.18          Option Q (MCI Vision)


Option Q is an outbound, customized telecommunications service which, may include an inbound service option using Business Line, WATS Access Line, or Dedicated Access Line termination.  It provides a unified service for single or multi-location companies using switched, dedicated, and card origination, and switched and dedicated termination.  Option Q is suitable for long distance calls between company locations, as well as all long distance calls to the entire United States and to those international locations listed in Table V, Part E.  All rates and charges apply to all MCI Vision Programs unless otherwise specified. Except as otherwise specified, all domestic Option Q calls are subject to an eighteen second minimum initial period and are rounded to the next higher 6-second increment, except for Operator Assisted calls, which are subject to a 60 second initial period and additional 60-second increments.  All Domestic Option Q Customized Business Program Offpeak Vision or MCI Vision Power Rate Off-Peak outbound calls (described in Section C-3.1841) are subject to a 6 second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments.  Inbound service ordered with Offpeak Vision or the MCI Vision Power Rate Off-Peak Program re subject to an 18-second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments.  All outbound international calls are subject to a 30 second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments, except that the Mexico portion of calls to Mexico and all Operator Assisted calls are subject to a 60-second minimum initial period, with additional 60-second increments.  All inbound 800 international calls are subject to a 30 second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments.  If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.


Subscribers to MCI Vision take the MCI Vision Service Package which, includes the availability of Dedicated, Switched, and Card Access and Dedicated, Switched, and WATS Access Line Termination, with Volume Discounts, Time of Day Discounts, MCI Vision 800, Long Distance Directory Assistance, Accounting Codes, Universal Range Privileges, Custom Calling Range Privileges, Call Detail, and either a consolidated invoice or location level invoices for all MCI Vision calls from all locations.


The rules and regulations governing the provision of service for inbound 800 calls are identical to those for Option F, except where otherwise noted.


Customers who discontinue Vision service will be billed at their contract rates for a period of up to thirty (30) days, after which they will be billed for any service usage at the standard Guide rates applicable to service.


In addition to other service-related charges under this option, FUSF, CAC, Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.


Beginning April 15, 1996, Option Q (MCI Vision) will not be available to new subscribers unless otherwise noted herein.


.181       Access/Termination Methods and Charges


.1811     Outbound Service


.18111   Dedicated Access/Termination


.181111      T1 Digital Access/Termination


Components associated with T-1 Digital Access and their relevant monthly and non-recurring charges are those shown in Sections C-2.0221, as in effect on the date of the invoice.


In addition to the charges associated with these components, Company will assess charges for the following option, if applicable:


T-1 Digital Access Features -Access Integration (see Section C-2.0221)


In addition, an MCI Vision customer may allow another MCI Vision customer to terminate calls on the first customer's network via dedicated access.  This feature is available at the request of the MCI Vision Service customer on whose network the calls are to terminate.  Such requests must be submitted to Company in writing.  Other customers authorized to make such access must dial a private dialing plan number.


.181112      Analog Access/Termination


Components associated with Analog Access and their relevant monthly and non‑recurring charges are those shown in Section C-2.0211, as in effect on the date of the invoice.


In addition to the charges associated with these components, Company will assess charges for the following option, if applicable:


Analog Access Features - Access Integration (see Section C-2.02115)


.18112   Shared Access


.181121   MCI Vision Switched Outbound Location Minimum Charge - applies to each MCI Vision location with switched access.


Each location, each month, must have $5 of usage or the customer will be charged the difference between their usage charges and $5.  All MCI Vision usage and surcharges associated with each such location will apply toward this $5 monthly Switched Location Minimum Charge.


.181122   MCI Vision Card Access


Available from any touch-tone phone in the U.S. via an "800" number. Calls can be made to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI and to those international locations listed in Table V, Part E.


.1811221 MCI Vision Card Surcharges - apply to each MCI Vision Card call other than calls to Directory Assistance.


Calls to the U.S. Mainland,                       $1.05 per call

Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin

Islands, American Samoa, Guam,

CNMI, and Canada


MCI Vision Power Rate Program             $1.00 per call

Calls to the U.S. Mainland,

Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands,

American Samoa, Guam,

CNMI, and Canada


Calls to international                                $1.40 per call

locations other than Canada


MCI Vision Power Rate Program             $1.30 per call

calls to international

locations other than Canada


.1811222   MCI Vision Card WorldPhone Access - This feature is available from overseas locations listed in Section C-3.07342.  Subscribers can dial overseas toll free numbers on a country specific basis to reach an Company operator located in the U.S.  MCI Vision Power Rate WorldPhone usage charges are specified in Section C-3.07326.  Calls placed to Directory Assistance will be priced at the rates set forth in Section C-3.1823.


.1811223   MCI Vision Card WorldPhone Access Surcharge - applies to each MCI Vision Card WorldPhone Access Call including customized announcement calls.


Calls from Canada to U.S.                         $0.80 per call

MCI Vision Power Rate WorldPhone calls     $0.70 per call


Calls from Canada to any

destination other than the U.S.

Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico,

the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa,

Guam, and CNMI                                       $1.25 per call

MCI Vision Power Rate WorldPhone calls     $1.10 per call


Calls from the U.S. Virgin Islands,

to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska,

and Hawaii                                                 $0.70 per call

MCI Vision Power Rate WorldPhone calls     $0.70 per call


Calls from the U. S. Virgin Islands

to international locations as

specified in Section C-3.073.                    $1.25 per call


Calls from any international point

of origination as specified in

Section C-3.073 to the U.S.                      $2.50 per call

MCI Vision Power Rate WorldPhone calls$     2.50 per call


Calls from any point to Directory

Assistance$                                                  2.50 per call

MCI Vision Power Rate WorldPhone calls     $2.25 per call


.181123      MCI Vision 800 Remote Access - Allows the user to access the customer's MCI Vision network via a customer-assigned 800 telephone number from anywhere in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI.  This feature is available for on-net calls with both 7- and 10-digit dialing plans, via switched access only.  This feature is not available using an MCI Vision Calling Card.


.1811231   MCI Vision 800 Remote Access Surcharges - The following charge applies to each MCI Vision 800 Remote Access call which originates and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI.  This charge applies in addition to the applicable charges specified in Section C-318211, C-3.18212, C-3.18213 and the charges specified in Section C-3.0736 for MCI Vision service to Canada.


Per Call Charge                                                       $0.40

MCI Vision Power Rate Program

Per Call Charge                                                       $0.35


.1812     Inbound 800 Service


The charges in Section C-3.08 apply.

A $10 monthly recurring charge applies per: (i) toll free number associated with international Inbound 800 Service; and, (ii) per Customer ANI associated with each toll free number associated with international Inbound 800 Service.  Waivers of charges set forth in written contracts in effect on or before October 18, 2002 do not apply to these charges.


.182       Usage Rates and Charges:


.1821     Outbound Service


.18211   From the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands or From the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii Per-Minute Usage Charges:


Intercity Mileage1



MCI Vision

         Band       .



Card Access





0 – 100




101 +





Mileage is calculated by using the formula presented in Table I, Part A-2.


MCI Vision Power Rate


Outbound Switched Access                        $0.4501

Outbound Dedicated Access                        0.3322

MCI Power Rate Card Access                        0.4501


.182111 From the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to American Samoa, Guam and CNMI Per-Minute Usage Charges:


MCI Vision Power Rate                     Per-Minute Charges


Switched to Switched Access                 $0.5903

Dedicated to Switched Access                  0.4827


.18213   From the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to American Samoa, Guam and CNMI:


   Switched to Switched                       Dedicated to Switched                                            

             1st 30                  Add'l 6                  1st 30                 Add'l 6

           Seconds                Seconds                Seconds             Seconds


                          $0.2814                $0.0563                $0.2296             $0.0460


.18214   From U.S. Mainland, Hawaii to International Locations Per Minute Usage Charges:  For calls terminating to those locations listed in Part E of Table V, the usage charges and time periods set forth in Sections C-3.073 and C-3.072, respectively, will apply, except that Customers who are part of a limited list, and have PRI access lines, as described in Section C-2.02217, used in connection with compatible customer premises equipment, will be responsible for usage charges to locations outside the continental U.S. and such usage will be subject to the rates and terms found in Section C-3.073 of this tariff.  For MCI Vision Power Rate Program calls, the usage charges are specified in Section C-3.07325, MCI Vision Power Rate International 800 rates are specified in Section C-3.07327, and MCI Vision Worldwide Power Rate International rates are specified in Section C-3.07328.


.18215   Operator Assisted Usage Charges: The following charges apply to Operator Assisted calls made by MCI Vision customers with Switched and Dedicated Access only, and are available for outbound service only.


182151  Domestic Calls: For domestic calls within classification (a), as specified in Section C-3.024, (excluding collect calls and calls which are billed by a third party), usage rates are set forth in Sections C-3.1821511 and C-3.1821512 below.  For domestic calls within classifications (c) and (d), as specified in Section C-3.024, (excluding collect calls and calls which are billed by a third party), usage rates are set forth in Sections C-3.1821513 and C-3.1821514 below.


.1821511   From U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to U.S Mainland and Alaska or from U.S. Mainland Per Minute Usage Charges:


                                                                           DAY                                            EVENING                         NIGHT & WEEKEND

                              Mileage Rate        1st Min.      Add'l Min.             1st Min.      Add'l Min.               1st Min.        Add'l Min.


                                    1 ‑     10         $0.2413        $0.2413                $0.1364        $0.1364                $0.1259                              $0.1259

                                  11 ‑     22           0.2413          0.2413                  0.1469          0.1469                  0.1259                              0.1259

                                  23 ‑     55           0.2518          0.2518                  0.1678          0.1678                  0.1364                              0.1364

                                  55 ‑   124          0.2727          0.2727                  0.1678          0.1678                  0.1364                              0.1364

                                125 ‑   292          0.2727          0.2727                  0.1888          0.1888                  0.1574                              0.1574

                                293 ‑   430          0.2832          0.2832                  0.1888          0.1888                  0.1574                              0.1574

                                431 ‑   925          0.2832          0.2832                  0.1993          0.1993                  0.1574                              0.1574

                                926 ‑ 1910          0.2832          0.2832                  0.1993          0.1993                  0.1678                              0.1678

                              1911 ‑ 3000          0.2832          0.2832                  0.2098          0.2098                  0.1783                              0.1783

                              3001 ‑ 4250          0.3147          0.3147                  0.2203          0.2203                  0.1783                              0.1783

                              4251 ‑ 5750          0.3462          0.3462                  0.2308          0.2308                  0.1783                              0.1783


.1821512   From U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Per Minute Usage Charges:


                              Mileage Rate                      DAY                                            EVENING                         NIGHT & WEEKEND

                              Correa             1st Min.              Add'l Min.             1st Min.      Add'l Min.               1st Min.        Add'l Min.


                              Band 1                 $0.2832        $0.2832                $0.1993        $0.1993                $0.1678                              $0.1678

                              Band 2                   0.2832          0.2832                  0.2098          0.2098                  0.1783                              0.1783

                              Band 3                   0.3147          0.3147                  0.2203          0.2203                  0.1783                              0.1783

                              Band 4                   0.5979          0.5245                  0.4006          0.3514                  0.3109                              0.2727


                                             See Section C-3.021112 for a list of states included in each band.


.1821513   From U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to U.S. Mainland and Alaska or from U.S. Mainland to Hawaii Per Minute Usage Charges:


                                                                           DAY                                            EVENING                         NIGHT & WEEKEND

                              Mileage Rate        1st Min.      Add'l Min.             1st Min.      Add'l Min.                       1st Min.        Add'l Min.


                                    1 ‑     10           $.2412          $.2412                  $.1363          $.1363                  $.1258                              $.1258

                                  11 ‑     22             .2412             .2412                    .1468             .1468                    .1258                              .1258

                                  23 ‑     55             .2517             .2517                    .1677             .1677                    .1363                              .1363

                                  56 ‑   924             .2726             .2726                    .1677             .1677                    .1363                              .1363

                                125 ‑   292            .2726             .2726                    .1887             .1887                    .1572                              .1572

                                293 ‑   430            .2831             .2831                    .1887             .1887                    .1572                              .1572

                                431 ‑   925            .2831             .2831                    .1992             .1992                    .1572                              .1572

                                926 ‑ 1910            .2831             .2831                    .1992             .1992                    .1677                              .1677

                              1911 ‑ 3000            .2831             .2831                    .2097             .2097                    .1782                              .1782

                              3001 ‑ 4250            .3146             .3146                    .2202             .2202                    .1782                              .1782

                              4251 ‑ 5750            .3461             .3461                    .2307             .2307                    .1782                              .1782



.1821514   From U.S Mainland and Hawaii to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Per Minute Usage Charges:


                              Mileage Rate                     DAY                                            EVENING                         NIGHT & WEEKEND

                              Correa                     1st Min.      Add'l Min.             1st Min.      Add'l Min.            1st Min.                              Add'l Min.


                                  Band 1               $.2831          $.2831                  $.1992          $.1992                  $.1677                                  $.1677

                                  Band 2                 .2831             .2831                    .2097             .2097                    .1782                                  .1782

                                  Band 3                 .3146             .3146                    .2202             .2202                    .1782                                  .1782

                                  Band 4                 .5978             .5244                    .4005             .3513                    .3108                                  .2726


See Section C-3.021112 for a list of states included in each band.





.1821517   From Canada to International Locations Per Minute Usage Rates: Charges set forth in Section C-3.0735 will apply for calls terminating to those locations set forth therein.


.1821518   From the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to American Samoa, Guam and CNMI Per‑Minute Usage Charges:


                                                                     DAY                                          EVENING                          NIGHT & WEEKEND                                          

                                                            1st Min.      Add'l Min.             1st Min.      Add'l Min.            1st Min.                              Add'l Min.


               All Mileage Bands             $0.6294        $0.5521                $0.6294        $0.5521                $0.6294               $0.5521


.182152      International Calls:  For international calls within classifications (a), (c), and (d), as set forth in Section C-3.024 (excluding collect calls and calls which are billed by a third party), usage rates are set forth in Section C-3.07321.


.182153      Surcharges: Except as listed below, all domestic (including calls originating in the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI) and international calls falling within classifications (a), (c) and (d), as specified in Section C-3.024 (excluding collect calls and calls which are billed by a third party), are subject to the undiscountable surcharges as set forth in Section C-3.0243.


                                                                                                                                                             Domestic                                                                                                                                                          Internacional


Operator Station                          $4.00       $6.50

  To Canada                                    N/A          6.50


Person to Person                           7.00         8.50

  To Canada                                    N/A          8.50


Operator Dialed                             1.55         2.15


.18216   International Mobile Termination Usage Charge:  The following undiscountable per‑minute usage charges will apply, in addition to all other applicable usage charges and surcharges, to Option Q usage which terminates via Commercial Mobile Radio Service in the following international locations:


Usage Rates


.1822     Inbound 800 Service


.18221   Domestic Usage Charges: MCI Vision Inbound 800 Service calls will be charged as follows:


From the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for Regional (Range 1) or Long Haul (Ranges 2-6) calls. (See Part F of Table V for range designations).



Business Line/



Switched WATS Access1

Dedicated Access


Line Termination

Line Termination







Long Haul




From American Samoa, Guam and CNMI to the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for calls which originate in American Samoa, Guam and CNMI and terminate in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on termination type.


Business Line/

Switched WATS Access                  Dedicated Access

Line Termination                             Line Termination


$0.6256                                              $0.5113


1                          Customers who subscribe to MCI Vision Inbound 800 Service under a Qualified Direct Sales Affinity Member Group will be charged $0.12 per minute for Switched WATS Access Termination usage from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and (ii) a $5.00 monthly recurring charge.


.182211   Inbound MCI Vision Power Rate Program Usage Charges:  Inbound MCI Vision Power Rate Program calls will be charged the following per‑minute rates, based on access type.


.1822111   From the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii:


Switched Access               Dedicated Access


$0.4736                          $0.3498


.1822112   From the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii:


Switched Access               Dedicated Access


$0.4324                          $0.4221


.1822113   From American Samoa, Guam and CNMI to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands:


Switched Access               Dedicated Access


$0.5862                          $0.4792


                                                    .18222     MCI Vision 800 Digital Service Per Minute Usage Charges:  MCI Vision 800 Digital Service offers dial‑up service for transmitting data or video images at speeds of 56, 64 and increments thereof, between locations within the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii (domestic usage), and Canada.  Originating access for MCI 800 Digital Service includes Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) provided Basic Rate Interface (BRI), Primary Rate Interface (PRI), and Switched Data Access (SDA), based on availability.  Terminating access types include Company provided PRI or Digital Data Service (DDS) or LEC-provided BRI, PRI, and SDA, based on availability.  The customer is responsible for obtaining LEC-provided origination and termination access types. The customer is billed directly by the LEC for these access types.  Similarly, Company-provided access types are billed directly by Company. Calls may not originate via dedicated access or analog lines.  Switched 64 kbps services require that T1 Digital Access lines are equipped with B8ZS coding from the LEC.   The MCI Vision features described in Sections C-3.187 and C-3.188 are available with MCI Vision 800 Digital Service.


                                                    .182221   Domestic Interstate:


MCI Vision 800 Digital calls will be priced as either Regional (Range 1 calls), Long Haul (Ranges 2-6), or MCI Vision Power Rate at rates specified below.  (See Part F of Table V for the range designations to be used for inbound 800 calls.)


                                                                                                                                    Business Line/

                                                                                                                                Switched WATS Access                                                                         Dedicated Access

                                                                                                                                    Line Termination         Line Termination


                                                                                           Regional                                      $0.3576               $0.2662

                                                                                           Long Haul                                     0.3994                 0.2939

                                                                                           MCI Vision Power Rate                0.3474                 0.2566


                                                                     .182222       Canada Origination:


                                                                                                                                                                  WATS Access

                                                                                                                                                                  and Business

                                                                                                      Dedicated Access Termination         Line Termination

                                                                       Range                     Peak                         Off-Peak             Peak                                                                        Off-Peak


                                                                          7                        $0.8648                     $0.8648           $0.8712                                                                        $0.8712

                                                                          8                          0.8947                     0.8947               0.9183 0.9183

                                                                          9                          0.8947                     0.8947               0.9183 0.9183


                              .18223   From Canada: Rates in Section C-3.073141 will apply.


                              .18224   From Mexico: Rates in Section C-3.082123 apply.


                              .18225   From International Locations Other than Canada and Mexico1:  Service is available from those countries from which International Call Coverage is available.  The rates in Section C-3.07314 apply, except that these calls are not eligible for the volume discounts described in Section C-3.08621.  The rates in Section C-3.07327 apply for MCI Vision Power Rate, except that these calls are not eligible for the volume discounts in Section C-3.08621.


.182251 International Mobile Origination Charge:  Customers of International Toll Free Service will be charged the following undiscountable per minute charges, in addition to all other applicable usage charges and surcharges, for International Toll Free Service which originates via Commercial Mobile Radio Service in the following international locations:


Usage Charges


                              .18226   MCI Vision 800 Digital Multi-Rate Bearer Service for Speeds Greater than 64 kbps:  The features of this service are the same as those described in Section C-3.18222.  The per minute usage rates for MCI Vision 800 Digital Multi-Rate Bearer Service for speeds of multiples of 64 kbps between locations in the U.S. Mainland or Hawaii (except that calls may not originate or terminate in Hawaii via dedicated local access facilities), are set forth below based on the types of access and termination used.


