold AFB, TN

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path from

Reino Unido


     Inbound 800 service;

     30 second minimum initial

     use period; additional time

     billed in 6 second increments.*      1.07



Facilities at Fairfax, VA

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path from

the following countries


     Full duplex, 3KH inbound 800

     service; 30 second minimum

     initial use period; additional

     time billed in 6 second



     Germany                             $1.24

     Italy                                1.32

     Japan                                1.46

     Korea                                1.53

     Thailand                             1.58

     United Kingdom                       1.07


*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.

                                    Per minute rate




Facilities at Arnold AFB, TN

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path from

France, Germany and Belgium


     Inbound 800 service;

     30 second minimum initial

     use period; additional time

     billed in 6 second increments.*


     France                              $1.32

     Germany                              1.24

     Belgium                              1.24



Facilities at McConnell AFB,

KS for the Establishment of

a Communications Path from

the following countries.


     Full duplex, 3KH inbound 800

     service; 30 second minimum initial

     use period; additional time billed

     in 6 second increments.**


     United Kingdom                      $1.07

     Italy                                1.32

     Japan                                1.46

     Korea                                1.53


*    Minimum service period of one hundred and twenty (120) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


Facilities at Falls Church, VA

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path from

Korea, Germany, Panama and Japan


     Inbound 800 service;

     30 second minimum initial

     use period; additional time

     billed in 6 second increments.*


                                    Per minute rate


     Korea                                1.53

     Germany                              1.24

     Panama                               1.20

     Japan                                1.46



Facilities at Arnold AFB, TN

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path from

France, Germany, Russia and

Reino Unido


     World-wide calling card service

     for inbound calls; billed in full

     minute increments; surcharge

     per call is $1.75.**


                        1st Minute     Each Add'l. Minute


     France                $1.68               1.05

     Germany                1.74               1.08

     Russia                 2.50               1.95

     United Kingdom         1.43               0.93


*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of one hundred and twenty (120) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Beltsville,

MD for the Establishment of

a Communications Path to

Bogota, Colombia


     One 768 Kbps circuit             


     Base Year                  $17,065*      2,000

     Option Year 1               17,065

     Option Year 2               16,635

     Option Year 3               16,135

     Option Year 4               16,135



Facilities from Beltsville,

MD for the Establishment of

a Communications Path to

Santiago, Chile


     One T-1 digital circuit


     For Months 1-12           $19,770*      1,000

     Option 1-Months 13-24       19,770

     Option 2-Months 25-36       19,770

     Option 3-Months 37-48       18,470

     Option 4-Months 49-60       18,470


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with four one-year options.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Beltsville,

MD for the Establishment of

a Communications Path to

Wellington, New Zealand


     One 64 Kbps circuit              


     For Months 1-12            $ 2,650*      1,500

     Option 1-Months 13-24        2,550

     Option 2-Months 25-36        2,050

     Option 3-Months 37-48        1,750           

     Option 4-Months 49-60        1,750



Facilities from Greenbelt,

MD for the Establishment of

a Communications Path to

Moscow, Russia


     One 2.048 Mbs circuit


     For Months 1-12            $52,825#      9,225

     Option 1-Months 13-24       52,825

     Option 2-Months 25-36       52,825

     Option 3-Months 37-48       52,825

     Option 4-Months 49-60       52,825

     Option 5-Months 61-72       52,825


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with four one year options.


#    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with five one year options.  This is a full circuit rate.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Huntsville,

AL for the Establishment of

a Communications Path to

Moscow, Russia


     One 2.048 Mbps circuit


     For Months 1-12          $ 56,603*     26,907

     Option 1-Months 13-24       56,603

     Option 2-Months 25-36       56,603

     Option 3-Months 37-48       56,603

     Option 4-Months 49-60       56,603

     Option 5-Months 61-72       56,603



Facilities from Norfolk, VA

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Flatts, Bermuda


     One 2.4 Kbps circuit        $1,283#      1,362


     One 19.2 Kbps circuit       $1,283#      1,362


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with five one year options.


