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IP VPN Remote Access SLA

These SLAs apply only to Customers executing an agreement for Enterprise Mobility -IP VPN Remote Access IPSEC and/or Enterprise Mobility -IP VPN Remote Access - SSL Based. The Dedicated Access SLAs only apply to those Customers ordering Dedicated Access as part of their agreement for Enterprise Mobility -IP VPN Remote Access - IPSEC and/or Enterprise Mobility -IP VPN Remote Access - SSL or Customer using existing Verizon Enterpise Solutions Dedicated Access for their Enterprise Mobility -IP VPN Remote Access. For Customers using existing Verizon Enterpise Solutions Dedicated Access for their Enterprise Mobility -IP VPN Remote Access, no other SLA will apply to such Dedicated Access.

Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access SLAs
The Global Network Accessibility, Global Network Login Success Rate, Global Network Throughput, and Average Connect Speed SLAs are based on Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated Points of Presence (POPs) in the Verizon Enterpise Solutions Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access Network (DAN) and certain third-party or non-DAN numbers ("Extended DAN").

Dedicated Access SLAs
The Network Latency, Packet Delivery, Service Availability, Outage Reporting, Denial of Service and Circuit Install SLAs are based solely on Verizon Enterpise Solutions records concerning Customers Internet Dedicated Service on the Verizon Enterpise Solutions Network (as defined in Customers agreement for Service). These SLAs are only available to Customers receiving Internet Dedicated Service along with their Internet Dial Corporate Service.

Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access SLAs

Global Network Accessibility SLA

Global Network Accessibility SLA Scope:
The Global Network Accessibility SLA is that the percentage of successful dial-up connections established between Verizon Enterpise Solutions rotary dial tools (RDTs) and Verizon Enterpise Solutions rotary groups (RGs) for a given number of attempts shall equal or exceed 98% for the DAN and 93% for the Extended DAN.

Global Network Accessibility SLA Process:
RDTs dial at random into each RG on a continual basis. Global Network Accessibility for a month is determined by dividing the total number of successful test connections across all tested zones for that month by the total number of test calls across all tested zones for that month and multiplying the result by 100%. The calculation of Global Network Accessibility utilizes a weighted average associated with each zone tested. The weighted average may be adjusted once each quarter, based on the number of billed hours through each zone that is tested compared to the total number of billed hours through all zones. Testing zones are determined solely by Verizon Enterpise Solutions and may be adjusted from time to time. For the purposes of calculating Global Network Accessibility, a successful connection is any connection attempt that did not result in a busy signal. The DAN and the Extended DAN are tested separately.

Global Network Accessibility SLA Remedy:
See below.

Global Network Login Success Rate SLA

Global Network Login Success Rate SLA Scope:
The Global Network Login Success Rate SLA is that the percentage of successful PPP sessions established between RDTs and RGs for a given number of attempts shall equal or exceed 95% for the DAN and 85% for the Extended DAN.

Global Network Login Success Rate SLA Process:
RDTs dial at random into each RG on a continual basis. Global Network Login Success Rate for a month is determined by dividing the total number of successful test PPP sessions across all tested zones for that month by the total number of test calls across all tested zones for that month and multiplying the result by 100%. The calculation of Global Network Login Success Rate utilizes a weighted average associated with each zone tested. The weighted average may be adjusted once each quarter, based on the number of billed hours through each zone that is tested compared to the total number of billed hours through all zones. Testing zones are determined solely by Verizon Enterpise Solutions and may be adjusted from time to time. For purposes of calculating Global Network Login Success Rate, the number of successful test PPP sessions is defined as the total number of test calls placed minus the total number of test calls that did not result in the establishment of a successful test PPP session due to factors such as, but not limited to, a busy or dropped connection condition. The DAN and the Extended DAN are tested separately.

Global Network Login Success Rate SLA Remedy:
See below.

Global Network Throughput SLA

Global Network Throughput SLA Scope:
The Global Network Throughput SLA is average throughput of 100% for both the DAN and the Extended DAN.