                                             For each 64 kbps increment of bandwidth used per call the customer will be charged the following per minute metered usage rates, based on the types of access and termination used:


                                                                                                                   Switched/Dedicated                         Switched/Switched


                                                            Regional (Range 1)                                       $0.2300                            $0.3226

                                                            Long Haul (Ranges 2 - 6)                               0.2598                              0.3642

                                                            MCI Vision Power Rate 0.2246                                                 0.3081


                                             For example, a 384 kbps call based on originating switched access and terminating via dedicated access would require six 64 kbps units, resulting in rates as follows:


                                                                                                                                                                Usage Rate Per Minute


                                                            Regional                                                                          $1.0158 ( = $0.1693 x 6)

                                                            Long Haul                                                                     1.1466 ( = $0.1911 x 6)

                                                            MCI Vision Power Rate                                               0.9918 ( = $0.1653 x 6)


                              .18227   International Toll Free Termination2:  For calls originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating in the international locations listed in Part E of Table V, the usage charges set forth in Section C-3.07331 will apply.


1                                                           Beginning September 20, 1996, customers of international toll free numbers must meet a minimum gross usage of $1 per international toll free number per month.  Customers who do not meet this minimum in a given billing period will be charged a fee of $20 per international toll free number.  This fee will begin to apply in the first two billing periods after the number has been activated by Company.


2              This is being introduced as a test to a limited number of customers.


                                             .1823     Directory Assistance:


                                             .183       Discounts


                                             .1831     Time of Day Discounts1 ‑ A 20 percent discount will apply, on a call‑by‑call basis, to all inbound and outbound domestic traffic occurring during the Evening and Night/Weekend rate periods (i.e. anytime except 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays).  When a Vision call is established in one rate period and ends in the other, the rate in effect in each rate period applies to the portion of the call occurring during that rate period.  The rate for inbound calls is the rate for the time of day at the terminating location.  Usage charges for MCI Vision Power Rate Programs are not eligible to receive this discount.


                                             .1832     Dedicated Termination Discount - All Vision Switched, Dedicated, and Card Access outbound traffic (excluding traffic to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and calls to Mexico and Canada using dedicated termination) which is transmitted between customer designated locations of a Corporate Enterprise and which is terminated by means of dedicated termination facilities will receive a discount of $0.02 per minute.  This discount will be applied before any other discounts.


1              In states that have an identical discount plan for non-Business Day rates and/or volume discounts, the interstate discount is determined by applying the effective discount rate only to interstate usage billing subject to discount.  In states without an identical discount plan for non-Business Day rates and/or volume discounts, the interstate discount is determined by applying the effective discount rate to both interstate and intrastate usage billing subject to discount.  Customers who subscribe to service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group or a Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus) will receive an additional 5 percent discount on all domestic and international usage.  Customers who subscribe to service through a Standard Affinity Member Group or a Regional Affinity Member Group will receive an additional 5 percent discount on all domestic and international usage.


                                             .1833     Volume Discounts1 - Volume Discounts, as set forth below, are available to those Vision customers whose total monthly combined domestic and international usage (including facsimile usage and Metered Use Service Option LL (Company Contact one-number service) usage), inbound 800 usage (including MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing and MCI Vision 800 AnswerNet), and outbound usage2 and surcharges (not including the service fee or optional feature charges) equals or exceeds $1,000.00 per invoice.  The discounts shown apply on an effective basis.  Usage billed to the customer's end users under MCI Vision Directed Billing (as described in Section C-3.1885) and operator assisted usage charges and surcharges (as described in Section C-3.18215) will be counted towards the monthly usage threshold, but the volume discounts will not be applied to this usage.  Once the customer reaches the usage threshold, the discount is applied to all eligible usage.

                                                            If the domestic portion of the discount (amount calculated based on interstate and intrastate usage) is greater than the interstate usage, the difference will not be credited or brought forward.3


                                                                           Monthly Usage Threshold               Volume Discount


                                                                           $ 1,000.00                                         5%

                                                                           5,000.00                                             8

                                                                           10,000.00                                          11

                                                                           20,000.00                                          14


                              .1834     Domestic Optimizer Discount:  A discount of 10 percent will be applied to all domestic outbound Vision calls which are made to the single domestic area code with the highest total usage (in dollars) in the period for which a bill is being calculated.  This discount is calculated and applied at the location level.  International and Directory Assistance calls are excluded from this discount.  This discount is calculated on usage to that area code before all other discounts other than the Time of Day and Dedicated Termination Discounts are applied.  Usage charges for MCI Vision Power Rate Programs are not eligible to receive this discount.


                                             .1835     International Optimizer Discount:  A discount of 10 percent will be applied to all international outbound Vision calls that originate in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Island and terminate to International locations specified in Section C-3.072, made during the peak rate period which are made to the single country with the highest total usage (in dollars) for the period for which a bill is being calculated.  This discount is calculated and applied at the location level.  Domestic and Directory Assistance calls are excluded from this discount.  This discount is calculated on usage to that country before all other discounts other than the Time of Day and the Dedicated Termination Discounts are applied.  Usage charges for MCI Vision Power Rate Programs are not eligible to receive this discount.


1              In states that have an identical discount plan for non-Business Day rates and/or volume discounts, the interstate discount is determined by applying the effective discount rate only to interstate usage billing subject to discount.  In states without an identical discount plan for non-Business Day rates and/or volume discounts, the interstate discount is determined by applying the effective discount rate to both interstate and intrastate usage billing subject to discount.  Customers who subscribe to service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group or a Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus) will receive an additional 5 percent discount on all domestic and international usage.  Customers who subscribe to service through a Standard Affinity Member Group or a Regional Affinity Member Group will receive an additional 5 percent discount on all domestic and international usage.


2              Total combined usage can only include up to a maximum of $15,000 per month for calls to Mexico and for calls to those countries listed in Section C-3.071 that are marked with a double asterisk (**) in determining the overall discount.


3              In cases where an intrastate tariff applies, the intrastate discount amount will be subtracted from intrastate usage and this discount amount will be subtracted from the applicable total discount.


                                             .1836     MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan (VIP):  At a customer's option, Metered Use Service Option Q (MCI Vision) can be arranged for use as Corporate Account Service PLUS Option D (MCI Vision VIP).  This plan is available only to customers who entered such a plan on or before February 15, 1993.  The MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan (VIP) is a term and volume agreement, in lieu of all other tariffed plans.  Customers who subscribe to this program will receive discounts in addition to those described in Section C‑3.183 and are subject to the following conditions:


.18361   Definition of Terms:


                                                            Qualifying Volume is the customer's total domestic and international inbound (including MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing), outbound (including facsimile usage), MCI Vision Card, (including usage billed to the customer's authorized users under the MCI Vision Directed Billing option), Metered Use Service Option LL (Company Contact one‑number service) usage, and MCI Vision 800 Remote Access usage (before promotional and other discounts, except Time of Day and Dedicated Termination discounts), including surcharges which apply towards achieving the MCI Vision VIP volume minimum and commitment.  Directory Assistance, feature, monthly recurring charges (as described in Section C-3.18), non‑recurring charges, and taxes do not qualify in achieving the MCI Vision VIP volume minimum and commitment and are not included as part of Qualifying Volume.


                                                            Eligible Volume is the customer's total domestic and international inbound (including MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing), outbound (including facsimile usage), MCI Vision Card (including usage billed to the customer's authorized users under the MCI Vision Directed Billing option), MCI Vision 800 Remote Access usage (before promotional and other discounts, except Time of Day and other Dedicated Termination discounts), and Metered Use Service Option LL (Company Contact one-number service) usage including surcharges which are eligible to receive the benefits of the MCI Vision VIP discounts.  Directory Assistance, feature, monthly recurring charges (as described in Section C-3.18), non‑recurring charges and taxes will not receive the benefits associated with the MCI Vision VIP discounts and are not included as part of Eligible Volume.


                                           .18362     Term Commitment and Renewal Options:  A customer must commit to a service term of either one, two, or three years.  The term of the MCI Vision VIP will commence no earlier than the fifteenth of the billing month in which the customer subscribes to the plan. The agreement will automatically renew for an equivalent term, volume minimum and volume commitment upon expiration, unless the customer provides written notification to cancel the MCI Vision VIP, which must be received by Company not less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the term.


                                           .18363     Volume Commitment: A customer may elect a monthly MCI Vision volume commitment of one of the following amounts: $500 (Option A, 12 months), $1,500 (Option A, 24 months), or $5000 (Option B, 12, 24, or 36 months).  In addition to the monthly commitment, MCI Vision VIP Option A, 12 and 24 month commitments each have monthly volume minimums of $350 and $1000, respectively.  All MCI Vision VIP Option B agreements have a $5,000 monthly minimum.  The monthly volume minimum and volume commitment will be based upon the customer's Qualifying Volume.


                                           .18364     Underutilization Charges: Customers who do not meet their monthly volume commitment in any given month will be billed the minimum volume requirement instead of the actual usage charges incurred for that month.  This penalty is effective beginning with the third full month of service after initial enrollment.


                                           .18365     Early Termination Charges: Customers who terminate service prior to the end of the commitment will be billed their monthly volume minimum times the number of full or partial months remaining in the term and will be required to repay any promotional credits that were given contingent upon the original VIP agreement.  This charge will not apply to those MCI Vision VIP customers who convert from an MCI Vision VIP to another Company service option with a term commitment equal to or greater than the customer's existing term and volume commitment, or from an MCI Vision VIP to a MCI Vision VIP Plus or Customized Business Program with a term and volume commitment equal to or greater than the customer's existing volume and term commitment.  The existing plan will terminate on the start on the new MCI Vision VIP Plus or Customized Business Program.


                                             .18366   Discounts: Customers enrolled in a Vision VIP will receive the following discounts in addition to those discounts described in Section C‑3.183.  This Vision VIP discount is applied before all other discounts other than the Time of Day and Dedicated Termination Discounts and are given only in those months in which the customers monthly Qualifying Volume equals or exceeds its monthly commitment.  The discount will be applied to the customer's total monthly Eligible Volume.


                                                                                          Monthly               Monthly                  Monthly

                                                                                          Volume                 Volume                   Qualifying

                                                                 Term                 Mínima             Commitment         Volumen                                                                 Descuento


                                             Option A     12 months       $  350                    $  500                    $  500  - $  9999.99                               3%

                                                                                                                                                         $10000 ‑ $14999.99                                                                                                                                                         5

                                                                                                                                                         $15000 +                                                                                                                                                               7


                                                                 24 months       $1000                   $1500                    $ 1500 -  $  9999.99                                                   5%

                                                                                                                                                         $10000 ‑  $14999.99                                                                                                                                                         7

                                                                                                                                                         $15000 +                                                                                                                                                               10


                                             Option B     12 months       $5000                   $5000                    $5000 +                                                     7%

                                                                 24 months         5000                   $5000                    $5000 +                                                                         10

                                                                 36 months         5000                   $5000                    $5000 +                                                                         11


                                             .1837     MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan Plus


                                                            The MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan Plus (VIP Plus) is a term plan, in lieu of all other tariffed term plans.  Customers having channelized T-1 Digital Access are automatically enrolled in a Combined Service and Access Plan (CSAP) in conjunction with an MCI Vision VIP Plus.  Customers who subscribe to MCI Vision through an MCI Value Insurance Plan Plus (VIP Plus) are subject to the following conditions:


                             .18371      Definition of Terms:


                                                    Qualifying Volume is the customer's total usage of: domestic and international inbound (including MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing); outbound (including facsimile usage); MCI Vision Card, (including usage billed to the customer's authorized users under the MCI Vision Directed Billing option); MCI Vision 800 Remote Access usage (before promotional and other discounts, except Time of Day and Dedicated Termination discounts), including surcharges which apply towards achieving the MCI Vision VIP Plus volume commitment and recurring charges for Dedicated Leased Line Services enrolled under the MCI Vision VIP Plus plan (before promotional and other discounts, except that recurring charges for channelized T-1 Digital Access will be net of Combined Service and Access Plan discounts); Metered Use Service Option LL (Company Contact one-number service) usage; and Tariffed Services for which a tariff is not required and has not been filed.  Directory Assistance, feature, operator assisted usage and surcharges (as described in Section C-3.18215), monthly recurring (as described in Section C-3.18) and non‑recurring charges, TDS-45 Local Channel Access, TDS-45 Access Coordination and TDS-45 Central Office Connection charges, and taxes do not qualify in achieving the MCI Vision VIP Plus volume commitment and are not included as part of Qualifying Volume.


                                                            Eligible Volume is the customer's total domestic and international inbound (including MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing), outbound (including facsimile usage), MCI Vision Card (including usage billed to the customer's authorized users under the MCI Vision Directed Billing option), MCI Vision 800 Remote Access usage (before promotional and other discounts, except Time of Day and Dedicated Termination discounts), and Metered Use Service Option LL (Company Contact one-number service) usage including surcharges which are eligible to receive the benefits of the MCI Vision VIP Plus discounts, Inter-Office Channel charges, and Central Office Coordination, Access Coordination, and Local Access Channel charges associated with the IOC circuits supported.  Directory Assistance, feature, operator assisted usage and surcharges (as described in Section C-3.18215), monthly recurring (as described in Section C-3.18) and non‑recurring charges, TDS-45 Local Channel Access,  TDS-45 Access Coordination and TDS-45 Central Office Connection charges and taxes will not receive the benefits associated with the MCI Vision VIP Plus discounts and are not included as part of Eligible Volume.


                                     .18372           Term Commitment and Renewal Options:  A customer must commit to service for a term of either one, two, or three years.  The term of the MCI Vision VIP Plus will commence no earlier than the fifteenth of the billing month in which the customer subscribes to the plan.  A plan will automatically renew for an equivalent term and volume commitment upon expiration of its term unless the customer provides written notification to cancel the MCI Vision VIP Plus, which must be received by Company not less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the term.


                                     .18373           Volume Commitment:  A customer may elect an annual MCI Vision volume commitment of one of the following amounts: $12,000; $24,000; $36,000; $48,000, $60,000; $84,000; $120,000; $180,000; $240,000; $360,000; $480,000; $600,000; $720,000; or $900,000.  The customer's annual volume commitment will be based upon the customer's annual Qualifying Volume.  At any time during the term, a customer may elect a higher volume commitment.  If a customer so elects, the term of service end date will not change.  The new volume commitment will apply as of the beginning of the commitment year in which the re-election of the volume commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the higher volume commitment level apply to usage only from the re-election date forward.


                             .18374           Underutilization Charges:  If, at the end of any year of the term, a customer has not met the annual volume commitment, the customer must pay the difference between the customer's actual Qualifying Volume and the annual volume commitment.  See Section C-3.18375 below for the Early Termination Charge applicable to a customer which terminates service before the end of its term commitment.


                              .18375                  Early Termination Charges:


                                             .183751 Cancellation or Discontinuance Without Liability:  A customer may cancel or discontinue an MCI Vision VIP Plus prior to the expiration of the term without liability if (1) the customer's annualized Qualifying Volume is equal to or exceeds the Annual Volume Commitment and (2) the customer commits to a new MCI Vision VIP Plus, MCI Customized Business Program or enters into a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 1, 4 or 6, as described in Section C-16, with a total volume commitment exceeding the total original volume commitment and (3) the customer commits to a new term commitment equal to or greater than the customer's existing term commitment.  The former VIP Plus will terminate on the start date of the new VIP Plus or Customized Business Program.


                                             .183752                Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liability: Discontinuance of all services furnished under the MCI Vision VIP Plus prior to the expiration of the committed term constitutes discontinuance of the plan and the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge equal to the underutilization charge for the year of termination plus 35 percent of the Annual Volume Commitment for each year of the term remaining unfulfilled.  A Customer who cancels its VIP Plus agreement prior to its expiration will be required to repay any promotional credits that were given contingent upon the VIP Plus agreement, in addition to other applicable early termination charges noted above.


                              .18376                  Discounts: Customers will receive the following discounts, in lieu of the volume discounts described in Section C-3.1833, and the Fixed Term Plans for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 (TDS 1.5) and Digital Data Service (DDS), Network Pricing Plans for Analog Leased Line Service and for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 service and Terrestrial Digital 45 (TDS-45) service and Digital Private Line Service, and Access Pricing Plans for T-1, DS0, DDS and Analog Access for Dedicated Leased Line Service discounts described in Section C-2.  The discounts apply to Eligible Volume.


                              .183761 Outbound:1  The following discounts apply to outbound usage, including MCI Vision Card and MCI Vision Card WorldPhone Access.



                                                                           Volume                                                              Term Commitment

                                                                           Commitment       1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                           3 Year


                                                                            $12,000                       9.5%                                 11.5%               14.0

                                                                              24,000                    11.5                                    13.5                  16.5

                                                                              36,000                    13.5                                    15.0                  18.0

                                                                              48,000                    14.5                                    16.0                  19.0

                                                                              60,000                    15.5                                    17.0                  20.0

                                                                              84,000                    16.5                                    20.0                  22.5

                                                                            120,000                    19.5                                    21.5                  24.0

                                                                            180,000                    20.0                                    23.0                  26.0

                                                                            240,000                    22.5                                    25.5                  27.5

                                                                            360,000                    23.5                                    26.5                  28.5

                                                                            480,000                    24.5                                    27.5                  29.5

                                                                            600,000                    25.0                                    28.0                  30.0

                                                                            720,000                    25.5                                    28.5                  30.5

                                                                            900,000                    26.0                                    29.0                  31.0


1              Members of the Qualified Affinity Member Groups are eligible to receive an additional 2 percent MCI Vision VIP Plus discount on Outbound and Inbound usage for Annual Commitment Levels between $12,000 and $180,000.  Members with Annual Commitment Levels of $240,000, $360,000, $480,000, $600,000, $720,000 or $900,000 are eligible to receive an additional MCI Vision VIP Plus discount of 1.5 percent, 1.0 percent, 0.5 percent, 0.5 percent, 0.5 percent, and 0.5 percent, respectively.


                                                            .183762 Inbound :1 The following discounts apply to inbound usage.



                                                                         Volume                                                               Term Commitment

                                                                         Commitment         1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                         3 Year


                                                                         $12,000                       15.0%                                17.0%                19.0

                                                                           24,000                       16.5                                   19.5                   21.5

                                                                           36,000                       17.5                                   20.5                   22.5

                                                                           48,000                       18.0                                   21.0                   23.0

                                                                           60,000                       18.5                                   21.0                   23.0

                                                                           84,000                       19.5                                   22.0                   24.5

                                                                         120,000                       19.5                                   22.0                   24.5

                                                                         180,000                       19.5                                   22.0                   24.5

                                                                         240,000                       21.0                                   24.0                   26.5

                                                                         360,000                       22.0                                   25.0                   27.5

                                                                         480,000                       23.0                                   26.0                   28.5

                                                                         600,000                       23.5                                   26.5                   29.0

                                                                         720,000                       24.0                                   27.0                   29.5

                                                                         900,000                       24.5                                   27.5                   30.0


                              .183763 Other Discounts:  The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume on monthly and recurring charges described in Section C-2.  These discounts are in addition to those specified in Section C-3.183761 and C-3.183762.


