.17          Option P (MCI Forum Conference Calling)


Beginning October 24, 1997, Option P (MCI Forum Conference Calling) will not be available to new subscribers.


Option P is a one‑way, multipoint service provided through Company, allowing the furnishing of long distance telecommunication service between a single calling station and two or more called stations, when at least one of the called stations is located in a different LATA than the calling station.  MCI Forum Conference Calling requires a teleconferencing bridge port for each called station.  The necessary bridge ports are provided by a designated Company Conference Center and are available as a Dial‑Out Service or as a Personal 800 Meet‑Me Service.  All MCI Forum Conference Calling calls are rounded to the next higher full minute except Data Conference Calling calls are rounded to the next 15-minute increment.  Calculation of usage begins at the connect time of the first called party and ends when either the last participant in the conference call disconnects or the Company Conference Center operator terminates the call.  This service is not available for collect calling nor for use with Metered Use Service Option D (Credit Card).  If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.


A conference call is initiated by making a reservation of a date and time for the call.  Reservations of MCI Forum Conference Calling Service can be placed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Conference calls can be held on any day of the week at anytime.  Cancellation of scheduled conference calls within thirty (30) minutes of the scheduled conference call time are subject to the charges specified below.  Unless otherwise indicated herein, the term "networkMCI Conferencing" shall be used interchangeably with the term "MCI Forum Conference Calling" when used throughout this tariff.


In addition to other service-related charges under this option,  FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.


               .171       Methods of Conference Calling


                              .1711     Dial‑Out Service                                


Dial‑Out Conference Calls are established by a Company Conference Operator.  To receive this type of conference calling, the customer must arrange for the participating callers to be called by the Company Conference Operator at the pre‑arranged date and time.


                              .1712     Personal 800 Meet‑Me Service      


Personal 800 Meet‑Me allows the customer to permanently reserve an 800 number for Conference Calling use by that customer only during specified periods.  Each call to the 800 number is initiated separately by each participant.  When the 800 number is called, at a pre‑arranged date and time, a Company Conference Operator intercepts the call on a bridge and places the caller on line along with any other participants.  A passcode can be used to ensure secured Conference Calling.  The Conference Operator can stand by and announce each caller, if requested.


                              .1713     800 Meet-Me Service


800 Meet-Me allows the customer to reserve an 800 number for a pre-arranged date and time.  Each call to the 800 number is initiated separately by each participant.  Then the 800 number is called, at the pre-arranged date and time, a Company Conference Operator intercepts the call on a bridge and places the caller on line along with any other participants.  A passcode can be used to ensure secured conference calling.  The Conference Operator can stand by and announce each caller, if requested.


.                             1714      Toll Meet-Me Service  (formerly known as Local Meet-Me Service)


Toll Meet-Me allows the customer to reserve a direct distance dial number for a pre-arranged date and time.  Each call to the direct distance dial number is initiated separately by each participant.  Two methods of Toll-Meet-Me Service are available as follows:


.17141                  Attended Toll Meet-Me Service  When the direct distance dial number is called, at a pre-arranged date and time, by the participant using Attended Toll Meet-Me Service, a Company Conference Operator will intercept the call and place the caller into the scheduled conference.


.17142                  Unattended Toll Meet-Me Service

                        When the direct distance dial number is called, at a pre-arranged date and time, by the participant using Unattended Toll Meet-Me Service, the participant enters a pre-assigned numeric passcode on the telephone keypad which places the caller directly into the scheduled conference without Company Conference Operator assistance.


                              .1715     Unattended Meet-Me Service


Unattended Meet-Me allows conference participants to call directly into a conference bridge and be placed into their scheduled conference without operator assistance. The Unattended conference is accessed by each participant dialing in via a pre‑assigned 800 number or NPA direct distance dialing number and entering a customer/call specific numeric passcode.  Company Conference Operator assistance will be available on a limited basis only to provide problem resolution.


                              .1716  Crisis Management Service


Crisis Management Service provides the customer with two conference service options to respond to critical business events. Option I provides unscheduled priority conference service, with immediate call setup after a call request is initiated. Calls under this option will be limited to twenty (20) participants or less.  Option II is a premium service with guaranteed seven day, twenty-four hour conference availability supported by dedicated bridge ports.  This option provides a minimum of ten (10) bridge ports for use at any time.  Additional ports in increments of five (5) are available.  Both options have recurring monthly fees and per minute usage charges which are not applicable towards any term or volume discounts.  A passcode is assigned to ensure secured conference calling.  MCI Forum customers who use this service will receive direct remit invoices. The associated charges will not be applicable towards any term or volume discounts.


