Grandfathered Private Line Services

(Previously Found in MCI WORLDCOM Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 1)


The following offerings are no longer available to new customers and, effective January 1, 2015, contract renewals are not permitted for existing customers.  FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.


I.          Analog Service:


            Premium Network Assurance (PNA):  Allows a customer's Inter-Office Channel (IOC) circuit to be supported at a higher level of service quality than the standard IOC circuit.  Circuits that are ordered with the PNA option will benefit from a premium level of service with an IOC service availability objective of 99.99%.  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring charges are non-discountable, but all PNA charges can be applied toward a customer's Network Pricing Plan minimum revenue commitment (if applicable).


Mensual               Installation


$149                       $250


II.         DS1


1.         Fixed Term Plans ‑ Percent Discount Off Monthly Plan Inter-Office Channel Rates


                           One Year        Two Years      Three Years     Four Years      Five Years


                                17%                 19%                 22%                 26%                 31%


2.         MCI DRS Dynamic Allocation of Bandwidth (DAB):  Allows customers to reserve usage‑sensitive, virtual Company private line bandwidth, either on demand, or via scheduled reservation, in increments of 1.544 Mbps (e.g. for use as disaster recovery backup of customer data processing facilities, video conferencing, and other digital network management functions).  Reservations are made from a remote customer's premise(s).  Usage time must be reserved in 15 minute increments based on standard quarter hour definitions (e.g. 00:00, 00:15, 00:30, 00:45) and will be billed as such, rounded up to the nearest 15 minutes.  Reservations not cancelled or modified at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time will be assessed charges for a minimum of 15 minutes of usage based on the mileage for that particular reservation.  MCI DRS DAB can also be used in conjunction with MCI DRS FNR.


                                                                                   Rate Per 15 Minutes

                                          Mileage Band                             Per Call


                                              0   -   100                               $23.75

                                          101   -   500                                 47.50

                                          500   +                                          95.00


For both MCI DRS FNR and MCI DRS DAB, the following monthly recurring and installation charges apply per MCI DRS Port:


                                                      Mensual                                 Installation


                                                       $350                                        $258


3.         Premium Network Assurance (PNA):  Allows a customer's Inter-Office Channel (IOC) circuit to be supported at a higher level of service quality than the standard IOC circuit.  Circuits that are ordered with the PNA option will benefit from a premium level of service with an IOC service availability objective of 99.99%.  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring charges are non-discountable, but all PNA charges can be applied toward a customer's Network Pricing Plan minimum revenue commitment (if applicable).


                                                      Mensual                                 Installation


                                                     $1415                                        $548


III.        Financial Connection Digital Service is a point-to-point dedicated digital circuit offered with a minimum circuit order of two in increments of one or more DS0 channels, with pre-programmed automatic signaling.  It is to be used exclusively for voice service, and will be offered for a term of one year.  For cancellation prior to this committed term, the customer will pay a termination charge equal to 100 percent of the monthly minimum revenue commitment for any unexpired portion of the term.


1.         Local Access Functions:  Access will be acquired on the customer's behalf by Company.  Customer-provided access is not available.  Financial Connection Digital Service is an end‑to‑end service, available only from selected locations.


Non‑recurring Local Access Installation charge:


DS0 Access:                               $375 per circuit end


End‑to‑end service between New York and Chicago, IL:


Monthly                                       $620


IV.        Digital Data Service (DDS) is a point-to-point dedicated circuit used for simultaneous two‑way transmission at synchronous speeds of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 56, and 643 kbps.


1.         DDS Inter‑Office Service


1.1       Inter‑Office Channel (IOC) (per channel)


1.1.1    Monthly Plan:  Under this Plan, IOC charges are determined according to mileage and data speed, using the applicable per circuit and per mile Monthly Plan rates for individual IOCs.  A customer may disconnect circuits or shift them to other plans subject to the regulations in Section C‑2.013 entitled "Notification Required From Customers".


1.1.2    Fixed Term Plans:  Under these plans, a customer may order individual circuits for fixed terms of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years.  The monthly recurring IOC charges under a particular plan are determined by deducting the applicable discount from the monthly charges calculated using the per circuit and per mile rates of the Monthly Plan.


A customer may terminate a Fixed Term Plan or Plans before the end of the committed term or terms without liability as described in Network Pricing Plans.


