Archive: Exit Archive




1.1    Service Definition

1.2    Platforms

1.3    Standard Service Features

1.4    Descriptions of Features and Feature Packages


2.1    Interstate Services

2.2    International Services

2.3    LD Virtual VoIP Service

2.4    Switched Digital Services

2.5    Intrastate Inbound and Outbound Service







1.1      Service DefinitionLong Distance Voice Services enable Customer to make telephone calls beyond their local calling area.  Verizon offers several types of Long Distance Voice Services, including Interstate, International, LD Virtual VoIP, Switched Digital, and Intrastate.  Customers choose one of four Feature Options, which defines the Base Features included with that option and optional features. 


Feature Option A (formerly Feature Option 1).  Feature Option A (Option A) offers inbound and outbound service.

Feature Option B (formerly Feature Option 2).  Feature Option B (Option B) offers inbound and outbound service. 

Feature Option C-1 (formerly Feature Option 3A).  Feature Option C-1 (Option C-1) offers outbound service only and is characterized by a private dialing plan.

Feature Option C-2 (formerly Feature Option 3B).  Feature Option C-2 (Option C-2) offers inbound toll free service only. 


1.2      PlatformsThese terms apply to non-Optimized Long Distance Voice Services only. 


1.3      Standard Service Features.  Customers receive the Base Features associated with the Feature Options Customer selects, as reflected in the Feature Availability Table below.  Feature Options may be available either on a stand-alone basis or as part of a combined feature package.


Feature Availability Table.  For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:


a = A la carte

b = Base Features

c = Combined Feature Package

n/a = Not Available


Features Section Number


Option A

Option B

Option C-1

Option C-2


10/15 Digit Restrictions

no disponible



no disponible


800 MultiManager



no disponible



Account and Identification Supplementary Codes

no disponible





Accounting Codes





no disponible





no disponible

    Customer Verified


no disponible

no disponible

no disponible


Alternate Routing

no disponible


no disponible



Automatic Number Identification (ANI)



no disponible



Call Area Selection/Tailored Call Coverage



no disponible



Detalle de llamadas

no disponible





Card Access (Calling Card)

   Standard Card

no disponible

no disponible

no disponible

no disponible

   Chargeable Card

no disponible

no disponible

no disponible

no disponible


Calling Station Identification

no disponible



no disponible


Consolidated Billing






Cross Corporate Identification Routing

no disponible


no disponible



Custom Reporting

no disponible



no disponible


Customized Range Privileges

no disponible



no disponible


Day of Week Routing



no disponible



Day of Year/Holiday Routing



no disponible



Dialed Number ID Service (DNIS)



no disponible



Directed Billing

no disponible





Direct Termination Overflow (DTO)


no disponible

no disponible

no disponible


Disconnect Message Referral (DMR)

no disponible


no disponible



Electronic Billing



no disponible

no disponible


Exchange Routing

no disponible


no disponible



Extended Call Coverage



no disponible



Geographic/Point of Call Routing



no disponible



Global Inbound Service (GIS)

no disponible

no disponible

no disponible



Global Outbound Service (GOS)

no disponible

no disponible


no disponible


Hierarchy Billing




no disponible


Hosted Interactive Voice Response - Enhanced Call Routing (ECR)

no disponible


no disponible



Hosted Interactive Voice Response (Global ECR)

no disponible


no disponible



Hosted Voice Messaging Service (Voicemail)

no disponible

no disponible

no disponible

no disponible


ICT – Integrated Call Tree

no disponible

no disponible

no disponible



Instant/Virtual Ringdown

no disponible



no disponible


Integrated Network Management Services (INMS)

no disponible

no disponible

no disponible



Multiple Network Identification

no disponible

no disponible


no disponible


National Toll Free Listing



no disponible



National Unified Messaging Service (NUMS)






Network Call Redirect (NCR)

no disponible





Network Information Management System (NIMS) Access

no disponible

no disponible


no disponible


Percentage Allocation Routing



no disponible



Point of Origin Routing

no disponible

no disponible


no disponible


Private Dialing Plan

no disponible



no disponible


Quota Routing – Network Manager

no disponible


no disponible



Real Time Automatic Number Identification (ANI)


no disponible


no disponible


Remote Exchange/Virtual FX

no disponible



no disponible


Support Pin

no disponible


no disponible

no disponible


Time of Day/Time Interval Routing



no disponible



Toll Free Guardian Guarantee

no disponible


no disponible



Universal Range Privileges

no disponible

no disponible


no disponible


Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC)

Event Monitor

no disponible




Perspective Plus

no disponible




Network Manager

no disponible




Outbound Network Manager

no disponible




Traffic Monitoring

no disponible


no disponible


Traffic Reporting

no disponible


no disponible



Virtual Network Connection

no disponible



no disponible


1.4      Descriptions of Features and Feature Packages (both Base and non-Base).


1.4.1      10/15-Digit Restrictions.  Customer may specify individual 10- or 15-digit phone numbers to be blocked.

1.4.2      800 MultiManager.  This feature is available to Customers who split their toll free traffic between Verizon and other carriers.  It is available only on toll free numbers for which Verizon has been designated Resp Org, and for which complex routing records are utilized in the SMS/800 Database.  A complex routing record is an SMS/800 Customer record which contains multiple Inter Exchange Carriers.  With MultiManager, Verizon is the single point-of-contact for provisioning toll free service, trouble handling, disaster and contingency planning, SMS/800 Database support, and Multi-Carrier application planning and design.  Customers electing this feature will be entitled to capacity on Verizon network equal to up to twice the amount of traffic, measured in minutes of usage, reasonably forecasted by the Customer for that month.  (If no traffic forecast has been provided Verizon, then the Customer will be entitled to capacity on Verizon network equal to up to twice the amount of traffic, measured in minutes of usage, actually billed in the immediately preceding full month.)


1.4.3      Account and Identification Supplementary Codes.  Two types of supplementary codes are available for both Inbound Service and Outbound Service and they are subject to the Feature Option selected below: Identification (ID) Codes or Account Codes.  With both types of codes, calls cannot be completed without entry of the specified codes.  In addition, with ID codes, the calls are not completed until codes are verified for accuracy.  As an option, the Call Detail report can be sorted by Supplementary Codes.

·       Feature Option A:  Account and Identification Supplementary Codes are available for Feature Option A service Customers with Outbound Service.  Account codes are part of the basic feature package.  Verified and Customer Verified Accounting Codes and ID Codes are available on an a la carte basis.

·       Feature Option B: This feature is available as part of the Combined Feature Package.  Effective February 1, 2006 this feature will be sold on an a al carte basis.

·       Feature Option C-1:

§  ID Codes:  Dialed for calls to each dedicated access line group, Dial 1 telephone number (ANI) or Vnet 800 Remote Access Number equipped for such codes.  An ID Code may be dialed in combination with an Accounting Code as defined below.  Both the ID and Accounting Code may be of Customer-specified length, so long as the total number of digits of both does not exceed eleven.  If the dedicated access line group or ANI is equipped for the code(s), the Customer can select, on that line group or ANI, that either the codes must be dialed on all Voice Services calls, or must be dialed only for off-net 10-digit and off-net international calls.  Charges for ID Codes will not be pro-rated to accommodate less than a block increment of 100 codes.  ID Codes are available on an a la carte basis.


·       Account Codes:  Account Codes are not available for Feature Option C-1 service Customers.

·       Feature Option C-2:

§  ID Codes:  For ID Codes, codes are ordered in blocks of 100.  A Customer can order up to 90,000 blocks.  All ID Codes in a given block and all Account codes must be of the same length, and may be up to 11 digits. 

§  Account Codes:  Account Codes allow the Customer to track usage of its toll free number back to specified user codes and/or to limit use of its toll free number to only those dialing authorized codes.  This feature requires that additional digits be dialed after the regular 10-digit toll free number is dialed.  This feature applies only to calls carried on Verizon network.


1.4.4    Accounting Codes.


·       Non-verified.  A Customer can specify that non-verified Accounting Codes (up to 11 digits) are to be dialed from specific dedicated access groups, Dial "1" telephone numbers (ANIs) and Calling Cards.

·       Verified.  Provides a Customer with a means of restricting and itemizing calls, according to specific digits, designated by Verizon, that must be dialed at the end of a long distance number.  The length of the codes may vary from 2 to 6 digits.  Verified Accounting Codes may be verified against a specific list of valid numbers for call restriction and for cataloging by code the calls made.

·       Customer Verified.  Customer Verified Accounting Codes is available to Customers of Feature Option A and provides a Customer with a means of restricting and itemizing calls, according to specific digits, specified by the Customer, which must be dialed at the end of a long distance number.  The length of the codes may vary from 2 to 8 digits.  Customer Verified Accounting Codes may be verified against a specific list of valid numbers for call restriction and for cataloging by code the calls made.


1.4.5    Alternate Routing.  This feature allows the Customer to pre-define alternate routing arrangements that can be activated upon command in the event of a Customer emergency.  Up to 99 alternate plans per toll free number can be established.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.


1.4.6    Automatic Number Identification (ANI).  This feature allows an Inbound Service Customer to receive the working number of the calling party as part of the call setup.  The working telephone number is commonly referred to as Automatic Number Identification or ANI.  ANI is a subscription option available on both inband (Multi-Frequency (MF) and Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF)) and out‑of‑band (ISDN PRI) dedicated access lines.    ISDN ANI.  This feature allows an inbound service Customer to receive the ANI over the ISDN D-Channel and is available only with PRI access.


1.4.7    Call Area Selection/Tailored Call Coverage.  This feature allows the toll free service Customer to block calls from one or more specific originating areas at the domestic NPA or state level. 


1.4.8    Call Detail.  Individual call identification provided only when a call originates from a converted end office. 


1.4.9    Calling Station Identification.  This feature is provided in two formats:    Non‑ISDN Calling Station Identification.  This format allows the Customer to specify certain Dedicated Access Line (DAL) origination groups to transmit the originating station number to Verizon.    ISDN Calling Station Identification.  This format allows the Customer to receive and transmit the originating station number via the Primary Rate Interface (PRI).


1.4.10  Consolidated Billing.  Customer can elect to receive a single consolidated billing statement for all calls placed via Voice Services from all locations, including call detail on paper at the Customer’s option, or a location level invoice for each location.