                              .1717     Document Conference Calling


Document Conference Calling provides the customer with the ability to conduct a point-to-point or multipoint document conference call where text or data is transmitted to, or by, one of the conference participants.  Document Conference Calling can be used with or without voice  capability. 


The Document Conference Calling host may post text or data to be viewed by all participants in the data portion of a call.


Up to 23 participants may access the document portion of each Document Conference Calling call.  The Conference Features specified in Section C-3.173 are not available for Document Conference Calling calls except that the Conference Recording feature is available for the voice portion of a call.


.17171   Methods of Document Conference Calling:


.171711               Data Dial-Out Service:  Data Dial-Out Service conference calls are established by a Company Conference Coordinator.  To receive this type of conference calling, the customer must arrange for the participating callers to be called by the Company Conference Coordinator at the pre‑arranged date and time.


.171712               Combined Data and Voice Dial-Out Service:  Combined Data and Voice Dial-Out Service conference calls are established by a Company Conference Coordinator.  To receive this type of conference calling, the customer must arrange for the participating callers to be called by the Company Conference Coordinator at the pre‑arranged date and time.

.171713               Data Toll Free Meet-Me Service:  Data Toll Free Meet-Me Service conference calls assign each participant a toll free number for a pre‑arranged date and time. Each toll free call is initiated separately by each participant.  When the toll free number is called, at the pre-arranged date and time, a Company Conference Coordinator intercepts the call on a bridge and places the caller on line along with any other participants.  A passcode may be used to ensure secured conference calling. 


.171714               Combined Data and Voice Toll Free Meet-Me Service:  Combined Document and Voice Toll Free Meet-Me Service conference calls assign each participant a toll free number for a pre-arranged date and time.  Each toll free call is initiated separately by each participant.  When the toll free number is called, at the pre-arranged date and time, a Company Conference Coordinator intercepts the call on a bridge and places the caller on line along with any other participants.  A passcode may be used to ensure secured conference calling. 


.171715               Voice Dial‑Out Service:  Voice Dial‑Out Service allows the Company Conference Coordinator  to call each participant to access the voice conference bridge and be placed into the conference at the pre‑arranged date and time.  This method is available only to connect voice-only customers to a text or data Conference Calling call.


.171716               Voice Toll Free Meet‑Me Service:  Voice Toll Free Meet‑Me Service allows the conference participants to access the voice conference bridge via a toll free number for a pre‑arranged date and time. A Company Conference Coordinator intercepts the call on a bridge and places the caller on line along with any other participants.  This method is available only to connect voice-only customers to a text or data Conference Calling call.


                                             .17172   Service Options


When making each Document Conference call reservation, the customer must designate a Service Option to provide the type of Company Conference Coordinator assistance to be provided in conjunction with each Document Conference call.  Document Conference Calling offers the following Service Options:


Standard service provides for the Company Conference Coordinator to place all participants in the Document Conference call and to assist in the Document Conference call set‑up.  Once all participants are placed in the call, the Company Conference Coordinator will disconnect from the call.  The customer must re‑dial the Company Conference Coordinator if assistance is required.


Premier service allows for the same features as Standard service.  In addition, the Conference Coordinator will stay on the line to provide assistance until the call is completed.


                              .1718     Data Conference Calling: 


Data Conference Calling provides the customer with the ability to conduct a document conference call allowing data (text, documents, data or images) to be viewed, shared or collaborated on by call participants. 


At the time of reservation of a Data Conference Calling call, Company will authorize a password designated by the customer to allow the Data Conference Calling host, or other participants, using designated software, or the Company Conference Coordinator to post text, data, documents, or images to be viewed by all Data Conference Calling participants and/or to be shared or collaborated on by participants using the designated software.  In addition, the customer may request that the Company Conference Coordinator post text, data, documents, or images for a Data Conference Calling call.


Data Conference Calling can be used with or without a concurrent Conference Calling call.  Participants may access a concurrent Conference Calling portion of a Data Conference Calling call via Dial-Out Service, Toll Meet-Me Service, or 800 Meet-Me Service, as specified by the customer at the time of reservation of the Data Conference Calling call.  The Conference Calling portion of a Data Conference Calling call is available under standard tariffed terms and conditions and standard tariffed rates and charges will apply.


Up to 250 participants may access the data portion of each Data Conference Calling call.  The Conference Features specified in Section C-3.173 are not available for the data portion of a Data Conference Calling call.  Cancellation and overbook charges will not apply to the data portion of a Data Conference Calling call. 


