Method of Calculation of Intercity Mileage for Metered Use Service


The airline mileage between two cities can be calculated using the Vertical (V) and Horizontal (H) Coordinates as obtained by reference to AT&T's Tariff F.C.C. No. 10 according to the following methods:


To determine the mileage between any two cities proceed as follows:


1.         Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates of the two cities.  Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinate and the "H" coordinates.


            Note:   The difference is always obtained by subtracting the smaller coordinate from the larger coordinate for both V and H.


2.         Divide each of the differences obtained in 1 by three, rounding each quotient to the nearer integer.


3.         Square these two integers and add the two squares.  If the sum of the squares is greater than 1777, divide the integers obtained in 2 by three, and repeat step 3.  Repeat this process until the sum of the squares obtained in 3 is less than 1778.


4.         The number of successive divisions by three in steps 2 and 3 determine the value of "N".  Multiply the final sum of the two squares obtained in step 3 by the multiplier specified in the following table for this value of "N" proceeding:


                                    No                     Multiplier                     Minimum Rate Mileage


                                    1                           0.9                                      ‑

                                    2                           8.1                                  41

                                    3                         72.9                                121

                                    4                       656.1                                361

                                    5                   5,904.9                             1,081

                                    6                 53,144.1                             3,241


5.         Obtain square root of product in 4 and, with any resulting fraction, round up to next higher integer. This is the rate mileage except that when the mileage so obtained is less than the minimum rate mileage shown in 4, preceding, the minimum rate mileage corresponding to the "N" value is applicable.




The rate mileage between New York, New York and Chicago, Illinois is calculated as follows:


 V                       H 


(a)       New York                       4997               1406

            Chicago                        5986               3426

(b)       difference                       989               2020


(c1)     divide each difference by three and round to nearer integer, 330 and 673 in this example


(d1)     square integers and add,                                  330 x 330 =   108,900

                                                                                         673 x 673 =   452,929

sum of squared integers                                                           561,829


sum of squared integers is greater than 1777, so divide integers in (c1) by three and repeat (d1)


(c2)     divide integers in C1) by three and rounding = 110 and 224


(d2)     square integers and add,                                  110 x 110 =   12,100

                                                                                         224 x 224 =   50,176

sum of squared integers                                                           62,276


sum of squared integers is greater than 1777, so divide integers in (c2) by three and repeat (d2)


(c3)     divide integers in (c2) by three and rounding = 37 and 75


(d3)     square integers and add,                                    37 x  37 =    1,369

                                                                                            75 x  75 =    5,625

sum of squared integers                                                           6,994


This sum of squared integers is greater than 1777, so divide integers in (c3) by three and repeat (d3)


(c4)       divide integers in (c3) by three and rounding = 12 and 25


(d4)     square integers and add,                                    12 x  12 =    144

                                                                                            25 x  25 =    625

sum of squared integers                                                           769


This sum of squared integers is less than 1778 and was obtained after four successive divisions by three, therefore, "N" = 4.


(e)       Multiply final sum of squared                                                    769

            integers by factor 656.1                                                      x     656.1

(corresponding to "N" = 4)                                                 =     504,540.9


(f)         Square root of 504,540.9 = 710 and a fraction, which is rounded up to 711 miles (fractional miles are considered full miles).  The 711 miles is larger than the minimum of 361 miles applicable when "N" = 4, so the rate mileage is 711 miles.




LOCATION                            V                     H 


Honolulu, HI                      11592             15609


(All other V and H Coordinates shall be obtained by reference to AT&T's Tariff FCC No. 10.)