1.1.3    Network Pricing Plans:  Under these plans, a customer commits to a minimum monthly IOC revenue level over a selected term.  Network Pricing Plans are available at minimum monthly IOC revenue levels of $1,000, $2,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000, $75,000, $100,000, $200,000, $350,000, $500,000, and $750,000 over terms of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years.


1.2       IOC Rates:  Monthly Plan Rates: For an IOC for which the two points of the circuit terminate at the same Company Point of Presence, the mileage is 0.



            DDS 64, 56 kbps       .

DDS 9.6, 4.8, 2.4 kbps












$   275

No disponible

$   275

No disponible


1 – 50






51 – 100






101 – 500






501 +







1.3       IOC Rates:  All Data Speeds - Fixed Term and Network Pricing Plans Percentage of Discount Off Monthly Plan IOC Rates


                                                    One Year        Two Years      Three Years     Four Years  Five Years


Fixed Term Plan:                   6%                   8%                 10%                 12%       14%


NPP – Minimum Monthly IOC Revenue Commitment:


             NPP Minimum

              Monthly IOC

      Revenue Commitment

                                                    One Year        Two Years      Three Years     Four Years  Five Years


        $     2,000                                  1%                   7%                 10%                 12%       14%

               5,000                                  2                      9                    12                    14             16

             10,000                                14                    17                    20                    22             24

             25,000                                17                    21                    23                    24             26

             50,000                                20                    24                    25                    27             28

             75,000                                20                    24                    25                    27             28

           100,000                                22                    25                    28                    29             30

           200,000                                24                    28                    33                    34             35

           350,000                                25                    29                    34                    35             36

           500,000                                26                    30                    35                    36             37

           750,000                                27                    31                    36                    37             40


1.4       Non-Recurring Charges:  A $50 per-circuit installation charge applies.


1.5       Inter‑Office Channel Options


1.5.1    Route Diversity:  Charges will be developed and filed on an individual case basis.


1.5.2    Premium Network Assurance (PNA) - Allows a customer's Inter-Office Channel (IOC) circuit to be supported at a higher level of service quality than the standard IOC circuit.  Circuits that are ordered with the PNA option will benefit from a premium level of service with an IOC service availability objective of 99.99%.  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring charges are non-discountable, but all PNA charges can be applied toward a customer's Network Pricing Plan minimum revenue commitment (if applicable).


                                                                        Speed                            Mensual         Installation


                                                                        2.4, 4.8, 9.6 kbps            $176                $250

                                                                        56 kbps                           $195                $250


1.5.3    MCI Digital Reconfiguration Service (MCI DRS) (MCI DRS)             MCI DRS Fixed Network Reconfiguration (FNR):  Allows customers to electronically control DS0 and DS1 connections between MCI DRS ports.  A DDS‑56 service or circuit can be connected to a DS1 level MCI DRS port.             MCI DRS Dynamic Allocation of Bandwidth (DAB):  Allows customers to reserve usage‑sensitive, virtual Company private line bandwidth, either on demand, or via scheduled reservation, in increments of 56 kbps (e.g. for use as disaster recovery backup of customer data processing facilities, video conferencing, and other digital network management functions).  Reservations are made from a remote terminal workstation located on the customer's premise(s).  Usage time must be reserved in 15 minute increments based on standard quarter hour definitions (e.g. 00:00, 00:15, 00:30, 00:45) and will be billed as such, rounded up to the nearest 15 minute.  Reservations not cancelled or modified at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time will be assessed charges for a minimum of 15 minutes of usage based on the mileage for that particular reservation.  MCI DRS DAB can also be used in conjunction with MCI DRS FNR.


                                                                                                                     Rate Per 15 Minutes

                                                                               Mileage Band                                    Per Call


                                                                                     0   -  100                                       $  3.95

                                                                                 101   -  500                                           7.79

                                                                                 500   +                                                15.59


For both MCI DRS FNR and MCI DRS DAB, the following applies per MCI DRS port:


                                                                                                   Mensual                     Installation


                                                                                                      $30                              $25


V.         Digital Private Line Service


DPLS Fixed Term Plan : A customer who does not qualify for an NPP may receive discounts on the Monthly Plan Inter-Office Channel rates if the customer enrolls in a DPLS Fixed Term Plan.