1.4.11  Cross Corporate Identification Routing.  This feature permits a Customer‑of‑record of inbound service to request that Verizon route and terminate inbound traffic via any one or more of the toll free telephone numbers associated with the Customer‑of‑record's inbound service to any domestic or international location, irrespective of whether the location is associated with the inbound service Corporate ID assigned by Verizon to that Customer.  All locations at which inbound service calls are terminated under this feature must have associated with them an inbound service Corporate ID.  Verizon will deliver the invoice for traffic routed in this way to the billing address of the inbound service Corporate ID of the location at which calls are terminated, or to the Customer-of-record of the inbound service, whichever is specified by the Customer.  The non-billed party will be furnished with a call report summary showing all calls directed to terminating locations via this feature.  Unless otherwise specified, the Customer-of-record will be responsible to Verizon for payment of invoices for all calls terminated to those locations.  In the event the Customer of record designates the terminating location as the responsible party, the Corp ID assigned to the terminating location will be responsible to Verizon for payment of invoices for all calls terminating to that location.  The toll free number Customer-of-record may request optional monthly billing reports and/or optional monthly magnetic tapes.  The inbound service Customer‑of‑record requesting cross‑corporate ID routing will be responsible for any costs incurred by the including but not limited to, access and/or egress charges and any amounts Verizon may be required to pay third parties, as a result of any errors in the Customer’s orders directing the cross‑corporate ID routing.  All inbound features, with the exception of Direct Termination Overflow, can be used with Cross‑Corporate ID routing.  Cross Corporate ID billing to terminating locations is not available to Customers of ECR. 


1.4.12  Additional and Custom Reporting.  Custom Reporting, which is available to Customers receiving service under a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA), is a collection of reports which provide monthly data which permits the Customer to track, review, and analyze traffic to monitor contractual commitments and service usage.


1.4.13  Customized Range Privileges.  A Customer may specify the type of Long Distance Voice Services calls allowed for users on each Dedicated Access Line group, for each Long Distance Voice Services Calling Card authorization code, on each Dial "1" ANI, and for each ID Code.  For each Customized Range Privilege, the Customer defines the allowable state, area code, area code/exchange code combinations, and country code.


1.4.14  Day of Week Routing.  This feature allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on the particular day of the week.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for each day of the week, with a maximum of seven day types.  The Customer must have at least two locations for this routing feature to be applicable.


1.4.15  Day of Year/Holiday Routing.  This feature allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on a Customer‑specified holiday.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for up to 15 single‑day holidays and three ranges (composed of up to 10 consecutive days) for a total of 45 days in a one year period.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  The Customer must subscribe to Day of Week Routing in order to subscribe to this routing feature.


1.4.16  Dialed Number ID Service (DNIS).  This feature permits a Customer with multiple inbound service telephone numbers terminating in the same location to identify the specific toll free service telephone number which was dialed by the calling party.  DNIS is only available with Dedicated Access Line terminations equipped for this feature.  A Customer can request up to 1,500 DNIS designations per trunk group; above 1,500 designations, requests will be handled on an individual case basis.


1.4.17  Directed Billing     Directed Billing enables Customers to establish subaccounts on behalf of their employees, and to predetermine for which ANIs and/or Calling Cards charges will be billed to the Customer and for which ANIs and/or Calling Cards charges will be billed directly to those authorized users of the Customer’s service.  This billing option will apply only to employees of the Customer.  Employee subaccounts will be defined as one or more ANIs (for example, cellular ANIs or business lines at employees' homes) and/or one or more Calling Cards.  Customers may choose to have either all calls (regardless of termination) or all off-net (non-private dialing plan number) calls from designated ANIs or Calling Cards billed to the end user (employee of the Customer).     All usage for employees' Directed Billing calls, regardless of whether billed to the employee or the Customer, will count as Qualifying Volume for the Customer.  Usage volume billed to the Customer will count as Eligible Volume; usage volume billed to end users (employees) will not count as Eligible Volume.  Usage will be billed to the employee at standard Guide rates.  All calls are eligible for Time of Day discounts.     The Customer must verify to Verizon in writing, that Verizon is duly authorized to provide service for all employee subaccounts.  These employee subaccounts must be designated for inclusion by the Customer under the Directed Billing.  The Customer is responsible for designating the ANIs and Calling Cards that will be included on the network and for placing all service orders to add, delete, or change such ANIs or Calling Cards and/or to add, delete, or make changes to service for such ANIs or Calling Cards.  Each designated employee subaccount will be billed separately for its service.  The Customer will be responsible, without limitation, for payment of delinquent employee subaccounts.


1.4.18  Direct Termination Overflow (DTO).  Allows a Customer to redirect calls to Customer-pre-defined locations during busy network conditions by scheduling redirection of calls on up to seven trunk groups and one ANI.


1.4.19  Disconnect Message Referral (DMR).  This feature provides Customers who disconnect or change a toll free number with a recording that either informs callers that the toll free number has been disconnected, refers callers to a new number, or refers callers to a new number with an option to extend the caller to the specified destination.  This feature is designed solely to assist in call completion by means of call referral or routing and provides no media-related or other information or service.  The call may either terminate after the message announcement or proceed to another function. 


1.4.20  Electronic Billing.  The Electronic Billing feature allows a Customer to view, analyze and pay (via electronic funds transfer) the invoice from Verizon via the Internet.


1.4.21  Exchange Routing.  This feature allows the Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange that calls to a single toll free number placed from different routing groups will terminate at different locations.  A routing group can consist of any combination of domestic NPA/NXXs.  The service group to which calls from a particular originating routing group are to terminate need not be located in that originating routing group.


1.4.22  Extended Call Coverage.  This feature allows calls to originate from Canada. 


1.4.23  Geographic/Point of Call Routing.  This feature allows the Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange the calls to a single toll free service telephone number placed from different routing groups will terminate at different locations.  A routing group can consist of one or more valid Verizon international toll free countries, as well as any combination of domestic NPAs or states.  The combination of all domestic routing groups defined by the Customer must include the entire U.S.  Mainland, and any areas selected by Extended Call Coverage and should exclude any areas blocked by Tailored Call Coverage.  The service group to which calls from a particular originating routing group are to terminate need not be located in that originating routing group.


1.4.24  Global Inbound Service (GIS).  GIS is a facilities-based virtual private network (VPN) solution that employs Intelligent Network Call Processing (INCP) to provide inbound voice service originating in a country other than the U.S.  Access Methods  Customer may subscribe to one or more of the following five access methods available for call origination, subject to availability: Shared Cost, Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), National Freephone, International Toll-Free Service (ITFS), and Universal International Freephone Network (UIFN).  For call origination, ITFS makes available a different toll-free number in each country in which ITFS is available; UIFN makes available a single toll-free number covering all countries in which UIFN is available.  Shared Cost, PSTN and National Freephone are available for calls that are routed through Verizon’s GIS network from Verizon’s in-country switch (GIS Network Number calls).  ITFS and UIFN are available for non-GIS Network calls.  Non-GIS Network calls are directed to a switch located in the United States for routing instructions.  Such calls may terminate within the United States or outside of the United States using Verizon’s Global Business Line (Verizon network that supports international calls) provided that, with respect to calls terminated outside of the United States, such terminations are permitted by the originating country PTT.  GIS access methods are summarized in the following table:


Access Method

Caller Number Appearance


GIS Network Number


Shared Cost

Caller uses a number with a local appearance.


Caller uses a number with a local appearance.

National Freephone

Caller uses a toll-free number with a local or in-country appearance.

Non-GIS Network Number


International Toll-Free Service (ITFS)

Caller uses an in-country toll-free number.

Universal International Freephone Network (UIFN)

Caller uses an in-country toll-free number.


Effective February 14, 2014, purchase of Global Outbound Service will not be available to new customers.


1.4.25  Reserved.


1.4.26  Hierarchy Billing.  A Customer can specify invoicing at various levels of its organization for entities which it owns, franchises, or manages.  In addition, the Customer can also request reporting for various levels of the organization.  The Customer is responsible for designating the locations that will be included on the network for placing all service order adds, deletes, or changes.  Each location may be billed separately or in a designated combination.  The Customer will be responsible for remitting payment for usage charges associated with a particular location.  The Customer also remains responsible for all terms and conditions provided under this Guide.  A Customer can designate a maximum of 6,000 locations to receive separate invoices.


1.4.27  Hosted Interactive Voice Response - Enhanced Call Routing (ECR) – Feature Option B, Option C-1 and Option C-2 Customers.  ECR is a network‑based response capability which provides call routing features with Voice Services Toll Free service.  ECR includes the provision of a variety of reports, including incoming call, call disposition and call extension reports.  These “Standard Reports” include summary information and are each available in prescribed report-specific frequencies, including daily, weekly and/or monthly.  Standard Reports can be ordered individually and include:


·       Number of calls answered by Verizon’s enhanced call routing (ECR) platform;

·       Number of calls extended;

·       Duration of each call;

·       Identification of the toll-free number dialed;

·       How many extended calls were answered;

·       Number of busy signals;

·       Number of calls not answered.


ECR is available as ECR-Basic Service and ECR Advanced Service.  The latter is Enhanced Called Routing with the following available Advanced Services: HostConnect, Network Database and/or Automatic Speech Recognition.  ECR-Basic Service Features.  The following ECR features are available with ECR-Basic Service.  All other toll free service features used to establish the ECR features will be charged as applicable.


·       ECR Menu Routing.  This option prompts callers to enter a single touchtone digit in response to voice prompts which are considered part of the menu routing option.  The call then proceeds to another ECR feature or is extended to a final destination.

·       ECR Message Announcement.  This option plays prerecorded voice information referring callers to other numbers, explaining service conditions, or other information that a Customer desires to provide to callers.  The call may either terminate after the Message Announcement, or proceed to another ECR feature or extend to a final destination.

·       ECR Standard Database Routing.  This option prompts callers to enter touchtone digits in response to voice prompts.  Using these digits, or using automatic number identification (ANI), the call is then extended to a Customer location or to another ECR feature as defined in the ECR database.  The Customer is responsible for providing the database in a specified content.

·       ECR Busy/No Answer Rerouting (BNAR).  This option monitors and reroutes unanswered calls to alternative Customer locations or to another ECR function upon detection of busy or no answer conditions.

·       Caller Takeback/Giveback.  This option allows the caller (Takeback) or agent (Giveback) to enter a touch-tone command which causes the call to disconnect from the terminating location and reconnect to the ECR call application.  The caller or agent can then select other programmed options in response to voice prompts.

·       Takeback and Transfer (TNT): This option allows the called party to enter a touch-tone command, which places the caller on hold, and reroutes the call to another destination.  As an option, while the caller is on hold, the first called party can speak with the second called party at the new destination before the caller is connected to the second called party.

·       Announced Connect.  This option allows customized voice announcements or menu prompts to be provided to the terminating location before the caller is connected.  ECR Advanced Service Features.  The following ECR features are available with ECR Advanced Service.  All other toll free service features used to establish the ECR features will be charged as applicable.


·       ECR Menu Routing.  This option prompts callers to enter a single touchtone digit in response to voice prompts which are considered part of the menu routing option.  The call then proceeds to another ECR feature or is extended to a final destination.

·       ECR Message Announcement.  This option plays prerecorded voice information referring callers to other numbers, explaining service conditions, or other information that a Customer desires to provide to callers.  The call may either terminate after the Message Announcement, or proceed to another ECR feature or extend to a final destination.

·       ECR Standard Database Routing.  This option prompts callers to enter touchtone digits in response to voice prompts.  Using these digits, or using automatic number identification (ANI), the call is then extended to a Customer location or to another ECR feature as defined in the ECR database.  The Customer is responsible for providing the database in a specified content.

