Prior to August 1, 2001, service was furnished under MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 6 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.


                        Please note the following regarding this important change.


·        MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 6 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised General Definitions and new or revised General Terms and Conditions of Service contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1.  Like the service in former MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 6, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts.  Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 6 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found in MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC. No. 6 and currently contained in this Guide.


·        Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former MCI WORLDCOM Communications Tariff FCC No. 6 on July 31, 2001.


·        If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.


·        The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.


·        Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”






This tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to the provision of interstate telecommunications services by MCI WORLDCOM Communications, Inc. (the successor to WorldCom Technologies, Inc.) or any successor entity, and its concurring carriers (hereinafter referred to as Company) between and among domestic points within the contiguous United States, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, as specified herein.






Effective June 23, 2001, all Definitions, as they apply to business customers, are superseded by the General Definitions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.


Access Line:  One of several types of circuits used to carry long distance calls all or part way between Customer premises and long distance company switches.


Application for Service:  A standard order form which includes all pertinent billing, technical, and other descriptive information which will enable the carrier to provide the communication service as required.


Authorization Code:  A numerical code, one or more of which are available to a Customer to enable Carrier to identify use of service on his account and to bill the Customer accordingly for such service.  Multiple authorization codes may be assigned to a Customer to identify individual users or groups of users on his account.


Carrier:  The Company.


CNMI:  The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.


Company Calling Card:  A telephone calling card issued by the Company at the Customer's request, which enables the Customer or User(s) authorized by the Customer to place calls over the Network and to have the charges for such calls billed to the Customer's account.


Credit Card:  A Credit Card is an accepted credit card, which is defined as a credit card that the cardholder has requested or applied for and received, or has signed, used or authorized another person to use to obtain credit.  Any credit card issued as an renewal or substitute in accordance with this paragraph is an accepted credit card when received by the cardholder.


Dedicated Access Lines ("DAL"):  A group of leased lines which interconnect a switching system to a dedicated subscriber.


Dedicated Inbound Calls:  Refers to calls that are terminated via dedicated access facilities connecting the Customer's premises and the Company's POP.  This service is offered to the extent facilities are available and where the Company and the Customer jointly arrange for the establishment of dedicated access facilities connecting the Customer's trunk-compatible PBX or other suitable equipment to the Company's POP.  The Customer shall be responsible for all costs and charges associated with the dedicated access facilities.


Dedicated Outbound Calls:  Refers to service that is offered to the extent facilities are available in those cases where the Company and the Customer jointly arrange for the establishment of dedicated access facilities connecting the Customer's trunk-compatible PBX or other suitable equipment to the Company's Point of Presence (POP).  The Customer shall be responsible for all costs and charges associated with the dedicated access facilities.


Disconnection:  The disconnection of a circuit, dedicated access  line or port connection being used for existing service.


Holidays:  Company recognized holidays are:

                        New Year's Day                                  Thanksgiving Day

                        Independence Day                              Christmas Day

                        Labor Day


Interexchange Service:  Any of the Company's service offerings which provide switched communications between Local Exchange Carrier defined exchange service areas.  Interexchange Services include, but are not limited to MTS, Toll Free and Other Service Offerings.


Local Service Management Systems (LSMs):  An intermediate data base system which receives downloads of Customer records from the SMS/toll-free and further downloads them to the appropriate SCPs in its network.


Message Telecommunications Service:  The transmission of voice communications or, subject to the transmission capabilities of the service, the transmission of data, facsimile, signalling, metering, or any other form of intelligence.


Minimum Average Time Requirement (MATR):  A generic term indicating a specified period of time, used in the determination of usage charges, which represents the minimum average duration of calls completed during a billing period.


Network:  Refers to the Company's facilities, equipment, and services provided under this Tariff.


Other Carrier:  A person, firm, corporation, or entity regulated by the ICC or the FCC which subscribes to carriers' communications services and facilities and resells these communications services and facilities to the public for a profit.  Unless otherwise indicated herein, the term "other carrier" when used in this tariff includes entities which are brokers of the service (act as intermediaries for the purpose of reselling), those entities which are processors of the service (enhance the value of the service through substantial incurred costs) and those entities which are underlying carriers or providers of facilities.


Premises:  The space designated by a Customer as its place or places of business for termination of service (whether for its own communications needs of for its resale Customers).  In the case of a non‑profit sharing group, this term includes space at each sharer's place or places of as well as space at the Customer's place of business.


Primary InterLATA Carrier ("PIC"):  Long distance carrier designated by a telephone subscriber to provide the Customer with interLATA service without having to dial a special access code.


Residential:  Switched network service which provides for dial station originations for which the subscriber pays a rate that is described as a residential, non-commercial, or non-business rate in the applicable local exchange service tariff for switched service.


Responsible Organization (Resp. Org.):  The carrier entity that has responsibility for the management of toll-free numbers in the Service Management System (SMS/800) including maintaining Customer records in the SMS/800 system.  Also, the entity which accesses the SMS/800 to:  (a) search for and reserve toll-free numbers; (b) create and maintain toll-free number Customer records, including call processing records; and (c) provide a single point of contact for trouble reporting.  The SMS/800 recognizes one Resp. Org. for each toll-free number.


Service Commencement Date:  The first date on which the Company notifies the Customer that the requested service or facility is available for use, unless extended by the Customer's refusal to accept service which does not conform to standards set forth in the Service Order or this tariff, in which case the Service Commencement Date is the date of the Customer's acceptance.  The Company and the Customer may mutually agree on a substitute Service Commencement Date.


Service Order:  The written request for communications services executed by the Customer and the Company in the format devised by the Company.  The signing of a Service Order by the Customer and acceptance by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this tariff, but the duration of the service is calculated from the Service Commencement Date.


Shared Inbound Calls:  Refers to calls that are terminated via the Customer's LEC-provided local exchange access line.


Shared Outbound Calls:  Refers to calls in Feature Group D exchanges whereby the Customer's local telephone lines are presubscribed by the local exchange company to the Company's Outbound Services such that "1 + 10-digit number" calls are automatically routed to the Company's network.


Special Access Line (SAL):  A Dedicated Analog DAL or Digital T-1 Access Lines directly connecting Customers telephone equipment to the Long Distance Provider without using the Local Exchange Carrier's switching equipment.


Service Control Point (SCP):  The real-time data base system in the Toll-Free Data Base Service network that contains instructions on how Customers wish their calls to be routed, terminated or otherwise processed.


Service Management System (SMS/800):  The main administrative support system of Toll-Free Data Base Service.  It is used to create and update Customer Toll-Free Service records that are then down loaded to Service Control Points (SCPs) for handling Customer's Toll-Free Service calls and to Local Management Systems (LSMSs) for subsequent downloading to SCPs.  The system is also used by Resp. Orgs. to reserve and assign toll-free numbers.


Speed Number:  A signaling arrangement by which a Customer may  elect to dial a pre‑programmed four digit number in place of a  designated ten digit number.


Terminal:  Any POP (Point Of Presence) where carrier provides services described herein.


Terminal Equipment:  Devices, apparatus, and their associated  wiring such as teleprinters, telephone hand sets, or data sets.


United States:  The term "United States" designates the forty‑eight (48) conterminous states and the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as the off‑shore areas outside the boundaries of the coastal states of the forty‑eight contiguous states to the extent that such areas appertain to and are subject to the jurisdiction and control of the United States.


U.S. Mainland  The District of Columbia and the 48 conterminous states.


User or End User:  Any person or entity that obtains the Company's services provided under this Tariff, regardless of whether such person or entity is so authorized by the Customer.


Vertical Features:  Services such as call validation, "Plain Old Telephone Service" (POTS) number translation, and provision of statistical information on the Customer's toll-free traffic, which may be obtained by the Company from Local Exchange Company access tariffs on behalf of a Company Toll-Free Service Customer for which the Company serves as Resp. Org.




Effective June 23, 2001, all Regulations, as they apply to business customers, are superseded by the General Terms and Conditions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff F.C.C No. 1, except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.




            The Company is a telephone company providing interexchange communications and long distance message toll telephone service to Customers within the United States for the transmission and reception of voice, data, and other types of communications.  The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangements.


            Unless otherwise specified, services described in this tariff are available only to business Customers (i.e., Customers who purchase local exchange service from their local carrier at its rates applicable to business subscribers); provided that MTS and other presubscribed services will be provided to residential Customers who subscribed to service offered by a Company-approved sales agent.


            Beginning on February 7, 1999, residential Customers who do not subscribe to service through Company-approved sales agents and who seek to access Company residential services will begin to receive service pursuant to the terms and conditions, including charges, set forth in either Sections C‑3.02521, C-3.025108, C-3.02522, C-3.0211111, or C-3.211 of MCI Telecommunications Service Tariff FCC No. 1, as that tariff may change from time to time.  Affected Customers are not required to take any action to achieve this change, which is expected to be completed within approximately ninety (90) days.


            The Company's services and facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless otherwise stated in this tariff, and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


            Services provided pursuant to this tariff may be utilized only for the transmission of communications by Customers consistent with the terms of this Tariff, the rules and regulations of the FCC and the requirements of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.






            2.2.1    Limitations on Service


                        A)        Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and/or equipment and subject to the provisions of this tariff.


                        B)        The Company reserves the right to provide services only to and from locations where the necessary facilities or equipment are available.

                        C)        The Company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing service without notice to the Customer when necessitated by conditions beyond its control or when the Customer is using the service in violation of the provisions of this tariff or in violation of the law.


                                    The Company reserves the right to immediately and without prior notice terminate, suspend, restrict geographically, or otherwise limit the use of the Company's access codes (e.g., 10-XXX) by Customers not presubscribed to the Company's services to complete calls to any or all domestic points, if the Company determines in its sole discretion that:


                                    (1)        fraudulent, unauthorized, or unlawful use of the Company's access codes warrants such termination, suspension, restriction, or other limitation on their use; and/or


                                    (2)        there is a substantial possibility that calls utilizing the Company's access codes and originating from or terminating to a specific location or exchange area are likely to be uncollectible.


                        D)        Service furnished by Company may not be used for any unlawful purpose, including residential, business, governmental, or other use.  There are no restrictions on sharing or resale of Services.  However, the Customer remains liable for all obligations under this Tariff notwithstanding such sharing or resale and regardless of the Company's knowledge of same.  The Company shall have no liability to any person or entity other  than the Customer.  The Company shall not use nor permit others to use the Service in a manner that could interfere with Services provided to others, that could harm the facilities of the Company or others or that is inconsistent with any applicable law or regulation.


                        E)        Except as otherwise provided in this Tariff or as specified in writing by the party entitled to receive notice, notices between Customer and Company shall be given in writing to the persons whose names and business addresses appear on the relevant Application for Service and the effective date of any notice shall be the date of delivery of such notice, not the date of mailing.  By written notice, Company or Customer may change the party to receive notice and/or the address to which such notice is to be delivered.  In the event no Customer or Company address is provided in the relevant Application for Service, notice shall be given to the last known business address of Customer or Company, as the case may be.


                        F)         In the event that the industry guidelines  and/or practices regarding the administration of toll-free numbers is altered in a manner resulting in a significant reduction in the availability of toll-free the numbers, Company retains the right to cease issuing toll-free numbers to classes of Customers ordering blocks of toll-free numbers in excess of five (5) and to distribute its allocation of such toll-free numbers among its geographic regions and market types.  Further, restrictions may be placed on existing Customers limiting growth in the number of toll-free numbers utilized.




            2.2.2    Provision of Equipment and Facilities


                        A)        Except as otherwise indicated, Customer-provided station equipment at the Customer's premises for use in connection with this service shall be so constructed, maintained and operated as to work satisfactorily with the facilities of the Company.


                        B)        The Company shall not be responsible for the installation, operation or maintenance of any Customer-provided communications equipment.  Where such equipment is connected to service furnished pursuant to this tariff, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of services under this tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such services in the proper manner.  Subject to this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for:


                                    (1)        the through transmission of signals generated by Customer-provided equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission; or


                                    (2)        the reception of signals by Customer-provided equipment; or


                                    (3)        network control signalling where such signalling is performed by Customer-provided network control signalling equipment.









            Except as stated in this Section, the Company shall have no liability for damages of any kind arising out of or related to events, acts, rights or privileges contemplated in this tariff.  The Company's liability for willful misconduct, if established as a result of judicial or administrative proceedings, is not limited by this tariff.


            2.3.1    The Company shall not be liable for any failure of performance hereunder or any claim or loss, expense or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for any interruption, delay, error, mistake, omission, or other defect or misrepresentation in any service, facility (including services and facilities involved in emergency calling activity) or transmission provided under this tariff, if caused by any person or entity other than the Company, by any malfunction of any service or facility provided by any other carrier, by an act of God, fire, war, explosion, vandalism, cable cut, storm, riot, civil disturbance, or act of government, or by any other similar occurrence or cause beyond the Company's direct control.


            2.3.2    The Company shall not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by Customer against:


                        A)        Any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for defamation, libel, slander, invasion, infringement of copyright or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark, tradename or service mark, unfair competition, interference with or misappropriation or violation of any contract, proprietary or creative right, or any other injury to any person, property or entity arising out of  the material, data, information, or other content revealed to, transmitted by, or used by the Company under this tariff.


                        B)        Any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for any act or omission of the Customer or for any claim or loss, expense or damage due to the failure of Customer-provided equipment, facilities, or services.


                        C)        Any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for any personal injury or death of any person caused directly or indirectly by the installation, maintenance, location, condition, operation, failure, presence, use, or removal of equipment or wiring provided by the Company, if not caused by negligence of the Company.


                        D)        The Customer shall be liable for damages to the facilities of the Company caused by negligence or willful acts of officers, employees, agents or contractors of the Customer.


            2.3.3    The Company shall not be liable for any defacement of or damages to the premises of a Customer, resulting from the furnishing of service, which is not the result of Company's negligence.


                        The Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies furnishing a portion of the service.


                        All or a portion of the Service may be provided over facilities of third parties, and the Company shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity in any respect whatsoever arising out of Defects caused by such third parties.


            2.3.4    The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or actual damages, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of any defects or any other cause.  This warranty and these remedies are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties or remedies, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


            2.3.5    The Company shall not be liable for any damages, including toll usage charges, the Customer may incur as a result of unauthorized use of its telephone facilities.  This unauthorized use of its telephone facilities includes, but is not limited to, the placement of calls from the Customer's premises, and the placement of calls through Customer-provided equipment which are transmitted or carried on the Company network.  The Company's Corporate Security Department may work with Subscribers and/or Customers to recommend possible solutions to reduce unauthorized use of their facilities.  However, the Company does not warrant or guarantee that its recommendations will prevent all unauthorized use, and the Customer is responsible for controlling access to, and use of, its own telephone facilities.


            2.3.6    A Customer of the Company's 1+, and/or Toll-Free Service is responsible for payment for all calls placed:


                        A)        via the Customer's local telephone service number(s);

                        B)        via dedicated access lines to Company facilities and/or network; and

                        C)        via the Customer's Toll-Free Service number(s); (placed either intentionally or by mistake).


                        This includes payment for long distance message telephone service calls or services:  - originated at the Customer's number(s), - accepted at the Customer's Number(s) (e.g., collect calls), - billed to the Customers number via third number billing if the Customer is found to be responsible for such call or service, the use of a calling card, or the use of a company assigned special billing number, and - incurred at the specific request of the Customer.


                        This responsibility is not changed by virtue of any use, misuse, or abuse of the Customer's service or Customer provided systems, equipment, facilities or services interconnected to the Customer's local telephone service, dedicated lines, or toll-free service; which use, misuse or abuse may be occasioned by third parties, including, without limitation, the Customer's employees and members of the public.


            2.3.7    Except as otherwise provided in this Tariff, the liability of the Company for damages resulting in whole or in part from or arising in connection with the furnishing of service under this Tariff, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or other defects or misrepresentations shall not exceed an amount equal to five (5) times the initial minute charge provided for under this tariff for the call for the period which the call was affected.  No other liability in any event shall attach to the Company.


            2.3.8    Where any claim arises out of the Company's acting as a Resp. Org. or where Company Toll-Free Service is not made available on the date committed to the Customer, or cannot otherwise be made available after the Company's acceptance of the Customer's order, or is provided with a number or numbers other than the one(s) committed by Company to the Customer, or the number or numbers are not included in Toll-Free Service Directory Assistance or are included in an incorrect form, or Vertical Features are not obtained or obtained in error, and any such failure or failures is due solely to the negligence of Company, in such case the Company's liability, if any, is limited to the lesser of (a) the actual monetary damages incurred and proved by the Customer as the direct result of such failure or failures, or (b) the sum of $1,000.00.  The Company shall not be liable at all for (a) circumstances surrounding any FCC actions limiting the availability of toll-free numbers, or (b) the use, misuse, or abuse of a Customer's Toll-Free Service by third parties, including, without limitation, the Customer's employees or members of the public who dial the Customer's toll-free number by mistake.  Compensation for any injury the Customer may suffer due to the fault of others than the Company must be sought from such other parties.  In the event that the Company causes the mis-routing of calls, the Company's sole liability shall be to provide a credit equal to the charges for the affected calls.


            2.3.9    The failure to give notice of default, to enforce or insist upon compliance with any of the terms or conditions herein, or the granting of an extension of time for performance by the Company or the Customer shall not constitute the permanent waiver of any term or condition herein.  Each of the provisions shall remain at all times in full force and effect until modified in this Tariff.




            2.4.1    The Customer shall notify the Company of any interruption or other malfunction of service.


            2.4.2    The Company shall be appointed agent for Customer to arrange interconnection from the Company's point of presence to Customer's facilities (Local Access), and Customer shall be responsible for payment of Local Access charges for such interconnections secured on the Customer's behalf unless service does not necessitate the securing of Local Access or Customer specifically requests that the Company not arrange interconnection (in which case interconnection shall be the sole responsibility of the Customer).  The rates charged for Local Access service shall be subject to change in the event of a rate adjustment by the local telephone company or other third party utilized by the Company in arranging Local Access.  Customer acknowledges that the Company may rely on telephone operating companies for installation and testing of Local Access.


The Company shall have no liability to Customer for untimely installation or non-operation of facilities and equipment not provided by the Company.


            2.4.3    Customer shall pay a cancellation charge (a) if Customer orders services requiring special facilities dedicated to the Customer's use and cancels the order either before service begins or before the expiration of the service term, or (b) if service is cancelled for nonpayment or failure to make a requested deposit.  The cancellation charge will be equal to the non-recoverable  portion of expenditures or liabilities incurred expressly for the Customer and the sum of the monthly recurring or minimum usage amount remaining through the end of the term.  The Customer is also liable for any cancellation/disconnection charges assessed by the interconnecting telephone company for the provision of dedicated Local Access.


            2.4.4    Any mistakes, accidents, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission or service which are caused or contributed to, directly or indirectly, by an act or omission of the Customer or others or by the use of Customer-provided facilities or equipment, or by the use of facilities or equipment furnished by any other person using Customer's facilities which are connected to the Company's facilities, shall not result in the imposition of any liability upon the Company and Customer shall pay to the Company any reasonable costs, expenses, damages, fees or penalties incurred by the Company as a result thereof, including costs of any local exchange company labor and materials.  The Company shall be indemnified, or defended and held harmless by the Customer against any and all claims, demands, causes of action and liability arising out of any act of omission of Customer and/or any other person(s) relating to services provided pursuant to this agreement, including payment of the Company's reasonable attorney's fees.


