Prior to August 1, 2001, service was furnished under WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 4 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.


Please note the following regarding this important change.


·        WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 4 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised General Definitions and new or revised General Terms and Conditions of Service contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1.  Like the service in former WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 4, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts.  Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 4 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found in WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC. No. 4 and currently contained in this Guide.


·        Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 4 on July 31, 2001.


·        If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.


·        The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 4.B of the General Terms and Conditions.


·        Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”





This Tariff contains the service offerings, rates, terms and conditions applicable to the furnishing of the within described Private Line Telecommunications Services by the Company,  the use of which shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission.  This Tariff does not apply to the within described services which are provided by Company: (a) to common carriers pursuant to any contractual arrangements; or (b) pursuant to other Company tariffs.




            For the purpose of this Tariff, the following definitions will apply:



            Access Coordination


            Provides for the design, ordering, Installation, coordination, pre‑Service testing, Service turn‑up and maintenance on Company or Customer provided Local Access.



            Administrative Change


            A change in Customer billing address or contact name.









            Alternate Mark Inversion.



            Ancillary Charges


            Charges for supplementary Services as set forth in Section IV which may consist of both nonrecurring and monthly recurring charges.

















            Bipolar with eight zero substitution.



            Base Rate


            The nondiscounted monthly recurring charge for Interexchange Service.



            Bill Date


            The date on which billing information is compiled and sent to the Customer.



            Cancellation of Order


            A Customer initiated request to discontinue processing a Service Order, either in part or in its entirety, prior to its completion.  Cancellation charges will be assessed for each Circuit‑end or Dedicated Access line canceled from an order prior to its completion by Company, under the following circumstances:  (1) if the  Local Access Provider has confirmed in writing to Company that the Circuit‑end or Dedicated Access line will be installed; and/or (2) if Company has already submitted facilities orders to an interconnecting telephone company; and/or (3) in accordance with Section II.4..01.  Cancellation charges will be assessed for each Circuit comprising Interexchange Service subject to a Cancellation of Order in accordance with Section II.4..03.





            City Pair


            Two cities between which Interexchange Service may be provided as determined by the point of horizontal and vertical intersection for the cities.



            City Pair Price


            The Base Rate for Interexchange Service between two (2) cities set forth at the point of horizontal and vertical intersection for the cities in question.  The City Pair Price for multipoint Circuits will be the total of the City Pair Prices for each Circuit comprising the Interexchange Service.


            Concentration and Segregation


            In the M24 Concentration/Segregation application the M24 equipment located in a Company Point-of-Presence is used to electronically multiplex/ demultiplex DS-0 or DDS level channels from a Customer's DS-1 level Interexchange Service or Local Access circuit and then electronically cross-connect those channels to DS-0/DDS level Interexchange Service or Local Access facilities.  This application is Company's required alternative to the use of DS-1/DS-0 channel banks and DS-0 level electrical distribution frames within Company Points-of-Presence.  The exact cross-connection of the DS-0/DDS channels must be specified at the time of order.











            DDS Service


            DDS means Digital Data Service which is an all digital dedicated Interexchange Service where the IXC is designed for full-duplex data transmission at a synchronous speed of 56 Kbps with accompanying DDS  56 Kbps local access.



            Dedicated Access


            Channel(s) between:  (a) the Customer's Premise(s) and serving wire center for the Company's designated Point(s)-of-Presence; or (b) when specifically authorized by the Company, the Customer's Premise(s) and the Company's designated Point(s)-of-Presence.





            Customer-designated routing agreed to by an authorized representative of Company which indicates a Customer designated departure from a Company Primary Route.  The provision of Diversity with respect to Circuits may entail Circuits routed on physically separate facilities on a geographic or systems basis (to the extent possible, i.e., 100% route diversity on a POP-to-POP or Customer Premise-to-Customer Premise basis is not guaranteed) between the same city pair where the facilities required to provide the relevant Circuits are determined by Company to be available.



            Drop and Insert


            In this application, the multiplex equipment is used to electronically cross-connect DS-0/DDS level channels between Customer DS-1 circuits or cross-connect DS-1 level circuits between Customer DS-3 circuits at a common multiplex location and may also provide for the dropping and/or inserting of DS-0/DDS level channels at that common location for connection to DS-0 level Local Access or Interexchange facilities.  The DS-1 circuits may be a combination of DS-1 level Interexchange Services and DS-1 level Local Access facilities.  The exact cross-connection of the channels between the Customer's circuits must be specified at the time of order.





            Digital Signal Level 0 Service, a 64 Kbps signal.





            Digital Signal Level 1 Service, a 1.544 Mbps signal.





            Digital Signal Level 3 Service, a 44.736 Mbps signal.



            DS-0 with VF Access


            DS-0 Service with VF Local Access facilities provides for the transmission of analog voice and/or data within 300 Hz to 3000 Hz frequency range.



            DS-0 with DDS Access


            DS-0 Service with DDS Local Access facilities provides for the transmission of digital data at speeds of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 56  or 64 Kbps.












            Extended Super Frame.



            Exemption Certificate


            A written Customer designation which certifies that its dedicated facility should be exempted from the monthly Special Access Surcharge because the Service:


            (a)        terminates on a device incapable of connecting Company's network with  the local exchange network; or


            (b)        is associated with a Switched Access Service that is subject to Carrier Common Line charges; or


            (c)        constitutes a Private Line facility used for Telex Service or radio or television transmissions; or,


            (d)        is an open‑end termination in a Local Exchange Carrier's switch of an FX line; or


            (e)        is a termination that could not make use of a Local Exchange Carrier's common lines.












            Fractional DS-1


            A Service provided in DS-0 multiples of 2 to 24 channels and connected to a Customer Premises via DS-1 level Local Access facilities.  Fractional DS‑1 can be provided with AMI or B8ZS (clear channel) line coding and either SF or ESF formatting.



            Fractional DS-3


            A Service provided in DS-1 multiples of 4 to 28 channels and connected to a Customer Premises via DS-3 level Local Access facilities.  Fractional DS‑3 can be provided with AMI or B8ZS (clear channel) line coding and either SF or ESF formatting.





            Federal Communications Commission.



            Individual Case Basis (ICB)


            Individual Case Basis (ICB) determinations involve situations where nonstandard arrangements are required to satisfy specialized needs.  The nature of such Service requirements makes it difficult or impossible to establish general Tariff provisions for such circumstances.  When it becomes possible to determine specific terms and conditions for such offerings, they will be offered pursuant to such terms and conditions when set forth in writing and subscribed to by authorized representatives of Customer and Company.








            Interexchange Service/(IXC)


            Interexchange Service means that portion of a  Channel or Circuit between a Company designated Point-of-Presence in one exchange and a Company designated Point-of-Presence in another exchange.





            A condition whereby the  Service or a portion thereof is inoperative (as defined in Section III, Performance Specifications), beginning at the time of notice by the Customer to Company that such Service is inoperative and ending at the time of restoration.  See Section II.10..03.















            Local Access Provider


            An entity providing Local Access.











            The sequential combining of lower bit rate Private Line Services onto a higher bit rate Private Line Service for more efficient facility capacity usage or vice versa.


            A.         DS-1/DS-0 (D4) Multiplexing:


                        A Service that allows for the multiplexing/demultiplexing of 24 VF or DS-0 Channels per DS-1 referred to as D4 Service provided by local access providers.


            B.         DS-1/DS-O (M24) Multiplexing:


                        A service that allows for the multiplexing/demultiplexing of 24 VF or DS-0 Channels per DS-1 referred to as M24 Service provided by the Company.


            C.        DS-3/DS-1 (M13) Multiplexing:


                        A Service that allows for the multiplexing/demultiplexing of 28 DS-1 channels per DS-3.





            No disponible





            No charge



            Nonrecurring Charges


            One‑time charges relevant to Service.



            Payment Method


            The manner in which the Customer is authorized by the Company to pay  charges for Service.

            Physical Change


            The modification of an existing Circuit, Dedicated Access Channel or port, at the request of the Customer.






            Primary Route


            The route, which in the absence of a Diversity arrangement, would be

            solely determined and used by Company in the provision of Service.



            Private Line


            A Channel or Circuit.





















            Service Commitment Period


            The period selected by the Customer, agreed to by Company and stated on the relevant Application for Service during which Company will provide and Customer will accept and pay for the Service described therein.





            Super Frame.






            Start of Service Date


            The Requested Service Date or the date Service first becomes available in accordance with the Technical Standards, whichever is later.






            Technical Standards - Private Line Services


            Technical Standards for Private Line Services are governed by the Performance Specifications described in Section III, Technical Standards, of this Tariff.







            Voice frequency or voice-grade Service designed for private-line Service.  Normal transmission is in the 300 hertz to 3000 hertz frequency band.



            1.         Description and Limitations of Services


            .01       Any member of the general public (including any natural person or  legally organized entity such as a corporation, partnership, or  governmental body) is entitled to obtain Service under this Tariff, provided that Company reserves the right to deny Service:  (A) to any Customer that, in Company's reasonable opinion, presents an undue risk of nonpayment and refuses to comply with the deposit requirements set forth in Section II.7..03; (B) in circumstances in which Company has reason to believe that the use of the Service would violate the  provisions of this Tariff or any applicable law or if any applicable law restricts or prohibits provision of the Service; or (C) if, in Company's sole opinion, insufficient facilities are available to provide the Service (in such cases Company shall take reasonable efforts to accommodate the needs of all potential Customers by means of facility improvements or purchases of capacity, if such efforts will, in Company's sole opinion, provide Company with a reasonable return on its expenditures).


            .02       Company, when acting at the Customer's request and/or as Customer's authorized agent, will make reasonable efforts to arrange for Service requirements, such as, Diversity and Alternate Access.  Due to the specialized nature of such arrangements, however, such Services will be provided, if at all, on an ICB basis.


            .03       Service may be discontinued upon reasonable notice under the circumstances to the Customer if:


                        a.         the Customer is using the Service in violation of this Tariff; or


                        b.         the Customer is using the Service in violation of any applicable law or regulation.


            .04       Service begins on the Start of Service Date and is provided over the Service Commitment Period relevant to the Service in question (in no event less than one month) on a 24 hours per day basis.  For the purposes of computing charges and/or credits in this Tariff for periods of less than a calendar month, a month is considered to have 30 days.


            .05       Following the expiration of the Service Commitment Period relevant to a Service, Service will continue to be provided in accordance with this Tariff and the month-to-month rates relevant to the Service in question.




            .06       Except as otherwise provided in this Tariff or as specified in writing by the party entitled to receive notice, notices between Customer and Company shall be given in writing to the persons whose names and business addresses appear on the relevant Application for Service and the effective date of any notice shall be the date of delivery of such notice, not the date of mailing.  By written notice, Company or Customer may change the party to receive notice and/or the address to which such notice is to be delivered.  In the event no Customer or Company address is provided in the relevant Application for Service, notice shall be given to the last known business address of Customer or Company, as the case may be.


            .07       Provision of Service to the locations listed in Section IV.16. is  subject to availability of capacity in particular geographical locations.


            2.         Other Terms and Conditions


            .01       The name(s) of the Customer(s) desiring to obtain the Service must be stipulated in the Application for Service.


            .02       The Customer agrees to operate any Company provided equipment in accordance with instructions of the Company or the Company's agent or designee.  Failure to do so will void any Company liability for Interruption of Service and may make Customer responsible for damage to equipment pursuant to Section II.2..03 below.


            .03       Customer agrees to return to the Company all Company-provided equipment  within five (5) days of termination of the Service in connection with which the equipment was used.  Said equipment shall be in the same condition as when delivered to Customer, normal wear and tear  excepted.  Customer shall reimburse the Company, upon demand, for any costs incurred by the Company due to Customer's failure to comply with this provision.













            .05       In the event suit is brought or an attorney is retained by the Company to enforce the terms of this Tariff, the Company shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other remedy, reimbursement for reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, costs of investigation and other related expenses incurred in connection therewith.












            .07       The provision of Service will not create a partnership or joint venture between the Company and the Customer nor result in joint Service offerings to their respective Customers.


            .08       The discount level, if any, applicable to a Customer for a particular Service or Services shall be the rate or volume discount level in effect at the beginning of the monthly billing period applicable to the Customer for the particular Service or Services.  When a Service is subject to a minimum monthly charge, account charge, port charge or other recurring charge or Nonrecurring Charge for both intrastate and interstate Service, only one such charge shall apply per account and that charge shall

be the interstate charge.  In the event that Service was provided for less than a month, monthly recurring charges will be pro‑rated based upon a thirty (30) day month.


            .09       Service requested by Customer and to be provided pursuant to this

                        Tariff shall be requested on Company Service Order forms in effect from time to time or Customer's forms accepted in writing by an authorized representative of Company or through the Company Electronic Order Processing System whereby Customer receives written confirmation from Company of the Service it has requested and the business records of Company shall be deemed determinative as to the contents of the Service Order.  When the Customer places a Service Order for any of the Services contained herein, the Customer must provide the Company with the Customer's name and address for billing purposes and a contact name if different from that of the Customer.  If a Customer places Service Orders for multiple Customer Premises, the Customer must also provide the Company with the contact name, telephone number, and address at each premises where Service will be installed.  Each Service Order shall reference this Tariff and, when accepted in writing by Company, the Service Order will be deemed to set forth the final operative obligations between Company and the Customer regarding the Services described therein to the extent that it specifies the type of Service, quantity of Circuits, originating and terminating cities, Requested Service Date, Service Commitment Period and other information necessary for Company to provide the Service to Customer.


                        Any other items and conditions that are typed, printed or otherwise included in any Service Order shall be deemed to be solely for the convenience of the parties unless noted as an Individual Case Basis (ICB) term or condition.  No action by Company (including, without limitation, provision of Service to Customer pursuant to such Service order) shall be construed as binding or estopping Company with respect to such term or condition, unless the Service order containing said specific term or condition has been signed by an authorized headquarters representative of Company and Customer.  Company shall have no obligation except those as set forth in this Tariff or contained in Service Orders and all other representations or agreements, oral or written, shall be of no effect.  In the event any provisions set forth in Service Orders conflict with the provisions set forth in this Tariff, the provisions set forth in this Tariff shall prevail.


            .10       Unless subject to an ICB arrangement, charges for Local Access billing administered by Company and charged to Customer shall be subject to adjustment at such times as Company shall determine, not to exceed the then prevailing interstate charges of the relevant Local Exchange Carrier as would otherwise be paid directly by Customer for the relevant Local Access Channel or service.


            .11       Upon the scheduled expiration of a Service Commitment Period for a Service, Service shall automatically be extended subject to written notice of termination by either Company or Customer; such termination shall be effective as of a date not less than thirty (30) days after delivery of said notice to the other party.  The charges for Service during any such extension shall not exceed the then current month-to-month charges set forth in this Tariff and applicable to Service.






            3.         Liability


            .01       Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Tariff, the Company shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity for any failure of performance hereunder if such failure is due to any cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of the Company.  Such causes shall include, without limitation, acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism, cable cut, storm or other similar occurrence, any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the United States government or of any other government or of any civil or military authority, national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, strikes, lockouts or work stoppages or other labor difficulties, supplier failures, shortages, breaches or delays, or preemption of existing Services to restore Service in compliance with Part 64, Subpart D, Appendix A, of the FCC's Rules and Regulations or other applicable laws, regulations, or orders.


            .02       The Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies (including any Company affiliate that is a participating or concurring carrier) furnishing a portion of the Service or facilities, equipment, or Services associated with such Service.


            .03       The Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer from:


                        a.         claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright arising out of the material, data, information, or otherwise arising out of the content transmitted via the Service(s);


                        b.         patent infringement claims arising from combining or connecting the  Service with equipment and systems of the Customer or Authorized Users;


                        c.         all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the Customer or Authorized Users in connection with any Service provided by the Company;


                        d.         defacement of, or damage to, the premises of  Customer and Authorized Users resulting from the Installation, and/or removal of facilities or the attachment of instruments, equipment and associated wiring on or from the Customer's Premises.  No agents or employees of other participating carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of the Company; and

                        e.         claims arising out of the use of Services or associated equipment in an unsafe manner (such as use in an explosive atmosphere) or the negligent or willful act of any person other than the Company, its agents, or employees.


            .04       The Customer is responsible for taking all necessary legal steps for interconnecting the Customer provided terminal equipment with the Company facilities including, but not limited to, Dedicated Access.  The Customer shall ensure that the signals emitted into the Company's network do not damage Company equipment, injure personnel or degrade Service to other Customers.  The Customer is responsible for securing all licenses, permits, rights‑of‑way, and other arrangements necessary for such interconnection.  In addition, the Customer shall comply with applicable Local Access Provider signal power limitations.


            .05       The Company may rely on Local Access Providers for the performance of other Services such as Local Access.  Upon Customer request and execution and delivery of appropriate authorizing documents, the Company may act as agent for Customer in obtaining such other Services.  Customer's liability for charges hereunder shall not be reduced by untimely installation or non‑operation of Customer provided facilities and equipment.


            .06       The Customer indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any other party or persons, for any personal injury to, or death of, any person or persons, and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the Installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location or use of Service or equipment and facilities of Company associated with the Service, unless such Installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, condition, location or use is the direct result of the Company's knowing and willful misconduct.


            .07       The failure to give notice of default, to enforce or insist upon compliance with any of the terms or conditions herein, the waiver of any term or conditions herein, or the granting of an extension of time for performance by the Company or the Customer shall not constitute the permanent waiver of any term or condition herein.  Each of the provisions shall remain at all time in full force and effect until modified in writing.


