Guide Type 16


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all Guide Type 16 arrangements.  Unless modified by the following, all terms and conditions (including pricing) set forth elsewhere in this Guide (or applicable tariff) apply.


1.         Term and Renewal Options:  Customer must enroll in a Guide Type 16 for a term of service of either one, two, three, four or five years (Initial Term). 


The term of service will commence no earlier than the first day of the first full billing cycle following acceptance of the Agreement by Company, which occurs upon Company’s verification that an unaltered Customer-signed agreement is received in a Company implementation center.  Upon expiration of its term, a Guide Type will automatically be extended on a month-to-month basis, unless Customer or Company has delivered written notice of termination of the Guide Type at least 60 days prior to expiration.


2.         Description of Service:  Guide Type 16 service may consist of the following services, based on which service(s) Customer subscribes to under the Guide Type: Verizon Business Services I (VBS I) under Long Distance Voice Services, Frame Relay Services, U.S. Private Line Services, Global Private Line, y dedicated interstate access service, Conferencing services.


3.         Volume Commitment:  Customer must elect a Guide Type Annual Volume Commitment which equals or exceeds $600.   “Annual Volume Commitment” means that Customer must in the applicable 12-month period have total service charges equaling the required amount where “total service charges” means all charges, after application of all discounts and credits, for Company services under the Customer’s contract, specifically excluding: (i) taxes, tax-like charges and tax-related surcharges; (ii) charges for equipment and colocation (unless otherwise expressly stated herein); (iii) charges incurred for goods or services where Company acts as agent for Customer in its acquisition of goods or services; (iv) non-recurring charges; (v) Governmental Charges; and (vi) international pass-through access charges and charges for international access provided by Company.  At any time during the term of service, Customer may elect a greater Annual Volume Commitment.  If Customer so elects, the term of service expiration date will not change.  The greater volume commitment will apply as of the beginning of the term of service annual period in which the new volume commitment is elected, and Customer must satisfy the new volume commitment in that annual period; the discounts associated with the new volume commitment apply only to charges incurred from the effective date of the new volume commitment.


4.         Rates and Charges:  Except as set forth in this Section, rates established elsewhere in the Guide, as these may be amended from time to time, will apply.


4.1       Long Distance Voice Services:


4.1.1    Domestic:       The following per-minute charges apply for VBS I Long Distance Voice Services Outbound Service, including Calling Card (referred to as “Card” in pricing tables), usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI, and VBS I Long Distance Voice Services Inbound Service usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, based on origination type and term of service.  Rates are based on origination type for Outbound Service and termination type for Inbound Service, and the service term to which the Customer has committed.


Service Type

Term of Service (Years)/

Origination Type (Outbound Service)/

Per-Minute Rate

Termination Type (Inbound Service)



3 – 5









Dedicated/Local Network Connection



0.0330       The following discounts on the per-minute charges set forth in Section apply for VBS I Long Distance Voice Services Outbound Service, including Calling Card, usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and CNMI, and VBS I Long Distance Voice Services Inbound Service usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, based on term of service and Annual Volume Commitment:


                                                        Term of Service (Years)/Discount

Annual Volume Commitment             1                     2                    3 - 5


$      1,200    -  $      2,999                14.7%              10.0%              10.0%

$      3,000    -  $      5,999                15.0                 10.5                 10.5

$      6,000    -  $    11,999                15.2                 11.0                 10.8

$    12,000    -  $    23,999                15.5                 11.5                 11.3

$    24,000    -  $    35,999                15.7                 11.8                 11.3

$    36,000    -  $    47,999                16.0                 12.0                 11.5

$    48,000    -  $    59,999                16.2                 12.3                 11.8

$    60,000    -  $    83,999                16.5                 12.5                 12.0

$    84,000    -  $  119,999                16.7                 13.0                 12.3

$  120,000    -  $  179,999                17.5                 14.5                 13.3

$  180,000    -  $  299,999                18.2                 16.0                 14.3

$  300,000    -  $  599,999                20.3                 17.5                 15.3

$  600,000    -  $  899,999                21.7                 19.0                 17.0

$  900,000 and greater                    22.8                 20.0                 18.0


4.1.2    International:    Outbound Service:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for VBS I Long Distance Voice Services Outbound Service, including Calling Card, usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa, and terminates in the following international locations, based on term of service and origination type.   Customers who subscribe to service under this Guide Type under a two year term of service will receive a 5 percent discount on the following usage charges, based on origination type, and Customers who subscribe to service under this Guide Type under term of service which exceeds two years will receive a 10 percent discount on the following usage charges, based on origination type:


Usage Charges


4.2       Frame Relay Services:  The following discounts on monthly recurring charges for domestic ports and PVCs apply, based on term of service and Annual Volume Commitment:


                                                        Term of Service (Years)/Discount

Annual Volume Commitment             1                     2                    3 ­- 5


Less than $6,000                              1%                   2%                   3%

$      6,000   -  $    11,999                   2                      3                      4

$    12,000   -  $    23,999                   3                      4                    10

$    24,000   -  $    35,999                   5                      8                    15

$    36,000   -  $    47,999                   8                    10                    15

$    48,000   -  $    59,999                 10                    13                    15

$    60,000   -  $    83,999                 13                    16                    19

$    84,000   -  $  119,999                 15                    18                    21

$  120,000   -  $  179,999                 17                    20                    24

$  180,000   -  $  299,999                 19                    22                    26

$  300,000   -  $  599,999                 20                    24                    28

$  600,000   -  $  899,999                 22                    26                    29

$  900,000 and greater                    24                    28                    30


4.3       Conferencing:  The following provisions apply, in lieu of all other discounts for Audio Conferencing and Net Conferencing.