·       ECR Network Database Routing.  This option enables inbound calls to be routed automatically to the appropriate destination, based on information included in data fields for use by the call processing application.  Network Database Routing enables Customer to make real-time updates to its database records.  Using a touchtone phone, Customers can add, delete or change application database records such as personal identification numbers, account numbers, or zip codes.  Depending upon the applications requested by Customer, this option may require customized development.

·       ECR Host Connect Database Routing.  HostConnect provides communication between Verizons in-network interactive voice response (“IVR”) platforms and out-of-Verizon network Customer resources.  HostConnect enables Verizon’s hosted IVRs to retrieve and update data located on Customer’s host system (web service, website, database, mainframe, or API) via multiple protocols (ODBC, TN3270, XML, SOAP, HTML, and MQ).  Information retrieved from Customer’s system can be announced to the caller, and/or be used in subsequent routing of the call.  Depending upon the applications requested by Customer, this option may require customized development.

·       ECR Busy/No Answer Rerouting (BNAR).  This option monitors and reroutes unanswered calls to alternative Customer locations or to another ECR feature upon detection of busy or no answer conditions.

·       Caller Takeback/Giveback.  This option allows the caller (Takeback) or agent (Giveback) to enter a touch-tone command which causes the call to disconnect from the terminating location and reconnect to the ECR call application.  The caller/agent can then select other programmed options in response to voice prompts.

·       Takeback and Transfer (TNT).  This option allows the called party to enter a touch-tone command, which places the caller on hold, and reroutes the call to another destination.  As an option, while the caller is on hold, the first called party can speak with the second called party at the new destination before the caller is connected to the second called party.

·       Announced Connect.  This option allows customized voice announcements or menu prompts to be provided to the terminating location before the caller is connected.

·       Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).  ASR allows the caller to speak the option/menu choices they want, instead of using the push buttons on the phone.  Directed Dialog applications can support Yes/No prompts for a positive or negative response and recognize/process a string of up to 20 digits and a voice menu that supports a list of 20-25 menu items.  “Natural Language Speech Recognition” allows callers to speak in a more natural way to the application, with the application recognizing and processing full phrases.  Natural Language applications require custom development and a mutually-agreed statement of work.  ECR Terms and Conditions.


·       ECR-Basic Service Configuration Validation.  For each ECR-Basic Service ordered, Verizon will provide Customer with a period not to exceed 15 business days (the “Validation Period”) to examine Verizon’s implementation and inform Verizon if such implementation is consistent with Customer’s ordered configuration.  Verizon will adjust any inconsistency of which it is informed so that it is consistent with Customer’s ordered configuration.  After Verizon completes such adjustment and presents the adjusted implementation to Customer, the Validation Period will be extended 3 business days.  If Customer does not inform Verizon of any such inconsistency before the expiration of the Validation Period, the configuration implemented by Verizon shall be deemed to be final and Verizon will proceed to Service Activation (see below).

·       Service Activation Date/Service Commitment.

·       Service Activation Date.  The “Service Activation Date” for an ECR Service will be the date that Customer’s Verizon account team notifies Customer that the Service is available for Customer’s use in a production environment.  Customer will be charged for calls placed by or authorized by the Customer after an ECR Service is installed, including those placed prior to the Service Activation Date.

·       Service Commitment.  Customer will maintain any ECR Service for a minimum of one year from the Service Activation Date.

·       Early Termination.  In the event Customer terminates an ECR Service prior to the expiration of the one-year service commitment, or if Verizon terminates an ECR Service as a result of Customer's breach hereof, Customer shall pay to Verizon, in addition to accrued but unpaid charges, an amount equal to (i) Customer’s monthly recurring charges (at the one-year rate) multiplied by the number of months or partial months remaining in the applicable one-year service commitment at the time of termination, plus (ii) any third-party provider charges (e.g., local loop charges) incurred by Verizon as a result of such termination.  The termination liability for any partial month shall be calculated on a per diem basis.

·       Use of Sensitive Personal Information.  While ECR-Basic Service does not request personal information about individuals, it is possible for ECR-Basic Service customers to customize their ECR-Basic applications to collect this type of information (“Sensitive Personal Information” or “SPI”).  Verizon has implemented strategies within the ECR-Basic Service architecture that adhere to industry-standard security principles regarding the acquisition of SPI and protection against its unauthorized disclosure, but ECR-Basic Service does not provide for the encryption of SPI.  Accordingly, Verizon intends that SPI not be stored within the ECR-Basic Service platform.  To the extent Customer does store SPI within the ECR-Basic Service platform, Customer does so entirely at its own risk.

·       Facilities.  Customer is responsible for ensuring that equipment, software, wiring, power sources, telephone connections and/or communications services provided by Customer for use in conjunction with the ECR-Basic Service (“Facilities”) are compatible and continue to be compatible with Verizon's requirements.  Verizon is not responsible for the availability, capacity and/or condition of Facilities.  Also, Customer must purchase and maintain Verizon-provided toll-free service for use with the ECR-Basic Service.

·       Demarcation/Service-Affecting Activities.  The point at which a call is handed off by the ECR Service from Verizon network to the termination point at the Customer’s location is the “Demarcation Point.” Each party shall provide the other with reasonable notification of scheduled service-affecting activities on its side of the Demarcation Point.  Each party shall use reasonable efforts to perform scheduled service-affecting activities in off‑hours (from 6:00 p.m.  to 6:00 a.m.) after written notice to the other party.  The scheduled service-affecting activities may occur at other times only after written agreement by both parties on an individual case-by-case basis.  Nothing herein shall prevent Verizon from performing service-affecting activities without prior written agreement in the event of an emergency or other situation affecting service to Customer or other Verizon customers.

·       Customer Data.  Certain ECR Advanced applications will access data residing on the Customer’s network, typically via HTTPS.  Customer (and not Verizon) is responsible for taking any steps that may be required by law or otherwise to inform its customers that non-public and personal information will be accessed and made available to Verizon and to Customer for the limited purpose of providing the ECR Advanced Service and any relevant statements of work.  Further, the parties acknowledge and will comply with any regulatory, legislative, or contractual requirements (including cooperating with law enforcement authorities, and complying with all applicable data protection, privacy, and similar laws) arising from such access and availability.  Customer specifically acknowledges that Verizon is not liable for any use of the ECR Advanced Service by Customer in a manner that is inconsistent with legal requirements.


1.4.28  Hosted Interactive Voice Response – Global Enhanced Call Routing (Global ECR) Service.  Global ECR is a network‑based response capability which provides call routing options to Customers of Global Inbound Service (GIS).  GIS ECR is available only to Customers using GIS for voice transport. Routing Options.  The following Global ECR routing options are available.


·       Menu Routing.  Menu Routing prompts callers to enter a single touchtone digit in response to voice prompts which are considered part of the menu routing option.  The call then proceeds to another Global ECR routing option or is extended to a final destination.

·       Message Announcement.  Message Announcement plays prerecorded voice information referring callers to other numbers, explaining service conditions, or other information that a Customer desires to provide to callers.  The call may either terminate after the Message Announcement, or proceed to another Global ECR routing option or extend to a final destination.

·       Standard Database Routing.  Standard Database Routing prompts callers to enter touchtone digits in response to voice prompts.  Using these digits, or using automatic number identification (ANI), the call is then extended to a Cutomer location or to another ECR routing option as defined in the Global ECR database.  The Customer is responsible for providing the database in a specified content.

·       Advanced Database Routing.  In addition to all Standard Database Routing options, Advanced Database Routing provides call routing capabilities based on a defined schedule (day of week, time of day) or distributes calls randomly based on a specified percentage distribution between other Global ECR routing option s and/or multiple destinations.  In addition, this option includes the capability for Customer to update the content of their Global ECR database via touchtone interaction.

·       Busy/No Answer Rerouting (BNAR).  BNAR monitors and reroutes unanswered calls to alternative Customer locations or to another Global ECR routing option upon detection of busy or no answer conditions.

·       Caller Takeback.  Caller Takeback allows the caller to enter a touch-tone command which causes the call to disconnect from the terminating location and reconnect to the Global ECR call application.  The caller can then select other programmed options in response to voice prompts.

·       Takeback and Transfer (TNT).  TNT allows the called party to enter a touch-tone command, which places the caller on hold, and reroutes the call to another destination.  TNT offers three types of transfer: “Attended” where the call center agent introduces the caller to a second call center agent; “Unattended” where the first agent transfers a call directly to a second agent and hangs up; and “3-Way” where the first agent can bridge a second agent into a call and both can conduct a conversation with the caller.

·       Announced Connect.  Announced Connect allows customized voice announcements or menu prompts to be provided to the terminating location before the caller is connected.

·       Host Connect.  Allows the Global ECR Voice Response Unit (VRU) to exchange data with the Customers database, personal computer (PC) or mainframe system.

·       Automated Speech Recognition.  Allows callers to speak the option/menu choice they want, instead of using the telephone keypad.

·       Remote Audio Update.  Allows Customer to make real-time (within 15 minutes) updates to its audio messages that callers hear.  Using an assigned ID number and password, Customer can dial into its application message and modify and review it.  Supplemental Services.  The following ECR supplemental services are available upon Customer’s order:


·       Network Database Installation

·       Assistance with Database(s) Creation

·       Assistance with Database(s) Change

·       Assistance with ECR Change

·       Remote Audio Update Install

·       Foreign Language Recording Install or Change

·       Application Installation (installation of a customized call design)

·       Standard Database Change

·       Call Flow Logic change

·       Audio change

·       Host Connect New Development

·       Host Connect Application Change

·       Advanced Speech Development

·       Advanced Speech Application Change


1.4.29  Hosted Voice Messaging Service (Voicemail).  As of January 1, 2008, Hosted Voice Messaging Service (Voicemail) is no longer available to new Customers.


1.4.30  ICT – Integrated Call Tree.  This offering is available to Option C-2 Customers.  ICT completely integrates toll free and ECR features and functionality and makes them available in a single routing plan.  Customer may subscribe to ICT feature options via the Network Manager.  The following feature options are available.  Enhance Call Routing.


·       ICT Announced Connect.  This option allows customized voice announcements or menu prompts to be provided to the terminating location before the caller is connected.

·       ICT Busy/No Answer Rerouting (BNAR).  This option monitors and reroutes unanswered calls to alternative Customer locations or to another ICT function upon detection of busy or no answer conditions.

·       ICT Caller Takeback/Giveback.  This option allows the caller to enter a touch-tone command which causes the call to disconnect from the terminating location and access the ICT routing plan.  The caller can then select other programmed options.

·       ICT Menu Routing.  This option prompts callers to enter a single touchtone digit in response to voice prompts which are considered part of the menu routing option.  The call then proceeds to another ICT function or is extended to a final destination.

·       ICT Message Announcement.  This option plays prerecorded voice information referring callers to other numbers, explaining service conditions, or other information that a Customer desires to provide to callers.  The call may either terminate after the ICT Message Announcement, or proceed to another ICT function or extend to a final destination.