Under these plans, a customer may order individual circuits for fixed terms of 1,2,3,4 or 5 years.  The monthly recurring IOC charges under a particular plan are determined by deducting the applicable discount from the monthly charges calculated using the per circuit and per mile rates of the Monthly Plan.  The Customer will receive the following discounts, based on the customer's term of service:


                                    Term of Service                                                    Descuento


                                    One Year                                                                   4%

                                    Two-Years                                                                 5

                                    Three Years                                                              6

                                    Four Year                                                                  8

                                    Five Years                                                               10


A customer may terminate a Fixed Term Plan or Plans before the end of the committed term or terms without liability as described in Network Pricing Plans.


VI.        Local Termination Program


Customers who order T-1 Digital Access service as described in Section 2.0221 and enroll in the Local Termination Program term plan are eligible to receive discounts on Local Channel Access, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection monthly charges for T-1 Digital Access circuits.


Qualifying Circuits:  Qualifying Circuits are channelized T-1 Digital Access circuits enrolled in a Local Termination Program term plan (LTPTP).  The enrolled circuits must connect customers' premises directly to a Company terminal to provide access to Qualifying Usage.  The circuits receiving LTPTP discounts must be enrolled in an LTPTP.  The enrolled circuits must be provided by Company.  At least six channels on each enrolled circuit must be available to terminate Qualifying Usage.


Qualifying Usage:  Qualifying Usage is interstate voice service and facsimile service usage which terminates at the customer's premises via circuits enrolled in an LTPTP.  All Qualifying Usage must originate as Company service usage.


The following do not constitute Qualifying Usage:  international usage; Directory Assistance; operator assisted usage and surcharges; monthly recurring and non-recurring charges; charges imposed by third parties; taxes or governmental surcharges.


Term Commitment and Renewal Options:  A customer must commit to a term of service of one or two annual periods.  A one year LTPTP will automatically renew for one annual period with an equivalent term and volume commitment upon expiration of its term of service unless the customer provides written notification to terminate the LTPTP, which must be received by the Company no less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the existing term of service.  The Company may terminate service under an LTPTP upon 30 days written notice to the customer.


Volume and Channel Commitment:  A customer may elect a monthly LTPTP volume commitment and associated channel commitment in one of the following amounts:


                                  Volume Commitment                                 Channel Commitment


                                     12,500   minutes                                                      6

                                     25,000   minutes                                                    10

                                     37,500   minutes                                                    13

                                     50,000   minutes                                                    15

                                   100,000   minutes                                                    24


The customer's monthly volume commitment will be based upon the number of minutes of Qualifying Usage per month.  The customer's monthly channel commitment will be based upon the number of channels on the customer's enrolled circuits used for service under the LTPTP.


At any time during the term of service, a customer may elect a higher volume and channel commitment.  If a customer so elects, the term of service expiration date will not change.  The new volume and channel commitment will apply as of the beginning of the annual period in which the new election of the volume and channel commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the higher volume and channel commitment level will apply to usage only from the re-election date forward.


If a customer elects a monthly volume and channel commitment at the 100,000 minute and 24 channel commitment level, the Company will provide the customer with an additional T-1 Digital Access circuit.


Underutilization Charges  If (a) a customer's monthly volume commitment is greater than the lowest monthly volume commitment level and (b) in any 3-month period of the term of service the customer fails to satisfy its volume commitment by an amount which equals or exceeds 10 percent of its volume commitment throughout the 3-month period, the customer will receive the discounts associated with the next lower monthly volume commitment level for the enrolled circuits during the remainder of the term of service. 


If (a) a customer's monthly volume commitment is at the lowest monthly volume commitment level and (b) in any 3-month period of the term of service the customer fails to satisfy its monthly volume commitment by an amount which equals or exceeds 50 percent of its volume commitment throughout the 3-month period, the customer will be billed and required to pay standard tariffed Local Channel Access, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection monthly charges for enrolled circuits during the remainder of the term of service. 


If (a) a customer's monthly channel commitment is greater than the lowest monthly channel commitment level and (b) in any month of the term of service a customer fails to satisfy its monthly channel commitment, the customer will receive the discounts associated with the next lower monthly channel commitment for the remainder of the term of service.  If (a) a customer's monthly channel commitment is at the lowest monthly channel commitment level and (b) the customer fails to satisfy its monthly channel commitment, the customer will be charged standard tariffed Local Channel Access, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection monthly charges for enrolled circuits for the remainder of the term of service.