                                                            a.            Voice Grade Private Line, Digital Private Line and Digital Data Services



                                                                         Volume                                                               Term Commitment

                                                                         Commitment         1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                         3 Year

                                                                         $12,000                     1.0%                                    2.5%                 3.5%

                                                                           24,000                     1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                           36,000                     1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                           48,000                     1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                           60,000                     1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                           84,000                     1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                         120,000                     1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                         180,000                     1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                         240,000                     1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                         360,000                     1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                         480,000                     2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                         600,000                     2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                         720,000                     2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                         900,000                     3.0                                       7.0                       8.0


1                           Members of the Qualified Affinity Member Groups are eligible to receive an additional 2 percent MCI Vision VIP Plus discount on Outbound and Inbound usage for Annual Commitment Levels between $12,000 and $180,000.  Members with Annual Commitment Levels of $240,000, $360,000, $480,000, $600,000, $720,000, or $900,000 are eligible to receive an additional MCI Vision VIP Plus


                                                            b.            Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 and Fractional T-1 - Digital Private Line Service at speeds between 112 kbps and 1,472 kbps (for Fractional T-1, the discount applies to the Inter-Office channel portion only)



                                                                    Volume                                                                     Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          2.0%                                    3.0%                 5.0%

                                                                      24,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      36,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      48,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      60,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      84,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                    120,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    180,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    240,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    360,000                        18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                    480,000                        18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                    600,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0

                                                                    720,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0

                                                                    900,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0


                                                                    c.                                   Terrestrial Digital Service - 45 (excludes Local Channel Access, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)



                                                                    Volume                                                                     Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          0.0%                                    0.0%                 0.0%

                                                                      24,000                          0.0                                       0.0                       0.0

                                                                      36,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      48,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      60,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      84,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                    120,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    180,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    240,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    360,000                          2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                    480,000                          2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                    600,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0

                                                                    720,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0

                                                                    900,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0


                                             .1838     International Term Plan (ITP):  The International Term Plan offers discounts in addition to those described in Sections C‑3.1833, C‑3.1835, C‑3.1837, not to exceed 12 percent on charges terminating in locations listed in Table V, part E.  ITP discounts are only available to customers who commit international usage and subscribe to service(s) pursuant to a Specialized Customer Arrangement Type 1‑4 or 6, as described in Section C‑16.


                                                            The customer must select the calendar month for commencement of its ITP and a two year commitment will begin with this month.  A customer who terminates its Plan before the expiration of the term, or who fails to satisfy its minimum billable usage commitment, will be billed and required to pay all usage charges plus a shortfall charge, equal to 100 percent of international usage previously invoiced under this plan.


                                           .1840       MCI Customized Business Programs:  Customers of MCI Vision may enroll in one of the following MCI Customized Business Programs.  Except for the rates, rules, and regulations particular to the MCI Customized Business Programs specified, all other rates, rules, and regulations pertaining to the provision of MCI Vision apply.  Customers having channelized T-1 Digital Access are automatically enrolled in a Combined Service and Access Plan (CSAP) in conjunction with an MCI Customized Business Program.


                                           .1841       Definition of Terms:


                                                            Qualifying Volume is the customer's total usage of: domestic and international inbound (including MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing); outbound (including facsimile usage); MCI Vision Card, including usage billed to the customer's authorized users under the MCI Vision Directed Billing option; MCI Vision 800 Remote Access (before promotional and other discounts, except for Time of Day and Dedicated Termination discounts), including MCI Vision calling card surcharges which apply towards achieving the MCI Customized Business Program usage commitment and recurring charges for Dedicated Leased Line Services enrolled under the MCI Vision Customized Business Program (before promotional and other discounts, except that recurring charges for channelized T-1 Digital Access will be net of Combined Service and Access Plan discounts); Metered Use Service Option LL (Company Contact one-number service) usage; and Tariffed Services for which a tariff is not required and has not been filed.  Directory Assistance, feature, monthly recurring (as described in Section C-3.18) and non‑recurring charges, operator assisted usage charges and surcharges (as specified in Section C-3.18215) TDS‑45 Local Access Channel, TDS-45 Access Coordination and TDS-45 Central Office Connection charges, and taxes do not qualify in achieving the MCI Customized Business Program usage commitment and are not included as part of Qualifying Volume.


                                                            Eligible Volume is the customer's total domestic and international inbound (including MCI Vision 800 Dynamic Routing), outbound (including facsimile usage), MCI Vision Card (including usage billed to the customer's authorized users under the MCI Vision Directed Billing option), MCI Vision 800 Remote Access usage (before promotional and other discounts, except for Time of Day and Dedicated Termination discounts), and Metered Use Service Option LL (Company Contact one‑number service) usage, including MCI Vision calling card surcharges which are eligible to receive the benefits of the MCI Customized Business Program discounts, Inter-Office Channel charges, and Central Office Coordination, Access Coordination, and Local Access Channel charges associated with the IOC circuits supported.  Directory Assistance, feature, monthly recurring (as described in Section C-3.18) and non‑recurring charges, operator assisted usage charges and surcharges (as specified in Section C-3.18215) TDS-45 Local Access Channel, TDS-45 Access Coordination and TDS-45 Central Office Connection charges and taxes will not receive the benefits associated with the MCI Customized Business Program discounts and are not included as part of Eligible Volume.


                                           Customers participating in an MCI Customized Business Program are subject to the following:


                              ·                             Underutilization Charges:  If, at the end of any year of the term, a customer has not met the annual volume commitment, the customer must pay the difference between the customer's actual Qualifying Volume and the annual volume commitment.  See below for the Early Termination Charge applicable to a customer which terminates service before the final year of its term commitment.


                              ·                             Early Termination Charges:


                                                            Cancellation or Discontinuance Without Liability:  A customer may cancel or discontinue an MCI Customized Business Program prior to the expiration of the term without liability if (1) the customer annualized Qualifying Volume is equal to or exceeds the Annual Volume Commitment and (2) the customer commits to a new MCI Customized Business Program,  MCI Vision VIP Plus or enters into a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Type 1, 4 or 6, as described in Section C-16, with a total volume commitment exceeding the total original volume commitment and (3) the customer commits to a new term commitment equal to or greater than the customer's existing term commitment.  The former MCI Customized Business Program will terminate on the start date of the new MCI Customized Business Program or new MCI Vision VIP Plus.


                                                            Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liability:  Discontinuance of all services furnished under the MCI Customized Business Program prior to the expiration of the committed term constitutes discontinuance of the plan and the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge equal to the Underutilization Charge for the year of termination plus 35 percent (100 percent for the MCI Vision Basic and MCI Vision Switched International programs) of the annual volume commitment for each year of the term remaining unfulfilled.  A Customer who cancels its MCI Customized Business Program agreement prior to its  expiration will be required to repay any promotional credits that were given contingent upon the MCI Customized Business Program agreement in addition to other applicable early termination charges noted above.


                                             .1842     MCI Off-Peak Vision:  The MCI Off-Peak Vision Calling Program is available to customers who meet the following criteria:


                                             1.            The customer's distribution of total monthly domestic outbound usage is such that at least 45 percent of the usage occurs within the Off-Peak rate period.


2.            The customer must commit to an MCI Vision service term of one, two, or three years and an Annual Volume Commitment of $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, $120,000, $180,000, $240,000, $360,000, or $480,000.  The customer's Annual Volume Commitment will be based upon the customer's annual Qualifying Volume.  At any time during the term, a customer may elect a higher volume commitment.  If a customer so elects, the term of service end date will not change.  The new volume commitment will apply as of the beginning of the commitment year in which the re-election of the volume commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the higher volume commitment level apply to usage only from the re-election date forward.   Such customers are subject to the following charge, which is waived for the first three months from the Term Start Date.


A customer whose traffic does not meet criterion (1) above in a given month will be charged an undiscountable $0.06 surcharge for each minute of outbound domestic traffic billed for that month.


                                                            .18421   Usage Rates: The following per-minute rates apply to outbound domestic usage 24 hours per day.


                                                                                           Switched Access                          $0.3273

                                                                                           Dedicated Access                          0.2379


                                                                           These rates are not subject to further time of day discounts, as described in Section C-3.1831.  For MCI Vision Card Access, the rates in Section C-3.18211 and the surcharges in Section C-3.1811221 apply.


                                             .18422   Discounts: The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume in lieu of any other discounts, including, but not limited to, the Fixed Term Plans for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 (TDS 1.5) and Digital Data Service (DDS), Network Pricing Plans for Analog Leased Line Service and for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 service and Terrestrial Digital 45 (TDS-45) service and Digital Private Line Service, and Access Pricing Plans for T-1, DS0, DDS and Analog Access for Dedicated Leased Line Service discounts described in Section C-2, Time of Day, Volume, Domestic Optimizer, International Optimizer, MCI Vision VIP and MCI Vision VIP Plus discounts described in Sections C-3.1831, C-3.1833, C-3.1834, C-3.1835, C-3.1836 and C-3-1837, respectively, except that domestic inbound usage shall be eligible for the Time of Day discount described in Section C-3.1831 in addition to the discounts in Section C-3.184221 below.  The customer is eligible to receive the Dedicated Termination Discount described in Section C-3.1832.


.184221 Domestic Outbound Discounts:  The following discounts apply to domestic outbound usage, including MCI Vision Card, subject to a monthly maximum discount of $8,500.



                                                                    Volume                                                           Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $  24,000                        2.0%                                    3.0%                 4.0%

                                                                        36,000                        2.5                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                        48,000                        3.0                                       4.0                       5.0

                                                                        60,000                        3.0                                       4.0                       5.0

                                                                        84,000                        4.0                                       7.0                       8.0

                                                                      120,000                        5.0                                       8.0                       9.0

                                                                      180,000                        6.0                                       9.0                     10.0

                                                                      240,000                        7.0                                     10.0                     11.0

                                                                      360,000                        8.0                                     11.0                     12.0

                                                                      480,000                        9.0                                     12.0                     13.0


                                                            .184222 Domestic Inbound Discounts:  The following discounts apply to domestic inbound usage.



                                                                    Volume                                                           Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                               2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $24,000                        16.5%                               19.5%                  21.5%

                                                                      36,000                        17.5                                  20.5                        22.5

                                                                      48,000                        18.0                                  21.0                        23.0

                                                                      60,000                        18.5                                  21.0                        23.0

                                                                      84,000                        19.5                                  22.0                        24.5

                                                                    120,000                        19.5                                  22.0                        24.5

                                                                    180,000                        19.5                                  22.0                        24.5

                                                                    240,000                        21.0                                  24.0                        26.5

                                                                    360,000                        22.0                                  25.0                        27.5

                                                                    480,000                        23.0                                  26.0                        28.5


                                             .184223                Other Discounts:  The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume on monthly and recurring charges described in Section C-2.  These discounts are in addition to those specified in Section C-3.194221 and C-3.184222.


                                                                                          a.  Voice Grade Private Line, Digital Private Line Services and Digital Data Service



                                                                    Volume                                                         Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $24,000                        1.0%                                     2.5%                   3.5%

                                                                      36,000                        1.0                                        2.5                         3.5

                                                                      48,000                        1.0                                        2.5                         3.5

                                                                      60,000                        1.0                                        3.5                         4.5

                                                                      84,000                        1.0                                        3.5                         4.5

                                                                    120,000                        1.0                                        3.5                         4.5

                                                                    180,000                        1.5                                        5.0                         7.0

                                                                    240,000                        1.5                                        5.0                         7.0

                                                                    360,000                        1.5                                        5.0                         7.0

                                                                    480,000                        2.0                                        6.0                         7.5


                                                                                          b.  Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 and Fractional T-1 - Digital Private Line Service at speeds between 112 kbps and 1,472 kbps (excludes Local Channel Access, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)



                                                                    Volume                                                         Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                               2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $24,000                        2.0%                                 3.0%                      5.0%

                                                                      36,000                        2.0                                    3.0                            5.0

                                                                      48,000                        2.0                                    3.0                            5.0

                                                                      60,000                        2.0                                    3.0                            5.0

                                                                      84,000                        2.0                                    3.0                            5.0

                                                                    120,000                      12.0                                  15.0                          18.0

                                                                    180,000                      12.0                                  15.0                          18.0

                                                                    240,000                      12.0                                  15.0                          18.0

                                                                    360,000                      18.0                                  23.0                          28.0

                                                                    480,000                      18.0                                  23.0                          28.0


                                                                                          c.            Terrestrial Digital Service - 45 (excludes Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)



                                                                    Volume                                                         Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                               2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $24,000                        0.0%                                 0.0%                      0.0%

                                                                      36,000                        0.0                                    1.0                            3.0

                                                                      48,000                        0.0                                    1.0                            3.0

                                                                      60,000                        0.0                                    1.0                            3.0

                                                                      84,000                        0.0                                    1.0                            3.0

                                                                    120,000                        1.0                                    2.0                            6.0

                                                                    180,000                        1.0                                    2.0                            6.0

                                                                    240,000                        1.0                                    2.0                            6.0

                                                                    360,000                        2.0                                    7.0                          11.0

                                                                    480,000                        2.0                                    7.0                          11.0


                                             .184224 International Discounts:  The following discounts apply to inbound and outbound international usage, including Vision Card Worldphone Access.


                                                                      Annual Volume Commitment          1-Year                    2-Year                                                                      3-Year


                                                                        $24,000                                            11.5%                   13.5%     16.5%

                                                                           36,000                                            13.5                      15.0           18.0

                                                                           48,000                                            14.0                      16.0           19.0

                                                                           60,000                                            15.5                      17.0           20.0

                                                                           84,000                                            16.5                      20.0           22.5

                                                                        120,000                                            19.5                      21.5           24.0

                                                                        180,000                                            20.0                      23.0           26.0

                                                                        240,000                                            22.5                      25.5           27.5

                                                                        360,000                                            23.5                      26.5           28.5

                                                                        480,000                                            24.5                      27.5           29.5


                                             .1843     MCI Vision Worldwide The MCI Vision Worldwide Program is available to customers who meet the following criteria:


                                                            1.            The customer's distribution of total metered Vision usage is such that at least 15 percent of all metered usage prior to all discounts except Time of Day and Dedicated Termination discounts, is international.


                                                            2.            The customer must commit to an MCI Vision service term of one, two, or three years and an Annual Volume Commitment of $12,000, $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, $120,000, $180,000, $240,000, $360,000, $480,000, $600,000, $720,000, or $900,000.  The customer's Annual Volume Commitment will be based upon the customer's annual Qualifying Volume.  At any time during the term, the customer may elect to increase its volume commitment.  If the customer so elects, the term of service end date will not change.  The new volume commitment level will apply as of the beginning of the commitment year in which the re-election of the volume commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the new volume commitment level will apply to usage only from the re-election date forward.


                                                            Customers are subject to the following charge:


                                                            If, in any month, a customer's international metered usage represents less than 15 percent of the customer's total metered gross usage after Time of Day and Dedicated Termination discounts, the customer will be charged a surcharge equal to the greater of $100 or 15 percent of the international metered usage in that month.1


                                             .18431   Usage Rates:  Except for the Mexico portion of calls to Mexico and for calls to Canada, for international switched outbound usage, customers will be charged rates 5 percent less than the rates specified in Section C-3.0736 for MCI Vision (Switched).  Except for the Mexico portion of calls to Mexico and for calls to Canada, for international dedicated outbound usage, customers will be charged rates 5 percent less than the rates specified in Section C-3.0736 for MCI Vision (Dedicated).  For the Mexico portion of calls to Mexico, customers will be charged the tariffed rates specified in Section C-3.0736, which are not subject to further discounts except for those described in Section C-3.184322.  For calls to Canada, the rates in Section C-3.0736 apply.  These rates are not subject to further discounts except for those described in Section C-3.184322.


                                             .18432   Discounts:  The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume in lieu of any other discounts, including, but not limited to, the Fixed Term Plans for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 (TDS 1.5) and Digital Data Service (DDS), Network Pricing Plans for Analog Leased Line Service and for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 service and Terrestrial Digital 45 (TDS-45) service and Digital Private Line Service, and Access Pricing Plans for T-1, DS0, DDS and Analog Access for Dedicated Leased Line Service discounts described in Section C-2, Volume, Domestic Optimizer, International Optimizer, MCI Vision VIP and MCI Vision VIP Plus discounts described in Sections C-3.1833, C-3.1834, C-3.1835, C-3.1836 and C-3.1837, respectively.  The customer is eligible to receive the Time of Day and Dedicated Termination Discounts described in Sections C-3.1831 and C-3.1832, respectively.


1              This charge is waived for the first three months from the Term Start Date.



                                                            .184321 Domestic Discounts1:  The following discounts apply to domestic inbound and outbound usage.



                                                                    Volume                                                           Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                        10.0%                                  12.0%               14.0%

                                                                      24,000                        12.0                                     14.0                     16.0

                                                                      36,000                        13.5                                     15.5                     17.5

                                                                      48,000                        15.0                                     17.0                     19.0

                                                                      60,000                        16.0                                     19.0                     20.0

                                                                      84,000                        18.5                                     21.5                     22.5

                                                                    120,000                        20.0                                     23.0                     24.0

                                                                    180,000                        21.5                                     24.5                     25.5

                                                                    240,000                        22.0                                     25.5                     26.5

                                                                    360,000                        23.0                                     26.0                     27.0

                                                                    480,000                        23.5                                     26.5                     27.5

                                                                    600,000                        24.0                                     27.0                     28.0

                                                                    720,000                        24.5                                     27.5                     28.5

                                                                    900,000                        25.0                                     28.0                     29.0


                                                            .184322      Other Discounts:  The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume on monthly and recurring charges described in Section C-2.  These discounts are in addition to those specified in Section C-3.184321.


                                                                                a.       Voice Grade Private Line, Digital Private Line Service and Digital Data Service



                                                                    Volume                                                           Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          1.0%                                    2.5%                 3.5%

                                                                      24,000                          1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                      36,000                          1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                      48,000                          1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                      60,000                          1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                      84,000                          1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                    120,000                          1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                    180,000                          1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                    240,000                          1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                    360,000                          1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                    480,000                          2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                    600,000                          2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                    720,000                          2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                    900,000                          3.0                                       7.0                       8.0


1              Members of Qualified Affinity Member Groups are eligible to receive the following discounts:  1) an additional  2 percent MCI Vision Worldwide discount on domestic and international outbound and inbound usage for Annual Volume Commitments between $12,000 and $84,000; 2) an additional 1 percent MCI Vision Worldwide discount on domestic and international outbound and inbound usage for an Annual Volume Commitment of $120,000; or 3) an additional 0.5 percent MCI Vision Worldwide discount on domestic and international outbound and inbound usage for Annual Volume Commitments between $180,000 and $900,000.  All other program terms and conditions apply.


                                                                                b.       Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 and Fractional T-1 - Digital Private Line Service at speeds between 112 kbps and 1,472 kbps (excludes Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)



                                                                    Volume                                                         Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          2.0%                                    3.0%                 5.0%

                                                                      24,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      36,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      48,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      60,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      84,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                    120,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    180,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    240,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    360,000                        18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                    480,000                        18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                    600,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0

                                                                    720,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0

                                                                    900,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0


                                                                                c.       Terrestrial Digital Service - 45 (excludes Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)



                                                                    Volume                                                         Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          0.0%                                    0.0%                 0.0%

                                                                      24,000                          0.0                                       0.0                       0.0

                                                                      36,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      48,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      60,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      84,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                    120,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    180,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    240,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    360,000                          2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                    480,000                          2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                    600,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0

                                                                    720,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0

                                                                    900,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0


                          .184323 International Discounts1:  The following discounts apply to international inbound and outbound usage, subject to a maximum monthly discount of $30,000 on international usage.



                                                                    Volume                                                         Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          8.0%                                  10.0%               12.0%

                                                                      24,000                        20.0                                     22.0                     24.0

                                                                      36,000                        22.0                                     24.0                     26.0

                                                                      48,000                        23.0                                     25.0                     27.0

                                                                      60,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     29.0

                                                                      84,000                        26.0                                     28.0                     30.0

                                                                    120,000                        27.0                                     29.0                     31.0

                                                                    180,000                        28.0                                     30.0                     32.0

                                                                    240,000                        28.0                                     30.0                     32.0

                                                                    360,000                        28.0                                     30.0                     32.0

                                                                    480,000                        28.0                                     30.0                     32.0

                                                                    600,000                        29.0                                     31.0                     33.0

                                                                    720,000                        29.0                                     31.0                     33.0

                                                                    900,000                        29.0                                     31.0                     33.0


                                             .184324  MCI Vision Worldwide Optimizer Discount


                                                A discount of 10 percent will be applied to all international outbound Vision calls which are made to all international outbound Vision calls that originate in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Island and terminate to international locations as specified in Section C-3.072 to the four countries with the highest total usage (in dollars) for the period for which a bill is being calculated.  This discount is calculated and applied at the location level.  Domestic and Directory Assistance calls are excluded from this discount.  This discount is applied on usage to those four countries in addition to the discounts provided in Sections C‑3.184323.