            .08       The Company shall not be liable to the Customer or any other person, firm or entity in any respect whatsoever as a result of mistakes, accidents, errors, omissions, interruptions, delays, or defects in Service (collectively "Defects" or "Defective Service").  Defects caused by or contributed to, directly or indirectly, by act or omission of Customer (including Authorized Users) or Customer's customers, affiliates, agents, representatives, invitees, licensees, successors or assigns or which arise from or are caused by the use of facilities or equipment of Customer or related parties shall not result in the imposition of any liability whatsoever upon the Company, and Customer shall pay to the Company any reasonable costs, expenses, damages, fees or penalties incurred by the Company as a result thereof, including costs of Local Access Providers' labor and materials.  In addition, all or a portion of the Service may be provided over facilities of third parties, and the Company shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity in any respect whatsoever arising out of Defects caused by such third parties.  The Company's liability for willful misconduct, if established as a result of judicial or administrative proceedings, is not limited by this tariff.  The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or actual damages, or business interruption, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of any defective service or any other cause.  The Company's liability, if any, with regard to defective service (including any delayed installation of the Company's facilities or commencement of service) shall not exceed $1,000.  The warranty set forth in Section II.10.02 and any allowance for interruptions provided for herein and the remedies explicitly set forth in this tariff are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties or remedies, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  In the event of an interruption in service or any defect in the service whatsoever, neither the Company nor any affiliated or unaffiliated third party provider or operator of facilites employed in the provision of the service shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or actual damages, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever.


            .09       If at any time Service is subject to a Defect as specified in Section II.3..08 above for thirty (30) days or less, Service shall not be subject to cancellation, but an appropriate percentage of charges for the directly affected Service shall be abated for the period of  Interruption in accordance with Section II.10..02 and subject to provisions of Section II.10..03.  If Defective Service continues for more than thirty (30) days, then the directly affected Service may be canceled by either Company or Customer without liability other than Customer's liability for payment for the Service in question provided in accordance with the Technical Standards prior to cancellation.


            .10       In the event parties other than Customer (e.g., Customer's customers or Authorized Users) shall have use of the Service directly or indirectly through Customer, Customer will forever indemnify and hold Company and any affiliated or unaffiliated third‑party provider or operator of facilities employed in provision of the Service harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, losses, damages, assessments or payments which may be asserted by said parties arising out of or relating to any Defects or any claims described in Sections II.3..03.


            .11       In the event that Company is required to perform Service redesign due to inaccurate information provided by the Customer or Company incurs costs and expenses under circumstances in which such costs and expenses are caused to be incurred by the Customer or reasonably incurred by Company for the benefit of the Customer, the Customer is responsible for the payment of any resulting costs incurred by Company.


            4.         Cancellation of Service by a Customer


            .01       If a Customer cancels Service before the Start of Service,  before completion of the Service Commitment Period, or before completion of some other period mutually agreed upon by the Customer and the Company, a charge will be levied upon the Customer for the nonrecoverable portions of expenditures or liabilities incurred on behalf of the Customer (e.g. Local Access) by the Company and not fully reimbursed by Installation and other non-recurring and recurring charges. In addition, if a Customer cancels Service before  the Start of Service Date a charge will be levied upon the Customer  for any Nonrecurring Charges incurred as defined in Section IV.11 and  IV12 and any nonrecurring Ancillary Charges incurred as defined in Section IV.13 and IV.14.  If, under a promotional offering, the Company agreed to waive certain charges, and the Customer subsequently cancelled service before the Start of Service Date, the Customer is liable for any Nonrecurring Charges or nonrecurring Ancillary Charges incurred prior to the Start of Service Date, the agreement to waive charges notwithstanding.


            .02       Except as otherwise provided under Section II.3 of this Tariff, if a Service Order for Installation is delayed for more than thirty (30) days beyond the Requested Service Date, and such delay is not requested or caused by the Customer, the Customer may cancel the Service affected thereby without incurring cancellation charges.


            .03       Customers who subscribe to Private Line Service are subject to the following cancellation charges upon cancellation of Service for the convenience of Customer, i.e., without cause, such as, would be the case for Defective Service.  In such case, the Customer is also liable for any charges, expenses, fees, or penalties incurred by Company or its affiliated companies due to cancellation of Local Access plus any costs, expenses, or additional charges reasonably incurred by Company on behalf of Customer as Customer's agent.


                        a.         If the Service Commitment Period for the canceled Interexchange Service is one (1) year or less, then the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to the balance of the monthly Interexchange Service charges (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for such canceled Interexchange Service that otherwise would have become due for the unexpired balance of the Service Commitment Period (but in no event less than zero);


                        b.         If the Service Commitment Period for the canceled Interexchange Service is longer than one (1) year and such cancellation becomes effective prior to completion of the first year of the Service Commitment Period, then the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to the balance of the monthly Interexchange Service charges (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for such canceled Interexchange Service that otherwise would have become due for the unexpired portion of first year of the Service Commitment Period plus twenty percent (20%) of the balance of such monthly Interexchange Service charges for the remainder of the Service Commitment Period beyond the first year; and


                        c.         If the Service Commitment Period for the canceled Interexchange Service is longer than one (1) year and such cancellation becomes effective after completion of the first year of the Service Commitment Period, then the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the balance of the monthly Interexchange Service charges (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for such canceled Interexchange Service that otherwise would have become due for the unexpired portion of the Service Commitment Period.


                        d.         As Company's damages in the event of a cancellation are difficult or impossible to ascertain, the foregoing provisions providing for a cancellation charge are intended to establish liquidated damages in the event of a cancellation of a Service and do not represent a penalty of any kind.


            .04       The foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, and upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice, either Customer or Company shall have the right, without cancellation charge or other liability to the other, to cancel the affected portion of the Service, if Company is prohibited by governmental authority from furnishing said portion, or if any material rate or term contained herein and relevant to the affected Service is substantially changed by order of the highest court of competent jurisdiction to which the matter is appealed, the FCC, or other local, state or federal government authority.


            .05       The foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event Customer orders Service for a Service Commitment Period greater than month-to-month and notifies Company, in writing, that the Service will be provided to the Government, and after ordering said Service, the Customer provides proof, in writing and acceptable to Company that the Government has canceled said Service, Customer shall not be liable for any cancellation charges except to the following extent:  Customer shall reimburse Company any actual non-recoverable costs incurred by Company in providing the Service to the extent Customer is entitled to reimbursement from the Government pursuant to applicable regulations.


                        .06       The foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, the Customer may elect to replace existing Service (Current Service) prior to the end of the applicable Service Commitment Period with replacement Service (Replacement Service) which has a monthly Interexchange Service charge equal to or greater than the current Interexchange Service charge and a Service Commitment Period equal to or greater than the total expired and unexpired Service Commitment Period of the Current Service.  In this event, no cancellation charge will be incurred, provided the conditions in Subsections II.4..06(a.-d.) are met.  The Customer will be liable for cancellation charges if the Replacement Service is cancelled and not replaced prior to the end of its Service Commitment Period.


                                    a.         The Service Order for Disconnection of the Current Service must state that Replacement Service will be requested.  If there is no statement regarding replacement, a cancellation charge will be determined as described in Section II.04..03.


                                    b.         The Service Order for Installation of the Replacement Service must be received and installation must be completed within 60 days of disconnection of the Current Service.  In addition, the Service Order for Installation for Replacement Service must state that it is replacing Current Service.


                                    c.         The city pairs between which Service is being provided must be listed in Section IV.16. for both the Current Service and the Replacement Service.  If the city pairs are not listed in Section IV.16., cancellation charges will be determined as described in Section II.4..03.


                                    d.         If the Current Service or the Replacement Service is DS-3 Service, Section II.4..06 does not apply and cancellation charges will be determined as described in Section II.4..03.


            5.         Cancellation for Cause by the Company


            .01       Upon nonpayment of any sum owing to the Company, or upon a violation of any of the provisions governing the furnishing of Service under this Tariff, the Company may, upon written notification to the Customer, without incurring any liability, immediately discontinue the furnishing of such Service.  Customer shall be deemed to have canceled Service as of the date of such disconnection and shall be liable for any cancellation charges set forth in this Tariff.


            .02       Without incurring any liability, the Company may discontinue the furnishing of Service(s) to a Customer immediately and without notice if the Company deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or Services and under any of the following circumstances:


                        a.         if the Customer refuses to furnish information to the Company regarding the Customer's credit‑worthiness, its past or current use of common carrier communications Services or its planned use of Service(s);


                        b.         if the Customer provides false information to the Company regarding the Customer's identity, address, credit‑worthiness, past or current use of Customer communications Services, or its planned use of the Company Service(s);


                        c.         if the Customer gives Company reasonable cause to believe that Customer will not comply with a request of the Company for reasonable security for the payment for Service(s);


                        d.         if the Customer has been given notice by the Company of any past due amount (which remains unpaid in whole or in part) for any of the Service to which the Customer either subscribes or had subscribed or used;


                        e.         if Customer fails to pay Company any sum due to Company within 30 days from invoice date.


                        f.          if Customer fails to comply with a request by the Company for reasonable security for the payment of Service;


                        g.         if following seven (7) days after sending Customer written notice of any noncompliance by Customer with any nonpayment terms (other than an unlawful use of the Service) and if such noncompliance with the terms and conditions of this Tariff is not corrected within the seven (7) day period (Service may, however, be discontinued earlier pursuant to this Tariff).


            .03       If at anytime there is a material change in Customer's creditworthiness, then in addition to any other remedies available to Company pursuant to this Tariff, Company may exercise one or more of the following remedies without incurring any liability: (A) cause Start of Service for Service described in a previously executed Service Order to be withheld; (B) cease providing Service; (C) decline to accept a Service Order from Customer to provide Service which Company may otherwise be obligated to accept and/or (D) Company may condition its provision of Service on assurance of payment by Customer which shall take the form of a deposit or means to establish reasonable assurance of payment as specified by Company.  A material change in Customer's creditworthiness shall include, but not be limited to: (i) Customer's default of its obligations to Company under this Tariff or any other agreement with Company; (ii) failure of Customer to make full payment of charges due hereunder on or before the Due Date on three or more occasions during any period of twelve or fewer months or Customer's failure to make such payment on or before the Due Date in any two consecutive months; (iii) acquisition of Customer (whether in whole or by majority or controlling interest) by an entity which is insolvent, which is subject to bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, which owes past due amounts to Company or any entity affiliated with Company or which is a materially greater credit risk than Customer; or, (iv) Customer's being subject to or having filed for bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings or the legal insolvency of Customer.


            .04       The discontinuance of Service(s) by the Company pursuant to this Section does not relieve the Customer of any obligations to pay the Company for charges accrued for Service(s) which is/are furnished up to the time of discontinuance nor does it relieve the Customer of applicable cancellation charges.  The remedies set forth herein shall not be exclusive and the Company shall at all times be entitled to all rights available to it under either law or equity.


            6.         Use of Service


            .01       The Services offered herein may be used for any lawful purpose, including residential, business, governmental, or other use, including joint use or resale by Customer.  Notwithstanding the joint use, sharing or resale of Service by Customer and regardless of the Company's knowledge of same, the Customer remains liable for all obligations under this Tariff.  The Company shall have no liability to any person or entity other than the Customer and only as set forth in Section II.3.  The Customer shall not use nor permit others to use the Service in a manner that could interfere with Services provided to others or that could harm the facilities of the Company or others.


            .02       The Customer is responsible for the placement of Service Orders for the Service described herein as well as complying with the provisions of this Tariff.  When the Customer places a Service Order for any of the Service contained herein, the Customer must provide the Company with the Customer's name and address for billing purpose and a contact name if different from that of the Customer.  If a Customer places Service Orders for multiple premises, the Customer must also provide the Company with the contact name, telephone number, and address at each premises where Service will be installed.  Customers may be required to execute written Service Orders as described in Section II.2..09, but shall be obligated under the terms of this Tariff even if such Service Orders have not been executed.


            .03       Service furnished by the Company may upon authorization by the Company be arranged for joint use by Authorized Users.  Each Authorized User shall be permitted to use such Service in the same manner as the Customer, but subject to the following:


                        a.         One Authorized User must be designated as the Customer.  The designated Customer does not necessarily have to have communications requirements of its own.  The Customer must specifically name all Authorized Users in the Service Application for joint use Service.  Service Orders which involve the start, rearrangement or discontinuance of joint use of Service will be accepted by the Company only from the designated Customer and will be subject to all regulations of this Tariff.


                        b.         All charges for the Service will be computed as if the Service were to be billed to one Customer.  The Authorized User which has been designated as the Customer will be billed for all components of the Service and will be responsible for all payments to the Company.  In the event that the designated Customer or any Authorized User fails to pay the Company, each Authorized User shall be jointly and severally liable to the Company for all charges associated with its Service as well as any other Authorized User's Service.  Each Authorized User must submit to the designated Customer sufficient documentation for the purpose of confirming such Authorized User's acceptance of contingent liability for and guaranty of payment for its portion of all charges billed by the Company for joint use Service to the designated Customer.  This documentation must also specify that the Authorized User understands that the Company will receive a copy of the payment guaranty from the designated Customer.  The Company may also require credit information from Authorized Users as well as the designated Customer.  The designated Customer shall be responsible for allocating charges to each Authorized User of joint use Service, and Company shall have no obligation to seek collection from Authorized Users of joint use Service.


            .04       In addition to the other provisions in this Tariff, Customers reselling Service shall be responsible for all interaction and interface with their own subscribers or customers.  The reselling of Service by a Customer or reselling of Service with enhancements provided by Customer will not create a partnership or joint venture between Company and Customer nor result in a joint communications Service offering to any third parties by either Company or the Customer.


            .05       Neither the Service furnished by the Company nor transmissions or communications carried over such Service shall be used for any unlawful or fraudulent purposes such as:


                        a.         use of electronic devices, invalid numbers, and false credit devices to avoid payment for Services contained in this Tariff either in whole or in part; and


                        b.         to make calls which might reasonably be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another.


                        Nor shall Service be used for any purpose for which any payment or other compensation is received by the Customer except when the Customer is a communications common carrier, a resale common carrier or an enhanced Service provider who has subscribed to the Service.  However, this provision does not preclude an agreement between the Customer and Authorized Users in a joint use arrangement to share the cost of the Service as long as this arrangement generates no profit for anyone participating in a joint use arrangement.


            .06       Company's Services are not adapted to the use of recording devices and Customers who use such devices to record  conversations, or for other purposes, do so at their own risk.  Neither Customer nor any other entity may record a  conversation except as permitted by applicable law.


            7.         Payment Arrangements








            .02       Unless the Company requires an advance Payment Method or other arrangement due to Customer's presenting an undue risk of nonpayment, payment for all pro‑rated monthly recurring charges (charges for monthly Service provided for less than a calendar month), Installation and other non‑recurring charges shall be due 30 days from invoice date. Payment for all monthly recurring charges for full months during which the Service is to be provided following Start of Service shall be due in arrears 30 days from invoice date.  Company's invoice to Customer for Service under this Tariff will be computed each calendar month in advance of the Due Date for charges as provided above and as of Bill Date determined by Company.  The invoice date shall not be determinative of the Bill Date used by Company in the preparation of any particular invoice.  Customer will remit payment to Company at the remittance address indicated on Company invoices to Customer.  In the event Customer fails to pay Company's invoice in full or remit payment to the proper address 30 days from the invoice date, Customer shall also pay a late fee in the amount of the lesser of one and one‑half percent (1%) of the unpaid balance per month or the maximum lawful rate under applicable state law.  If a Customer presents an undue risk of nonpayment at any time, the Company may require that Customer to pay its bills within a specified number of days and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash.


            .03       In determining whether a Customer presents an undue risk of nonpayment, the Company shall consider the following factors:  (A) the Customer's payment history (if any) with the Company and its affiliates, (B) Customer's ability to demonstrate adequate ability to pay for the Service, (C) credit and related information provided by Customer, lawfully obtained from third parties or publicly available, and (D) information relating to Customer's management, owners and affiliates (if any).  Customers who present  an undue risk of nonpayment may be required at any time to provide the Company a security deposit, in cash or the equivalent of cash, up to an amount equal to the applicable Installation charges, if any, and/or up to six months' actual or estimated usage charges for the Service to be provided.  Such applicants or Customers may also be required, at any time, whether before or after the commencement of Service, to provide such other assurances of, or security for, the payment of the Company's charges for its Services as the Company may deem necessary, including without limitation, advance payments for Service, third party guarantees of payment, letters of credit, pledges or other grants of security interests in the Customers' assets, and similar arrangements.  The required deposit or other security may be increased or decreased by the Company as it deems appropriate in the light of changing conditions.  In addition, the Company shall be entitled to require such an applicant or Customer to pay all its bills within a specified period of time, and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash.  In case of a cash deposit, simple interest at the rate of 6% per annum shall be credited or paid to the Customer while the deposit is held by the Company.  At the Company's option, such deposit may be refunded to the Customer's account at any time.








            .05       If a Local Access Provider has established or establishes a Special Access surcharge, the Company will bill the surcharge beginning on the effective date of such surcharge for Special Access arrangements presently in Service.  The Company will cease billing the Special Access surcharge upon receipt of an Exemption Certificate or if the surcharge is removed by the Local Access Provider.


            .06       In the event the Company incurs fees or expenses, including attorney's fees, in collecting, or attempting to collect, any charges owed the Company, the Customer will be liable to the Company for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred.


            .07       If a Customer whose account has been closed has a credit balance remaining, the Company will transfer the credit to another account of the Customer, if there is one, or will mail a check for the balance to the Customer promptly following the written request of Customer.


            .08       Promotional and other credits offered by Company in marketing its Services cannot be assigned.  Such credits must be used by the Customer to whom they were offered or the Customer who earned them under the provisions of the offer.


            .09       The Installation charges set forth in this Tariff contemplate Installations made in normal locations and under normal working conditions.  Any installations made under other circumstances are subject to additional charges to be determined on an ICB basis.

















































            10.       Allowance for Interruptions


            .01       No credit allowances will be made for:


                        a.         Interruptions caused by the negligence of the Customer or others authorized by the Customer to use the Customer's Service.


                        b.         Interruptions during any period which the Company or its agents are not afforded access to  any Customer premise where Service  is terminated.


                        c.         Interruptions during any period when the Customer or user has released the Service to the Company for maintenance or rearrangement purposes, or for the implementation of a Customer Service order.


                        d.         Interruptions during periods when the Customer elects not to release the Service for testing or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis.


                        e.         Interruptions not reported to the Company.


                        f.          Defects occurring prior to Start of Service.