Early Termination Charges  If a customer terminates service under its LTPTP prior to the expiration of the term of service, the customer will be billed and required to: (i) pay standard tariffed Local Channel Access, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection monthly charges for the enrolled circuits; and, (ii) repay an amount equal to all discounts received under its LTPTP.


Discounts:  Customers will receive the following discounts on Local Channel Access, Access Coordination, and Central Office Connection monthly charges for enrolled circuits, based on the customer's monthly volume commitment and monthly channel commitment.  These discounts will be applied after the application of any promotional offering discounts or any other discounts which the customer may receive.


                           Volume Commitment                 Channel Commitment            Descuento


                                     12,500                                              6                                25%

                                     25,000                                            10                                50

                                     37,500                                            13                                75

                                     50,000                                            15                              100

                                   100,000                                            24                             1001


1           This discount will be applied to charges for both the enrolled circuit and the additional T-1 Digital Access circuit.


VII.       SONET (previously known as Network Broadband Connections)


1.         Service Level Agreement (SLA):  A credit, in lieu of that provided elsewhere, will be provided as specified herein.


            Coverage:  The SLA applies only to the inter-office channel (IOC) portion of SONET DS3, STS-1, OC3, and OC3c circuits ordered before September 25, 1999.  It does not apply to the local access service that extends the IOC to any customer premises.


            Definitions:  For purposes of the Service Level Agreement, the following definitions apply:


•           Investigation Period:  The period between customer initiation of a Service Inquiry and closure of the Service Inquiry.


•           Outage:  An unscheduled period during which service is interrupted and not usable.  Outages are measured by unavailable seconds (UAS) and alarm indicators of duration of more than one minute.  (UAS is defined in ANSI T1.231.)


•           Reporting Period:  A Reporting Period is measured from the beginning of an Outage to the initiation by the customer of a Service Inquiry.


•           Service Inquiry:  A customer communication advising the Company of a perceived service problem.


Calculation of Outage Time:  If the Company detects an Outage during an Investigation Period, the actual Outage time that has been verified by the Company and which satisfies all the criteria set forth in this section will be used to determine a credit.


Credits:  Credits will be calculated as a percent of the applicable monthly recurring IOC charges as indicated in the following table.  Credit applies on a per-circuit, per-incident basis, but may not exceed the monthly recurring IOC charge for the circuit with which the Outage is associated.  A credit will apply to the customer's invoice for the billing period immediately following any Outage which satisfies all the criteria set forth in this section.


                                Outage Time (in Minutes)                           Percent Monthly Credit


                                              1   -    60                                                        50%

                                            60   +                                                             100


Exclusions:  A credit will not be made for any Outage:


•           attributable to any cause not within the Company’s exclusive control;


•           for which the Reporting Period exceeds two hours;


•           for which a Service Inquiry is not initiated by the customer; or,


•           for which the customer will not release the subject circuit to the Company for testing and/or repair.


2.         Bandwidth Reservation:  Customers of networkMCI Broadband Connections may seek to reserve bandwidth (circuits) in order to ensure their future availability.  Customers may make Bandwidth Reservations under the following terms and conditions:


•           Bandwidth Reservation requests must be made in writing on a form provided by the Company and must be delivered to the Company pursuant to directions contained on the form.


•           Bandwidth Reservation requests will be accepted only for circuits having term commitments of one year or more and for which:  (1) requested availability dates have been accepted and confirmed by the Company; and (2) said dates are less than one year from the date on which a reservation request is made.


•           A bandwidth reservation fee is due and payable within 30 days of the date the Company invoices the customer for the charge.  If payment is not received by the Company within this period, the reservation request may not be honored and any payment ultimately received by the Company may be returned to the customer.


•           All bandwidth reservation fees received and accepted will be credited against the customer's first invoice following the availability of service.


•           If the Company fails to make service available to the customer within 30 days of the promised availability date, the Company will credit or refund to customer 200 percent of the bandwidth reservation fee.  This refund will be made only if the delay results from factors or circumstances within the Company’s exclusive control, and shall be the customer's sole remedy against the Company for the late delivery of service.


Bandwidth Reservation Fee:  Customers will be charged a non-refundable and non‑interest bearing bandwidth reservation fee per circuit as follows:


                                    Circuit Type                                            Per-Circuit Charge


                                    SONET DS3                                                   $10,000

                                    SONET STS‑1                                                 10,000

                                    SONET OC3                                                    25,000

                                    SONET OC3c                                                  25,000