                              .18433                  MCI Vision Worldwide for Latin America:  MCI Vision customers who are enrolled in an MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan (MCI Vision VIP) or an MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan Plus (MCI Vision VIP Plus), and are not enrolled in MCI Worldwide Vision for Europe, may enroll at no additional charge in MCI Vision Worldwide for Latin America.  Rates for MCI Vision Worldwide for Latin America customers are the same as for MCI Vision Worldwide, except for calls to those countries specified in Section C-3.07361, for which the rates set forth in that section will apply.  A customer may only be enrolled in one of the following options: MCI Vision Worldwide for Latin America or MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe.  A customer may cancel one option to enroll in another in accordance with the terms and conditions for Cancellation or Discontinuance Without Liability specified in Section C-3.1841.   All other terms and conditions of MCI Vision Worldwide apply.  Except as otherwise stated above, a customer who is enrolled in this plan is eligible to receive the benefits of all MCI Vision Worldwide discounts, except for the MCI Vision Worldwide Optimizer Discount.


1              Members of Qualified Affinity Member Groups are eligible to receive the following discounts:  1) an additional 2 percent MCI Vision Worldwide discount on domestic and international outbound and inbound usage for Annual Volume Commitments between $12,000 and $84,000; 2) an additional 1 percent MCI Vision Worldwide discount on domestic and international outbound and inbound usage for an Annual Volume Commitment of $120,000; or 3) an additional 0.5 percent MCI Vision Worldwide discount on domestic and international outbound and inbound usage for Annual Volume Commitments between $180,000 and $900,000.  All other program terms and conditions apply.


.184331 Facsimile Service:  Customers enrolled in the MCI Vision Worldwide for Latin America option may designate switched ANIs for facsimile usage for calls to international locations.  The rates specified in Section C-3.1843 will apply, except that for facsimile usage to the international locations listed in Section C-3.07361, the rates set forth in that section will apply.


               .18434   MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe Option:  MCI Vision customers, excluding customers who are enrolled in the MCI Vision Worldwide for Latin America option, may enroll at no additional charge in the MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe option for calling to those countries listed in Section C-3.07362.  A customer may cancel one MCI Vision Worldwide option to enroll in another in accordance with the terms and conditions for Cancellation or Discontinuance Without Liability specified in Section C-3.1841.


.184341 Usage Rates:  Rates for the MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe option are the same as for MCI Vision Worldwide, except for calls to those countries specified in Section C-3.07362, for which the rates set forth in that section will apply.


.184342 Discounts:  Customers are eligible to receive the benefits of all other MCI Vision Worldwide discounts, except for the MCI Vision Worldwide Optimizer discount.  Discounts will not apply to calls made to Directory Assistance.  All other terms and conditions of MCI Vision Worldwide apply.


.184343 Facsimile Service:  Customers enrolled in the MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe Option may designate switched ANIs for facsimile usage for calls to international locations.  The rates specified in Section C-3.1843 will apply, except that for facsimile usage to the international locations listed in Section C-3.07362, the rates set forth in that section will apply.


                              .1844                    MCI Regional Vision Calling Program:  The MCI Regional Vision Calling Program is a program available to customers who meet the following criteria:


                                                            1.            The customer's distribution of total monthly domestic outbound usage is such that at least 50 percent of the dollar usage terminates within one of the 15 regions specified below; and


                                                            2.            The customer must commit to an MCI Vision service term of one, two, or three years and an Annual Volume Commitment of $12,000, $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, $120,000, $180,000, $240,000, $360,000,  $480,000, $600,000, $720,000, or $900,000.  The customer's Annual Volume Commitment will be based upon the customer's annual Qualifying Volume.  At any time during the term, the customer may elect to increase its volume commitment.  If the customer so elects, the term of service end date will not change.  The new volume commitment level will apply as of the beginning of the commitment year in which the re-election of the volume commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the new volume commitment level will apply to usage only from the re-election date forward.


                                                                           Customers who participate in the MCI Regional Vision Calling Program are subject to the following terms and conditions:


                                                            •             If a customer's In-Region outbound usage drops below 40 percent of the customer's total Outbound domestic usage in any month, the customer will be assessed a charge equal to 10 percent of its total domestic outbound usage for that month.  Satisfaction of this requirement will be evaluated monthly.


                                                                           Regions are defined as follows:


                                                            (1)          In‑Region Interstate traffic - Interstate calls terminating within an eligible NPA in another state in the pre‑selected region.


                                                            (2)          In‑Region Intrastate traffic - Calls that originate and terminate in the same eligible state that is assigned to the pre‑selected region.


                                                            (3)          Out‑of‑Region traffic - Any MCI Vision domestic outbound call that does not qualify as an In‑Region Interstate or in-Region Intrastate call.


                                                            Customers may select only one of the following regions containing eligible NPAs and states:


                                                      Region 1:

                                                      Interstate NPAs:  201, 203, 212, 215, 302, 315, 516, 518, 607, 609, 610, 717, 716, 718, 860, 908, 914, 917

                                                      Intrastate:  New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware


                                                      Region 2:

                                                      Interstate NPAs:   205, 334, 404, 423, 615, 704, 706, 770, 803, 864, 901, 910, 912, 919

                                                      Intrastate: Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama


                                                      Region 3:

                                                      Interstate NPAs:   217, 218, 309, 312, 319, 320, 414, 507, 515, 608, 612, 618, 630, 708, 712, 715, 773, 815, 847

                                                      Intrastate: Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota


                                                      Region 4:

                                                      Interstate NPAs:   217, 219, 309, 312, 314, 317, 417, 573, 618, 630, 708, 773, 812, 815, 816, 847

                                                      Intrastate: Illinois, Missouri, Indiana


                                                      Region 5:

                                                      Interstate NPAs:   213, 310, 520, 562, 602, 619, 702, 714, 805, 818, 909

                                                      Intrastate: California, Arizona, Nevada


                                                      Region 6:

                                                      Interstate NPAs: 206, 208, 209, 360, 406, 408, 415, 503, 509, 510, 541, 562, 702, 707, 916

                                                      Intrastate: California, Washington, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Montana


                                                  Region 7:

Interstate NPAs:  217, 309, 312, 314, 417, 423, 501, 573, 601, 615, 618, 630, 708, 815, 816, 847, 901 Intrastate: Arkansas, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee


                                                  Region 8:

                                                  Interstate NPAs:  202, 301, 304, 410, 540, 703, 704, 757, 804, 910, 919

                                                  Intrastate: Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina


                                                  Region 9:

Interstate NPAs:  210, 214, 281, 318, 405, 409, 501, 504, 505, 512, 713, 806, 817, 903, 915, 918, 972

                                                  Intrastate: Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico


                                                  Region 10

                                                  Interstate NPAs:  203, 207, 401, 413, 508, 603, 617, 802, 860

                                                     Intrastate:  Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont


                                                  Region 11

                                                     Interstate NPAs:  216, 219, 313, 317, 330, 412, 419, 513, 517, 614, 616, 810, 812, 814, 906

                                                  Intrastate:  Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana


                                                  Region 12

Interstate NPAs:  205, 305, 318, 334, 352, 404, 407, 504, 561, 601, 706, 770, 813, 904, 912, 941, 954

                                                  Intrastate: Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana


                                                  Region 13

                                                  Interstate NPAs:  208, 303, 307, 406, 505, 520, 602, 605, 701, 719, 801, 970

Intrastate:  New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona


                                                  Region 14

Interstate NPAs:  308, 314, 316, 319, 402, 405, 417, 515, 573, 605, 712, 816, 913, 918

                                                  Intrastate: Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska


                                                  Region 15

                                                  Interstate NPAs: 216, 304, 317, 330, 419, 423, 502, 513, 606, 614, 615, 812, 901

                                                  Intrastate: Indiana, West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio


                                                  Region 16

                                                  Interstate NPAs: 201, 215, 302, 609, 610, 717, 908

                                                  Intrastate: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware


                                             .18441   Usage Rates:  The following per-minute domestic outbound usage rates apply 24 hours a day:



                                                                                                                                    and MCI Vision            Dedicated

                                                                      Outbound Interstate                             Card Access                    Access


                                                                           In-Region                                             $0.3499                      $0.2669

                                                                           Out of Region                                        0.4284                        0.3267


                                                            Standard tariffed MCI Vision rates apply for inbound and international usage.


                                             .18442   Discounts:  Customers will receive the following discounts in lieu of the volume discounts described in Section C-3.1833, and the Fixed Term Plans for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 (TDS 1.5) and Digital Data Service (DDS), Network Pricing Plans for Analog Leased Line Service and digital Private Line Service, and Access Pricing Plans for T-1, DS0, DDS and Analog Access for Dedicated Leased Line Service described in Section C-2.  Additionally, domestic outbound traffic is not eligible for the Time of Day and Domestic Optimizer Discounts, described in Sections C‑3.1831 and C-3.1834, respectively.  The discounts apply to Eligible Volume, as described in Section C-3.18371.  For all outbound and MCI Vision Card usage, the term plan discount will be calculated by multiplying the Out-of-Region rates by the total minutes of usage and multiplying the resulting product by the discount associated with the customer's Annual Volume Commitment.  In-region VIP Plus discounts are subject to a monthly maximum of $20,000.


                                                            .184421                Outbound:  The following discounts apply to outbound usage, including MCI Vnet and Vision Card WorldPhone Access and MCI Vision Card.



                                                                    Volume                                                           Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                            $12,000                       9.5%                                 11.5%               14.0

                                                                              24,000                    11.5                                    13.5                  16.5

                                                                              36,000                    13.5                                    15.0                  18.0

                                                                              48,000                    14.5                                    16.0                  19.0

                                                                              60,000                    15.5                                    17.0                  20.0

                                                                              84,000                    16.5                                    20.0                  22.5

                                                                            120,000                    19.5                                    21.5                  24.0

                                                                            180,000                    20.0                                    23.0                  26.0

                                                                            240,000                    22.5                                    25.5                  27.5

                                                                            360,000                    23.5                                    26.5                  28.5

                                                                            480,000                    24.5                                    27.5                  29.5

                                                                            600,000                    25.0                                    28.0                  30.0

                                                                            720,000                    25.5                                    28.5                  30.5

                                                                            900,000                    26.0                                    29.0                  31.0


                                                            .184422 Inbound:  The following discounts apply to inbound usage.



                                                                    Volume                                                           Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                         $12,000                  15.0%                                     17.0%                                                                                19.0

                                                                           24,000                  16.5                                        19.5                                                                                21.5

                                                                           36,000                  17.5                                        20.5                                                                                22.5

                                                                           48,000                  18.0                                        21.0                                                                                23.0

                                                                           60,000                  18.5                                        21.0                                                                                23.0

                                                                           84,000                  19.5                                        22.0                                                                                24.5

                                                                         120,000                  19.5                                        22.0                                                                                24.5

                                                                         180,000                  19.5                                        22.0                                                                                24.5

                                                                         240,000                  21.0                                        24.0                                                                                26.5

                                                                         360,000                  22.0                                        25.0                                                                                27.5

                                                                         480,000                  23.0                                        26.0                                                                                28.5

                                                                         600,000                  23.5                                        26.5                                                                                29.0

                                                                         720,000                  24.0                                        27.0                                                                                29.5

                                                                         900,000                  24.5                                        27.5                                                                                30.0


                                             .184423                Other Discounts:  The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume on monthly and recurring charges described in Section C-2.  These discounts are in addition to those specified in Section C-3.183761 and C-3.183762.


                                                                                          a.            Voice Grade Private Line, Digital Private Line and Digital Data Services



                                                                    Volume                                                           Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          1.0%                                    2.5%                 3.5%

                                                                      24,000                          1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                      36,000                          1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                      48,000                          1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                      60,000                          1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                      84,000                          1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                    120,000                          1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                    180,000                          1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                    240,000                          1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                    360,000                          1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                    480,000                          2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                    600,000                          2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                    720,000                          2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                    900,000                          3.0                                       7.0                       8.0


                                                                                          b.            Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 and Fractional T-1 - Digital Private Line Service at speeds between 112 kbps and 1,472 kbps (excludes Local Channel Access, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)



                                                                    Volume                                                           Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          2.0%                                    3.0%                 5.0%

                                                                      24,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      36,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      48,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      60,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      84,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                    120,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    180,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    240,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    360,000                        18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                    480,000                        18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                    600,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0

                                                                    720,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0

                                                                    900,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0


                                                                                          c.            Terrestrial Digital Service - 45 (excludes Local Channel Access, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)



                                                                    Volume                                                         Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          0.0%                                    0.0%                 0.0%

                                                                      24,000                          0.0                                       0.0                       0.0

                                                                      36,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      48,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      60,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      84,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                    120,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    180,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    240,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    360,000                          2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                    480,000                          2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                    600,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0

                                                                    720,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0

                                                                    900,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0


                                             .1845     MCI Vision Power Rate Programs1:


                                                            The MCI Vision Power Rate Programs are available to MCI Vision customers who choose to subscribe to them.  Customers must meet the criteria for either the MCI Vision Value Insurance Plus Power Rate Program, the MCI Vision Worldwide Power Rate Program, or the MCI Vision Power Rate Off-Peak Program as specified for each specific Program.  Usage rates and charges for MCI Vision Power Rate are described in Section C-3.182.


                                                            Discounts:  Customers will receive the following discounts, in lieu of the volume discounts described in Section C-3.1833, and the Fixed Term Plans for Terrestrial Digital Service-1.5 (TDS-1.5) and Digital Data Service (DDS); Network Pricing Plans for Analog Service, for TDS-1.5, Terrestrial Digital Service-45 (TDS-45) and Digital Private Line Service; and Access Pricing Plans for T-1., DSO, DDS and Analog Access for Dedicated Leased Line Service discounts described in Section C-2.  The discounts apply to Eligible Volume.


                                                            The following discounts apply to eligible Inbound and Outbound Voice and Switched Data usage on the MCI Vision VIP Plus Power Rate and the MCI Vision Worldwide Power Rate Program.2



                                                                    Volume                                                           TERM COMMITMENT

                                                                    Commitment              1-Year                                  2-Year                                                                    3-Year


                                                                   $ 6,000                            4.0%                                   9.0%               14.0%

                                                                    12,000                            5.0                                     10.0                     15.0

                                                                    24,000                            6.0                                     11.0                     16.0

                                                                    36,000                            7.0                                     12.0                     17.0

                                                                    48,000                            8.0                                     13.0                     18.0

                                                                    60,000                            9.0                                     14.0                     19.0

                                                                    84,000                          10.0                                     15.0                     20.0

                                                                  120,000                          11.0                                     16.0                     21.0

                                                                  180,000                          12.0                                     17.0                     22.0

                                                                  240,000                          13.0                                     18.0                     23.0

                                                                  360,000                          14.0                                     19.0                     24.0

                                                                  480,000                          15.0                                     20.0                     25.0

                                                                  600,000                          16.0                                     21.0                     26.0

                                                                  720,000                          16.0                                     21.0                     26.0

                                                                  900,000                          16.0                                     21.0                     26.0


                                                            Discounts:  The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume on monthly and recurring charges for Dedicated Leased Line Service as described in Section C-2. 


                                                            a.            Voice Grade Private Line, Digital Private Line and Digital Data Services



                                                                    Volume                                                              Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                  $12,000                             1.0%                                    2.5%                 3.5%

                                                                    24,000                             1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                    36,000                             1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                    48,000                             1.0                                       2.5                       3.5

                                                                    60,000                             1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                    84,000                             1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                  120,000                             1.0                                       3.5                       4.5

                                                                  180,000                             1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                  240,000                             1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                  360,000                             1.5                                       5.0                       7.0

                                                                  480,000                             2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                  600,000                             2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                  720,000                             2.0                                       6.0                       7.5

                                                                  900,000                             3.0                                       7.0                       8.0


1              Beginning January 17, 1997, these programs will not be available to new customers except to (i) new subscribers to a Special Customer Arrangement as described in Section C-16 or (ii) as otherwise set forth within this tariff. Customers who subscribe on a month-to-month basis to service through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group, Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus), Standard Affinity Member Group, or a Regional Affinity Member Group, will receive an additional 5 percent discount on all domestic and international usage.  Customers who subscribe to an MCI Vision Power Rate Term Plan Program through a Qualified Industry Affinity Group, Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus), Standard Affinity Member Group, or a Regional Affinity Member Group, will receive an additional 2 percent discount on all domestic and international usage.


                                                            b.            Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 and Fractional T-1 - Digital Private Line Service at speeds between 112 kbps and 1,472 kbps (for Fractional T-1, the discount applies to the Inter-Office channel portion only).



                                                                    Volume                                                              Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          2.0%                                    3.0%                 5.0%

                                                                      24,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      36,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      48,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      60,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                      84,000                          2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                    120,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    180,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    240,000                        12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                    360,000                        18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                    480,000                        18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                    600,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0

                                                                    720,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0

                                                                    900,000                        25.0                                     27.0                     30.0


                                                            c.            Terrestrial Digital Service - 45 (excludes Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)



                                                                    Volume                                                              Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $12,000                          0.0%                                    0.0%                 0.0%

                                                                      24,000                          0.0                                       0.0                       0.0

                                                                      36,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      48,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      60,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                      84,000                          0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                    120,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    180,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    240,000                          1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                    360,000                          2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                    480,000                          2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                    600,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0

                                                                    720,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0

                                                                    900,000                        13.0                                     14.0                     15.0


                                                            .18451   MCI Vision Value Insurance Plan (VIP) Plus Power Rate Program


                                                                           The customer must commit to an MCI Vision service term of one, two, or three years and an Annual Volume Commitment of $6,000, $12,000, $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, $120,000, $180,000, $240,000, $360,000, $480,000, $600,000, $720,000, or $900,000.  The customer's Annual Volume Commitment will be based upon the customer's annual Qualifying Volume.  At any time during the term, the customer may elect to increase its volume commitment.  If the customer so elects, the term of service end date will not change.  The new volume commitment level will apply as of the beginning of the commitment year in which the re-election of the volume commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the new volume commitment level will apply to usage only from the re-election date forward.


.18452   MCI Vision Worldwide Power Rate Program


The MCI Vision Worldwide Power Rate Program is available to customers who meet the following criteria:


                                                                           1.            The customer's distribution of total metered Vision usage is such that at least 20 percent of all metered usage prior to all discounts and Dedicated Termination discounts, is international.


                                                                           2.            The customer must commit to an MCI Vision service term of one, two, or three years and an Annual Volume Commitment of $6,000, $12,000, $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, $120,000, $180,000, $240,000, $360,000, $480,000, $600,000, $720,000, or $900,000.  The customer's Annual Volume Commitment will be based upon the customer's annual Qualifying Volume.  At any time during the term, the customer may elect to increase its volume commitment.  If the customer so elects, the term of service end date will not change.  The new volume commitment level will apply as of the beginning of the commitment year in which the re-election of the volume commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the new volume commitment level will apply to usage only from the re-election date forward.


                                                                           3.            If, in any month, a customer's international metered usage represents less than 20 percent of the customer's total metered gross usage after Time of Day and Dedicated Termination discounts, the customer will be charged a surcharge equal to the greater of $100 or 15 percent of the gross international metered usage in that month, except that this charge will be waived for the first three months from the term start date.