            2.4.5    Use of Working Toll-Free Numbers


                        Customers with working toll-free numbers must keep such numbers in actual and substantial use.  "Substantial Use" as used herein is defined in Section 4 following.  Any working toll-free number that has not remained in actual and substantial use for a continuous four (4) month period may be recovered by the Company immediately.  The Customer will receive written notification of such recovery.


            2.4.6    Prohibited Use of Toll-Free Numbers


                        The Customer is prohibited from using any telephone number beginning with an toll-free service code, or any other telephone number advertised or widely understood to be toll free, in a manner that would result in (a) the calling party or the subscriber to the originating line being assessed, by virtue of completing the call, a charge for the call; (b) the calling party being connected to a pay-per-call service; (c) the calling party being charged for information conveyed during the call unless the calling party has a presubscription or comparable arrangement; or (d) the calling party being called back collect for the provision of audio or data information services, simultaneous voice conversation services or products.




            Service is provided and billing is on a monthly basis.  Service continues to be provided until thirty (30) days after Carrier's receipt of a written request from the Customer for the disconnection of service, unless other restrictions apply.


            Taxes shall not be counted toward the attainment of any volume or revenue commitment and will not be discounted.


            2.5.1    The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished by Company.  This includes payment for calls or services (a) originated at the Customer's number(s) whether authorized or not; (b) Accepted at the Customer's number(s) (e.g. toll-free service calls, collect calls); (c) billed to the Customer's number via Third Number Billing, the use of a Calling Card, or the use of a Company-assigned Authorization Code, Travel Card Number, or other special billing number; and/or (d) incurred at the specific request of the Customer.


                        A)        For the protection of the Company's residential calling card Customers, any residential calling card accounts billing more than $150.00 per month will be subject to termination without notice. However, should the residential calling card Customer anticipate monthly usage greater than $150.00, they may contact the Company's Credit Department at 1-800-275-2655.


            2.5.2    A Customer of the Company's Toll-Free Service is responsible for payment for all calls placed to or via the Customer's Toll-Free Service number(s).  This responsibility is not changed by virtue of any use, misuse, or abuse of the Customer's service or Customer provided systems, equipment, facilities or services interconnected to the Customer's Toll-Free Service, which use, misuse or abuse may be occasioned by third parties, including, without limitation, the Customer's employees and members of the public who dial the Customer's Toll-Free Service number by mistake.


            2.5.3    Payment is due with 30 days of the invoice date.  If notice of a dispute as to charges is not received, in writing, within 30 days of the invoice date, such invoice shall be deemed to be correct and binding upon the Customer.  In instances of a dispute, the Customer is required to pay the undisputed portion of the bill in its entirety.  Accounts not paid within 30 of the invoice date will be considered delinquent.  Delinquent payments may result in the imposition of a late fee at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) of the unpaid balance per month or the maximum allowable under applicable state law (with the exception of Florida and Georgia, where the rate will be at 1.2%).  For disputed bills, the terms of payment shall be according to the principles of federal telecommunications law as stated in the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the decisions of federal and state courts thereunder, the decisions, orders, rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") and applicable Company tariffs as filed and maintained with the FCC.


                        A)        If a Customer accumulates more than $1000.00 of undisputed delinquent Company Toll-Free Service charges, the Company Resp. Org. reserves the right not to honor that Customer's request for a Resp. Org. change until such undisputed charges are paid in full.


                        B)        If a Customer account becomes delinquent, the Company may refuse to permit the Customer to add additional numbers to its account until the delinquency is cured.  Calls from any additional numbers presubscribed by the Customer (as a resultof a PIC change request to the serving LEC) during the delinquency will be billed at the rates specified in Section 4.1.2.  Customer must re-submit its request to add the numbers to the account after removing the delinquency.


            2.5.4    In the event the Company incurs fees or expenses, including attorneys' fees, court costs, costs of investigation and related expenses in collecting, or attempting to collect, any charges owed the Company, the Customer will be liable to the Company for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred.


            2.5.5    The Company will bill previously unbilled charges for service to the Customer, provided the associated service was furnished not more than one hundred eighty (180) days preceding the date of the Customer's bill, including the following items:


                                    •           collect calls

                                    •           credit card and calling card calls

                                    •           third party calls

                                    •           "error file" calls (calls which can not be billed due to the unavailability of complete billing information to Company)


                        A)        In cases involving toll fraud, the Company may backbill for one and one-half (1 1/2) years.


            2.5.6    Payment is to be made to the address designated on the invoice or such other location as the Company may direct in writing from time to time.





            2.5.8    Service-related credit amounts due the Customer that are related to, or based on, service usage will be applied before the application of taxes and the Federal Universal Service Fee; and service-related credit amounts due the Customer that are not related to, or based on, service usage will be applied after the application of taxes and the Federal Universal Service Fee.


2.6       DEPOSITS


            The Company may require applicants or Customers to provide information pertaining to their financial ability to pay for service.


            2.6.1    Applicants or Customers whose credit worthiness is not acceptable to the Company or is not a matter of general knowledge, may be denied service or may be required to make, at any time, a deposit up to an amount equaling two months, actual or estimated, charges for the services provided.  The Company may increase the amount of any deposit previously required if, in the Company's sole discretion, it is reasonably necessary under the circumstances.


            2.6.2    In the case of a cash deposit, interest will be paid for the period during which the deposit is held by the Company.  If the Company, in its sole discretion, determines that the Customer is not capable of satisfying its payment obligations, services may be cancelled by the Company upon written notice.


            2.6.3    At the Company's option, such deposit may be refunded or credited to the Customer at, or any time prior to, termination of service.  The Customer may elect to apply the deposit to future invoices or receive a payment of the deposit amount.  However, if any balance is outstanding on the Customer's account at the time of cancellation, the Company reserves the right to apply the Customer's deposit and accumulated interest against the Customer's unpaid balance.







            2.8.1    Interruption of Service


                        A)        No credit will be allowed for relinquishing facilities in order to perform routine maintenance.


                        B)        Credit for failure of service or equipment will be allowed only when such failure is caused by or occurs in facilities or equipment provided by the Company.  As used in this tariff, all equipment, facilities and/or services for which the Company renders a bill for payment are considered provided by the Company whether or not the equipment, facilities and/or services are owned and operated by the Company.


                        C)        No credit will be allowed for failures of service or equipment due to Customer user-provided facilities or any act or omission of the Customer or its authorized user(s).


                        D)        Credit allowance time for failure of service or equipment starts when the Customer notifies the Company of the failure or when the Company has actual knowledge of the failure, and ceases when the service has been restored and an attempt has been made to notify the Customer.


                        E)        The Customer shall notify the Company of failures of service or equipment and make reasonable attempts to ascertain whether the failure is caused by Customer-provided equipment.


                        F)         Only those portions of the service or equipment operation materially interfered with will be credited.


            2.8.2    Outage Credit


                        A)        No credit shall be given for an interruption of less than 2 hours.


                        B)        The Customer shall be credited for an interruption of 2 hours or more at the rate of 1/360th of the monthly charge for the facilities affected for each period of 2 hours or major fraction thereof that the interruption continues.  ( A billing period has 30 days and service is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Every month will have 720 hours.)


                        C)        Where a minimum usage charge is applicable and the Customer fails to meet a usage minimum, credit for the outage shall be applied against that minimum equal to 1/360th of the monthly minimum charges associated with the portion of service disabled for each period of 2 hours or major fraction thereof that the interruption continues.




            2.9.1    When the services or equipment of the Company are interconnected with and/or terminated in any service and/or equipment of another communications common carrier, the Customer shall comply with any applicable tariff regulations of and/or contractual obligations it has to the other communications common carrier.


            2.9.2    The Company shall be appointed agent of the Customer to arrange interconnection from the Company's point of presence (POP) to the Customer's facilities unless otherwise specified. The Customer shall be responsible for payment of local access line charges for such interconnections secured on its behalf.  The rates charged for local access service are determined by the local exchange company or other third parties utilized by the Company in arranging local access service.  The Customer acknowledges that the Company may rely on these companies for installation and testing of local access lines.  The Company is not liable for untimely installation, facilities not operating or equipment that is not provided by the Company.


            2.9.3    Interconnection of the Company's services or equipment with the services of other communications common carriers is permitted as well as Customer-provided communications facilities so long as the facilities and services provided by others do not interfere with the proper functioning of the facilities and services provided by the Company.


2.10     EQUIPMENT


            2.10.1    Customer Obligations


                          A)      The Customer shall assume all responsibility for obtaining all necessary permits, authorization or consents for interconnecting Customer-provided equipment or facilities with the Company's services or facilities as well as ensuring that the Customer-provided equipment or facilities are properly interfaced with the Company's services or equipment.


                          B)      Access to and release of Company-provided facilities located on the Customer's premises for testing and repair will be required for failures of equipment or service and/or routing maintenance.  The Company will notify the Customer in advance of such necessary access or release and will attempt to schedule the access or release at a mutually convenient time.  For charges contemplated in the tariff, such testing and repair and/or routine maintenance will be performed during regular business hours.  When, at the specific request of the Customer, such routine maintenance, testing and/or repair is performed outside of regular business hours, additional special service charges may apply.


                          C)      The Customer shall operate its equipment and facilities in such a manner that its use of the Company's facilities shall not interfere with any other Customer's use of the Company's services or equipment.


                          D)      The Customer shall provide adequate space, electrical power, wiring, HVAC and electrical outlets necessary for the proper operation of the Company's equipment on the Customer's and/or authorized user's premises.


                          E)      The Customer shall be responsible for all loss regardless of cause (other than directly resulting from an act or omission of the Company) to the Company's equipment on the Customer's or its authorized user's premises.


                          F)       The Customer is responsible for ensuring that, except for Customer authorized and qualified personnel, no one attempt to adjust, modify, move or otherwise interfere in any way with the continuous operation of the Company's equipment located at the Customer's or authorized user premises.


                          G)      The Customer shall comply with the minimum protective criteria generally accepted in the telephone industry and other appropriate criteria as may be prescribed by the Company to protect the integrity of service or for safety reasons.


                          H)      The Customer shall be responsible for the installation, operation or maintenance of any Customer-provided equipment.  Where such equipment is connected to service furnished pursuant to this tariff, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of services under this tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such services in the proper manner.  Subject to this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for the following:


                                    (1)        the through transmission of signals generated by Customer-provided equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission;


                                    (2)        the reception of signals by Customer-provided equipment; or


                                    (3)        network control signaling where such signalling is performed by Customer-provided network control signalling equipment.


            2.10.2    Terminal Equipment


                          A)      The Company's facilities and service may be used with or terminated in Customer-provided terminal equipment or Customer-provided communications systems.  Such terminal equipment shall be furnished and maintained at the expense of the Customer, except as otherwise provided in this tariff.  The Customer is responsible for all costs at his premises, including Customer personnel, wiring, electrical power, and the like, incurred in the use of the Company's service.


                          B)      When such terminal equipment is used, the equipment shall comply with the minimum protective criteria set forth below and shall not interfere with service furnished to other Customers. Additional protective equipment, if needed, shall be employed at the Customer's expense.


                          C)      When service using voice grade facilities is terminated in Customer‑provided terminal equipment, channel derivation devices, or communications systems, the Customer shall comply with the following minimum protective criteria:


                                    (1)        When the facilities furnished under this tariff are used in common with local exchange carrier services, it is necessary in order to prevent excessive noise and cross talk, that the power of the signal applied to the local lines be limited.  A single valued limit for all application cannot be specified.  Therefore, the power of the signal in the band over 300 hertz which may be applied by the Customer ‑provided equipment at the point of termination will be specified by the carrier for each application, to be consistent with the signal power allowed on the telecommunications network.


                                    (2)        To protect the telecommunications services from interference at frequencies which are above the band  of service provided, the carrier will specify the acceptable signal power in the following bands to be  applied by the Customer provided equipment or communications system at the point of termination to  insure that the input to the Carrier's facilities does not  exceed the limits indicated.


                                                (a)        The power in the band from 3,995 hertz to 4,000 hertz shall be at least 18 dB below the power of the signal as specified in Subsection (1) preceding.


                                                (b)        The power in the band from 4,000 hertz to 10,000 hertz shall not exceed 24 dB below one miliwatt.


                                                (c)        The power in the band from 10,000 hertz to 25,000 hertz shall not exceed 24dB below one miliwatt.


                                                (d)        The power in the band from 25,000 hertz to 40,000 hertz shall not exceed 36 dB below one miliwatt.


                                                (e)        The power in the band above 40,000  hertz shall not exceed 50 dB below one miliwatt.


                                    (3)        Where there is connection via Customer‑provided terminal equipment or communications systems to a Message Telecommunications Service, to prevent the interruption or disconnection of calls or interference with network control signaling, it is necessary that the signal applied by the Customer‑ provided equipment to the interface at no time has energy solely in the 2450 to 2740 hertz band.  If signal power is in the 2450 to 2750 hertz band, it must not exceed the power present at the same time in the 800 to 2450 hertz band.


                                    (4)        Where such Customer‑provided equipment or communications system applies, signals having components in the frequency spectrum below 300 hertz, excluding ringing signals, the currents and voltages (including all harmonics and spurious signals) at the interface shall not exceed the limits indicated in (a) through (d) the following:


                                                (a)        The maximum rms (root‑mean‑square) value, including dc and ac components of the current per conductor shall not exceed 0.35 ampere.


                                                (b)        The magnitude of the peak of the conductor or ground voltage shall not exceed 70 volts.


                                                (c)        The conductor voltage shall be such that the conductor‑to‑ground voltage limit in (2) preceding is not exceeded.  If the signal source is not grounded, the voltage limit in (2) preceding applies to the conductor‑to‑conductor voltage.


                                                (d)        The total weighted rms voltage within the band from 50 hertz shall not exceed 100 volts.  The total weighted rms voltage is the square root of the sum of the products times the square of the rms voltage of the individual frequency components.


                                                            For Frequencies Between                   Weighing Factor


                                                            50 Hertz and 100 Hertz                       f2/104

                                                            100 Hertz and 300 Hertz                     f3.3/106.6


                                                            Where f is the numerical value of the frequency, in hertz, of the frequency component being weighted.


                          D)      If the Customer fails to maintain and operate its terminal equipment properly, resulting in the occurrence or possibility of harm to the Company's equipment, personnel, or the quality of service to other Customers, the Company may, upon written notice, require repair, maintenance or the use of protective equipment at the Customer's expense.  If such repair, maintenance or use of protective equipment fails to produce satisfactory results, the Company may, upon written notice terminate the Customer's service immediately.




            2.11.1    For any of the following reasons, the Company may discontinue service or cancel an application for all services without incurring any liability.  Separate accounts for the same Customer are also subject to this provision.


                          A)      In the event that a Customer's bill remains unpaid after more than thirty days following rendition of the bill.


                          B)      In the event of a violation of any regulation governing the service under this tariff.


                          C)      In the event of a violation of any law, rule, or regulation of any government authority having jurisdiction over the service.


                          D)      Where Company is prohibited from furnishing services by order of a court or other government authority having jurisdiction.


                          E)      In the event of fraudulent use of the Company's network by Customer, the Company will discontinue service and/or seek legal recourse to recover all costs involved in enforcement of this provision.


                          Service may be discontinued by the Company, without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to or from certain cities, or NXX exchanges, or by blocking calls using certain Customer authorization codes such as Calling Card codes, when Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of its Service.  The Company will restore Service as soon as it can be provided without undue risk.


                          Also, without incurring any liability, Company may discontinue the furnishing of Service(s) to a Customer immediately and without notice if the Company deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or Services.


            2.11.2    Service may be canceled by the Customer only on not less than thirty (30) days written notice to the Company.


            2.11.3    The discontinuance of Service by Company pursuant to this Section does not relieve the Customer of any obligations to pay the Company for charges due and owing for Service(s) furnished up to the time of discontinuance.


            2.11.4    The remedies set forth herein shall not be exclusive and the Company shall at all times be entitled to all rights available to it under either law or equity.


            2.11.5    Except as otherwise provided in this Tariff or as specified in writing by the party entitled to receive Service, notices may be given orally or in writing to the persons whose names and business addresses appear on the executed Service order.




            2.12.1    In cases where a Customer requests a special or unique arrangement which may include engineering, conditioning, installation, construction, facilities, assembly, purchase or lease of facilities and/or other special services not offered under this Tariff, the Company, at this option, may provide the requested Services.  Appropriate recurring charges and/or Nonrecurring Charges and other terms and conditions will be developed accordingly.


















            TRS is a service which permits hearing and/or speech impaired Customers who have been certified, in writing, by a licensed physician, audiologist, speech pathologist, or appropriate  state or federal agency, as having a hearing or speech impairment which precludes oral communications and who use a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD), to complete calls to Customers who do not use TDD.  Customers originating a call, either by voice or TDD, reach the TRS Center for their respective state via a toll free number.  The completed call is rated as a call from the originating telephone number to the terminating telephone number.


            Customers who wish to use TRS service must provide written application and certification of a speech or hearing  impairment to the Company.  The Customer shall designate to the Company one and only one telephone number associated with that Customer's service and telecommunications device.


            Customers placing a call with the assistance of TRS will receive a 50 percent discount off Dial USA per minutes rates listed in Section 4.1.4, and will apply for usage up to $999.99 per month.  This discount will apply for all interstate calls that are originated from and billed to the telephone number designated by the hearing or speech impaired Customer.  TRS calls are not eligible for any discounts associated with other calling plans.  All TRS calls are confidential.  TRS calls may not be placed to 900 or 976 numbers.





            Charges for service are applied on a recurring and non-recurring basis.  Service is provided and billed on a monthly basis.


            3.1.1    Start of Billing


                        For the purpose of billing, service will be deemed to be started on the day the service and its asso­ciated equipment, if any, is installed.  Where billing is based upon Customer usage, Customer will be billed for all usage commencing on the date usage begins.


            3.1.2    Minimum Service Period


                        Subject to the Company's right to cancel or suspend services as otherwise provided in this tariff, the minimum service period for services is thirty (30) days.  Termina­tion by Customer is effective thirty (30) days after receipt by the Company of a written notice of cancellation.  Termination by the Company is effec­tive thirty (30) days after delivery of written notice or as otherwise set forth in this tariff or other agree­ment of the Customer and the Company.


                        In situations where a Special Customer Arrangements is requested, the minimum service period and charges will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


            3.1.3    Application of Charges


                        All monthly recurring charges are billed one month in advance.  Initial and final month's billing, when the service period is less than a month, will be prorated at 1/30th of the month's recurring charge for each day the service was rendered or equipment was provided.


                        Usage charges are billed monthly for the preceding billing period.  For periods less than the monthly billing period, minimum usage charges are prorated at 1/30th of the monthly minimum amount for each day the service was rendered.


            3.1.4    Calculation of Fractional Charges


                        Charges for a fractional part of a month are calculated by counting the number of days remaining in the billing period after service is furnished.  Divide that number of days figure by thirty days (billing period).  The result is then multiplied by the applicable monthly service charge to arrive at the appropriate fractional monthly service charge.