·       ICT Standard Database Routing.  This option prompts callers to enter touchtone digits in response to voice prompts.  Using these digits, or using automatic number identification (ANI), the call is then extended to a Customer location or to another ICT function as defined in the ICT database.  The Customer is responsible for defining and maintaining the ICT databases.

·       ICT Takeback and Transfer (TNT).  This option allows the called party to enter a touch-tone command, which places the caller on hold, and reroutes the call to another destination.  As an option, while the caller is on hold, the first called party can speak with the second called party at the new destination before the caller is connected to the second called party.  Toll Free.


·       ICT 800 MultiManager.  This feature is available to Customers who split their toll free traffic between Verizon and other carriers.  It is available only on toll free numbers for which Verizon has been designated Resp Org, and for which complex routing records are utilized in the SMS/800 Database.  A complex routing record is an SMS/800 Customer record which contains multiple Inter Exchange Carriers.  With 800 MultiManager, Verizon is the single point-of-contact for provisioning toll free service, trouble handling, disaster and contingency planning, SMS/800 Database support, and Multi-Carrier application planning and design.  Customers electing this feature will be entitled to capacity on Verizon network equal to up to twice the amount of traffic, measured in minutes of usage, reasonably forecasted by the Customer for that month.  (If no traffic forecast has been provided Verizon, then the Customer will be entitled to capacity on Verizon network equal to up to twice the amount of traffic, measured in minutes of usage, actually billed in the immediately preceding full month.) 

·       ICT Account and Identification Supplementary Codes.  Two types of supplementary codes are available: Identification (ID) Codes or Account Codes.  With both types of codes, calls cannot be completed without entry of the specified codes.  In addition, with ID codes, the calls are not completed until codes are verified for accuracy.  As an option, the Call Detail report can be sorted by Supplementary Codes.

·       ICT Alternate Routing.  Allows the Customer to pre-define alternate routing arrangements that can be activated upon command in the event of a Customer emergency.  Up to 99 alternate plans per toll free number can be established.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  Alternate Routing is not available in Super Routing Plans.

·       ICT Cross Corp.  This feature permits a Customer‑of‑record of inbound service to request that Verizon route and terminate inbound traffic via any one or more of the toll free telephone numbers associated with the Customer‑of‑record's inbound service to any domestic or international location, irrespective of whether the location is associated with the inbound service Corporate ID assigned by Verizon to that Customer.  All locations at which inbound service calls are terminated under this feature must have associated with them an inbound service Corporate ID.  Verizon will deliver the invoice for traffic routed in this way to the billing address of the inbound service Corporate ID of the location at which calls are terminated, or to the Customer-of-record of the inbound service, whichever is specified by the Customer.  The non-billed party will be furnished with a call report summary showing all calls directed to terminating locations via this feature.  Unless otherwise specified, the Customer-of-record will be responsible to Verizon for payment of invoices for all calls terminated to those locations.  In the event the Customer of record designates the terminating location as the responsible party, the Corp ID assigned to the terminating location will be responsible to Verizon for payment of invoices for all calls terminating to that location.  The toll free number Customer-of-record may request optional monthly billing reports and/or optional monthly magnetic tapes.  Charges generated as a result of cross‑corporate ID routed calls will be accumulated with charges to the inbound service Corporate ID of the billed party for the purpose of determining compliance with any minimum volume requirements and volume‑related discounts.  The inbound service Customer‑of‑record requesting cross‑corporate ID routing will be responsible for any costs incurred by the including but not limited to, access and/or egress charges and any amounts Verizon may be required to pay third parties, as a result of any errors in the Customer’s orders directing the cross‑corporate ID routing.

·       ICT Day of Week.  Allows Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on the particular day of the week.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for each day of the week, with a maximum of seven day types.  The Customer must have at least two locations for this routing feature to be applicable.

·       ICT Day of Year.  Allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on a Customer‑specified holiday.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for up to 15 single‑day holidays and three ranges (composed of up to 10 consecutive days) for a total of 45 days in a one year period.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.

·       ICT Dial Number ID Service (DNIS).  This feature permits a Customer with multiple inbound service telephone numbers terminating in the same location to identify the specific toll free service telephone number which was dialed by the calling party.  DNIS is only available with Dedicated Access Line terminations equipped for this feature.  A non-recurring installation charge applies.

·       ICT Disconnect Message Referral (DMR).  Provides Customers who disconnect or change an toll free number with a recording that either informs callers that the toll free number has been disconnected, refers callers to a new number, or refers callers to a new number with an option to extend the caller to the specified destination.  This feature is designed solely to assist in call completion by means of call referral or routing and provides no media-related or other information or service.  The call may either terminate after the message announcement or proceed to another function.  The following options are available:

§  Disconnect Message

§  DMR to a Verizon Number

§  DMR to a Non- Verizon Number

§  DMR to a Verizon Number

§  With Call Extension

§  DMR to a Non-Verizon

§  Number With Call Extension

·       ICT Exchange Routing.  Allows Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange that calls to a single toll free number placed from different routing groups will terminate at different locations.  A routing group can consist of any combination of domestic NPA/NXXs.  The service group to which calls from a particular originating routing group are to terminate need not be located in that originating routing group.

·       ICT Geographic/Point Call.  Allows Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange that calls to a single toll free service telephone number placed from different routing groups will terminate at different locations.  A routing group can consist of one or more valid Verizon international toll free countries, as well as any combination of domestic NPAs or states.  The combination of all domestic routing groups defined by the Customer must include the entire U.S. Mainland, and any areas selected by Extended Call Coverage and should exclude any areas blocked by Tailored Call Coverage.  The service group to which calls from a particular originating routing group are to terminate need not be located in that originating routing group.

·       ICT Network Call Redirect.  Allows a Customer to control potential congestion of calls by sending overflow calls to a pre‑determined alternate routing group (Dedicated Access Termination, Business Line Termination, or Switched WATS Termination) via a Customer-defined Routing Table when the intended call termination is busy.

·       ICT Network Manager.  This feature allows a Customer to access its Voice Services network through a software package which will allow the Customer to design, modify and implement Customer-specific toll free number routing plans and termination features.  Verizon will provide verification of permissible routings; however, Verizon is not responsible for any errors in call design, modification, or implementing of routing plans caused by the Customer’s use of Network Manager.  Customers who subscribe to Network Manager will not incur feature‑related change or cancellation charges.  A monthly recurring charge applies.

·       ICT Percentage Allocation.  Allows the Customer to route calls for each originating routing group, per toll free service number to two or more answering locations based upon a Customer‑designated percentage distribution.  The Customer must establish a call allocation pattern where each percentage is a whole number and the total allocation equals 100 percent.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  The Customer can define up to 99 allocation percentages per time slot.

·       ICT Real Time ANI.  Real Time ANI (RTANI) allows Customers to receive the telephone number of the calling party as a component of call setup.  ANIs can be transmitted via Multi-Frequency (MF), Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF), or ISDN PRI format.

·       ICT Tailored Call Coverage.  Allows the toll free service Customer to block calls from one or more specific originating areas at the domestic NPA or state level.

·       ICT Time of Day/Time Interval Routing.  Allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on the time of day.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for up to 48 time slots in a 24 hour day period.  The time slots must be defined in five minute increments or multiples thereof.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  ICT Function Charges.  The ICT function charge is based on the functions used on a particular call.  The function charge for functions used is applied once per call regardless of the number of times a function is actually used during the call, except that for calls using the Caller Takeback, TNT, and 3 Way TNT functions, the function charge is applied each time the function is used. 


1.4.31  Instant/Virtual Ringdown.  A Customer may designate a dedicated access line to have the capability to automatically dial another pre‑defined switched or dedicated location.  Dedicated access usage rates will apply to all calls using this feature.


1.4.32  Integrated Network Management Services (INMS).  INMS provides access to Verizon network to monitor, analyze and control Customer‑specific Verizon services.  Access is through a Customer provided workstation and a dedicated line connection.


1.4.33  Multiple Network Identification.  This feature allows the Customer to create a sub‑network, using unique 7‑digit and/or 10‑digit dialing plans.  Each sub‑network will be assigned a Network ID number and the Customer can define up to 98 different Network IDs.  The primary network will be defined as the first sub‑network. 


1.4.34  National Toll Free Listing.  Verizon will list Customer’s toll-free number(s) in the National Toll Free directory subject to the following terms and application of a monthly recurring charge and non-recurring installation and change charges, as applicable.


Feature Option

Monthly Recurring Charge


maximum of 3 listings per toll free number.

B and C-2

maximum of 10 listings per toll free number.



1.4.35  National Unified Messaging Service (NUMS).  The NUMS service description is located in the Internet, Enhanced and Other Non-Telecommunications Products and Services section.


1.4.36  Network Call Redirect (NCR).  Network Call Redirect allows Customer to control potential congestion of calls by sending overflow calls to a pre‑determined alternate routing group (Dedicated Access Termination, Business Line Termination, or Switched WATS Termination) via a Customer-defined Routing Table when the intended call termination is busy.


1.4.37  Network Information Management System (NIMS) Access.  Access to traffic and performance statistics from dedicated access locations, on a "next day" basis.  Access is through a Customer‑provided data terminal with either switched or dedicated line connection.


1.4.38  Percentage Allocation Routing.  Allows Customer to route calls for each originating routing group, per toll free service number to two or more answering locations based upon a Customer‑designated percentage distribution.  The Customer must establish a call allocation pattern where each percentage is a whole number and the total allocation equals 100 percent.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  The Customer can define up to 99 allocation percentages per time slot.


1.4.39  Point of Origin Routing.  Allows Customer to predetermine the terminating point for a call based on the originating point of the call.


1.4.40  Private Dialing Plan.  Voice Services Customers can define a private dialing plan for terminating calls as follows:


·       The 7-Digit Customer‑Defined Private Dialing Plan allows direct termination of calls dialed as 7-digit numbers to Customer locations.  When dialing locations reached via 10-digits or international numbers, the 7-digit Customer-Defined Private Dialing Plan converts the 7-digit number to the appropriate 10-digit or international number.

·       The 10‑Digit Private Dialing Plan allows for direct termination of calls which are dialed as international numbers in the format of 011 plus the Country Code plus the National Number.


1.4.41  Quota Routing – Network Manager.  The Quota Routing feature on Network Manager is based on Customer’s call center's (hereinafter, a “CCC”) routing rules.  The number of agents present or maximum number of calls to be received at a CCC is determined based on capacity tables that are predefined and populated by Customer for a particular day and hour.  A capacity table lists the agent staffing levels for a given CCC for intervals throughout the day.  For example, 0indicatesthe call center is closed, and an indication of a greater number of agents at a CCC allows for more calls to be routed to that CCC.  Each call center has capacity tables for each day of the week.  Parameters predefined either by Customer using the Network Manager application or by Verizon pursuant to Customer’s direction (via telephone or writing) will permit Quota Routing in any of the three variations set forth below.  Variations.