            .02       Company warrants that its Services will conform to the Technical Standards.  Following the Start of Service Date, if the Customer reports an Interruption in Service to Company at Company's Network Control Center and the affected Service is not Restored as warranted within one-half hour of such report, Customer shall, upon request directed to the Customer's designated Company Customer Service representative, receive a credit at the rate of 1/1440 of the monthly recurring charges applicable to Service directly affected by such Interruption of Service for each half hour or major fraction thereof in excess of the first half hour during which such Service fails to conform to the Technical Standards.  If a portion of the Service fails to conform to the Technical Standards at any time and over a period of thirty (30) days, the Customer may notify Company in writing of its conditional intent to cancel such Service in accordance with the

cancellation provisions herein.  If, over a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, the Service fails to conform to the Technical Standards, the Customer may terminate the affected portion of the Service for such cause and without a cancellation charge at the expiration of the notice period.  (See Cancellation of Service by a Customer).


            .03       Notice of Interruption should be reported by the Customer to the Company's Network Control Center.  An Interruption ends when the Service is Restored.  If the Customer reports the Service to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, the Service is deemed to be impaired, but not subject to an Interruption nor corresponding credit as provided in Section II.10..02.


            .04       If the Customer elects to use another means of communication during the period of interruption, the Customer is solely responsible for payment of the charges for the alternate service used.


            .05       WorldMark Private Line Service1 is subject to Company's Outage Credit Warranty (the "OCW") and subject to the following requirements:


                        a.         Company warrants the provision of uninterrupted WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service to Customer.  If Customer experiences an Interruption (as defined hereinafter) of the WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service for a period of thirty (30) consecutive minutes or longer from the time Customer reports such Interruption in WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service to Customer's designated Company Customer Service Representative, Customer shall receive a credit at the rate of 1/30 of the monthly recurring charges applicable to the WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service directly affected by such Interruption (the "Outage Credit").  For purposes of the communication between two locations (i.e., communication is completely inaccessible between two (2) WorldMark Private Line connected locations) at any time during the Service Commitment Period.


                        b.         Outage Credits are limited to 1/30 of the monthly recurring charges of the WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service affected by an Interruption within any twenty-four (24) hour period (i.e., 12:00 a.m. through 11:59:59 p.m.).







                        d.         If Customer's Outage Credits during any thirty (30) consecutive day period for any of Customer's WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service equal to the monthly recurring charges for the WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service in question, Company may at its sole option discontinue providing WorldMark Private Line Service to Customer.


                        e.         If Company discontinues providing WorldMark Service to Customer pursuant to Section IV.10.02.d above, no early termination liabilities will be enforced.


                        f.          Outage Credits will be given for Interruptions of WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service which are caused by a failure in:


                                    i.          The Company NetWork;

                                    ii.         Company long distance backhauls; or

                                    iii.         Dedicated local access.


                        g.         Outage Credits shall be applied against Customer's then-current charges for service provided by Company within sixty (60) calendar days from the day Customer reports an Interruption of WorldMark Private Line Warranted Service as described herein.




1           WorldMark Private Line Service and any related WorldMark Services are no longer available to new customers as of May 22, 1998.


            11.       Method for Calculation of Airline Mileage


                        The airline mileage between two cities can be calculated using the Vertical (V) and Horizontal (H) coordinates of the serving wire centers associated with the Company's POP locations.  The method for calculating the airline mileage is obtained by reference to AT&T's Tariff F.C.C. No. 10 according to the following formula:


((V1 – V2)2 + (H1 – H2)2/10


                        where V1 and H1 correspond to the V&H coordinates of City 1 and V2 and H2 correspond to the V&H coordinates of City 2.




                                                                   V                     H


                                    City 1                   5004                1406

                                    City 2                   5987                3424



((5004 – 5987)2 + (1406 – 3424)2/10


                        The result is 709.83 miles.  Any fractional miles are rounded to the next higher whole number; therefore, the airline mileage for this example is 710 miles.


                        For Interexchange Service for which the two points of the circuit terminate at the same Point of Presence, the mileage is 0.



















































            14.       Change in Service Arrangement


                        When a change in Service arrangement involves the continued use by the Customer of the exact Interexchange Channels furnished by the Company prior to the change in Service, such as a change of Local Access on one Channel-end, Interexchange Service Installation charges do not apply to the Channel(s) continued in use, however, other Local Access and/or Ancillary Charges may apply depending on the nature of the change in Service arrangement requested.  The Service Commitment Period for the IXC Channels continued in use is determined from the Start of Service Date.


            15.       Inspection


                        The Company may, upon notice, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the requirements of this Tariff are being complied with in the Installation, operation or maintenance of Customer or the Company's equipment.  The Company may interrupt the Service at any time, without penalty to the Company, because of departure from any of these requirements.


            16.       Testing and Adjustment


                        Upon reasonable notice, the Channels provided by the Company shall be made available to the Company for such tests and adjustments as may be necessary to maintain them in satisfactory condition; no interruption allowance will be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made.


            17.       Interconnection with Other Carriers


            .01       Service furnished by the Company may be connected with Services or facilities of another carrier.  Such interconnection may be made as authorized by the Company at the Company POP or entrance site, at a POP of another carrier, or at the Customer Premises, or premises of an Authorized User.  Service furnished by the Company is not part of a joint undertaking with such other carriers.


                        .02       Any special interface equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities of the Company and other participating carriers shall be provided at the Customer's expense.  Upon the Customer's request and acting as its authorized agent, the Company will attempt to make the necessary arrangements for such interconnection.


            18.       Customer Provided Equipment


                        Customer Premises Circuit terminating equipment such as Channel Service units (CSUs) and Multiplexing equipment and any other terminal equipment such as telephone sets or systems shall be provided by the Customer and furnished and maintained at the Customer's expense, except as expressly provided otherwise in writing and set forth in a Service Application accepted by an authorized representative of Company.













                        The following Technical Standards for Private Line Services set forth objectives for Company to follow.  In no circumstance shall these Technical Standards be construed as creating any warranty on the part of Company, with the exception of those warranties expressly set forth in the preceding sections of this Tariff.




            2.01     Technical Standards for DS‑0 Service with VF Access


                        A.         Interconnection Specifications


                        Defined in Bellcore Technical Reference TR‑NPL‑000335 and those publications referenced therein for Voice Frequency (300‑3,000 hertz Voice Grade) interconnection.


                        B.         Quality Standards


                                    1.         General.


                                    Standards for DS‑0 Service with VF Access apply independently for Local Access and Interexchange Facilities and exclude non‑performance due to the circumstances listed in Section II.3..01 or planned Interruptions for necessary maintenance purposes.  Local Access standards apply on a one‑way basis between each Customer Premises Network Interface Point ("CPNIP") and the Company Point-of-Presence.  Interexchange standards apply on a one‑way basis between the originating and terminating Company Points-of-Presence.  The actual End‑to‑End performance of the Service (CPNIP to CPNIP) will be a combined function of the Local Access and Interexchange Service specifications and may be affected by the Customer provided equipment, dependent on the type and quality of Customer equipment used.


                                    2.         Interexchange Standards.


                                    The performance of the Interexchange Service portion of DS‑0 Service with VF Access is measured by availability and error‑free‑seconds.  Availability is a measure of the percent of total time that Service is operative when measured over a 365 consecutive day (8760 hour) period. Service is considered inoperative when there has been a loss of signal or when two consecutive 15-second Interexchange loop-back tests confirm the observation of any severely errored seconds or a bit error rate equal to or worse than 1 x 10‑6.  Error Free Seconds ("EFS") is a measure of the percentage of total seconds that do not contain bit errors when measured over a consecutive 24 hour period.  EFS shall be measured using a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence test pattern as defined in CCITT Recommendation 0.151.  The following are the standards applicable to the Interexchange portion of DS‑0 Service with VF Access:


                                        Route                                   Interexchange             Interexchange

                                      Mileage                                     Disponibilidad            Error Free Seconds


                                           0   ‑   250                                 99.950%                      99.970%

                                       251   ‑ 1000                                 99.920%                      99.970%

                                     1001   +                                          99.880%                      99.960%


            3.         Local Access Standards


                        The Voice Frequency (Voice Grade) Local Access facilities relevant to DS‑0 Service with VF Access will meet or exceed the Local Access Provider standards for the applicable Service as defined in Technical Publications 41004, 62501, and/or 62501.  For the purpose of applying Interruption credits, Service is considered inoperative when there has been a loss of continuity and the Service does not meet the transmission standards contained in the above‑referenced Technical Publications.  (Customer provided modem-to-modem transmissions may not meet performance objectives.)


            2.02     Technical Standards For DS‑0 Service with DDS Access


                        A.         Interconnection Specifications


                                    Defined in Technical Reference Publication 62507 and publications referenced therein.


                        B.         Quality Standards


                        1.         General


                                    Standards for DS‑0 Service with DDS Access apply on a one‑way basis between the CPNIP which are connected to DDS Local Access facilities between which the Interexchange portion of DS‑0 Service with DDS Access is provided (i.e., CPNIP‑to‑CPNIP or End‑to‑End) and exclude nonperformance due to reasons set forth in Section II.3..01 or planned Interruptions for necessary maintenance purposes.  The actual End‑to‑End availability and performance of DS‑0 Service with DDS Access may be affected by the Customer provided equipment.  DS‑0 Service with DDS Access may be configured with 2.4 Kbps, 4.8 Kbps, 9.6 Kbps, or 56 Kbps DDS Local Access facilities.


                                    2.         Availability


                                    Availability is a measurement of the percent of total time that Service is operative when measured over a 365 consecutive day (8760 hour) period.  DS‑0 Service with DDS Access is considered inoperative when there has been a loss of signal or when two consecutive 15 second loop‑back tests confirm the observation of any severely errored seconds or a bit error rate equal to or worse than 1 x 10‑6.  The availability of Local Access facilities relevant to DS‑0 Service with DDS Access is based upon specifications published by Local Access Providers.  The Interexchange, Local Access and End‑to‑End.


                                    Availability Standards for DS‑0 Service with DDS Access corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:



                                      Route                Interexchange           Access Availability    End‑to‑End

                                     Mileage                 Disponibilidad                     (Per Loop)           Disponibilidad


                                           0   ‑   250         99.950%                      99.975%                 99.900%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.920%                      99.975%                 99.870%

                                     1001   +                  99.880%                      99.975%                 99.830%


                                    3.         Performance (% EFS, while Available)


                                    Performance is noted in EFS which are a measure of the percentage of total seconds when measured over a consecutive 24 hour period that do not contain bit errors.  Performance shall be measured on a one‑way basis using a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence test pattern as defined in CCITT Recommendation 0.151.  The performance for Local Access facilities relevant to DS‑0 Service with DDS Access is based upon an average of specifications published by Local Access Providers.  The EFS standards for the Interexchange, Local Access and End‑to‑End portions of DS‑0 Service with DDS Access corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:


                                                                Interexchange                                             End-to-End

                                      Route                   Error Free         Local Access Error Free           Error

                                     Mileage                  Seconds             Seconds (Per Loop) Free Seconds


                                           0   ‑   250         99.970%                      99.960%                 99.890%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.970%                      99.960%                 99.890%

                                     1001   +                  99.960%                      99.960%                 99.880%


            2.03     Technical Standards for 56 Kbps DDS Interexchange Service


                        A.         Interconnection Specifications


                        Defined in Technical Reference Publication 62507 and publications referenced therein.


                        B.         Quality Standards


                        1.         General


                        56 Kilobits per second ("Kbps") digital data Service ("DDS") Interexchange ("IXC") Service (hereinafter "56K DDS IXC Service") standards shall apply to all digital dedicated Service designed for full duplex data transmission at synchronous speeds of 56 Kbps.  56K DDS IXC Service standards apply between the CPNIPs between which 56 Kbps DDS IXC Service is provided (CPNIP‑to‑CPNIP or End‑to‑End) and exclude nonperformance due to reasons set forth in Section II.3..01 or planned Interruptions for necessary maintenance purposes.  The actual End‑to‑End availability and performance of 56K DDS IXC Service may be affected by the Customer provided equipment.


                        2.         Availability


                        Availability is a measurement of the percent of total time that Service is operative when measured over a 365 consecutive day (8760 hour) period.  56K DDS IXC Service is considered inoperative when there has been a loss of signal or when two consecutive 15 second loop‑back tests confirm the observation of any severely errored seconds or a bit error rate equal to or worse than 1 x 10‑6.  The availability of Local Access facilities relevant to 56K DDS IXC Service is based upon specifications published by Local Access Providers.  The Interexchange, Local Access and End‑to‑End availability standards for 56K DDS IXC Service corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:



                                      Route             Interexchange             Access Availability      End‑to‑End

                                     Mileage              Disponibilidad                      (Per Loop)             Disponibilidad


                                           0   ‑   250         99.970%                      99.975%                 99.920%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.940%                      99.975%                 99.890%

                                     1001   +                  99.920%                      99.975%                 99.870%


                        3.         Performance (% EFS, while Available)


                        Performance is noted in EFS which are a measure of the percentage of total seconds when measured over a consecutive 24 hour period that do not contain bit errors.  The performance for 56 Kbps DDS Level Local Access Service is based upon an average of specifications published by Local Access Providers.  The EFS standards for the Interexchange, Local Access and End‑to‑End portions of 56K DDS IXC Service corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:


                                                                Interexchange                    Local                End‑to End

                                      Route                   Error Free             Access Error Free              Error

                                     Mileage                  Seconds             Seconds (Per Loop) Free Seconds


                                           0   ‑   250         99.970%                      99.960%                 99.890%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.970%                      99.960%                 99.890%

                                     1001   +                  99.960%                      99.960%                 99.880%


            2.04     Technical Standards for Fractional DS‑1 Service


                        A.         Interconnection Specifications


                        Interconnection between the Customer's Premises and the Fractional DS‑1 Service will be via a Local Access Provider DS‑1 Circuit as defined in ANSI Standard T1.102 and Technical Reference Publications 54014 Section 4.  The Customer provided multiplexer located at the Customer's Premises must be D4 Channelized and D4 framed to maintain compatibility with the Company or Local Access Provider M24 Multiplex Service ("M24").  The Customer provided multiplexer must also be capable of being loop timed from the Company or Local Access Provided M24.  The DSX‑1 jack at the Customer's Premises connecting Local Access facilities with Customer's Premises wiring shall be considered the CPNIP for Fractional DS‑1 Service.  Company recommends that Customers use CSUs equipped for extended superframe format which comply with the T1.403 Standard.


                        1.         General


                        Standards apply on a one‑way basis between the CPNIPs between which FDS‑1 Service is provided (CPNIP to CPNIP or End‑to‑End) and exclude nonperformance due to conditions described in Section II.3..01 or planned Interruptions for necessary maintenance.  These standards are determined between two discrete segments (Interexchange and Local Access) and combined for application between CPNIPs (End‑to‑End).  The actual End‑to‑End availability and performance of Fractional DS‑1 Service may be affected by the Customer provided equipment, dependent upon the type and quality of Customer Premises equipment used.  When the Channel carries analog data Services, EFS and availability are dependent upon the Customer provided modem.  The Local Access performance specifications apply when Company provides this Service for the Customer.  Customer provided Local Access may not meet these performance criteria.  In the event Customer provides Local Access, Company shall only be required to satisfy the Interexchange availability and performance standards.


                        2.         Availability


                        Availability is a measurement of the percent of total time that Service is operative when measured over a 365 consecutive day (8760 hour) period.  Fractional DS‑1 Service is considered inoperative when there has been a loss of signal or when two consecutive 15 second loop‑back tests confirm the observation of any severely errored seconds or a bit error rate equal to or worse than 1 x 10‑6.  The availability of DS‑1 level Local Access facilities relevant to Fractional DS‑1 is based upon specifications published by Local Access Providers.  The Interexchange, Local Access and End‑to‑End Availability Standards for Fractional DS‑1 Service corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:



                                      Route                Interexchange           Access Availability    End‑to‑End

                                     Mileage                 Disponibilidad                     (Per Loop)           Disponibilidad


                                           0   ‑   250         99.970%                      99.950%                 99.870%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.960%                      99.950%                 99.860%

                                     1001   +                  99.950%                      99.950%                 99.850%


                        3.         Performance (% EFS, While Available)


                        Performance is noted in EFS which are a measure of the percentage of total seconds when measured over a consecutive 24 hour period that do not contain bit errors.  Performance is measured as a percentage of EFS (% EFS) where an errored second is defined as a second containing one or more bit errors.  The performance for the DS‑1 level Local Access facilities relevant to Fractional DS‑1 Service is based specifications published by Local Access Providers.  The EFS standards for the Interexchange, Local Access and End‑to‑End portions of Fractional DS-1 Service corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:


                                                                Interexchange                    Local                End‑to-End

                                      Route                   Error Free             Access Error Free                Error

                                     Mileage                  Seconds             Seconds (Per Loop) Free Seconds


                                           0   ‑   250         99.990%                      99.960%                 99.910%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.980%                      99.960%                 99.900%

                                     1001   +                  99.970%                      99.960%                 99.890%


            2.05     Technical Standards for DS‑1 (1.544 Mbps) Service


                        A.         Interconnection Specifications


                        Defined in ANSI Standard T1.102 (formerly AT&T Compatibility Bulletin 119) and Technical Reference Publication 62411.


                        B.         Quality Standards


                        1.         General


                        DS‑1 Service standards apply on a one‑way basis between the CPNIP which are connected to Local Access between which DS‑1 Interexchange Service is provided (CPNIP‑to‑CPNIP or End‑to‑End) and exclude nonperformance due to reasons set forth in Section II.3..01 or planned Interruptions for necessary maintenance purposes.  The actual End‑to‑End availability and performance of DS‑1 Service may be affected by the Customer provided equipment.  Company recommends that Customers use CSUs equipped for extended superframe format which comply with the T1.403 standard.  The Local Access performance specifications apply when Company provides this service for the Customer.  Customer provided Local Access may not meet these performance criteria.  In the event Customer provides Local Access, Company shall only be required to satisfy the Interexchange availability and performance standards.