                        For each call the minimum charge shall be the applicable charge for the initial billing increment described for each service in this tariff, with use in excess of the initial billing increment charged at the applicable rate per minute.  If the final interval of a call is less than the applicable billing increment, the fractional billing increment will be rounded up to the next full increment for purposes of billing.


                        All per call charges or credits of fractional cents shall be rounded to the next full cent unless otherwise stated in the specific product description contained in Section 4 of this tariff.


            3.1.5    Rate Periods


                        The following Rate Periods will apply unless otherwise stated in the specific product descriptions.  In cases where a call begins in one rate period and continues into another, the rate in effect in each period will apply to the portion of the call occurring within the applicable rate period.


                        BUSINESS DAY

                        All calls that occur between 8 A.M. through 4:59 P.M. Monday through Friday except on Company recognized Holidays listed in Section A preceding.



                        All calls that occur between 5 P.M. and 10:59 P.M. Sunday through Friday.



                        All calls that occur between 11 P.M. and 7:59 A.M. all days, between 8 A.M. and 10:59 P.M. on Saturday and between 8 A.M. and 4:59 P.M. on Sundays.



                        The evening rate period will apply to calls made on  Company recognized Holidays listed in Section 1 preceding; provided however, that calls made on a Company recognized Holiday during the Night and Weekend Rate Period shall be billed at the lower of the Evening Rate or Night and Weekend Rate.



                        All calls that occur between 8 A.M. and 4:59 P.M. Monday through Friday.


                        OFF PEAK

                        All calls that occur between 5 P.M. and 7:59 A.M. Monday through Thursday, and all calls between 5 P.M. Friday and 7:59 A.M. Monday.


            3.1.6    Billing Increments


                        Billing increments are product specific.  All per call charges of fractional cents will be rounded to the next full cent unless otherwise stated in the specific product descriptions.


            3.1.7    Calculation of Distance


                        Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call.


                        The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by  applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal  coordinates associated with the rate centers involved.  The  Company uses the rate centers and associated vertical and  horizontal coordinated that are produced by Bell Communication Research in their NPA‑NXX V&H Coordinate Tape and AT&T Tariff No. 10.  The airline mileage between rate centers is calculated as follows, where V1 and H1 are the vertical and horizontal coordinates of point 1 and V2 and H2 are the vertical and horizontal coordinates of point 2.







            Billable time for service is the duration of time between the called station answering and the called or calling station disconnecting, provided duration may be rounded in accordance with specific service descriptions in this tariff.






In addition to other service-related charges, FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee, CAC y CCRC apply.




            MTS service is a measured use, full time service and is offered on a monthly basis, utilizing intercity communications facilities shared among multiple users.  The individual Customer's basic monthly charges for the use of such intercity communications facilities are based upon the time of day, the total minutes the Customer utilizes such facilities and the distance of each call.  For each call under the MTS option, the minimum charge shall be the applicable charge for one minute of use with use in excess of one minute during a call charged at the applicable rate per minute with the fraction, if any, of the last minute of each call rounded up to the next highest whole minute.  To the extent applicable, the Carrier Access Charge described in Section 2.15 shall be charged to the Customer in addition to the specific rates and charges for any services set forth below.


            4.1.1    Option 1 - Usage Charges


                        Usage charges are determined by the time of day rate periods and minutes of use within each rate period.  The rate period is determined by the time and day of call origination at the Customer's location.


                        A)        Rate Per Minute Schedule



                                                MILEAGE                               PEAK          OFF-PEAK


                                                  1 - 124                               $0.2599           $0.1299

                                                124 +                                     0.2899             0.1799


                        B)        Billing Increments


                                    MTS Service is billed in one (1) minute initial increments and is rounded to the next higher one (1) minute increment.



            4.1.2    Option 2 - LEC Billed Measured Service Usage Charges


                        LEC Billed Measured Service calling includes calls made by Customers without an established account dialed:


                        1.         using an accepted Company access code (e.g., 10XXX) from a line not presubscribed to the Company; or


                        2.         from a line presubscribed to the Company (i.e.,  when the Customer does not have an established account and billing relationship with Company or another carrier using the Company network.)


                        Such LEC Billed Measured Service calls may be routed to the Company network when placed within the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States, with the exception that such calls can not be originated in LATA 921 (Fisher's Island, NY), LATA 980 (Navajo, UT) and LATA 981 (Navajo, AZ).  LEC Billed Measured Service calls accepted by the Company will be billed at the rates listed below:


                        A)        Rate Per Minute Schedule


                                    All Mileage Bands                                       $0.3815   per minute


                        B)        Per Call Surcharge


                                                                                                        $2.4900   per call


                        C)        Billing Increments


                                    LEC Billed Measured Service is billed in one (1) minute initial increments and is rounded to the next higher one (1) minute increment.


4.1.3    Option 3 - LEC Billed Measured Service - Operator Assisted - Usage Charges


                        A)        Rate Per Minute Schedule - Customer Dialed Calling Card


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                1st Min.    Add'l Min.    1st Min.    Add'l Min.    1st Min.    Add'l Min.


               0 -   10                  $0.3600     $0.3600     $0.3600     $0.3600     $0.3600     $0.3600

              11 -   22                   0.3800       0.3800       0.3800       0.3800       0.3800       0.3800

              23 -   55                   0.4200       0.4200       0.4200       0.4200       0.4200       0.4200

              56 -  124                  0.4300       0.4300       0.4300       0.4300       0.4300       0.4300

             125 -  292                 0.4400       0.4400       0.4400       0.4400       0.4400       0.4400

             293 -  430                 0.4400       0.4400       0.4400       0.4400       0.4400       0.4400

             431 -  925                 0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500

             926 - 1910                0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600

            1911 - 3000               0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600

            3001 - 4250               0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600

            4251 +                       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600


                        B)        Rate Per Minute Schedule - Station to Station/Person to Person


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                1st Min.    Add'l Min.    1st Min.    Add'l Min.    1st Min.    Add'l Min.


               0 -   10                  $0.3700     $0.3700     $0.3700     $0.3700     $0.3700     $0.3700

              11 -   22                   0.3900       0.3900       0.3900       0.3900       0.3900       0.3900

              23 -   55                   0.4300       0.4300       0.4300       0.4300       0.4300       0.4300

              56 -  124                  0.4400       0.4400       0.4400       0.4400       0.4400       0.4400

             125 -  292                 0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500

             293 -  430                 0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500

             431 -  925                 0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500       0.4500

             926 - 1910                0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600

            1911 - 3000               0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600

            3001 - 4250               0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600

            4251 +                       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600       0.4600


                        C)        Per Call Surcharges


                                    Customer Dialed Credit Card                                  $1.70

                                    Customer Dialed Calling Card                                  1.40

                                    Operator Assisted Station to Station:

                                          Collect and Calling Card                                     2.25

                                          Bill to Third Party                                                 2.35

                                          Sent Paid Non-Coin                                            2.30

                                          Operator Assisted Person-Person                      5.10

                                          Subscriber Surcharge                                         1.15


                        D)        Billing Increments


                                    Option 3 Service is billed in one (1) minute initial increments and is rounded to the next higher one (1) minute increment.  No holidays apply.


                        E)        Rate Periods


                                    Day:                             8AM - 5PM, Mon-Fri

                                    Evening:                      5PM - 11PM, Mon-Fri, Sun

                                    Night/Weekend:          11PM- 8AM, Mon-Sun


            4.1.4    Option 4 - Dial USA Service


                        A)        Rate Per Minute Schedule



                                                MILEAGE                               PEAK          OFF-PEAK


                                                     1 - 124                            $0.2599           $0.1299

                                                   124 +                                  0.2899             0.1799


                        B)        Billing Increments


                                    Dial USA Service is billed in one (1) minute initial increments and is rounded to the next higher one (1) minute increment.


C)        Monthly Recurring Charge:  A monthly recurring charge of $4.95 applies to this service.  This charge will contribute to the Monthly Minimum Usage Charge for this service.


D)       Monthly Minimum Usage Charge:  A monthly minimum usage charge of $9.99 applies to this service.  In any month in which customer’s usage charges,, including usage charges and plan fees, are less than $9.99, Customer will be billed the difference between the usage charges and the minimum monthly charge so that Customer’s monthly charges equal a minimum of $9.99.


            4.1.5    Option 5 - 1-888-WORLDCOM


                        This Service provides the general public with collect calling, third party, and person to person calling within the United States.


                        A)        Rate Per Minute Schedule - Customer Dialed Calling Card


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                1st Min.    Add'l Min.    1st Min.    Add'l Min.    1st Min.    Add'l Min.


               0 -  10                   $0.3321     $0.2871     $0.2511     $0.2061     $0.1971     $0.1521

              11 -  22                    0.3501       0.3051       0.2601       0.2151       0.2331       0.1881

              23 -  55                    0.3861       0.3411       0.2781       0.2331       0.2421       0.1971

              56 -  124                  0.3951       0.3501       0.2781       0.2331       0.2421       0.1971

             125 -  292                 0.4041       0.3591       0.2781       0.2331       0.2421       0.1971

             293 -  430                 0.4041       0.3591       0.2961       0.2511       0.2511       0.2061

             431 -  925                 0.4041       0.3591       0.3141       0.2691       0.2511       0.2061

             926 - 1910                0.4131       0.3681       0.3141       0.2691       0.2601       0.2151

            1911 - 3000               0.4131       0.3681       0.3141       0.2691       0.2691       0.2241

            3001 - 4250               0.4131       0.3681       0.3141       0.2691       0.2691       0.2241

            4251 +                       0.4131       0.3681       0.3141       0.2691       0.2691       0.2241


                        B)        Rate Per Minute Schedule - Station to Station/Person to Person


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                1st Min.    Add'l Min.    1st Min.    Add'l Min.    1st Min.    Add'l Min.


               0 -   10                  $0.3321     $0.2871     $0.2511     $0.2061     $0.1971     $0.1521

              11 -   22                   0.3501       0.3051       0.2601       0.2151       0.2331       0.1881

              23 -   55                   0.3861       0.3411       0.2781       0.2331       0.2421       0.1971

              56 -  124                  0.3951       0.3501       0.2781       0.2331       0.2421       0.1971

             125 -  292                 0.4041       0.3591       0.2781       0.2331       0.2421       0.1971

             293 -  430                 0.4041       0.3591       0.2961       0.2511       0.2511       0.2061

             431 -  925                 0.4041       0.3591       0.3141       0.2691       0.2511       0.2061

             926 - 1910                0.4131       0.3681       0.3141       0.2691       0.2601       0.2151

            1911 - 3000               0.4131       0.3681       0.3141       0.2691       0.2691       0.2241

            3001 - 4250               0.4131       0.3681       0.3141       0.2691       0.2691       0.2241

            4251 +                       0.4131       0.3681       0.3141       0.2691       0.2691       0.2241


                        C)        Per Call Surcharges


                                    Customer Dialed Credit Card                                  $1.20

                                    Customer Dialed Calling Card                                  1.50

                                    Operator Assisted Station to Station:

                                          Collect and Calling Card                                     1.60

                                          Bill to Third Party                                                 2.35

                                          Operator Assisted Person-Person                      2.74

                                          Operator Dialed Charge                                      1.15


                        D)        Billing Increments


                                    Option 5 Service is billed in one (1) minute initial increments and is rounded to the next higher one (1) minute increment.  Holidays rates apply on certain Company holidays.


                        E)        Rate Periods


                                    Day:                             8AM - 5PM, Mon-Fri

                                    Evening:                      5PM - 11PM, Mon-Fri, Sun

                                    Night/Weekend:          11PM- 8AM, Mon-Sun




            Dedicated service is an outbound service requiring the Customer to originate calls via a dedicated access facility between the Customer's premises and the Company's terminal location and allowing the completion of calls via the Company's interexchange facilities and the facilities leased from other carriers. The dedicated access facility is provided by the Local Exchange Carrier.  The Company will act as agent for the Customer in the ordering and installation of such facilities.


            4.2.1    Dedicated Outbound - Option 1


                        A)        Rate Schedule


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                  Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.


               0 -    1                   $0.1324     $0.1324     $0.0985     $0.0985     $0.0879     $0.0879

               2 -  292                   0.1498       0.1498       0.1165       0.1165       0.0943       0.0943

             293 -  430                 0.1641       0.1641       0.1207       0.1207       0.1017       0.1017

             431 -  925                 0.1758       0.1758       0.1292       0.1292       0.1112       0.1112

             926 - 1910                0.1848       0.1848       0.1361       0.1361       0.1138       0.1138

            1911 - 3000               0.2007       0.2007       0.1483       0.1483       0.1213       0.1213

            3001 +                       0.2007       0.2007       0.1483       0.1483       0.1213       0.1213


                        B)        Volume Discounts


                                          Usage Level                                                   Descuento


                                    $ 5,000.00 - $  9,999.99                                            5%

                                    $10,000.00 - $ 24,999.99                                        11

                                    $25,000.00 - $ 34,999.99                                        13

                                    $35,000.00 +                                                           18


                        C)        Billing Increments


                                    Dedicated Outbound - Option 1 Service is billed in thirty (30) second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment.


            4.2.1    Dedicated Service - Option 2


                        A)        Rate Schedule


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                  Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.


               0 -    1                   $0.1244     $0.1244     $0.0995     $0.0995     $0.0884     $0.0884

               2 -  292                   0.1244       0.1244       0.0995       0.0995       0.0884       0.0884

             293 -  430                 0.1408       0.1408       0.1175       0.1175       0.0958       0.0958

             431 -  925                 0.1541       0.1541       0.1218       0.1218       0.1022       0.1022

             926 - 1910                0.1652       0.1652       0.1303       0.1303       0.1092       0.1092

            1911 - 3000               0.1737       0.1737       0.1371       0.1371       0.1149       0.1149

            3001 +                       0.1885       0.1885       0.1498       0.1498       0.1223       0.1223


                        B)        Volume Discounts


                                          Usage Level                                                   Descuento


                                    $ 5,000.00 - $ 9,999.99                                             5%

                                    $10,000.00 - $24,999.99                                         11

                                    $25,000.00 - $34,999.99                                         13

                                    $35,000.00 +                                                           18


                        C)        Billing Increments


                                    Dedicated Service - Option 2 is billed in six (6) second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment.


            4.2.3    Dedicated Service - Option 3


                        A)        Rate Schedule


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                  Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.


               1 +                        $0.1774     $0.1774     $0.1430     $0.1430     $0.1430    $0.1430


                        B)        Volume Discounts


                                          Usage Level                                                   Descuento


                                    $ 25.00 - $ 49.99                                                       1%

                                    $ 50.00 - $ 99.99                                                       2

                                    $100.00 - $199.99                                                     4

                                    $200.00 +                                                                  5


                        C)        Billing Increments


                                    Dedicated Service - Option 3 is billed in six (6) second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment.


            4.2.4    Dedicated Service - Option 4


                        A)        Rate Schedule


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                  Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.


               0 -   55                  $0.1929     $0.1932     $0.1350     $0.1374     $0.1005     $0.1017

              56 -  292                  0.2171       0.2214       0.1526       0.1594       0.1170       0.1185

             293 -  430                 0.2356       0.2365       0.1650       0.1677       0.1243       0.1258

             431 -  925                 0.2478       0.2534       0.1774       0.1803       0.1326       0.1342

             926 - 1910                0.2556       0.2622       0.1836       0.1960       0.1440       0.1457

            1911 - 3000               0.2732       0.2764       0.1960       0.2076       0.1533       0.1551

            3001 - 4250               0.3190       0.3392       0.2291       0.2422       0.1793       0.1814

            4251 +                       0.3576       0.3392       0.2569       0.2715       0.2011       0.2034


                        B)        Volume Discounts


                                          Usage Level                                                   Descuento


                                    $200.00 - $1,999.99                                                10%

                                    $2,000.00 +                                                             25


                        C)        Billing Increments


                                    Dedicated Service - Option 4 is billed in six (6) second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment.




            4.3.1    Service Description


                        Toll-Free Service is an inbound service originating on feature group facilities provided by the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) and terminating on a Regular Business Line or a Special Access Line (SAL).  This service enables the Customer to receive toll-free service calls at their residence or place of business.


                        A)        The Company reserves the right to require an applicant for Toll-Free Service to supply the following information when requesting service:  an initial traffic forecast, identification of anticipated busy hour, identification of its geographical marketing target areas, and a schedule of marketing and promotional activities.  The Company may also require that a new traffic forecast be submitted by the Customer quarterly after service is initiated.


                        B)        The Company's Toll-Free Service is furnished upon condition that the Customer contracts for adequate facilities to permit the use of this service without injurious effects upon it or any service rendered by the Company.  The Company may terminate or refuse to furnish the Company's Toll-Free Service to any applicant, without incurring any liability and without notice to the Customer, if the use of the service would interfere with or impair any service rendered by the Company.


                        C)        The Customer must obtain an adequate number of access lines for Company Toll-Free Services to handle the Customer's expected demand in order to prevent interference or impairment of this service or any other service provided by the Company considering:  (1) total call volume; (2) average call duration; (3) time-of-day characteristics; and (4) peak calling period.  The Company, without incurring any liability and without notice to the Customer, may disconnect or refuse to furnish Company Toll-Free Service to any Customer that fails to comply with these conditions.


                        D)        If the Customer requests assignment of a specific Toll-Free Service telephone number, the Company may require the Customer to submit a number reservation agreement form to the Company.  At no time may a Customer have more than ten (10) numbers reserved.  Any reservation shall be for no more than fifteen (15) days, subject to restrictions specified in Section 2.4.5, and shall be subject to a reservation fee which will be credited to Customer's unpaid balance after the Company's Toll-Free Service has been in actual and substantial use for a consecutive sixty (60) day period.



                        E)        Use of numbers:  Each Company Toll-Free Service telephone number must be placed in actual and substantial use by the Customer.  "Substantial use" shall mean a pattern of use that demonstrates an intent on the Customer's part to employ the number for the purpose for which it was intended; namely, to allow callers to reach the Customer, as indicated, for example, by at least 30 average monthly minutes of use or more.  Any toll-free telephone number associated with the Company's Toll-Free Service that has not been placed in actual and substantial use during the first sixty (60) day period after service activation may be recovered upon written notice to the Customer.


                                    Nothing in this Section, or in any other provision of this tariff, or in any marketing materials issued by or on behalf of the Company, shall give any person, including prospective Customers who have reserved toll-free telephone numbers hereunder or Customers who subscribe to and use the Company's Toll-Free Service or their transferee or assigns, any ownership interest or proprietary right in any particular toll-free number; however, upon placing a number actually and substantially in use, as defined above, the Company's Toll-Free Service Customers do have a controlling interest in this toll-free number(s).  The Company Toll-Free Service Customers may retain the use of their toll-free number assignments, even following changes in their toll-free carrier and/or Resp. Org.