                                             .17181   Method of Data Conference Calling:


.171781               NET Conferencing:  NET Conferencing allows each participant to reach the data portion of a NET Conferencing call by accessing and interconnecting with a port specified by Company at the time of reservation of the NET Conferencing call.  Each such connection must be established separately by each participant implementing its own means of access at its own cost.  To access the data portion of the call, each participant enters the conference name specified at the time of reservation of the NET Conferencing call.  A passcode may be used to ensure a secured conference call. 


.17182   Service Options


Company Conference Coordinator assistance is available in conjunction with each Data Conference Calling Call upon customer request.


The Company Conference Coordinator may place all participants in the Data Conference Calling call and assist in the Data Conference Calling call set‑up.  Once all participants are placed in the call, the Company Conference Coordinator will disconnect from the call.  The customer must re‑dial the Company Conference Coordinator if assistance is required.


The Company Conference Coordinator will stay on the line to provide assistance during the data portion of a NET Conferencing call.


The Company Conference Coordinator may post text, data, documents, or images for a Data Conference Calling call.


.172       Usage Charges


.1721     Intercity Facilities Usage Charges1:  The per minute rates set forth in Section C‑3.17211-3.17213 will apply to all Conference Calling calls and apply to each bridge port used.


.17211   From U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Virgin Islands to U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Per Minute Usage Charges:


Weekday Pricing:  12:00 am Monday through 11:59 p.m. Friday CST


Dial‑Out Service                                                                       $0.53

Personal 800 Meet‑Me Service                                               0.53

800 Meet-Me Service                                                                0.53

Attended Toll Meet-Me Service                                              0.31

Unattended Toll Meet-Me Service                                         0.25

Unattended Meet Me Service                                                 0.482

Crisis Management Option I                                                    0.53

Crisis Management Option II                                                   0.53


Weekend Pricing:  12:00 a.m. Saturday through 11:59 p.m. Sunday CST


Dial Out Service                                                                        $0.29

Personal 800 Toll Meet-Me Service                                       0.29

800 Meet-Me Service                                                                0.29

Attended Toll Meet-Me Service                                              0.27

Unattended Toll Meet-Me Service                                         0.24

Unattended Meet-Me Service                                                 0.25

Crisis Management Option I                                                    0.29

Crisis Management Option II                                                   0.29


Charges during all time of day rate periods for Document Conference Calling usage:


Standard Data Dial Out Service                                                                            $0.58

Premier Data Dial Out Service                                                                                0.63

Premier Combined Data and Voice Dial Out Service                                          1.00

Standard Combined Data and Voice Dial Out Service                                        0.90

Standard Data Toll Free Meet Me Service                                                            0.58

Premier Data Toll Free Meet Me Service                                                              0.63

Standard Combined Data and Voice Toll Free Meet Me Service                     0.90

Premier Combined Data and Voice Toll Free Meet Me Service                       1.00

Standard Voice Dial Out Service                                                                             0.32

Premier Voice Dial Out Service                                                                               0.37

Standard Voice Toll Free Meet Me Service                                                          0.32

Premier Voice Toll Free Meet Me Service                                                            0.37


.172111               In addition to the per minute usage charges, monthly charges will apply to Crisis Management Service:


Crisis Management Service Option I                               $300.00

Crisis Management Service Option II

   First 10 Bridge Ports                                                       1,000.00

   Each Incremental Five Ports                                             500.00




1Customers subscribing to service through a Qualified Local Government Affinity Group who use MCI Forum Conference Calling will be charged a rate of $0.39 per minute of domestic use per bridge port for Dial-Out Service, Personal 800 Meet-Me Service and 800 Meet-Me Service, in lieu of the domestic usage charges specified in Section C-3.17211, in any month the Group members' aggregate Vnet usage exceeds 500,000 minutes.  The Set-up fees specified in Section

C-3.1741 will be waived.  In any month that the Group members' aggregate Vnet usage does not exceed 500,000 minutes, standard tariffed rates will apply. 


2Customers who are receiving term plan discounts under Option A, Option B or Option C as described in Section C-3.1722, as of February 1, 1995, will continue to be charged a rate of $0.33 for Unattended Meet Me Service.


.17212   From U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands to Canada Per Minute Usage Charges:  Apply to all completed conference calls which originate or terminate in Canada.