·       Pre-defined Allocations.  Calls are routed based on pre-defined allocations to CCCs (in percentages that add up to 100%) during a particular hour or during the course of a 24-hour period.

·       Maximum Calls Allowed.  Calls are routed based on pure load balancing between CCCs with respect to the maximum number of calls.  Each CCC can specify the maximum number of calls that are allowed within a specified timeframe (daily, hourly, etc.).  Once the maximum number is reached, calls are either re-routed to another specified CCC or a busy signal is given, as determined by Customer.

·       Most and Next Available Agent Routing.  Calls are routed based on pure load balancing between CCCs with respect to the maximum number of agents.  The call goes to the CCC with the most agents or next available agent, as predefined by Customer.


1.4.42  Real Time Automatic Number Identification (ANI).  Enables an Inbound Service Customer to have calls to a Verizon Toll-Free Service number forwarded to the Customer’s location with the caller’s ANI (ten digit billing telephone number) as part of the call set-up.


1.4.43  Remote Exchange/Virtual FX.  A Customer may establish a local number in a distant city that will be charged Voice Services Dedicated Access usage rates for all calls using the feature to reach the Customer’s designated terminating location.  A Remote Exchange feature charge will be assessed for each dedicated access line that is established with this feature.


1.4.44  Support PIN.  Support PIN offers a service by which Customers of inbound Voice Services service which terminates via T-1 Digital Access may receive calls from the Customer’s Designated End-Users.  Verizon will provide Support Pin Customers with a toll free number and 10- to 15-digit PIN code(s) to receive calls which are placed by the Customer’s Designated End-User(s) in locations in the U.S.  Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii.  PINs/Units.  Each Support Pin unit equals one minute of domestic calling time.  Support PIN unit charges are rounded to the next higher full minute.  PIN balances will be reduced and depleted based upon usage.  Verizon may permit Customers to add units (recharge) to unexpired PIN balances.  When a PIN balance of available time is depleted during a call, the call will be terminated unless, at the time of depletion, the Customer recharges the PIN balance.  The number of units per PIN will be determined at the time of the PIN is issued.  Other Provisions.  Activated Support Pin PINs are non‑refundable and will expire on the date specified at the time of issuance.


1.4.45  Time of Day/Time Interval Routing.  Allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on the time of day.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for up to 48 time slots in a 24 hour day period.  The time slots must be defined in five minute increments or multiples thereof.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.


1.4.46  Toll Free Guardian Guarantee.  Toll Free Guardian is available only on calls carried on Verizon network.  Toll Free Guardian guarantees the Customer to arrange an alternative routing arrangement for domestic inbound Voice Services service.  If a Voice Services Customer is unable to receive inbound calls for any reason, Verizon will, at the Customer’s option, provide one of the following services for the toll free number that has experienced the failure:


·       If the toll free number that is out of service is an 800 Business Line, Verizon will reroute traffic to another existing business line; or,

·       If the toll free number that is out of service is either an 800 Switched WATS Line or an 800 Dedicated Line, Verizon will reroute traffic to another existing 800 Business Line, 800 Switched WATS line or 800 Dedicated line; or,

·       If Customer does not have another existing toll free termination to accept calls from the affected service, Verizon will establish a new business line termination and reroute the affected service to this new temporary alternate line.  Customer must supply an existing phone number; or,

·       Regardless of the type of toll free line that is out of service, Verizon will reroute to a standardized prerecorded message explaining service conditions and requesting callers to call back later.  This feature is designed solely to explain service conditions and provides no media-related or other information or service.  Calls will terminate after the message.


Toll Free Guardian is available as part of the Feature Option B Combined Features Package and is a Base Feature of Option C-2.  Available Services.


·       Verizon Guardian Guarantee.  If a Customer's toll-free service fails for any reason, Verizon will provide back-up service or issue a credit equal to the monthly service charge.

·       One-Minute Guardian.  For Customer’s with Alternate Routing, Verizon will reroute toll-free calls to existing locations within one minute of customer notification.

·       Verizon Vision Guardian Select.  For Customer’s with Alternate Routing, Verizon will reroute groups of up to 250 different toll-free numbers to an existing location within five minutes of customer notification.

·       30 Minute Guardian.  Verizon will reroute toll-free calls within 30 minutes or less if the customer does not have Alternate Routing.


1.4.47  Universal Range Privileges.  A Customer can specify the type of Long Distance Voice Services calls allowable for users on each Dedicated Access Line group, for each Long Distance Voice Services Calling Card authorization code, each Dial "1" originating telephone number (ANI), and for each ID Code.  Range Privileges are defined as follows:





Local calls (No On-Net calls).


On-Net numbers (7, 10-digit, and Variable Length Private Dialing Plan numbers).


Range 1, plus 10-digit off-net numbers in the U.S.  (including AK and HI).


All ranges/all calls (On-Net Cards excludes high fraud international locations*).


Range 2, plus all North American Numbering Plan locations.  No 011+ calls.

Note: Option 2 customers are established with a Range Privilege of 2, and the Combined Feature Package is only invoked if that Range Privilege is changed. 


The domestic North American Number Plan locations are all locations in the U.S.  Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S.  Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI.


1.4.48  Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) is a suite of web-based applications that provides Customer access to a virtual communications center.  Event Monitor.  Event Monitor is an alarm and reporting tool.  The following monthly recurring charges apply per Authorized User (User) ID for the first five Users per billing identifier based on Package type.  Usage Tracking and Analysis.  Usage Tracking and Analysis (formerly MCI Perspective Plus) This feature provides monthly customized call traffic data allowing Customer to view its call traffic information, monitor usage, analyze traffic, summarize calls, and create customized call reports.  Network Manager (NM).  Available to Customers on Verizon networks referred to internally as “Option 2” and “Option 3,” Network Manager is a Web-based VEC application that gives Option 2 and Option 3 Customers a view of their toll-free network routing data as well as the capability to make quick changes to routing plans.  Customers can examine current routing plans and customize their features on a near real-time basis.  Thus, Customers can manage their toll-free network configurations by routing inbound traffic, enabling a quick response to disasters and changing business needs.  Network Manager also enables Customers to proactively build alternate plans and activate them in emergencies.  Toll Free Network Manager – Option 1 (TFNM Option 1).  Available only to Customers on Verizon network referred to internally as “Option 1,” TFNM Option 1 is a Web-based VEC application that gives Option 1 Customers a view of their toll-free network routing data as well as the capability to make quick changes to routing plans.  Customers can examine current routing plans and customize their features on a near real-time basis.  Thus, Customers can manage their toll-free network configurations by routing inbound traffic, enabling a quick response to disasters and changing business needs.  TFNM Option 1 also enables Customers to proactively build alternate plans and activate them in emergencies.  Outbound Network Manager (ONM).  Available to Customers on Verizon networks referred to internally as “Option 2”, “Option 3”, Vnet,” “networkMCI One,” and “MCI Vision,” ONM allows Customers to examine their configuration data and customize features on a near real-time basis.  ONM provides Customer the ability to view information about the current features selected for their network; schedule and implement changes to their database network (including, for example, canceling a lost or stolen calling card or addressing sudden changes in employee status); and add and maintain Users.  Traffic Monitor.  Traffic Monitor provides summary and call detail information on inbound numbers within one to thirty minutes (near real-time) after a call has completed.  Traffic Monitor is designed as an early warning system to help pinpoint critical information in order to make quick decisions to support Verizon’s Long Distance Voice Services inbound service.  Traffic Reporting.  Traffic Reporting offers a comprehensive suite of inbound summary and inbound and outbound call detail reports.  Traffic Reporting – Option 1.  Available only to Customers on Verizon network referred to internally as “Option 1,” Traffic Reporting Option 1 offers Customers access to a suite of inbound summary and inbound call detail reports. 


1.4.49  Virtual Network Connection.  This feature allows the Customer to originate calls on its network originating from the U.S.  Mainland, terminating them on virtual networks in the foreign countries listed below.  Customers selecting this feature must also order the appropriate virtual network service in each host country.  Feature Option B.  Effective February 1, 2006, this feature is no longer available to new Customers.  Feature Option C-1.  Customers subscribing to Feature Option C-1 may originate voice data calls via switched access and data calls via Switched Data at 56 kbps and 64 kbps terminating in the following countries.  Virtual Network Connection Feature Option C-1 is only available through Bell Canada.




2.1    Interstate Services


2.1.1    Interstate Outbound Voice Service


2.1.2    Interstate Inbound Voice Service


2.2    International Services


2.2.1    Outbound Service


2.2.2    International Directory Assistance


2.2.3    International Inbound (Toll Free) Voice Service


2.2.4    International Toll Free Services   International Inbound (Toll Free) Voice Service   Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN) Service   Global Business Line Toll Free Voice (GBL) Service


2.3    LD Virtual VoIP Service.  LD Virtual VoIP Service converts Outbound LD originated calls to IP by terminating them to the IP Trunking, IP Integrated Access, and Hosted IP Centrex Services.  The Service provides the ability to price outbound LD calls terminating to one of the IP Communications Access Services at unique rates through the use of the local call type with Outbound Long Distance.  It also supports a customer's migration from traditional Outbound Long Distance to Verizon's IP Communications Services by creating virtual LD sites that are part of a customer's IP voice network. 


2.4    Switched Digital ServicesSwitched Digital Service is not available to Feature Option A Customers


2.4.1 Switched Data Service.  Dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds of 56 kbps and 64 kbps and at speeds in multiples of 64 kbps.  Switched Data calls may not originate or terminate via dedicated access in Hawaii.  Calls in Alaska may terminate via switched access 56 kbps service only.


Domestic Switched Data 56 and 64 kbps service may be accessed using either:  T‑1 Digital Access Primary Rate Interface (PRI); PRI provided by a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC); LEC-provided Basic Rate Interface (BRI) access; Digital Data Service (DDS) local loops; or, LEC‑provided Switched Digital Access (SDA).  SDA access to Switched Data is available in selected locations.


Switched Digital Service at multiples of 64 kbps may be accessed through Verizon Primary Rate Interface (PRI) access lines, or LEC‑provided PRI.  Customer is responsible for obtaining the LEC‑provided PRI access line which connects Customer's premises to the LEC's central office.  Customer is billed directly by the LEC for this access type.  Switched services at multiples of 64 kbps require that T‑1 local access lines be equipped with B8ZS line coding from the LEC.    Domestic.


·       Outbound.  Switched Data offers dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds of 56 kbps and 64 kbps and at speeds in multiples of 64 kbps up to 1536 kbps between locations within the U.S.  Mainland and Hawaii.  Switched Data offers H0 and H11 services, which are dial‑up services for transmitting data at speeds of 384 kbps and 1536 kbps (equivalent to 6 x 64 kbps and 24 x 64 kbps, respectively). 

·       Inbound.  For Customers subscribing to Feature Option B and Feature Option C-2, Toll Free Digital Service (inbound) offers dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds of 56 kbps and 64 kbps and at speeds in multiples of 64 kbps, between locations in the U.S.  Mainland and Hawaii.  Dedicated Access termination is available only for calls that terminate in the U.S.  Mainland.    International.