4.3.1    Audio Conferencing:  The following discounts on per-minute per-bridge port rates, inclusive of bridging and transport, for Conferencing Call usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands apply, based on term of service: 


Term of Service (Years)           Descuento


1                                                      28%

2 - 5                                                 31


4.3.2    Net Conferencing:  The following discounts on standard per-minute per-participant charges for Net Conferencing usage apply, based on term of service:          


Term of Service (Years)           Descuento


1                                                      28%

2 - 5                                                 31


4.4       U.S. Private Line Services:   The following discounts on monthly recurring Inter Exchange Channel (IXC) charges for Analog, DS0, Fractional DS1, DS1, Digital DS3 (Linear and Restoreable), and SONET (Linear and Restoreable) apply, based on term of service and Annual Volume Commitment:


                                                                    Term of Service (Years)/Discount

Annual Volume Commitment                         1                     2                    3 - 5


$    6,000   -  $ 11,999                                    5%                 10%                 15%

$  12,000   -  $ 35,999                                  10                    15                    20

$  36,000   -  $ 83,999                                  15                    20                    25

$  84,000 and greater                                  20                    25                    30


4.5       Global Private Line:  Customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for Global Data Link and International Private Line, based on the annual volume commitment.



Term of Service (Years)/Discount

Annual Volume Commitment








           $1 –   $11,999




  $12,000 –   $23,999




  $24,000 –   $35,999




  $36,000 –   $47,999




  $48,000 –   $59,999




  $60,000 –   $83,999




  $84,000 – $179,999




$180,000 – $239,999




$240,000 – $900,000





4.6       Access:  


4.6.1    DS0 (Hubless) Access:  The following discounts on monthly recurring charges for DS0 (Hubless) Access apply, based on term of service: 


                                                      Term of Service (Years)/Discount                          

                                   1                     2                        3                     4                      5


                                10%                 15%                 18%                 20%                 25%


4.6.2    T-1 Digital Access and DS-3 Local Access:  The following discounts on monthly recurring charges for T-1 Digital Access and DS-3 Local Access apply, based on term of service: 


                                 Term of Service (Years)/Discount

                                   1                     2                     3 - 5


                                15%                 20%                 25%


5.         Credits:


5.1       Access:  In each monthly period of the term of service, Customer will receive a credit applied against charges for interstate service in an amount equal to the difference between the standard tariffed monthly recurring charge in effect for Customer's intrastate access service and the monthly recurring charge in effect for Customer's dedicated interstate access service at identical data speed and route mileage.


6.         Classifications, Practices and Regulations:


6.1       Underutilization:  If at the end of any annual period of the term of service Customer fails to satisfy its Annual Volume Commitment, Customer will be billed and required to pay a charge equal to 25 percent of the difference between Customer's actual Company service charges in that annual period and Customer's Annual Volume Commitment. 


6.2       Cancellation or Discontinuance of Service: 


6.2.1    Cancellation or Discontinuance Without Liability:  Customer may terminate service under the Guide Type without liability during the last three months of the committed term of service if Customer's use of service under this Guide Type equals or exceeds Customer's Annual Volume Commitment and, at the time of termination, Customer is enrolled in a new Company term of service with a volume commitment which equals or exceeds Customer's existing volume commitment.


6.2.2    Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liability:  Discontinuance of all services furnished under the Guide Type prior to the expiration of the committed term of service constitutes discontinuance of the plan, and Customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge in an amount equal to 25 percent of the Annual Volume Commitment for each annual period remaining in the committed term of service and a pro rata portion thereof for any partial annual period of the term of service.


6.3       Other Conditions:  Customer may not receive the benefits of any other term and volume discounts or other offerings on the services provided under this Guide Type except that Customer may receive the benefits of:  (i) Guide Types 13, 14, and 15 on the services enrolled under those Guide Types, and (ii) promotional offerings other than Data Center Access (DCA) Promotion, Frame Relay Tip Off 4 Promotion, Global Data Link Promotion, Internet DSL with Local and Long Distance Promotion, IP VPN Advantage Promotion II, IP VPN Advantage Promotion IV, IP VPN Advantage Promotion V,  Major Interstate Advantage Enhanced Promotion, “On the Network” Lit Building Access Promotion and “Reach the Network” Tiered Access Promotion.