                        F)         If a Customer places an order for the Company to carry Customer's already existing toll-free number service, the Customer shall provide to Company the contact names, telephone number and address of the Customer's Responsible Organization (Resp. Org.).  Upon subscription to the Company's Toll-Free Service, the Customer may execute a Letter of Authorization to transfer Resp. Org. responsibility of its toll-free number(s) to the Company's Resp. Org.  If the Customer elects to retain a non-Company Resp. Org., the Customer must notify the Company of any changes in the Customer's Resp. Org. in writing within 48 hours of the change.  The Customer is responsible for all outstanding indebtedness for services provided by a previous Resp. Org. or toll-free service carrier.  The Company assumes no responsibility or liability with respect to any obligations of Customer to such previous service providers existing at the time of transfer to Company.



                        G)        Subject to execution of a Resp. Org. Service Agreement between the Company and the Customer, the Company Resp. Org. will perform the function of Resp. Org. for all Company Toll-Free Service orders unless the Customer requests another Resp. Org.  The Company's Resp. Org. functions include 1) search for and reservation of toll-free numbers in the SMS/800; 2) creating and maintaining the toll-free number Customer record in the SMS/800; and 3) provision of a single point of contact for trouble reporting.


                                    (1)        Where the Company serves as the Resp. Org. for a Company Toll-Free Service Customer, the Company will, at the Customer's request, subscribe to Toll-Free Directory Listing for the toll-free number(s) assigned to the Customer.  A charge for Toll-Free Directory Listings will apply as set forth in this Tariff.  In the event that a Customer transfers its toll-free service to another Resp. Org., the Company shall cease to subscribe to Toll-Free Directory Listing Service on behalf of the Customer and the Customer is responsible for assuring that Toll-Free Directory Listing Service is maintained through the new Resp. Org.  Customer is responsible for payment of any outstanding Toll-Free Directory Listing charges, including any unexpired portion of any minimum period applicable to such services, and the Company shall have no liability for any interruption or other delay, error, mistake, omission or other defect occurring in connection with the transfer of Toll-Free Directory Listing responsibility.


                                    (2)        Where the Company serves as the Resp. Org. for a Company Toll-Free Service Customer, it will, at the Customer's request, subscribe to Vertical Features obtained from Local Exchange Company access tariffs.  When a Company Toll-Free Service Customer uses Vertical Features obtained by Company from Local Exchange Company tariffs, a charge will apply.  This charge may not be counted toward the attainment of any volume or revenue commitment and will not be discounted.


                                    (3)        In the event that a Customer cancels its Company Toll-Free Service, the Customer may elect to retain the Company as its Resp. Org.  Where the Company serves as Resp. Org. for a non-Company Toll-Free Service Customer, a charge for Resp. Org. Service will apply as set forth in this Tariff.


                                    (4)        In the event that a Customer cancels its Company Resp. Org. or Toll-Free Service, the Customer shall be responsible for all outstanding indebtedness to the Company and any outstanding charges applicable to any services obtained by or on behalf of the Customer by Company.


                        H)        It is the Customer's responsibility to provide answer supervision back to the Company point of connection even when the Company Toll-Free Service is connected to switching equipment or a Customer-provided communications system.  In such case, the equipment or system must provide appropriate supervision so that the measure of chargeable time begins upon delivery of the call to the Customer's switching equipment or communications system and ends upon termination of the call.


                        I)          In accordance with FCC regulations, ANI shall only be used for billing and collection, routing, screening, and completion of the originating subscriber's call or transaction or for service directly related to the originating subscriber's call or transaction.


                                    The ANI shall not be reused or resold without first notifying the originating telephone subscriber and obtaining affirmative consent of the subscriber for reuse or resale.


                                    Unless the originating subscriber has given consent for the reuse or resale, any information provided shall not be used for any purpose other than:


                                    •           performing the services or transactions that are subject of the originating subscriber's call;


                                    •           ensuring network performance security, and the effectiveness of call delivery;


                                    •           compiling, using and disclosing aggregate information; and


                                    •           complying with applicable laws.


            4.3.2    Toll-Free Switched Services


                        A)        Rate Schedule


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                  Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.


               0 -    1                   $0.2293     $0.2293     $0.1832     $0.1832     $0.1514     $0.1514

               2 -  292                   0.2293       0.2293       0.1832       0.1832       0.1514       0.1514

             293 -  430                 0.2372       0.2372       0.1896       0.1896       0.1562       0.1562

             431 -  925                 0.2415       0.2415       0.1927       0.1927       0.1589       0.1589

             926 - 1910                0.2489       0.2489       0.1991       0.1991       0.1647       0.1647

            1911 +                       0.2536       0.2536       0.2086       0.2086       0.1668       0.1668


                        B)        Volume Discounts


                                          Usage Level                                                   Descuento


                                    $  200.00 -  $499.99                                                  2%

                                    $  500.00 -  $999.99                                                  5

                                    $1,000.00 +                                                               9


                        C)        Billing Increments


                                    Toll-Free Switched Service is billed in six (6) second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment.


D)        Monthly Recurring Charge:  $14.00 per month per toll free number.  (Effective October 1, 2014, this charge will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.  The toll free monthly recurring charge, and any other charges related to Customer’s toll free service, will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.)


            4.3.3    Toll-Free Dedicated Service


                        A)        Rate Schedule


         INTERSTATE                         DAY                        EVENING            NIGHT/WEEKEND

            MILEAGE                  Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.      Initial      Add'l Incr.


               0 -    1                   $0.1589     $0.1589     $0.1281     $0.1281     $0.1080     $0.1080

               2 -  292                   0.1589       0.1589       0.1281       0.1281       0.1080       0.1080

             293 -  430                 0.1705       0.1705       0.1361       0.1361       0.1144       0.1144

             431 -  925                 0.1758       0.1758       0.1393       0.1393       0.1170       0.1170

             926 - 1910                0.1848       0.1848       0.1461       0.1461       0.1234       0.1234

            1911 +                       0.1885       0.1885       0.1498       0.1498       0.1255       0.1255


                        B)        Volume Discounts


                                          Usage Level                                                   Descuento


                                    $ 1,000.00 - $2,499.99                                              5.0%

                                    $ 2,500.00 - $4,999.99                                              6.5

                                    $ 5,000.00 - $9,999.99                                              8.0

                                    $10,000.00 +                                                           12.0


                        C)        Billing Increments


                                    Toll-Free Dedicated Service is billed in six (6) second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment.


D)        Monthly Recurring Charge:  $14.00 per month per toll free number.  (Effective October 1, 2014, this charge will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.  The toll free monthly recurring charge, and any other charges related to Customer’s toll free service, will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.)



            4.3.4    Takeback and Transfer (TBX)


                        Takeback and Transfer is a toll-free service which allows Call Centers to transfer a toll-free call in progress to another remote site using pre-defined keypad commands and transfer digits.  The service will be billed at the usage rates for Intelenet Service as filed in Section 4.5.4 and the following additional charges will apply.


                                    One Time Installation Charge:                                                    $500.00

                                    Monthly Recurring charge per 8XX No.:                                         80.00

                                    Change Charge:                                                                            100.00

                                    Per Call Surcharge:                                                                           0.04


            4.3.6    Toll-Free Service Features


                        A)        Application of Charges


                                    The charges for Toll-Free Service include Non-Recurring, Recurring, Change, Per-minute Surcharge and Access Surcharge.  All charges in this section are in addition to usage charges associated with calls to the toll-free numbers except where otherwise indicated.  Usage charges may be found in this section or other applicable sections referring to Toll-Free Usage Charges.


                                    (1)        Non-recurring Charges


                                                Non-recurring charges include Service Ordering/Installation Charges and Connection Charges.  These charges are applied on a one-time basis per toll-free number and per toll-free feature.  Non-recurring charges for a single toll-free service number will not exceed $2,500.00 for combination of feature charges except where otherwise indicated.


                                    (2)        Monthly Recurring Charges


                                                Monthly Recurring charges are non-usage sensitive which apply for each feature or service each month.  Recurring charges for a single toll-free service number will not exceed $1,000.00 for any combination of feature charges except where otherwise indicated.


                                    (3)        Change Charges


                                                Change charges are incurred whenever an existing toll-free service is altered from its current configuration.  These charges will apply whenever features provided for toll-free service are deleted or re-arranged at the Customer's request.  These charges will also apply to Basic Toll-Free service changes to terminating locations or Carrier Assignment.



                                    (4)        Usage Sensitive Charges


                                                Usage Sensitive charges are determined by such variables as originating state, rate periods, duration of calls and timing of call.


                                                (a)        Per-minute Surcharges:  Per-minute Surcharges are incremental costs that are added to the Toll-Free Usage Charges for a given toll-free number.  Per-minute surcharges are billed in 6-second increments with a 6-second minimum, the same as toll-free usage charges.  Per-minute surcharge will not exceed a maximum of $0.05 cents per minute for any combination of features where this surcharge applies unless otherwise indicated.




                                                            Toll-Free Usage Charge Per Minute               =      $0.15

                                                            Menu Routing Per-minute Surcharge             =      $0.03

                                                            Effective Rate Per Minute                               =      $0.18


                                                (b)        Access Surcharges:  Access Surcharges are incremental costs that are billed independent of the Effective Rate Per Minute.  These charges are billed in sixty (60) second increments with a sixty (60) second minimum.  Access Surcharges apply to Customer applications that require the Company network to provide toll-free specific messaging or dialing information to the caller in order to complete the call.  Billable time for the Access Surcharge begins when the Company network initiates and/or starts the Customer specific announcement and ends when the call is terminated to a Customer defined location or message service.  Access Surcharges will not exceed a maximum of $0.05 cents per minute for any combination of features where this surcharge applies unless otherwise indicated.



                        B)        Basic Service


                                    Basic Service means Domestic Toll-Free Service established on the Company network providing termination for a call originated in the continental United States to a single Customer location either through switched or dedicated access.  Nationwide Directory Assistance is a component of Basic Service.


                                    (1)        Toll-Free Number Charge


                                                The Toll-Free Number Charge applies to Basic Toll-Free Service and allows origination from all fifty (50) U.S. States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


Monthly Recurring Charge:                       $14.00       per number.  (Effective October 1, 2014, this monthly recurring charge will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.  The toll free monthly service charge, and any other charges related to Customer’s toll free service, will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.)

                                                Change Charge:                                          15.00       per change


                                    (2)        Toll-Free Directory Assistance


                                                Toll-Free Directory Assistance provides the Toll-Free Customer with a listing in the nationwide Toll-Free dial up directory maintained by AT&T.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                            $ 15.00       per number

                                                Expedite Request:                                       25.00       per request

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                         13.75       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                          15.00       per change


                        C)        SMS Features


                                    SMS Features are those features that the Company provisions in the National Toll-Free Database through the Service Management System.  These features are created when the Customer's toll-free record is created and then downloaded to the Company network.


                                    (1)        Area of Service Screening (AOSS)/Call Area Selection


                                                AOSS allows calls to the Customer's toll-free number to be blocked by Area Code (NPA), Exchange (NPA-NXX) or ANI (telephone number of the calling party).  AOSS is meant to be a static arrangement.  Any changes to the Customer toll-free record will result in a Change Charge and all blocked calls will receive a message provided by the LEC (Local Exchange Carrier).


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                            $ 25.00       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                          25.00       per change



                                    (2)        Extended Call Coverage


                                                Extended Call Coverage adds Canadian toll-free origination to a Customer's Basic Toll-Free Service.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                            $ 25.00       per number


                                    (3)        Multi-Carrier Toll-Free Service


                                                Multi-Carrier Toll-Free Service allows the Company's Toll-Free Customers to split their toll-free call traffic between its selected Interexchange and Intraexchange Carriers.  This service is a static arrangement that does not permit toll-free traffic to be dynamically switched from carrier to carrier.  Multi-Carrier Toll-Free Service can split toll-free traffic by Time of Day, Day of Week, Percentage Allocation or by Area Code and Exchange.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge

                                                      1st 5 toll-free nos:                             $250.00

                                                      each add'l toll-free no:                             5.00

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                      $ 50.00       per account

                                                Change Charge:                                        250.00       per change


                        D)        Optional Toll-Free Features


                                    (1)        After Hours/Message Centre


                                                After Hours/Message Centre is an announcement and message storage service that toll-free calls can terminate directly to or via other toll-free features such as Time of Day, Day of Week or Termination Overflow.  Other feature charges will apply when combined with After Hours/Message Centre.


                                                                                Non-Recurring        Recurring                                                                                Change

                        Message Type                                    Charge*                Charge*           Charge


                        Announcement Only                           $25.00                   $30.00              $25.00

                        Announcement + Voicemail                  25.00                     40.00                25.00

                        Voicemail + Notification                        25.00                     50.00                25.00


                        *           per toll-free number


                                    (2)        ANI Routing/Blocking


                                                ANI Routing/Blocking allows the Toll-Free Customer to arrange tables with listed ANI within the Company network that will verify ANI of incoming calls for routing or blocking purposes.  One ANI table may be directed to another table for multi-level routing or blocking.  Blocked calls will receive custom treatment via announcement messaging.  See Area of Service Screening (AOSS) in Section 4.3.6.C.1 for alternative call blocking services.  Charges are based on blocks of 100 ANIs.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                                       $100.00

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                                     50.00

                                                Change Charge:                                                    100.00

                                                Per-minute Surcharge:                                              0.03


                                    (4)        Customer Reconfiguration1


                                                Customer Reconfiguration allows the Company's Toll-Free Customer to dial-in to the Company network 24-hours a day and change where their toll-free number terminates via digits entered from a touch-tone phone.  The Customer may reconfigure its toll-free number an unlimited number of times each month without incurring additional charges.  This feature may be combined with other toll-free service features.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                                       $100.00

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                                     15.00




1          Beginning September 28, 1999, Customers of this feature will be converted either to MCI WorldCom Contact (Contact) or Customer Reconfiguration Basic Service (Basic Service).  Customers will be given the opportunity to choose either feature, but those who make no choice will default to Basic Service, for which there will be no charge.  (Basic Service involves telephonic requests for termination configuration changes, which generally will be implemented within 24 hours of the request.)  Contact provides for certain termination configuration capabilities, including having the Customer's toll-free number(s) ring at various Customer-designated locations.  Contact changes will be implemented within 15 minutes of a Customer request.  The charge for MCI WorldCom Contact is $24.95 per month through December 31, 1999, after which it will be $34.95 per month.  The rate for inbound calling is $0.20 per minute, which charge will apply after the first 250 minutes of inbound calling during a monthly billing period.


                                    (5)        Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS)


                                                DNIS permits dedicated Customers with multiple toll-free numbers that terminate on the same facilities the ability to determine which toll-free number the caller dialed when receiving toll-free calls.  Identification is achieved through outpulsed digits from the Company network to the Customer's facilities.  Customers will furnish the Company with the digits desired for each toll-free number.  The Change Charge will apply to any reconfiguration of outpulsed digits, to the cancellation of this feature, or to the cancellation of the toll-free service number with which the feature has been associated.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                           $100.00       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                          50.00       per change


                                    (6)        Exchange Routing


                                                Exchange Routing allows the Customer to predefine geographic routing to multiple locations on a single toll-free number based on NPA (area codes) or NPA-NXX (exchanges).  Exchange Routing can be combined with other features to allow tailoring for each terminating location.  Any additions, deletions or changes to the Customer's current routing plan will prompt a Change Charge.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                           $100.00       per number

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                         50.00       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                        100.00       per change


                                    (7)        Extension Routing


                                                Extension Routing permits routing to multiple locations, departments or extensions based on digits entered by the caller to the Customer's toll-free number.  Extension digits can be from 2 to 8 digits in length.  All extension digits are verified.  A custom announcement greeting is provided as part of the feature charge and the feature can be combined with other features like Exchange Routing or Menu Routing.  Change Charges apply whenever additions, deletions or changes are made to the Customer's current extension list.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                           $100.00       per number

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                         50.00       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                        100.00       per change

                                                Per-minute Surcharge:                                  0.03


                                    (8)        Menu Routing


                                                Menu Routing provides a customized greeting to callers to the Customer's toll-free number.  The greeting instructs callers to make menu selection choices from their touch-tone phone.  Menu Routing selection options entered by callers are digits 0-9, # and * keys on the telephone keypad.  Based on touch-tone selection, the call can be extended to other features or locations.  Rotary Default to a common number is provided to callers dialing from rotary phones.  If Menu Routing is combined with other features that have Per-minute Surcharges, refer to Customized Toll-Free Service for pricing.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                           $100.00       per number

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                         50.00       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                        100.00       per change

                                                Per-minute Surcharge:                                  0.03

                                                Access Surcharges:                                      0.03


                                    (9)        Percentage Allocation


                                                Percentage Allocation refers to splitting calls to a single toll-free number between multiple locations based on a specified percentage for each location.  The Customer must establish a call allocation pattern where each percentage is a whole number and the total allocation equals 100 percent.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  The Change Charge will apply to any changes to the percent distributions between locations for a given toll-free number.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                           $100.00       per number

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                         50.00       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                        100.00       per change


                                    (10)      Point of Call Coverage/Percent Allocation


                                                Point of Call Coverage provides multi-location termination for up to 15 locations on a single toll-free number.  Terminating locations receive toll-free calls based on filed geographic routing by state or area code (NPA).  The Change Charge will apply to any additions, deletions or changes to the Customer's current toll-free configuration.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                           $100.00       per number

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                         50.00       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                        100.00       per change


                                    (11)      Real Time ANI Delivery


                                                This feature enables the Customer to have calls to a Company Toll-Free Service number forwarded to their location with the callers ANI (ten digit billing telephone number) as part of the call setup.  Real Time ANI is available to Toll-Free Customers with dedicated access facilities only.  Customers must have their own equipment for reading ANI digits passed on from the Company network.  Full 10-digit ANI is provided whenever passed on from the originating Local Exchange Carrier.  ANI is sent via inband signaling.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:               $350.00          per Trunk Group

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:           200.00          per Trunk Group

                                                Change Charge:                            350.00          per change


                                    (12)      Security Codes


                                                This feature provides Company Toll-Free Service Customers the ability to restrict access to their Toll-Free number through the use of verified Security Codes that must be entered by the caller via touch-tone digits.  Default to an attendant or custom message is provided for callers from rotary phones.  Security Codes can be between 2 and 8 digits in length.  Codes are for the use of restricting access to dialed toll-free numbers only and are not printed on the Customer's invoice.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                                        $ 50.00

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                                     25.00

                                                Change Charge:                                                      50.00


                                    (13)      Termination Overflow (Dedicated)


                                                Termination Overflow for Company Toll-Free Service Customers with dedicated access facilities provide a automatic call re-direction to alternate filed Customer locations or messaging services whenever ring no answer, busy signal or network outages occur.  Customer specifies how many rings to detect before ring no answer is invoked.  Up to two alternate locations can be used in the overflow hunt sequence.  All calls overflowed are subject to Per-minute Surcharges as listed below.  Termination Overflow can be combined with other Company Toll-Free Service features.  Change Charges apply when any additions, deletions or changes are made to the Customer's current toll-free number configuration.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                                       $100.00

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                                     50.00

                                                Change Charge:                                                    100.00

                                                Per-minute Surcharge:                                              0.01       *


                                                *           for overflowed calls only.


