Expired Promotions

(by tariff in which promotion was previously found)


2003 Instant Meeting Preferred Pricing Promotion

2005 Conferencing Introductory Offer Program Promotion

2005 Conferencing Introductory Offer Program Promotion Flat Rate Option

2005 Customized Net Conference No Set-Up Fee Promotion

2006 Conferencing Introductory Offer Program Promotion

2006 Conferencing Introductory Offer Program Promotion Flat Rate Option

2006 Conferencing Flat Rate Promotion

2006 Conferencing Tiered Rate Promotion

4th Quarter Instant Meeting Preferred Pricing Promotion

Across the USA Promotion

Add Reserved Net Conference to Premier Offer

Audioconferencing $25 New Leader Promotion

Audioconferencing Instant Meeting Free Trial Offer Promotion

Audioconferencing Introductory Large Call Promotion

Audioconferencing New Instant Meeting Preferred Pricing Promotion

Audioconferencing Instant Meeting Preferred Pricing Promotion 1

Audioconferencing Preferred Pricing Promotion

Automatic Ringdown (ARD) Fixed Rate Promotion

Before and After Promotion

Bundled Internet & LD Promotion

Business Solutions for Standard Frame Relay and Private IP Promotion I

Checkbook Promotion 2003

Competitive Voice Promotion

Competitive Voice 2 Promotion

Conferencing 3rd Month’s a Charm Offer

Conferencing Flat Rate Promotion - Offer VII.I

Conferencing Flat Rate Promotion - Offer VII.II

Conferencing Flat Rate Promotion - Offer VIII.I

Conferencing Saver Promotion - Offer VII.I

Conferencing SMB Saver Promotion - Offer VII.II

Conferencing Super Saver Promotion - Offer VII.I 

Conferencing Super Saver Promotion - Offer VII.II

Conferencing Tiered Rate Promotion - Offer VII.I

Conferencing Tiered Rate Promotion - Offer VII.II

Conferencing Tiered Rate Promotion - Offer VIII.I

Conferencing Saver Promotion - Offer VII.II

Conferencing Saver Plan A Promotion – Fall 2006 Offer

Conferencing Saver Plan A Promotion – Fall 2006 Offer

Conferencing Saver Plan B Promotion – Fall 2006 Offer

Conferencing Saver Plan C Promotion – Fall 2006 Offer

Conferencing Saver Plan A Promotion – Summer 2006 Offer

Conferencing Saver Plan B Promotion – Summer 2006 Offer

Conferencing Saver Plan C Promotion – Summer 2006 Offer

Conferencing Saver Plan A Promotion

Conferencing Saver Plan B Promotion

Conferencing Saver Plan C Promotion

Conferencing Introductory Offer Program Promotion

Conferencing Introductory Offer Program Promotion 2004

Conferencing Introductory Offer Program Promotion Flat Rate Option

Conferencing Term Plan G Promotion

Conferencing Term Plan H Promotion

Corporate Benefits Promotion

Customer Guarantee

D Street Free Month Promotion

D Street Local Loop Promotion

Digital Venture Program Promotion

Digital Ventures Domestic and International Frame Relay Master Pricing Plan Promotion

Digital Ventures Domestic Private Line Master Pricing Plan Promotion

Digital Ventures DS1 Access Pricing Plan Promotion

Digital Ventures Global Data Link Master Pricing Plan Promotion

Digital Ventures Master Pricing Plan Promotion

Digital Ventures Voice Master Pricing Plan Promotion

Double Your SLA Credits Promotion 

DS1 US Private Line Credit Promotion (1-Year Term)

DS1 US Private Line Credit Promotion (2-Year Term)

DS1 US Private Line Credit Promotion (3-Year Term)    

DS1 US Private Line Waiver of CPE Charge Promotion (2-Year Term)

DS1 US Private Line Waiver of CPE Charge Promotion (3+Year Term)

DS3 Access Regional Promotion

DSL Virtual Port Promotion III

DSL Integrated Promotion

E Promotion

Easy Extension Promotion 1

Easy Extension Promotion 2

Economy Frame Relay Promotion

Enterprise DSL Install and Maintenance Fee Charge Waiver Promotion

Ethernet Private Line (EPL) Metro Hot Spot Promotion

Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) – National Renewal Promotion

Express Rate International Inbound Promotion

Express Rate Promotion 2

Frame Relay – Domestic Port Credit Promotion

Frame Relay Bandwidth Upgrade Promotion

Frame Relay Dual Network Service Promotion IV

Frame Relay Fast Port Promotion

Frame Relay New Customer Installation Waiver 4E

Frame Relay Power Play Plus Promotion

Frame Relay Power Play Plus Even More Promotion

Frame Relay Power Play Plus More Promotion

Frame Relay Service Digital Venture Installation Waiver Promotion

Frame Relay Tip Off 2 Promotion

Frame Relay Tip Off 3 Promotion

Frame Relay Tip Off 4 Promotion

Frame Relay Upsize Promotion

Fund Promotion I

Fund Promotion II

Fund Promotion III

Fund Promotion – CPE, Professional & Security Services

General Installation Waiver Promotion

General Installation Waiver Promotion (v.2.0)

Global Data Link Promotion

Global Data Link Super Data Attack Promotion

Global Takeaway Promotion

Hot Summer Frame Relay DS1 Access Promotion

India International Fiber Private Line Promotion

India International Fiber Private Line Promotion 2

Install Waiver Promotion

International Local Network Termination Promotion 4

International Outbound One Region Promotion

International Outbound One World Promotion

International Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion

Instant Squared Promotion

Internet DSL and Local and Long Distance Promotion

Interstate PIC Fee Credit Promotion

Investment Plan Promotion Option 1

It's a Net Gain Promotion

IP Communications/Frame Relay Bandwidth Jump Promotion

LD and Local Online Free Month Promotion

LD Voice – Combo Benefit Promotion 

LD Voice Dedicated Origination Promotion for New Long Distance Customers

LD Voice – Inbound 60 Promotion

LD Voice – Interstate 30 Promotion   

LD Voice – Interstate Promotion for Small Business

LD Voice – Outbound 60 Promotion

LD Voice – Wireline to Wireless (Plan A)

LD Voice – Wireline to Wireless (Plan B)

LD Voice – Wireline to Wireless (Plan C)

LD Voice – Wireline to Wireless (Plan D)

LD Voice – Wireline to Wireless (Plan E)

LD Voice – Wireline to Wireless (Plan F) 

Lit Building Access Migration Promotion`

Lit Building Access Super Select Promotion

Lit Building Free Access Promotion

Local-to-Local Promotion

Local Top Ten Advantage Promotion

Long Distance Voice – Wireless Bonus Promotion

Loyal Customer Growth Promotion

Major Interstate Advantage Promotion

Major Interstate Advantage Enhanced Promotion

MCI Advantage Trial Promotion

MCI Affinity Promotion

MCI Affinity 2 Promotion

MCI Business Services 1 Flex T1 Promotion

Need for Speed - Global Data Link Promotion

New Customer Incentive Promotion (1 Year Term)

New Customer Incentive Promotion (2 Year Term)

New Customer Incentive Promotion (3+ Year Term)

New Service CPE Rebate Promotion – Fund Deposit (1 Year Minimum Term Agreement)

New Service CPE Rebate Promotion – Fund Deposit (2 Year Minimum Term Agreement)

New Service CPE Rebate Promotion – Fund Deposit (3 Year Minimum Term Agreement)

New Service Incentive Promotion

North America Promotion 13   

OCn US Private Line Promotion

OCn US Private Line Promotion - v2.0

Odyssey AC/COC Renewal Waiver Promotion

Odyssey Internet T3 Tiered Loop Promotion

Odyssey LIT Building DS3 Access Promotion

Odyssey Tiered Access Promotion

“On the Network” Lit Building Access Promotion

“On the Network” 2 Lit Building Access Promotion

“On the Network” 3 Lit Building Access Promotion

“On the Network” 4 Lit Building Access Promotion

On-Net Calling Card Promotion

On-Net Online Promotion

On-Net Online Promotion 2

Option RR Worldwide Promotion 13

Partner Marketing Promotion III

Partner Marketing Promotion IV

Partner Marketing Promotion V

Partner Marketing Promotion VI

Power Pak Promotion 2

Premier Audioconferencing $25 Customer Promotion

Premier Audioconferencing $250 Customer Promotion

Premier Audioconferencing $600 Customer Promotion

Premier Audioconferencing $800 Customer Promotion

Premier Audioconferencing Large Customer Call Promotion

Premier Call Test Promotion

Premier Event Offer 

Premium Atlantic Private Line (Global Data Link) Promotion

Premium Pacific Private Line (Global Data Link) Promotion

PRI BizPak Promotion

Private Line 2002 Interstate Promotion

Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion

Private Line Two Step IXC Promotion

Regional Frame Relay Promotion

“Reach the Network” Tiered Access Promotion

Regional Plus Frame Relay Promotion

Regional Plus Frame Relay and Private IP Promotion

Save Program

Six Month Trial Promotion

T1 Digital Access Digital Venture Installation Waiver Promotion

Test Drive Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 58 Promotion

Tiered Flat Rate DS3 US Private Line Promotion

Universal Lit Building Access Promotion

Universal Tiered Access Promotion

USPL Acquisition Gift Card Promotion 

U.S. Private Line DS3 Banded Mileage Promotion

U.S. Private Line DS3 Banded Mileage Promotion v2.0

Verizon Affinity 3 Promotion

Verizon Affinity 5 Promotion

Verizon Affinity 7 Promotion

Verizon Loyalty Plus Promotion II

Verizon Loyalty Plus Promotion III

Verizon Business Services No-Commit Option Promotion

Verizon Business Services II Flexible T1 Plus Promotion

Verizon New Customer Migration Promotion I

Verizon New Customer Migration Promotion II

Verizon New Customer Migration Promotion III

Verizon New Customer Migration Promotion IV

Verizon New Customer Migration Promotion V

Verizon New Customer Migration Promotion VI

Verizon Business Promotion for New Long Distance Customers

Videoconferencing Complimentary 2 Hour

Voice Discount Promotion

VoIP BizPak Promotion (16 Line HIPC Bundle – Single T1)

VoIP BizPak Promotion (16 Line IPIA Bundle – Single T1)

VoIP BizPak Promotion (24 Line HIPC Bundle – 2xT1)

VoIP BizPak Promotion (24 Line HIPC Bundle – Single T1)

VoIP BizPak Promotion (24 Line IPIA Bundle – 2xT1)

VoIP BizPak Promotion (24 Line IPIA Bundle – Single T1)

VoIP Conferencing Add On Promotion

WorldCom On Net Voice Services Worldwide Promotion

WorldWide Data Attack for Global Data Link Promotion

WorldWide Data Attack for International Frame Relay Promotion



Videoconferencing Currency Off Promotion


MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1


MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 6


MCI WorldCom Network Service, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 7


WorldCom Network Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1


WorldCom Network Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 4


WorldCom Network Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 5


WorldCom Network Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 9


WorldCom Network Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 10


WorldCom Network Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 11


WorldCom Technologies, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1