Intrastate Long Distance Voice Services

Section IV.1:  Intrastate Long Distance Voice Services Access


1.1       Outbound Service


1.1.1    Dedicated Access/Termination


A.         Intrastate T‑1 Digital Access /Termination:  For Intrastate T‑1 Digital Access / Termination monthly and non-recurring charges in effect on the date of the invoice will apply.


In addition, a Customer may allow another Long Distance Voice Services Customer to terminate calls on the first Customer's network via dedicated access. This feature is available at the request of the Customer on whose network the calls are to terminate.  Such requests must be submitted to the Company in writing.  Other Customers authorized to make such calls must dial a private dialing plan number.


B.         Intrastate Analog Access /Termination:  For Intrastate Analog Access monthly and non-recurring charges in effect on the date of the invoice will apply.


1.1.2    Switched Access:  A $5 monthly minimum charge will apply to each Customer location using switched access.  The Customer will be charged the difference between the Customer’s actual usage charges (including surcharges) and $5 per location during each monthly billing period.  This charge does not apply to Customers who subscribe to Feature Option C-1.


 A.        Calling Card charges apply.


B.         Intrastate Toll Free Remote Access:  This feature is not available for Feature Option A.  Allows access to the Customer's network via a Customer-specific toll free number from anywhere within the same state. This feature is available for calling within the Customer’s private network, with both 7- and 10-digit dialing plans, via switched access only.  This feature is not available via Card Access.  Per-call surcharges apply in addition to applicable intrastate usage charges.


For Customers subscribing to Feature Option B, a $0.25 per call surcharge will apply to each intrastate Toll Free Remote Access call.


For Customers subscribing to Feature Option C-1, a $0.25 per call surcharge will apply to each intrastate Toll Free Remote Access call which originates over "Switched" facilities and terminates over "Switched" facilities.


For Customers subscribing to Feature Option C-1, a $0.15 per call surcharge will apply to each intrastate Toll Free Remote Access call which originates over “Switched” facilities and terminates over “Dedicated” facilities.


1.2       Inbound Service


1.2.1    Dedicated Access Termination


A.         Intrastate Analog Access charges apply.


B.         Intrastate T-1 Digital Access charges apply.


C.        Other Forms of Dedicated Access:  At the Customer’s request and where feasible, the Company may permit the Customer to obtain other forms of access to the Customer’s inbound service terminating location, or the Company may procure other forms of access to such location.  All applicable recurring and non‑recurring charges for such service will be calculated on an individual case basis, in accordance with the charges assessed by the Local Exchange Carrier or other access provider.  The installation and monthly charges for any interface equipment associated with such access that is provided by the Company shall be calculated on an individual case basis.  If the Company procures access for the Customer from the Local Exchange Carrier, the Customer’s use of such access shall be in conformity with the regulations and other terms and conditions under which the Local Exchange Carrier provides such access.


D.        A $100 per month service fee per service group for Dedicated Access Termination will apply.


1.2.2    Business Line Termination:  The following non-recurring and monthly recurring charges will apply for Business Line termination:







per service group




1.2.3    Additional Charges for Inbound Service Access:


A.         Special Access Surcharge:  The following Special Access Surcharges will apply for Dedicated Access Termination for inbound service.  It will apply only to Customers subscribing to Feature Option B and Feature Option C-2.  The Special Access Surcharge, imposed by the Local Exchange Carrier, will not apply to those Customers who furnish the Company with an Exemption Certificate.


A.1       Dedicated Access Termination:  The monthly charges for Special Access Surcharge for each voice grade equivalent channel will apply.


1.3       Access Term Discount Plan:  The following are available to Customers of Feature Option A only. Customers who order intrastate Dedicated Access Line Service from the Company or a Company affiliate may receive an Access Term Discount.  Any Customer who signs a new contract for intrastate Long Distance Voice Services Option A and has intrastate Dedicated Access Service provided by the Company will automatically receive the Access Term Discount Plan on all intrastate Dedicated Access circuits.  Any Customer who has not signed a Long Distance Voice Services Option A contract but has a contractual commitment to keeping its intrastate dedicated access circuits provided by the Company for at least 12 months will also receive the Access Term Discount Plan discounts on these circuits.


Other charges (e.g., Access Coordination, Central Office Connection, Network Connection, and non-recurring charges) described herein are not discountable under these plans.  For purposes of the Access Term Discount Plan, intrastate Dedicated Access Line Service only includes Intrastate Analog Access, Intrastate T-1 Digital Access, and Intrastate DSO (Hubless) Access.


1.3.1    Discounts:  The following discounts will apply to those Customers who have an Access Term Discount Plan on their dedicated access circuits.  The discount applies to the Local Access Channel Monthly Recurring Channel Charges only.


For Customers who have signed a Long Distance Voice Services Option A contract, the Term Commitment of the contract will determine the discount percentage to use. For Customers who have not signed a Long Distance Voice Services Option A contract but have a contractual commitment to keeping its dedicated access circuits provided by the Company or an affiliate of the Company for at least 12 months, the length of time the Customer is committed to its dedicated access continually being provided by the Company determines the discount percentage to use.


Term Commitment (Months)

Analog Local Access Discount

DS0 (Hubless) Local Access or DDS Local Access Discount

T-1 Digital Access Discount

12 to 23




24 to 35




36 to 47




48 to 59




60 or more