                        2.         Availability


                        Availability is a measurement of the percent of total time that Service is operative when measured over a 365 consecutive day (8760 hour) period.  DS‑1 Service is considered inoperative when there has been a loss of signal or when two consecutive 15 second loop‑back tests confirm the observation of any severely errored seconds or a bit error rate equal to or worse than 1 x 10‑6.  The availability of DS‑1 level Local Access facilities relevant to DS‑1 Service is based upon specifications published by Local Access Providers.  The Interexchange, Local Access and End‑to‑End Availability Standards for DS‑1 Service corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:



                                      Route                Interexchange           Access Availability    End‑to‑End

                                     Mileage                 Disponibilidad                     (Per Loop)           Disponibilidad


                                           0   ‑   250         99.980%                      99.950%                 99.880%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.970%                      99.950%                 99.870%

                                     1001   +                  99.960%                      99.950%                 99.860%


            3.         Performance (% EFS, While Available)


            Performance is noted in EFS which are a measure of the percentage of total seconds when measured over a consecutive 24 hour period that do not contain bit errors.  Performance shall be measured on a one‑way basis using a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence test pattern as defined in CCITT Recommendation 0.151.  The performance for DS‑1 Local Access facilities is based upon an average of specifications published by Local Access Providers.  The EFS standards for the Interexchange, Local Access and End‑to‑End portions of DS‑1 Service corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:


                                                                Interexchange                    Local                End‑to-End

                                      Route                   Error Free             Access Error Free                Error

                                     Mileage                  Seconds             Seconds (Per Loop) Free Seconds


                                           0   ‑   250         99.990%                      99.960%                 99.910%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.990%                      99.960%                 99.910%

                                     1001   +                  99.980%                      99.960%                 99.900%


            2.06     Technical Standards for DS-3 Service


                        A.         Interconnection Specifications.


                                    The Customer Premises Network Interface Point will be a DS-3 signal which is constructed as a DS-1 channelized signal meeting ANSI Standard T1.102 and Technical Reference Publications 54014 4, 62411 and 62411A1.


                        B.         Quality Standards


                        1.         General


                                    DS-3 Service standards apply on a one-way basis between the Customer Premises Network Interface Points ("CPNIP") which are connected to Local Access between which DS-3 Interexchange Service is provided (CPNIP to CPNIP or End-to-End) and exclude nonperformance due to force majeure or planned interruptions for necessary maintenance purposes.  The actual End-to-End availability and performance of DS-3 Service may be affected by the Customer provided equipment, dependent upon the type and quality of Customer equipment used.  (Customer provided Local Access may not meet these specifications.)


                        2.         Availability


                                    Availability is a measurement of the percent of total time that service is operative when measured over a 365 consecutive day (8760 hour) period.  DS-3 Service is considered inoperative when there has been a loss of signal or when two consecutive 15 second loop-back tests confirm the observation of any severely errored seconds or a bit error rate equal to or worse than 1 x 10-6.  The Interexchange, Local Assess and End-to-End availability standards for DS‑3 Service corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:



                                      Route                Interexchange           Access Availability    End‑to‑End

                                     Mileage                 Disponibilidad                     (Per Loop)           Disponibilidad


                                           0   ‑   250         99.980%                      99.950%                 99.880%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.970%                      99.950%                 99.870%

                                     1001   +                  99.960%                      99.950%                 99.860%


                        3.         Performance (%Error Free Seconds, while Available)


                                    Performance is noted in Error Free Seconds (EFS) which are a measure of the percentage of total seconds when measured over a consecutive 24 hour period that do not contain bit errors.  Performance shall be measured on a one-way basis using a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence test pattern as defined in CCITT Recommendation 0.151.  The Error Free Seconds standards for the Interexchange, Local Access and End-to-End portions of DS‑3 Service corresponding with various route Mileage are as follows:


                                                                Interexchange                    Local                End‑to End

                                      Route                   Error Free             Access Error Free               Error

                                     Mileage                  Seconds             Seconds (Per Loop) Free Seconds


                                           0   ‑   250         99.950%                      99.960%                 99.870%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.910%                      99.960%                 99.830%

                                     1001   +                  99.860%                      99.960%                 99.780%


            2.07     Technical Standards for DS-3 (44.736 Mbps) Service


                        A.         Interconnection Specifications.


                                    Defined in ANSI Standard T1.102 (formerly AT&T Compatibility Bulletin 119) and Technical Reference PUB 54014 4.


                        B.         Quality Standards


                                    1.         General


                                    DS-3 Service standards apply on a one-way basis between the Customer Premises Network Interface Points ("CPNIP") which are connected to Local Access between which DS-3 Interexchange Service is provided (CPNIP to CPNIP or End-to-End) and exclude nonperformance due to force majeure or planned interruptions for necessary maintenance purposes.  The actual End-to-End availability and performance of DS-3 Service may be affected by the Customer provided equipment, dependent upon the type and quality of Customer equipment used.  (Customer provided Local Access may not meet these specifications.)


                        2.         Availability


                                    Availability is a measurement of the percent of total time that service is operative when measured over a 365 consecutive day (8760 hour) period.  DS-3 Service is considered inoperative when there has been a loss of signal or when two consecutive 15 second loop-back tests confirm the observation of any severely errored seconds or a bit error rate equal to or worse than 1 x 10-6.  The Interexchange, Local Assess and End-to-End availability standards for DS-3 Service corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:



                                      Route                 Interexchange        Access Availability      End‑to‑End

                                     Mileage                   Disponibilidad                 (Per Loop)             Disponibilidad


                                           0   ‑   250         99.990%                      99.950%                 99.890%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.980%                      99.950%                 99.880%

                                     1001   +                  99.970%                      99.950%                 99.870%


            3.         Performance (%Error Free Seconds, while Available)


            Performance is noted in Error Free Seconds (EFS) which are a measure of the percentage of total seconds when measured over a consecutive 24 hour period that do not contain bit errors.  Performance shall be measured on a one-way basis using a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence test pattern as defined in CCITT Recommendation 0.151.  The Error Free Seconds standards for the Interexchange, Local Access and End-to-End portions of DS-3 Service corresponding with various route mileage are as follows:


                                                                Interexchange                    Local                End‑to End

                                      Route                 Error Free               Access Error Free                Error

  Mileage                  Seconds             Seconds (Per Loop)              Free Seconds


                                           0   ‑   250         99.950%                      99.960%                 99.870%

                                       251   ‑ 1000         99.910%                      99.960%                 99.830%

                                     1001   +                  99.860%                      99.960%                 99.780%



            01.       GENERAL CHARGES           


In addition to other service-related charges, FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee y CCRC apply.



            1.         WorldCom Private Line Interexchange Service is offered in the form of channels or Circuits dedicated to the use of a specific Customer. For Service ordered after January 1, 1994 (i.e. a renewal of existing Service, initial installation of Service, or month-to-month Service) the Base Rate applicable to each type of WorldCom Private Line Interexchange Service is set forth in this Section IV.


            A.         Customers subscribing to WorldCom Private Line Interexchange Service

                        may order Service on a monthly basis or for Service Commitment Periods of one, two, three, four or five years.


            B.         Customers of each type of WorldCom Private Line Interexchange Service who subscribe (on a per circuit basis) for Service Commitment Periods ranging from one to five years, inclusive, will receive a discount for the term of the Service Commitment Period and volume discount based upon the aggregate dollar volume of Base Rate charges to Customer.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, for Service received under the Base Rates effective January 1, 1994, Service to certain cities as indicated in Section IV.16.3. will be subject to the 0 dollar Minimum Monthly discount level as set forth in this Section IV., or will not be subject to any discount.  WorldCom Private Line Interexchange Service subject to the foregoing discount restrictions shall be referred to as "Restricted IXC".


            C.        The term "Minimum Monthly" as it appears in the discount tables set forth in this Section IV., shall mean the aggregate of all Base Rate charges for each WorldCom Private Line Interexchange Service and domestic WorldCom Frame Relay Service (regardless of whether such Base Rates are themselves subject to any discount limitation) which in total amount to, but do not include, the amount stated at each level of the relevant discount schedule (e.g. $0 - $2499, $2500 - $4999, etc.).  WorldCom's WorldMark Private Line Service1 Customers must have an aggregate of $15,000 Monthly Minimum Commitment of all WorldMark Services1 which include WorldMark Voice1, WorldMark Frame Relay1, WorldMark ATM1 and WorldMark Private Line Services1.


            D.        Other charges which may be applicable are Nonrecurring Charges (Sections IV.11 and IV.12), Ancillary charges (Sections IV.13 and IV.14), Local Access charges (Section IV.15) and Taxes (Section II.9..01 and .02).  Unless otherwise indicated, all reference to Miles or Mileage in this Section refers to Airline Miles.




1           WorldMark Private Line Service and any related WorldMark Services are no longer available to new customers as of May 22, 1998.


                        E.         Underutilization Charges


                                    In addition the following charges will apply.


                                    .01       Beginning in the fourth month following a Customer's subscription under a monthly volume commitment, if at the end of any monthly period of the term of service, a Customer fails to satisfy its monthly volume commitment, the Customer must pay the difference between the Customer's actual Qualifying Volume usage in that monthly period and the Customer's monthly volume commitment.


                                    .02       For Customers subscribing under an annual volume commitment, if at the end of any annual period of the term of service, a Customer fails to satisfy its annual volume commitment, the Customer must pay the difference between the Customer's actual Qualifying Volume usage in that annual period and the Customer's annual volume commitment.


            2.         DS‑0 (DIGITAL SIGNAL LEVEL 0) SERVICE


            .01       WorldCom DS‑0 Service With VF Access


WorldCom DS‑0 Service is a 64 Kbps dedicated digital Interexchange Service. With analog Voice Frequency (VF) Local Access facilities, WorldCom DS‑0 Service will support the transmission of analog voice and/or data within the frequency range of 300 ‑ 3000 Hz.  WorldCom DS‑0 Service with VF Access combines digital long‑haul transmission with analog Private Line Local Access.


            .02       WorldCom DS‑0 Service With DDS Access1


WorldCom DS‑0 Service is a 64 Kbps dedicated digital Interexchange Channel  Service.  With DDS digital Local Access facilities, WorldCom DS‑0 Service may be utilized for the synchronous transmission of full duplex digital data at 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 56, or 64 Kbps.  WorldCom DS‑0 Service with DDS digital Local Access provides End‑to‑End digital Service.  In providing this Service, the source of synchronization for the End‑to‑End Circuit is Customer provided equipment.  Therefore, synchronization for the End‑to‑End Circuit is the responsibility of Customer.


            .03       WorldCom DS-0 Monthly Base Rates


                        A.         For WorldCom DS-0 Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                       Fixed2           Per-Mile


                                                    0                                   $  52.50                 N/A

                                                    1   -  100                        328.00               $3.69

                                                101   +                               607.00                 0.48


                        B.         For WorldCom DS-0 Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                     Fixed2            Per-Mile


                                                   0                                 $  122.00                N/A

                                                   1      +                             587.00               $0.47


                                    See Section IV.16. for a listing of cities available for service.




1           This service is no longer available to new customers of the service as of November 3, 1998.

2           Charge applies per loop for 0 mileage circuits and per circuit for 1+ mileage circuits.


                        A.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom DS-0 Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                 Service Commitment Period                       

                                    Minimum                  1                 2                 3                 4                 5

                                     Mensual                Año           Years          Years          Years        Years


                                    $         0                     5%              6%              7%              8%            9%

                                    $  2,500                     7                 8                 9               10               11

                                    $  5,000                     8                 9               10               11               12

                                    $  7,500                     9               10               11               12               13

                                    $10,000                   10               11               12               13               14

                                    $15,000                   11               12               13               14               15

                                    $20,000                   12               13               14               15               16

                                    $25,000                   13               14               15               16               17

                                    $35,000                   14               15               16               17               18

                                    $45,000                   15               16               17               18               19


                        B.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom DS-0 Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                       Service Commitment Period               

                                    Minimum           Minimum       1            2            3            4            5

                                     Mensual             Annual      Año      Years     Years     Years     Years


                                    $     100           $   1,200          1%         2%         3%         4%         5%

                                    $     250           $   3,000          1            2            3            4            5

                                    $     500           $   6,000          1            2            3            4            5

                                    $  1,000           $  12,000         1            2            3            4            5

                                    $  2,000           $  24,000         2            5            6            8          10

                                    $  3,000           $  36,000         2            5            6            8          10

                                    $  4,000           $  48,000         2            5            6            8          10

                                    $  5,000           $  60,000         3            6            7            9          11

                                    $  7,000           $  84,000         3            6            7            9          11

                                    $10,000           $120,000         4            7            8          10          12

                                    $15,000           $180,000         4            7            8          10          12

                                    $25,000           $300,000         5            8            9          11          13

                                    $50,000           $600,000         8          11          12          14          16


            3.         WORLDCOM 56Kbps DIGITAL DATA SERVICE (DDS)1


                        WorldCom DDS Interexchange Service provides End‑to‑End digital Private Line Interexchange Service designed for use in data applications.  This Private Line Service is provided with DDS Local Access facilities and is designed for full time synchronous transmission at 56 Kbps.  In providing this Service, synchronization for the IXC portion of the Service is matched to the synchronization for the Local Access portion of the Service, as furnished by the applicable Local Access Provider(s).


            .01       WorldCom 56Kbps DDS Monthly Base Rates


                        A.         For WorldCom 56Kbps DDS Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                    Fixed2         Per-Mile


                                                         0                              $ 55.00            N/A

                                                         1    +                         704.00           $0.98


                        B.         For WorldCom 56Kbps DDS Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                    Fixed2         Per-Mile


                                                       0                           $    122.00         N/A

                                                       1   -    50                     675.00         $11.66

                                                     51   -  100                     886.00             7.42

                                                   101   -  500                  1,237.00             3.90

                                                   501   +                         2,297.00             1.78


                        See Section IV.16. for a listing of cities available for service.




1           This service is no longer available to new customers of the service as of November 3, 1998.

2           Charge applies per loop for 0 mileage circuits and per circuit for 1+ mileage circuits.


            .02       WorldCom 56Kbps DDS Discount Structure base on Service Commitment Period.


            A.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom 56Kbps DDS Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                  Service Commitment Period                      

                                    Minimum                  1                 2                 3                 4                 5

                                     Mensual                Año           Years          Years          Years        Years


                                    $         0                     5%              6%              7%              8%            9%

                                    $  2,500                     7                8                9               10               11

                                    $  5,000                     8                9               10               11               12

                                    $  7,500                     9               10               11               12               13

                                    $10,000                   10               11               12               13               14

                                    $15,000                   11               12               13               14               15

                                    $20,000                   12               13               14               15               16

                                    $25,000                   13               14               15               16               17

                                    $35,000                   14               15               16               17               18

                                    $45,000                   15               16               17               18               19


            B.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom 56Kbps DDS Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                 Service Commitment Period                       

                                    Minimum                  1                 2                 3                 4                 5

                                     Mensual                Año           Years          Years          Years        Years


                                    $       2,000                1%              7%            10%            12%          14%

                                             5,000                2                 9               12               14               16

                                           10,000              14               17               20               22               24

                                           25,000              17               21               23               24               26

                                           50,000              20               24               25               27               28

                                           75,000              20               24               25               27               28

                                         100,000              22               25               28               29               30

                                         200,000              24               28               33               34               35

                                         350,000              25               29               34               35               36

                                         500,000              26               30               35               36               37

                                         750,000              27               31               36               37               40


            4.         WORLDCOM FRACTIONAL DS-1 SERVICE


                        WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Interexchange Service requires DS-1 Local Access and a M24 Multiplex System (M24) provided by Company and used to control the number of channels provided.


            .01       WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Monthly Base Rates


                        A.         For WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                    Fixed1         Per-Mile


                                                         0                             $110.50            N/A

                                                         1    +                         607.00         $0.48


                        B.         For WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                     Fixed1        Per-Mile


                                                         0                             $122.00            N/A

                                                         1    +                         587.00           $0.47


                        See Section IV.16. for a listing of cities available for service.


                        WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Service requires a minimum order of 2 DS0 channels. Base Rates apply per channel.  Each channel in excess of the minimum is subject to a 1-month Service Commitment Period.


            .02       WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Base Rate/Multi-Channel Discount


                        The Base Rate per channel comprising each WorldCom Fractional DS-1 is subject to a Multi-Channel discount as set forth below.  Discounts are applied to the number of DS0 channels comprising each WorldCom Fractional DS-1 as of each Bill Date.


                                Number of Channels                        Descuento


                                          2  - 3                                           7.5%

                                          4  -  7                                         15.0

                                          8  - 11                                         20.0

                                        12  +                                            35.0




1           Charge applies per loop for 0 mileage circuits and per circuit for 1+ mileage circuits.


            A.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                  Service Commitment Period                        

                                    Minimum                  1                 2                 3                 4                 5

                                     Mensual                Año           Years          Years          Years        Years


                                    $         0                     5%              6%              7%              8%            9%

                                    $  2,500                     7                 8                 9               10               11

                                    $  5,000                     8               16               17               19               20

                                    $  7,500                   13               18               19               20               21

                                    $10,000                   19               20               21               22               23

                                    $20,000                   20               21               22               23               24

                                    $30,000                   21               22               23               24               25

                                    $40,000                   22               23               24               25               26

                                    $50,000                   23               24               25               26               27


            B.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                         Service Commitment Period             

                                    Minimum           Minimum       1            2            3            4            5

                                     Mensual             Annual      Año      Years     Years     Years     Years


                                    $     100           $   1,200          1%         2%         3%         4%         5%

                                    $     250           $   3,000          1            2            3            4            5

                                    $     500           $   6,000          1            2            3            4            5

                                    $  1,000           $  12,000         1            2            3            4            5

                                    $  2,000           $  24,000       10          16          17          18          19

                                    $  3,000           $  36,000       10          16          17          18          19

                                    $  4,000           $  48,000       11          17          18          19          20

                                    $  5,000           $  60,000       12          18          19          20          21

                                    $  7,000           $  84,000       15          19          20          21          22

                                    $10,000           $120,000       19          20          21          22          23

                                    $15,000           $180,000       20          21          22          23          24

                                    $25,000           $300,000       21          22          23          24          25

                                    $50,000           $600,000       23          24          25          26          27


                        .04       WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Conversion


                                    A Customer may elect to convert Fractional DS-1 Service ("Original Service") to DS-1 Service ("New Service").  The Customer must notify the Company in writing of the Customer's intention to convert Service.  Upon completion of conversion, the Service Commitment Period of the New Service will equal the remainder of the Service Commitment Period of the Original Service.  Cancellation charges for DS-1 Service will be incurred if the Customer reverts the New Service back to Fractional DS-1 Service or cancels the New Service prior to expiration of the Service Commitment Period of the New Service.




