.40         Option LL (MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service)


                              MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service is an inbound and outbound voice and data telecommunications service that permits calling from stations in diverse geographical service areas within the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI, and Canada to a station at one location, or to a set of up to three stations at more than one location in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI and/or international locations, based upon pre-established priorities as provided below.  


                              Two methods of MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service are available to customers: Toll Free Number Service and Local Number Service.  For each MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service customer (Subscriber), Company will designate a MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service number and a 6-digit security code which permits the Subscriber to manage service features and call routing features.  Company will designate a MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service toll free number for Toll Free Number Service Subscribers and a MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service Automatic Number Identification (ANI) for Local Number Service Subscribers.  The customer must subscribe to either Toll Free Number Service or Local Number Service.


                              For each MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service call, there are two parties: the "Subscriber" (i.e., the party at whose designated location(s) the MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service call terminates) and the "Calling Party" (i.e., the party who places the call).  The Subscriber is the customer and is subject to all applicable provisions in this tariff which pertain to customers.


                              Unless otherwise specified, all MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service calls are subject to a 30-second minimum duration with additional 6-second increments and are rounded to the next higher 6-second increment.  If the computed charge for any call includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.


                              The following types of calls are not permitted using this service:  operator-assisted and Directory Assistance.


                              The Subscriber is not required to designate Company as his or her Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC).


                              Users of MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service may have access to non-tariffed enhancements (e.g., information services) provided by Company and/or other enhanced service providers.


                              Unless otherwise indicated herein, the terms "directlineMCI" and "networkMCI Contact one-number service" shall be used interchangeably with the term "MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service" when used throughout this tariff.


In addition to other service-related charges under this option, FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee and CCRC apply.


               .401       Basic Features1


                              The Basic Features, which all MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service subscribers receive, include the following:


                                             •             Basic Routing:  Each Subscriber is assigned a MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service number for the routing of calls placed by Calling Parties to the Subscriber.


                                             •             Direct Calling:  The Subscriber may designate either of two Direct Calling methods:


                                                            1.            Predefined Call Routing:  Permits a Subscriber to pre-establish in priority up to three telephone numbers in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. 7Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI, and/or international locations for the completion of calls placed by Calling Parties to a Subscriber.  The Subscriber-defined telephone numbers will successively be attempted for call completion.  If a busy‑signal or answering machine is detected or if the call does not complete after three rings (or a number of rings specified by the Subscriber), the call will be routed to Final Routing. 


                                                            2.            Scheduled Routing:  Permits a Subscriber to pre-establish in priority call routing capabilities based on a Subscriber-defined schedule (e.g., day-of-week, day-of-year, time-of-day) for up to two alternate telephone numbers in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI for the completion of calls placed by Calling Parties to the Subscriber.





1              For these features, calls may not be routed to: service numbers (e.g., numbers beginning with 500, 700, 800, 888, or 900); 911; numbers with a 555 prefix; or pay-per-call numbers (e.g. numbers with a 976 prefix).


                                                            •             Final Routing:  Permits a Subscriber to designate various options for the call routing location.  If calls are not completed at any of the Direct Calling alternate numbers, the Calling Party's call will be routed to the Subscriber-defined final routing location. 


                                                            •             Override Routing:  Permits a Subscriber to override Basic Routing so that the call is routed directly to a location specified by the Subscriber.  This feature can be activated and deactivated at any time by the Subscriber.  When deactivated, Basic Routing is reactivated.


                                                            •             Call Screening:  Permits a Subscriber to either accept a call or to route a call to a specific destination instead of receiving the call.   This feature can be activated and deactivated at any time by the Subscriber.


                                                            •             Default Routing:  Permits a Subscriber to designate call routing for Calling Parties who do not respond to Basic Routing.


                                                            •             Outbound Dialing:  Permits a Subscriber to access her or his MCI WORLDCOM Contact one‑number service number to dial to telephone numbers in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI, and/or international locations.  Permits the Subscriber to designate and to forward calls placed to her or his MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service number to telephone numbers in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI and/or international locations.


                            .402        Feature Charges: The following installation and monthly recurring charges apply, based on service method:


                                            .4021      Toll Free Number Service: The Subscriber will be charged a $10.00 installation charge per MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service toll free number.  The Subscriber will be charged a $9.95 monthly recurring Basic Features charge per MCI WORLDCOM Contact one‑number service toll free number.


                                            .4022      Local Number Service: The Subscriber will be charged a $10.00 installation charge per MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service ANI.  The Subscriber will be charged a $24.95 monthly recurring Basic Features charge per MCI WORLDCOM Contact one‑number service ANI.


                            .403        Usage Charges  The Subscriber is responsible for all MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service charges.  No MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service charges will apply to the Calling Party.  Business Day rates apply 8:00 a.m. through 4:59 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Non-Business Day rates apply at all other times.  Company Recognized National Holiday discounts do not apply to MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service calls.  The Subscriber will not be charged per-minute usage charges for the Subscriber's domestic calls to manage service features and call routing features.


                                            .4031      Toll Free Number Service: The following usage charges will apply to MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service Toll Free Number Service calls:


                                                            .40311 Domestic:


.4031111              The Subscriber will be charged $0.20 per minute for the Calling Party's usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI.