·       Outbound.  For Customers subscribing to Feature Option B and/or Feature Option C-1, Switched Data offers international dial-up service for transmitting data at speeds of 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps that originates in the U.S.  Mainland and terminates in international locations.

·       Inbound.  For Customers subscribing to Feature Option B and/or Feature Option C-2, Switched Data offers inbound service transmitting data at speeds of 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps that originates in international locations and terminates in the U.S.  Mainland and Hawaii.


2.5    Intrastate Outbound and Inbound Service




3.1    Grandfathered Service.  Effective September 30, 2014, new or additional Calling Cards will not be available for purchase by new and existing customers. 


3.2    Special Customer Arrangements.  Long Distance Voice Services may not be included in a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) entered prior to October 15, 1998, unless Verizon expressly agrees to amend such SCA to include the Option. 


3.3    Discontinuance of Service.  Customers who discontinue Long Distance Voice Services service will be billed at their contract rates for a period of up to 30 days, after which they will be billed for any service usage at the standard Guide rates applicable to service.


3.4    Calculation of Charges.


3.4.1 Call Rounding.  Unless otherwise specified, calls are subject to the following rounding rules, on a per-call basis, for billing purposes:


Call Type

Initial Period

Additional Increments

Domestic Outbound Service (except Operator Assisted)

18 seconds

6 seconds

Domestic Outbound Service Operator Assisted

60 seconds

60 seconds

Outbound Service calls to Mexico and Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean Inmarsat Standard A Service locations (except Operator Assisted)

60 seconds

60 seconds

Outbound Service: International to all other locations (except Operator Assisted)

30 segundos

6 seconds

Outbound International Operator Assisted

60 seconds

60 seconds

Domestic (Toll Free) Inbound Service

18 seconds

6 seconds

International (Toll Free) Inbound Service

Feature Option 2 Customers

30 segundos

6 seconds

International (Toll Free) Inbound Service

Feature Option 3B Customers

18 seconds

6 seconds


3.4.2    Charge Rounding.  If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.


3.5    Toll-Free


3.5.1    Responsible Organization (Resp Org).  At the Customer’s request, Verizon will perform the function of a Resp Org, specifically: (1) searching for, and reserving, toll-free telephone numbers with the toll-free Service Management System (SMS/toll-free); (2) creating and maintaining toll-free telephone number Customer records with the SMS/toll-free; and (3) providing a single-point-of-contact for trouble reporting involving toll-free service.    In its capacity as Resp Org, Verizon will reserve, assign, activate or change, upon request, toll-free numbers for a Customer or prospective Customer, and will administer toll-free numbers in accordance with the rules of the Federal Communications Commission, customary industry standards and practices, the terms of this Guide, and the effective procedures of the SMS/toll-free.  Customers may request the reservation, assignment or activation of toll-free numbers on their own behalf, or a Customer which resells toll-free services may make such requests on behalf of its customers.  A Customer who resells toll-free services must provide to any of its customers or prospective customers, upon reasonable request, information concerning the status of a particular toll-free number(s) in which the customer or prospective customer has an interest and, if applicable, the identity of the Resp Org(s) for the toll-free number(s).  When a resale Customer decides (or learns of its customer’s decision) not to utilize the reserved, assigned or activated toll-free number, the Customer must notify Verizon within forty-eight hours so that Verizon can release the toll-free number into the pool of numbers available for assignment in accordance with industry standards and practices.    With respect to any claim that arises out of Verizon’s acting as a Resp Org or relates to Verizon’s provision of toll-free service, including without limitation toll-free Directory Assistance and toll-free service provided with a number or numbers other than the one(s) provided by Verizon to the Customer, the liability of Verizon is limited to the lesser of (a) the actual monetary damages incurred and proved by the Customer as the direct result of Verizon’s actions, or (b) $1,000.    A Customer of toll-free service is responsible for payment for all calls placed to or via the Customer’s service number(s).  This responsibility is not changed by virtue of any use, misuse, or abuse of the Customer’s service or interconnected Customer-provided system facilities or service, which use, misuse or abuse may be occasioned by third parties including, without limitation, the Customer’s employees and members of the public who dial the Customer’s toll-free service number(s) either by mistake or with the intent to abuse service.    If Customer accumulates more than $1,000 of undisputed Verizon toll-free service charges, Verizon may refuse to honor any Customer request for a Resp Org change until such undisputed charges are paid in full.


3.5.2    Use of Toll-Free Numbers.    Notwithstanding any other provision in this Guide, if Verizon determines that a toll-free number associated with service provided by Verizon is being used in violation of the requirements of this Guide, Verizon may terminate service immediately.  Contemporaneously with service termination, Verizon will notify the Customer by certified mail of the action it has taken and the reasons therefor.    If Verizon terminates toll-free service pursuant to Section 2.1 above, Verizon will retain control for four (4) months of all toll-free numbers associated with terminated service.  During the four-month period, Verizon will not transfer the number to any other Customer, will refuse to reconnect the number for the previous Customer, except upon direction from the Federal Communications Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction; will refuse to honor transfer of service arrangements between the disconnected Customer and any third party; and will refuse to honor any change of Resp Org forms issued by the terminated Customer.    If the Federal Communications Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction orders Verizon to return the number to the control of the terminated Customer, or if Verizon determines that its Guide requirements have not been violated, Verizon will reestablish service without charge to the Customer.  Verizon also will not impose any underutilization or other charge as a result of a service disconnection that is overruled by the Federal Communications Commission of a court of competent jurisdiction.    At the end of the four-month period, assuming there is no outstanding challenge to the actions of Verizon, Verizon will return control of the toll free number to the numbering authority for availability on a first-come, first-served basis pursuant to existing industry practices.    The termination of service by Verizon pursuant to this subsection does not relieve the Customer of any obligation to pay Verizon for charges due and owing for service furnished up to the time of service termination.  In the event service is terminated for cause and the Customer is committed to a term or other plan for which charges apply in the event of Customer termination for convenience, Verizon will charge, and the Customer will be obliged to pay, as though it had terminated service for its own convenience.


3.5.3    Answer Supervision.  A call begins when a call is terminated on or passes through Customer’s Premises equipment.  The Customer must provide answer supervision back to Verizon point of connection when the toll free service is connected to switching equipment or a Customer-provided communications system.  In such cases, the equipment or system must provide appropriate supervision so that the measure of chargeable time begins upon the delivery of the call to the customer's switching equipment or communications system and ends upon termination of the call.


3.5.4    Call Blocking.    Verizon, upon written Customer request, may institute (and subsequently remove) call blocking to the Customer’s toll-free telephone number(s) from certain countries, cities, NXX exchanges, or individual telephone stations in order to prevent the receipt of telephone calls made for the purpose of annoying, abusing, threatening or harassing any person at the called number.  Verizon reserves the right to limit the number of requests for toll-free call blocking per Customer.    Whenever call blocking occurs on lines presubscribed to Verizon, Customers or former Customers will be unable to make calls via any of Verizon’s Carrier Identification Codes (CICs) or those of its affiliates.  At the request of a private payphone owner, Verizon will arrange to block direct dial (i.e., completed without the assistance of an operator) calls made from a payphone to Puerto Rico and the U.S.  Virgin Islands and to all international locations, except Canada.  Verizon may refuse to accept calling or credit card, collect calling and/or third number calls which it determines are or may be fraudulent, or it may limit the use of these billing options to or from certain countries or areas, including all or part of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S.  Virgin Islands.


3.5.5    Number Information and Indemnification.  Verizon, upon written Customer request, may provide to Customer the following information: (i) the “NCS ID,” which is a 3-digit identifier of Verizon switch where an inbound toll free call first enters Verizon’s long distance network, and (ii) a list of area codes (NPAs) that map to each such switch.  To receive such information, Customer must have in place Verizon’s Hosted Intelligent Contact Routing—Integration Service.  Where provided, such information is offered on an as-is basis, without warranty of any kind or representation of accuracy or usefulness.  Verizon, in its sole discretion, may choose to delay or stop providing such information at any time.  Such information is deemed to be Verizon Confidential Information.  Customer is responsible entirely for its use of such information and will indemnify and hold Verizon harmless from any claims, losses or liability arising from its use of such information.


3.5.6    Automatic Number Identification.  Any Customer of Automatic Number Identification (ANI) or charge number services on calls may: (a) use the telephone number and billing information for billing and collection, routing, screening, and completion of the originating telephone subscriber's call or transaction, or for services directly related to the originating telephone subscriber's call or transaction; (b) not reuse or sell the telephone number or billing information without first notifying the originating telephone subscriber and obtaining the affirmative consent of such subscriber for such reuse or sale; and (c) not disclose, except as expressly permitted, any information derived from the Automatic Number Identification, or charge number service for any purpose other than performing the services or transactions that are the subject of the originating telephone subscriber's call; for ensuring network performance security and the effectiveness of call delivery; for compiling, using, and disclosing aggregate information; and for complying with applicable law or legal process.  These requirements are not intended to prevent a person to whom Automatic Number Identification or charge number services are provided from using the telephone number and billing information provided pursuant to such service, and any information derived from the Automatic Number Identification or charge number services, or from the analysis of the characteristics of a telecommunications transmission, to offer a product or service that is directly related to the products or services previously acquired by that Customer from such person.  Use of such information is subject to the requirements of 47 CFR Sec. 64.1200 and Sec. 64.1504(c).


3.5.7    Calling Party Number.  A Customer's calling party number (CPN) may be identified and disclosed to the called party.  This may be prevented if the Customer first dials *67 (or 1167 for rotary or pulse-dialing phones) to place a call.  Customers with per-line blocking first must dial *82 (or 1182 for rotary or pulse-dialing phones) to allow for the presentation of CPN to called parties.


3.5.8    No Property Right in Number/Changes.  Customer has no property right to any telephone number or any other designation associated with Services furnished by Verizon.  Verizon reserves the right to change such numbers or other designations, or the meaning associated with them, at its discretion.


3.5.9    Interconnection with Another Carrier.  Services may be interconnected with service(s) or facilities provided by another common carrier pursuant to the following conditions: (a) Interconnection may take place at a Verizon premise, at the premise of another common carrier, or at the premise of the Customer or its Authorized User.  Unless otherwise indicated, Service is not part of a joint undertaking between Verizon and any other common carrier or carriers; and (b) Any special facilities needed to achieve compatibility between Verizon’s Service and the service or facilities of another common carrier will be provided at the Customer's expense.  At the Customers request and upon appropriate authorization by the Customer, Verizon will undertake to make the necessary interconnection arrangements.  When Services of Verizon are interconnected with and/or terminated in any service and/or equipment of another common carrier, Customer shall comply with any applicable tariff regulations of and/or contractual obligations it has to the other common carrier.  Verizon is appointed Customer’s agent to arrange interconnection from Verizon's point of presence (POP) to the Customer's facilities, where necessary for Verizon to provide Service, unless otherwise specified.  Customer is responsible for payment of local access line charges for such interconnections secured on its behalf.  The rates charged for local access service are subject to change by the providers of such local access service.  Customer acknowledges that Verizon may rely on other carriers for installation and testing of local access lines.  Verizon is not liable for services and equipment not provided by Verizon.