Weekday Pricing:  12:00 a.m. Monday through 11:59 p.m. Friday CST


Dial‑Out Service                                                    $0.89 per minute

Personal 800 Service                                                               $0.89

800 Meet-Me Service                                                              $0.89

Unattended Meet-Me Service                                               $0.79

Crisis Management Option I                                                  $0.89

Crisis Management Option II                                                 $0.89


Weekend Pricing:  12:00 a.m. Saturday through 11:59 p.m. Sunday CST


Dial-Out Service                                                                       $0.69

Personal 800 Service                                                               $0.69

800 Meet-Me Service                                                              $0.69

Unattended Meet-Me Service                                               $0.59

Crisis Management Option I                                                  $0.69

Crisis Management Option II                                                 $0.69


.172121               In addition to the per minute usage charges, monthly charges will apply to Crisis Management Service:


Crisis Management Service Option I                             $  300

Crisis Management Service Option II

  First 10 Bridge Ports                                                        1,000

  Each Incremental Five Ports                                              500




1Customers subscribing to service through a Qualified Local Government Affinity Group who use MCI Forum Conference Calling will be charged a rate of $0.39 per minute of domestic use per bridge port for Dial-Out Service, Personal 800 Meet-Me Service and 800 Meet-Me Service, in lieu of the domestic usage charges specified in Section C-3.17211, in any month the Group members' aggregate Vnet usage exceeds 500,000 minutes.  The Set-up fees specified in Section C-3.1741 will be waived.  In any month that the Group members' aggregate Vnet usage does not exceed 500,000 minutes, standard tariffed rates will apply.


.17213   From U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Virgin Islands to International Locations Per Minute Usage Charges:  Apply to all completed MCI Forum Conference calls, excluding the document portion of Data Conference calling calls, which terminate to the international locations listed in Part E of Table V.


Dial‑Out Service:  The per minute rates set forth in Section C‑3.07318 will apply.


.17214   Document Conference Calling Cancellation Charges:  If Company receives notice of cancellation of a reservation within 24 hours of the scheduled conference call start time, the customer will incur a charge equal to 50 percent of the usage charge for each reserved leg, based on a 30 minute minimum reservation.  If the call is canceled and Company is not notified of a cancellation at least 24 hours before the conference call start time, the customer will be billed and required to pay a charge equal to 100 percent of the usage charge for each reserved leg based on a 30 minute minimum reservation.


.17215   From U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands to Guam and CNMI Per Minute Usage Charges:  Apply to all completed conference calls which originate or terminate in Guam and CNMI.


Weekday Pricing:  12:00 a.m. Monday through 11:59 p.m. Friday CST


Dial‑Out Service                                                    $0.91 per minute

Personal 800 Service                                                                 0.91

800 Meet-Me Service                                                                0.91

Unattended Meet-Me Service                                                 0.48

Crisis Management Option I                                                    0.91

Crisis Management Option II                                                   0.91


Weekend Pricing:  12:00 a.m. Saturday through 11:59 p.m. Sunday CST


Dial-Out Service                                                                       $0.71

Personal 800 Service                                                                 0.71

800 Meet-Me Service                                                                0.71

Unattended Meet-Me Service                                                 0.28

Crisis Management Option I                                                    0.71


.17216   Data Conference Calling:  The following per-hour transport charges apply to the document conference portion of Data Conference Calling calls.  Customers will be charged standard tariffed rates and charges for a Conference Calling portion of a Data Conference Calling calls.  Data Conference Calling calls are subject to a 15-minute initial period and additional 15-minute increments.


.172161               From the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI and the International Locations Listed in Part E of Table V to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI, and the International Locations Listed in Part E of Table V Per-Hour Transport Charges:


.1721611             Calls without Conference Calling:  For Data Conference Calling calls which are conducted without a concurrent Conference Calling call, the following per-hour transport charges apply to the document conference portion of the call:


                                                                                          Number of Participants   Per-Hour Per-Call Charge


                                                                                               1    -          10                                                $         240                                                                                 

                                                                                             11    -          25                                                          570

                                                                                             26    -          50                                                       1,080

                                                                                             51    -        250                                                       1,530


 .1721612            Calls with Conference Calling:  For Data Conference Calling calls with are conducted with a concurrent Conference Calling call, the following per-hour transport charges apply to the document conference portion of the call:


                                                                                          Number of Participants   Per-Hour Per-Call Charge


                                                                                               1    -          10                                                  $       180

                                                                                             11    -          25                                                          420

                                                                                             26    -         50                                                          780

                                                                                             51    -       250                                                       1,125


.1721613             Company Conference Coordinator Assistance:  $50.00 per call per hour for Company Conference Coordinator assistance during the document conference portion of a Data Conference Calling call.


.1721614             Cancellation Charge:  Customers who cancel a pre-scheduled Data Conference Call within 12 hours of a scheduled conference call time will be charges $5.00 per reserved Data Conference Calling participant.  The maximum cancellation charge for the Data Conference Calling portion of the Option P call may not exceed $300.


