.34       Option FF (CFRS)


            CFRS is a packet data service accessible at speeds of up to 1.920 Mbps at domestic locations and 2048 kbps at international locations, which provides customers with a capability to connect locations via Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) for data transmission.  Service elements for CFRS are access facilities, ports, and PVCs, as specified below.  The minimum service requirement for CFRS is one year.


            In addition to other service-related charges under this option, FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.


            .341     Access:


            .3411   Domestic:  Access to CFRS Service can be made using one of the following methods provided by either Company or a local exchange carrier.  For each access facility used, one port is required.  For each port used, the speed selected must be equal to or greater than the PVC speed for each PVC connected to the port.


                                    •           56/64 kbps Hubless Digital Access, as described in Section C-2.0271;


                                    •           56 kbps DDS Access, as described in Section C-2.0231;


                                    •           T-1 Digital Access (including Fractional T-1 Access options), as described in Section C‑2.0221;


                                    •           Digital Private Line Inter-Office Service at speeds of multiples of 56 or 64 kbps, as described in Section C-2.02731; and,


                                    •           Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access, as described in Section C‑2.05.


                                    The respective rates in the above-cited Sections apply for access facilities.


            .342     Ports:  A frame relay port connection provides the physical interface into the network and provides the logical termination of PVCs assigned to a port.  Port capacity or speed represents the highest attainable data rate into or out of the location at any point in time.


                        .3421   Domestic:


                                    .34211             Non-Recurring Charges:  A non-recurring charge of $300 each for installation, de-installation, and reconfiguration per port applies.


                                    .34212             Monthly Recurring Charges:  The following monthly recurring charges apply per port.  The charges are determined based upon the port speed.


                                                                  Speed (kbps)                           Monthly Recurring


                                                                          56/64                                     $    424

                                                                        128                                                635

                                                                        256                                              1059

                                                                        384                                              1271

                                                                        512                                              1482

                                                                        786                                              1906

                                                                      1024                                              2329

                                                                      1536                                              3176

                                                                      1920  1                                           4024


                                        1           Subject to availability.



            .343     Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs):  A PVC is a logical customer dedicated communications path between two port connections.  Each PVC is assigned a committed information rate (CIR), which is the average minimum data rate the network will allocate to the PVC under normal operating conditions.  The data transmission rate for a PVC can be greater than the CIR when excess capacity is available on the port and on the network.  When this excess capacity exists, an average data rate above the CIR may be achieved up to the port capacity.  Data sent across a virtual connection in excess of that connection’s CIR will be marked by the network as being discard eligible (DE) in the event of network congestion, and will be delivered only if the instantaneous demand for output on a transmission channel is equal to or less than the capacity of the queue for that channel.


                        PVCs are simplex (one-directional).  Duplex (two-way) traffic requires the use of two PVCs; however, it is not required that they be of equal speeds.


                        .3431   Domestic:


                                    .34311 Non-Recurring Charges: No non-recurring charges apply.


                                    .34312 Monthly Recurring Charges: The following monthly recurring charges apply per PVC.  The charges are determined based upon the Committed Information Rate.


                                                                        CIR (kbps)                         Monthly Recurring


                                                                            4                                          $        0

                                                                            8                                                    0

                                                                          16                                                    0

                                                                          24                                                    0

                                                                          32                                                    0

                                                                          48                                                    0

                                                                          56                                                    0

                                                                          64                                                    0

                                                                          96                                                    0

                                                                        128                                                    0

                                                                        256                                                    0

                                                                        512                                                    0


                        .3432   International: The total aggregate band width of all international simplex PVCs defined on a port must be between 25 and 200 percent, inclusive, of the port speed.


                                                .34321 Non-Recurring Charges:  No non-recurring charges apply.


                                                .34322 Recurring Charges: The following monthly recurring charges apply per PVC.  The charges are determined based upon the Committed Information Rate.