.184521 Usage Rates:  The rates specified in Section C-3.07328 will apply for calls terminating to those countries or locations listed therein.


.184522 Discounts:  The above discounts apply to Eligible Volume in lieu of any other discounts, including, but not limited to, the Fixed Term Plans for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 (TDS 1.5) and Digital Data Service (DDS), Network Pricing Plans for Analog Leased Line Service and for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 service and Terrestrial Digital 45 (TDS-45) service and Digital Private Line Service, and Access Pricing Plans for T-1, DS0, DDS and Analog Access for Dedicated Leased Line Service discounts described in Section C-2, MCI Vision Volume Discounts, MCI Vision VIP and MCI Vision VIP Plus discounts described in Sections C-3.1833, C-3.1836 and C-3.1837, respectively.  The customer is eligible to receive the Dedicated Termination Discounts described in Section C-3.1832.


.18453   MCI Vision Power Rate Service ‑ Switched Digital Access:  Offers dial-up service for transmitting data at speeds of 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps.  MCI Vision Power Rate Service - Switched Digital Access may be accessed through MCI Primary Rate Interface (PRI) access lines, described in MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 3, Section C-0242 or LEC‑provided PRI.  The customer is responsible for obtaining the LEC‑provided PRI access line which connects the customer's premises to the LEC's central office.  The customer is billed directly by the LEC for this access type.  Switched services at multiples of 64 kbps require that T‑1 local access lines be equipped with B8ZS line coding from the LEC.


.184531International Switched 64 kbps Service:  The following per-minute rates apply for 64 kbps calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the following international locations:



País                                                    Rate Per Minute                   País                                              Rate Per Minute


Antigua (Barbuda)                                                                                                                                             $2.1228

Argentina                                                                                                                                                              2.6670

Australia (including Tasmania)                                                                                                                           3.4395

Austria                                                                                                                                                                  2.8221

Bahamas                                                                                                                                                               1.7673

Bahrain                                                                                                                                                                  3.3029

Barbados                                                                                                                                                               2.1234

Belgium                                                                                                                                                                 2.9106

Bolivia                                                                                                                                                                   2.6608

Bermuda                                                                                                                                                               1.3658

Brazil                                                                                                                                                                     2.6670

Bulgaria                                                                                                                                                                 2.3604

Canada                                                                                                                                                                  0.6712

Cayman Islands                                                                                                                                                    1.6847

Chile                                                                                                                                                                      2.7889

China                                                                                                                                                                     2.9863

Colombia                                                                                                                                                              2.6665

Costa Rica                                                                                                                                                             2.1597

Croatia                                                                                                                                                                  2.3283

Cyprus                                                                                                                                                                   3.1182

Czech Republic                                                                                                                                                     2.3294

Denmark                                                                                                                                                               2.7555

Dominican Republic                                                                                                                                             1.7673

El Salvador                                                                                                                                                            2.0589

Estonia                                                                                                                                                                  2.0753

Finland                                                                                                                                                                  2.4455

France                                                                                                                                                                   2.6189

French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy and St. Martin)                                                        2.6189

Germany                                                                                                                                                               2.6189

Greece                                                                                                                                                                   2.4757

Guadeloupe                                                                                                                                                          2.6189

Hong Kong                                                                                                                                                            2.7555

Hungary                                                                                                                                                                2.3283

Iceland                                                                                                                                                                   2.4968

India                                                                                                                                                                      3.3029

Indonesia                                                                                                                                                              2.7440

Ireland                                                                                                                                                                   2.6189

Israel                                                                                                                                                                      3.1493

Italy                                                                                                                                                                       2.8221

Jamaica                                                                                                                                                                 1.7670

Japan                                                                                                                                                                     2.8978

Jordan                                                                                                                                                                   3.0019

Korea, Republic of                                                                                                                                                3.3029

Latvia                                                                                                                                                                     2.0753

Liechtenstein                                                                                                                                                        2.6189

Lithuania                                                                                                                                                               2.0753

Luxembourg                                                                                                                                                         2.9106

Macao                                                                                                                                                                   2.7555

Malaysia                                                                                                                                                               3.3029

Mauritius                                                                                                                                                              2.4517

Monaco                                                                                                                                                                 2.6189

Netherlands                                                                                                                                                          2.3506

New Zealand                                                                                                                                                         3.4395

Norway                                                                                                                                                                 2.4455

Pakistan                                                                                                                                                                4.4104

Panama                                                                                                                                                                 2.0589

Peru                                                                                                                                                                       2.6670

Philippines                                                                                                                                                            2.7555

Poland                                                                                                                                                                   2.3283

Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands)                                                                                            2.5902

Qatar                                                                                                                                                                     3.7598

Russia                                                                                                                                                                    2.1769

San Marino                                                                                                                                                           2.8221

Senegal                                                                                                                                                                  5.2235

Singapore                                                                                                                                                              3.4395

Slovakia                                                                                                                                                                 2.3197

Slovenia                                                                                                                                                                2.3283

South Africa                                                                                                                                                          2.5718

Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)                                                           2.5902

St. Lucia                                                                                                                                                                 2.0417

Sweden                                                                                                                                                                 2.3506

Switzerland                                                                                                                                                           2.6189

Taiwan                                                                                                                                                                   3.3029

Thailand                                                                                                                                                                3.3029

Trinidad/Tobago                                                                                                                                                  2.1228

Ukraine                                                                                                                                                                 2.1769

United Arab Emirates                                                                                                                                          3.3029

United Kingdom                                                                                                                                                   1.7130

Uruguay                                                                                                                                                                2.6665

Vatican City                                                                                                                                                          2.8221

Venezuela                                                                                                                                                             2.5419

Vietnam                                                                                                                                                                4.8733

Yugoslavia                                                                                                                                                             2.2195


.1845311             Switched 64 kbps Usage Charges - Mexico:  The following per‑minute usage charges apply for switched 64 kbps service which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in Mexico via dedicated termination.


                                                                                                                        Peak                      Off-Peak

                                                                         All Rate Steps                       $1.8237                $1.2967


.184532 International Switched 384 kbps Service for MCI Vision Power Rate Program:  The following per-minute rates will apply for 384 kpbs calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the following international location:


                                                                                                                                       Rate Per Minute


                                                                                              United Kingdom             $4.6938


.184533 International Switched 1536 kbps Service for MCI Vision Power Rate Program:  The following per-minute rates will apply for 1536 kpbs calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the following international location:


                                                                                                                                       Rate Per Minute


                                                                                              United Kingdom             $26.9653


.18454   Switched 64 kbps Service for MCI Vision Worldwide Power Rate Program


País                                                                                                                                                 Rate Per Minute


Antigua (Barbuda)                                                                                                                                             $1.6992

Argentina                                                                                                                                                              2.1335

Australia (including Tasmania)                                                                                                                           2.7515

Austria                                                                                                                                                                  2.2577

Bahamas                                                                                                                                                               1.4141

Bahrain                                                                                                                                                                  2.6422

Barbados                                                                                                                                                               1.6986

Belgium                                                                                                                                                                 2.3286

Bermuda                                                                                                                                                               1.0926

Bolivia                                                                                                                                                                   2.1271

Brazil                                                                                                                                                                     2.1335

Bulgaria                                                                                                                                                                 1.8883

Canada                                                                                                                                                             See Below

Cayman Islands                                                                                                                                                    1.3480

Chile                                                                                                                                                                      2.2312

China                                                                                                                                                                     2.3891

Colombia                                                                                                                                                              2.1331

Costa Rica                                                                                                                                                             1.7278

Croatia                                                                                                                                                                  1.8619

Cyprus                                                                                                                                                                   2.4945

Czech Republic                                                                                                                                                     1.8635

Denmark                                                                                                                                                               2.2045

Dominican Republic                                                                                                                                             1.4141

EL Salvador                                                                                                                                                           1.6473

Estonia                                                                                                                                                                  1.6605

Finland                                                                                                                                                                  1.9565

France                                                                                                                                                                   2.0951

French Antilles (including Martinique, St. Barthelemy and St. Martin)                                                        2.0951

Germany                                                                                                                                                               2.0951

Greece                                                                                                                                                                   1.9806

Guadeloupe                                                                                                                                                          2.0951

Hong Kong                                                                                                                                                            2.2045

Hungary                                                                                                                                                                1.8625

Iceland                                                                                                                                                                   1.9972

India                                                                                                                                                                      2.6422

Indonesia                                                                                                                                                              2.1952

Ireland                                                                                                                                                                   2.0951

Israel                                                                                                                                                                      2.5196

Italy                                                                                                                                                                       2.2578

Jamaica                                                                                                                                                                 1.4136

Japan                                                                                                                                                                     2.3181

Jordan                                                                                                                                                                   2.4022

Korea, Republic of                                                                                                                                                2.6422

Latvia                                                                                                                                                                     1.6605

Liechtenstein                                                                                                                                                        2.0951

Lithuania                                                                                                                                                               1.6605

Luxembourg                                                                                                                                                         2.3286

Macao                                                                                                                                                                   2.2045

Malaysia                                                                                                                                                               2.6422

Mauritius                                                                                                                                                              1.9609

Monaco                                                                                                                                                                 2.0951

Netherlands                                                                                                                                                          1.8804

New Zealand                                                                                                                                                         2.7515

Norway                                                                                                                                                                 1.9565

Pakistan                                                                                                                                                                3.5283

Panama                                                                                                                                                                 1.6473

Peru                                                                                                                                                                       2.1335

Philippines                                                                                                                                                            2.2045

Poland                                                                                                                                                                   1.8625

Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands)                                                                                            2.0721

Qatar                                                                                                                                                                     3.0078

Russia                                                                                                                                                                    1.7414

San Marino                                                                                                                                                           2.2577

Senegal                                                                                                                                                                  4.1789

Singapore                                                                                                                                                              2.7515

Slovakia                                                                                                                                                                 1.7761

Slovenia                                                                                                                                                                1.8619

South Africa                                                                                                                                                          2.0575

Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)                                                           2.0721

St. Lucia                                                                                                                                                                 1.6334

Sweden                                                                                                                                                                 1.8804

Switzerland                                                                                                                                                           2.0951

Taiwan                                                                                                                                                                   2.6422

Thailand                                                                                                                                                                2.6422

Trinidad/Tobago                                                                                                                                                  1.6992

United Arab Emirates                                                                                                                                          2.6422

Ukraine                                                                                                                                                                 1.7414

United Kingdom                                                                                                                                                   1.3704

Uruguay                                                                                                                                                                2.1331

Vatican City                                                                                                                                                          2.2578

Venezuela                                                                                                                                                             2.0336

Vietnam                                                                                                                                                                3.8987

Yugoslavia                                                                                                                                                             1.7749


.184541 Canada and Mexico


.1845411             Canada


                                                                                                              Mileage Band          Rate Per Minute


                                                                                                              0      ‑      18               $0.2617

                                                                                                              19    ‑      80               0.4023

                                                                                                              81    ‑      140               0.4812

                                                                                                              141  ‑      220               0.5143

                                                                                                              221  ‑      345               0.5736

                                                                                                              346 +                     0.5843


.1845412           Mexico:  Customers will be charged $1.6380 per minute for switched 64 kbps service usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in Mexico via dedicated termination.



.184542 International Switched 384 kbps Service for MCI Vision Worldwide Power Rate Program:  The following per-minute rates will apply for 384 kbps calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the following international location:


                                                                                                                                       Rate Per Minute


                                                                                          United Kingdom                      $3.7549


.184543                International Switched 1536 kbps Service for MCI Vision Worldwide Power Rate Program:  The following per-minute rates will apply for 1536 kpbs calls from the U.S.  Mainland and Hawaii to the following international location:


                                                                                                                                       Rate Per Minute


                                                                                          United Kingdom                    $21.5722


.184544 MCI Vision Worldwide Power Rate International Digital Toll Free Service Usage Charges:  The following per‑minute usage charges apply for Switched 64 kbps service which terminates in the U.S. Mainland and originates in the following international locations, based on termination type.


                                                                                                                    Switched Termination                Dedicated Termination


Belgium                                                                                                                     $2.06                                   $1.97

France                                                                                                                         1.95                                     1.87

Germany                                                                                                                     1.94                                     1.86

Hong Kong                                                                                                                  2.84                                     2.75

Italy                                                                                                                             2.04                                     1.95

Japan                                                                                                                           2.82                                     2.73

Mexico                                                                                                                        2.76                                     2.67

Netherlands                                                                                                                2.02                                     1.92

New Zealand                                                                                                               2.95                                     2.85

Singapore                                                                                                                    2.83                                     2.74

Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)                 2.05                                     1.96

United Kingdom                                                                                                         1.61                                     1.51


                                             .18455   MCI Vision Power Rate Off-Peak Program1


                                                            The MCI Vision Power Rate Off-Peak Program is available to customers who meet the following criteria:


                                                            The customer must commit to an MCI Vision service term of one, two, or three years and an Annual Volume Commitment of $6,000, $12,000, $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, $120,000, $180,000, $240,000, $360,000, $480,000, $600,000, $720,000, or $900,000.  The customer's Annual Volume Commitment will be based upon the customer's annual Qualifying Volume.  At any time during the term, a customer may elect a higher volume commitment.  If a customer so elects, the term of service end date will not change.  The new volume commitment will apply as of the beginning of the commitment year in which the re-election of the volume commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the higher volume commitment level apply to usage only from the re-election date forward.


.184551      Usage Rates:  The following per-minute usage rates apply for outbound domestic usage:


Peak                    Off-Peak


Switched Access                           $0.5113                $0.3182

Dedicated Access                            0.3620                  0.2562


For MCI Vision Card Access usage, the rates in Section C-3.18211 and the surcharges in Section C-3.1811221 apply.


.1845511      Inbound Usage Rates: The following per‑minute charges apply for domestic inbound usage:


Peak                 Off-Peak


Switched Access                           $0.5384             $0.3349

Dedicated Access                            0.3808               0.2691


                              .184552 Discounts:  The discounts described in Section C-3.1845 apply to all Eligible Volume in lieu of any other discounts, including, but not limited to, the Fixed Term Plans for Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 (TDS-1.5) and Digital Data Service (DDS), Network Pricing Plans for Analog Leased Line Service and for Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 (TDS 1.5) and Terrestrial Digital Service-45 (TDS-45) and Digital Private Line Service, and Access Pricing Plans for T-1, DS0, DDS and Analog Access for Dedicated Leased Line Service discounts described in Section C-2, Time of Day, Volume, Domestic Optimizer, International Optimizer, MCI Vision VIP and MCI Vision VIP Plus discounts described in Sections C-3.1831, C-3.1833, C-3.1834, C-3.1835, C-3.1836 and C-3-1837.  The customer is eligible to receive the Dedicated Termination Discount described in Section C‑3.1832.


1              Beginning September 15, 1997, this program will not be available to new customers.


                              .1846                    MCI Vision Basic1 MCI Vision Basic is available to customers who agree to the following terms and conditions:


                                             1.            The customer may have no more than 50 locations in its network;


                                             2.            The customer's MCI Vision Inbound 800 Service features are limited to the following: Point of Call Routing, Day of Week Routing, Exchange Routing, and Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS);


                                             3.            The customer must commit to an MCI Vision service term of one, two, or three years and an Annual Volume Commitment of $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, $120,000, $180,000, $240,000, $360,000, $480,000, or $600,000.  The customer's Annual Volume Commitment will be based upon the customer's annual Qualifying Volume.  At any time during the term, a customer may elect a higher volume commitment.  If a customer so elects, the term of service end date will not change.  The new volume commitment will apply as of the beginning of the term year in which the re-election of the volume commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the higher volume commitment level apply to usage only from the re-election date forward; and,


                                             4.            The customer agrees to a charge of $350 for any maintenance call occurring outside of the standard maintenance hours of Monday through Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM local time.


                                                            Such customers are subject to the following charges:


                                                            .18461   Usage Rates:  The following per-minute rates apply to inbound and outbound domestic usage 24 hours per:


                                                                                         Switched Access                           $0.4480 per minute

                                                                                         Dedicated Access                            0.3186 per minute


                                                            These rates are not subject to further time of day discounts, as described in Section C-3.1831.  For MCI Vision Power Rate international usage the rates in Section C-3.07325 will apply.


                                                            For MCI Vision Card Access, the rates in Sections C-3.18211 and the per-call surcharges below will apply:


                                                                                          Calls from the U.S. to the

                                                                                          U.S., Canada, or Mexico    $0.70 per call


                                                                                          Calls from the U.S. to other

                                                                                          international locations                     $1.75 per call


                                             .18462   Discounts:  The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume in lieu of any other discounts, including, but not limited to, the Fixed Term Plans for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 (TDS 1.5), and Digital Data Service (DDS); Network Pricing Plans for Analog Leased Line Service, Terrestrial Digital 1.5 Service, and Terrestrial Digital 45 (TDS-45) Service, and Digital Private Line Service; and Access Pricing Plans for T-1, DS0, DDS; and Analog Access for Dedicated Leased Line Service discounts described in Section C-2; Time of Day, Dedicated Termination, Volume, Domestic Optimizer, International Optimizer, MCI Vision VIP and MCI Vision VIP Plus discounts described in Sections C-3.1831, C-3.1832, C-3.1833, C-3.1834, C-3.1835, C-3.1836 and C-3-1837, respectively.


                                             .184621 Domestic Discounts:  The customer will receive the following discounts to be applied against domestic usage only, based on its Annual Volume Commitment and its access method:




                                                                                                         Commitment                      Switched               Dedicated


                                                                                                           $ 24,000                              13.3%             15.8%

                                                                                                           $ 36,000                              14.3                   16.8

                                                                                                           $ 48,000                              15.8                   19.0

                                                                                                           $ 60,000                              17.6                   21.0

                                                                                                           $ 84,000                              18.8                   22.8

                                                                                                           $120,000                             19.7                   23.8

                                                                                                           $180,000                             22.1                   26.4

                                                                                                           $240,000                             22.7                   27.2

                                                                                                           $360,000                             23.8                   29.5

                                                                                                           $480,000                             24.4                   30.3

                                                                                                           $600,000                             25.6                   31.3


                              .184622 Term Discounts:  The customer will receive the following additional discounts on all its domestic and international usage, based on its term commitment:


                                                                                                                        1 Year                   3%

                                                                                                                        2 Year                   5

                                                                                                                        3 Year                   7


                                                                           .184623Other Discounts:  The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume on monthly and recurring charges described in Section C-2.  These discounts are in addition to those specified in Section C-3.184621 and C-3.184622.


