.36         Option HH (hospitalityMCI)


Beginning May 15, 1997, Option HH (hospitalityMCI) will not be available to new subscribers.


                        Option HH is an outbound, customized telecommunications service which may include an inbound service option using a Business Line, WATS Access Line or Dedicated Access Line termination.   It provides service for single and multi-location customers using switched and/or dedicated access origination and switched and/or dedicated termination.  Option HH may be used for long distance calls between customer locations, as well as between customer locations and other locations in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, CNMI and the international locations listed in Table V, Part E.   All domestic Option HH calls are subject to an 18-second minimum initial period and are rounded to the next higher 6-second increment.  All outbound international calls are subject to a 30-second minimum initial period and are rounded to the next higher 6-second increment, except that calls to Mexico are subject to a 60-second minimum initial period and are rounded to the next higher 60-second increment.  All inbound 800 international calls are subject to a 30-second minimum initial period and are rounded to the next higher 6-second increment, except for inbound international calls from Mexico which are subject to a 60-second minimum initial period and are rounded to the next higher 60-second increment.   If the computed charge for a call includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.  When a hospitalityMCI call is established in one rate period and ends in another, the rate for the time of day in the terminating location applies.  To be eligible for service, a customer must subscribe to outbound service at all its locations.


                              Subscribers to hospitalityMCI will receive dedicated, switched, and calling card access and dedicated, switched and WATS access line termination, with volume discounts, 800 service, Directory Assistance, Accounting Codes, Universal Range Privileges, Custom Calling Range Privileges, Call Detail, and either consolidated invoice or location level invoices for hospitalityMCI calls placed at all locations.


                              The rules and regulations governing the provision of service for inbound 800 calls are identical to those for Option F (MCI 800 Service), except where otherwise noted.


                              In addition to other service-related charges under this option, FUSF, CAC, Administrative Expense Fee and CCRC apply.


                              .361       Access and Termination Methods and Monthly Recurring Charges


                                             .3611     Outbound Service


                                                            .36111   Dedicated Access/Termination


                                                                           .361111               T‑1 Digital Access Termination:  Components associated with T‑1 Digital Access and their relevant monthly and non‑recurring charges are those shown in Section C‑2.0221, as in effect on the date of invoice.  In addition to those charges associated with these components, the Company will assess charges for the following option, if applicable:


                                                                                                         T‑1 Digital Access Features ‑ Access Integration (see Section C‑2.0221)


                                                                           .361112               Analog Access Termination:  Components associated with Analog Access and their relevant monthly and non‑recurring charges are those shown in Section C‑2.0211, as in effect on the date of invoice.


                                                                                                         In addition to those charges associated with these components, the Company will assess charges for the following option, if applicable:


                                                                                                         Analog Access Features ‑ Access Integration (see Section C‑2.02115)


                                             .3612     Inbound Service


                                                            The charges in Section C‑3.3622 will apply.


                                             .3613     hospitalityMCI Calling Card Access  Available from any touch-tone phone in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI via an "800" number.  Calls can be made to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, CNMI and to those international locations listed in Table V, Part E.


                              .362       Usage Charges1


                                             .3621     Outbound Service:


                                                            .36211   The following per-minute usage charges will apply to all outbound calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on origination type and time of day:


                                                            Origination Type                                                            Peak                     Off-Peak

                                                            Switched Access and Card Access                           $0.1891          $0.1369

                                                            Dedicated Access                                                          0.1486            0.1193


                                                                           .362111               The following per-minute usage charges will apply to all outbound calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to American Samoa, Guam and CNMI, based on call type:


                                                                           Call Type                                                             Tarifa

                                                                           Switched to Switched                                  $0.4681

                                                                           Dedicated to Switched                                  0.3828


                                    .36212 Customers will be charged  the following per-minute rate for all Calling Card Access calls from American Samoa, Guam and CNMI to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands:



                                                                                            Card Access                                  $0.4681


                                                                           .362121               The following per-minute charges will apply for all Calling Card Access calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands to American Samoa, Guam and CNMI:


                                                                                            Card Access                                  $0.4681


.36213   From U.S Mainland, Hawaii to International locations:  For calls originating in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and terminating to those locations listed in Part E of Table V, the usage charges and time periods set forth in Sections C-3.07330 and C‑3.072, respectively will apply.




1             Peak rates will apply between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays and Off-Peak rates will apply at all other times.


362        Usage Charges


.36214   International Mobile Termination Usage Charge:  The following undiscountable per‑minute usage charges will apply, in addition to all other applicable usage charges and surcharges, to Option HH usage which terminates via Commercial Mobile Radio Service in the following international locations:


               Usage Rates


                              .3622     Inbound Service:


                                             .36221   Domestic Usage Charges:


                                                            From the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii:  The following per-minute charges apply to inbound service as described in Section C-3.08, based on termination type and time of day:


               Termination Type                                                                                                       Peak                     Off-Peak


               Dedicated Termination                                                $0.1656                            $0.1432

               Business Line Termination/Switched WATS Termination                                  0.2674            0.2149


                                                            From American Samoa, Guam and CNMI to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii:  The following per‑minute charges apply to inbound service as described in Section C-3.08, based on call type:


                                                                           Call Type                                                           Tarifa      


                                                                           Switched to Switched                                  $0.4681

                                                                           Switched to Dedicated                                  0.3828


                                             .36222   From International Locations:  Service is available from those countries from which International Call Coverage is available.  The rates in Section C-3.07314 apply, except that these calls are not eligible for the volume discounts described in Section C-3.08621.






