United States Web Center Use of Service Agreement

Customer Obligations for Web Site

Customer Information: Except as otherwise provided in Customer's Agreement withfor the Web Center services,may retain, but does not warrant or guarantee the retention of, any information relating to Customer's use of such services, including, without limitation, customer profiles, customer contacts and contract transcriptions, whether text or recording.may delete any such information at any time without notice to Customer. Customer is responsible for copying and downloading to Customer's premises any information with respect to Customer's use of the Web Center services that Customer wishes to retain for Customer's own business purposes.

Maximum Simultaneous Transactions / Service Denial

Maximum Simultaneous Transactions / Service Denial Scope:will make reasonable, commercially prudent efforts to route, via Web Center services, to Customer's call center a maximum number of simultaneous in-bound voice calls equal to the number of agents with which the customer's call center is originally configured as is stated in the original Service Order plus 30%. This service level shall only apply to in-bound voice transactions.

Maximum Simultaneous Transactions / Service Denial Process:'s efforts toward maximum simultaneous transactions shall commence on the day Customer receives an e-mail fromthat the contract paperwork has been received and is completed and customer's Web Center has been provisioned and is ready to receive transactions. The number of agents used to calculate the maximum number of simultaneous transactions shall be listed in the contract. If Customer opens a trouble ticket with thehelp desk orCustomer Support within 48 hours of Customer's denial of service anddetermines in its reasonable commercial judgment that the number of simultaneous in-bound voice calls did not exceed the number of agents stated on the original Service Order, that outage will be used to calculate whether a denial of service has occurred for purposes of this paragraph and the one below. No credits will be made if failure to meet the Guarantee is attributable to reasons of Force Majeure (as defined in the applicablecontract).

Maximum Simultaneous Transactions / Service Denial Remedy: No remedy is provided ifis unable to provide the maximum simultaneous transactions described above.