                                      CIR (kbps)                      Band A            Band B            Band C Band D


                                              4                              $  7                $  84               $ 249        $ 288

                                              8                                13                  133                  298           463

                                            16                                25                  186                  486           648

                                            24                                35                  247                  740           901

                                            32                                46                  304                  919         1110

                                            48                                65                  408                1222         1500

                                            64                                82                  507                1518         1850

                                            96                              110                  673                2013         2446

                                          128                              139                  810                2428         2960

                                          192                              187                1092                3369         4053

                                          256                              243                1414                4236         5162

                                          384                              339                2121                6354         7744

                                          512                              447                2827                8472       10324



                                      CIR (kbps)                      Band E            Band F            Band G Band H


                                              4                          $  338              $  527               $ 599        $ 655

                                              8                              541                  842                  959         1048

                                            16                              756                1233                1341         1467

                                            24                            1055                1509                1812         1982

                                            32                            1298                1672                2161         2364

                                            48                            1756                2449                2931         3207

                                            64                            2164                3167                3602         3940

                                            96                            2863                4246                4827         5282

                                          128                            3461                5230                5946         6506

                                          192                            4739                6900                7844         8584

                                          256                            5909               8936              10160       11118

                                          384                            8863              13404              15241       16675

                                          512                          11817              17874              20320       22234


                                    BAND A ‑        Canada


                                    BAND B ‑        Mexico


                                    BAND C ‑        United Kingdom


                                    BAND D -        Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden


                                    BAND E ‑        Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Switzerland


                                    BAND F ‑         Australia, Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan


                                    BAND G -        Colombia, Malaysia, South Africa, Venezuela


                                    BAND H -        Indonesia


            .344     CFRS Network Pricing Plans (CNPP):  CFRS Network Pricing Plans are pricing plans available at a customer's option and, when selected, will be provided in lieu of all other tariffed term plans other than Access Pricing Plans.  Customers who elect to enroll in a CNPP are subject to the following conditions:


                        .3441   Term Commitment:  A customer must commit to a Term of Service of either one, two, or three years.  The term of the CNPP will commence on the first day of the first full calendar month following Company’s acceptance of the customer's enrollment in the CNPP.  At any time in a multi-year agreement, the customer may elect to increase its volume commitment.  The terms and conditions at the new higher volume commitment level will then apply.  Upon expiration of the term, the customer will automatically be enrolled in a new one-year CNPP, unless the customer otherwise specifies to Company in writing, which notice must be received by Company no less than thirty days prior to the expiration of the original CNPP.  Upon expiration of the renewal period, the customer will receive standard undiscounted tariffed rates for CFRS until the customer provides Company with at least 30 days written notice of intent to terminate service.  The term of an associated Access Pricing Plan (APP) will be independent of the CNPP term.


                        .3442   Volume Commitment:  A customer must commit to a Monthly Minimum of either $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000, $75,000 or $100,000.  The Monthly Minimum includes recurring charges for ports and PVCs only.  Taxes, tax-related surcharges, access charges, access coordination charges, network management, and charges for non-tariffed services and products will not be included in determining if the Monthly Minimum has been satisfied.


                        .3443   Underutilization Charges:  Beginning in the fourth full month after CNPP term commencement, if a customer does not satisfy its Monthly Minimum, the customer must pay the difference between the selected Monthly Minimum amount and the customer's actual recurring PVC and port charges.


                        .3444   Early Termination Charges:  Discontinuance of service prior to the expiration of the committed term constitutes discontinuance of the CNPP, except as noted below, and the customer will be billed and required to repay CNPP discounts received through the date of termination, in accordance with the following schedule:


                                                Committed Term         Year of Term               Percent of Discounts


                                                          3                                  1                                    100%

                                                                                              2                                      75

                                                                                              3                                      50


                                                          2                                  1                                    100%

                                                                                              2                                      50


                                                          1                                  1                                    100%


                                    Early termination charges will not apply if the customer enrolls in a new CFRS CNPP with an equal or greater term and/or volume commitment.  In such a case, the original CNPP will terminate on the start date of the new CNPP or SCA.


                        .3445   Discounts:  The following discounts apply to monthly recurring PVC and port charges for all service elements (excluding charges for network management, access, access coordination, non-tariffed services and products, taxes or associated surcharges).


                                                Monthly                                                Term of Service                   

                                                Mínima                           1 Year             2 Years            3 Years


                                                $5,000                                4%                   6%                   8%

                                                $10,000                               6                      8                    10

                                                $25,000                               8                    10                    12

                                                $50,000                             10                    12                    14

                                                $75,000                             12                    14                    16

                                                $100,000                             14                    16                    18


.345     Availability: Tariffed CFRS service elements may not be available at or between all service points.