Global Network Throughput SLA Process:
The Global Network Throughput SLA is based on the average time it takes an RDT to download a compressible file from a Verizon Enterpise Solutions Internet FTP server using the FTP protocol over a dial-up connection. RDTs dial at random into each RG on a continual basis and attempt to download a specified compressible file. The file is compressed as part of the transmission process. Time spent before requesting the compressible file is not included in the measurement. The throughput for each test is determined according to the following formula:

The calculation of Global Network Throughput utilizes a weighted average associated with each zone tested. The weighted average may be adjusted once each quarter, based on the number of billed hours through each zone that is tested compared to the total number of billed hours through all zones. Testing zones are determined solely by Verizon Enterpise Solutions and may be adjusted from time to time.

The average of the results for all throughput tests performed in a month is the Global Network Throughput for that month. The DAN and the Extended DAN are tested separately.

Global Network Throughput SLA Remedy:
See below.

Average Connect Speed SLA

Average Connect Speed SLA Scope:
The SLA for the Average Connect Speed is 42Kbps for RGs with v.90 modems. The Average Connect Speed SLA applies globally to services on the DAN.

Average Connect Speed SLA Process:
The Average Connect Speed is calculated during the course of measuring the Global Network Throughput and is the average data transfer speed reported for all compressible file downloads between RDTs and RGs in a given month.

Average Connect Speed SLA Remedy:
See below.

Dedicated Access SLAs

Network Latency SLA

North American Network Latency SLA Scope:
The North American Network Latency SLA is average round-trip transmissions of 45 milliseconds or less between Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated inter-regional transit backbone network routers (Hub Routers) in the contiguous United States.

European Network Latency SLA Scope:
The European Network Latency SLA is average round-trip transmissions of 30 milliseconds or less between Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated Hub Routers within Europe.

Transatlantic Network Latency SLA Scope:
The Transatlantic Network Latency SLA is average round-trip transmissions of 90 milliseconds or less between a Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated Hub Router in the New York metropolitan area and a Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated Hub Router in the London metropolitan area.

The Network Latency SLA is only available on the Verizon Enterpise Solutions IP Network.

Network Latency SLA Process:
Latency shall be measured by averaging sample measurements taken during a calendar month between Hub Routers.

Network Latency SLA Remedy:
See below.

Packet Delivery SLA

North American Packet Delivery SLA Scope:
North American Network Packet Delivery SLA is packet delivery of 99.5% or greater between Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated Hub Routers in the contiguous United States.

European Network Packet Delivery Scope:
The European Network Packet Delivery SLA is packet delivery of 99.5% or greater between Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated Hub Routers within Europe.

Transatlantic Network Packet Delivery Scope:
The Transatlantic Network Packet Delivery SLA is packet delivery of 99.5% or greater between a Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated Hub Router in the New York metropolitan area and a Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated Hub Router in the London metropolitan area.

The Packet Delivery SLA is only available on the Verizon Enterpise Solutions IP Network.

Packet Delivery SLA Process:
Packet Delivery shall be measured by averaging sample measurements taken during a calendar month between Hub Routers.

Packet Delivery SLA Remedy:
See below.

Service Availability SLA

Service Availability SLA Scope:
Verizon Enterpise Solutions's Service Availability SLA provides that the Verizon Enterpise Solutions IP Network will be available 100% of the time. This Service Availability SLA only applies to service in North America. Please see www.verizonbusiness.com/terms for Service Availability SLAs for other global regions.

Service Availability SLA Process:
At Customer's request, Verizon Enterpise Solutions will calculate Customer's "Network Unavailability" during a calendar month. "Network Unavailability" consists of the number of minutes that the Verizon Enterpise Solutions Network or an Verizon Enterpise Solutions-ordered telephone company circuit in the contiguous United States was not available to Customer, and includes unavailability associated with any maintenance at the Verizon Enterpise Solutions data center where Customer's circuit is connected or Customer's server is located other than Scheduled Maintenance (as defined below). Outages will be counted as Network Unavailability only if Verizon Enterpise Solutions notifies Customer of the outage in accordance with the Outage Reporting SLA set forth below or if Customer opens a trouble ticket with Verizon Enterpise Solutions Customer support within (30) days of the outage. Network Unavailability does not include Scheduled Maintenance or any unavailability resulting from (a) any Customer-ordered telephone company circuits or equipment, (b) Customer's applications or equipment, or (c) acts or omissions of Customer, or any user of the Service authorized by Customer. If Verizon Enterpise Solutions fails to meet the Service Availability SLA during any given calendar month, Customer's account will be credited at Customer's request.