                                                                                                         a.            Voice Grade Private Line, Digital Private Line Services and Digital Data Service



                                                                    Volume                                                              Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                    $  24,000                      1.0%                                     2.5%                   3.5%

                                                                        36,000                      1.0                                        2.5                         3.5

                                                                        48,000                      1.0                                        2.5                         3.5

                                                                        60,000                      1.0                                        3.5                         4.5

                                                                        84,000                      1.0                                        3.5                         4.5

                                                                      120,000                      1.0                                        3.5                         4.5

                                                                      180,000                      1.5                                        5.0                         7.0

                                                                      240,000                      1.5                                        5.0                         7.0

                                                                      360,000                      1.5                                        5.0                         7.0

                                                                      480,000                      2.0                                        6.0                         7.5

                                                                      600,000                      2.0                                        6.0                         7.5


                                                                                                         b.            Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.5 and Fractional T-1 - Digital Private Line Service at speeds between 112 kbps and 1,472 kbps (excludes Local Channel Access, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges) 



                                                                    Volume                                                              Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                       $24,000                        2.0%                                    3.0%                 5.0%

                                                                         36,000                        2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                         48,000                        2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                         60,000                        2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                         84,000                        2.0                                       3.0                       5.0

                                                                       120,000                     12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                       180,000                     12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                       240,000                     12.0                                     15.0                     18.0

                                                                       360,000                     18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                       480,000                     18.0                                     23.0                     28.0

                                                                       600,000                     18.0                                     23.0                     28.0


                                                                                                         c.            Terrestrial Digital Service - 45 (excludes Local Access Channel, Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges)



                                                                    Volume                                                              Term Commitment

                                                                    Commitment              1 Year                                  2 Year                                                                    3 Year


                                                                     $  24,000                        0.0%                                    1.0%                 3.0%

                                                                         36,000                        0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                         48,000                        0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                         60,000                        0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                         84,000                        0.0                                       1.0                       3.0

                                                                       120,000                        1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                       180,000                        1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                       240,000                        1.0                                       2.0                       6.0

                                                                       360,000                        2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                       480,000                        2.0                                       7.0                     11.0

                                                                       600,000                        2.0                                       7.0                     11.0


                              .1847                    MCI Vision Switched International Program1


                                                            MCI Vision Switched International Program is available to customers who agree to the following terms and conditions:


                                             1.            The customer's interstate usage must be greater than 50 percent of its total usage.  In any given month in which the customer's interstate usage represents less than 50 percent of its total usage, the customer will be billed and required to pay a charge equal to 10 percent of its gross interstate usage charges below the 50 percent threshold, for that month; and


                                             2.            The customer must commit to an MCI Vision service term of one, two, or three years and an Annual Volume Commitment of $6,000, $12,000, $24,000, $36,000, $48,000, $60,000, $84,000, or $120,000.  The customer's Annual Volume Commitment will be based upon the customer's annual Qualifying Volume, as defined in Section C-3.18371 above.  At any time during the term, a customer may elect a higher volume commitment.  If a customer so elects, the term of service end date will not change.  The new volume commitment will apply as of the beginning of the term year in which the re-election of the volume commitment is made; however, the discounts associated with the higher volume commitment level apply to usage only from the re-election date forward.


                                                            Such customers are subject to the following charges:


                                                            .18471   Usage Rates:


                              .184711 Domestic Usage:  For calls which originate in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, and terminate to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands or from U.S. Mainland to Hawaii, the MCI Vision Power Rate usage charges listed in Section C-3.18211 will apply.


                              .184712                International Usage:  For calls which originate in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Alaska using dedicated access and terminate to international locations the dedicated usage rates listed in Section C-3.07325 will apply.  For calls which originate in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Alaska using switched or calling card access and terminate to international locations the rates listed in Section C-3.07332 will apply.


                                                            .18472   Surcharges:  The surcharge described in Section C-3.1811221 for MCI Vision Power Rate will apply.


                                             .18473                  Discounts:  The following discounts apply to Eligible Volume, as defined in Section C-3.18371 above, in lieu of any other discounts, including, but not limited to, the discounts for the Fixed Term Plans for Terrestrial Digital 1.5 (TDS 1.5), and Digital Data Service (DDS); Network Pricing Plans for Analog Leased Line Service, Terrestrial Digital 1.5 Service, and Terrestrial Digital 45 (TDS-45) Service, and Digital Private Line Service; and Access Pricing Plans for T-1, DS0, DDS; and Analog Access for Dedicated Leased Line Service described in Section C-2; Time of Day, Dedicated Termination, Volume, Domestic Optimizer, International Optimizer, MCI Vision VIP and MCI Vision VIP Plus discounts described in Sections C-3.1831, C-3.1832, C-3.1833, C-3.1834, C-3.1835, C-3.1836 and C-3-1837, respectively, except that domestic inbound usage shall be eligible for the Time of Day discount described in Section C-3.1831 in addition to the discounts in Section C-3.184731 below.


1              Beginning January 17, 1997, this program will not be available to new subscribers.


                              .184731                Inbound/Outbound Discounts:  The following discounts apply to eligible Inbound and Outbound Voice and Data usage under the MCI Vision Switched International Program.



                                                                    Volume                                                              TERM COMMITMENT

                                                                    Commitment              1-Year                                  2-Year                                                                    3-Year


                                                                       $  6,000                       4.0%                                   9.0%               14.0%

                                                                         12,000                       5.0                                     10.0                     15.0

                                                                         24,000                       6.0                                     11.0                     16.0

                                                                         36,000                       7.0                                     12.0                     17.0

                                                                         48,000                       8.0                                     13.0                     18.0

                                                                         60,000                       9.0                                     14.0                     19.0

                                                                         84,000                     10.0                                     15.0                     20.0

                                                                       120,000                     11.0                                     16.0                     21.0


                              .184732                International Optimizer Discounts:  The customer will also receive an additional 20 percent discount on its switched international usage to the country with the most overall terminating usage in a monthly billing period.


                     .185     MCI Vision Switched Data: Offers dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds of 56 kbps and 64 kbps between locations within the continental United States and from locations within the continental U.S. to locations outside the continental United States.  Dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds of 56 kbps is also available to Alaska, except that calls may not originate or terminate via dedicated access nor may they originate in Alaska via switched access.  MCI Vision Switched Data also offers dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds up to 1536 kbps between locations within the continental United States.


                                 MCI Vision Switched Data offers H0 and H11 services, which are dial‑up service for transmitting data at speeds of 384kbps and 1536 kbps (equivalent to 6 x 64 kbps and 24 x 64 kbps switched data services). Usage charges for MCI Vision Switched Data calls at 56 and 64 kbps are set forth in Section C-3.1851.


                                 Usage charges for MCI Vision Switched Data calls at multiples of 64 kbps are set forth in Section C‑3.1852.  In addition, except for the Dedicated Termination discounts specified in Section C-3.1832,              the regular MCI Vision discounts described in this tariff apply.  MCI Vision Switched Data Switched 56 and 64 kbps Service may be accessed using either T‑1 Digital Access, MCI Primary Rate Interface  (PRI) (see Section C‑2.022181), PRI provided by a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC), Basic Rate Interface (BRI) access provided by the LEC, DDS local loops, (see section C‑2.0231 of DDS access charges), or via LEC‑provided Switched Digital Access (SDA).  SDA access to MCI Vision Switched Data is available in locations set forth in section C‑12, Table V, Part J.  Subject to LEC availability, the customer is responsible for obtaining SDA BRI, and LEC‑provided PRI access lines which connect the customer's premises to the LEC's central office.  The customer is billed directly by the Local Exchange Carrier for these access types. MCI Vision Switched Data Switched multiples of 64 kbps Service may be accessed through MCI Primary Rate Interface (PRI) access lines (see Section C‑2.0221), or EC‑provided PRI.  The customer is responsible for obtaining the LEC‑provided PRI access line which, connects the customer's premises to the LEC's central office.  The customer is billed directly by the LEC for this access type.  Switched services at multiples of 64 kbps require that T‑1 local access lines be equipped with B8ZS line coding from the local exchange carrier.


                                 Unless otherwise indicated herein, the term "Outbound Switched Digital Service" shall be used interchangeably with the term "MCI Vision Switched Data" when used throughout this tariff.


                                 .1851     MCI Vision Switched Data 56 and 64 kbps Usage Rates: The following MCI Vision Switched Data per minute usage rates apply for MCI Vision Switched 56 and 64 kbps service between locations within the continental United States for the types of access and termination used.


                                                For calls originating and terminating on dedicated local access facilities between locations within the continental United States:


                                                                           56 kbps or Clear Channel 64 kbps

                                                                           Mileage Band                    Usage Rate


                                                                                0  - 100                            $0.1654

                                                                            101  +                                     0.2084

                                                                             MCI Vision Power Rate        0.1811


                                                For calls originating on dedicated local access facilities and terminating on switched local access or for calls originating on switched local access and terminating on dedicated local access facilities between locations within the continental United States or Hawaii the following rates will apply except that calls may not originate or terminate in Hawaii via dedicated local access facilities:                     


                                                                           56 kbps or Clear Channel 64 kbps

                                                                           Mileage Band                      Usage Rate


                                                                           0 - 100                                   $0.2659

                                                                           101          +                                0.3090

                                                                           MCI Vision Power Rate           0.2693


                                                For calls originating and terminating on switched local access facilities between locations within the continental United States or Hawaii


                                                                           56 kbps or Clear Channel 64 kbps

                                                                           Mileage Band                      Usage Rate


                                                                              0 - 100                                $0.3664

                                                                           101+                                        0.4095

                                                                           MCI Vision Power Rate          0.3574


                                          .1852        MCI Vision Switched Data Usage Rates For Speeds of 128 Kbps and Higher:  Per-minute usage rates for MCI Vision Switched Service for speeds of multiples of 64 kbps, as specified above, between locations within the continental United States or Hawaii (except that calls may not originate or terminate in Hawaii via dedicated local access facilities), are set forth below for the types of access and termination used.


                                                            For each 64 kbps increment of bandwidth used per call the customer would be charged the following per minute metered usage rates, based on the types of access and termination used:


                                                                                                         Switched    /Switched/        Dedicated/               Dedicated/

                                                            Mileage Band                      Switched    Dedicated          Switched                                                            Dedicated


                                                            0 – 100                                $0.3304   $0.2299             $0.2299        $0.1294

                                                            101+                                       0.3735     0.2729               0.2729                                                                   0.1722

                                                            MCI Vision Power Rate        0.3258     0.2376               0.2376                                                                   0.1494


                                                            For example, a 384 kbps call originating and terminating via dedicated access would require six 64 kbps units, yielding rates as follows:


                                                                           Mileage Band                                                       Usage Rate


                                                                           0 ‑ 100                                                        $0.6534  ( = $0.1089 x 6)

                                                                           101+                                                              0.8706  ( = $0.1451 x 6)

                                                                           MCI Vision Power Rate                               0.7548  ( = $0.1258 x 6)


                                             .1853      networkMCI Videoconferencing1:  networkMCI Videoconferencing permits a networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber to conduct a point‑to‑point or multipoint videoconference using Switched 56 kbps or 64 kbps service and port connections furnished by the Company.  Point-to-point service is available via Switched 56 kbps service and multipoint service is available via Switched 56 kbps and 64 kbps service.  networkMCI Videoconferencing is subject to port connection charges and usage charges which will be charged based on the networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber's existing MCI Vision service. Dial-Out service transport is provided on a two-switched 56 kbps or 64 kbps-channel basis per call connection.  Port connections must be scheduled and reserved in advance of the videoconference and are available on a first‑come, first-serve basis.  Port connections must be reserved in 15-minute increments with a 30-minute minimum reservation.  A port connection cancellation charge will apply if a scheduled videoconference is canceled by the networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber within 8 hours of the scheduled conference time.  Participants in the international locations set forth in Section C‑3.1853321 may connect to a Dial-Out networkMCI Videoconferencing call.  Unless otherwise specified, the term "networkMCI Videoconferencing" is used interchangeably with "MCI VideoNet" throughout this tariff.


                                                            .18531     Methods of Videoconferencing:


                                                            Meet‑Me allows networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber participants to call directly into a networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber site.


                                                            Meet‑Me Gateway allows a networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber to connect non‑subscriber participants to a point‑to‑point videoconferencing at the networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber's site.


                                                            Dial‑Out videoconference calls are established by an MCI Conference Coordinator. To receive this type of videoconference, the networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber must arrange for participant networkMCI Videoconferencing subscribers and non-subscribers to be called by the MCI Conference Coordinator at the pre‑arranged date and time.  The MCI Conference Coordinator will connect the participants to the networkMCI Videoconferencing networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber's site.


                              .18532                  Service Options: When making each videoconference call reservation, the networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber must designate a Service Option to provide the type of MCI Conference Coordinator assistance to be provided in conjunction with each videoconference call. networkMCI Videoconferencing offers the following Service Options:


                                                            Unattended service allows videoconference participants to call directly into a networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber's videoconference site by dialing in via a designated toll free number or direct distance dialing number.  The MCI Conference Coordinator does not provide assistance.  This Service Option is available for Meet‑Me only.


                                                            Standard service provides for the MCI Conference Coordinator to connect all participants in the videoconference call and to assist in the videoconference call set‑up.  When all participants are connected to the call, the MCI Conference Coordinator will disconnect from the call.  The networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber must re‑dial the MCI Conference Coordinator if assistance is required.


                                                            Premier service allows for the same features as Standard service.  In addition, the MCI Conference Coordinator will remain connected throughout the videoconference call until the call is terminated.


                              .18533                  Usage Charges: All usage charges for each videoconference will be billed to the networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber who makes each videoconference reservation unless usage charges are allocated to individual participants by the networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber when each videoconference reservation is made.  All Meet-Me Transport Charges will be billed to the networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber.  All individual participants to whom usage charges are allocated must register and accept the allocation of charges prior to the scheduled videoconference.  Usage and ports will be billed in 1‑minute increments with an initial 30-minute minimum billing charge.


                              .185331                Domestic Usage Charges:


                              .1853311             Meet-Me:


                                                                        Transport Charges:       The per-minute rates set forth in Section C‑3.1851 and C-3.1852 will be charged site per multiplied by each multiple of Switched 56 kbps or 64 kbps service used per call.


                                                                                            Port Usage Charges:                $1.00 per minute per site.


                                                                                            Meet-Me Gateway:                 $0.75 per minute per-call per bridge port    for each non-subscriber participant.


                                                                                            Premier Service:                       $1.00 per minute per videoconference in addition to all other charges.


                                                                                          .1853312             Dial-Out:               Transport Charges:               $0.20 per minute per site, per channel multiplied by each multiple of Switched 56 kbps or 64 kbps service used per call.


                                                                                          Port Usage Charges:          $1.00 per minute per site.


                                                                        Premier Service:           $1.00 per minute per videoconference in addition to all other usage charges.


                        .1853321          International Usage Charges:  Dial-Out service customers will be charged the per-minute transport rates found in Section C-3.073.47 per-site, per channel multiplied by each multiple of Switched 56 kbps and 64 kbps service used per call.


                              .18534                  Cancellation Charges:  The following per-call cancellation charges will apply:


                                                            No charge if canceled eight or more hours prior to the scheduled videoconference call; or,


                                                            50 percent of Port Usage Charges if canceled less than eight hours prior to the videoconference call, based on the number of bridge port and amount of time reserved; or,


                                                            100 percent of Port Usage Charges if not canceled prior to the scheduled videoconference call, based on the number of bridge ports and amount of time reserved.


                              .18535                  Discounts:  The networkMCI Videoconferencing subscriber customer is eligible to receive all applicable discounts on Meet-Me Transport Charges only.


.186                      Switched Digital Access:  Offers dial-up service for transmitting data at speeds of 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps.  Customer access for international switched 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps service is available only through MCI PRI access lines, described in MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 3, Section C-0242.  International switched 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps data calls will only be supported when both the originating and terminating locations support PRI.  In order to obtain international switched 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps service, customer premises equipment must be compatible with MCI PRI access and support a 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps call capability.  Domestic Switched 64 kbps, 384 kbps or 1536 kbps service only requires that the T‑1 local access line is equipped with B8ZS line coding from the local exchange carrier.


            Usage rates for 64 kbps calls within the continental United States and Hawaii are based on MCI Vision and MCI Customized Business Programs switched rates set forth in Section C‑3.18211 and C-3.184, respectively.  Discounts are applied to usage from MCI Vision and MCI Customized Business Programs set forth in Section C‑3.1831, C-3.1833, C-3.1834, C-3.183751, C-3.184121 and C-3.184221, respectively.  The application of discounts is subject to all terms and conditions associated with these sections.  Usage relating to calling outside the continental United States are based on rates set forth below, with the exception of MCI Vision Worldwide customers who will be charged 5 percent less than the rates specified below, or the specific rates in Section C-3.1861 if they are enrolled in the MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe.  Discounts are applied to usage from MCI Vision and MCI Customized Business Programs set forth in Section C-3.1833, C-3.1835, C-3.184123 and C-3.184222, respectively.  The application of discounts is subject to all terms and conditions associated with these sections.


.1860     International Switched 64 kbps Service:  The following rates will apply to 64 kbps calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the following international locations:


                                                                                                                        Peak                                                                                                                        Off‑Peak

                                                                                                         1st 30                 Add'l 6                  1st 30                                                                                                         Add'l 6

País                                                                                           seconds              seconds                seconds                                                                                                         seconds


Antigua (Barbuda)                                                                         $1.2882              $0.2574                $0.9661                                                                                                        $0.1928

Argentina                                                                                          1.6527                0.3305                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

Australia (including Tasmania)                                                      2.0723                0.4195                  1.5764                                                                                                           0.3178

Austria                                                                                              1.8307                0.3559                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

Bahamas                                                                                           1.0724                0.2147                  0.8046                                                                                                           0.1605

Bahrain                                                                                             2.0723                0.4195                  1.3984                                                                                                           0.2797

Barbados                                                                                          1.2885                0.2577                  0.9662                                                                                                           0.1932

Belgium                                                                                             1.8307                0.3559                  1.2459                                                                                                           0.2543

Bermuda                                                                                           0.8286                0.1657                  0.6213                                                                                                           0.1243

Brazil                                                                                                 1.6527                0.3305                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

Bulgaria                                                                                             1.5017                0.3001                  1.1266                                                                                                           0.2263

Cayman Islands                                                                                1.0724                0.2147                  0.8046                                                                                                           0.1605

Chile                                                                                                  1.6527                0.3305                  1.3222                                                                                                           0.2288

China                                                                                                 1.6527                0.3305                  1.5764                                                                                                           0.3178

Colombia                                                                                          1.6530                0.3301                  0.1157                                                                                                           0.2286

Costa Rica                                                                                         1.3105                0.2620                  0.9827                                                                                                           0.1966

Croatia                                                                                              1.4117                0.2793                  1.0805                                                                                                           0.2159

Cyprus                                                                                               1.9006                0.3802                  1.4048                                                                                                           0.2809

Czech Republic                                                                                 1.4048                0.2809                  1.0743                                                                                                           0.2149

Denmark                                                                                           1.6527                0.3305                  1.2459                                                                                                           0.2543

Dominican Republic                                                                        1.0724                0.2147                  0.8046                                                                                                           0.1605

El Salvador                                                                                        1.3102                0.2620                  0.9938                                                                                                           0.1963

Estonia                                                                                              1.3206                0.2643                  0.9881                                                                                                           0.1986

Finland                                                                                              1.4875                0.2924                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

France                                                                                               1.6527                0.3305                  1.0679                                                                                                           0.2161

French Antilles (including Martinique, St.