                        WorldCom DS‑1 Interexchange Service is a high capacity point‑to‑point Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full‑duplex transmission of digital signals at a nominal speed of 1.544 Mbps.


            .01       WorldCom DS-1 Monthly Base Rate


                        A.         For WorldCom DS-1 Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                    Fixed2         Per-Mile


                                                         0                          $   110.50            N/A

                                                         1    +                      5,158.00         $7.49


                        B.         For WorldCom DS-1 Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                    Fixed2         Per-Mile


                                                         0                          $   244.00          N/A

                                                         1    +                      5,780.00         $6.75


                                    See Section IV.16. for a listing of cities available for service.




1           This service is no longer available to new customers of the service as of November 3, 1998.

2           Charge applies per loop for 0 mileage circuits and per circuit for 1+ mileage circuits.


            .02       WorldCom DS-1 Discount Structure based on Service Commitment Period.


                        A.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom DS-1 Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                   Service Commitment Period                     

                                    Minimum                  1                 2                 3                 4                 5

                                     Mensual                Año           Years          Years          Years        Years


                                    $         0                   17%           19%           22%            26%          31%

                                    $  5,000                   23               28               32               33               35

                                    $10,000                   34               35               36               37               38

                                    $20,000                   36               37               38               39               40

                                    $30,000                   37               38               39               40               41

                                    $40,000                   38               39               40               41               42

                                    $50,000                   39               40               41               42               45


                        B.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom DS-1 Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                        Service Commitment Period            

                                    Minimum           Minimum       1            2            3            4            5

                                     Mensual             Annual      Año      Years     Years     Years     Years


                                    $     100           $   1,200          4%         5%         6%         8%       10%

                                    $     250           $   3,000          4            5            6            8          10

                                    $     500           $   6,000          4            5            6            8          10

                                    $  1,000           $  12,000         4            5            6            8          10

                                    $  2,000           $  24,000       15          17          19          20          21

                                    $  3,000           $  36,000       17          19          21          22          23

                                    $  4,000           $  48,000       19          21          23          25          26

                                    $  5,000           $  60,000       23          28          32          33          35

                                    $  7,000           $  84,000       27          32          34          35          36

                                    $10,000           $120,000       34          35          36          37          38

                                    $15,000           $180,000       35          36          37          38          39

                                    $25,000           $300,000       36          37          38          39          40

                                    $50,000           $600,000       38          40          41          42          45


            6.         WORLDCOM FRACTIONAL DS-3 SERVICE1


                        WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Interexchange Service requires DS-3 Local Access and an M13 MUX provided by Company and used to control the number of channels provided.  A Company MUX charge will apply at each Channel end.


            .01       WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Monthly Base Rate


                        A.         For WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                   Fixed                Per-Mile


                                                1 +                                $5,158.00               $7.49


                        B.         For WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                   Fixed                Per-Mile


                                                1 +                                $5,780.00               $6.75


                        See Section IV.16. for a listing of cities available for service.


                        WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Service requires a minimum order of 4 DS1 channels. Base Rates apply per channel.  Each channel in excess of the minimum is subject to a 1-month Service Commitment Period.


            .02       WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Base Rate/Multi-Channel Discount


                        The Base Rate per channel comprising each WorldCom Fractional DS-3 is subject to a Multi-Channel discount as set forth below.  Discounts are applied to the number of DS1 channels comprising each WorldCom Fractional DS-3 as of each Bill Date.


                                     Number of

                                     Canales                                    Descuento


                                          4  - 6                                         10.0%

                                          7  -  9                                         12.5

                                        10  - 12                                         15.0

                                        13  +                                            17.5




1  Beginning January 8, 2000, WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Service (D-3) will not be available to new customers of the service, nor may existing customers of the service subscribe to additional DS-3 service.


            .03       WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Discount Structure based on Service Commitment Period.


                        A.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                    Service Commitment Period                    

                                    Minimum                  1                 2                 3                 4                 5

                                     Mensual                Año           Years          Years          Years        Years


                                    $         0                   17%            19%            22%            26%          31%

                                    $  5,000                   23               28               32               33               35

                                    $10,000                   34               35               36               37               38

                                    $20,000                   36               37               38               39               40

                                    $30,000                   37               38               39               40               41

                                    $40,000                   38               39               40               41               42

                                    $50,000                   39               40               41               42               45


                        B.         Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly base rates for WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, based on Service Commitment Period:


                                                                                        Service Commitment Period              

                                    Minimum           Minimum       1            2            3            4            5

                                     Mensual             Annual      Año      Years     Years     Years     Years


                                    $     100           $   1,200          4%        5%        6%        8%       10%

                                    $     250           $   3,000         4           5           6           8          10

                                    $     500           $   6,000         4           5           6           8          10

                                    $  1,000           $  12,000        4           5           6           8          10

                                    $  2,000           $  24,000       15          17          19          20          21

                                    $  3,000           $  36,000       17          19          21          22          23

                                    $  4,000           $  48,000       19          21          23          25          26

                                    $  5,000           $  60,000       23          28          32          33          35

                                    $  7,000           $  84,000       27          32          34          35          36

                                    $10,000           $120,000       34          35          36          37          38

                                    $15,000           $180,000       35          36          37          38          39

                                    $25,000           $300,000       36          37          38          39          40

                                    $50,000           $600,000       38          40          41          42          45




                        WorldCom DS‑3 Interexchange Service is a high capacity point‑to‑point Private Line Service designed for the simultaneous full‑duplex transmission of digital signals at 44.736 Mbps.


            .01       WorldCom DS-3 Monthly Base Rates


                        A.         For WorldCom DS-3 Service installed after January 1, 1994 and prior to November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                Fixed                   Per-Mile


                                                    1  - 100               $17,578.00              $185.57

                                                101  - 499                 27,232.00                  92.75

                                                500  +                        33,228.00                  89.86


                        B.         For WorldCom DS-3 Service installed on or after November 3, 1998, the rates are as follows:


                                                Mileage Band                Fixed                   Per-Mile


                                                    1  -  100                 $28,350                $126.00

                                                101  -  500                   32,550                    84.00

                                                501  +                           34,755                    87.15


                        See Section IV.16. for a listing of cities available for service.


            .02       WorldCom DS-3 Discount Structure based on Service Commitment Period


                                                                                          Service Commitment Period            

                                    Minimum           Minimum       1            2            3            4            5

                                     Mensual             Annual      Año      Years     Years     Years     Years


                                    $    100            $   1,200          1%         2%         6%         7%         8%

                                    $    250            $   3,000          1            2            6            7            8

                                    $    500            $   6,000          1            2            6            7            8

                                    $  1,000           $  12,000         1            2            6            7            8

                                    $  2,000           $  24,000         1            2            6            7            8

                                    $  3,000           $  36,000         1            2            6            7            8

                                    $  4,000           $  48,000         1            2            6            7            8

                                    $  5,000           $  60,000         2            7          11          12          14

                                    $  7,000           $  84,000         2            7          11          12          14

                                    $10,000           $120,000       13          14          15          16          17

                                    $15,000           $180,000       13          14          15          16          17

                                    $25,000           $300,000       15          16          17          18          19

                                    $50,000           $600,000       17          18          19          20          21




                        .01       Price Protection Plan2


                                    Customers who select a Service Commitment Period for Interexchange Service or WorldMark Private Line Service1 of one, two, three, four,or five years after June 1, 1996 are automatically enrolled in the Price Protection Plan.  During the Service Commitment Period, Customer shall have the option to obtain the discount schedule for such IXC Service or WorldMark Service1 which is equal to Company's then-current discount schedule under this Tariff for IXC Service ("Published Price") upon the following conditions of the Price Protection Plan.


                                    Under the Price Protection Plan, if at any time during the Service Commitment Period any discount rate on the applicable discount schedule is decreased ("New Discount Schedule") for that Service the Customer will continue to be charged the discount in effect at the time the Service Commitment Period was initially selected.  If any discount rate on the applicable discount schedule is increased ("New Discount Schedule"), the Customer may obtain the affected Service with the New Discount Schedule by executing a new Service Order for the Service in question subject to a Service Commitment Period which is equal to or greater than the Service Commitment Period of the original Service arrangement ("Revised Service Commitment Period").  Any New Discount Schedule available to Customer pursuant to the foregoing provisions shall become effective with the commencement of the Revised Service Commitment Period as of a date not later than the first day of the latest calendar month/billing period occurring within the sixty (60) days next following Customer's execution and submission of the above-referenced new Service Order to Company.




1           WorldMark Private Line Service and any related WorldMark Services are no longer available to new customers as of May 22, 1998.


2           The WorldCom Private Line Service Price Protection Plan is no longer available to new Customers or for additional circuits for those Customers currently under a Price Protection Plan as of January 26, 1999.


                                    Customers who selected a Service Commitment Period for Interexchange Service or WorldMark Private Line Service1 of one, two, three, four or five years on or before May 31, 1996 are automatically enrolled in the Existing Customer Price Protection Plan as described below.  During the Service Commitment Period, Customer shall have the option to obtain pricing for such IXC Service or WorldMark Service1 which is equal to Company's then-current pricing (i.e., Base Rates and discounts) under this Tariff for IXC Service ("Published Price") upon the following conditions of the Existing Customer Price Protection Plan.


                                    Under the Existing Customer Price Protection Plan, if at any time during the Service Commitment Period the Base Rates are increased for that Service the Customer will continue to be charged at the Base Rate in effect at the time the Service Commitment Period was initially selected.


                                    Under the Existing Customer Price Protection Plan, if at any time during the Service Commitment Period any discount rate on the applicable discount schedule is decreased ("New Discount Schedule") for that Service the Customer will continue to be charged the discount in effect at the time the Service Commitment Period was initially selected.  The Existing Customer Price Protection Plan shall be effective for the duration of the term of the Service Commitment Period for Interexchange Service or WorldMark Service1 selected by Customer before or on May 31, 1996, or any renewals thereof.  The Existing Customer Price Protection Plan shall also apply to additional services ordered during the Service Commitment Period for Interexchange Service or WorldMark Service1 selected by the Customer before or on May 31, 1996, or any renewals thereof.


                        .02       WorldMark Private Line1 Installation Interval Warranty


                                    WorldMark Private Line Service1 is subject to Company's Installation Interval Warranty (the "IIW") and subject to the following requirements.


                                    A.         The IIW applies to all Customer Orders for domestic U.S. DS-0, FT-1 and DS-1 WorldMark Private Line Service1 between Tier A Cities.


                                    B.         An installation interval (the "Installation Interval") will commence on the date a complete Order for WorldMark Private Line Service1 is signed and submitted by Company on behalf of Customer.  In the event Customer requests changes to an Order prior to the completion of the Installation Interval, for purposes of IIW, the Installation Interval will commence on the latest date a change is submitted.


                                    C.        An Installation Interval will be complete when Company notifies the Customer that WorldMark Private Line Service1 is available for use by Customer.



1           WorldMark Private Line Service and any related WorldMark Services are no longer available to new customers as of May 22, 1998.


2           The WorldCom Private Line Service Price Protection Plan is no longer available to new Customers or for additional circuits for those Customers currently under a Price Protection Plan as of January 26, 1999.


                                    Company hereby warrants that WorldMark Private Line1 Warranted Installation Intervals shall be (i) eighteen (18) business days, or (ii) Customer's requested installation date, whichever is longer (the "Installation Deadline").


                                    A.         If the actual Installation Interval for any WorldMark Private Line Service1 ordered pursuant to the IIW (including dedicated local access installation which Customer requests through Company) is completed on a date later than the applicable Installation Deadline, then Company will issue a credit to Customer's account in an amount equal to (i) the Company installation charges for each WorldMark Private Line1 circuit and local access which did not meet the Installation Deadline (the "Installation Credit"), plus (ii) one (1) month's monthly recurring WorldMark Private Line Service1 monthly recurring charges for each WorldMark Private Line1 circuit and local access that did not meet the Installation Deadline (the "MRC Credit").


                                    B.         Installation Credits and MRC Credits shall be made by a credit against Customer's charges for services provided by Company during the first month following Start of Service.


                                    C.        WorldMark Private Line Service1 for which installation charge are waived pursuant to available promotions are not eligible for Installation Credits.


                                    D.        WorldMark Private Line Service1 for which one (1) month's monthly recurring charges are waived pursuant to available promotions are not eligible for MRC Credits.




1           WorldMark Private Line Service and any related WorldMark Services are no longer available to new customers as of May 22, 1998.


                        .03       Private Line Service Level Guarantee (SLG)


                                    The Private Line Service Level Guarantee (SLG) applies to WorldCom DSO Service, WorldCom DDS Service, WorldCom DS-1 Service, WorldCom Fractional DS-1 Service and WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Service circuits which are ordered on or after September 25, 1999, with a term commitment of at least one year. Customers will be eligible to receive special credit allowances for failure by the Company to satisfy two Performance Standards:  "Service Availability" and "Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)".


                                    Definitions:      For purposes of this SLG, the following definitions apply:


                                             Mean Time to Repair (MTTR):  MTTR is the period of time commencing with the date and time the Customer first informs the Company of a circuit Service Outage (i.e. opens a "Trouble Ticket") and ending on the date and time that service on that circuit is restored.


                                             Service Availability:  Service Availability is the total number of minutes in a monthly billing period during which service on that circuit is available for use by the Customer, divided by the total number of minutes in that monthly billing period.  For the purposes of this SLG, Service Availability will be calculated by taking into account the time between the initiation of a Trouble Ticket for a Service Outage and reductions in time for factors or conditions that are not the Company's service responsibility.


                                             Service Outage:  An unscheduled period of time when service is unavailable for use by the Customer.  A Service Outage is defined as 60 or more seconds of service unavailability within a 15‑minute period measured by the Company.  A Service Outage may occur as a result of the Company's failure to meet its performance obligations or for factors or conditions that are not the Company's service responsibility, including those specified in the "Exclusions" section below.


                                             Trouble Ticket:  The result of reporting by a Customer to the Company of a perceived Service Outage.


                                             Network Service Configuration:


                                                            Type 1 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished wholly via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities;


                                                            Type 2 circuits are those for which the local loop is furnished in part via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities; and,


                                                            Type 3 circuits are those for which the local loop is not furnished via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities.




                                    To be eligible to receive an SLG credit for a Service Outage, a Customer must: (i) initiate a Trouble Ticket within 72 hours of first learning of an Outage; and, (ii) make a written request for SLG credit to the Company within five days of initiating the Trouble Ticket.  When making an SLG credit request, the Customer must provide the Company with the following information: (1) the Trouble Ticket number; (2) the date and time the Trouble Ticket was initiated; and (3) the circuit ID number for each circuit that experienced the Service Outage.


                        Service Level Guarantees:


                                    Service Availability:


                                    The SLG for a Type 1 network configuration service is 100 percent. The SLG for a Type 2 or a Type 3 network configuration service is 99.8 percent.


                                    Mean Time to Repair (MTTR):


                                    The SLG for a Type 1 network configuration service is 2 hours.


                                    The SLG for Type 2 and Type 3 network configuration service is 4 hours.


                                    To determine whether the SLG has been satisfied, a monthly "MTTR circuit average" will be determined by dividing the cumulative length of service outages for a circuit by the total number of Trouble Tickets opened during a monthly billing period for the circuit.


                                    Credits:  During any monthly billing period in which the Company fails to meet an SLG for a circuit, the Customer will receive credit for that circuit, as follows:


                                             For a one month failure, the Company will provide a credit equal to 5 percent of the monthly recurring circuit charges, after application of all discounts.


                                             For a failure of two consecutive months, the Company will provide a credit equal to 10 percent of the monthly recurring circuit charges, after application of all discounts, for the second month.


                                             For a failure of three consecutive months, either: (1) the Company will provide a credit equal to 15 percent of the monthly recurring circuit charges, after application of all discounts, for the third month and each consecutive month thereafter that the Customer remains subscribed to the circuit and the Company fails to satisfy the SLG; or (2) the Customer may terminate service for that circuit without incurring termination liability, except for charges incurred prior to service termination, provided that the Customer notifies the Company in writing of its intent to terminate the circuit no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the third month or any consecutive month thereafter. For a failure of three consecutive months or more, the Company, upon written notice to a Customer, may terminate its performance obligations under this SLG, which will result in the application to circuit performance of the credit outage allowance provisions contained in Section II.10.


                                    Exclusions:  Service Availability and MTTR SLG calculations will not include time during which a Service Outage results from any one or more of the following:


·               Scheduled service maintenance.


·               Labor strikes affecting service.


·               Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency).


·               Service Outages attributable to the installation of a new circuit.


·               Service Outages attributable to: customer premises equipment (CPE); any third party equipment other than equipment furnished by LECs as part of their access services; or any Customer application on a covered circuit.


·               Any act or omission on the part of the Customer, its contractors, agents or vendors, including any refusal to release the circuit to the Company for maintenance, testing or repair.


            9.         REVENUE PLAN ARRANGEMENTS1


            .01       Only by written Service Application, which is accepted by an authorized representative of Company, may Customers obtain a Revenue Plan Arrangement ("Revenue Plan") for the Private Line Interexchange Service described in the preceding Sections 2. - 5. of this Section IV which is not Restricted IXC ("Qualifying IXC Service").  Each Revenue Plan shall be subject to a Customer Commitment Period (defined below) of at least one, two, three, four or five years.  The period between the effective date of a Revenue Plan and the expiration of the Customer Commitment Period shall be referred to as the "Term" of the Revenue Plan.