.1721615             Extended Call Discounts:  For Data Conference Calling calls that exceed 2 hours and 30 minutes in duration, the following discounts will apply to the charges set forth in Section C-3.1721611 and Section C-3.1721612:


                                                                                                         Number of Participants   Descuento


                                                                                                              1    ‑        10                                                3%

                                                                                                            11    ‑        25                                                5

                                                                                                            26    ‑        50                                                7

                                                                                                            51    ‑     250                                             10


1722      Discounts1


.17221                  MCI Forum Discounts, Option A2: Beginning February 1, 1995, Option A discounts will not be available to new customers or to existing customers with no term commitment.  All customers who use MCI Forum Conference Calling Service and meet the qualifications set forth below, will receive the discounts indicated below.  Volume discounts are not available to customers being billed after each call.  The amount of discount for monthly customers will be determined by the amount of gross MCI Forum Conference Calling usage and set-up charges, per month, and whether the customer has made a commitment to use the service for one, two, or three years or has made no such term commitment.  The discount will be applied to that month's Conference Calling invoice.  Those customers who make a one, two, or three year term commitment must bill a gross minimum of $12,000 per year in Conference Calling usage and set-up charges or the customer will be billed the difference between its actual usage and set-up charges and $12,000 at the end of the year.  A customer who terminates a term commitment prior to the end of the term agreement will be charged a penalty of $1,000 times the number of months remaining in the term commitment.


                                                                    Conference Calling                  No                1 Year           2 Year                                                                    3 Year

                                                                       Usage/month                        Term             Term             Term            Term


                                                                    $0.00 ‑ $999.99                0%               12%               12%  12%

                                                                    $1,000.00 ‑ $4,999.99               0                  18                  19        21

                                                                    $5,000.00 ‑ $9,999.99               0                  21                  23        25

                                                                    $10,000.00 ‑ $24,999.99               0                  25                  28        29

                                                                    $25,000.00 +                                    0                  29                  33        36




1Discounts are not available on Document Conference Calling or Data Conference Calling usage.


.17222                  MCI Forum Discounts, Option B:  Beginning February 1, 1995, Option B discounts will not be available to new customers or to existing customers with no term commitment.  All customers who use MCI Forum Conference Calling Service and meet the qualifications set forth below, will receive the discounts indicated below.  Volume discounts are not available to customers being billed after each call.  The amount of discount for monthly customers will be determined by the amount of gross MCI Forum Conference Calling usage and set‑up charges, per month and whether the customer has made a commitment to use the service for one, two, or three years.  The discount will be applied to that month's Conference Calling invoice.  Those customers who make a one, two, or three year term commitment must bill a gross minimum of $50,000 per year in Conference Calling usage and set‑up charges or the customer will be billed the difference between its actual usage and set‑up charges and $50,000 at the end of the year.  A customer who terminates a term commitment prior to the end of the term agreement will be charged a penalty of $4,167 times the number of months remaining in the term commitment.


                                                                           Conference Calling                          1 Year                   2 Year                   3 Year

                                                                              Usage/Month                                 Term                     Term                     Term


                                                                           $0 - $9,999.99                       17%                      19% 21%

                                                                           $10,000.00 ‑ $24,999.99                      21%                      24% 26%

                                                                           $25,000.00 +                                          26%                      30% 33%


.17223   MCI Forum Discounts, Option C:  Beginning February 1, 1995, Option C discounts will not be available to new customers or to existing customers with no term commitment.  All customers who use MCI Forum Conference Calling Service and meet the qualifications set forth below, will receive both reduced rates and the discounts indicated below. Volume discounts are not available to customers being billed after each call. The rate per minute for monthly customers will be determined by the amount of gross MCI Forum Conference Calling usage and set‑up charges, per month, and whether the customer has made a commitment to use the service for three years. The rate per minute and resulting discount will be applied to the usage month's Conference Calling invoice. Those customers who make a three year term commitment must bill a gross minimum of $28,000 per year in Conference Calling usage, excluding set‑up charges, or the customer will be billed the difference between its actual usage and $28,000 at the end of the year. The term agreement can be discontinued by the customer at any time during the first year, in which case a shortfall charge will apply in the amount of the $28,000 commitment less billings to date. A customer who terminates a term commitment in years two or three will be charged a penalty of $2,333 times the number of months remaining in the term commitment.