.4031121              The Subscriber will be charged $0.20 per minute for the Subscriber's domestic Outbound Dialing usage used to designate and forward calls placed to the Subscriber's MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service toll free number.


.403113               The Subscriber will be charged $0.20 per minute for domestic Outbound Dialing used to complete calls to domestic locations.


The Subscriber will billed in a single 60-second increment for domestic calls which terminate to a numeric or alpha-numeric display device.


                                                            .40312 International:                    


                                                                          .403121  Canada:


                                                                                          The Subscriber will be charged the following per-minute rates for the Calling Party's usage originating in Canada and terminating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam, based on rate period:


                                                                                                          Business Day       Non-Business Day

                                                                                                               $0.6138                                              $0.5132                                                                                                              


                                                                                          The Subscriber will be charged the following usage rates for the Subscriber's Outbound Dialing usage and for Calling Party usage originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating in Canada, based on rate period:


                                                          Business Day                                                                  Non-Business Day      

                                               1st 30 Seconds                  Add'l 6 Seconds                 1st 30 Seconds           Add'l 6 Seconds

                                                        $0.2885                              $0.0495                              $0.1876            $0.0330


                                                            .40313                  International:  The Subscriber will be charged the rates set forth in Section C‑3.07372 for usage originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminating in the international locations set forth in Section C‑3.07372, excluding Canada, based on rate period.




1             Members of a Qualified Direct Sales Affinity Member Group who subscribe to Toll Free Number Service will receive the following discounts on the per-minute usage rates set forth in Sections C-3.403111 and C-3.403112, based on the number of members of the participating Qualified Direct Sales Affinity Member Group who subscribe to service in each monthly period:


              Number of Members        Descuento

                      1  -  499                            5%

                  500  -  999                            8

               1000  +                                 10                                     


                                            .4032      Local Number Service: The following usage charges will apply to MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service Local Number Service calls:


                                                            .40321 Domestic:


                                                                          The Subscriber will be charged $0.15 per minute for the Calling Party's usage which originates in the U.S Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI.


                                                                          The Subscriber will be charged $0.20 per minute for the Subscriber's domestic Outbound Dialing usage used to designate and forward calls placed to the Subscriber's MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service ANI.


                                                                          The Subscriber will be charged $0.20 per minute for domestic Outbound Dialing used to complete calls to domestic locations.


                                                                          The Subscriber will billed in a single 60-second increment for domestic calls which terminate to a numeric or alpha-numeric display device.


                                                            .40322 International:                    


                                                                          .403221  Canada:


                                                                                                        The Subscriber will be charged the following per-minute rates for the Calling Party's usage originating in Canada and terminating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI, based on rate period:


                                                                                                          Business Day       Non-Business Day

                                                                                                               $0.6138                                   $0.5132    


                                                                                                        The Subscriber will be charged the following usage rates for the Subscriber's Outbound Dialing usage and for Calling Party usage originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating in Canada, based on rate period:


                                                          Business Day                                                                  Non-Business Day      

                                               1st 30 Seconds                  Add'l 6 Seconds                 1st 30 Seconds           Add'l 6 Seconds


                                                        $0.2885                              $0.0495                              $0.1876            $0.0330


                                                           .403222                 International The Subscriber will be charged the rates set forth in Section C‑3.07372 for usage originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminating in the international locations set forth in Section C‑3.07372, excluding Canada, based on rate period.


                            .404        Calling Assistance:


                                            For Calling Party usage which originates and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI and Canada, the Subscriber will be charged a $1.15 per-call surcharge for routing assistance provided to the Calling Party.  For Calling Party usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminates in international locations, excluding Canada, the Subscriber will be charged a $2.15 per-call surcharge for routing assistance provided to the Calling Party.


                                            The Subscriber will be charged a $1.15 per-call surcharge for routing assistance for domestic Outbound Dialing calls and for international Outbound Dialing calls to Canada.  The Subscriber will be charged a $2.15 per-call surcharge for routing assistance for international Outbound Dialing calls, excluding Canada.



                              .405       Directory Assistance:  Directory Assistance is not available with Option LL.


                              .406       Operator Assistance:  Operator Assistance is not available with Option LL.


                              .407       Payphone Use Charge: An undiscountable $0.26 per call charge is applicable to calls that originate from any domestic payphone or associated facility used to access Company services. This charge, which is in addition to standard tariffed usage charges and any applicable surcharges associated with Company service, applies for the use of the instrument used to access Company service and is unrelated to the Company service accessed from the payphone or associated facility.  Customers of MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service will be charged the payphone use charge for each call using MCI WORLDCOM Contact one-number service which is placed from a domestic payphone or associated facility.  The payphone use charge does not apply to calls placed from payphones at which the customer pays for service by inserting coins during the progress of the call.


                              .408       Service Availability


                                             Option LL is available as follows:


                                             A.           800 access is available from all exchanges which have been converted to equal access in the cities designated in Table V, Part A.

                                             B.           Option LL customers can terminate calls to all cities within the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI, and to those international locations set forth in Section C-12, Table V, Part E.