3.5.10  Interconnection with Customer–Provided Systems or Facilities.  Services may be interconnected with Customer-provided systems or facilities (including equipment) provided by the Customer, an Authorized User, or their representative(s) pursuant to the following conditions: (a) Customer is responsible for the installation, operation and maintenance of Customer Equipment (including without limitation Terminal Equipment such as teleprinters, handsets or data sets), situated at a Customer Premises, at Customer’s expense, except as otherwise provided for in the Customer’s Signed Contract; and (b) the characteristics and performance of Customer Equipment to be interconnected with Service provided by Verizon must be and remain compliant with requirements imposed by the Federal Communications Commission, state commissions, and/or industry standards, as these may be modified from time to time.  Verizon is not responsible for the performance of Customer Equipment, including without limitation the through transmission of signals generated by Customer Equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission; the reception of signals by Customer Equipment; or network control signaling where such signaling is performed by network control signaling Customer Equipment.


3.5.11  Telephone Operator Services.  A Customer acquiring operator services which, in the ordinary course of its business, makes telephones available to the public or to transient users of its premises for placing interstate telephone calls must position on or near the telephone instrument, in plain view of consumers, the following information: (a) the name, address, and toll free telephone number of the provider of operator services; (b) a written disclosure that the rates for all operator assisted calls are available on request, and that a consumer has the right to obtain access to the interstate common carrier of his/her choice by contacting his/her preferred carrier for information on how to access that carrier's service using the telephone; and (c) the name and address of the Enforcement Division of the Common Carrier Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission, to which the consumer may direct complaints regarding operator services.  Also, the Customer must ensure that each of its telephones presubscribed to a provider of operator services allows the consumer to use toll-free and 950 access code numbers or any Carrier Identification Code (1010XXX) to obtain access to the provider of operator services desired by the consumer, and that no charge by such Customer to the consumer for using a toll-free or 950 access code number, or any other access code number, is greater than the amount the Customer charges for calls placed using the Customer's presubscribed provider of operator services.  Payment (on a location by location basis) of any compensation to the Customer, including commissions, will be withheld if Verizon reasonably believes that the Customer is blocking access to interstate common carriers in violation of this requirement and will not be made until such time as the blocking ceases.


3.5.12  Payment Terms.  Billing Increment.  The duration of a call or other billing unit is rated in the billing increments applicable to the service.  If the final interval of a call or other billing unit is less than the applicable billing increment, it will be rounded up to a full increment for purposes of billing.  Computed usage charges or credits for each call are rounded to the nearest cent (except as noted below for the minimum charge).  Billable time for switched telecommunications service is the duration of time between the called station answering and the called or calling station disconnecting, provided duration may be rounded in accordance with specific descriptions in this Guide.  Minimum Charge.  Verizon does not invoice charges in fractions of a cent; the minimum charge for any charge element is $ .01.  For example, if a Customer’s ECR platform or transport charge calculates to anything less than $.01 (e.g., $.004, each such charge will be billed at $.01).  Service Restoration Charge.  Verizon may charge a service restoration charge of $20 when service is restored after being blocked, suspended or cancelled.  Foreign Carrier Charges.  When a Customer opts for single-end billing of foreign carrier charges, the Customer is responsible for the charges billed for the entire network as if the service were provided domestically.  The Customer is also responsible for payment of any loss on foreign exchange arising in the process of converting a foreign carrier's charges to U.S.  dollars, or vice versa, in settlement of such carrier's charges and in collections from the Customer.  If the domestic Customer's correspondent in the foreign country placed the single-end order with the concurrence of the domestic Customer, the domestic Customer is liable for all the charges applicable to the domestic portion of the service, if the overseas Customer fails to make payment by the due date.  Bills rendered for these charges are due and payable under the terms of this Guide.  Unbillable Charges.  Calls may not be placed using a local exchange Verizon's calling card if that local exchange Verizon is not obligated to invoice such calls on Verizon's behalf, and calls may not be placed or received using 10-10XXX dialing or collect or third party calling conventions, e.g., 1-800-COLLECT, if the serving local exchange carrier is not obligated to provide billing name and address (BNA) information to Verizon in connection with such calls.  Applicable Local Exchange Carrier Terms.  The terms and conditions for billing, payment and collection, including without limitation, any late payment charge, specified in the applicable local exchange carrier’s tariff apply to charges of Verizon for which the local exchange carrier serves as the billing agent for Verizon or buys Verizon's accounts receivables.


3.5.13  Service Credits.  The following credits for service interruptions apply, except for Directory Assistance, and except as otherwise expressly provided for in this Guide or in a Signed Contract.  Usage-based Credits.  For services for which charges are specified on the basis of per minute of use, or on usage of a fraction of a minute, the following credits will be made for an interrupted call that can be remedied by re-dialing the called number.


·       Usage Charges.  A credit will be made for that portion of a call which is interrupted due to poor transmission (e.g.  noisy circuit), one way transmission (one party is unable to hear the other), or involuntary disconnection caused by deficiencies in service.  A Customer also may be granted a credit for reaching a wrong number.  To receive a credit, the Customer must notify his or her Customer Service Representative and furnish information, including the called number, the service subscribed to, the difficulty experienced, and the approximate time the call was placed.

·       Other Credits.  When a call is involuntarily disconnected, the Customer will be given a credit equivalent to the charge for the initial minute of the call made to re-establish communications with the other party.  When a domestic call has been interrupted by poor transmission or one way transmission, the Customer will be given a credit of the Customer’s choosing, either (a) $2.65 per reported call, or (b) an amount equal to the basic or standard charges for the reported call, up to a maximum of 30 minutes.  Where an international call has been interrupted by poor transmission or one way transmission, the Customer will be given a credit of the Customer’s choosing, either (a) $2.65 per reported call, or (b) an amount equal to the standard charges for one minute of usage to the country called.  A Customer who has reached a wrong number will be given a credit equal to the charge for the initial minute of the call to the wrong number, if he or she reports the situation promptly to a Customer Service Representative.  This credit is limited to $100 over a 12 month period.  Recurring Charge-based Credits.  For services for which charges are specified on the basis of a monthly recurring charge, the following credits will be made for service interruptions.


·       If service is interrupted for a period of less than 2 hours, no credit will be given.

·       When service is interrupted for a period between 2 and 24 hours, a credit will be given in an amount equal to one thirtieth (1/30) of the applicable monthly recurring service charge.

·       When service is interrupted for a period of more than 24 hours, a credit will be given in an amount equal to one thirtieth (1/30) of the applicable monthly recurring service charge for each 24 hour period or fraction thereof that service is interrupted.


Alternative Credit.  In lieu of the credits provided for in the previous three subsections, Verizon may apply a credit against usage or monthly recurring charges in an amount not to exceed $1,000 per Customer or account, per monthly billing period, whenever Verizon determines, in its sole discretion, that such a credit is warranted due to considerations involving the delivery of past service to the Customer or an account.


No Credit.  No credits will be given for interruptions: (a) caused by the act or omission of the Customer or an Authorized User; (b) due to the failure of power, equipment, systems, facilities or services not provided by Verizon; (c) during any period during which Verizon or its representatives are not afforded access to the premises where access lines or Verizon facilities associated with the Customer's or Authorized User’s service are located; (d) during any period when the Customer or an Authorized User has released service to Verizon or its representative for maintenance, service rearrangement, or the implementation of a Customer service order; (e) during any period when the Customer has chosen not to release service for testing or repair and the Customer continues to use service on an impaired basis; (f) due to network busy conditions; or (g) not reported to Verizon.  Terms.


·       Interruption Period.  An interruption period begins when Verizon receives notification that service has been interrupted and service has been released for testing and repair.  An interruption period ends when service is restored.  If the Customer reports that service has been interrupted, but refuses to release it for testing and repair, the service is deemed to be impaired, but not interrupted for crediting purposes.

·       Affected Service.  Only those segments of service actually affected by an interruption are considered in determining the credit amount.

·       Extent of Service.  For purposes of crediting, "service" includes facilities provided by Verizon and/or a participating international carrier or an overseas administration connecting with such international carrier.


3.5.14  Fraud.  Theft of Service.  Except with respect to usage involving the use, misuse or abuse of Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) interconnected with service, or as otherwise provided in this section or in any Signed Contract, Verizon will issue full credit for invoiced charges for Customer calls determined to the reasonable satisfaction of Verizon to have resulted from a “theft of service.” A “theft of service” is the unauthorized use of the Customer’s service following its theft by a third person over whom neither the Customer nor an Authorized User possesses an ability to control.  Under no circumstance will credit be issued for service use resulting from the acts or omissions of the Customer or any Authorized User, or from the acts of any of the Customer’s or Authorized User’s employees, former employees, agents, vendors or independent contractors.  To qualify for a credit, the Customer must: (1) notify Verizon in writing within ninety (90) days of the Customer’s receipt of the first invoice containing alleged unauthorized service use; and (2) co-operate fully with Verizon in connection with any investigation, prosecution or litigation arising from such theft of service.  The Customer’s written notification must identify with specificity the service use for which the Customer is seeking credit.  Remote Toll Fraud Program.  The Remote Toll Fraud Program provides the procedure required for Customer fraud credit requests and limits a qualifying Customer’s liability for verified Remote Toll Fraud usage charges.  For purposes of this Program, Remote Toll Fraud is defined as: (i) the placement of unauthorized outbound calls to international locations by using the Customer’s outbound international service; or (ii) unauthorized use of eligible toll-free service originating from a domestic location(s) and compromising certain CPE associated with the service(s) located in the United States.  The following terms and conditions apply to the Remote Toll Fraud Program:


To be eligible to receive benefits under this Program, Customer must:


·       provide Verizon with requested information concerning any password(s) used to access CPE involved in any suspected Remote Toll Fraud; (b) co-operate with Verizon in all efforts to identify, prevent or eliminate suspected or confirmed Remote Toll Fraud.  For purposes of notification, the Customer must furnish the designated Verizon Representative with: (i) the names of Customer personnel involved in the Program, including individuals capable of being contacted 24 hours per day, seven days per week; and (ii) Customer pager, cellular or off-hour telephone numbers.  This information must be furnished initially by the Customer and updated, as necessary, in order for the Customer to become, and remain, eligible to receive benefits under the Program;

·       provide follow up information regarding the nature of any potentially fraudulent usage within 48 hours of a Verizon notification to the Customer.  Provide Verizon with access to its CPE within 24 hours of a Verizon request, and the Customer must allow Verizon Representative to investigate the current and/or former CPE configuration.  Under no circumstance will the CPE configuration be, or be deemed to be, the responsibility of Verizon;

·       immediately notify Verizon whenever Remote Toll Fraud is suspected or detected, irrespective of whether other common carrier(s) are involved;

·       notify Verizon in writing within 60 days of receipt of the first Verizon invoice containing any suspected Remote Toll Fraud usage charges.  If the Customer fails to notify Verizon, all usage charges for which written notice has not been provided will not qualify as Remote Toll Fraud usage charges.  The Customer’s notice must establish with specificity (e.g., by way of call detail records) to the reasonable satisfaction of Verizon that the suspected usage charges are covered under the Program; and

·       notify Verizon in writing within 60 days of the end of the Remote Toll Fraud incident of the means by which the fraud occurred, if known, and the changes made to the Customer's CPE to prevent future Remote Toll Fraud.