                        A.         From and after the effective date of a Revenue Plan and subject to the provisions of this Section IV.9., Customer may submit Service Orders for Qualifying IXC Service subject to the discounts in effect under this Tariff at the time the Service Application for the Revenue Plan is executed by Customer and Company.  Subject to other applicable provisions of this Tariff, Company will accept such Service Orders provided the Requested Service Dates therefor do not occur later than a date six (6) months prior to the expiration of the Term ("Plan Installation Period").


                        B.         The Service Commitment Period applicable to each Circuit of Qualifying IXC Service between the cities set forth in Section IV.16 shall be the longer of a period equal to: (i) the period  commencing with the Start of Service Date therefor and continuing until the expiration of the Term applicable to the Revenue Plan in question; or (ii) six (6) months.  Upon the expiration of the Term of a Revenue Plan, all monthly recurring charges relevant to Qualifying IXC Service (other than Qualifying IXC Service that has not completed its Service Commitment Period) will revert to Company's then current Base Rate and month-to-month Service Commitment Period discount, if any, applicable to Qualifying IXC Service then provided.  Upon the expiration of the Service Commitment Period relevant to each Circuit comprising Qualifying IXC, such Service will be subject to termination by either Customer or Company upon not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party.




1           The WorldCom Private Line Service Revenue Plan Arrangements are no longer available to new Customers as of January 26, 1999.  All new Customers of Private Line Service after January 26, 1999 will receive the MCI WorldCom Private Line Network Pricing Plans (NPP) as described in Section C.2.025 of MCI Telecommunications Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 (filed Pursuant to Special Permission No. 98-223 of the Federal Communications Commission).


            .02       Each Service Application for a Revenue Plan will set forth the "Customer Commitment Period" which shall be the period over which Customer shall obtain Private Line Interexchange Service subject to Base Rate charges at least equal to the "Minimum Monthly Commitment."


                        A.         The lowest Minimum Monthly Commitment available for Revenue Plans is $2,500.  The Minimum Monthly Commitment under a Revenue Plan will not include pro-rated charges for Private Line Interexchange Service, Local Access charges, Ancillary Service charges, Taxes or any other recurring and non-recurring charges for collocation of Customer equipment in Company POPs or other services provided to Customer by Company.


                        B.         The length of the Customer Commitment Period and the Minimum Monthly Commitment will determine the applicable discount of the Base Rate for Qualifying IXC Service, i.e., for purposes of determining the applicable discount of the Revenue Plan, the Customer Commitment Period equates to Service Commitment Period in the discount schedules and the Minimum Monthly Commitment equates to the applicable Minimum Monthly level in the discount schedules.


                        c.         WorldMark Private Line Service1 Customers must have an aggregate of $15,000 Monthly Minimum Commitment of all WorldMark Services1 which include WorldMark Voice1, WorldMark Frame Relay1, WorldMark ATM1 and WorldMark Private Line Services1.


            .03       Notwithstanding any provision of this Tariff to the contrary and provided Customer is not in default of its obligations pursuant to this Tariff, after a Service Order for Qualifying IXC Service is accepted by Company, Customer may cancel all or a portion of the Service described in the Service Order if Customer provides written notification thereof to Company thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of cancellation.  In such case, Customer shall pay to Company all charges for such Service provided through the effective date of cancellation plus a cancellation charge determined as follows:


                        A.         Prior to Start of Service, the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to one (1) month's Interexchange Service charge (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for the IXC Service in question plus all non-recurring charges which would have otherwise been due (e.g., Installation charges) upon Start of Service therefor and costs, if any, reasonably incurred by Company from third parties (e.g., Local Access providers or interconnecting carriers) as a result of such cancellation.




1           WorldMark Private Line Service and any related WorldMark Services are no longer available to new customers as of May 22, 1998.


2           The WorldCom Private Line Service Revenue Plan Arrangements are no longer available to new Customers as of January 26, 1999.  All new Customers of Private Line Service after January 26, 1999 will receive the MCI WorldCom Private Line Network Pricing Plans (NPP) as described in Section C.2.025 of MCI Telecommunications Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 (filed Pursuant to Special Permission No. 98-223 of the Federal Communications Commission).


            B.         Following Start of Service, the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to six (6) times the monthly Interexchange Service Charge (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for the IXC Service in question less monthly Interexchange Service charges for such Service actually provided to Customer through the effective date of cancellation (but in no event less than zero) plus costs, if any, reasonably incurred by Company from third parties (e.g., Local Access providers or interconnecting carriers) as a result of such cancellation.


                        Cancellation of any Private Line Interexchange Service authorized by Company on an ICB basis (e.g., Interexchange Service provided on a Diversity basis) or comprising Restricted IXC and further authorized by Company to be included in the Aggregate Base Rate Charge (defined in Section IV.9..04) relevant to a Revenue Plan will be subject to any cancellation charge required by the ICB arrangement, or if none is stated or in the case of Restricted IXC, a cancellation charge in accordance with Section II.4.


            .04       Commencing with the first calendar month/billing period of the Customer Commitment Period and continuing for each calendar month/billing period thereafter through the expiration of the Customer Commitment Period, the Customer subscribing to the Revenue Plan will obtain Private Line Interexchanges Service from Company pursuant to this Tariff which is subject to an aggregate of applicable Base Rate charges ("Aggregate Base Rate Charge") equal to the Minimum Monthly Commitment.  The Aggregate Base Rate Charge does not include pro-rated charges for Private Line Interexchange Service, Local Access charges, Ancillary Service charges, Taxes or any other recurring and non recurring charges for collocation of Customer equipment in Company POPs or other services provided to Customer by Company.


            .05       If Customer's Aggregate Base Rate Charge for any month in the Customer Commitment Period is less than the applicable Minimum Monthly Commitment, Customer shall pay Company the difference between the Aggregate Base Rate Charge for the month in question and the Minimum Monthly Commitment less the term/volume discount percentage applicable to the Revenue Plan [Note:  If the Minimum Monthly Commitment is less than $10,000 the DS-0 discount rate will apply; if Minimum Monthly Commitment is greater than $10,000 the DS-1 discount rate will apply] ("Deficiency Charge").


                        A.         The Deficiency Charge shall be in addition to the charges for Qualifying IXC Service and all other Service provided pursuant to the Revenue Plan.


                        B.         The Deficiency Charge, if any, shall be due at the same time payment is due for Customer's monthly recurring charges.




1           The WorldCom Private Line Service Revenue Plan Arrangements are no longer available to new Customers as of January 26, 1999.  All new Customers of Private Line Service after January 26, 1999 will receive the MCI WorldCom Private Line Network Pricing Plans (NPP) as described in Section C.2.025 of MCI Telecommunications Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 (filed Pursuant to Special Permission No. 98-223 of the Federal Communications Commission).


            .06       In the event:


            A.         Customer fails to pay the Deficiency Charge on or before thirty (30) days from its Due Date and after ten (10) days written notice thereof to Customer by Company (which notice may refer generally to an unpaid balance of Customer's account); or,


            B.         Customer fails to pay the Deficiency Charge on or before thirty (30) days from the Due Date therefor on two (2) or more occasions within a six (6) month period; or,


            C.        Service is terminated or suspended pursuant to the provisions of Section II.5.;


            Company may terminate all Service provided to Customer pursuant to the Revenue Plan and make due for immediate payment a charge ("Plan Termination Charge") in an amount equal to the greater of the following:


            1.         If the termination becomes effective prior to completion of the first year of the Customer Commitment Period, then the charge shall be an amount equal to the balance of the then-current Minimum Monthly Commitment times the number of months (or pro rata portion thereof) remaining in the Customer Commitment Period (i.e., the period during which such commitment was to be maintained) plus scheduled adjustments to the Minimum Monthly Commitment, if any, multiplied by the number of months relevant to the periods (or pro rata portion thereof) associated with such adjusted Minimum Monthly Commitment(s) through the expiration of the first year of the Customer Commitment Period plus twenty-five percent (25%) of the balance of such monthly Minimum Monthly Commitment(s) for the remainder of the Customer Commitment Period beyond the first year; or


            2.         If the termination becomes effective after completion of the first year of the Customer Commitment Period, then the charge shall be an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the balance of the then-current Minimum Monthly Commitment times the number of months (or pro rata portion thereof) remaining in the Customer Commitment Period (i.e., the period during which such commitment was to be maintained) plus scheduled adjustments to the Minimum Monthly Commitment, if any, multiplied by the number of months relevant to the periods (or pro rata portion therof) associated with such adjusted Minimum Monthly Commitment(s) through the expiration of the Customer Commitment Period; or




1           The WorldCom Private Line Service Revenue Plan Arrangements are no longer available to new Customers as of January 26, 1999.  All new Customers of Private Line Service after January 26, 1999 will receive the MCI WorldCom Private Line Network Pricing Plans (NPP) as described in Section C.2.025 of MCI Telecommunications Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 (filed Pursuant to Special Permission No. 98-223 of the Federal Communications Commission).


            3.         If at the time of termination: (i) the Service Commitment Period for each Circuit comprising Qualifying IXC Service between the  cities set forth in Section IV.16. is six (6) months, and (ii)  the Service Commitment Period of any other Circuit obtained under the Revenue Plan is either Restricted IXC or subject to an ICB arrangement, then the charge will be an amount equal to the total cancellation charges, if any, which would otherwise be applicable to the cancellation of Interexchange Service in accordance with Section II.4.; provided, that in any case the effective date of cancellation shall be deemed to be the date of termination or any earlier date of suspension; and


                        Regardless of whether Clause 1., 2. or 3. is determined to be the greater amount, the Customer is also liable for any charges, expenses, fees, or penalties incurred by Company or its affiliated companies due to cancellation of Local Access plus any costs, expenses, or additional charges reasonably incurred by Company on behalf of Customer as Customer's agent.


            .07       In the event: (a) an individual Circuit comprising Qualifying IXC Service under a Revenue Plan is canceled by Customer prior to completion of the Service Commitment Period relevant to the Circuit in question; or (b) Customer fails to obtain the requisite Aggregate Base Rate Charge during the Customer Commitment Period in order to maintain the then applicable Minimum Monthly Commitment; or (c) a Revenue Plan is subject to termination under the provisions of Section IV.9..06, Company's damages are difficult or impossible to ascertain, therefore, the foregoing provisions providing for individual Circuit cancellation liability of Customer, Deficiency Charges and/or Plan Termination Charges are intended to establish liquidated damages in the event of an early termination of individual Circuits subject to a Revenue Plan, a deficiency in the Minimum Monthly Commitment or termination of a Revenue Plan prior to fulfilling the Minimum Monthly Commitment for each and every month of the Customer Commitment Period and do not represent a penalty of any kind.


            .08       WorldCom Private Line Service - During the Term of a Revenue Plan, Customer shall have the option to obtain pricing for all Qualifying IXC Service which is equal to Company's then-current discounts under this Tariff for Qualifying IXC Service under the conditions in the Price Protection Plan described in Section IV.8 with the following exceptions.  Customer must elect to exercise such option within thirty (30) days following Company's notice of an adjustment to Company's discounts under this Tariff.  The Price Protection Plan will be available to Customer, provided Customer is not in default of its obligations pursuant to this Tariff and will apply to all Qualifying IXC.



1           The WorldCom Private Line Service Revenue Plan Arrangements are no longer available to new Customers as of January 26, 1999.  All new Customers of Private Line Service after January 26, 1999 will receive the MCI WorldCom Private Line Network Pricing Plans (NPP) as described in Section C.2.025 of MCI Telecommunications Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 (filed Pursuant to Special Permission No. 98-223 of the Federal Communications Commission).


                        A.         If Customer elects to exercise such option at anytime following the effective date of the Revenue Plan through a period ending nine (9) months preceding the expiration of the Customer Commitment Period, Customer must execute an amendment to the Service Application for the Revenue Plan within 30 days of the receipt of Company's notification of an adjustment to Company's discounts under this Tariff.  The amendment to the Service Application will set forth the then applicable Company's discounts under this Tariff for all Qualifying IXC Service.  The adjustment, if any, of the monthly recurring charges for Qualifying IXC Service will have an effective date not later than the first day of the latest calendar month/billing period occurring within the sixty (60) days next following Customer's execution and delivery of the Service Application amendment to Company.


                        B.         If Customer elects to exercise such option at anytime within a period nine (9) months preceding the expiration of the Customer Commitment Period, Customer must execute a superseding Service Application for a new Revenue Plan within 30 days of the receipt of Company's notification of an adjustment to Company's discounts under this Tariff.  The superseding Service Application for the new Revenue Plan will set forth: (a) the then applicable Company discounts under this Tariff for all Qualifying IXC Service; (b) a Minimum Monthly Commitment at least equal to Customer's then current Minimum Monthly Commitment; and (c) a revised Customer Commitment Period of at least one year.  The new Revenue Plan will have an effective date not later than the first day of the latest calendar month/billing period occurring within the sixty (60) days next following Customer's execution and delivery of the Service Application for the Revenue Plan to Company.


                        In the event of a reduction (and only such reduction) in applicable charges pursuant to this Section IV.9..08 causes the Aggregate Base Rate Charge to fall below the Minimum Monthly Commitment of the Revenue Plan then in effect, Customer may obtain a revision to the Minimum Monthly Commitment equal to the new level of the Aggregate Base Rate Charge obtained by applying the relevant Company discounts under this Tariff to Qualifying IXC Service.




1           The WorldCom Private Line Service Revenue Plan Arrangements are no longer available to new Customers as of January 26, 1999.  All new Customers of Private Line Service after January 26, 1999 will receive the MCI WorldCom Private Line Network Pricing Plans (NPP) as described in Section C.2.025 of MCI Telecommunications Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 (filed Pursuant to Special Permission No. 98-223 of the Federal Communications Commission).


            .09       WorldMark Private Line Service1 - During the Term of a Revenue Plan, Customer shall have the option to obtain pricing for all Qualifying IXC Service which is equal to Company's then-current pricing (i.e., Base Rates and discounts) under this Tariff for Qualifying IXC Service ("Published Price") under the conditions in the WorldMark Price Protection Plan described in Section IV.8 with the following exceptions.  Customer must elect to exercise such option within thirty (30) days following Company's notice of an adjustment to Company's Published Price.  The Price Protection Plan will be available to Customer, provided Customer is not in default of its obligations pursuant to this Tariff and will apply to all Qualifying IXCs.


                        A.         If Customer elects to exercise such option at any time following the Commencement Date and continuing for a period ending twelve (12) months preceding the expiration of the Customer Commitment Period, Customer must execute an amendment to the Revenue Plan agreement within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the Company’s notification of a Published Price adjustment.  The amendment to the Revenue Plan agreement will set forth the then-current Published Price for all Qualifying IXC Service.  The adjustment, if any, of the monthly recurring charges for Qualifying IXC Service will have an effective date not later than the first day of the latest calendar month/billing period occurring within the sixty (60) days next following Customer's execution and delivery of such amendment to Company.


                        B.         If Customer elects to exercise such option at any time within a period of twelve (12) months preceding the expiration of the Customer Commitment Period, Customer must execute a superseding Revenue Plan agreement within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the Company’s notification of a Published Price adjustment.  The superseding Revenue Plan agreement will set forth (a) the then-applicable Published Price for all Qualifying IXC Service, (b) a Minimum Monthly Commitment equal to or greater than the then current Minimum Monthly Commitment, and (c) a revised Customer Commitment Period of at least one (1) year.  The new Revenue Plan will have an effective date not later than the first day of the calendar month/billing period occurring within sixty (60) days next following Customer's execution and delivery of the new Revenue Plan agreement to Company.


                        C.        In the event of a reduction (and only such reduction) in applicable charges pursuant to this Section IV.9.09 causes the Aggregate Base Rate Charges to fall below the Minimum Monthly Commitment of the Revenue Plan then in effect, Customer may obtain a revision to the Minimum Monthly Commitment equal to the new level of Aggregate Base Rate Charges after applying the relevant Published Price to Qualifying IXC Service, provided, however, the applicable discounts shall also be adjusted to the corresponding Minimum Monthly level set forth in the discount schedules.



1           WorldMark Private Line Service and any related WorldMark Services are no longer available to new customers as of May 22, 1998.


2           The WorldCom Private Line Service Revenue Plan Arrangements are no longer available to new Customers as of January 26, 1999.  All new Customers of Private Line Service after January 26, 1999 will receive the MCI WorldCom Private Line Network Pricing Plans (NPP) as described in Section C.2.025 of MCI Telecommunications Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 (filed Pursuant to Special Permission No. 98-223 of the Federal Communications Commission).


            .10       Notwithstanding any provisions of this Tariff to the contrary and

                        provided Customer is not in default of its obligations pursuant to this Tariff, Customer may cancel and upgrade Qualifying IXC Service comprised of DS‑O or FT-1 Interexchange Service, as the case may be, to Qualifying IXC Service comprised of DS‑1 Interexchange Service  ("Replacement DS‑1 Service"), without being subject to any cancellation charge relevant to Company's Interexchange Service pursuant to this Tariff under the following conditions:


            A.         Customer provides Company with a minimum forty-five (45) business days notice prior to the effective date of such cancellation and concurrently therewith submits a Service Order for Replacement DS‑1 Service having a Requested Service Date therefor concurrent with the effective date of such cancellation;


            B.         The Replacement DS‑1 Service is available and uncommitted; and,


            C.        The cities served by the Interexchange Service affected by the upgrade continue to be served by the Replacement DS‑1 Service and, when applicable, a reconfiguration of DS‑0 or FT-1 Interexchange Service which is available, i.e., cities served prior to the upgrade will continue to be served by the same or higher speed Interexchange Service following the upgrade.


            D.        Customer will be liable for costs, if any, reasonably incurred by Company from third parties (e.g., Local Access providers or interconnecting carriers) as a result of such cancellation, provided Company notifies Customer of such costs within a reasonable time following receipt of Customer's Service Order to effect a cancellation under this Section and obtain Replacement DS-1 Service and Customer does not cancel the Service Order in question.




1           The WorldCom Private Line Service Revenue Plan Arrangements are no longer available to new Customers as of January 26, 1999.  All new Customers of Private Line Service after January 26, 1999 will receive the MCI WorldCom Private Line Network Pricing Plans (NPP) as described in Section C.2.025 of MCI Telecommunications Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 (filed Pursuant to Special Permission No. 98-223 of the Federal Communications Commission).