Barthelemy and St. Martin)                                                           1.6527                0.3305                  1.0679                                                                                                           0.2161

Germany                                                                                           1.6527                0.3305                  1.0679                                                                                                           0.2161

Greece                                                                                               1.5022                0.3004                  1.1267                                                                                                           0.2253

Guadaloupe                                                                                      1.6527                0.3305                  1.0679                                                                                                           0.2161

Hong Kong                                                                                        1.6527                0.3305                  1.2459                                                                                                           0.2543

Hungary                                                                                            1.4112                0.2797                  1.0806                                                                                                           0.2161

Iceland                                                                                              1.6530                0.3301                  1.0678                                                                                                           0.2159

India                                                                                                  2.0723                0.4195                  1.3984                                                                                                           0.2797

Indonesia                                                                                          1.6527                0.3305                  1.2459                                                                                                           0.2543

Ireland                                                                                               1.6527                0.3305                  1.0679                                                                                                           0.2161

Israel                                                                                                 1.9070                0.3814                  1.3984                                                                                                           0.2797

Italy                                                                                                   1.8307                0.3559                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

Jamaica                                                                                             1.0722                0.2144                  0.8044                                                                                                        $0.1609

Japan                                                                                                 1.6527                0.3305                  1.4875                                                                                                           0.2924

Jordan                                                                                               1.8178                0.3632                  1.3325                                                                                                           0.2663

Korea, Republic of                                                                           2.0723                0.4195                  1.3984                                                                                                           0.2797

Latvia                                                                                                1.6622                0.2643                  0.9904                                                                                                           0.1986

Liechtenstein                                                                                    1.6527                0.3305                  1.0679                                                                                                           0.2161

Lithuania                                                                                           1.6622                0.2643                  0.9904                                                                                                           0.1986

Luxembourg                                                                                     1.8307                0.3559                  1.2459                                                                                                           0.2543

Macao                                                                                               1.6527                0.3305                  1.2459                                                                                                           0.2543

Malaysia                                                                                           2.0723                0.4195                  1.3984                                                                                                           0.2797

Mauritius                                                                                          1.6530                0.3301                  0.9915                                                                                                           0.2032

Monaco                                                                                            1.6527                0.3305                  1.0679                                                                                                           0.2161

Netherlands                                                                                     1.4875                0.2924                  0.9916                                                                                                           0.2034

New Zealand                                                                                    2.0723                0.4195                  1.5764                                                                                                           0.3178

Norway                                                                                             1.4875                0.2924                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

Panama                                                                                             1.3102                0.2620                  0.9938                                                                                                           0.1963

Pakistan                                                                                            2.5427                0.5086                  2.2248                                                                                                           0.4450

Peru                                                                                                   1.6527                0.3305                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

Philippines                                                                                        1.6527                0.3305                  1.2459                                                                                                           0.2543

Poland                                                                                               1.4112                0.2797                  1.0806                                                                                                           0.2161

Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands)                        1.5764                0.3178                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

Qatar                                                                                                 2.1613                0.4323                  1.9070                                                                                                           0.3814

Russia                                                                                                1.3206                0.2641                  0.9906                                                                                                           0.1982

San Marino                                                                                       1.8307                0.3559                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

Senegal                                                                                             3.0194                0.6039                  2.6221                                                                                                           0.5244

Singapore                                                                                         2.0723                0.4195                  1.5764                                                                                                           0.3178

Slovakia                                                                                            1.4048                0.2805                  0.9592                                                                                                           0.2147

Slovenia                                                                                            1.4117                0.2793                  1.0805                                                                                                           0.2159

South Africa                                                                                     1.6527                0.3305                  0.9916                                                                                                           0.2034

Spain (including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands,

  Ceuta and Melilla)                                                                         1.5764                0.3178                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

St. Lucia                                                                                            1.2390                0.2478                  0.9290                                                                                                           0.1858

Sweden                                                                                             1.4875                0.2924                  0.9916                                                                                                           0.2034

Switzerland                                                                                      1.6527                0.3305                  1.0679                                                                                                           0.2161

Taiwan                                                                                              2.0723                0.4195                  1.3984                                                                                                           0.2797

Thailand                                                                                            2.0723                0.4195                  1.3984                                                                                                           0.2797

Trinidad/Tobago                                                                              1.2882                0.2574                  0.9661                                                                                                           0.1928

Ukraine                                                                                             1.3206                0.2641                  0.9906                                                                                                           0.1982

United Arab Emirates                                                                     2.0723                0.4195                  1.3984                                                                                                           0.2797

United Kingdom                                                                              1.0679                0.2161                  0.7500                                                                                                           0.1525

Uruguay                                                                                            1.6530                0.3301                  1.1566                                                                                                           0.2286

Vatican City                                                                                      1.8307                0.3559                  1.1569                                                                                                           0.2288

Venezuela                                                                                         1.6530                0.3301                  1.1566                                                                                                           0.2263

Vietnam                                                                                            2.7969                0.5594                  2.4791                                                                                                           0.4959

Yugoslavia                                                                                        1.3458                0.2718                  1.0300                                                                                                           0.2058


                                                            .18601   Canada: The following rates apply to 64 kbps calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to Canada:


                                                                                                         Peak                                     Off‑Peak

                                                                                          1st 30                   Add'l 6                  1st 30                   Add'l 6

                                             Mileage Band                      seconds seconds seconds seconds


                                                 0    -   18                          $0.2639                $0.0527                $0.1930         $0.0385

                                              19    -   80                            0.2861                  0.0572                  0.2331           0.0466

                                              81    - 140                            0.3069                  0.0614                  0.2739           0.0548

                                            141    - 220                            0.3320                  0.0664                  0.2948           0.0591

                                            221    - 345                            0.3555                  0.0710                  0.3165           0.0634

                                            346    - 630                            0.3737                  0.0746                  0.3320           0.0664

                                            631    - 1200                          0.4074                  0.0815                  0.3605           0.0723

                                          1201    - 1610                          0.4352                  0.0871                  0.3858           0.0771

                                          1611   +                                   0.4786                  0.0957                  0.4239           0.0849


                                                            .18602   Mexico:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for switched 64 kbps service which originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in Mexico.


                                                                                         Rate Step                Peak                  Off‑Peak


                                                                                            1                          $1.0085                $0.6723

                                                                                            2                            1.3447                  0.9168

                                                                                            3                            1.9559                  1.3752

                                                                                            4                            2.2615                  1.5891

                                                                                            5                            2.9644                  2.0475

                                                                                            6                            3.7284                  2.5976

                                                                                            7                            4.7980                  3.3311

                                                                                            8                            5.2870                  3.6673


                                             .1861     Switched 64 kbps Service for MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe Option:  For customers of the MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe Option, the following rates will apply, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in Section C-3.186 above:


                                                                                                         Peak                                                    Off‑Peak

                                                                                            1st 30              Add'l 6                         1st 30               Add'l 6

                                             País                                 seconds           seconds                       seconds               seconds


                                             Austria                                $1.2468            $0.2567                     $0.9535       $0.1956

                                             Belgium                                 1.3813              0.2567                        0.9535         0.1956

                                             Denmark                               1.2468              0.2567                        0.9535         0.1956

                                             Finland                                  1.2468              0.2567                        0.9535         0.1956

                                             France                                   1.2468              0.2567                        0.9535         0.2078

                                             Germany                               1.2468              0.2567                        0.9535         0.2078

                                             Ireland                                   1.2468              0.2567                        0.8191         0.1711

                                             Italy                                       1.3813              0.2690                        0.8679         0.1956

                                             Liechtenstein                        1.2441              0.2567                        0.8068         0.1711

                                             Luxembourg                         1.3813              0.2690                        0.9535         0.1956

                                             Monaco                                1.2441              0.2567                        0.9535         0.2078

                                             Netherlands                         1.1246              0.2322                        0.5134         0.1467

                                             Norway                                 1.1246              0.2322                        0.8679         0.1956

                                             Portugal (including Azores

                                             and Madeira Islands)          1.1980              0.3178                        0.8068         0.1956

                                             Spain (including Balearic

                                             Islands, Canary Islands,

                                             Ceuta, and Melilla)              1.1980              0.3178                        0.8068         0.1956

                                             Sweden                                 1.1246              0.2322                        0.7456         0.1589

                                             Switzerland                          1.2468              0.2567                        0.8068         0.1711

                                             United Kingdom                  1.1246              0.2322                        0.7579         0.1589


                                             .1864     International Switched 384 kbps Service for MCI Vision:  The following per-minute rates will apply for 384 kpbs calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the following international location:


                                                                                                       Peak                                         Off-Peak

                                                                             1st 30 seconds        Add'l 6 seconds       1st 30 seconds       Add'l 6 seconds


                                             United Kingdom      $2.8620                 $0.5723                             $2.1137               $0.4227


                                             .1865     International Switched 1536 kbps Service for MCI Vision:  The following per-minute rates will apply for 1536 kpbs calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the following international location:


                                                                                                              Peak                                Off-Peak

                                                                             1st 30 seconds       Add'l 6 seconds        1st 30 seconds       Add'l 6 seconds


                                             United Kingdom       $16.3586               $3.2717                           $12.2764               $2.4554


                                             .1866     MCI Vision International Digital Toll Free Switched Service Usage Charges:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for Switched 64 kpbs service terminating in the U.S. Mainland and originating in the following international locations, based on termination type.


                                               Ubicación                                       Switched Termination               Dedicated Termination


                                               Belgium                                                $2.6630                                        $2.5530

                                               France                                                     2.5309                                          2.4209

                                               Germany                                                2.5199                                          2.4099

                                               Hong Kong                                             3.6754                                          3.5653

                                               Italy                                                         2.6410                                          2.5309

                                               Japan                                                       3.6534                                          3.5433

                                               Mexico                                                    3.5764                                          3.4663

                                               Netherlands                                           2.7138                                          2.5916

                                               New Zealand                                          3.9973                                          3.8751

                                               Singapore                                               3.6644                                          3.5543

                                               Spain (including Balearic Islands,

                                               Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)      2.6520                                          2.5419

                                               United Kingdom                                    2.2126                                          2.0782


                              .187                      MCI Vision Service Package Fee1 The MCI Vision Service Package, to which all MCI Vision customers subscribe, includes the availability of Dedicated and/or Switched Access with Volume Discounts, inbound 800, Time of Day Discounts, access to the international locations listed in Table V, Part E, Long Distance Directory Assistance, plus the following:


                                                            The MCI Vision Service Package Fee entitles the customer to the following:


                                                            For Inbound 800 and Outbound Service:

                                                            Call Detail on Paper and/or Magnetic Tape or Cartridge - Call detail records, including the prediscounted price for each call.  One type of Call Detail medium is included in this Package Fee, however, the customer may receive both Paper and Magnetic Tape or Cartridge at these additional costs; $25 one-time set-up fee $25 per month.


                                                            Invoicing Options - A customer must choose between two invoicing options.  With Consolidated Invoicing, a single monthly invoice will be rendered for all locations of a Corporate Enterprise.  With the Location Level Invoicing option, each customer's account under the Corporate Enterprise will receive an individual invoice and will be responsible for remitting payment for usage and charges associated with that particular account.  The Corporate Enterprise electing this option must accept contingent financial responsibility for all invoice charges to its accounts.


                                                            For Outbound Service:  Accounting Codes (up to 7-Digits) - A customer can specify that Accounting Codes are to be dialed from specific dedicated access groups and Dial "1" telephone numbers (ANIS).


                                                            Universal Range Privileges - Customer can specify the type of MCI Vision calls allowable for users on each Dedicated Access Line group, for each MCI Vision Card authorization code and for each Dial "1" ANI originating telephone number) and for each ID code (see Section C-3.18373 regarding ID codes).  The range privileges are defined as follows:


                                                            0 =          No calls allowed;

                                                            1 =          On-Network numbers (private dialing plan numbers);

                                                            2 =          All numbers in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii;

                                                            3 =          All numbers in domestic North American Numbering Plan locations2 and in the international locations listed in Table V, Part E; and,

                                                            4 =          All numbers in domestic North American Numbering Plan locations2.


                                                            Custom Range Privileges

                                                            A customer may specify the type of MCI Vision calls allowable for users on each Dedicated Access Line Group, for each Vision Card authorization code and for users on each Dial "1" ANI and for each ID code.  For each customized Range Privilege, the customer defines the allowable state, area codes, are code-exchange code combinations and country codes.


                                                            For Inbound 800 Service:

                                                            MCI 800 Guardian, as described in Section C-3.08815.


                                                            Extended Call Coverage (provided upon customer request)


                                                            MCI 800 Custom Call Referral, as described in Section C-3.08816.


                                                            Cross-Corporate ID Routing (CCID), as described in Section C-3.08825.  MCI Vision CCID Routing will only be available from an MCI 800 number assigned to an MCI Vision customer on one MCI Vision Corporate ID to another MCI Vision Corporate ID.


                                                            Alternate Routing, as described in Section C-3.0888.


                                                            Sets, as described in Section C-3.08822


                                                            The monthly MCI Vision Service Package Fee is $50 per customer per month for those customers whose monthly usage is less than $500.


1                                                                                       If applicable, the MCI Vision Service Package Fee will not be charged until the customer's third full month's invoice.  The domestic North American Numbering Plan locations are all locations in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI.


              .188  Optional Features1


                        .1881                           Combined Feature Package Fee


                                                            For customers ordering one or more of the following outbound and/or Inbound 800 Service features, the following rates will be charged:


                                                            Installation                                  $25.00 per Corporate ID

                                                            Monthly                                         50.00 per Corporate ID


                                   The installation charge is a one time fee assessed when a customer chooses the Combined Feature Package.  No additional installation charges are assessed for additional features.


                                   .18811             Outbound Service Features


                                                            10‑digit Restrictions:  A customer may specify individual 10‑digit phone numbers to be blocked.


                                                            Personal ID Codes:  A customer may elect to have an optional code, from 1‑7 digits, dialed after the telephone number of a dedicated or Dial "1" call.  This code may be dialed in conjunction with accounting codes, with the total number of digits not to exceed 7‑digits.


                                                            Remote Exchange:  A customer may establish a local number in a distant city that will be charged MCI Vision Dedicated Access Usage Rates for all calls using the feature to reach the customer's designated terminating location.  A Remote Exchange feature charge will be assessed for each dedicated access line that is established with this feature.


                                                             Instant Ringdown:  A customer may select a dedicated access line to have the capability to automatically dial another pre‑defined switched or dedicated location.  Dedicated access usage rates will apply to all calls using this feature.


                                   .18812             Inbound Service Features  The following features are described in Section C‑3.088 and, except for charges which are specified in Section C-3.1871, are provided according to the terms in Section C-3.088.


                                                  Originating Features:    Point of Call Routing, Tailored Call Coverage


                                                  Routing Features:         Day of Week Routing, Holiday Routing, Time Interval Routing, Percentage Allocation Routing, Exchange Routing, MCI Profile Routing


                                                  Special Features:           Supplemental Codes


                                                  Terminating Features:  Dialed Number Identification Service, 800 ANI


                        .1882  Standalone Features


                                   .18821   Outbound Service Features


1    These features will continue to be available to customers after April 15, 1996.


                                                 .188212   Private Dialing Plans - Allows the customer to define a private dialing plan:


                                                                  7-Digit Customer‑Defined Private Dialing Plan used for:


                                                                                      ‑     direct termination of calls dialed as 7‑digit to customer locations

                                                                                      ‑     optionally, for convenience in dialing locations reached via 10-digits or international numbers.


                                                                  MCI Vision converts the 7‑digit number to the appropriate 10‑digit or international number.


                                                                  10‑Digit Private Dialing Plan used for direct termination of calls which are dialed as international numbers in the format of 011 plus the Country Code plus the National Number.


                                                                  .18822121  Non-Recurring Charges:

                                                                                      Installation $250


                                  .18822   Inbound Service Features


                                                 The Disconnect Message Referral, MCI 800 Guardian, Resp Org, SMS Resp Org Changes, 800 MultiManager, and MCI 800 BusinessManager features are described in Section C-3.088 and are provided according to the charges and terms specified in that section.


                                  .188221                  MCI Vision 800 AnswerNet1:  MCI Vision 800 AnswerNet is an MCI Vision domestic Inbound 800 feature that provides the customer with various routing features.


                                  .1882211          AnswerNet Message:  This option allows the customer to reroute Inbound 800 Service calls when the customer is unable to answer a call.  When a call is rerouted using Alternate Routing, as described in Section C‑3.0887, the customer may deliver the call to a pre‑recorded greeting.  The customer greeting may not exceed 30 seconds in length.


                                  .18822111       AnswerNet Message Per Minute Transport Charge:  These usage charges are based on the distance between the originating caller's ANI and the customer designated rerouted destination.  The per minute Dedicated Access Line Termination rates in Section C-3.1822 will apply.  Discounts in Section C-3.1831, C‑3.1833, C-3.18376, and C-3.184 apply, subject to the terms and conditions specified in those sections.


                                                            Total usage for MCI Vision will be used to determine the appropriate discount, which will be applied to AnswerNet Message transport charges.


                              .18822112           AnswerNet Message Per Recorded Message Non-Recurring and Monthly Recurring Charges:


                                                                                                         Monthly Recurring                                            $ 20

                                                                                                         Installation/Change Fee (Domestic)                                                                                                                         $100

                                                                                                         International Voice1                                                                                                                                   $200

                                                                                                         Installation/Charge Fee


                              .1882212             AnswerNet Menu Option:  This option allows customers to use voice menu prompts for call routing. With the Menu Option, the caller is asked to enter single digit touchtone inputs in response to the voice prompts. The call then proceeds to its final destination.  The customer is limited to a single menu with up to 9 menu selections.


                              .18822121           AnswerNet Menu Routing Per Minute Transport Charge:


                                                                                                         Per Minute                                         $0.2446

                                                                                                         MCI Vision Power Rate                     $0.2200


                                                            AnswerNet Menu Routing usage will be eligible for MCI Vision Volume discounts, MCI Vision VIP Plus or Customized Business Program discounts (Sections C-3.1833, C‑3.18376, and C‑3.184) and will qualify toward achieving annual commitment levels.


                              .18822122    AnswerNet Menu Per Application Non‑Recurring and Monthly Recurring Charges:


                                                                                                         Monthly Recurring                            $35

                                                                                                         Installation/Change                          $100


                              .1882213             AnswerNet Transfer Routing Option:  This option allows customers to reroute a call on hold to another destination by entering a four digit touchtone command.  AnswerNet Menu Routing functions may be included at no additional cost.  The customer may define up to 20 transfer locations, each of which is an ordinary telephone number or an 800 number.


                              .18822131                          AnswerNet Transfer Routing Per Minute Transport Charge:


                                                                                                         Per Minute                                         $0.2515

                                                                                                         MCI Vision Power Rate                     $0.2300


                                                                                                         AnswerNet Transfer Routing usage will be eligible for MCI Vision Volume discounts, MCI Vision VIP Plus and Customized Business Program discounts (Sections C-3.1833, C‑3.18376, and C‑3.184) and will qualify toward achieving annual commitment levels.


                                                                                    .18822132   AnswerNet Transfer Per Application Non‑Recurring and Monthly Recurring Charges:


                                                                                                         Monthly Recurring             $50

                                                                                                         Installation/Change           $100


                                                                                          .1882214             AnswerNet Direct Termination Overflow  (DTO): This option allows the customer to designate that calls to specific terminating dedicated trunk groups are to be alternately routed to AnswerNet if all the target terminating trunk groups are busy.


                                                                                          .18822141           Interswitch DTO Call Segment:  Customer pays for two call segments for calls where the orginating MCI Switch and the serving MCI Switch of the target terminating trunk group are different.


                                                                                    Segment 1:  From the originating point to target terminating dedicated trunk group.  MCI Vision 800 dedicated usage rates, based on distance and time of day, will apply.


                                                                                                                        Segment 2:  AnswerNet charges as specified in Section C‑3.188221 will apply.


                                                                                        .18822142           Intraswitch DTO Call Segment Charges:  Customer pays for one call segment where the originating MCI Switch and the serving MCI Switch of the target terminating trunk group are the same.


                                                                                                Segment 1:  AnswerNet Charges as specified in Section C‑3.188221 will apply.


                              .18823                  MCI Vision Configuration Manager (CM)1:  A customer can access the MCI Network through a terminal at a customer site using either switched or dedicated access in order to create, view and/or modify customer‑specific MCI Vision and MCI Vision 800 data or routing plans.