                                    (14)      Termination Overflow (Switched)


                                                Termination Overflow for Company Toll-Free Service Customers with switched access facilities provides automatic call re-direction to alternate filed Customer locations or messaging services whenever ring no answer, busy signal or network outages occur.  Customer specifies how many rings to detect before ring no answer is invoked.  Up to two alternate locations can be used in the overflow hunt sequence.  All calls overflowed are subject to Per-minute Surcharges as listed below.  Termination Overflow can be combined with other Company Toll-Free Service features.  Change Charges apply when any additions, deletions or changes are made to the Customer's current toll-free number configuration.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                                       $100.00

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                                     50.00

                                                Change Charge:                                                    100.00

                                                Per-minute Surcharge:                                              0.03       *


                                                *           for overflowed calls only.


                                    (15)      Time of Day/Day of Week Routing


                                                This feature permits routing to multiple Customer locations on the same toll-free number at different time intervals or day of week designations, according to a schedule established by the Customer.  The following conditions will apply:


                                                (a)        The Company follows the national observance of Daylight Savings Time with one hour clock changes in the spring and fall;


                                                (b)        All schedules employing Time of Day Routing must account for all hours within a 24-hour day; and


                                                (c)        Each Time of Day/Day of Week element begins 1 second after midnight.


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                           $100.00       per number

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:                         50.00       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                        100.00       per change


                        E)        Customized Toll-Free Service


                                    Customized Toll-Free Service allows the Company Toll-Free Service Customer to create complex applications by combining two or more of the following Toll-Free Options Features:  Menu Routing, ANI Routing/Blocking or Extension Routing.  The charges for Customized Toll-Free Service are the combination of applicable Usage Sensitive Charges, Non-recurring and Recurring Charges.  However, each is determined separately.


                                    (1)        Non-recurring Charges


                                                Non-recurring charges are non-usage sensitive and apply for each feature component used in the Customized Toll-Free Service.  Non-recurring charges are the costs associated with installing combinations of features for a single toll-free number.  These charges are the lesser of $2,500.00 or the combined Non-recurring charges for all features associated with the Customized Toll-Free Service unless otherwise indicated.  Non-recurring charges should be computed as shown in the example following:


                                                Example:  Customized Toll-Free Service includes Menu Routing, Termination Overflow (dedicated) for two menu selections and MessageCentre (Announcement Only) for one extension.


                                                                                                       Non-Recurring      Recurring

                                                Feature Component                             Charge             Charge


                                                Menu Routing                                          $100.00            $ 50.00

                                                Extension Routing                                     100.00               50.00

                                                Termination Overflow #1                           100.00               50.00

                                                Termination Overflow #2                           100.00               50.00

                                                MessageCentre                                           25.00               30.00


                                                Total Charges                                         $425.00           $230.00


                                                If the Total Non-recurring charge is greater that $2,500.00, then the Non-recurring Charge for the Customized Toll-Free Service is $2,500.00.  If the Total Non-recurring charge using the method illustrated above is less than $2,500.00, then that Total Charge will be used as the amount of the Non-recurring charge.


                        E)        Customized Toll-Free Service


                                    (2)        Recurring Charges


                                                Recurring charges are non-usage sensitive and apply for each feature component used in the Customized Toll-Free Service.  Recurring charges are the monthly costs associated with maintaining the custom messaging and routing information in the Company database.  These charges are the lesser of $1,000.00 or the combined Recurring charges for all features associated with the Customized Toll-Free Service unless otherwise indicated.  Recurring charges should be computed as shown in the example in A. above.


                                    (3)        Usage Sensitive Charges


                                                (a)        Per-minute Surcharges:  Per-minute surcharges are incremental costs that are added to the toll-free usage charges for a given toll-free number to increase the Effective Rate Per Minute.  Per-minute surcharges for Customized Toll-Free Service are based on the number of feature components with Per-minute surcharges that a call passes through before the call is extended to its final destination.  If the call passes through only one feature with a Per-minute surcharge, the surcharge would be $0.03 cents per minute.  If the call passes through two or more features with Per-minute surcharges, then the surcharge for that call would be $0.05 cents per minute.


                                                            Example:  A Customer's Customized Toll-Free Service has two feature components:  Menu Routing (with two menu selections) and Extension Routing.  Menu selection (1) terminates the call to the switchboard.  Menu selection (2) forwards the call to the Extension feature prompting the caller to enter the extension they are trying to reach.  If menu selection (1) is chosen by the caller, the Per-minute surcharge added to the Customer's toll-free usage rate would be $0.03 cents per minute.  If menu selection (2) is chosen by the caller, the Per-minute surcharge added to the Customer's toll-free usage rate would be $0.05 cents per minute.


                                                (b)        Access Surcharges:  Access surcharges are charges that are billed in addition to the Effective Rate Per Minute.  Access surcharges apply to all Customized Toll-Free Services that require the Company network to provide toll-free specific messaging or dialing information to the caller in order to complete the call.  All Access surcharges for Customized Toll-Free Service will be billed to the Customer at $0.05 cents per minute unless otherwise indicated.


                        F)         Resp. Org. Charges


                                    Where the Company serves as a Resp. Org. for a non-Company Toll-Free Service Customer, the Company will collect from the Customer an amount equal to the tariffed Local Exchange Carrier Charges for SMS Toll-Free Database and related services.  In addition, the following Company charges will apply:


                                                Non-Recurring Charge:                            $ 50.00

                                                Monthly Recurring Charge:*                          1.00       per number

                                                Change Charge:                                          35.00


                                                *           set up toll-free number



            4.4.1    Directory Assistance


                        A)        Description


                                    Directory Assistance service is provided to assist Customers in obtaining telephone numbers.  Company Customers will be billed the following undiscounted per call charge for each Directory Assistance call.  The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number.


                        B)        Rate Per Call


                                    For all calls from points within the United States to Interstate Directory Assistance.


                                    Per Call Charge


                                                Business:                                                    $2.49

                                                Residential:                                                   0.85


            4.4.2    OnLine Card Service


                        OnLine calling card is available to residential and commercial Company Customers.  Non-Company Customers may also subscribe to OnLine as a stand alone service. Customers may place domestic and international long distance calls using this service.  Enhanced services such as voice mailbox and message delivery are available as an option of this service.


                        OnLine access can be from either a tone generating or rotary-dial` telephone and is gained by dialing the Company toll-free access number.  Calls originating from rotary phones will be completed with the assistance of operators at the special rates found in Section  following.  Per minute usage rates apply.  A retroactive volume discount is applied to the total peak usage portion of the monthly statement.


                        The time of day rate periods for OnLine Service will be Peak and Off-Peak.  Peak rates apply to all calls that occur between 8AM and 5PM Monday through Friday, except on Company-recognized holidays.  Off-Peak rates apply to all other calls.


                        A)        Residential OnLine Rate Schedule


                                    This calling call schedule applies to all Customers who subscribe to one of the Company's residential long distance services.


                                    (1)        Per Minute Rates


                                                Time of Day             Rate Per Minute


                                                Peak                                    $0.30

                                                Off-Peak                                0.30


                                    (2)        Billing Increments


                                                All residential calls will be billed in sixty (60) second increments.


                                    (3)        Per Call Surcharge:     $0.50


                        B)        Commercial OnLine Rate Schedule


                                    This calling card schedule applies to all Customers who subscribe to one of the Company's commercial long distance services.


                                    (1)        Per Minute Rates


                                                Time of Day             Rate Per Minute


                                                Peak                                    $0.3521

                                                Off-Peak                                0.3521


                                    (2)        Commercial Volume Discount


                                                Usage Level                                    Percent Discount


                                                $  25.00 - $ 249.99                                        8.70%

                                                $ 250.00 - $2499.99                                    13.04

                                                $2500.00 +                                                  21.74


                                    (3)        Billing Increments


                                                All commercial calls will be billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds.


                                    (4)        Per Call Surcharge:     $0.75


                        C)        Stand Alone OnLine Rate Schedule


                                    This calling card schedule applies to commercial Customers that do not have any other services with the Company.


                                    (1)        Per Minute Rates


                                                Time of Day             Rate Per Minute


                                                Peak                                    $0.3357

                                                Off-Peak                                0.3357


                                    (2)        Stand Alone Volume Discount


                                                Usage Level                                    Percent Discount


                                                $  25.00 - $ 249.99                                        8.70%

                                                $ 250.00 - $2499.99                                    13.04

                                                $2500.00 +                                                  21.74


                                    (3)        Billing Increments


                                                All Stand Alone calls will be billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds.


                                    (4)        Per Call Surcharge:     $0.75


                        D)        Per Call Surcharge (Live Operator Default)


                                    The following surcharge is in addition to the per minute rates found in A, B or C above and will apply to calls which default to a live operator only.


                                    Per call Surcharge      $0.65


                        E)        Operator Assisted OnLine Rate Schedule


                                    If a Customer chooses to access an Operator to place a call, the call will be billed at the Company's Dial USA rates as specified in Section 4.1.4.


                                    (1)        Per Call Surcharge


                                                The following surcharges are in addition to the per minute rates found in Section 4.1.4.


                                                                                                      Per Call Charge


                                                (a)     Station-to-Station                               $1.50

                                                (b)     Person-to-Person                                3.00


                        F)         SCHEDULE C OnLine Rate Schedule


                                    Commercial Customers who elect this calling card schedule agree to meet a minimum monthly usage requirement as provided in (2) below.  SCHEDULE C OnLine Service is not available as a resale product.


                                    (1)        Per Minute Rates


                                                                                                           Time of Day                 

                                                Usage Level                                Peak             Off-Peak


                                                $ 2,500-$10,000.99                         $0.3357           $0.3357

                                                $10,001-$25,000.99                          0.3357             0.3357

                                                $25,001 +                                          0.3357             0.3357


                                    (2)        Minimum Usage Per Month


                                                There is a minimum usage per account of $2,500 per month.  New accounts will be given a 90-day ramp up period to reach this usage minimum.


                                    (3)        Billing Increments


                                                All SCHEDULE C calls will be billed in eighteen (18) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds.


                                    (4)        Per Call Surcharge:     $0.65


                        G)        Easy OnLine Rate Schedule


                                    This calling card schedule applies to all Customers who subscribe to one of the Company's commercial long distance services.


                                    (1)        Per Minute Rates


                                                Time of Day             Rate Per Minute


                                                Peak/Off Peak                     $0.3357


                                    (2)        Billing Increments


                                                All Easy OnLine domestic calls will be billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds.


                                    (3)        Per Call Surcharge:     $0.65


                        H)        WorldCom OnLine Rate Schedule


                                    This calling card schedule applies to all Customers who subscribe to one of the Company's long distance services.


                                    (1)        Direct Dial Rate Schedule      


                                                (a)        Per Minute Rates


                                                            Time of Day            Rate Per Minute


                                                            Peak/Off Peak                     $0.3357


                                                (b)        Billing Increments


                                                            All WorldCom OnLine domestic calls will be billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds.


                                                (c)        Per Call Surcharge:     $0.65


                                    (2)        Operator Assisted Rate Schedule


                                                If a Customer chooses to access an operator to place a call, the call will be billed at the Company's Dial USA rates as specified in Section 4.1.4.


                                                (a)        Per Call Surcharge


                                                            The following surcharges are in addition to the per minute rates found in Section 4.1.4.


                                                                                                      Per Call Charge


                                                            (1)    Station-to-Station                    $1.50

                                                            (2)    Person-to-Person                   $3.00



            4.4.3    WorldCom Calling Card Service


                        WorldCom Calling Card service is available to residential and commercial Company Customers.  Customers may place domestic and international long distance calls using this service.  Calling card access can be from either a tone generating or rotary-dial telephone and is gained by dialing the Company's toll-free access number, and/or 10XXX, 950-XXXX depending on availability.  Several available features include Call Reorigination, Call Correction, Call Relay, Operator Time-Out, International Origination and Termination Service.


                        A)        WorldCom Calling Card


                                    1.         Direct Dial Rate Schedule


                                                (a)        Per Minute Rate Schedule applying to all Time Periods:


                                                            Per Minute Rate:         $0.3357


                                                (b)        Billing Increments:


                                                            Domestic calls are billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds.


                                                (c)        Per Call Surcharge:


                                                            1.         The Per Call Surcharge is in addition to the per minute rate found in (a) above.


                                                                        Per Call Surcharge:     $0.5000


                                                            2.         The following Per Call Surcharge is in addition to the per minute rate found in (a) above and will apply to calls which default to a live operator only.


                                                                        Per Call Surcharge:     $0.5000


                                    (2)        Operator Assisted Rate Schedule


                                                If a Customer chooses to access an operator to place a call, the call will be billed at the Company's Dial USA rates as specified in Section 4.1.4.


                                                (a)        Per Call Surcharge:


                                                            The following surcharge will apply in addition to the per minute rate found in Section 4.1.4.


                                                                                                   Per Call Surcharge


                                                            Station-to-Station                            $1.50

                                                            Person-to-Person                              3.00


                        B)        TalkAround Calling Card


                                    This calling card schedule applies to all Customers who subscribe to one of the Company's residential long distance services.


                                    (1)        Direct Dial Rate Schedule


                                                (a)        Per Minute Rate Schedule applying to all Time Periods:


                                                            Per Minute Rate:         $0.3357


                                                (b)        Billing Increments:


                                                            Domestic calls are billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of sixty (60) seconds.


                                                (c)        Per Call Surcharge:


                                                            1.         There is no Per Call Surcharge for direct dialed calls.


                                                            2.         The following Per Call Surcharge is in addition to the per minute rate found in (A) above and will apply to calls which default to a live operator only.


                                                                        Per Call Surcharge:     $0.5000


                                                (d)        The international rate schedule that applies to TalkAround Calling Card calls is WorldChoice International Service as filed in the Company's International Tariff F.C.C. No. 1.


                                    (2)        Operator Assisted Rate Schedule


                                                This calling card schedule applies to all Customers who place a call with the assistance of an operator.


                                                (a)        Per Minute Rate Schedule applying to all Time Periods:


                                                            Per Minute Rate:         $0.5000


                                                (b)        Billing Increments:


                                                            WorldCom TalkAround Calling Card calls placed with the assistance of an operator will be billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of sixty (60) seconds.


                                                (c)        Per Call Surcharge:


                                                            The following surcharge will apply in addition to the per minute rate found in (a) above.


                                                                                                   Per Call Surcharge


                                                            Station-to-Station                            $1.50

                                                            Person-to-Person                              3.00


                                    (3)        TalkAround Calling Card Association


                                                The TalkAround Calling Card Association program is a benefit package offered in conjunction with basic residential TalkAround Calling Card in Sections 1 and 2 above, which allows the individual users who are members or employees of the participating organization to receive additional product discounts.  Members who elect to participate in the TalkAround Association program will receive a discounted flat rate for the service.


                                                To qualify for this rate an organization generally must be a:  (1) Trade Association representing businesses or individuals in an industry, profession or business classification; (2) Business with franchises, agents, distributors or multiple representatives; (3) Non-profit organization, or (4) Buying group not organized merely to buy the Company's long distance for resale.


                                                The qualifying organization must meet the following criteria to receive the special discounted rate:


                                                (i)         Associations:  Must have 5,000 or more professional members (e.g., Certified Public Accountants, American Medical Associations, State Bar Associations).


                                                (ii)        Colleges/Universities:  Must have 5,000 or more members.


                                                (iii)       Companies:  Must have a minimum of 1,000 employees.


                                                (a)        Direct Dialed Rate Schedule applying to all Time Periods:


                                                            Per Minute Rate:         $0.2000


                                                (b)        Billing Increments:


                                                            Domestic calls are billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of sixty (60) seconds.


                                                (c)        Per Call Surcharge:  There is no per call surcharge for Association direct dialed calls.


                                                All other services for the TalkAround Calling Card Association will be the same services and rates as filed for the basic residential TalkAround Calling Card in Sections 1 and 2 preceding.


            4.4.4    PhonePass Service


                        PhonePass Service is a switched service that enables the end-user to place calls charged to prepaid phone cards issued by the Company.  The end-user accesses the network by dialing the appropriate Company toll-free number printed on the back of the card.  Each toll-free number accesses a custom greeting designated by the Customer.  Language menu selection is available if requested by the Customer.


                        The PhonePass Card is available in five (5) or more unit denominations at a flat rate per unit.  Cards and/or Codes are issued with an expiration date of six (6), twelve (12) or eighteen (18) months from the date of the code or six (6) or twelve (12) months from first usage.  First use is anytime the toll-free number and code are entered by the code holder.  A terminating number is not necessary in starting the time period for reactivation on first use.  The number of available Company PhonePass Cards is subject to technical limitations.


The Company is not liable or responsible for theft, loss or unauthorized use of cards or card numbers.  The Company will not refund or issue credit on unused units of the PhonePass Card.


                        A)        Availability


                                    PhonePass Service is available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.  Card availability is limited and shall be handled on a first come, first served basis. PhonePass Service can be accessed through touchtone telephones only.  900 calls cannot be made on the PhonePass Card.


                                    PhonePass Service may be made available from time to time with certain promotional offerings.


                        B)        Card Depletion/Renewal or Expiration


                                    Each time the card is used, the end-user hears a message stating the amount of minutes remaining on the card.  Sixty (60) seconds prior to the card being depleted, the user hears a warning announcing the time remaining on the card.


                        C)        Description of Terms applying to PhonePass Service


                                    (1)        Unit:  A unit is equal to one (1) minute of domestic long distance time.  The U.S. includes all fifty (50) contiguous states.  Additional units per minute are charged for all other destinations.


                                    (2)        Retailer:  Wholesale product Customer.


                                    (3)        End User:  Wholesale Customer's Customer.


                        D)        Usage Charges


                                    The applicable usage rate depends upon the Service Option selected by the Customer.  Two options as listed below are available for the Customer to choose.  Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments and are debited against the PhonePass Service Card.  Cards and/or Codes are valued based on a number of call Units.  Rates for PhonePass Service may vary depending on the commitment term, total purchase commitment, card printing or packaging and collector purchase rights.  All units purchased for the sole purpose of resale, must be purchased with a generic PhonePass Card.  If a Customer purchases units from the Company for promotion and not resale, the Customer may be entitled to a custom PhonePass card printed by the Company.  Cards being used for resale are available in 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 and 100 unit denominations.  Cards purchased for promotional purposes can be set with the number units determined by the Customer.