                        Customer Premises Circuit terminating equipment such as Channel Service units (CSUs) and Multiplexing equipment and any other terminal equipment such as telephone sets or systems shall be provided by the Customer and furnished and maintained at Customer's expense in accordance with the rules and regulations in Section II.




            .01       Installation Charges


                        Charges apply when the Customer requests new or additional Service.


            .02       Expedite Charges


                        Company charges for the Expedited handling of the Service order. Company will pass along to the Customer any Local Access Provider Expedite charges associated with the Customer's request for Expedited Installation.


            .03       Change of Requested Service Date


                        A change of Requested Service Date charge applies when a change of Requested Service Date is the only requested modification to the original Service order.


                        A.         If the first requested change of the Requested Service Date is received more than ten (10) working days prior to the Requested Service Date, there will be no charge.


                        B.         If the Requested Service Date has been changed once already, or if the request is made within ten (10) days of the original Requested Service Date, a charge will apply.


                        C.        An ASR charge will be assessed whenever a change of Requested Service Date is requested on Service orders including Company‑ordered Local Access.


                        D.        When the Customer requests that its Requested Service Date be extended, the new Requested Service Date must be within thirty (30) days of the previously set Requested Service Date.  If the new Requested Service Date is more than thirty (30) days beyond the existing Requested Service Date or unknown, the Service order must be canceled and re‑issued when a confirmed date is set.  A charge for a change of Requested Service Date also applies when the Customer requests an earlier Requested Service Date that does not require an Expedite.  Should an Expedite be required, the Expedite Charge supersedes the change of Requested Service Date charge.


            .04       Change of Order Charges


                        A.         Charges apply when a Customer requests a modification to the information contained in the original Service order prior to Customer acceptance of the Circuit other than a change of Requested Service Date.


                        B.         Administrative Charges


                                    If an ASR must be submitted to the Local Access Provider as a result of changes to Customer records such as billing address change, billing contact change, etc., then the Customer will be charged an ASR charge.


                        C.        Interexchange Service Charges


                                    Charges apply if the change necessitates a modification of the interexchange portion of the Circuit.


                        D.        Local Access Service Charges


                                    Charges apply if the change requires a change in the original ASR or if a new ASR must be submitted.


            .05       Order Cancellation Charges


                        Charges apply for Service orders canceled prior to Customer acceptance.  These charges are intended to supplement any Service Cancellation charges set forth in Section II.  Order cancellation charges are in addition to standard Installation charges.


            .06       Change of Service Charges


            Charges apply to changes made after a Circuit has been accepted by the Customer.


                        A.         Administrative Charges


                                    If an ASR must be submitted to the Local Access Provider as a result of Customer‑requested changes in Service, the Customer will be charged an ASR charge.


                        B.         Re‑engineering Charges


                                    Charges apply for orders that are re‑engineered due to a Customer‑requested change in local Service type.  Changes which require only modification of Local Access, but do not affect Interexchange Service will only be charged for the ASR.  Any  Local Access Provider charges incurred because of the change will be passed on to the Customer.


                        C.        Multiplexing Re‑arrangement Charges


                                    Charges apply when a Customer requests additional cross‑connections, within a M24 or on the side of an M13, after Installation of initial  equipment or changes to existing cross‑connects.


            .07       Roll‑up Charges


            When Customer replaces multiple DS0s with a new DS‑1 Interexchange or Local Access Service, or multiple DS‑1s with a new DS‑3 Interexchange or Local Access Service, Company will apply a single re‑engineering and/or ASR charge, rather than charging for the re‑engineering of each of the existing Circuits individually.


            .08       Additional Installation/Maintenance


                        A.         Charges apply when the Customer requests Installation or Circuit changes during non‑business hours.


                        B.         Charges apply when the Customer requests a technician at the Customer Premises or trouble that results from problems in the Customer's equipment.


                        C.        Charges apply when the Customer requests the provision of engineering design or other activities which are not normally provided as a part of the design and Installation of Service.




1.  Installation Charges


            A.         DSO & DDS1

                        1.         Per IXC                                                             $  150.00

                        2.         Per Local Access ASR                                      $    25.00

            B.         Fractional DS-1

                        1.         Initial, Per IXC Bundle                                       $  400.00

                        2.         Additional, Per IXC Channel                             $    75.00

                        3.         Per Local Access ASR                                      $    50.00

            C.        DS-1

                        1.         Per IXC                                                             $  400.00

                        3.         Per Local Access ASR                                      $    50.00

            D.        Fractional DS-3

                        1.         Initial, Per IXC Channel Bundle                        $2000.00

                        2.         Additional, Per IXC Channel                             $  200.00

                        3.         Per Local Access ASR                                      $  100.00

            E.         DS-3

                        1.         Per IXC                                                             $2000.00

                        2.         Per Local Access ASR                                      $  100.00


1  This service is no longer available to new customer as of November 3, 1998.


2.  Order Expedite Charges


            A.         DSO & DDS1

                                    Per Circuit                                                           $600.00


            B.         Fractional DS-1 and DS-1

                                    Per Circuit                                                           $600.00


            C.        Fractional DS-3 and DS-3

                                    Per Circuit                                                           $600.00


3.         Order Cancellation Charges


            A.  Pre-Engineering


                        1.         DSO & DDS1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $500.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                   $500.00


                        2.         Fractional DS-1 and DS-1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $500.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                   $500.00


                        3.         Fractional DS-3 and DS-3

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $500.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                   $500.00


            B.  Post-Engineering


                        1.         DSO & DDS1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $500.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                   $500.00


                        2.         Fractional DS-1 and DS-1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $500.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                   $500.00




1           Beginning November 3, 1998, this service is not available to new customers of the service.


                        3.         Fractional DS-3 and DS-3

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $500.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                   $500.00


4.         Change of Requested Service Date


                        1.         DSO & DDS1

                                      Per Local Access ASR                                      $100.00


                        2.         Fractional DS-1 and DS-1

                                      Per Local Access ASR                                      $100.00


                        3.         Fractional DS-3 and DS-3

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                            N/C

                                    b.  Per Cross Connect                                          N/C

                                    c.  Per Local Access ASR                                   $100.00




1           Beginning November 3, 1998, this service is not available to new customers of the service.


5.  Change of Order


            A.  Administrative Changes


                        1.         DSO & DDS1

                                      Per Local Access ASR                                        $50.00


                        2.         Fractional DS-1 and DS-1

                                      Per Local Access ASR                                        $50.00


                        3.         Fractional DS-3 and DS-3

                                      Per Local Access ASR                                        $50.00


            B.  Pre-Engineering


                        1.         DSO & DDS1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                            $50.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                       25.00


                        2.         Fractional DS-1 and DS-1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $200.00

                                    b.  Per Cross Connect                                           125.00

                                    c.  Per Local Access ASR                                       50.00




1           Beginning November 3, 1998, this service is not available to new customers of the service.


                        3.         Fractional DS-3 and DS-3

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $500.00

                                    b.  Per Cross Connect                                           250.00

                                    c.  Per Local Access ASR                                     100.00


            C.  Post-Engineering


                        1.         DSO & DDS1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $150.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                       25.00


                        2.         Fractional DS-1 and DS-1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                          $400.00

                                    b.  Per Cross Connect                                           250.00

                                    c.  Per Local Access ASR                                      50.00


                        3.         Fractional DS-3 and DS-3

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                        $2000.00

                                    b.  Per Cross Connect                                           500.00

                                    c.  Per Local Access ASR                                     100.00


6.  Change of Service/Re-Engineering


            A.  Administrative Changes


                        1.         DSO & DDS1

                                      Per Local Access ASR                                        $50.00


                        2.         Fractional DS-1 and DS-1

                                      Per Local Access ASR                                        $50.00


                        3.         Fractional DS-3 and DS-3

                                      Per Local Access ASR                                        $50.00


            B.  Re-Engineering


                        1.         DSO & DDS1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                         $ 150.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                   $  25.00


                        2.         Fractional DS-1 and DS-1

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                         $ 400.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                   $  50.00


                        3.         Fractional DS-3 and DS-3

                                    a.  Per IXC                                                        $2000.00

                                    b.  Per Local Access ASR                                  $ 100.00


7.  Additional Installation/Maintenance/Engineering


                        1.  Normal Business Hours                                             $100.00

                                                                                                                           per Hour

                                                                                                                           per person


                        2.  After Normal Hours                                                    $125.00

                                                                                                                           per Hour

                                                                                                                           per person



1           Beginning November 3, 1998, this service is not available to new customers of the service.




            .01       Cross‑Connect Charges:


                                    A cross‑connect is an electrical connection made between two DS‑1 Circuits  on  a  DSX‑1  cross‑connect  panel  or  two  DS‑3 Circuits  on a DSX‑3 cross‑connect panel in a Point-of-Presence.  Cross‑connections between non‑Company facilities and other facilities will be provided only for use with Company facilities and in conjunction with Interexchange Services provided by Company to the same Customer.


                                    Cross‑connect charges are determined by the level and type of facilities being connected.  Initial cross‑connections will be provided at no additional charge when there is associated Interexchange Service of the same level.  Charges for additional cross‑connects after initial Installation, or reconfiguration of existing cross‑connects, are covered under Nonrecurring Charges.  For cross‑connects within a M24 or MUX see M24 Multiplex Service and M13 Multiplex Service descriptions.


            .02       DS‑1/DS‑0 (D4) Multiplexing


                                    DS‑1/DS‑0 (D4) Multiplexing is a Service provided by the Local Exchange Carrier at the Local Exchange Carrier wire center that allows for the Multiplexing/Demultiplexing of DS‑0 level (analog or digital) Channels into or from DS‑1 Channels.


                                    D4 Multiplexing charges are Local  Access Provider specific and are based on charges billed by the Local  Access Provider.  Different charges apply for DS‑1 to DS‑0 analog and DS‑1 to DS‑0 digital Multiplexing. 


            .03       M13 Multiplex Charges


                        The M13 Multiplexing Service provides for the provision of M13 Multiplex equipment in a Company Point-of-Presence to perform the function of Multiplexing or Demultiplexing up to 28 DS‑1 level Interexchange or Local Access Circuits out of or into a single DS‑3 level Interexchange Service or Local Access facility.


                        Pricing is on a per M13 basis.  M13s will not be provided without associated IXC.  Initial cross‑connections necessary to establish this Service are included in the M13 pricing.  Charges for additional cross‑connects after initial Installation, or reconfiguration or existing cross‑connects, are covered under Nonrecurring Charges.  Pricing for DS‑3 and DS‑1 Drop and Insert applications is based on the number of M13s utilized.  When the Customer requires that Company be able to isolate and test individual DS‑1 Channels on a DS‑3  Channel connected to M13 Multiplexing, a separate DS‑3 subrate administration charge will also apply.  M13 Multiplexing Service is only available at approved Company, M13 equipment locations.


            .04       M24 Multiplex Service (M24)


                        M24 Multiplex Service can be used within the Company network for several applications. M24 equipment located in a Company Point-of-Presence is used to electronically multiplex/demultiplex DS‑0 level Channels from a DS‑1 level Channel or Local Access Circuit and then electronically cross‑connect those DS‑0 level Channels to either DS‑0 level Channel or Local Access or to a different DS‑1 level interexchange Service or Local Access.  The exact cross‑connection of the DS-0 subrate Channels between the Customer's facilities must be specified at the time of Service order.  Any change in the specified cross‑connection shall result in an additional Cross-Connect Rearrangement Charge.


                        The charges for M24 Multiplex Service (M24) are applied per Customer DS‑1 connection in all cases where Interexchange Service is provided at the DS1 level or the connection involves no Interexchange Service at all. Where Interexchange Service is provided at the DS0 level, no M24 Multiplex Service charges apply. Initial DS-0 Cross‑connections within the M24 equipment necessary to establish this Service are included in the pricing.  Charges for additional cross‑connects after initial Installation, or reconfiguration of existing cross‑connects, are covered under Nonrecurring Charges.  In cases where DS‑1 Interexchange Service is terminated in M24 equipment for connection to DS‑0 level Local Access facilities, a special DS‑1 subrate administration charge will charge will also apply.  Charges for M24 Multiplex Service must carry the same Service Commitment Period as the associated DS‑1 and/or DS‑0 Level Service.  M24 Multiplex Service does not affect the charges for the associated Interexchange Services and Local Access.


            05.       Sub‑Rate Administration Charges


                        Sub‑rate administration charges reflect the additional administration and maintenance burdens when higher capacity Service is broken down into lower level Channels which require individual tracking, testing and maintenance.  It is required on DS‑3 level Interexchange Service with M13 Multiplexing and DS‑1 level Interexchange with attached M24 except when the Customer signs a waiver acknowledging that Company will not be responsible for testing and maintenance of the lower level Interexchange Channels.  DS‑3 sub‑rate administration charges will apply when a DS‑3 level Interexchange Service has associated M13 Multiplexing equipment and the Customer requires Company to be able to test and maintain individual DS‑1 level Channels within the DS‑3 level Interexchange Service.  DS‑1 sub‑rate administration charges are mandatory when a DS‑1 level Interexchange Service is connected to multiple DS‑0 level Local Access Channels either through Company M24 or through Local Access Provider provided D4 Channel banks.


                        DS‑1 sub‑rate administration charges will also apply when Company M24 equipment is used to Drop and Insert Channels between DS‑1 level Interexchange Service and the Customer requires Company to be able to test and maintain individual DS‑0 level Channels within the DS‑1 level Interexchange Service.


                        Charges for DS‑3 and DS‑1 sub‑rate administration is per sub‑rate Channel with a maximum charge per DS‑1 or DS‑3 level Interexchange Service.  Where M13 or M24 connections are to be made between different Customer's Services, the Customer ordering the connection will be charged.


            .06       Echo Cancellation Service


                        With this Service option, Company provides the echo cancellation equipment necessary to cancel the echo caused by the total cumulative physical length that  transmissions routed over the Circuit travel from origination to termination.  Echo cancellation only applies to voice applications of DS‑0 Service with VF Access and DS‑1 Service. Company will employ echo cancellation equipment free of charge on DS‑0 and DS‑1 Services to be used for voice applications and with a Primary Route greater than 800 airline miles.  In cases where Customer requested routing, or other arrangements cause the Circuit length to exceed 800 airline miles, the Customer will be charged for echo cancellation Service if such Service is ordered.  Echo cancellation charges are applied per canceler and must carry the same  Service Commitment Period as their associated DS‑0 or DS‑1 Interexchange Services.  Echo cancellation Service provided on a temporary basis due to re‑route around network blockage or disaster will not be charged.


            .07       Collocation Charges


                        Collocation charges apply when a Customer contracts with Company to utilize space in Company Point-of-Presence locations for placement of Customer owned and maintained equipment associated with Services Company provides.  All pricing for collocation including: floor space, power, rack space, DSX‑1 or DSX‑3 cross‑connect panels, etc., is priced on an Individual Case Basis dependent on Customer requirements.


            .08       Bridging Charges


                        Standard point-to-point Private Line Interexchange Service links two  locations.  Bridging links three or more locations together on a single circuit.  Bridging is only available on DS-0 level Service with either digital or analog local access loops.  The number of bridges required depends on the configuration of a specific circuit.


            .09       Integrated Service Digital Network Services


                        Integrated Services Digital Network ("ISDN") Service integrates voice, data, and video communications Services via standard interfaces, allowing the Services to travel over common network channels.  Through Primary Rate Interface ("PRI"), a Customer may share Local Access facilities between Company Message Telecommunications Services, as described in Company Tariff FCC No. 5. PRI establishes Call-by-Call Service Configuration, which dynamically allocates individual circuits within the PRI. Company's ISDN PRI connects DS-1 level Local Access facilities to the Company network.  The interface provides 24 channels of 64 kbps each; the channels may be designated as either bearer ("B") or signaling ("D") channels.  The B channels are used to access Company Services supported over the PRI.  The D channels are used to carry signaling and control information for the associated B channels.  Backup D channels may also be designated to ensure multiple routes for signalling and control information.


                        DS-1 level Local Access facilities are required to obtain ISDN Service.  When ordering ISDN Service, a Customer must designate which channel will serve as the D Channel as well as which channel will serve as the Backup D Channel, if applicable.  The Customer also has the option to specify which channels will receive ISDN Service and those which will not receive ISDN Service.


                        After initial installation of the PRI, a Customer may add or delete groups of B channels in the DS-1 Local Access facility or may re-designate the D channel and/or the Backup D channel.  Each time the configuration of the channels within the DS-1 access facility is changed a Channel reconfiguration charge will be assessed.  These charges are in addition to normal DS-1 Local Access charges and other Company recurring and non-recurring charges.  Charges relating to ISDN Service are shown in Section IV.14.11. and are not eligible for any volume or term discounts.