3.5.15  Program Benefits and Other Program Conditions.  CPE eligible for participation in the Program is limited to a single Private Branch Exchange (PBX) or a single electronic key system located on Customer Premises within the United States.  Under no circumstance will the Program cover, nor will Remote Toll Fraud be defined to include, calls placed by wireless devices, dial-around (10-10-XXX) calls, Operator Service calls, toll-free or 900 pay-per-call traffic, or calls made through any non-Verizon conferencing service or Centrex system.  For each incident of Remote Toll Fraud, an eligible Customer will be liable to Verizon for the first $10,000 of Remote Toll Fraud usage charges for calls occurring prior to notification.  For purposes of this section notification is defined as (i) notice to the Customer from an authorized representative of Verizon’s Fraud Prevention organization or Account Team representative; or (ii) notice from the Customer to Verizon’s Fraud Prevention organization or Account Team representative of suspected remote access fraud.  An eligible Customer's pre-notification liability will not exceed $10,000 per Remote Toll Fraud incident, but the Customer will be liable to Verizon for all Remote Toll Fraud usage charges for calls occurring after notification is given by Verizon to the Customer or by the Customer to Verizon.  The $10,000 limitation of Customer liability will not apply to CPE for which a credit previously was given, or to any other CPE connected to CPE for which a credit previously was given, until a "30 day fraud-free period" has elapsed.  This period will be measured beginning with the date of the last fraudulent call of the last incident affecting the same CPE.  CPE not owned or leased by the Customer and not subject to the Customer’s direct control, whether on Customer Premises or elsewhere, is not eligible under the Program.  The Program will not cover any Remote Toll Fraud usage charges resulting from the negligent or intentional acts of the Customer, its employees, former employees, agents, vendors or independent contractors.


Credited Remote Toll Fraud usage charge amounts will be excluded from the ascertainment of volume/term discount levels and satisfaction of any applicable volume/revenue requirements.  With respect to any credit amount awarded to Customer under this Program, Verizon is subrogated to any and all rights of the Customer with respect to any associated claims against third parties (including, without limitation, any person who made the unauthorized calls resulting in the credit amount given).  Failure of the Customer to comply with any of its obligations under the Remote Toll Fraud Program will disqualify the Customer from current and future participation in the Program at all Customer locations.  Verizon may, but is not required to, advise Customer of abnormal calling patterns or other possible unauthorized use of facilities or Service assigned to the Customer.  Additionally, Verizon may, but is not required to, block calls on authorization codes which Verizon believes to be unauthorized or fraudulent.


3.5.16  Tariff Cancellation.  Customers with Term Contracts.  When any applicable tariff is canceled, a Customer with a term contract will receive service for the remainder of the term of service (and any additional option period(s)) pursuant to the provisions of the term contract, as supplemented by those in this Guide.  The Guide will replace the canceled tariff and will include product descriptions, definitions, prices and other applicable terms and conditions to replace those previously contained in the tariff and will be accessible by, and available to, the Customer on Verizon’s Internet web-site ( 24 hours per day, seven days a week.  If a canceled tariff was incorporated by reference into the Customer’s term contract, the replacement Guide likewise will be incorporated into the term contract.  Other Customers.  When any applicable tariff is canceled, a Customer without a term contract, or one that receives service pursuant to the tariff only, will receive service pursuant to this Guide.  The continued use of service by the Customer following tariff cancellation, or any modification made by Verizon to the Guide, will signify Customer acceptance of the product descriptions, definitions, prices and other terms and conditions contained in the Guide as of the time of service use.


3.5.17  Service Cancellation.  Service Cancellation Request Received From Local Exchange Carrier.  If Verizon cancels a Customer account or service at the request of the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) serving the Customer, but the Customer nevertheless continues to complete calls over Verizon's network by dialing 1+ or a Verizon CIC (e.g., 1010222), then, for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date Verizon first received the service cancellation request, the following provisions shall apply: Customers who had subscribed to Long Distance Options A, B, C-1, or C-2, will receive service under the terms and conditions, including rates and charges, set forth under the offering to which the customer subscribed at the time of cancellation under those services.  Service Cancellation or Change by Customer.  If a Customer cancels an order for service before service commences, or before completion of a minimum service period, or before completion of some other period mutually agreed to between the Customer and Verizon, the Customer will be billed and required to pay Verizon for its unrecovered and non-recoverable expenditures or liabilities incurred to establish, provide and terminate service for Customer, including without limitation termination charges paid to third parties, and all recurring charges identified in the Signed Contract.  Service Discontinuance by Foreign Carrier.  If Verizon receives a request for service discontinuance from a foreign carrier furnishing interconnected service to a Customer, but has not yet been notified of such discontinuance by the Customer, Verizon will contact the Customer and request a written confirmation of the intended discontinuance.  If the Customer does not furnish such written confirmation to Verizon within five business days, Verizon will discontinue service as requested by the foreign carrier.  If the Customer elects not to have the service discontinued, it must so indicate in writing within the specified five business day deadline and provide to Verizon with the lease number assigned to each circuit associated with service.  Change of Service.  When a change of service involves the continued use of service, installation charges will not apply to the service being continued in use.  The minimum service period for the service will be deemed to have begun on the date the original service was first available to the Customer.  Service Cancellation by Verizon.  Verizon may discontinue the furnishing of any and/or all service(s), or cancel a Customer’s service or Customer accounts, without incurring any liability:


·       Immediately, upon 7 days written notice to the Customer, if: (i) providing service would violate any applicable law, regulation, court order, or other legal authority; (ii) any sum owed by the Customer has not been paid within 30 days of the invoice date and remains unpaid during the 7 day period following the delivery of written notice of non-payment to the Customer; (iii) the Customer fails to comply with a request by Verizon for security for the payment of service; (iv) the Customer subscribes to a calling card service and has not used the service (with the exception of calls to Directory Assistance) for 180 days.  In such case, Verizon may deactivate the card.  If the Customer wishes to renew service (e.g., upon reopening its business), Verizon will promptly supply a new card; (v) the Customer has failed to fulfill a contractual commitment to pay for service previously furnished to the Customer; or (vi) the Customer is non-compliant with any other provision or requirement set forth in the Guide or in any contract between Verizon and the Customer.

·       Immediately, and without notice, if: (i) the Customer refuses to furnish information that: (1) is essential to Verizon or its billing agent to invoice service; or (2) pertains to the Customer's credit-worthiness, its past or current use of common carrier communications service, or its planned use of such service; (ii) the Customer has provided false information regarding the Customer's identity, address, credit-worthiness, past or current use of common carrier communications service, the planned use of service, or the Customer’s status under federal and/or state low income programs; (iii) the Customer either refuses to pay when billed for service or indicates to Verizon or an entity billing on Verizon’s behalf that it does not intend to pay for service; (iv) a Customer subscribed to a service accessed with an authorization code has not used the service (with the exception of calls to Directory Assistance) for 90 days.  In such case Verizon may deactivate the authorization code.  If the Customer wishes to renew service (e.g., upon reopening its business), Verizon will promptly supply a new authorization code.  This provision does not apply to Customers whose service is accessed by dialing “1+” into central offices where equal exchange access is available; (v) a Customer has not used a Service (of any type) for 12 months; (vi) the Customer or prospective Customer uses service to transmit or receive a message, locate a person, or otherwise give or obtain information without payment for service; (vii) the Customer uses, or attempts to use, service with the intent to avoid the payment, either in whole or in part, of the charges for the service by: (viii) using or attempting to use service by rearranging, tampering with, or making connections to service in an unauthorized manner; (ix) using tricks, schemes, false or invalid numbers, false credit devices, electronic devices; or any other fraudulent means or devices.  (x) the Customer uses service to entice callers to dial certain numbers and thereby incur charges without informing the callers that such charges will be incurred; (xi) the Customer previously was provided with notice of non-compliance with any provision in this Guide, took corrective action within the requisite 7 day period to comply with the provision, but thereafter engages in the same non-compliant activity; (xii) the Customer acts, or fails to act, in a manner that hinders or frustrates any investigation by Verizon or others having legal authority to investigate Customer compliance with this Guide or with the Customer’s other legal obligations; (xiii) the Customer fails to pass back to Verizon appropriate answer supervision so that a call can be billed; (xiv) the Customer is reselling service, having elected to use a Verizon CIC, but fails or refuses to indemnify Verizon for costs incurred by Verizon as the result of its use of a Verizon CIC; (xv) the Customer uses service for an unlawful purpose, or in a manner that interferes with service to other users; or (xvi) Verizon reasonably determines, in its sole judgment, that such action is necessary to prevent or protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or services.


Discontinuance or cancellation of service by Verizon will not relieve the Customer of any obligation to pay for service previously furnished to the Customer or for any termination or other charges.  Upon Verizon's discontinuance or cancellation of service to the Customer, all applicable charges, including termination charges, become due.  The remedies set forth above are in addition to all other remedies that may be available to Verizon at law or in equity or under any other provision of this Guide or a Signed Contract.


3.5.18  Restrictions.  976 Access: Access will not be provided to local 976 numbers.  International Callback: Service may not be used for international callback offerings using uncompleted call signaling to any country, when that country has prohibited such an offering by statute or regulatory decision.  Hoarding Prohibited.  Toll-free telephone numbers may not be hoarded, marketed or sold by Customers, except as permitted by the rules and policies of the Federal Communications Commission.  No Unlawful Use: Service may not be used for: (a) an unlawful purpose; or (b) making calls that employ automatic dialing devices and terminate into electronic Information Services, pay-per-call services, or other domestic or international audiotext services.


4.   FINANCIAL TERMS.  Customer will pay the charges for Long Distance Voice Services specified in the Agreement, and at the following URL: /business/service_guide/reg-20240801/long-distance-rates-charges-toc.htm 


5.   DEFINITIONS.  The following definitions apply to Long Distance Voice Services, in addition to the definitions identified in the Master Terms, and the administrative charge definitions at the following URL





A non-switched connection between a Customer Premises and an MCI Legacy Verizon Point of Presence (POP)

Local Network Connection

A switched connection between a Customer Premises and an MCI Legacy Verizon POP. 


A switched connection between a Customer Premises and a Verizon POP which is not provided by an MCI Legacy Verizon