                                    (1)        Option A:  Generic Wholesale Cards


                                                The Customer may obtain Generic PhonePass Cards as a one-time purchase with full payment due upon delivery or with a one (1) or two (2) year commitment with payment due prior to delivery of each order.  Upon acceptance by Company, the Term Commitment discount will be applied to each partial order of PhonePass Cards and/or Codes.  Installment (Partial Order) payments must be made fifteen (15) days prior to issuance of the Cards and/or Codes.  At the end of the one (1) year or two (2) year commitment period or upon request for cancellation by the Customer, the Customer must pay the difference between the Term Commitment amount purchased and the initial Term Commitment amount, if the commitment has not been met.  The Company may terminate a purchase commitment plan in order to allow the Customer to agree to a higher "number of Units" Term Commitment.  PhonePass Cards will be sold at prices rounded to the nearest cent.  The rate per unit and purchase volumes are as follows:


                                                (a)        One-Time Purchase


                                                             Purchase Volume                Rate per Unit


                                                            $    250 - $  2,499                            $0.2700

                                                            $  2,500 - $  4,999                             0.2550

                                                            $  5,000 - $  9,999                             0.2400

                                                            $ 10,000 - $ 14,999                           0.2250

                                                            $ 15,000 - $ 24,999                           0.2150

                                                            $ 25,000 - $ 49,999                           0.2000

                                                            $ 50,000 - $ 99,999                           0.1900

                                                            $100,000 - $199,999                         0.1750

                                                            $200,000 - $299,999                         0.1650

                                                            $300,000 +                                        0.1600



                                                (b)        1-Year Term Monthly Commitment


                                                             Purchase Volume                Rate per Unit


                                                            $  2,500 - $  4,999                           $0.2400

                                                            $  5,000 - $  9,999                             0.2250

                                                            $ 10,000 - $ 14,999                           0.2150

                                                            $ 15,000 - $ 24,999                           0.2000

                                                            $ 25,000 - $ 49,999                           0.1900

                                                            $ 50,000 - $ 99,999                           0.1750

                                                            $100,000 - $199,999                         0.1650

                                                            $200,000 - $299,999                         0.1600

                                                            $300,000 +                                        0.1550


                                                (c)        2-Year Term Monthly Commitment


                                                             Purchase Volume                Rate per Unit


                                                            $  2,500 - $  4,999                           $0.2300

                                                            $  5,000 - $  9,999                             0.2150

                                                            $ 10,000 - $ 14,999                           0.2000

                                                            $ 15,000 - $ 24,999                           0.1900

                                                            $ 25,000 - $ 49,999                           0.1750

                                                            $ 50,000 - $ 99,999                           0.1650

                                                            $100,000 - $199,999                         0.1600

                                                            $200,000 - $299,999                         0.1550

                                                            $300,000 +                                        0.1500


                                                (d)        Retail Rate


                                                             Purchase Volume                Rate per Unit


                                                            $      1 - $    250                               $0.4000




                                    (2)        Retail Option:  Generic Cards


                                                The following rate schedules apply to the end-user.  The retailer has the option of setting the retail rate at the following rates based on the level of purchase and/or commitment.  If the retailer would prefer to sell at any of the retail rates above their specified purchase level of commitment, they may choose any of the preset rates listed below:


                                                (a)        Option A - Generic Cards


                                                             Purchase Volume                Rate per Unit


                                                            $     250 - $  2,499                           $0.4000

                                                            $   2,500 - $  4,999                            0.4000

                                                            $   5,000 - $  9,999                            0.4000

                                                            $  10,000 - $ 14,999                          0.3500

                                                            $  15,000 - $ 24,999                          0.3300

                                                            $  25,000 - $ 49,999                          0.3000

                                                            $  50,000 - $ 99,999                          0.2700

                                                            $ 100,000 - $199,999                        0.2500

                                                            $ 200,000 - $299,999                        0.2200

                                                            $ 300,000 +                                       0.2000


                                    (3)        Cards will be decreased by the following unit(s) for each minute or fraction of a minute to the below domestic points.


                                                Intra-Mainland, Mainland-Hawaii,

                                                Mainland-Alaska, Mainland-Puerto

                                                Rico/USVI, Puerto Rico/USVI-Mainland,

                                                Puerto Rico/USVI-Hawaii and Puerto

                                                Rico/USVI-Alaska                                           1 Unit


                                    (4)        Directory Assistance                                       2 Units


            4.4.5    Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharges


                        In order to recover the Company's expenses to comply with the FCC's payphone compensation plan adopted October 9, 1997 (FCC 97-371), a Surcharge will apply to all completed interstate and intrastate calls originating from pay telephones and other restricted lines including:


                        i.          calls billed to a Company-issued access code (e.g., WorldCom Calling Card, prepaid cards);


                        ii.         "0+" and other calls billed collect, to a third number, to a commercial credit card, or to a calling card issued by a local exchange carrier; and


                        iii.         calls placed via Company toll-free (800 or 888) numbers to any Customer.


                        No discounts shall apply to Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharges. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coinless phones owned by local telephone companies, independent companies and other interexchange carriers.  The Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any reoriginated call (i.e., using the "#" symbol) completed and billed as described above.


                        A)        Application of Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge


                                    Individual calls which otherwise meet the criteria above will be identified as subject to the Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge when coding digits transmitted to the Company at the time the call is placed indicate that the call originates from a payphone (ANI ii digits 27, 29 or 70) or a restricted line class (ANI ii digits 07) commonly associated with payphones.


                                    The Surcharge shall apply to calls originated from all such restricted lines regardless of whether the line is actually associated with a payphone.


                                    Whenever possible, the Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge will appear on the same invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call.  The application of the Surcharge to Restricted Lines (ANI 07) shall cease as soon as practicable upon suspension, vacation, or expiration of the Temporary Waiver Order, DA 97-2162, concerning the obligations of local exchange carriers to provide payphone coding digits, issued October 7, 1997 by the Common Carrier Bureau of the Commission in CC Docket 96-128.


                                    At the Company's option, in cases where proper payphone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge may be billed on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information from a local exchange carrier which confirms that the originating station is an eligible payphone.


                        B)        Rate:  Per Completed Call


                                    Calls billed to Company-issued

                                    access codes other than

                                    prepaid cards                                                                      $0.26


                                    "0+" Calls                                                                              0.26


                                    Calls placed via toll-free nos.                                                0.26


                                    Calls billed to Company-issued

                                    prepaid cards                                                                        0.60       *


                                    *           for prepaid cards issued in units or minutes, the surcharge shall equal two domestic units.


            4.4.6    Summary Report Charge


Effective October 1, 2014, this charge will no longer be assessed to customers.


                        A)        Description


                                    This charge will apply in addition to the regular monthly invoice for business Customers that received any type of summary reports.  This charge is applicable regardless of the number of reports selected by the Customer.  These reports include, but are not limited to, Call Summary, Area Code Summary, Account Code Summary, Auth/ANI Summary, Toll-Free Product Type, Toll-Free Summary by Date, Long Call Summary, Frequent No. Summary, Executive Summary, PAC by Auth Summary, LATA Summary, Department Summary, Department/Division, International Summary, Long Call Minutes and Frequent Called Number Threshold.  However, the Customer may choose either the Caller ReCap Summary or Traffic Management Summary at no additional charge.


                        B)        Per Month Charge:      $2.00


            4.5.1    WorldOne Service


A) Description

WorldOne Service offers a unified service for single or multi-location Customers using switched, dedicated, and OnLine calling card origination and switched or dedicated toll-free (in WATS) termination. The WorldOne package includes the availability of outbound, inbound (toll-free)with peak and off peak rates and calling card services, and offers a discount on outbound and toll-free service for Customers willing to sign a term commitment and/or willing to commit to a specific dollar volume of monthly minimum usage. To the extent applicable, the Carrier Access Charge described in Section 2.15 shall be charged to Customer in addition to the specific rates and charges for any services set forth below.


There are seven (7) options of WorldOne available to Customers, each of which has a unique set of rates for outbound and toll-free service:

Option A – Requires no monthly minimum billing commitment for month-to-month Customers; $250 monthly minimum billing commitment for ESP Customers;

Option B – Requires a monthly minimum billing commitment of $1,000;

Option C – Requires a monthly minimum billing commitment of $5,000;

Option D – Requires a monthly minimum billing commitment of $7,500;

Option E – Requires a monthly minimum billing commitment of $15,000;

Option F – Requires a monthly minimum billing commitment of $25,000;

Option G – Requires a monthly minimum billing commitment of $50,000.


If the minimum is not reached for Option A ESP and Options B through G, Customer will be charged the difference between Customer’s actual spend and the monthly minimum commitment.  Multiple services and/or multiple locations using WorldOne Service can contribute to the overall monthly minimum commitment; however, Customer must allocate the minimum by service and location. Domestic toll-free, Domestic and International outbound calls contribute to determining monthly minimum usage. OnLine World Calling Card, Operator Services, and Directory Assistance usage are not included in determining monthly minimum usage.


Customer must reach its minimum monthly usage requirement associated with its selected option by the fourth invoice period and monthly thereafter.


B) WorldOne Extended Service Plan (ESP)

WorldOne is available to Customer through a ESP option if Customer agrees to commit to such service for a term of twelve (12), twenty-four (24), or thirty-six (36) months. Customers who elect the ESP will receive a discount off their selected option's domestic interstate, and intrastate outbound and toll-free rates. This discount will apply only to WorldOne's peak rates. Off-peak rates are discounted up to 20% off the applicable net peak rate. Customers who elect the ESP are subject to the following conditions:


(1)          Customer must indicate which WorldOne service or services are to be included in the ESP. The discounts provided under this option become effective with the first full month's usage.

(2)          If Customer terminates service prior to the end of the term of commitment in any manner other than stated in (3) following, Customer will be liable for a cancellation charge equal to the monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of months remaining in Customer’s commitment period through the expiration of the first year.  If applicable, twenty-five percent of the balance remaining (monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of remaining months in the contract beyond the first year) also will be included (per service type).  If the termination becomes effective after the completion of the first year, then the charge shall be equal to twenty-five percent of the balance remaining (monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of months remaining in the contract).  The foregoing cancellation charge will apply unless Customer immediately converts to another Company service with equal or greater term and minimum usage requirement commitments, and Customer continues to use such Company Service for a period of months equal to or greater than the number of months remaining in the term during which the conversion takes place.

(3)          Upon execution of the ESP Agreement, Customer has ninety (90) days from the date service is made available in which to notify the Company in writing, either by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested), of Customer's desire to cancel the ESP Agreement without a charge or further obligation, except for charges incurred up to the date of termination, in the event that quality deficiencies solely caused by Company in the provision of telecom-munications service hereunder are demonstrated by Customer to affect adversely and materially Customer's telecommunications applications (such a termination under this clause constituting a Termination for Cause). A Termination for Cause shall not be effective unless Customer has reported trouble on an ANI or circuit-specific basis to (and received a corresponding trouble ticket from) the appropriate Company Support Center and a period of not less than thirty (30) days after receipt of Customer's written notice of termination has elapsed during which Company fails to correct such quality deficiencies. Notwithstanding the preceding, nothing contained herein shall impose any liability on Company and Customer's sole remedy shall be the termination of the affected service as described.

(4)          All Customer requests to commence or terminate a WorldOne ESP must be made in writing, either by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested), to the Company and received no later than thirty (30) days prior to the then existing term expiration date. If such notification is not received by Company within this timeframe, the WorldOne ESP agreement will be automatically renewed for a new term of commitment.

(5)          If Customer cancels its agreement prior to the expiration of the term, it will be required to repay any promotional credits that were given in addition to other termination charges as noted above.

(6)          OnLine World Calling Card usage is excluded from the (1) WorldOne ESP discounts.


C) WorldOne Association

The WorldOne Association program is a benefit package offered in conjunction with Basic WorldOne Service, which allows the individual users who are members or employees of the participating organization to receive additional product discounts. Members who elect to participate in the WorldOne Association program will receive Basic WorldOne products and OnLine World Calling Card Service. To qualify for WorldOne Association an organization generally must be a: (1) Trade association representing businesses or individuals in an industry, profession or business classification; (2) Business with franchises, agents, distributors, or multiple representatives; (3) Non-profit organization, or; (4) Buying group not organized merely to buy the Company's long distance for resale. The qualifying organization agrees to meet the following set of criteria within (6) months of undertaking to qualify and thereafter maintain them, and enters into a written agreement with the Company for the marketing of the Company's services. The group's members who have subscribed to the Company's services throughout the group must have aggregate billings, net of taxes, promotional credits, and surcharges, of at least $5,000 per month. The Company will render monthly statements to the individual members and the statement received will show all appropriate discounts. All sums due from members are the sole property of Company, and Company shall have the sole right to collect, enforce collection and settle such sums. The WorldOne Association member group shall receive a monthly report from Company listing members of the group who subscribe to the company service under this program. Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, member's usage of Company service under this plan cannot be used to qualify for any other benefits under this tariff or under other arrangements between Company and third parties who undertake to market the Company's services.


D) Usage Charges


(1)   Rate Periods:

Peak: All calls that occur between 7 A.M. through 7 P.M. Monday through Friday, and all calls between 7:01 P.M. Friday and 6:59 A.M. Monday, except on Company-recognized holidays.

Off Peak: All calls that occur between 7:01 P.M. through 6:59 A.M. Monday through Thursday, and Company-recognized holidays.


(2)   Billing Increments:

WorldOne Switched Access Service is billed in 24-second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher 6-second increment.  WorldOne Dedicated Access Service is billed in 30-second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher 6-second increment (except International, which is billed in 30-second initial increments and is rounded to the next higher 6-second increment).  OnLine World Calling Card is billed at an initial 60-second increment and rounded to the next higher 6-second increment thereafter.  All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.


(3)   Per Minute Rate Schedules


OPTION A (No Minimum on Month to Month/$250 Minimum ESP)


MONTH TO MONTH   12 MONTH ESP          24 MONTH ESP          36 MONTH ESP




Outbound        $0.1970   $0.1631       $0.1907   $0.1579       $0.1843   $0.1527       $0.1780   $0.1473

Toll Free          $0.2161   $0.1742       $0.1970   $0.1589       $0.1907   $0.1538       $0.1843   $0.1488


Outbound        $0.1398   $0.1158       $0.1334   $0.1105       $0.1271   $0.1053       $0.1207   $0.1000

Toll Free          $0.1589   $0.1284       $0.1398   $0.1132       $0.1334   $0.1080       $0.1271   $0.1030


OPTION B ($1,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH   12 MONTH ESP          24 MONTH ESP          36 MONTH ESP




Outbound        $0.1907   $0.1579       $0.1843   $0.1527       $0.1780   $0.1473       $0.1716   $0.1422

Toll Free          $0.2097   $0.1691       $0.1907   $0.1538       $0.1843   $0.1488       $0.1780   $0.1436


Outbound        $0.1334   $0.1105       $0.1271   $0.1053       $0.1207   $0.1000       $0.1144   $0.0948

Toll Free          $0.1526   $0.1234       $0.1334   $0.1080       $0.1271   $0.1030       $0.1207   $0.0979


OPTION C ($5,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH   12 MONTH ESP          24 MONTH ESP          36 MONTH ESP




Outbound        $0.1843   $0.1527       $0.1780   $0.1473       $0.1716   $0.1422       $0.1653   $0.1368

Toll Free          $0.2034   $0.1640       $0.1843   $0.1488       $0.1780   $0.1436       $0.1716   $0.1386


Outbound        $0.1271   $0.1053       $0.1207   $0.1000       $0.1144   $0.0948       $0.1080   $0.0921

Toll Free          $0.1463    $0.1182      $0.1271   $0.1030       $0.1207   $0.0979       $0.1144   $0.0953


OPTION D ($7,500 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH   12 MONTH ESP          24 MONTH ESP          36 MONTH ESP




Outbound        $0.1811   $0.1499       $0.1748   $0.1449       $0.1684   $0.1394       $0.1621   $0.1342

Toll Free          $0.2003   $0.1615       $0.1811   $0.1463       $0.1748   $0.1411       $0.1684   $0.1361


Outbound        $0.1240   $0.1026       $0.1176   $0.0974       $0.1113   $0.0921       $0.1049   $0.0921

Toll Free          $0.1430   $0.1157       $0.1240   $0.1004       $0.1176   $0.0953       $0.1113   $0.0953


OPTION E ($15,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH   12 MONTH ESP          24 MONTH ESP          36 MONTH ESP



Outbound        $0.1780   $0.1499       $0.1716   $0.1449       $0.1653   $0.1394       $0.1589   $0.1342

Toll Free          $0.1970   $0.1615       $0.1780   $0.1463       $0.1716   $0.1411       $0.1653   $0.1361


Outbound        $0.1207   $0.1026       $0.1144   $0.0974       $0.1080   $0.0921       $0.1017   $0.0921

Toll Free          $0.1398   $0.1157       $0.1207   $0.1004       $0.1144   $0.0953       $0.1080   $0.0953


OPTION F ($25,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)



MONTH TO MONTH   12 MONTH ESP          24 MONTH ESP          36 MONTH ESP



Outbound        $0.1748   $0.1499       $0.1684   $0.1621       $0.1621   $0.1394       $0.1557   $0.1342

Toll Free          $0.1939   $0.1615       $0.1748   $0.1684       $0.1684   $0.1411       $0.1621   $0.1361


Outbound        $0.1176   $0.1026       $0.1113   $0.1049       $0.1049   $0.0921       $0.0986   $0.0921

Toll Free          $0.1367   $0.1157       $0.1176   $0.1113       $0.1113   $0.0953       $0.1049   $0.0953


OPTION G ($50,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)



MONTH TO MONTH   12 MONTH ESP          24 MONTH ESP          36 MONTH ESP



Outbound        $0.1716   $0.1499       $0.1653   $0.1449       $0.1589   $0.1394       $0.1526   $0.1342

Toll Free          $0.1907   $0.1615       $0.1832   $0.1463       $0.1653   $0.1411       $0.1589   0.1361


Outbound        $0.1144   $0.1026       $0.1080   $0.0974       $0.1017   $0.0921       $0.0953   0.0921

Toll Free          $0.1334   $0.1157       $0.1144   $0.1004       $0.1080   $0.0953       $0.1017   $0.0953



(4) OnLine World Calling Card Service


(a) Direct Dial Rate Schedule

1. Per Minute Rates applying to all time periods:

Per Minute Rate: $.3177

2. Billing Increments

Usage is billed at an initial sixty (60)second increment and rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment thereafter.

3. Per Call Surcharge

(i) Per Call Surcharge: $0.6500

(ii) The following per minute rates and per call surcharge will apply to calls which default to a live operator.

Peak $0.3177

Off-Peak 0.3177

Per call surcharge 0.65

(b) OnLine World Calling Card Service - Online

Operator Assisted Rate Schedule

If Customer chooses to access an Operator to place a call, the call will be billed at per minute rates for Dial USA as provided in Section 4.1.1.

1. Billing Increments

All OnLine World Calling Card calls placed with the assistance of an operator will be billed in one (1) minute increments.

2. Per Call Surcharge

The following per call surcharges will apply in addition to the per minute rates.

Station-to-Station $1.50

Person-to-Person 3.00


(5) Monthly Recurring Charges

The Monthly Recurring Charges that apply to WorldOne Service are found in Section 4.3.6, Toll-Free Feature Charges.


(6) Non-Recurring Charges

The Non-Recurring charges that apply to WorldOne Service are found in Section 4.3.6, Toll-Free Feature Charges.


(7) WorldOne Association

WorldOne Association members are entitled to the following discount offer:

Month-to-Month association Customer on WorldOne Service will receive the 1-year term rates, no Extended Service Plan (ESP) will be required;

1-year term association Customers on WorldOne Service will receive the 2-year term rates, ESP for Associations is required; and

2-year term association Customers on WorldOne Service will receive the 3-year term rates, ESP for Associations is required.