NON-                  MONTHLY

RECURRING                           RECURRING

1.  Cross Connects

            A.  Company DS-1 IXC to DS-1

                  Local or Alternate Access                                                        N/C                  N/C


            B.   Non-Company DS-1 Facilities

                  to Non-Company DS-1 Facilities                                      $250.00             $50.00


            C.  Company DS-3 IXC to DS-3

                  Local or Alternate Access                                                        N/C                  N/C


            D.  Non-Company DS-3 Facilities to

                  Non-Company DS-3 Facilities                                          $250.00           $500.00


2.  Cross Connect Re-Arrangement Charges

            A.  Per DS-1 Cross Connect not

                  Associated with M24 or M13                                              $ 50.00                  N/C


3.         M13 Re-Arrangement Charges:

            A.  Per DS-1 Connection                                                         $ 50.00                  N/C

            B.  Maximum Per M13 Per Order                                           $500.00                  N/C


4.  M24 Re-Arrangement Charges

            A.  Per DS0 Connection                                                           $ 25.00                  N/C

            B.  Maximum Per M24 Per Order                                           $250.00                  N/C


5.         Local Access Provider D4 Channel Bank

            A.  Per Special Access ASR                                                   $100.00                  N/C


6.         M13 Multiplexing Charges

            A.  Per M13        $ 250.00                                                      $ 600.00

            B.  DS-3 Sub-Rate Maintenance

              1.  DS-1 Local Access channel

                      or Channel end                                                                    N/C           $  50.00

              2.  Maximum per M13                                                                  N/C         $1000.00


7.  M24 Service

            A.  Per DS-1 Connection                                                               N/C            $ 75.00

            B.  DS-1 Sub-Rate Maintenance

                  per DS0 Local Access Channel or IXC                             $  25.00

            C.  Maximum per M24                                                           $ 250.00


8.  Echo Cancellation Charges

            A.  DS0 Service with VF Access

              1. IXC equal to or less than

                  800 Airline Miles                                                                $ 50.00            $ 30.00

              2.  IXC greater than 

                   800 Airline Miles                                                                     N/C                  N/C

            B.  DS-1 Service

              1.  IXC equal to or less than

                   800 Airline Miles                                                              $500.00           $250.00

              2.  IXC greater than 

                   800 Airline Miles                                                                     N/C                  N/C


9.  Roll-Up Charges (Re-Engineering & Cross

            Connect Changes)

            A.  DS0 to DS-1 IXC                                                              $ 500.00                  N/C

            B.  DS0 to DS-1 ASRs                                                           $ 250.00                  N/C

            C.  DS-1 to DS-3 IXC                                                            $2500.00                  N/C

            D.  DS-1 to DS-3 ASRs                                                         $1000.00                  N/C


10.       Bridging Charges


            A. Analog Bridges, per Bridge                                                       N/C             $15.00


            B. Digital Bridges, per Bridge                                                        N/C             $20.00


11.       ISDN Service PRI Charges


            A.   Primary Rate Interface,                                                   $3000.00           $100.00

                  per DS-1


            B.   Backup D Channel                                                             $   0.00             $  0.00


            C.  Channel Reconfiguration                                                 $ 200.00             $  0.00

                  (B and/or D Channels)


            15.       Local Access Charges


                        .01       Local Access charges are subject to the provisions of Section II.2..10.  The rate information relevant to Local Access charges is available from the relevant Local Exchange Carriers.


                        .02       When authorized by Company pursuant to and ICB arrangement, Local Access charges will be in accordance with the ICB arrangement.


                        .03       Access Coordination


                                    In addition to the charges set forth in Sections IV.15.01 and IV.15.02, the following recurring charges will apply per Local Access channel for circuits installed prior to October 1, 1998, for the design and ongoing coordination of testing and trouble resolution for the Local Access channel.


Access Type                  Monthly Recurring Charge


Voice Grade, DDS, DS0               $  9.68

DS1                                                 24.20

DS3 and higher speeds                  36.30


                        .04       Central Office Connection


                                    In addition to the charges set forth in Sections IV.15.01 and IV.15.02, the following recurring charges will apply per Local Access channel for circuits installed prior to October 1, 1998, for the connection of Local Access to the Company network.


Access Type                  Monthly Recurring Charge


Voice Grade, DDS, DS0               $13.31

DS1                                                 30.25

DS3 and higher speeds                  54.45


            16.       Available Cities Listing


                        WorldCom Private Line Interexchange Service is available between the following cities at the Base Rates listed in this Section IV.


                        1.         Tier A Cities1


The Base Rate for Service between cities listed in Sections IV.16.1 or IV.16.2 will be included when determining a Customer's Minimum Monthly discount level as it appears in the relevant discount table set forth in this Section IV. and will receive the resulting discount.  WorldCom DS-3 Service and WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Service provided to any city or City Pairs not included in this Section IV.16.1. will be priced on an Individual Case Basis.













































































































































































































































































































































                    2. Tier B Cities1


The Base Rate for Service between cities listed in Sections IV.16.1 or IV.16.2 will be included when determining a Customer's Minimum Monthly discount level as it appears in the relevant discount table set forth in this Section IV. and will receive the resulting discount.   WorldCom DS-3 Service and WorldCom Fractional DS-3 Service provided to any city or City Pairs not included in Section IV.16.1. will be priced on an Individual Case Basis.


1  There are no longer any cities classified as Tier B Cities -- all Tier B Cities have been reclassified as either Tier A or Tier C Cities.


            3.   Tier C Cities1


            Company Service to or between cities listed in this Section IV.16.3.will be subject to the 0 dollar Minimum Monthly discount level as set forth in this Section IV., or will not be subject to any discount.  WorldCom DS-3 Service and WorldCom Fractional T-3 Service provided to any city or City Pairs not included in Section IV.16.1. will be priced on an Individual Case Basis.










































































































































































1.         WorldCom Bandwidth on Command (WBOC) Service1


            WorldCom Bandwidth on Command Service (WBOC) is a high capacity switched

            digital Private Line Service, designed for both on-demand and scheduled use applications.  WBOC Service is designed to support applications including point-to-point video conferencing, point-to-point high-speed data transmission and site only disaster recovery.


            WBOC Interexchange channels may be obtained between Customer designated locations in Intermediate Bit Rates (IBR) of 64 kbps to 1.536 Mbps in 64 Kbps increments.  Access to WBOC Service requires dedicated DS-1 level local access facilities.  WBOC Service to Customer sites not listed in Section IV.17.9.F herein will be priced on an individual case basis.     

2.         WBOC Reservations System


            All use of WBOC Service is scheduled and controlled by the WBOC Reservations System.  The Reservations System allows the Customer to schedule connections between specific pre-defined Customer sites.


            The Customer may either interface directly with the Reservations System via remote terminal access or may use an operator at the WBOC Reservations Center.  An 800 number will be provided for toll free phone calls to the Reservations Center.  The Customer will incur a charge for operator-assisted reservations.  The Customer must designate in writing a primary System Administrator who will be responsible for proper authorization of Customer users.


3.         WBOC Reservation Scheduling


            Scheduling of WBOC Service is subject to availability of facilities.  After placing a reservation request by either remote terminal access or by Reservation Center operator, the Customer will be informed if both the Customer and Company facilities necessary to complete the request are           available.  Reservations may be placed up to one year in advance.  Reservations scheduled by the Customer will not be preempted by any other third party usage.  A minimum advance notice period between the time the request is placed and the requested reservation Start Time is required as follows:



            Reservations Placement Method                    Notice


            Remote Terminal Access to the

            Reservation System                                        5 Minutes


            Placed Via Reservation Center

            Operator                                                          30 Minutes


            Consecutive Reservations

            (Require reuse of same facilities)                   10 Minutes




1  This service is no longer available to new customers as of November 3, 1998.


4.  Reservation Modifications


     Customer may modify information pertaining to the reservation that does not effect a change in the reservation design or routing. This information includes, but is not limited to, change in billing account number, billing department, and contact name.  A change to the reservation Start and/or Stop Time will be allowed, as facilities are available, providing the new Start and/or Stop Time encompasses the original Start and Stop Times.


5.  Cancellations of Reservations


     Reservations may be cancelled prior to the actual start of the reservation or prior to the scheduled Stop Time.  Reservations cancelled by Customer less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled Start Time, by either remote terminal access or Reservation System operator, will be subject to a cancellation charge calculated by multiplying the applicable Cancellation Factor listed below by the Usage Charge that would otherwise have applied for the confirmed session.


Cancellation Notice                   Cancellation

(Hours Before Start Time)              Factor


Greater than 24 Hours                No Charge


1 to 24 Hours                                  50%


Less than 1 Hour                             75%


Early Termination                            75%


     No cancellation charge shall apply for disaster recovery sessions in progress which are terminated in advance of scheduled stop times.


6.  Extensions of Sessions in Progress


     Extensions of sessions in progress may be requested by either remote terminal access or by a Reservations Center operator.  Requests for extensions require the same notice as listed in Section IV.17.3 above.  If the facilities in use for the session in progress are available, the session may be extended in fifteen (15) minute increments after the originally scheduled Stop Time. If the facilities are not available, the request will be denied.


7.  WBOC Warranty and Credit Provisions


     In the event that scheduled use of WBOC Service is interrupted by degradation or complete failure of the Service, Company will, upon notification by the Customer, terminate the session and issue a credit equal to the actual time used before the session was terminated, not to exceed four hours.  Credits will applied to the hourly usage charges in excess of the Customer's WBOC Monthly Minimum Commitment as described in Section IV.17.9.F.


1  This service is no longer available to new customers as of November 3, 1998.


8.  Customer Requirements


     At each Customer site, Customer must provide a DS-1 level local access facility and DS-1 level line terminating equipment which support B8ZS line coding, ESF framing and DS-0 channelization. 


9.  WBOC Pricing


     The pricing for WBOC Service consists of the following rate components.


     A.    Local Access Charges


     Charges for DS-1 Local Access facilities will be incurred as provided in Section IV.15.


     B.    WBOC Port Connection Charges


     A WBOC Port Connection Charge will apply as follows for each DS-1 level access connection at each Customer designated location connected to the Company WBOC network.


     Installation Charge:           $250.00 per DS-1 access connection

     Monthly Charge:                $ 75.00 per DS-1 access connection


     C.    Reservations Fee


     A Reservation fee will apply for each WBOC reservation as follows:


Reservation Method                           Reservation Fee


Via Remote Terminal Access         $0.00 per reservation

Via Reservations Center Operator $25.00 per reservation


            D. Virtual Private Line Interexchange Charges


            WBOC Interexchange Charges are billed on a monthly basis as a Virtual Private Line (VPL) connection between two Customer locations, at the lower of the total actual Hourly Usage Charges or Maximum Monthly Usage Charges, as described below.


            .01       Hourly Usage Charges


            The Hourly Usage is based on IBR capacity and session duration, defined as the difference between the reservation Start Time and the actual Stop Time, rounding up to the nearest fifteen (15) minute increment.  The Hourly Usage charge is then determined by multiplying the hourly rate by the session duration.  A thirty (30) minute minimum usage will apply for each session.




1  This service is no longer available to new customers as of November 3, 1998.


WilBand Hourly Rates



Mileage Bands

Ancho de banda


1 - 100

101 - 300

301 - 500

501 +







128 KBPS






192 KBPS






256 KBPS






320 KBPS






384 KBPS






448 KBPS






512 KBPS






576 KBPS






640 KBPS






704 KBPS






768 KBPS






832 KBPS






896 KBPS






960 KBPS






1024 KBPS






1088 KBPS






1152 KBPS






1216 KBPS






1280 KBPS






1344 KBPS






1408 KBPS






1472 KBPS






1536 KBPS









1  This service is no longer available to new customers as of November 3, 1998.


     .02  Maximum Monthly Usage Charges


     The Maximum Monthly Usage charges applicable to a WBOC VPL are calculated by adding the Monthly Fixed Rate to the Monthly per Mile Rate multiplied by the mileage between the two Customer sites.


            BANDWIDTH      MILEAGE           FIXED              VARIABLE


                    64                      0+              $256.25               $0.3500

                  128                      0+                474.06                   .6475

                  192                      0+                711.09                   .9712

                  256                      0+                871.25                 1.1900

                  320                      0+              1089.06                 1.4875

                  384                      0+              1306.88                 1.7850

                  448                      0+              1524.69                 2.0825

                  512                      0+              1640.00                 2.2400

                  576                      0+              1845.00                 2.5200

                  640                      0+              2050.00                 2.8000

                  704                      0+              2255.00                 3.0800

                  768                      0+              1998.75                 2.7300

                  832                      0+              2165.31                 2.9600

                  896                      0+              2331.88                 3.1850

                  960                      0+              2498.44                 3.4125

                1024                      0+              2665.00                 3.6400

                1088                      0+              2831.56                 3.8700

                1152                      0+              2998.13                 4.0950

                1216                      0+              3164.69                 4.3220

                1280                      0+              3331.25                 4.5500

                1344                      0+              3497.81                 4.7775

                1408                      0+              3664.38                 5.0050

                1472                      0+              3830.94                 5.2325

                1536                      0+              2606.25                 4.0750


1  This service is no longer available to new customers as of November 3, 1998.


     .03  Effective Monthly Charge Calculation


     The Effective Monthly Charge for each WBOC VPL will be the lower of the Hourly or Maximum Monthly usage charges for the applicable WBOC IBR capacity.


     .04  Multi-Channel Roll-up to DS-1 VPL Interexchange Charges


     Where applicable for WBOC Service between two Customer sites, individual Effective Monthly Charges for sub-DS-1 WBOC VPL's will be aggregated and compared to the price of an equivalent WBOC DS-1 VPL.  The Customer will be billed the lower of the total of the aggregated Effective Monthly Charges or the WBOC DS-1 VPL.  A maximum bandwidth of 1.536 Mbps of sub-DS-1 WBOC VPL's will be aggregated for comparison to each equivalent WBOC DS-1 VPL.


     .05  0-Mile Connections


     No VPL usage charges will apply for 0-mile standing reservation connections between an access facility shared for use between a standard DS-1 or DS-3 level circuit comprising other Company provided interexchange Service (e.g., DS-1 or DS-3 private line) and the standby WBOC Service.


     E.   WBOC Volume Discount


     Customer's total monthly VPL Interexchange charges will be aggregated and discounted as follows.  Aggregate dollar volume does not include Local Access Charges, Port Connection Charges, Reservation Fees and Ancillary Services Charges.


Total Monthly                         Percentage

  Cargos                                 Descuento


$         0 - $  9,999                        0%

$10,000 - $14,999                      10%

$15,000 - $19,999                      15%

$20,000 - $24,999                      20%

$25,000 - $49,999                      25%

$50,000 - $99,999                      30%

$100,000 +                                 35%




1  This service is no longer available to new customers as of November 3, 1998.


     F.  WBOC Minimum Monthly Commitment


     WBOC Service is subject to a minimum monthly VPL Interexchange Commitment as shown below.


            WilBand service will be available at the Company POP in the cities listed below:


                                   Minimum                                             Minimum                                      Minimum

Ciudad                          Commitment              Ciudad                    Commitment        Ciudad               Commitment


Akron, OH                       $400                  Iowa City, IA              $400            Reston, VA               $350

Albany, NY                        550                  Irving, TX                     300            Rialto, CA                   350

Anaheim, CA                     300                  Jacksonville, FL          400            Richardson, TX           350

Atlanta, GA                        250                  Joplin, MO                   400            Richmond, VA            400

Augusta, GA                      400                  Kansas City, MO         250            Rochester, NY            700

Baltimore, MD                   350                  Knoxville, TN               500            Sacramento, CA         800

Baton Rouge, LA               350                  Lake Charles, LA        400            Salinas, CA                 600

Beaumont, TX                   350                  Las Vegas, NV            500            Salt Lake City, UT      850

Birmingham, AL                450                  Little Rock, AR            650            San Antonio, TX         600

Boise, ID                           600                  Longview, TX              350            San Diego, CA            450

Boston, MA                       250                  Los Angeles, CA         250            San Francisco, CA     600

Buffalo, NY                        850                  Louisville, KY              700            Santa Ana, CA            400

Cedar Rapids, IA               400                  Lynchburg, VA            550            Santa Barbara, CA     400

Charlotte, NC                    700                  Melbourne, FL             650            Santa Clara, CA         600

Chattanooga, TN               400                  Memphis, TN               650            Savannah, GA            500

Chicago, IL                        250                  Mercerville, NJ            350            Seattle, WA                700

Cincinnati, OH                   800                  Miami, FL                    500            Sherman Oaks, CA    300

Cleveland, OH                   400                  Milwaukee, WI             400            Shreveport, LA           250

Columbia, MO                   400                  Minneapolis, MN         250            Sioux Falls, SD           600

Columbia, SC                    500                  Mobile, AL                   400            Smyrna, GA                300

Columbus, OH                  750                  Montgomery, AL          450            South Bend, IN           350

Compton, CA                    300                  Nashua, NH                650            Springfield, IL             400

Dallas, TX                         250                  Nashville, TN               500            Springfield, MA           350

Davenport, IA                    450                  New Orleans, LA         250            Stamford, CT              350

Daytona Beach, FL           600                  New York, NY             250            Stockton, CA              750

Denver, CO                       850                  Newark, NJ                 250            St. Louis, MO              250

Des Moines, IA                  250                  Norfolk, VA                  550            Syracuse, NY             550

Detroit, MI                         500                  Northbrook, IL             400            Tallahassee, FL          600

Durham, NC                      600                  Oakland, CA                700            Tampa, FL                  350

El Paso, TX                       950                  Oklahoma City, OK     400            Toledo, OH                 450

Evansville, IN                    600                  Omaha, NE                 400            Topeka, KS                 350

Feathersound, FL              550                  Ontario, CA                 350            Tucson, AZ                 800

Fort Lauderdale, FL          500                  Orlando, FL                 250            Tulsa, OK                   250

Framingham, MA              300                  Pensacola, FL             750            Washington, DC         250

Ft. Worth, TX                     350                  Philadelphia, PA          400            West Palm Beach, FL 450

Greensboro, NC                650                  Phoenix, AZ                250            White Plains, NY        300

Hartford,CT                       400                  Pittsburg, PA               250            Wichita, KS                 450

Hinsdale, IL                       350                  Pleasantville, NJ         350            Wilmington, DE           400

Houston (Westhmr),TX     300                  Portland, OR               250

Houston, TX                      250                  Poughkeepsie, NY      350

Huntsville, AL                    600                  Raleigh, NC                 500

Indianapolis, IN                 450                  Reno, NV                    850




1  This service is no longer available to new customers as of November 3, 1998.


10.       Cancellation of Service


            In the event Customer cancels WBOC Service relevant to any WBOC Customer designated location, Customer will be subject to a cancellation charge in an amount equal to the balance of the WBOC Minimum Monthly Commitment for the unexpired portion of the Service Commitment Period, less the actual charges incurred after the date written notice of cancellation was received by the Company, plus any other third party charges incurred by Company, including but not limited to Local Access charges, pursuant to such cancellation and otherwise payable by Customer.


1  This service is no longer available to new customers as of November 3, 1998.


18.       Digital Reconfiguration Service


            This service is provided as described in Section 2.0213131, Digital Reconfiguration Service of MCI Telecommunication Tariff F.C.C. No. 1.1  The term, conditions, features, rates, discounts, surcharges and promotions will apply as specified therein.




1           This material filed pursuant to Special Permission No. 98-223 if the Federal Communications Commission.
