Guide Type 17


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all Guide Type 17 arrangements.  Unless modified by the following, all terms and conditions (including pricing) set forth elsewhere in this Guide (or applicable tariff) apply.  Services provided under this Guide Type are available in select metropolitan service area locations.


1.         Term and Renewal Options:  Effective September 15, 2005, Guide Type 17 will not be available to new subscribers and existing Customers will no longer be able to place new orders.  Prior to September 15, 2005, Customer must enroll in a Guide Type 17 for a term of service of either one, two or three years (Initial Term). 


The term of service will commence no earlier than the first day of the first full billing cycle following acceptance of the Agreement by Company, which occurs upon Company’s verification that an unaltered Customer-signed agreement is received in a Company implementation center.  Upon expiration of its term, a Guide Type will automatically be extended on a month-to-month basis, unless Customer or Company has delivered written notice of termination of the Guide Type at least 60 days prior to expiration.


2.         Description of Service:   Service will consist of the following base services: Verizon Business Services I (VBS I) under Long Distance Voice Services Feature Option A and Voice Over IP (formerly MCI Advantage); and the following “add on” services:  Audio Conferencing Instant Meeting Service, Net Conferencing Instant Net Conference, Internet Dial Solo for the U.S. Mainland only (Enhanced Remote Solutions), Managed E-mail Content Service, Managed Firewall – Solo, and Web Based Directory Service (WBDS).  Service is offered in either a Versatile T1 Bundle or a Voice Over IP Package.  The base service for the Versatile T1 Bundle is VBS I and the base service for Voice Over IP Package is Voice Over IP.  Customer may “add on” any of the other services listed in this Section 2, except as otherwise specified below:


2.1       Versatile T1 Bundle:  Customer must select one of the following bundle types:  Small Bundle, Medium Bundle or Large Bundle.  Each of the bundle types includes one T1 Digital Access loop, a waiver of the T-1 Digital Access local access channel non-recurring charge, a waiver of the monthly recurring Long Distance Voice Services per service group charge for a single Business Line Termination, one voice-mail box per line, unlimited Company-provided local service which includes VBS I Feature Package 1, 500 Web Based Directory Service Dips (Queries), and all required equipment as determined by Company. Customer may include any of the services listed in Section 2, except Voice Over IP, in the bundle.


2.1.1    Small Bundle:  Customer must order from eight up to twelve lines with a minimum of four voice channels and one Internet Protocol (IP) channel.  A small bundle includes 3000 minutes of long distance usage, including Toll Free, interstate and intrastate service.


2.1.2    Medium Bundle:  Customer must order from 13 up to 18 lines with a minimum of four voice channels and one Internet Protocol (IP) channel.  A medium bundle includes 6000 minutes of long distance usage, including Toll Free, interstate and intrastate service.


2.1.3    Large Bundle:  Customer must order from 19 up to 24 lines with a minimum of four voice channels and one Internet Protocol (IP) channel.  A large bundle includes 9000 minutes of long distance usage, including Toll Free, interstate and intrastate service.


2.2       Voice Over IP Business Package:  Customer must select one of the following package types:  Package A, Package B, or Package C.  Each of the package types includes unlimited local calling, unlimited interstate and intrastate outbound long distance, waiver of the monthly recurring Long Distance Voice Services per service group charge for a single Business Line Termination, one voice-mail box per user, one feature profile per simultaneous call, one Auto Attendant per location, one Attendant Console, 500 Web Based Directory Service Dips, calling cards as requested by Customer, and all required equipment as determined by Company.  Customer may include any of the services listed in Section 2, except Managed Firewall – Solo in the package.


2.2.1    Package A:  Package A has Internet DSL Services access at 768 kbps and includes 500 minutes of VBS I interstate and intrastate Toll Free service, one block (a block consists of 20 DIDs) of DIDs, and up to eight simultaneous calls.


2.2.2    Package B:  Package B has Internet DSL access at 768 kbps and includes 1,000 minutes of VBS I interstate and intrastate Toll Free service, one block of DIDs, and up to 15 simultaneous calls.


2.2.3    Package C:  Package C has 1.5 Mbps Internet Dedicated Services Price Protected Service T1 access includes 1,500 minutes of VBS I interstate and intrastate Toll Free service, two blocks of DIDs, and up to 24 simultaneous calls.


3.         Rates and Charges:  Except as set forth in this Section, rates established elsewhere in the Guide, as these may be amended from time to time, will apply.  Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) will be provided by Company at no charge to Customers. 


3.1       Bundle and Package Charges:


3.1.1    Versatile T1 Bundle Charges: 


A.         Voice Service:  The following rates and charges apply for VBS I Long Distance Voice Services Outbound Service, including Calling Card, usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI, and VBS I Long Distance Voice Services Inbound Service usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, provided under a Versatile T1 Bundle, in the locations listed in Section A.1:

A.1       Monthly Recurring Charges:  The following monthly recurring charges apply based on location and bundle type.  Customers who subscribe to service under this Guide Type under a two year term of service will receive a 5 percent discount on the following monthly recurring charges, based on location and bundle type and Customers who subscribe to service under this Guide Type under term of service which exceeds two years will receive a 10 percent discount on the following monthly recurring charges based on location and bundle type:


Monthly Recurring Charges


A.2       International Outbound:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for VBS I Long Distance Voice Services Outbound Service, including Calling Card, usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in the following international locations, based on term of service and origination type.


Usage Charges 


A.3       Calling Card Rates and Charges:  In the locations listed in Section 3.1.1A.1, a $0.05 per-minute charge applies and a $0.75 per call surcharge applies.


A.4       Overage Rate:  In the locations listed in Section 3.1.1.A.1, a $.035 per-minute overage charge applies for each minute that exceeds the number of minutes included in the selected Versatile T1 Bundle.


3.1.2    Voice Over IP Business Package Charges: 


A.         Voice Over IP:  The following charges apply to Voice Over IP, provided under a Voice Over IP Business Package:


A.1       The following monthly recurring charges apply based on location and package type:


Monthly Recurring Charges


A 5% discount applies on monthly recurring charges under a two-year Service Term and a 10% discount applies monthly recurring charges under a three-year Service Term.


A.2       Calling Card Rates and Charges:  In the locations listed in Section 3.1.2.A.1, a $.05 per-minute charge applies and a $0.75 per call surcharge applies.


A.3       Overage Rate:  In the locations listed in Section 3.1.2.A.1, a $.035 per-minute overage charge applies, based on location that exceeds the 500 minutes of Toll Free service included in each bundle.


A.4       Installation Charge:  A $150 charge applies to Package A and Package B and a $250 charge applies to Package C.


3.2       Add On Service Charges:  The following rates and charges apply to add on services when subscribed to under this Guide Type as part of either a Versatile T1 Bundle or an Voice Over IP Business Package:


3.2.1    Audio Conferencing:  Customer may select either a per-minute rate or a 1,000 minute pricing plan for Instant Meeting Service, including up to 20 ports,


A.         Instant Meeting Service Per-Minute Rate:  A $0.20 per-minute per bridge port rate, inclusive of bridging and transport, applies to Instant Meeting Service Dial-Out Access, Toll Free Meet-Me Access and Toll Meet-Me Access usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in the US. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


B.         Instant Meeting Service 1,000 Minute Pricing Plan:  A $150 monthly recurring charge, inclusive of bridging and transport except for Toll Meet-Me Access which excludes transport, applies for up to 1,000 minutes of Instant Meeting Service Dial-Out Access, Toll Free Meet-Me Access, Toll Meet-Me Access, Voice Services Meet Me Access and Voice Services Dial-Out Access usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in the US. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  For such usage that exceeds 1,000 minutes the Instant Meeting Service Per-Minute Rate will apply.


3.2.2    Instant Net Conferencing:  Customer may select either a per-minute rate or a 1,000 minute pricing plan for Instant Net Conferencing. Up to 100 participants may join the Instant Net Conference.


A.         Instant Net Conferencing Per-Minute Rate:  A $0.29 per-minute per-participant rate applies to Instant Net Conference Option LM without Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) usage and Instant Net Conference Option WX without Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) usage.


B.         Instant Net Conferencing 1,000 Minute Pricing Plan: A $270 monthly recurring charge for up to 1,000 minutes of Instant Net Conferencing without Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) usage.  For Instant Net Conferencing  without Secure Sockets Layer usage that exceeds 1,000 minutes, the Net Conferencing Per-Minute Rate will apply.


3.2.3    Internet Dial Solo (Enhanced Remote Solutions): 


A.         A monthly recurring charge of $8.95 per user for Enhanced Remote Solutions usage of up to 50 hours per month.  For Enhanced Remote Solutions usage that exceeds 50 hours per month a $1.50 per-hour overage charge applies.


B.         A non-recurring Customer Equipment Fee charge for $175 for the purchase of a US Robotics 56K Voice Faxmodem Pro (External)


3.2.4    Managed E-mail Content Service:  Managed E-mail Content Service is available at standard Guide rates and charges.


3.2.5    Managed Firewall – Solo:  The following charges apply to Managed Firewall - Solo Service Charges:



Term of Service (Years)

Managed Firewall –

Monthly Recurring Charge










Cisco PIX 506




NetScreen 5GT 10 User





3.2.6    Web Based Directory Service:  The per-Dip charge for the initial 500 Dips is waived.  Standard Guide charges apply for Dips of 501 and up.


4.         Classifications, Practices and Regulations:


4.1       Other Conditions:  Customer may not receive the benefits of any other term and volume discounts or other offerings on the services provided under this Guide Type.