Internet Dedicated Bundled PPO T1 Select I Promotion




·                     A flat monthly rate specified by Customer’s written agreement with the Company applies to Internet Dedicated Services Price Protected T1 Service with T-1 Digital Access (T-1) local access service provided by a MCI Legacy Company based on term of service for Customers who subscribe to Internet Dedicated Services Price Protected T1 Service under this promotion for Customer sites in the following NPA-NXX locations:


NPA-NXX locations;




·                     Waiver of installation charges for the T-1 local access loop circuits and Internet Dedicated Services Price Protected T1 ports.


Eligibility:  Customer must:


            enroll between July 18, 2005 and June 30, 2006; and,


            receive service under a term of service which equals or exceeds one year.


Condiciones:  Customers receiving the benefits of this promotion who terminate service prior to the expiration of the term of service will be billed and required to repay a pro-rated amount of such benefits as described in the Customer’s written agreement with the Company.  The provider for the local access loop will be determined by Company in its sole discretion.