1             Peak rates will apply between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays and Off-Peak rates will apply at all other times.


                                             .3623     Surcharges: The following surcharges apply to each hospitalityMCI calling card call other than calls to Directory Assistance, in addition to the rates specified in Section C-3.362:



Calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin

Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI

to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii,

Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa,

Guam and CNMI:                                                                                                                  $0.75


Calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and

the U.S. Virgin Islands to Canada:                                                                                     $0.75


Calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and

the U.S. Virgin Islands to the international locations

(excluding Canada) specified in Section C-3.07330:                                                      $1.25


                                             .3624     Other Charges:  Customers may receive Inbound Features as described in Section C-3.18822 at the rates described in that section.  In all instances, no discounts will apply.


                                             .3625     Directory Assistance:  An undiscountable charge of $1.49 per call will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for a number in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI; and an undiscountable charge of $1.49 per call will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for a number in Canada.   Except as otherwise noted herein, all other provisions of Directory Assistance apply.


                              .363       Annual Volume and Term Commitment Plans:  All customers must commit to a term of service of one, two or three years and to one of the annual volumes listed below.  The customer will receive discounts based on these commitment levels.


                                             .3631     Underutilization Charges:   If at the end of any year of the term of service, the customer has not satisfied its annual volume commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between the annual volume commitment and its actual usage charges for Company service during the year.  In addition, if in any year the customer's peak usage exceeds 50 percent of all usage, the customer will be billed and required to pay a charge of $0.05 per domestic outbound minute in excess of the 50 percent threshold.


                                             .3632     Cancellation with Liability:  If the customer discontinues service prior to the end of its term commitment, the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge equal to the current year's annual volume commitment less the current year's usage charges for Company service plus 100 percent of any remaining years' annual volume commitment.


                                             .3633     Discounts:  The customer will receive the following discounts based on total volume as indicated below:


                                                                                                                               Term Commitment Length   

                                                                           Annual Volume                     1 year          2 year          3 year


                                                                               $  6,000                               5%                8%             13%

                                                                               $ 12,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $ 24,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $ 36,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $ 48,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $ 60,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $ 84,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $120,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $180,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $240,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $360,000                               5                   8                 13

                                                                               $480,000                               5                   8                 13


                              .364       Optional Features


                                             .3641     For Inbound 800 and Outbound Service:


                                                                           Call Detail on Paper and/or Magnetic Tape or Cartridge:  This feature provides call detail records, including the prediscounted price for each call.  One type of Call Detail medium is included without additional charge.  The customer may receive both Paper and Magnetic Tape or Cartridge for an additional one-time set-up fee of $25 and a recurring charge of $25 per month.


                                                                           Invoicing Options:  A customer must choose between two invoicing options:  Consolidated Invoicing or Location Level Invoicing.  With Consolidated Invoicing, a single monthly invoice will be rendered to the customer for charges incurred at all locations assigned to its Corporate Enterprise.  With Location Level Invoicing, each of the customer's locations assigned to its Corporate Enterprise will receive an individual invoice representing the charges incurred at that location and the customer's designee will be primarily responsible for remitting payment for usage and charges associated with that particular account.  The Corporate Enterprise electing this option must agree to accept contingent financial responsibility for all charges invoiced to its locations and will be required to remit payment in the event the designee location does not pay.


                                             .3642     For Outbound Service:


                                                                           Accounting Codes (up to 7-Digits):  A customer can specify that Accounting Codes are to be dialed from specific dedicated access groups and Dial "1" telephone numbers (ANIs).


                                                                           Universal Range Privileges:  A customer can specify the type of hospitalityMCI calls allowable for users on each Dedicated Access Line group, for each hospitalityMCI Card authorization code and for each Dial "1" ANI originating telephone number and for each ID code (see Section C-3.0956 regarding ID codes).  The range privileges are defined as follows:


                                                                           0 =          No calls allowed;

                                                                           1 =          On-network numbers (private dialing plan numbers);

                                                                           2 =          All numbers in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii;

                                                                           3 =          All numbers in domestic North American Numbering Plan locations1 and in the international locations listed in Table V, Part E; and,

                                                                           4 =          All numbers in domestic North American Numbering Plan Locations1.


                                                                           Custom Calling Range Privileges:  A customer may specify the type of hospitalityMCI calls allowable for authorized users on each Dedicated Access Line Group, for each hospitalityMCI Card authorization code and for each Dial "1" ANI and for each ID code.  For each customized Range Privilege, the customer defines the allowable states, area codes, area code-exchange code combinations and country codes.




1             The domestic North American Number Plan locations are all locations in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI.


                              .365       Other Charges


                                             .3651     The Payphone Use Charge applies. 


                              .366       Service Availability


                                             hospitalityMCI is available as follows:


                                             A.           T-1 Digital Access for hospitalityMCI is available in the Company Metropolitan Area Terminal locations set forth in Section C-12, Table IV, Part A.  This access method is also available in the cities set forth in Section C-12, Table, V, Part C-1, where facilities are available.


                                             B.           Analog Local Access for hospitalityMCI is available in the Company Metropolitan Area Terminal locations set forth in Section C-12, Table IV, Part B.


                                             C.           Direct dial access is available from all exchanges which have been converted to equal access in the cities listed in Table V, Part A.


                                             D.           hospitalityMCI customers can terminate calls to all cities within the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI except where the originating and terminating cities are located in the same state.


                                             E.            hospitalityMCI customers can terminate calls to the international locations set forth in Section C-3.07330.