(a) WorldOne Association Per Minute Rates


OPTION A (No Minimum on Month to Month/$250 Minimum ESP)


MONTH TO MONTH               12 MONTH ESP                      24 MONTH ESP  

PEAK      OFF-PEAK              PEAK    OFF-PEAK                PEAK    OFF-PEAK


Outbound                    $0.1834   $0.1518                   $0.1773   $0.1468                   $0.1712   $0.1416

Toll Free                      $0.1894   $0.1528                   $0.1834   0.1479                     $0.1773   0.1430


Outbound                    $0.1284   $0.1062                   $0.1222   $0.1012                   $0.1161   0.0962

Toll Free                      $0.1345   $0.1089                   $0.1284   $0.1039                   $0.1222   0.0990


OPTION B ($1,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH               12 MONTH ESP                      24 MONTH ESP  

PEAK      OFF-PEAK              PEAK    OFF-PEAK                PEAK    OFF-PEAK


Outbound                    $0.1773    $0.1468                  $0.1712    $0.1416                  $0.1651    $0.1367

Toll Free                      $0.1834    $0.1479                  $0.1773    $0.1430                  $0.1712    $0.1382


Outbound                    $0.1222    $0.1012                  $0.1161    $0.0962                  $0.1100    $0.0911

Toll Free                      $0.1284    $0.1039                  $0.1222    $0.0990                  $0.1161    $0.0941


OPTION C ($5,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH               12 MONTH ESP                      24 MONTH ESP

PEAK      OFF-PEAK              PEAK    OFF-PEAK                PEAK    OFF-PEAK


Outbound                    $0.1712    $0.1416                  $0.1651    $0.1367                  $0.1589    $0.1315

Toll Free                      $0.1773    $0.1430                  $0.1712    $0.1382                  $0.1651    $0.1332


Outbound                    $0.1161    $0.0962                  $0.1099    0.0910                    $0.1039    $0.0887

Toll Free                      $0.1222    $0.0990                  $0.1161    0.0941                    $0.1100    $0.0917



OPTION D ($7,500 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH               12 MONTH ESP                      24 MONTH ESP

PEAK      OFF-PEAK              PEAK    OFF-PEAK                PEAK    OFF-PEAK


Outbound                    $0.1681    $0.1392                  $0.1620    $0.1341                  $0.1558    $0.1291

Toll Free                      $0.1742    $0.1406                  $0.1681    $0.1356                  $0.1620    $0.1308


Outbound                    $0.1131    $0.0936                  $0.1070    $0.0887                  $0.1009    $0.0887

Toll Free                      $0.1192    $0.0966                  $0.1131    $0.0917                  $0.1070    $0.0917



OPTION E ($15,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH               12 MONTH ESP                      24 MONTH ESP

PEAK      OFF-PEAK              PEAK    OFF-PEAK                PEAK    OFF-PEAK


Outbound                    $0.1651   $0.1392                   $0.1589   $0.1341                   $0.1528   $0.1291

Toll Free                      $0.1712   $0.1406                   $0.1651   $0.1356                   $0.1589   $0.1308


Outbound                    $0.1100   $0.0936                   $0.1039   $0.0887                   $0.0978   $0.0887

Toll Free                      $0.1161   $0.0966                   $0.1100   $0.0917                   $0.1039   $0.0917



OPTION F ($25,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH               12 MONTH ESP                      24 MONTH ESP

PEAK      OFF-PEAK              PEAK    OFF-PEAK                PEAK    OFF-PEAK


Outbound                    $0.1620    $0.1392                  $0.1558   $0.1341                   $0.1497   $0.1291

Toll Free                      $0.1681    $0.1406                  $0.1620   $0.1356                   $0.1558   $0.1308


Outbound                    $0.1070    $0.0936                  $0.1009   $0.0887                   $0.0948   $0.0887

Toll Free                      $0.1131    $0.0966                  $0.1070   $0.0917                   $0.1009   $0.0917



OPTION G ($50,000 Monthly Usage Commitment)


MONTH TO MONTH               12 MONTH ESP                      24 MONTH ESP

PEAK      OFF-PEAK              PEAK    OFF-PEAK                PEAK    OFF-PEAK


Outbound                    $0.1589   $0.1392                   $0.1528    $0.1341                  $0.1467   $0.1291

Toll Free                      $0.1651   $0.1406                   $0.1589    $0.1356                  $0.1528   $0.1308


Outbound                    $0.1039   $0.0936                   $0.0978    $0.0887                  $0.0917   $0.0887

Toll Free                      $0.1100   $0.0966                   $0.1039    $0.0917                  $0.0978   $0.0917


            4.5.2    WorldMark Service


                        A)        Description


WorldMark Service is no longer available to new Customers as of April 1, 1998.


                                    WorldMark Service offers a unified service for single or multi-location Customers using switched, dedicated, and WorldMark calling card origination and switched or dedicated toll-free termination.  The WorldMark package includes the availability of outbound, inbound (toll-free) products with peak and off peak rates and a non time-of-day sensitive, calling card product, as well as, offering the most comprehensive performance guarantees available.  To the extent applicable, the Carrier Access Charge described in Section 2.15 shall be charged to the Customer in addition to the specific rates and charges for any services set forth below.


                                    WorldMark Service offers cross-contributory product volume discounts on switched and dedicated, outbound and inbound (toll-free) products based on combined usage of multiple WorldMark Service products, including domestic switched and dedicated, outbound and inbound (toll-free) product usage, calling card and switched and dedicated WorldMark data product usage.


                                    WorldMark Service offers an additional discount on switched and dedicated outbound and toll-free products for Customers willing to sign a term commitment.


                                    Multiple services and/or multiple Customer locations using WorldMark Service can contribute to individual product volume discounts and the overall monthly minimum commitment. WorldMark Operator Services and Directory Assistance usage is not included in determining product volume discounts and monthly minimum usage.


                        B)        WorldMark Toll-Free Switched and Dedicated Service Options


                                    •           Toll-Free Directory Assistance

                                    •           Message Referral

                                    •           Call Area Selection

                                    •           Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS)

                                    •           Call Distributor

                                    •           Exchange Routing

                                    •           Multi-Carrier Toll-Free Service

                                    •           Percentage Allocation Routing

                                    •           Call Zone Routing

                                    •           Real-Time ANI (RTA)

                                    •           Route Completion

                                    •           Time of Day, Day of Week, Day of Year routing



                        C)        WorldMark Service Guarantees


                                    The following is a list of guarantees for each product offered under this service that will automatically compensate the Customer when stated product performance levels are not met.


                                    The Customer's right to receive the WorldMark Guarantees as set forth will depend upon the Company's receipt of Customer's full payment of each months' invoice.  In the event the Customer's account becomes past due, the Company reserves the right to void all rights to WorldMark's Service Satisfaction Guarantees and Service Restoration Guarantees as defined herein.


                                    (1)        WorldMark 1+ Switched/ Dedicated Service


                                                Installation Interval Guarantee:  WorldMark Customers of switched outbound service will be installed within five (5) full business days from the date the Customer signed the service order.  WorldMark Customers of dedicated outbound service (limited to WorldCom Tier One cities) will be installed within eighteen (18) full business days from the date the Customer signed the service order.


                                                            Customer Compensation:  For each day the WorldMark switched or dedicated outbound installation interval is exceeded, a credit for each day's usage for the affected service will be issued.  The average daily usage amount is calculated from the first complete billing period.  In addition, Customers will receive credit for their installation and first month's access line charges.


                                                Service Satisfaction Guarantee: The Company will pay the local access and interexchange carrier service installation charges to return the Customer to their previous carrier and circuit configuration if they are not satisfied after one hundred twenty (120) days with our service.  Reimbursement will be limited to the levels of service in the previous configuration.


                                                Service Restoration Guarantee:  The Company guarantees that it will restore outbound service interruptions within thirty (30) minutes from the time the Customer initiates the trouble call.


                                                            Customer Compensation:  If the restoration interval is exceeded, the Company will automatically issue a credit equal to one (1) day's average usage charges.  The average daily usage amount is calculated from the first complete billing period.  Limited to one (1) credit per day, not to exceed thirty (30) credits in one (1) month.


                                    (2)        WorldMark Toll-Free Service


                                                Installation Interval Guarantee:  WorldMark Customers of switched inbound service will be installed within five (5) full business days from the date the Customer signed the service order.  WorldMark Customers of dedicated inbound service (limited to WorldCom Tier One cities) will be installed within eighteen (18) full business days from the date the Customer signed the service order.


                                                            Customer Compensation:  For each day the WorldMark switched or dedicated inbound installation interval is exceeded, a credit for each day's usage for the affected service will be issued.  The average daily usage amount is calculated from the first complete billing period.  Limited to one (1) credit per day, not to exceed thirty (30) credits in one (1) month.  In addition, the monthly WorldMark toll-free service fee will be credited and dedicated Customers will receive credit for their installation and first month's access line charges.



                                                Additional Number Installation Guarantee:  Additional toll-free numbers will be added to existing WorldMark switched or dedicated inbound service within one (1) full business day.  This guarantee is not applicable if the additional number requires the installation of additional dedicated access lines or if the FCC-imposed restrictions on the availability of toll-free numbers necessitates a delay beyond the Company 's control.  In addition, the Company makes no warranty on our ability to overcome delays caused by competitors when porting existing numbers.


                                                            Customer Compensation:  For each day the additional number installation interval is exceeded, a credit for each day's usage will be issued for the affected service.  In addition, the monthly WorldMark toll-free service fee will be credited for the affected service.


                                                Feature Installation Interval Guarantee:  New WorldMark toll-free service feature configurations will be installed in one hundred twenty (120) minutes or less from the time a request is received by our WorldMark Customer Service Support Center.  Toll-free feature change requests are limited to three (3) per hour, limited to ten (10) changes per feature.


                                                Feature Reconfiguration Guarantee:  Predetermined WorldMark toll-free service feature configurations will be implemented in sixty (60) minutes or less from the time a request is received by our WorldMark Customer Support Center.  Toll-free feature change requests are limited to three (3) per hour, limited to ten (10) changes per feature.


                                                Service Reconfiguration Guarantee:  The Company guarantees that it will implement any predefined alternative routing schemes for WorldMark toll-free service and/or features in thirty (30) minutes or less from the time a request is received by our WorldMark Customer Support Center.  Toll-free feature change requests are limited to three (3) per hour, limited to ten (10) changes per feature.


                                                            Customer Compensation:  If the service or feature installation and/or reconfiguration interval is exceeded, the Customer will automatically receive a credit equal to one day's average usage charges for WorldMark toll-free service and WorldMark toll-free monthly recurring service and feature charges for the affected service.


                                                Service Satisfaction Guarantee: The Company will pay the local access and interexchange carrier service installation charges to return the Customer to their previous carrier and circuit configuration if they are not satisfied after one hundred twenty (120) days with our service.  Reimbursement will be limited to the levels of service in the previous configuration.


                                                Service Restoration Guarantee:  The Company guarantees that it will restore inbound service interruptions within thirty (30) minutes from the time the Customer initiates the trouble call.


                                                            Customer Compensation:  If the restoration interval is exceeded, the Company will automatically issue a credit equal to one (1) day's average usage charges.  The average daily usage amount is calculated from the first complete billing period.  Limited to one (1) credit per day, not to exceed thirty (30) credits in one (1) month.


                                    (3)        WorldMark Calling Card Service


                                                Installation Interval Guarantee:  The Company will deliver WorldMark calling cards within five (5) business days from the date the service order is signed.  Upon signing a service order for WorldMark Calling Cards, a complimentary  twenty (20) minute PhonePass prepaid card will be issued for each calling card ordered.


                                                            Customer Compensation:  If the installation interval is exceeded, a $15.00 credit will be issued for each distinct WorldMark Calling Card number.


                                                Service Restoration Guarantee:  The Company guarantees that it will restore WorldMark Calling Card service interruptions within thirty (30) minutes or less, upon notification to the WorldMark Customer Support Center.


                                                            Customer Compensation: The Company will automatically issue a $15.00 credit if WorldMark Calling Card Service is not restored within thirty (30) minutes.  Limit one (1) credit per account per day, not to exceed thirty (30) credits in one (1) month.



                                                Card Security Guarantee:  If the Customer's WorldMark Calling Card is deactivated due to toll fraud, Customer may call our WorldMark Customer Support Center and receive a free twenty (20) minute PhonePass prepaid card number to use until Company issue another calling card.


                        D)        WorldMark Service Liability


                                    (1)        With thirty (30) days prior written notice, the Company reserves the right to discontinue providing WorldMark Service to a Customer if the Company issues five (5) or more restoration credits in a thirty (30) calendar day period.


                                                (i)         In the event the Company cancels WorldMark Service in accordance with the above paragraph, the Company will reimburse the Customer the charges directly related to the switch back (the "Qualifying Charges") based on the Customer's prior network configuration, not to exceed the amount paid for installation of WorldMark Service.


                                                (ii)        Any WorldMark Switched Back Reimbursement due hereunder as described above, shall be due and payable to Customer on or before sixty (60) calendar days from the time the Company notifies the Customer of the cancellation of WorldMark Services.


                                                (iii)       Payment of the WorldMark Switch back Reimbursement may at the Customer's option, be made by either (i) a credit against the Customer's then-current charges for services provided by the Company, if any; or, (ii) a check drawn on a United States bank and payable in United States dollars.  Said payment may be withheld if Customer is in past due status with the Company.


                                    (2)        In addition to the liability provisions specifically provided in this section, all other Rules and Regulations for liability as filed in Section 2 will also apply to WorldMark Services.


                        E)        WorldMark Service Termination


                                    Customers who terminate service prior to the end of the term of commitment will be liable for a cancellation charge equal to the monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of months remaining in the Customer commitment period through the expiration of the first year.  If applicable, twenty-five percent (25%) of the balance remaining (monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of remaining months in the contract beyond the first year) will also be included (per service type).  If the termination becomes effective after the completion of the first year, then the charge shall be equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the balance remaining (monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of months remaining in the contract).  The foregoing cancellation charge will apply unless the Customer immediately converts to another Company service with equal or greater term and minimum usage requirement commitments, and Customer continues to use such Company Service for a period of months equal to or greater than the number of months remaining in the term during which the conversion takes place.


                        F)         Usage Charges


                                    (1)        Rate Periods


                                                Peak:  All calls that occur between 7 A.M. through 6:59 P.M., Monday through Friday, except on Company-recognized holidays.


                                                Off Peak:  All calls that occur between 7 P.M. through 6:59 A.M., Monday through Friday, and all calls between 7 P.M. Friday and 6:59 A.M. Monday and Company-recognized holidays.


                                    (2)        Billing Increments:  Domestic switched and dedicated access, outbound and inbound (toll-free) product calls are billed in eighteen (18) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds.  WorldMark Calling Card is billed at an initial sixty (60) second increment and rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment thereafter.  All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.



                                    (3)        WorldMark Rate Schedules


                                                (a)        WorldMark Switched Rate Plans


                                                            1.         Base Rates - Switched


                                                                                                            Peak            Off Peak


                                                                        Outbound                $0.1550           $0.1266

                                                                        Toll-Free                    0.1610             0.1355


                                                            2.         Term Discounts


                                         Month to Month            1 Year                   2 Year                   3 Year

Commitment                   Peak    Off Peak     Peak    Off Peak     Peak    Off Peak   Peak     Off Peak


Option A ($15,000)          0.00%     0.00%     3.60%     3.50%     7.25%     7.00%   10.75%     10.50%

Option B ($25,000)          1.70        0.00         5.25        3.50         9.00        7.00       12.50        10.50

Option C ($50,000)         3.60        0.00         7.25        3.50       10.75        7.00       14.25        10.50

Option D ($75,000)         5.50        0.00         9.00        3.50       12.50        7.00       16.25        10.50


                                                            3.         Switched Volume Discounts


                                                                        This discount will apply if the Customer's monthly volume of traffic exceeds their committed volume significantly.


                                         Month to Month            1 Year                   2 Year                   3 Year

Commitment                   Peak    Off Peak     Peak    Off Peak     Peak    Off Peak   Peak     Off Peak


Option A ($15,000)          0.00%     0.25%     0.50%     0.50%     0.75%     1.00%    1.25%

Option B ($25,000)          0.00         0.00         0.00         0.75         1.00         1.25        1.50

Option C ($50,000)         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         1.50        1.75

Option D ($75,000)         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00        1.75



                                                (b)        WorldMark Dedicated Rate Plans


                                                            1.         Base Rates - Dedicated


                                                                                                            Peak            Off Peak


                                                                        Outbound                $0.1055           $0.0866

                                                                        Toll-Free                    0.1110             0.0955


                                                            2.         Term Discounts


                                         Month to Month            1 Year                   2 Year                   3 Year

Commitment                   Peak    Off Peak     Peak    Off Peak     Peak    Off Peak   Peak     Off Peak


Option A ($15,000)        0.00%    0.00%     5.30%  5.00%       10.50% 10.25%   15.75%                                     10.25%

Option B ($25,000)        2.60       0.00        7.90     5.00           13.20   10.25      18.50   10.25

Option C ($50,000)        5.25       0.00      10.50     5.00           15.75   10.25      20.00   10.25

Option D ($75,000)        7.25       0.00      13.00     5.00           18.00   10.25      22.50   10.25


                                                            3.         Switched Volume Discounts


                                                                        This discount will apply if the Customer's monthly volume of traffic exceeds their committed volume significantly.


                                                                               Monthly Volume of Traffic

Commitment               $15,000  $20,000 $25,000 $40,000        $50,000 $75,000  $100,000


Option A ($15,000)        0.00%     0.25%     0.50%   0.50%         0.75%   1.00%     1.25%

Option B ($25,000)        0.00        0.00        0.00      0.75             1.00      1.25        1.50

Option C ($50,000)        0.00        0.00        0.00      0.00             0.00      1.50        1.75

Option D ($75,000)        0.00        0.00        0.00      0.00             0.00      0.00        1.75


                                                (c)        Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Dedicated to Dedicated Service


                                                            These rates will apply to calls originating and terminating on Company-provided T-1 access facilities.


                                                            1.         Option 1 - Per Minute Rates


                                                                                       Peak                           Off Peak


                                                                                      $0.0600                       $0.0550


                                                                        i.          Commitments


                                                                                    Monthly Commitment


                                                                                    $100,000 minimum monthly commitment


                                                                                    Sub Commitment


                                                                                    $15,000 per month in VPN usage (this amount is included in monthly commitment amount)


                                                                                    Term Commitment:


                                                                                    1 Year Term Commitment required


                                                                        ii.         Additional Term Discounts


                                                                                    Term                    Peak            Off Peak


                                                                                    2 years                8.4%                9.1%

                                                                                    3 years              16.7                 18.2


                                                            2.         Option 2 - Per Minute Rates


                                                                                       Peak                           Off Peak


                                                                                      $0.0550                       $0.0500


                                                                        i.          Commitments


                                                                                    Monthly Commitment


                                                                                    $150,000 minimum monthly commitment


                                                                                    Sub Commitment


                                                                                    $15,000 per month in VPN usage (this amount is included in monthly commitment amount)


                                                                                    Term Commitment


                                                                                    1 Year Term Commitment required


                                                                        ii.         Additional Term Discounts


                                                                                    Term                    Peak            Off Peak


                                                                                    2 years                9.1%              10.0%

                                                                                    3 years              18.2                 20.0




                                    (5)        WorldMark Calling Card Service


                                                (a)        Direct Dial Rate Schedule


                                                            1.         Per Minute rates applying to all time periods:


                                                                        Per Minute rate:          $0.2500


                                                            2.         Billing Increments


                                                                        Domestic calls are billed in sixty (60) second initial increments and additional increments of six (6) seconds.


