Guide Type 12 (Local and Long Distance with IP – Line Solution)


1.         Eligibility:  To be eligible for this plan, the Customer must subscribe to:


·                     this plan prior to March 1, 2004;


·                     either: Local and Long Distance-Line Solution and Special Customer Arrangements (SCA) Guide Type 10; or, Offering A under Local and Long Distance Service Plus/Local and Long Distance – Trunk Solution/ Local and Long Distance – Line Solution II and SCA Guide Types 2 though 9; and,


·                     Internet DSL Office Internet DSL Services for a term of service which equals or exceeds one year.


2.         Definitions:  The definitions set forth under the On-Net Voice Services Optional Calling Plan to which the Customer subscribes under Section 1 of this plan.


3.         Discounts:  In lieu of all other discounts for Internet DSL Office Internet DSL Services, the Customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for Internet DSL Office at the following bandwidths during the Customer’s term of service for Internet DSL Office, based upon the option selected by the Customer at Guide Type 12 enrollment:


Offering         Bandwidth (kbps)            Descuento


 A                              128                             10%

 B                              384                             15


4.         Termination of Service.  In addition to the provisions for termination of service set forth under the On-Net Voice Services Optional Calling Plan to which the Customer subscribes under Section 1 of this plan, the following provisions apply to Customers who terminate service, continue to maintain a Company account, and do not subscribe to other service offerings under this Guide:


For Customers who disconnect Companion Local Service only or  both Companion Local Service and Companion Intrastate Service, service under this Guide Type will terminate and the Customer will be automatically subscribed to Internet DSL Office Internet DSL Services at the bandwidth the Customer subscribed to under this Guide Type.


For Customers who disconnect Internet DSL Office Internet DSL Services, service under this Guide Type will terminate and the Customer will be automatically subscribed to Local and Long Distance Service Plus/Local and Long Distance – Trunk Solution/ Local and Long Distance – Line Solution II under this Guide and applicable state Tariffs.


5.         Other Conditions:


5.1       Billing:  Customers subscribing to service under this plan via a Company-designated Internet site will receive Electronic Billing invoicing only, to the extent that Company is able to provide them with Electronic Billing.


5.2       Customers subscribing to this plan may not receive the benefits of any other discounts, including term plan discounts, or promotional offering, except those provided under SCA Guide Types 2 through 10, Checkbook Promotion 2003, and the On-Net Voice Services Optional Calling Plan to which the Customer subscribes under Section 1 of this plan.


5.3       Customers subscribing to this plan may not receive the benefits of any other discounts, including term plan discounts, or promotional offering, except those provided under:  (i) the On-Net Voice Services Optional Calling Plan to which the Customer subscribes under Section 1 of this plan; (ii) Checkbook Promotion 2003; and (iii) SCA Guide Types 2 through 10, excluding the Local-to-Local Promotion.