                                                            The following MCI Vision 800 service features can be added, changed or discontinued with MCI Vision 800 CM: Extended Call Coverage, Tailored Call Coverage, Point of Call Routing, Day of Week Routing, Holiday Routing, Time Interval Routing, Percentage Allocation Routing, Exchange Routing and Alternate Routing (this feature can be deleted, but not discontinued).  The latter feature (this feature cannot be disconnected but can be deleted).  Company will provide verification of permissible routings; however, Company is not responsible for any errors in call routing caused by the customer's use of MCI Vision 800 CM. 


                                                            The following MCI Vision Outbound features can be added or modified with MCI Vision CM: Universal Calling Range Privileges, Customized Range Privileges, MCI Vision Card (ability to change Range Privileges on established Cards), Accounting Codes, Personal ID Codes, 10 Digit Restriction and Private Dialing Plans.


                                                                                                                                       Installation                          Monthly

                                                                                                                                       Per Customer                     Per Customer


                                                                                          MCI Vision CM only                 $100                                             $130


                                                                                          MCI Vision 800 CM only           500                              530


                                                                                          Both MCI Vision CM and

                                                                                          MCI Vision 800 CM                    600                              630


                                                            .18824                  Calling Station Identification ‑ This feature is provided in two formats:


                              .188241 Non‑ISDN Calling Station Identification ‑ Allows the customer to specify certain Dedicated Access Line (DAL) origination groups to transmit the originating station number to Company.


                                                                                                                        Non‑ISDN              Installation                                                                                          Monthly

                                                                                                                        Calling Station      Charge Per                                                                                          Charge Per

                                                                                                                        Identification        DAL Group          DAL Group


                                                                                                                                                       $100                    $25


                              .188242 ISDN Calling Station Identification ‑ Allows the customer to receive and transmit the originating station number via the Primary Rate Interface (PRI).  (See Section C-2.022181.)



                                                                                                                        Calling Station      Installation                                                                                          Monthly

                                                                                                                        Identification        Charge Per PRI                                                                                          Charge Per PRI


                                                                                                                                                       $100                    $25



                                             .18825                  Verizon Business Customer Center Features.


                              .1883                    Vision Virtual Network Connection (Vision VNC):  Allows the customer to originate calls on its MCI Vision network originating from the U.S. terminating on virtual networks in the foreign countries listed below.  Customers selecting this feature must also order the appropriate virtual network service in each host country.  The following countries are available for this feature, at the per-minute rates specified below, during all rate periods.


                              .18831                  Dedicated Access


                                                             País                                                                     Tarifa

                                                             Australia (including Tasmania)                           $0.9531

                                                             Belgium                                                                   1.1520

                                                             Brazil                                                                        1.3311

                                                             Canada                                                                 (See Below)

                                                             Chile                                                                         1.2481

                                                             Colombia                                                                 1.3792

                                                             Finland                                                                    1.0021

                                                             France                                                                      0.8871

                                                             Germany                                                                 0.8710

                                                             Hong Kong                                                              1.2840

                                                             Ireland                                                                     1.0766

                                                             Italy                                                                          1.1973

                                                             Japan                                                                       1.1144

                                                             Korea, Republic of                                                  1.6102

                                                             Netherlands                                                           0.8146

                                                             New Zealand                                                          2.0373

                                                             Norway                                                                    0.9201

                                                             Singapore                                                                1.1502

                                                             Spain                                                                        1.2585

                                                             Sweden                                                                    0.8193

                                                             Switzerland                                                             0.9370

                                                             Taiwan                                                                     1.1002

                                                             United Kingdom                                                     0.6731


                                             .18832   Switched Access


                                                             País                                                                     Tarifa

                                                             Australia (including Tasmania)                           $0.9928

                                                             Belgium                                                                   1.1917

                                                             Brazil                                                                        1.3708

                                                             Canada                                                                 (See Below)

                                                             Chile                                                                         1.2887

                                                             Colombia                                                                 1.4188

                                                             Finland                                                                    1.0417

                                                             France                                                                      0.9267

                                                             Germany                                                                 0.9107

                                                             Hong Kong                                                              1.3236

                                                             Ireland                                                                     1.1162

                                                             Italy                                                                          1.2369

                                                             Japan                                                                       1.1539

                                                             Korea, Republic of                                                  1.6592

                                                             Netherlands                                                            0.8448

                                                             New Zealand                                                           2.0768

                                                             Norway                                                                    0.9598

                                                             Singapore                                                                1.1898

                                                             Spain                                                                        1.2981

                                                             Sweden                                                                    0.8787

                                                             Switzerland                                                             0.9767

                                                             Taiwan                                                                     1.1406

                                                             United Kingdom                                                     0.7137


                                                            Discounts are applied to usage from MCI Vision and MCI Customized Business Programs set forth in Section C‑3.1833, C‑3.183751, C‑3.184123, C‑3.184222.  The application of discounts is subject to all terms and conditions associated with these sections.


                                             .18833   To Canada


                                                             Mileage Band                  Dedicated Access            Switched Access


                                                              1 - 200                              $0.3187                                $0.3517

                                                             200 +                                   0.4102                                  0.4507


                                            .18834     MCI Vision Virtual Network Connection Worldwide Power Rate (MCI Vision VNC Worldwide Power Rate)


                                                             País                                           Dedicated Access                                                             Switched Access

                                                             Australia (including

                                                             Tasmania)                                               $0.7128                                $0.7453

                                                             Belgium                                                     0.6770                                  0.7852

                                                             Brazil                                                          0.9657                                  1.0823

                                                             Canada                                                   (See Below)                                                             (See Below)

                                                             Chile                                                           0.9879                                  1.0203

                                                             Colombia                                                   1.0943                                  1.1304

                                                             Finland                                                      0.6589                                  0.7040

                                                             France                                                        0.63171`                               0.7038

                                                             Germany                                                   0.6605                                  0.6931

                                                             Hong Kong                                                0.8756                                  0.9207

                                                             Ireland                                                       0.6317                                  0.7221

                                                             Italy                                                            0.6770                                  0.7852

                                                             Japan                                                          0.8237                                  0.8562

                                                             Korea, Republic of                                    1.1013                                  1.2005

                                                             Netherlands                                              0.6102                                  0.6426

                                                             New Zealand                                             0.9027                                  0.9477

                                                             Norway                                                      0.6680                                  0.7130

                                                             Singapore                                                  0.8119                                  0.8447

                                                             Spain                                                          0.7744                                  0.8937

                                                             Sweden                                                      0.6048                                  0.6624

                                                             Switzerland                                               0.6950                                  0.7438

                                                             Taiwan                                                       0.8615                                  0.8972

                                                             United Kingdom                                       0.5055                                  0.5436


                                                            .188341 To Canada


                                                                              Mileage Band                   Dedicated Access                                                                              Switched Access


                                                                                   0     ‑         18                       $0.1303                              $0.1584

                                                                                 19     ‑         80                          0.2110                                0.2434

                                                                                 81     ‑       140                          0.2583                                0.2911

                                                                              141     ‑       220                          0.2794                                0.3110

                                                                              221     ‑       345                          0.3139                                0.3469

                                                                              346     +                                      0.3210                                0.3534


                                             .1884     MCI Vision Facsimile Service:  This feature allows MCI Vision customers to designate one or more switched ANIs for facsimile usage for calls originating in locations within the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating to locations within the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and to international locations listed in Section C-3.073.  The applicable discounts are specified in Sections C-3.183 and C-3.184.


                                                            .18841   Usage Charges:  All MCI Vision Facsimile Service calls are subject to a 30 second minimum duration and are rounded to the next higher 6 second increment.  The following usage rates apply.


                                                            .188411Domestic Usage Rates:  The rates in Section C-3.18211, C-3.18212 and C-3.18213 will apply.


                                                            188412  International Usage Rates:  The rates in Section C-3.0736 for switched access will apply to international facsimile service originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska or Hawaii and terminating to the countries listed therein.  The rates in Section C-3.07317 will apply to international facsimile service originating in the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating to the countries listed therein.  The rates in Section C-3.07325 will apply to international MCI Vision Power Rate Program for calls originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska or Hawaii and terminating to the countries listed therein.


                                             .1885     MCI Vision Directed Billing:  The MCI Vision Directed Billing option enables MCI Vision Customers to establish subaccounts on behalf of their employees, and to predetermine which ANIs and/or MCI Vision Card charges will be billed to the Customer and which ANIs and/or MCI Vision Card charges will be billed directly to those authorized users of the Customer's service.  This billing option will apply only to employees of the Customer.  Employee subaccounts will be defined as one or more ANIs and/or one or more MCI Vision Cards.  Customers may choose to have either all calls (regardless of termination) or all on-net (private dialing plan number) calls from designated ANIs or MCI Vision Cards billed to the end user (employee of the Customer).


                                                            The MCI Vision Customer's authorized users will be charged the rates and surcharges specified in the MCI Vision Customer's term plan.  All usage charges under MCI Vision Directed Billing, regardless of whether billed to the employer or to authorized users, is eligible to be calculated as Qualifying Volume under the MCI Vision Customer's term plan.


                                                            The MCI Vision Customer must verify, in writing, that Company is duly authorized to provide service for all employee subaccounts.  These employee subaccounts must be designated for inclusion by the Customer under the MCI Vision Directed Billing option.


                                             The MCI Vision Customer must verify to Company, in writing, that Company is duly authorized to provide service for all employee subaccounts.  These employee subaccounts must be designated for inclusion by the Customer under the MCI Vision Directed Billing option.  The MCI Vision Customer is responsible for designating the ANIs and MCI Vision Cards that will be included on the network and for placing all service orders to add, delete, or change such ANIs or MCI Vision Cards and/or to add, delete, or make changes to service for such ANIs or MCI Vision Cards.  The MCI Vision Customer will be responsible, without limitation, for payment on delinquent employee subaccounts.


                                             .1886     MCI OneFAX:  This feature allows MCI Vision customers to access a domestic Company‑provided toll free number to route and terminate facsimile transmission calls from locations in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands to the international locations specified in Sections C-3.073202 and C‑3.07317 for MCI Vision, and C-3.07325 for MCI Vision Power Rate Program.


                                                            MCI Vision customers may access MCI OneFAX in the following three methods:


                                                            MCI OneFAX Call Director:  From a customer-designated originating ANI, the customer accesses the MCI OneFax Call Director toll-free number via automatic dialing equipment using the customer's MCI OneFax authorization code;


                                                            MCI OneFAX Office:  From a customer-designated originating ANI, the customer accesses MCI OneFAX by dialing the MCI OneFAX Office toll‑free number and the customer's MCI OneFax optional accounting code; and,


                                                            MCI OneFAX Mobile:  The customer accesses MCI OneFAX by dialing the MCI OneFAX Mobile toll-free number, an Company-provided 14‑digit personal identification number (PIN), and the customer's MCI OneFax optional accounting code.


                                                            Upon completion of a call, Company sends the customer a transmission status report via facsimile to an ANI previously designated by the customer.  Customers using MCI OneFAX Mobile access may designate a different ANI for receipt of transmission status report when accessing MCI OneFAX.


                                                            Usage is billed only when facsimile transmission is complete and is billed from the originating ANI  location to the terminating ANI location.  The usage rates in Section C‑3.073202 apply except, for customers of MCI Vision Worldwide the usage rates set forth in Section C-3.0732021 apply, and for customers of MCI Vision Worldwide for Latin America and MCI Vision Worldwide for Europe, the usage rates set forth in Sections C-3.184331, C‑3.184343, or C-3.184353 and respectively, apply.  The discounts in Section C‑3.183 apply.


                                             .1887     MCI Vision Card Conference Calling:  Allows a customer to initiate a conference call using the Dial Out Service as described in Section C-3.1711.


                                                            .18871   Usage Charges:  The following per minute usage charges apply per bridge port, excluding the bridge port used by the customer initiating the call.  For purposes of this feature, weekday pricing applies from 12:00 a.m. Monday through 11:59 p.m. Friday CST and weekend pricing applies at all other times.  However, the time of day periods for calls to international locations other than Canada and Mexico are as specified in Section C-3.072.


                                             .188711Domestic Usage Charges:  The following rates apply for calls originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Virgins Islands and terminating to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


                                                                                                                        Weekday                             Fin de semana


                                                                                                                           $0.58                                   $0.32


                              .188712 International Usage Charges:


                              .1887121             From U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Virgins Islands to Canada Per Minute Usage Charges:


                                                                                                                        Weekday                             Fin de semana


                                                                                                                        $0.85                                   $0.65


                                                                                                .1887122        From U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Virgin Islands to Mexico Per Minute Usage Charges:

                                                                                                                                       Weekday                             Fin de semana

                                                                                                                                          $0.90                             $0.70


                                                            .1887123             From U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Virgin Islands to Other International Locations Per Minute Usage Charges:  The time of day periods and rates specified in Sections C-3.072, C-3.0736 and C-3.07317, respectively, will apply.


                                             .1888     MCI Vision Audioconferencing:  Allows customers to initiate an audio conference call using networkMCI Conferencing as described in Section C‑3.17.  Unless otherwise specified in this section, all features associated with networkMCI Conferencing are available.


                                             .18881   Service Options: In addition to networkMCI Conferencing service available to the customer, the following service option is available:


                              MCI Vision Meet‑Me Service: Allows customers to initiate a domestic conference call using Toll Meet‑Me Service as described in Section C‑3.1714.  This service is available for use on-net with both 7-digit and 10-digit dialing plans only.


                                                            .18882   Usage Charges:  Unless otherwise specified in this section, all charges associated with networkMCI Conferencing are applicable.


                                             .188821Domestic: The following rates and charges apply for the following service options for calls originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands:


                                                            MCI Vision Meet‑Me Service:  In lieu of networkMCI Conferencing usage charges, the customer will be charged a per-minute usage charge equal to: (i) the MCI Vision usage rates as set forth in Sections C‑3.18211, C‑3.18212, C‑3.18213, C‑3.18421, C‑3.18441, C‑3.184551 and  C‑3.18461, based on rate period, origination/termination, mileage and the customer's existing MCI Vision Program; and, (ii) the Toll Meet‑Me Service per bridge port charge as set forth in Section C‑3.17211.


                                             .18883   Discounts:  Unless otherwise specified in this section, customers are eligible to receive all standard tariffed network MCI Conferencing per bridge port charge discounts and MCI Vision usage rates discounts.


                                             .1889     Network Call Redirect:  This feature allows the customer to control potential congestion of outbound and inbound calls by sending the overflow to a pre-determined alternate routing group (using Dedicated Access or switched access lines for outbound calls or using Dedicated Access lines, WATS Access, or Business Line access for inbound calls) when the intended termination is busy.


                                                                                                      Per Routing Table     Maximum Monthly Charge


                                                                    Monthly Charge          $10.00                            $2,500


                                                            Outbound Usage Charges:  The customer will be charged for usage from the originating point to the final terminating overflow location.


                                                            For calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands or from the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii, the customer will be charged the per-minute rates specified in Section C-3.18211, based on access type and underlying service.


                                                            A $0.03 per call surcharge will apply to each domestic NCR call.


                                                            For international NCR calls from the locations set forth in Section C-3.072, the customer will be charged the per-minute rates specified in Section C-3.18214.


                                                            Customers receiving service under a Customized Business Program (as specified in Section C-3.184) will be charged the rates specified in Section C-3.184 for outbound usage.


                                                            Inbound Usage Charges:  The customer will be charged for usage from the originating point to the final terminating overflow location. 


                                                            For domestic NCR calls, the customer will be charged the per-minute rates specified in Section C-3.18221 and Section C-318211, based on access type and underlying service. A $0.03 per call surcharge will apply to each domestic NCR call.


                                                            For NCR calls from Canada, the customer will be charged the per-minute rates specified in Section C-3.18223.  For NCR calls from Mexico, the customer will be charged the per-minute rates specified in Section C-3.18224.  For international NCR calls from the locations set forth in Section C-3.072, other than Canada or Mexico, the customer will be charged the per-minute rates specified in Section C-3.18225.  For NCR calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to the locations set forth in Section C-3.072, the customer will be charged the per-minute rates specified in Section C-3.18227.


                                                            Customers receiving service under a Customized Business Program (as specified in Section C-3.184) will be charged the rates specified in Section C-3.184 for inbound usage.


                                                            Nonrecurring Charges:  The following per-table charges apply:


                                                                                                      Per Routing Table     Maximum Monthly Charge


                                                                           Installation                   $150.00                         $2,400.00

                                                                           Modifications                 50.00                              2,400.00


                                             .1890     MCI Vision Private Dialing Plan:  Allows a customer who subscribes to Private Dialing Plans (as described in Section C‑3.188212) to subscribe to Metered Use Service Option LL (Company Contact one‑number service) Toll Free Number Service, as described in Section C‑3.40.  Except as specified in this Section, standard tariffed rates and charges for Option LL will apply.


                                                            .18901   Usage Charges:  The Subscriber will be charged $0.15 per minute for the Calling Party's usage which (i) originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI and (ii) originates and terminates via 7‑Digit Customer‑Defined Private Dialing Plan at customer locations plan (as described in Section C‑3.188212).


                              .189       Other Features


                                             .1891     Proof Positive1:  MCI Vision and MCI Preferred customers having total monthly discounted usage charges for either MCI Vision or MCI Preferred of between $5 and $50,000 will be enrolled in MCI Proof Positive at no additional charge.  A description of the features, as well as all terms and conditions, can be found in Section C-3.192


                                             .1892     Proof Positive Savings Guarantee Statement2:  MCI Vision customers having total monthly discounted usage charges of between $20 and $75,000 are enrolled in the Proof Positive Savings Guarantee Statement Program at no additional charge.  A feature description of the feature as well as all terms and conditions, can be found in Section C-3.19210.


                              .1810     Non-Recurring Charges2


                                                                                                                 Per Circuit/or

                                                                                                                  T-1 Channel                Per Order             Per Location


                                             .18101       Installation                                                                          3                                    $   50                                             $25

                                             .18102       Expedite                                          $  0                                  600                                             NA

                                             .18103       Cancellation of Order                    130                                      0                                             NA

                                             .18104       Service Conversion                           0                                     50                                             NA

                                             .18105       Physical Change                             100                                    50                                             NA

                                             .18106       Administrative Change                    0                                    20                                             NA


                              .1811     Other Charges


                                             .18111   Payphone Use Charge: An undiscountable $0.55 per call charge is applicable to calls that originate from any domestic payphone or associated facility used to access Company services. This charge, which is in addition to standard tariffed usage charges and any applicable surcharges associated with Company service, applies for the use of the instrument used to access Company service and is unrelated to the Company service accessed from the payphone or associated facility.  Customers of MCI Vision will be charged the payphone use charge for each call using MCI Vision which is placed from a domestic payphone or associated facility.  The payphone use charge does not apply to calls placed from payphones at which the customer pays for service by inserting coins during the progress of the call.


                              .1812     Service Availability


                                             MCI Vision Service is available as follows:


                                             A.            T-1 Digital Access for MCI Vision is available in the MCI Metropolitan Area Terminal locations set forth in Section C-12, Table IV, Part A.  This access method is also available in the cities set forth in Section C-12, Table, V, Part C-1, where facilities permit.


                                             B.            Analog Local Access for MCI Vision is available in the MCI Metropolitan Area Terminal locations set forth in Section C-12, Table IV, Part B.


                                             C.            Dial "1" access is available from all exchanges which have been converted to equal access in the cities listed in Table V, Part A.


                                             D.            MCI Vision customers can terminate calls to all cities within the contiguous United States, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI, except where the originating and terminating cities are located in the same state.


                                             E.            MCI Vision customers can terminate calls to the international locations set forth in Section C-3.073.


1              For invoices issued after October 6, 1995, this feature will no longer be available.

2              These features and charges will continue to be available to customers after April 15, 1996.

3              These charges will be based on the type of Local Access used and can be found in Section C-2, Dedicated Leased Line Service.