                                                            3.         Per Call Surcharge


                                                                        i.          Per Call Surcharge:     $0.2500


                                                                        ii.         The following rates and surcharges will apply to calls which default to a live operator.


                                                                                    Per Minute rate:                           $0.2500

                                                                                    Per Call Surcharge:                       0.5000


                                                (b)        WorldMark Calling Card Service - Operator Assisted Rate Schedule


                                                            If a Customer chooses to access an operator to place a call, the call will be billed at the per minute rate below:


                                                            Per Minute Rate:         $0.5000


                                                            i.          Billing Increments


                                                                        All WorldMark Calling Card calls placed with the assistance of an operator will be billed in one (1) minute increments.


                                                            ii.         Per Call Surcharge


                                                                        The following surcharge will apply in addition to the per minute rates above.


                                                                                                                        Per Call Charge


                                                                        Station-to-Station:                                       $1.50

                                                                        Person-to-Person:                                         3.00

                                                                        Basic Surcharge:                                           0.50


                                    (6)        WorldMark Service and Feature Charges


                                                A description of the chargeable services and features, including monthly recurring, non-recurring, change and per minute surcharges associated with WorldMark Service follows:


                                                (a)        Standard Toll-Free Origination


                                                            Origination is available from anywhere in the United States:


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:           N/A


                                                            Monthly Recurring Charge:     $15.00 per toll-free #


                                                (b)        Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS)


                                                            Customers with several toll-free telephone numbers can identify the toll-free number called and answer appropriately.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:                                       $400.00

                                                            Change Charge:                                                      40.00


                                                (c)        Message Referral


                                                            Customers who disconnect or change a toll-free number are provided with a recording that informs callers of the new number or that the old number has been disconnected.  There will be no charge for referral to another Company Number.


                                                            Monthly Referral Fee to Non-Company Numbers:


                                                            $80.00  for a maximum of 6 months.


                                                (d)        Real Time ANI (RTA)


                                                            Allows a Customer to receive the telephone number of the calling party as a component of the call setup.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:                                       $300.00

                                                            Change Charge:                                                            N/C

                                                            Per Minute Surcharge:                                                            0.01



                                                (e)        Call Area Selection


                                                            This service offers a Customer the option of limiting calls to certain areas of service.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:                      $ 90.00 per #

                                                            Change Charge:                                   40.00 per change


                                                (f)         Call Zone Routing


                                                            The Customer can define two or more originating routing groups and arrange that calls to a single toll-free number placed from different routing groups terminate at different locations.  The routing group can consist of any combination of NPAs.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:                                        $ 90.00

                                                            Monthly Recurring Charge:                                     40.00

                                                            Change Charge:                                                      40.00


                                                (g)        Exchange Routing


                                                            The Customer can define two or more originating routing groups and arrange that calls to a single toll-free number placed from different routing groups terminate at different locations.  The routing group can consist of any combination of NPA/NXXs.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge*:                                     $400.00

                                                            Monthly Recurring Charge:                                     40.00

                                                            Change Charge:                                                    400.00


                                                            *           for the NPA-NXX Group


                                                (h)        Time of Day Routing


                                                            This option allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll-free number to be routed to different locations based on the time of day.  Different routing arrangements can be made for up to 48 time slots in a 24-hour day period.  The time slots must be defined in five-minute increments or multiples.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:                                        $ 90.00

                                                            Monthly Recurring Charge*:                                    40.00

                                                            Change Charge:                                                      40.00


                                                            *           per time slot, per day



                                                (i)         Day of Week Routing


                                                            The Customer can arrange for calls to a single toll-free number to be routed to different locations based on the day of week.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:                       $ 90.00 per #

                                                            Monthly Recurring Charge:                   40.00

                                                            Change Charge:                                    40.00 per change


                                                (j)         Day of Year Routing


                                                            The Customer can arrange for calls to a single toll-free number to be routed to different locations based on holidays.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:                       $ 90.00 per #

                                                            Change Charge:                                  40.00 per change


                                                (k)        Call Allocation


                                                            Call Allocation allows the toll-free Customer to route calls for each originating routing group to two or more terminating locations based upon a Customer specified percentage basis.  The Customer must establish a calling pattern where each percentage is a whole number and the total equals 100.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:                       $ 90.00 per #

                                                            Monthly Recurring Charge*:                  40.00

                                                            Change Charge:                                    40.00 per change


                                                            *           per time slot, per day


                                                (l)         Call Distributor


                                                            Call Distributor allows a Customer to spread incoming toll-free traffic evenly over the dedicated access lines in a trunk group.  The distribution can be ascending, descending, most idle or least idle.  The default setting is most idle.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:           $ 40.00


                                                (m)       Route Completion


                                                            Allows a toll-free dedicated access line Customer to control potential congestion of calls by sending the overflow to a pre-defined alternate routing group.  Up to 99 alternate routing plans can be established.  The monthly fee overflow charge is based on the overflow access method.


                                                            Non-Recurring Charge:                       $ 90.00

                                                            Monthly Recurring Charge:                   40.00

                                                            Change Charge:                                    40.00 per change


                                                (n)        Toll-Free Directory Assistance


                                                            This allows public access to a Customer's toll-free number via a directory assistance inquiry.


                                                            Monthly Recurring Charge:     $ 15.00 per #


            4.5.3    Intelenet


            4.5.4    Bottom Line Business II


                        A)        Description


                                    Bottom Line Business II offers existing Customers a flat rate schedule for both outbound and inbound interstate calls.  Customer's must sign a Term Agreement of one (1) year and meet a monthly minimum commitment of $50.00 for Customers of only one service (i.e. only outbound) or $100.00 per month if the Customer has both outbound and inbound services.  Minimums will be based according to percent of usage and all domestic and international usage will contribute to the monthly minimum commitment.  Calling Card usage will not contribute and Association Discounts will not apply to the monthly minimum commitment.  Calls will be billed in thirty (30) second initial increments and rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment. To the extent applicable, the Carrier Access Charge as described in Section 2.15 shall be charged to the Customer in addition to the specific rates and charges for any services set forth below.


                                    The Term shall be extended automatically for an additional term of one (1) year, unless the Company receives the Customer's written notice to terminate this Agreement on not less than thirty (30) days prior to the then existing Term expiration date.  Customers who terminate service prior to the end of the term in any manner will be liable for a termination charge of an amount equal to the monthly minimum billing commitment times the number of months remaining in the Customer's Term, unless the Customer converts to another Company service with equal or greater term and minimum usage commitment.


B)        Rates


Outbound                            $0.1540

Inbound                                 0.1540


Monthly Charge Per Toll-Free Number $14.00 (Effective October 1, 2014, this charge will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance service.  The toll free monthly service charge, and any other charges related to Customer’s toll free service, will not contribute towards the minimum usage fee for Customer’s long distance voice service.)


C)        Monthly Recurring Charge:  A monthly recurring charge of $4.95 applies to this service.  This charge will contribute to the Monthly Minimum Usage Charge for this service.


D)        Monthly Minimum Usage Charge:  A monthly minimum usage charge of $9.99 applies to this service.  In any month in which Customer’s usage charges, including usage charges and plan fees, are less than $9.99, Customer will be billed the difference between the usage charges and the minimum monthly charge so that Customer’s monthly charges equal a minimum of $9.99.



4.5.6    Agency Program A


                        Customers who subscribe to service through an agent of the Company with whom prior arrangements have been made will be charged the rates specified in Section for domestic service.




                                                Agency Program A offers 1+, dedicated outbound, inbound, and calling card service during all time of day rate periods.  Customers must commit to a one-year term of service with a monthly minimum volume requirement (MVR) of either $100 or $1000.  Customers who sign up with a $1000 monthly minimum volume requirement must have at least one dedicated line used to access this service.


                           Term Plans


                                                Term plan customers are also subject to the following provisions:


                                                Underutilization:  For each monthly period of a customer's term of service in which a customer's Agency Program A usage charges (including interstate, international, and intrastate usage, but not including any other applicable charges imposed by the Company or a third party) fail to equal or exceed the applicable monthly minimum volume requirement, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the difference between the customer's actual usage and the applicable monthly minimum.


                                                Termination with Liability:  If a customer terminates service prior to the expiration of the customer's term of service under this plan, the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the applicable monthly minimum for each monthly remaining in the customer's term of service at the time of actual termination.


                                                These charges will apply in addition to all incurred usage charges.


                           Billing Increments


                                                1+, dedicated outbound, and inbound calls will be subject to an 18-second minimum duration.  Calls that are more than 18 seconds will be billed in 6-second increments.  Calling card calls will be subject to a 18‑second minimum call duration, and calls that are more than 18 seconds will be billed in 6-second increments.  If the computed charge for a call includes a fraction of a cent, the charge will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.


                           Rates:          1+, Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service:  Customers will be charged the following per minute rates for 1+, dedicated outbound, and inbound calls which originate in the contiguous United States, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminate in the contiguous United States, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, and American Samoa.


                                                                                                       Switched         Dedicated


                                                                        Outbound                $0.0690           $0.0425

                                                                        Inbound                     0.0690             0.0425


                                                Calling Card:  Customers will be charged $0.069 per minute for calling card calls which originate in the contiguous United States, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminate in the contiguous United States, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, and American Samoa.  A per call surcharge of $0.36 will apply to all calls made by customers with a $100 MVR.  A per call surcharge of $0.30 will apply to all calls made by customers with a $1000 MVR.          Monthly Charge Per Toll-Free Number     $14.00 (Effective October 1, 2014, this charge will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.  The toll free monthly service charge, and any other charges related to Customer’s toll free service, will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.)          Monthly Recurring Charge:  A monthly recurring charge of $4.95 applies to this service.  This charge will contribute to the Monthly Minimum Usage Charge for this service.          Monthly Minimum Usage Charge:  A monthly minimum usage charge of $9.99 applies to this service.  In any month in which Customer’s usage charges, including usage charges and plan fees, are less than $9.99, Customer will be billed the difference between the usage charges and the minimum monthly charge so that Customer’s monthly charges equal a minimum of $9.99.          Monthly Charge Per Toll-Free Number: $ 14.00 (Effective October 1, 2014, this charge will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.  The toll free monthly service charge, and any other charges related to Customer’s toll free service, will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.)


            4.5.7    MCI WorldCom Business Solutions


                        A)        Description and Availability


                                    MCI WorldCom Business Solutions is a switched, outbound, customized telecommunications service that may include an inbound service option. Outbound service may originate via Switched WATS/Business Line Access and calling card access; inbound service, if elected, may terminate via Switched WATS/Business Line Access.  Outbound service (excluding calling card access) and inbound service is available only at Customer locations at which the Switched WATS/Business Line Access connections to the Company's POP are not provided by the Company or a Company affiliate. Customers may access service via calling card access by using the MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card. MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card (Card) service may originate from any touch-tone phone in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI via a Company-designated toll free number and terminate in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI.


                                    Unless otherwise specified: MCI WorldCom Business Solutions may not be included in a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA), as described in Section 2.12; and, usage will be subject to the following rounding rules, on a per-call basis, for billing purposes:


                                                                                                        Initial                      Additional

                        Call Type                                                                Period                   Increments


                        Outbound Service

                          excluding Card and

                             Operator Assisted                                         30 seconds                6 seconds

                          Card and Operator Assisted                            60 seconds              60 seconds


                        Inbound Service                                                 30 seconds                6 seconds


                                    If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.


                        B)        Minimum and Monthly Recurring Charges


                                    (1)        Outbound Service 


(a)   Monthly Recurring Charge:  A monthly recurring charge of $4.95 applies to this service.  This charge will contribute to the Monthly Minimum Usage Charge for this service.


(b)   Monthly Minimum Usage Charge:  A monthly minimum usage charge of $9.99 applies to this service.  In any month in which Customer’s usage charges, including usage charges and plan fees, are less than $9.99, Customer will be billed the difference between the usage charges and the minimum monthly charge so that Customer’s monthly charges equal a minimum of $9.99.


                                    (2)        Inbound Service  A $14.00 monthly recurring charge per toll free number applies.  Effective October 1, 2014, this charge will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.  The toll free monthly service charge, and any other charges related to Customer’s toll free service, will not contribute towards the minimum usage charge for Customer’s long distance voice service.


                        C)        Usage Charges and Surcharges


                                    (1)        Outbound Service


                                                1.1       Outbound Service Per-Minute Charges  Customers will be charged $0.09 per minute for Outbound Service (excluding MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card and Operator Assisted) usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI.  Customers will be charged $0.25 per minute for MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI.


                                                1.2       MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card Per-Call Surcharge  A $0.40 per-call surcharge will apply to each MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card call, other than calls to Directory Assistance, which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI.


                                    (2)        Inbound Service Per-Minute Charges  Customers will be charged $0.09 per minute for Inbound Service usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and, the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and which originates American Samoa, Guam and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.



                                    (3)        Operator Assisted Per-Minute Charges and Per-Call Surcharges  The per-minute charges and per-call surcharges set forth in this Section apply to Operator Assisted Outbound Service usage.


                                                3.1       Definitions  For purposes of Operator Assisted MCI WorldCom Business Solutions usage, the following definitions apply.


                                                                        Operator Assisted Operator Assisted calls are Outbound Service calls which are completed with the assistance of a Company operator, excluding collect calls and calls which are billed by a third party which are not available under MCI WorldCom Business Solutions.


                                                                        Rate Periods


                                                                                    Day                              Usage from 8:00 A.M. through 4:59 P.M. Monday through Friday.


                                                                                    Evening                       Usage from 5:00 P.M. through 11:59 P.M. Sunday through Friday.


                                                                                    Night/Weekend           Usage from 12:00 A.M. through 7:59 A.M. Sunday through Friday and all day Saturday.


                                                            Mileage Bands


                                                                        1          Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia.


                                                                        2          Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming.


                                                                        3          California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington.


                                                                        4          Hawaii


                                                3.2       Outbound Service (excluding MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card) Per-Minute Charges  For Operator Assisted Outbound Service (excluding MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card) usage, the following per-minute usage charges will apply.


                                             3.2.1     From the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico to the U.S. Mainland and Alaska or from the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii Per‑Minute Usage Charges:


                                                             DAY                         EVENING       NIGHT & WEEKEND

         Mileage                       1st Min.     Add'l Min.      1st Min. Add'l Min.      1st Min.  Add'l Min.


          1    ‑       10                  $0.2412       $0.2412   $0.1363      $0.1363     $0.1258    $0.1258

        11    ‑       22                    0.2412         0.2412     0.1468        0.1468       0.1258      0.1258

        23    ‑       55                    0.2517         0.2517     0.1677        0.1677       0.1363      0.1363

        56    ‑     124                    0.2726         0.2726     0.1677        0.1677       0.1363      0.1363

      125    ‑    292                    0.2726         0.2726     0.1887        0.1887       0.1572      0.1572

      293    ‑     430                    0.2831         0.2831     0.1887        0.1887       0.1572      0.1572

      431    ‑     925                    0.2831         0.2831     0.1992        0.1992       0.1572      0.1572

      926    ‑   1910                    0.2831         0.2831     0.1992        0.1992       0.1677      0.1677

    1911    ‑   3000                    0.2831         0.2831     0.2097        0.2097       0.1782      0.1782

    3001    ‑   4250                    0.3146         0.3146     0.2202        0.2202       0.1782      0.1782

    4251    ‑   5750                    0.3461         0.3461     0.2307        0.2307       0.1782      0.1782


                                                            3.2.2    From the U.S Mainland, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Per-Minute Usage Charges:


                                                             DAY                         EVENING       NIGHT & WEEKEND

     Mileage Band                  1st Min.     Add'l Min.      1st Min.   Add'l Min.    1st Min.  Add'l Min.


            Band 1                      $0.2831       $0.2831   $0.1992      $0.1992     $0.1677    $0.1677

            Band 2                        0.2831         0.2831     0.2097        0.2097       0.1782      0.1782

            Band 3                        0.3146         0.3146     0.2202        0.2202       0.1782      0.1782

            Band 4                        0.5978         0.5244     0.4005        0.3513       0.3108      0.2726


                                                            3.2.3    From the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico to American Samoa, Guam and CNMI Per-Minute Usage Charges:


                                                             DAY                         EVENING       NIGHT & WEEKEND

                                             1st Min.     Add'l Min.      1st Min. Add'l Min.      1st Min.  Add'l Min.


                                              $0.6294       $0.5521   $0.6294      $0.5521     $0.6294    $0.5521


                                                3.3       MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card Per-Minute Charge Customers will be charged $0.25 per minute for Operator Assisted MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI.


                                                3.4       Operator Assisted Surcharges  The following discountable per-call surcharges apply to Operator Assisted Outbound Service usage.


                                                            3.4.1                Outbound Service (excluding MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card) Customers will be charged the following per-call surcharges for Operator Assisted Outbound Service (excluding MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card) usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI:




                                                                                      Operator Dialed                            $1.15

                                                                                      Operator Station                             2.10

                                                                                      Person to Person                            3.90


                                                            3.4.2                MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card Customers will be charged a $0.50 per‑call surcharge for Operator Assisted MCI WorldCom Business Solutions Card usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI.


                        (D)       Directory Assistance  The provisions set forth in Section 4.4.1 apply, except, in lieu of the per-call charge set forth in that Section, an undiscountable charge of $1.40 per call will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for numbers in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI.


                                                                     SECTION 5





                                       SECTION 7 - SPECIALIZED TEST OFFERINGS


This Section includes experimental offering that are not covered in other Sections of this Tariff.


I)          Building Local Exchange Carrier (BLEC) Test Offering


            The Company will offer the following test to a limited number of customers through July 15, 2001, unless earlier extended or cancelled.  This offering is similar to that set forth in Section 4.5.5.F.1, LD and Local Online Calling Plan, and the provisions of that Section apply, except as follows:


            Eligibility:  Customers:


                        are not required to subscribe to this test via a Company‑designated Internet site;


                        must receive all service under this test in a building connected via Company-affiliate fiber facilities to the Company's network and in which the Company or a Company affiliate maintains a Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM), excluding buildings in which the DSLAM is collocated with an Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Central Office.


            Monthly Recurring Charges:  For customers who subscribe to this plan and who concurrently subscribe to Companion Intrastate Service and Companion Local Service as described in WorldCom Technologies, Inc. MA. D.P.U. No. 1 and MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc. Massachusetts D.T.E. Tariff No. 4, respectively, on file with the Department of Telecommunications and Energy of the State of Massachusetts, the following monthly recurring charges apply:


                        Offering                             Charge


                              A                                    $40

                              B                                      65

                              C                                      65

                              D                                      99


            Companion Local Service Allotments:


            Customers who subscribe to Companion Local Service will also receive an allotment of minutes per monthly period that may be used for exchange service usage as described in the Companion Local Service tariff, based on Offering, as follows:


                        Offering                       Allotment (Minutes)


                            A                            1,000 per Local Line

                            B                            2,000 per Local Line

                            C                            2,000 per Local Trunk

                            D                            3,000 per Local Trunk


            Other Conditions:  Charges under this plan may be calculated in satisfaction of usage volume requirements.