                                                                           Conference Calling                          Usage

                                                                             Monthly Usage                              Rate/Min.            Descuentos


                                                                           $0 ‑ $4,166.99                                $.33                           10%

                                                                           $4,167 ‑ $8,333.99                                 .32                           10%

                                                                           $8,334 +                                                    .31                           10%


.17224   MCI Forum Qualified Industry Affinity Group and Commercial Affinity Group Plus Discounts:  All customers who subscribe to MCI Forum Conference Calling Service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group or a Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus), will receive the discounts indicated below.  The amount of discount will be determined by the amount of gross MCI Forum Conference Calling usage and set-up charges per month on all domestic and international usage in lieu of all other discounts.  Volume discounts are not available to customers being billed after each call.  The discount will be applied to that month's Conference Calling invoice.


                                                                           Llamadas en conferencia

                                                                              Usage/Month                                                              Descuento

                                                                           $0 - $999.99                                                          0%

                                                                           $1,000.00 - $4,999.99                                                        0%

                                                                           $5,000.00 - $9,999.99                                                        0%

                                                                           $10,000.00 - $24,999.99                                                       0%

                                                                           $25,000.00 +                                                                            0%



.17225   MCI Forum Commercial Affinity Group Discounts:  All customers who subscribe to MCI Forum Conference Calling Service through a Qualified Commercial Affinity Group Program (CAP) will receive the discounts indicated below.  The amount of discount will be determined by the amount of gross MCI Forum Conference Calling usage and set-up charges per month on all domestic and international usage in lieu of all other discounts.  The discount will be applied to that month's Conference Calling invoice.


                                                                                          Llamadas en conferencia

                                                                                             Usage/Month                                                                                              Descuento


                                                                                          $  0      - $999.99                                               0%

                                                                                          $1,000.00 - $4,999.99                                                0

                                                                                          $5,000.00 - $9,999.99                                                0

                                                                                          $10,000.00 - $24,999.99                                                0

                                                                                          $25,000.00 +                                                                     0


.17226   networkMCI Conferencing Term Plans:  All customers who subscribe to networkMCI Conferencing and enroll in a networkMCI Conferencing Term Plan with annual volume and term commitments will be charged the usage rates set forth in Section C-3.172266.  Customers will be charged standard tariffed rates for all other monthly charges.  No other discounts will apply.


.172261               Term Commitment:  Customers must commit to a term of service of one, two, or three years.  The term will commence no earlier than the first full billing month subsequent to enrollment in the plan.  Upon completion of the term, the customer will be charged standard tariffed rates.


.172262               Volume Commitment:  A customer may elect a networkMCI Conferencing annual volume commitment of one of the following amounts: $6,000, $12,000, $36,000, $60,000, $120,000, $180,000, $240,000, or $300,000.  The customer's annual usage of networkMCI Conferencing must equal or exceed its volume commitment.


.172263               Underutilization Charge:  If, at the end of any year of the term of service, a customer has not met its annual volume commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay 50 percent of the difference between its actual volume and its annual volume commitment.


.172264               Cancellation or Discontinuance with Liability:  Discontinuance of all services furnished under networkMCI Conferencing after the initial six months of the term commitment but prior to the expiration of the term commitment, constitutes discontinuance of the plan and the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge.  This charge will be equal to the underutilization charge for the year of termination plus 50 percent of the volume commitment for each year of the term remaining unfulfilled.


.172265               Cancellation or Discontinuance without Liability:  Discontinuance of all services furnished under networkMCI Conferencing within the first six months after enrollment in a term plan will not result in any early termination or underutilization charges.


.172266               Usage Charges:  The customer will be charged the following per-minute usage rates in lieu of all other standard tariffed rates and discounts.  Weekday pricing applies from 12:00am Monday through 11:59pm Friday CST; Weekend pricing applies from 12:00am Saturday through 11:59pm Sunday CST.


                                                                                                         1 Year Commitment



                                                              Dial-Out or        Unattended          Dial-Out or        Unattended               Meet-Me

Annual   800 Meet-Me       Meet-Me           800 Meet-Me     Meet-Me            Weekday/

                              Commitment        Weekday             Weekday             Fin de semana             Fin de semana                Fin de semana


                              $     6,000                $0.4601              $0.4120                $0.2434              $0.2247      $0.2247

                              $  12,000                  0.4494                0.4013                  0.2381                 0.2193        0.2193

                              $  36,000                  0.4440                0.3959                  0.2354                 0.2166        0.2166

                              $  60,000                  0.4387                0.3906                  0.2328                 0.2140        0.2140

                              $ 120,000                  0.4333                0.3852                  0.2300                 0.2113        0.2113

                              $ 180,000                  0.4280                0.3798                  0.2274                 0.2087        0.2087

                              $ 240,000                  0.4227                0.3745                  0.2247                 0.2059        0.2059

