Local Top Ten Advantage Promotion


Oferta:  Reduced per-minute rates and credits during the Customer’s term of service, as follows.


In lieu of any other rates, promotions or discounts, Customers who subscribe to WorldCom On-Net Voice Services under a 1-year term of service will be charged the following per-minute rates during each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan for WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Outbound Service usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in Hawaii and WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Card usage which originates in the U.S.  Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI, based on term of service and origination type:



Origination Type                              Per-Minute Rate


Dedicated                                                 $0.049

Local Network Connection                        0.039

Switched/Card                                            0.069


In lieu of any other rates, promotions or discounts, Customers who subscribe to WorldCom On-Net Voice Services under a one year term of service will be charged the following per-minute rates dDuring each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan for WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Inbound Service usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and originates in the U.S. Mainland and terminates in Hawaii, based on termination type:


Termination Type                            Per-Minute Rate


Local Network Connection                      $0.039

Switched                                                      0.069

Dedicated                                                    0.049


Customers who subscribe to WorldCom On-Net Voice Services under a term of service which equals or exceeds two years will receive the benefits of the Major Interstate Advantage Promotion on domestic WorldCom On-Net Voice Services usage.


During each monthly period of the term of service of a Customer's Term Plan, the customer will receive a credit applied against interstate usage equal to the following percentages of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the Customer's intrastate interLATA WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage, based on origination type for Outbound Service and termination type for Inbound Service and state:


                                                        Outbound Service Origination Type/Inbound Service Termination Type


                                                                                                                                    Local Network

                        Estado                               Switched                   Dedicated                 Connection


                        Alabama                            27.40%                       28.10%                        N/A

                        Arizona                              12.40                            6.10                            7.60%

                        Arkansas                           20.00                          16.00                            0.00

                        California                           18.50                          18.60                            0.00

                        Connecticut                         6.30                          18.50                          17.80

                        Florida                                  6.20                          12.30                          12.70

                        Georgia                             18.50                          30.90                          32.50

                        Illinois                                 12.30                          24.60                          42.70

                        Kansas                              30.00                          25.00                          25.00

                        Louisiana                           31.20                          34.80                           N/A

                        Maine                                 36.90                          36.90                          37.70

                        Massachusetts                  24.70                          37.00                          38.20

                        Michigan                            18.50                          24.70                          26.80

                        Mississippi                        40.70                          47.50                          46.90

                        Missouri                               5.61                          24.00                          24.00

                        Nebraska                           35.00                          15.00                           N/A

                        North Carolina                     6.10                          18.50                            2.30

                        North Dakota                     13.00                          10.00                           N/A

                        New Jersey                          6.20                          18.60                            0.00

                        New York                             6.20                            6.10                            0.00

                        Ohio                                   12.30                          12.30                          12.20

                        Oklahoma                          15.00                          25.00                          25.00

                        Pennsylvania                     12.30                            6.20                            6.10

                        South Carolina                  15.00                          25.00                           N/A

                        Texas                                 49.60                          31.82                          36.05

                        Virginia                              12.40                          30.90                          31.50

                        Washington                       24.70                          14.70                          15.10

                        Wisconsin                          12.72                          10.62                          12/05


Customers who subscribe under a Term Plan with a 1-year term of service will receive credit equal to 3 percent of the standard tariffed rates in effect for the Customer's intrastate interLATA WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Option 1 Outbound Service and Inbound Service usage.


Eligibility Requirements: A Customer must:


enroll between October 1, 2001 and December 31, 2001;


be a new customer of WorldCom On-Net Voice Services under a WorldCom On-Net Voice Services Term Plan (Term Plan); and,


Subscribe to the Local Top Ten Advantage Promotion as described in: WorldCom Technologies, Inc. Cal. P.U.C. No. 2, Brooks Fiber Communications of Bakersfield, Inc. Cal. P.U.C. Schedule CLC 2-T, Brooks Fiber Communications of Fresno, Inc. Cal. P.U.C. Schedule CLC 2-T, Brooks Fiber Communications of Sacramento, Inc. Cal. P.U.C. Schedule CLC 2-T, Brooks Fiber Communications of San Jose, Inc. Cal. P.U.C. Schedule CLC 2-T, Brooks Fiber Communications of Stockton, Inc. Cal. P.U.C. Schedule CLC 2-T on file with the California Public Utilities Commission,; MCImetro Access Transmission Services, L.L.C. Maryland P.S.C. Tariff No. 5 on file with the Public Service Commission of the State of Maryland; MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc. G.P.S.C. Tariff No. 4 on file with the Public Service Commission of the State of Georgia; MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc. ILL. C.C. Tariff No. 2 on file with the Commerce Commission of the State of Illinois; MCImetro Transmission Services , Inc. P.S.C No. 4-Telephone Local Exchange Service on file with the Public Service Commission of the State of New York; Brooks Fiber Communications of Texas, Inc. PUC Tariff No. 2 and MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc. Texas Pricing Schedule on file with the Public Utility  Commission of the state of Texas; and/or MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC Price List No. 2 on file with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission.