Customer Readiness

Welcome to Verizon’s Customer Readiness Website. This site will assist you in preparing for your Verizon service installation. Reviewing the content on this site and following some simple steps will help facilitate a smooth installation of service.

    • Verizon Network Services Implementation Guide

    • A successful implementation of your new service requires your direct and active involvement. The Implementation Guide below will help you understand your role in this process and some of the terms we use during an installation. It also serves as a general guide to activation. Following the requirements outlined here will help to prevent delays of the order and the service, which will likely result in additional charges. Please contact your account representative if you have any questions concerning your order.

    • What to Expect During the Order and Implementation Process:

      • Initial Order Entry – An Account Executive and a Solutions Engineer will discuss your solution with you and document your requirements prior to submitting your order.
      • Order Validation – An Order Manager will contact you regarding your solution and verify that your order information is accurate. This includes but is not limited to acccurate Local Contact (LCON) information, service address, billing address and product and service information. Please click here for a general guide of the types of information our Reps will be seeking.
      • Site Survey – If a site survey is required, an engineer from Verizon or a third-party local exchange company (LEC) will contact you to determine site readiness. An LCON must be present during the site survey to provide access and to address any additional questions about installation.
      • Construction and Build (Field Services) – If your building is newly constructed or does not currently have existing access to Ethernet or network fiber, Verizon (or a third-party LEC provider) may need to build access between your site and the nearest point of presence. An LCON will need to provide access to the site to build this circuit.
      • Connectivity Testing – Verizon technicians will ensure that your network services are tested completely before turning it over for activation. They will work with field personnel and/or third party carriers to ensure end to end connectivity is established.
      • Activation and Scheduling – Depending on what is ordered, a scheduled activation may be required to ensure timely turn up of customer services. In such cases, the Customer, LCON and/or 3rd Party Vendor must agree on a date and time and then notify Verizon.
    • Site Location Requirements:

    • the following is a list of items that must be completed prior to scheduling a Site Survey or a Construction Build. Failure to have the right infrastructure in place will result in delayed installations and/or increased costs.

      • Access to the Site: required to complete a Site Survey and/or install equipment or activate service.
      • Access to Electrical Outlet: required to connect network equipment, ensure proper grounding is provided.
      • Physical Space: Backboard and/or Rack Space must be provided to install equipment.
      • Site Environment: The environment must be climate controlled and sufficiently lit.
      • Cable Path and Conduit: if the site location is different than the building’s Minimum Point of Entry (MPOE), a cable path or conduit must be provided between the MPOE and the point of Demarcation at the site.
      • Approvals/Permits/Rights of Way: must be obtained by the customer (if necessary) to allow for timely installation. These include, but are not limited to:
        • Approvals from building management in the event that Verizon needs to perform tasks outside of your leased space.
        • Permits or Rights of Way from local authorities and/or property owners if construction is required.

      Specific details about Site requirements will be determined after a Verizon Rep has surveyed the location and the requirements will be conveyed to the LCON or the Site Contact. The LCON will be required to provide positive confirmation of requirement fulfillment prior to receiving Firm Order Confirmation (FOC).

    • Common Items That WILL Delay Implementation:

      • Order Verification Checklist not validated.
      • Inaccurate or missing LCON contact information (include email address and mobile number if available).
      • Lack of LCON availability or technical expertise.
      • No Secondary or Technical Contact provided.
      • The address, including floor number, is not accurate in the order or the site requirements were not met in advance of due dates.
      • Slow response to or incomplete information given when requested from Sales or Order Processing.
      • Site is NOT cleared or Site Requirements are not completed in advance of CRD (Customer Ready Date) due dates.

      Delays in the completion and activation of your solution will occur if the above items are missed. Verifying that information is correct and requirements are met in advance is the quickest path to service activation. Items causing multiple LEC dispatches may result in additional charges for missed or canceled appointments.

    • Dispatch

    • A dispatch will be required to complete the installation for the majority of services ordered from Verizon. It is possible that more than one dispatch will be required to complete all the work needed to turn up your service. You will be contacted by a Verizon representative prior to the dispatch to arrange a suitable time to access your location. The on-site contact (LCON/ALCON) must be aware of the service that has been ordered and be available to the technician on the dispatch day to provide access and answer any questions.