                              $ 300,000                  0.4173                0.3691                  0.2221                 0.2033        0.2033


                                                                                                         2 Year Commitment



                                                              Dial-Out or        Unattended          Dial-Out or        Unattended               Meet-Me

Annual   800 Meet-Me       Meet-Me           800 Meet-Me     Meet-Me            Weekday/

                              Commitment        Weekday             Weekday             Fin de semana             Fin de semana                Fin de semana


                              $     6,000                $0.4387              $0.3959                $0.2328              $0.2140      $0.2140

                              $  12,000                  0.4280                0.3852                  0.2274                 0.2087        0.2087

                              $  36,000                  0.4227                0.3798                  0.2247                 0.2059        0.2059

                              $  60,000                  0.4173                0.3745                  0.2221                 0.2033        0.2033

                              $ 120,000                  0.4120                0.3691                  0.2193                 0.2006        0.2006

                              $ 180,000                  0.4066                0.3638                  0.2166                 0.1980        0.1980

                              $ 240,000                  0.4013                0.3584                  0.2140                 0.1952        0.1952

                              $ 300,000                  0.3959                0.3531                  0.2113                 0.1926        0.1926


                                                                                                         3 Year Commitment



                                                              Dial-Out or        Unattended          Dial-Out or        Unattended               Meet-Me

Annual   800 Meet-Me       Meet-Me           800 Meet-Me     Meet-Me            Weekday/

                              Commitment        Weekday             Weekday             Fin de semana             Fin de semana                Fin de semana


                              $     6,000                $0.4173              $0.3745                $0.2221              $0.2059      $0.2059

                              $  12,000                  0.4066                0.3638                  0.2166                 0.2006        0.2006

                              $  36,000                  0.4013                0.3584                  0.2140                 0.1980        0.1980

                              $  60,000                  0.3959                0.3531                  0.2113                 0.1952        0.1952

                              $ 120,000                  0.3906                0.3477                  0.2087                 0.1926        0.1926

                              $ 180,000                  0.3852                0.3424                  0.2059                 0.1899        0.1899

                              $ 240,000                  0.3798                0.3370                  0.2033                 0.1873        0.1873

                              $ 300,000                  0.3745                0.3317                  0.2006                 0.1846        0.1846


.173       Conference Features:  The following Conference Features are available for Conference Calling calls only unless specifically set forth in this section.


.1731     Participant Notification - Allows the customer to have the participants notified prior to the conference call.  The charge for this feature will be calculated based upon the total number of participants reserved for the conference call and where the participants are located1:


Domestic             $2.50 per participant

Canada $3.50 per participant

International      $5.00 per participant


.1732     Standing Reservations - Allows the customer to arrange for ongoing or recurring conference calls at pre-arranged dates and times.  There is no charge for this feature.


.1733     Conference Recording - Allows the customer to have the voice portion of a designated conference call recorded.  Recordings will be sent to the conference host within twenty-four (24) hours of the conclusion of the conference call.  The charge for the Conference Recording cassette will not be prorated.  This feature is also available for the voice portion of Document Conference Calling.


Charge:  $15 per 90 minute cassette for Conference Calling calls

Charge:  $15 per 90 minute cassette for Document Conference Calling calls


.1734     Diskette Transcription:  Allows the customer to have the conference call transcribed on a diskette.


Charge:  $30 per hour of transcribed information


.1735     Tape Transcription ‑ Allows the customer to have the conference call transcribed.


Charge:  $120 per hour of transcribed conversation


.1736     Broadcast/Listen Only ‑ Allows one‑way communications between the conference host and conference participants.  The 'Listen Only' portion of this feature allows participants that are only listening to a conference call to later be placed in a speaking mode.  There is no charge for this feature above the per minute usage charge.


.1737     On‑hold Music ‑ While a participant is waiting to bridge on to a conference call, pre‑recorded music can be played.  There is no charge for this feature above the per minute usage charge.


.1738     Executive Subconferencing ‑ Allows the conference participants to be separated into groups for separate conversations while the conference call is in progress.  There is no charge for this feature above the per minute usage charge.


.1739     Conference Operator Assistance ‑ Allows for any participant to summon the operator for assistance while the conference is in progress.  In addition, the operator may stay on the line to monitor quality.  There is no charge for this feature above the per minute usage charge, including requests for Operator Assistance when using the Unattended Meet Me service which is directly related to a conferencing problem.  All other Unattended Meet Me Operator Assistance requests will be billed at $3.50 per occurrence.


.17310        Passcode Security ‑ A passcode can be assigned at the time of the reservation or upon the assignment of a Personal 800 Meet‑Me numbers.  All participants must provide this passcode before being placed onto the conference bridge.  There is no charge for this feature above the per minute usage charge.