#    Minimum service period of twenty-four (24) months applies.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Hampton

Roads, VA for the

Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Flatts, Bermuda


     One 512 Kbps circuit        $9,381*      1,270


     Four 3 KHz circuits          1,283       1,362

                                 each*        each



Facilities From Beltsville, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Santa Cruz, Bolivia


     One 128 kbs duplex

     circuit                      5,420#     10,000


*    Minimum service period of twenty-four (24) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, plus five option years.


#    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, plus four (4) option years.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Beltsville,

MD for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Cochabamba, Bolivia


     One 128 Kbps duplex              

     Base Year                   $5,420**   $10,000

     Option Year 1                5,420

     Option Year 2                5,420

     Option Year 3                5,420

     Option Year 4                5,420




Facilities from Beltsville,

MD for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Bogota, Colombia


     One 256 Kbps duplex

     circuit                    $14,177*     $8,500


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with four (4) one-year options.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Beltsville, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Jakarta, Indonesia


     One 768 Kbs duplex



     Months 1-12                $18,620*     $1,500

     Option Year 1               16,120

     Option Year 2               13,620

     Option Year 3               11,120

     Option Year 4               11,120



Facilities from Beltsville, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Brussels, Belgium


     One T-1 duplex



     Base Year                  $19,700*     $1,500

     Option Year 1               16,100

     Option Year 2               13,500

     Option Year 3               13,100

     Option Year 4               13,100


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with four one-year options.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Greenbelt, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to Ottawa,



     One 9.6 kbps digital



     Base Year                   $1,600*     $2,000

     Option Year 1                1,500

     Option Year 2                1,400

     Option Year 3                1,348

     Option Year 4                1,348

     Option Year 5                1,348

     Option Year 6                1,348



Facilities from Beltsville, MD

for the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Bridgetown, Barbados


     One 128 Kbps circuit

     Base Year                   $8,785**    $1,500

     Option Year 1                8,785

     Option Year 2                8,576

     Option Year 3                8,373

     Option Year 4                8,175


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with six (6) one-year options.


**   Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with four (4) one-year options.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities from Peterson AFB,

CO For the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Woomera, Australia                               


     One 19.2 Kbps duplex

     circuit                     $2,227.16*    $624.00



Facilities from Beltsville, MD

For the Establishment of a

Communications Path to

Trinidad, Bolivia                                


     One 64 Kbps circuit

     Base Year                   $4,060**   $10,000

     Option Year 1                3,910

     Option Year 2                3,410

     Option Year 3                2,910

     Option Year 4                2,760


*    Minimum service period of sixty (60) months applies.


**   Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with four (4) one-year options.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Beltsville,

MD For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To

Chisinau, Moldova


One 128 Kbps data circuit            

Base Year                      $17,331*     $7,500

Option Year 1                   12,170

Option Year 2                   12,170

Option Year 3                   12,170

Option Year 4                   12,170



Facilities From Beltsville,

MD For The Establishment Of A

Communications Path To

Minsk, Belarus


One 128 Kbps data circuit

Base Year                      $17,331*     $7,500

Option Year 1                   12,170

Option Year 2                   12,170

Option Year 3                   12,170

Option Year 4                   12,170


*    Minimum service period of twelve (12) months applies, with four (4) one-year options.


                               Monthly    Recurring Termination

                                Charge      Charge   Liability



Facilities From Andrews AFB,

MD For The Establishment Of

Communications Paths To:


Mildenhall, United Kingdom

     One 1.544 Mbps circuit     $53,792*      2,500


Pruem, Germany

     One 1.544 Mbps circuit     $45,809*      2,500


Stuttgart, Germany

     One 1.544 Mbps circuit     $45,809*      2,500


*    This rate applies for month-to-month service only.