    • Local Contact

    • The Local Contact (LCON) and Alternate Local Contact (ALCON) should be a person who will be at the location where the service is to be installed when Verizon needs access to that location. He/she should have knowledge of the request and layout of the location, and be able to answer questions that the engineer or technician may have about the installation. It is always a good policy to list an Alternate Local Contact who can work with Verizon in the absence of the Local Contact. The LCON/ALCON will be the person who is contacted to schedule a site survey visit (when required) and to schedule installation and testing. The LCON and ALCON contact information on service requests should be reviewed frequently to ensure that it is current and accurate. Site appointments are significantly more efficient when the LCON and ALCON information is accurate.

      It is strongly recommended that the LCON and ALCON e-mail addresses be included in any ordering documents you submit or provide during any ordering discussions you have with your Ordering Representative.

    • Demarc Policy

    • The demarcation point (a/k/a, demarc) is the physical place where Verizon will terminate the service that has been ordered. It is important to know where Verizon will terminate the service because additional work by the building owner or a customer vendor other than Verizon may be required to complete the service request. Your Verizon representative will be happy to assist you during this critical step in the installation process.

    • Installation Site Access

    • The information provided below will assist you in preparing for your Verizon service installation. Please read carefully in order to avoid delays and extra charges associated with improper site preparedness.

      Verizon may require site access for any or all of the following:

      • Site Survey (not all locations will require one)
        • Should a site survey be required, a Verizon representative will contact the Local Contact (LCON) or Alternate Local Contact (ALCON), provided on the Service Request, to schedule the site visit. The LCON must be familiar with the site and the service requested and be able to provide all required access. To ensure that this critical step takes place as quickly as possible, accurate and updated LCON and ALCON contact information should be provided on the Service Request.
        • If the Verizon representative determines that the work required will involve common or shared building space (e.g., telecommunications riser closets), he/she will request that the LCON/ALCON notify building management and arrange for the required access.
        • During the site survey, the Verizon representative will assess the site to determine what is required in order for Verizon to provide the requested service. Verizon will provide a detailed summary of the completed site survey outlining the pathway, space, power and environmental requirements. These requirements must be met, by you, our customer, prior to delivery of the requested service. They also may include providing Verizon with written authorizations for items such as Right of Way and collocation arrangements.
      • On-site Service, Cable, or Equipment installation

      When Verizon requests access to the building where we are scheduled to provide service, we need access to all areas where the engineer or technician may need to install, configure and/or test the service or equipment. Areas that include the front door, the building or location where the service is expected to terminate and any other areas that have or may need the installation of new telecommunications equipment and wiring for the requested service.

      Please note that Verizon requires access for the entire length of time of the proposed visit. Additionally, if the building owner requires advance permission for access, it is the responsibility of the customer to obtain this permission. If the building owner requires the technician to be escorted through the building, it is the customer's responsibility to arrange for that escort for the entire time the Verizon representative or technician will be at that location. If the building owner requires special security authorization, it is the responsibility of the customer to inform Verizon of this requirement and to facilitate the process of obtaining the necessary security clearance. If Verizon will need to perform work in building space other than the customer controlled space, Verizon recommends that you notify building management prior to the time site access is needed by dispatched personnel.

      Certain situations require multiple dispatches, You will be contacted by a Verizon representative prior to the dispatch to arrange a suitable time to access your location. The on-site contact (LCON/ALCON) must be aware of the service that has been ordered and be available to the technician on the dispatch day to provide access and answer any questions.

      In some cases, Risk Assessments & Method Statements (RAMS) are required before an engineer is permitted to work on site. The LCON must verify this with the building owner prior to dispatch. Certain vendors will require specific RAMS (SSRAMS) but in general, generic RAMS are usually acceptable. SSRAMS are CHARGEABLE and add DELAY to the order as a separate site survey is required.

    • Verizon Roles and Responsibilities

    • Account Executive: Has direct responsibility for managing the relationship with you. This is your main point of contact.

      Solutions Engineer: Has extensive technical knowledge to propose and design technical solutions to meet your needs.

      Order Manager: Administers and processes the order to verify successful provisioning of the service.

      Project Manager: Performs overall project management services for the delivery and activation of Verizon services.

      Engineer: Configures the services during the implementation.

      Field Services: Performs onsite physical installation and assists with any technical troubleshooting.