.17311        Participant List ‑ Allows the customer to receive a list of all callers who participated in a conference call.  Lists can be sent to the conference host within twenty‑four (24) hours of the conclusion of the conference call.  There is no charge for this feature above the per minute usage charge.


.17312        Departmental Billing:  Customers can have their calls itemized by division and/or department with the names of those entities appearing on the invoice.  Customers must specify which Personal 800 Meet Me numbers and which authorization codes are linked to each department and must also specify the departments included in each division.


                                                                                                                 Installation          Mensual


                                                                     1‑15 names                      $ 50                      $10

                                                                    16‑49 names                        100                        25

                                                                    50+   names                         150                        50


.17313        Duplicate Billing:  The customer can elect to have two identical invoices produced and sent to the same address each month.


                                                                                          Installation          Mensual


                                                     Duplicate Billing                  $ 0                       $10


.17314        Magnetic Tape or Cartridge Billing:  The customer can receive invoices via magnetic tape or cartridge in addition to the customer's paper copy.


                                                                                                         Installation          Mensual


                                                     Magnetic Tape                    $300                   $100

                                                     Cartridge                                             $300                   $100


.17315        Corporate Billing:  The customer can elect to have individual invoices sent to individual accounts as well as to a central location, designated as the master account.  The master account retains financial liability for all invoices.


                                                                                                                 Installation          Mensual


                                                     Corporate Billing                               $ 0                       $ 0


.17316        MCI Forum Conference Calling Guarantee:  The customer will be guaranteed that its MCI Forum Conference Calling domestic Dial-Out call will begin at the time it has reserved and that no participant will wait more than 10 minutes for the call to begin.  This guarantee applies to domestic Dial-Out Conferences only and assumes that each participant is immediately available for the call.  Company fails to meet these guarantees, and the Subscriber notifies Company in writing, the subscriber will receive a credit equal to the charge for that call.  There is no charge for this feature.


.17317        Question and Answer:  Allows the conference leader to establish a conference call wherein all the participants, except for the moderator(s), are in a listen-only mode.  By depressing the operator specified key on any touch-tone phone, a participant will be placed in queue and brought into an interactive mode where they can ask their question and hear the answer.  A participant can return to the listen only mode by depressing the 1 key.


                                             Arrangement Fee1                           $75.00 per call


.17318        Polling:  Allows the conference leader or operator to ask a series of questions to the conference participants.  The moderator may ask a yes, no, or a multiple choice (up to nine choices) question that requires the conferee to depress any one key on their telephone keypad.  The total number of the responses for each question are recorded and the results can be printed out at the customer's request.


                                             Arrangement Fee1                           $75.00 per call


                              .174       Per Call Charges


                                                                                                                                                Per                Per

                                                                               Per Personal            Per 800            Unattended  Crisis

                                                 Per Dial Out       800 Meet-Me         Meet-Me             Meet-Me                                                Management

                                                  Bridge Port          Bridge Port          Bridge Port          Bridge Port Bridge Port


.1741     Set-up Fee2


Weekday Pricing:

12:00 a.m. Monday through 11:59 p.m. Friday CST


Domestic                                      $3.50                    $3.50                    $3.50                    $3.50      $3.50

Canadian                                                                     $3.50                    $3.50                    $3.50      $3.50                                                        $3.50

Other International                        N/A                       N/A                       N/A                    N/A           N/A


Weekend Pricing:

12:00 a.m. Saturday through 11:59 p.m. Sunday CST


Domestic                                      $2.50                    $2.50                    $2.50                    $2.50      $2.50

Canadian                                       $2.50                    $2.50                    $2.50                    $2.50      $2.50

Other International                        N/A                       N/A                       N/A                    N/A           N/A


.175       Other Charges:


.1751     Cancellation of Reservation: Cancellation of reservations within 30 minutes of scheduled conference call time will result in a charge of $3.50 per leg.  The maximum charge, on a per call basis, will not exceed $70.00.


.1752     A $3.50 overbook charge will apply to each unused, reserved leg after the first fifty per conference call.


.176       Service Availability:  Option P is available as follows: Dial Out service from anywhere Company provides Dial "1" or Dial-Up originating service in the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands to anywhere in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and to the international locations set forth in Table V, Part E.




1      The fee will be waived if the undiscounted call usage exceeds $1000.00 or if the customer has signed a term agreement.

2      Set-up Fees will only apply to those existing term plan customers receiving discounts under Option A, Option B or Option C, as described in Section C-3.1722, as of February 1, 1995.