This sector could perhaps be considered the lubricant that keeps all industries running smoothly. It consists of many disparate professions, including our lawyer friends [joke redacted by legal], accounting and various other business services. Much like the other sectors they serve, this industry is also affected by the big three patterns of System Intrusion (47%), Basic Web Application Attacks (25%) and Social Engineering (18%).
With regard to action varieties, while we see DoS and Use of stolen creds among the top actions in Figure 59, we also see a good deal of Ransomware. This year, Ransomware accounted for approximately 23% of the incidents in this sector, which is a notable increase from last year’s 14%.
If you are wondering how these breaches occur, you need look no further than Web applications (55%), Email (25%) and Desktop sharing software (17%). Considering the frequent usage of stolen credentials and email, it might be a good time to remind folks to implement strong authentication practices and to encourage your team members to keep in mind the importance of staying diligent.