Scheduled Maintenance Definition:
Scheduled Maintenance means any maintenance at the Verizon Enterpise Solutions hub to which Customer's circuit is connected (a) of which Customer is notified 48 hours in advance, and (b) that is performed during a standard maintenance window on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 AM to 6 AM local time of the Verizon Enterpise Solutions hub to which Customer's circuit is connected. Notice of Scheduled Maintenance will be provided to Customer's designated point of contact by email or page, as elected by Verizon Enterpise Solutions.

Service Availability SLA Remedy:
See below.

Outage Reporting SLA

Outage Reporting SLA Scope:
Verizon Enterpise Solutions's Outage Reporting SLA is to notify Customer within 15 minutes after Verizon Enterpise Solutions's determination that Customer's service is unavailable. Verizon Enterpise Solutions's standard procedure is to ping Customer's router every five minutes. If Customer's router does not respond after two consecutive five-minute ping cycles, Verizon Enterpise Solutions will deem the service unavailable and will contact Customer's designated point of contact by e-mail or pager, as elected by Verizon Enterpise Solutions. This Outage Reporting SLA only applies to service in North America. Please see www.verizonbusiness.com/terms for Outage Reporting SLAs for other global regions.

Outage Reporting SLA Process:
The Outage Reporting SLA is applicable only to service provided in the contiguous United States and is applicable only if Customer completes Verizon Enterpise Solutions's Customer Information Form in its entirety or registers for the Outage Reporting SLA. Customer is solely responsible for providing Verizon Enterpise Solutions accurate and current contact information for Customer's designated points of contact. Verizon Enterpise Solutions will be relieved of its obligations under this Outage Reporting SLA if Verizon Enterpise Solutions's contact information for Customer is out of date or inaccurate due to act or omission of Customer.

Outage Reporting SLA Remedy:
See below.

Denial of Service SLA

Denial of Service SLA Scope
Verizon Enterpise Solutions will respond to denial of service attacks reported by Customer within 15 minutes of Customer opening a complete trouble ticket with the Verizon Enterpise Solutions Customer Support. Verizon Enterpise Solutions defines a denial of service attack as more than 95% bandwidth utilization. Verizon Enterpise Solutions shall use trouble tickets and other appropriate Verizon Enterpise Solutions records to determine, in its sole judgment, SLA compliance. This Denial of Service SLA only applies to service in the United States.

Denial of Service SLA Process
To open a trouble ticket for denial of service, Customer must call Verizon Enterpise Solutions at 1-800-900-0241 (Option 4) and state: "I am under a denial of service attack." A complete trouble ticket consists of Customer's Name, Account Number, Caller Name, Caller Phone Number, Caller Email Address and Possible Destination IP address/Type of Attack.

Denial of Service SLA Remedy:
See below.

Circuit Install SLA

Circuit Install SLA Scope:
Verizon Enterpise Solutions's Circuit Install SLA is to have installation of an Verizon Enterpise Solutions-ordered telephone company circuit and activation of an Verizon Enterpise Solutions port completed within forty (40) business days for T1 services, sixty (60) business days for T3 services, and within the scheduled installation date provided in writing by an Verizon Enterpise Solutions Sales Manager for OC-3, OC-12, OC-48, and Dedicated Ethernet (GigE) services. This Circuit Install SLA only applies to service in North America. Please see www.verizonbusiness.com/terms for Circuit Install SLAs for other global regions.

Circuit Install SLA Process:
The Install date shall be counted from the date Verizon Enterpise Solutions has received all of the following from Customer: signed contract (e.g., Service Agreement or Amendment), completed Customer Information Form, and (if requested by Verizon Enterpise Solutions) completed credit application. The Circuit Install SLA is not available for Customer-ordered telephone company circuits, Verizon Enterpise Solutions-ordered telephone company circuits outside the contiguous U.S., or if installation delay is attributable to Customer equipment, Customer's facility, acts or omissions of Customer, its employees or agents, or Customer not passing Verizon Enterpise Solutions's credit check.

Circuit Install SLA Remedy:
See below.

Service Level Agreement Remedies

Any delay in or failure of performance by Verizon Enterpise Solutions will not be considered a breach of this SLA if and to the extent caused by events beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, embargoes, governmental restrictions, strikes, lockouts, work stoppages or other labor difficulties, riots, insurrection, wars, or other military action, acts of terrorism, civil disorders, rebellion, fires, floods, vandalism, or sabotage. Verizon Enterpise Solutions's obligations hereunder will be suspended to the extent caused by the Force Majeure so long as the Force Majeure continues.

Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access SLAs

Customers sole remedy for Verizon Enterpise Solutionss failure to meet any and all Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access SLAs shall be to receive a credit equal to the pro-rated charges for one (1) day of the Verizon Enterpise Solutions dial-up access charges, net of discounts and taxes, billed to Customer for the month in which Verizon Enterpise Solutions failed to meet the Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access SLA(s) for each Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access SLA the Verizon Enterpise Solutions has failed to meet. For any given month, the maximum credit available to Customers for Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access SLAs is a credit equal to nine (9) days of the pro-rated charges for one month of the Verizon Enterpise Solutions dial-up access charges.

Verizon Enterpise Solutions's performance with respect to each Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access SLA shall be determined on the basis of Verizon Enterpise Solutions data and testing of currently published, Verizon Enterpise Solutions-designated POPs in the DAN, or currently published, third-party or non-DAN numbers. In calculating compliance with the Enterprise Mobility-Dial Access SLAs listed above, Verizon Enterpise Solutions will exclude (a) testing failures resulting from malfunction of testing infrastructure or software, and, (b) for the Extended DAN only, testing failures resulting from local, long distance and international service malfunctions.

To claim a credit for the Global Network Accessibility, Global Network Login Success Rate, Global Network Throughput, and Average Connect Speed SLAs, Customer must submit a complete Verizon Enterpise Solutions claim form on or before the thirtieth (30) calendar day from the date the Dial SLA results were posted.

Dedicated Access SLAs

f Verizon Enterpise Solutions fails to meet either the Network Latency or the Packet Delivery SLA in any calendar month, Customer's account shall be automatically credited for that month for the pro-rated charges for one day of the Verizon Enterpise Solutions Dedicated Access Monthly Fee for the service with respect to which a Network Latency or Packet Delivery SLA was not met.

To receive credit for a Service Availability SLA non-compliance, Customer must request such credit within 30 days from the date of the non-compliance. For each cumulative hour of Network Unavailability or fraction thereof in any calendar month, Customer's account shall be credited, at Customer's request, for the pro-rated charges for one day of the Verizon Enterpise Solutions Dedicated Access Monthly Fee plus one day of the telephone company line charges (i.e. local loop charges) for the service with respect to which a Service Availability SLA was not met.

If Verizon Enterpise Solutions fails to meet the Outage Reporting SLA, at Customer's request, Customer's account shall be credited the pro-rated charges for one day of the Verizon Enterpise Solutions Dedicated Access Monthly Fee for the service with respect to which this SLA has not been met; provided, that Customer may obtain no more than one credit per day, irrespective of how often in that day Verizon Enterpise Solutions failed to meet the Outage Reporting SLA. To receive an Outage Reporting SLA credit if this SLA has not been met, Customers must request the SLA credit within 30 days from the date the SLA was not met.

If Verizon Enterpise Solutions fails to meet the Denial of Service SLA, at Customer's request, Customer's account shall be credited the pro-rated charges for one day of the Verizon Enterpise Solutions Dedicated Access Monthly Fee for the service with respect to which this SLA has not been met; provided, that Customer may obtain no more than one credit per day, irrespective of how often in that day Verizon Enterpise Solutions failed to meet the Denial of Service SLA. Customers must request the SLA credit within 30 days from the date the SLA was not met. This SLA is only available in the United States.

If Verizon Enterpise Solutions fails to meet the Circuit Install SLA, Customer must request a credit by calling the Billing Inquiry/Trouble telephone number on its invoice. In order to process the request, at the time of this call, Customer must provide the company name, account number, circuit ID, Service, contact name and number, email address, SLA install date, and the actual install date. Then, if Verizon Enterpise Solutions determines in its reasonable commercial judgment that there is a Circuit Install SLA non-compliance, Customer's invoice will be credited an amount equal to 50% of Verizon Enterpise Solutions's Dedicated Internet access billed install charge, to include any applicable Internet port/service install charges and Verizon Enterpise Solutions-ordered and billed access install charges for the service for which the SLA was not met.

For any given month, the maximum credit available to Customers for all Dedicated Access SLAs is a credit equal to the pro-rated charges for one month of the Verizon Enterpise Solutions Dedicated Access Monthly Fee for the affected dedicated access circuits.

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